Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Just about everything you need to know about Rick Santorum.

And do you know what?

The reason he has been doing so well is that he openly discusses the beliefs held dear by the majority of the Religious Right, but which most of the Republican politicians are too intelligent to say out loud.

One thing you can say about Rick, intelligence will never stand in HIS way!

(If you cannot expand graphic, click here.)

By the way if you want to see the very BEST Santorum graphic ever, then you have to see this.

 WARNING! Image might not be safe for close inspection. Not that there is anything wrong with that.


  1. Anonymous7:06 AM

    He is, in addition to be a lunatic, so creepy looking!

  2. Anonymous7:07 AM

    This stands out, written Oct 28, 2008: "A top Republican close to the campaign said that McCain’s aides have largely kept faith with Palin. They have been impressed by her work ethic, and by what a quick study she is."

  3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn7:16 AM

    That graphic is brilliant! Love some of the comments on the site, too. One, paraphrased: "It's not the first time gay porn has been in Rick's face..."

    Why is Icky Ricky in the lead? Dominioni$t dollars...they're dying to get that seventh mountain. Was happy to hear Randi Rhodes educating people on the perils of that joyful little brand of theocracy, too.

  4. lostinmn7:17 AM

    it has been repeatedly reported - and the stats from MN bear this out - that the so-called primaries are nothing more than a love fest for the fundies meaning all this pandering is going to blow up in the GOP's face once they get to the convention. The fundies might think they are going to get some wing nut like Santorum to be their candidate but at the convention the arm twisting will start and someone like Mitt will win and then lose.

    And I'm not the least bit worried the batshit crazy from AK will come forward in the end like her and her followers fantasize. I've thought about this a lot and I'm willing to bet that if McCain had won, they had enough dirt on her they would have forced her to resign within minutes of the swearing in ceremony. She might not have gone without a screech but she would have been gone either willingly or unwillingly.

  5. Anonymous7:19 AM

    A "Santorum" picture! Yea!

  6. angela7:23 AM

    Poor Rick is an ass clown.

    He is really currently winning because only a few percent of the GOP (the extremely crazy base) is even voting in the primaries.

    He's also winning because most republicans would prefer to listen to wallpaper drying on the wall than listen to Mitt Romney.

    Also, when they attempted to vote for Gingrich the slime on the booth overcame them.

    And as far as Paul is concerned--his supporters scare the shit out of almost everybody who doesn't actually laugh at them.

  7. Beldar Santormentum Conehead7:37 AM

    Damn it, Gryphen!!! Stop bashing people you don't know personally!

    Sure, Santorum is a frothy mixture of mindless conservative ideology and strident religious dogma, but can't you appreciate that he is the embodiment of American Exceptionalism simply by being an extraordinarily exceptional douchebag?

    Santorum! Succeeding Where Others Merely Dream.

  8. Anonymous7:38 AM

    His face is off kilter, as though years ago someone slapped him across the face so hard it became mis aligned. How does his new found religiosity square with having a wife who lived with an abortion doctor for many years before he met her? Oh, right, same as Gingrich and his adulterous wife Catholicism cures everything. Over and over, it seems. Six years in Newtie and Callista's case.

  9. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Anon 7:07AM,

    Quit fucking around here you will not change anyone's mind ever!! GAAHH!! Your comments are an eyesore, and only serve to further illustrate the bottomless imbecility of the Quitter's drooling pantysniffers.

  10. Really, the only difference between him and the WGE is, he doesn't dress like a hooker.

  11. Anonymous7:52 AM

    This is the FACE of the GOP now. They decided to let the hick cousins (Palin) in, and now they can't keep them out. F- them! It could not have happened to a more deserving, pompous bunch.

    As for Anon 7:07, that's called "spinning". History has already revealed that the McCain campaign was covering for Palin's sorry ass. Now that it's over, his top aides are dissing her. Trust me, that would never happen if the GOP did not approve of it.

  12. OMG that is BRILLIANT!!!!!! thanks for the warning so I didnt spew coffee over my wonderful mac :)

  13. Anne In DC8:03 AM

    He is an assbackward, hypocritical, and anti-woman creep who has no business anywhere NEAR the WH except as a tourist. This is on top of being a braying jackass who boasts about his Christianity while vilely impugning the president's, which is authentic while his is not. No woman with an ounce of integrity, brains, or concern for her fellow humans especially women would vote for this troglodyte.

  14. Anonymous8:08 AM

    This stands out, written Oct 28, 2008: "A top Republican close to the campaign said that McCain’s aides have largely kept faith with Palin. They have been impressed by her work ethic, and by what a quick study she is."

    7:07 AM
    ROFL. Wow! You really are obsessed with that sick mentally ill woman aren't you? Maybe you didn't notice, but this post is about Ricky Santorum. Your Palin derangement syndrome is strong.

  15. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Anonymous said...
    This stands out, written Oct 28, 2008: "A top Republican close to the campaign said that McCain’s aides have largely kept faith with Palin. They have been impressed by her work ethic, and by what a quick study she is."

    7:07 AM
    You're right that does stand out because everyone knows Sarah Palin is a lazy, incompetent, cowardly IDIOT with ZERO work ethic. Jeez she can't even raise her kids properly and is a total utter failure as a mother. Are you sure you want to be reminding people of that? Jackass. HAHAHAHA.

  16. Anonymous8:12 AM

    You know Todd is looking at this picture intently to see if he made it in there. Or looking for his buddies. He will save it for later I'm sure. He's a total creepy pervert no doubt about it.

  17. Anonymous8:12 AM

    This guy gets creepier and crazier with each passing day. Fucktards like sanctimonious santardum should be banned from politics.

  18. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I wonder if anyone has checked his skull for the 666 marking?

  19. Anonymous8:15 AM

    O/T - not really - check out the Republican legislator in Indiana who says the Girl Scouts are promoting homosexuality and abortions.

    He and other Xtian conservatives have pulled their daughters out and put them in an alternative group headed by a Heritage conservative.

    Nuts beyond belief only to all those except right wing nutty conservative xtians.

  20. Anonymous8:21 AM

    There's a shamelessness running rampant in this country, aided and abetted by the sorry excuses that call themselves "the media". One can argue that the halcyon days when the media served as truth-tellers in the face of rampant obfuscation by politicians of both parties never really existed. Richard Nixon began his rise by running a no-holds-barred campaign against Helen Gahagan Doughlas for Senate. The 50's and the 60's were filled with Red-baiting and dirty politics and then the ultimate political tool—assassination. No, America has never been "innocent".

    But, if for no other reason than "the good of the children", there was a consensus that lying was bad, and ought to be avoided. It was honored more in the breach than the observance, but it was a meme that floated about. No longer. Lying is not only acceptable, it seems to be a requirement for winning Republican nominations to everything from President down to water commissioner. (Make sure there's no fluoridation in the water supply!) Not to shed crocodile tears for Newt Gingrich, as he as much as anyone is responsible for the modern pathology that operates under the nickname of the Grand Old Party, but how can an average, not-very-clued-in voter get any sense of who any of these Republican candidates are when they do nothing but lie, to varying degrees and with increasing levels of impunity?

    These are the men running for the right to negotiate with the Russians and Chinese, with friends and foes, and are supposed to have the full faith and credit of the United States behind them. If, heaven forbid, one of them were to win the White House, why would any adversary or ally, upon looking on what a President Romney or a President Santorum did to win the election, have any belief in anything he said? It's no accident that a man who conducted himself with honor and rectitude during the 2008 campaign was able to improve almost immediately our standing in the world. Either Romney or Santorum would have the exact opposite effect.

  21. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Santorum is a far-right wing ultra right religious nut. Santorum is one of those far right Catholics who believes, like Mel Gibson and a handful of others that a) all women should be banned from all positions in any church that has even the slightest "influence or authority." This includes women in positions such as church secretary and even janitress. b) that Vatican II should be repealed and every modern pope, starting with Pope John XXIII declared "illigitimate" and that a new Pope be chosen by votes of only Cardinals ordained prior to 1962. c) that the Mass be conducted only in Old Form Latin, and d) that all forms of contraceptin and birth control be made a serious (mandatory prison terms) felony.

    Santorum has long held these views and even very conservative Pennsylvania Catholics ousted him from office by better than 2 to 1. He came into the Senate as a political unknown and was thrown out as soon as the voters realized what he stood for and that he was actually serious.

    Santorum is one of the drivers behind the "Personhood Pledge" that has been signed by the four remaining GOP contenders --- Romney, Santorum,. Gingrich and Paul. The pledge reads:


    I _________________— proclaim that every human being is created in the image and likeness of God, and is endowed by our Creator with the unalienable right to life.

    I stand with President Ronald Reagan in supporting “the unalienable personhood of every American, from the moment of conception until natural death,” and with the Republican Party platform in affirming that I “support a human life amendment to the Constitution, and endorse legislation to make clear that the 14th Amendment protections apply to unborn children.”

    I believe that in order to properly protect the right to life of the vulnerable among us, every human being at every stage of development must be recognized as a person possessing the right to life in federal and state laws without exception and without compromise. I recognize that in cases where a mother’s life is at risk, every effort should be made to save the baby’s life as well; leaving the death of an innocent child as an unintended tragedy rather than an intentional killing.

    I oppose assisted suicide, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, and procedures that intentionally destroy developing human beings.

    I pledge to the American people that I will defend all innocent human life. Abortion and the intentional killing of an innocent human being are always wrong and should be prohibited.

    If elected President, I will work to advance state and federal laws and amendments that recognize the unalienable right to life of all human beings as persons at every stage of development, and to the best of my knowledge, I will only appoint federal judges and relevant officials who will uphold and enforce state and federal laws recognizing that all human beings at every stage of development are persons with the unalienable right to life."


  22. Anonymous8:25 AM

    A careful read shows that, under this definition of "personhood" even masturbation and condoms would be made serious crimes (saving millions of teenage boys from blindness.) This is why the pledge says "at evey stage of life" instead of "beginning at conception." Under this pledge, any woman who uses birth control pills would be a felon (Santorum wants personbhood violators to be registered sex offenders.) And a teenage boy who masturbates would be a sex criminal. Any woman who takes birth control pills to regulate their menstruation or to treat conditions such as endometriosis would be a felon and serving time right along with the Ob/Gyn who prescribed them. There are even situations, such as the fusing of embryos or the adsorption of "lost twins" would automatically make the mother a criminal. A woman who took so much as a single glass of wine, then learned that she was pregnant, and subsequently had a child with a condition associated with pre-natal maternal alcohol use would be guilty negligent homocide. (BTW Santorum actually has exactly such a child.)

    Virginia just passed two bills with veto-proof majorities and a right wing Roman Catholic governor. One was a personhood bill and another that requires a form of ultrasound that is very expensive and is generally reserved for morbidly obese pregnant women who cannot have normal ultrasounds because of their hiuge amount of fat. Another bill that allows civil suits for wrongful death to be brought againbst anyone who has, assists in, or conducts abortions for any reason, including to save the life of the mother. These suits can be brought by any Virginia resident, have no statute of limitations, and could result in unlimited amounts of awards against the mother.

    I have been on the receiving end of this sort of thing. My wife was a medical technologist at a for-profit Catholic hospital. She was Catholic, but did not personally subscribe to the prohibition on birth control. But she also had a very difficult time with her periods being so heavy that they caused anemia. The hospital's said their insurance would not cover any ob/gyn visit where birth control pills were prescribed, would not pay for birth control pills, would not pay for the several D&C's that she had, and ultimately refused to pay for the parial histerectomy that was the final treatment. I worked for Blue Cross at the time and questioned this. A close examination of the hospitals data sheets revealed that the insurance company was reimbursing for the pills, the D&C's and the histerectomy, but was keeping the money themselves instead of passing it on to the employee. I eventually had a vascectomy and they refused to pay for that as well.

  23. Anonymous8:25 AM

    A careful read shows that, under this definition of "personhood" even masturbation and condoms would be made serious crimes (saving millions of teenage boys from blindness.) This is why the pledge says "at evey stage of life" instead of "beginning at conception." Under this pledge, any woman who uses birth control pills would be a felon (Santorum wants personbhood violators to be registered sex offenders.) And a teenage boy who masturbates would be a sex criminal. Any woman who takes birth control pills to regulate their menstruation or to treat conditions such as endometriosis would be a felon and serving time right along with the Ob/Gyn who prescribed them. There are even situations, such as the fusing of embryos or the adsorption of "lost twins" would automatically make the mother a criminal. A woman who took so much as a single glass of wine, then learned that she was pregnant, and subsequently had a child with a condition associated with pre-natal maternal alcohol use would be guilty negligent homocide. (BTW Santorum actually has exactly such a child.)

    Virginia just passed two bills with veto-proof majorities and a right wing Roman Catholic governor. One was a personhood bill and another that requires a form of ultrasound that is very expensive and is generally reserved for morbidly obese pregnant women who cannot have normal ultrasounds because of their hiuge amount of fat. Another bill that allows civil suits for wrongful death to be brought againbst anyone who has, assists in, or conducts abortions for any reason, including to save the life of the mother. These suits can be brought by any Virginia resident, have no statute of limitations, and could result in unlimited amounts of awards against the mother.

    I have been on the receiving end of this sort of thing. My wife was a medical technologist at a for-profit Catholic hospital. She was Catholic, but did not personally subscribe to the prohibition on birth control. But she also had a very difficult time with her periods being so heavy that they caused anemia. The hospital's said their insurance would not cover any ob/gyn visit where birth control pills were prescribed, would not pay for birth control pills, would not pay for the several D&C's that she had, and ultimately refused to pay for the parial histerectomy that was the final treatment. I worked for Blue Cross at the time and questioned this. A close examination of the hospitals data sheets revealed that the insurance company was reimbursing for the pills, the D&C's and the histerectomy, but was keeping the money themselves instead of passing it on to the employee. I eventually had a vascectomy and they refused to pay for that as well.

  24. It's actually rather entertaining on close inspection.

  25. Anonymous8:27 AM

    It should be noted that MORE Catholic women are pro-choice than Protestant or unaffiliated women (82% versus 80%.) Specifically about 92% of Catholic women of child-bearing age favor the use of condome and the pill while only around 89% of the equivalent Prostestant women feel that way.

    Obama was dead wrong when he first opposed then allowed religious-owned institutions such as schools, clinics, universities, etc to force their employees to offer limited birth control as a part of "well person" services (which includes such things as neonatal care for otherwise healthy infants and even prophylactic ob/gyn visits.) 28 of the states, covering about 80+% of the population, already had such laws on their books anyway. But Obama caved and allowed religious institutions outside of churches themselves (which were always exempt) to use a government-regulated program to force employees to follow religious doctrines that the employees did not agree with. This is an incredibly serious violation of the necessary wall between Church and State.

    I know this rant is long, but it is an incredibly important subject. The GOP wants small government so it can fit in your bedroom. They want individual freedoms, as long as you never use them. The men in the GOP want to personally regulate people's sex lives. And in order to do so, they want to be right there saying, "Tsk tsk."

    From the viewpoint of a cultural anthropologist, it is very easy to find a easily-accessible demographic that shares exactly the same view of women and birth control as the Tea Party people --- convicted rapists. They believe that every woman should be forced to carry every baby to term.

  26. Anonymous8:28 AM


    Obama tops all 4 Republicans

  27. Anonymous8:34 AM

    The chancd of Rick Santorum becoming your next president is exciting to the rest of the world. You will get your comeuppance you so richly deserve from within.

    But Americans, it's not too late to do something 'really' meaningful to stop this insanity.
    Luv from Canada.

  28. Anonymous8:39 AM


    "I gave a speech back in 2008 where I asked college and high school students if they would pray for our troops and pray for our efforts overseas in war zones and they ran that tape over and over again in the vice presidential race trying to make me sound like a whacko talking about good and evil in our world."

    Idiot Sarah thought she was in a "vice-presidential race". Idiot Sarah is talking about her witch hunter friend praying to protect her from witches. She thinks that's normal? What a stupid idiot. BTW, out of 379 comments...379 are anti-Palin. No one likes you Sarah. Not even your own family. What don't you get about that?

  29. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I believe it is time for Sarah Palin to once again enter the crucible of politics to lead us away from Satan and towards God! Please, please, please Sarah, look what an ungodly mess this Republican primary has become without your clear voice. I understand now why you recused yourself from the election, who on earth would want to withstand the horrible slanders and slurs repeated by the left wing drive by media as they have made all the Republican candidates look like proverbial prevaricators, perverts and part-time conservatives. We need you to come to the convention mounted on a white stallion bearing the sword of righteous indignation and save the party from being misinterpreted by a liberal media that has obviously aligned itself against the right and is creating the false impression that the party is in disarray. Now is the time for you to rise from the ashes to lead, it is no longer your choice, we Republicans can no longer look in dismay at the disarray of poseurs pretending to be what they aren't. DRAFT PALIN!

    A comment from the article that has me laughing my ass off.

  30. Anonymous8:48 AM

    This guy really does give me the creeps. There is no way he'd ever be accepted across the nation by Americans! He is as backwards as they come! I feel so sorry for his wife and kids. Can you imagine living w/the guy? No wonder he lost his last election in his homestate so horribly!

  31. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Don't people love our exceptional America any more?

    What made our nation exceptional was our Constitution, the world's first godless, secular Constitution.

  32. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Franklin Graham Defends His Morning Joe Appearance To CNN: ‘I Didn’t Bring Up The President’s Faith’

  33. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Meghan McCain Tells Rachel Maddow Occupy Vagina Law Will ‘Penetrate Beyond Politics’

    ...She then brought in MSNBC contributor Meghan McCain to weigh in on McDonnell’s VP prospects, and how his vagina-governing ways might affect them. “You have progressive views on gay rights and stuff, but you’re anti-abortion, you are pro-life,” Maddow said.

    “I’m not pro-vaginal probing,” McCain replied. “I feel like I have to go on television and delineate between the two things. I’m horrified by the bill as a woman, as a Republican woman, I’m horrified.”

    McCain went on to call the ultrasound law “radioactive,” wondering why McDonnell would ever express support for such a measure.

    “This year maybe it’s not radioactive,” Maddow said. “Maybe this is how you lobby to be vice president.”

    Meg allowed that issues like the ultrasound law and contraception might play well with a certain set of Republican primary voters, but “when it comes to mainstream, more moderate Republicans, especially with independents, it’s radioactive.”

    She later added that the ultrasound law has even caught the attention of less engaged voters. “Vaginal probing is something I had friends texting me about, (saying) ‘I’m not into politics, what does this say?’ This is something that will penetrate beyond politics, will make him a toxic candidate, and end his life-long dream of being a vice president.


  34. Anonymous9:09 AM

    GO LAWRENCE! Lawrence takes Graham to the woodshed and smacks him around:

  35. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Santorum/Ratzinger 2012!

  36. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Boy, gays certainly frighten the shit out of him. But, then again, academics frighten the shit out of him. He is frightened by Protestants, too.

    I would like to hear his thoughts on the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

  37. Interesting that the name "Santorum" is an anagram for "US man rot!" And may he rot in his hell (with his Satan) for all the bigotry. KARMA, Rick. You may deny it, though you may have heard of "you reap what you sow?" There's the KARMA line over there ... where Sarah Palin is standing ... and you're next! So ROT, U.S. "man."

    Remember, remember, the sixth of November!! Landslide!!!

  38. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Oh Look. Sarah's on the list again...hmmmm. Not liking seeing this crap.

    10 Republicans who could jump in

    What happens if Romney loses Michigan next week? Some are saying it could mean the Republican Party needs a new candidate to take on President Barack Obama. Here’s POLITICO’s list of 10 people who could jump into the race (or be tapped as the GOP standard-bearer at a brokered convention):

  39. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Also, his sources of lobbying income.
    And his fleecing the Pennsylvania school district that was charged for educating his kids, who were living in Virginia.
    Just two examples of his hypocrisy.

  40. Anonymous9:42 AM

    You forgot the one where he says that pre-natal care, specifically amniocentesis, should not be available.

  41. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I wondered which group of people would be stacked up on an already impressive pile of those hated by the radical rightwing Republicans.

    I must admit, that PROTESTANTS and GIRL SCOUTS took me by surprise!

    Even MORE surprising (and distressing) will be tuning into Fox channel and seeing parades of little girls carrying signs reading: Girl Scouts for Santorum.

    NOTHING should surprise us, anymore.

  42. Fuck you, Sick Ricky!!

  43. Gasman9:59 AM

    I could get the photo mash up just big enough to howl with laughter.

    I wonder how much time Santorum (yuck!) will spend poring over all of those images?

  44. Smirnonn10:00 AM

    My money's on the fact that this guy has a wide stance.

  45. Ha! Thought you'd like that.

  46. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Gryphen, the other day I asked you if you'd heard anything about Track being deployed. Would you please light a fire under your sources to see how Britta's doing? Apparently, the rumor was right:

  47. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Sweeeet BLOWBACK! Thank you MICHIGAN for letting him have it!

    Pete Hoekstra Tanks In Polls After Chinese Super Bowl Ad

    -- The fortunes of Michigan GOP Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra have plummeted since his infamous Super Bowl ad featuring an Asian woman speaking broken English.

    The latest evidence is a Wednesday NBC/Marist Poll that finds Hoekstra trailing incumbent Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabenow by .

    A week ago, he trailed by 14 points, according to a

    Public Policy Polling survey. Before that, Stabenow had averaged just a 7-point lead.

    PPP found a direct link to the ad and Hoekstra's slipping numbers. Asking voters whether the commercial made them more or less likely to vote for the former congressman, 46 percent said yes, while only 16 percent said more.

    “Debbie Stabenow’s lead has increased and Pete Hoekstra’s negatives have risen in the wake of his controversial ad,” said Dean Debnam, President of the Democratically aligned firm. “It appears to have been a flop with Michigan voters.”

    Hoekstra has since removed the ad, and the actress, Lisa Chan of San Francisco, has apologized for participating.

  48. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Alan Simpson: Rick Santorum Is 'Rigid And A Homophobic'

  49. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Anonymous said...
    This stands out, written Oct 28, 2008: "A top Republican close to the campaign said that McCain’s aides have largely kept faith with Palin. They have been impressed by her work ethic, and by what a quick study she is."

    7:07 AM


    It was a week before the fucking election, of course they said that. I guess you think that McCain's aides would have just stood up a week before the election and said publicly: "Sarah Palin is a dumbass with learning disability and get this, she thinks that the Queen is the head of England's Government. Can you believe this shit. Her craziness makes it pretty apparent that you, the voter, should NOT cast your vote for McCain/Palin, in fact, please don't as you could seriously jeopardize the Union"?

    So no, they would not have done that a week before the election. It all had to be light and roses until AFTER the election, and only if McCain lost, which he did, so the truth finally emerged. If McCain had won, well, they'd still be singing her praises and we wouldn't have found any of this out until after McCain left office.

    You seem a little naive regarding the "political machine". People within lie, A LOT: aides lie, candidates lie, the media lies. The political machine is basically a tool that blows smoke up the voter's asses. People within the machine don't tell the truth until the time is right. They're not paid to tell the truth.

  50. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Alan Simpson: The GOP ‘Won’t Have A Prayer’ With ‘Homophobic’ Rick Santorum

  51. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Brent Bozell To Eliminate ‘Evil’ Contraceptive, Abortion Services From MRC Staff Insurance Plan

    Brent Bozell, political activist and founder and president of the right-leaning Media Research Center, intends to alter the employee insurance plan at MRC so it will no longer offer “contraceptive, sterilization and abortifacient services,” according to a staff-wide email Bozell sent, obtained by The Jane Dough.

    In the wake of President Barack Obama’s recent healthcare mandate proposal, Bozell sent a memo to staffers stating that he was “horrified” to learn that his organization’s insurance policy, which is BlueCross, covers abortion services:

    “[W]e are working to change our insurance policy so as not to have to comply with this administration’s disgusting mandate to provide contraceptive, sterilization and abortifacient services. In the course of looking into this I have learned our insurance policy provides abortion services. I cannot begin to tell you how horrified I am by that. I never would have approved this had I known. It is the taking of a human life. That will change.”

    It will take some time to sort through the necessary paperwork and logistics of this policy change, Bozell wrote, but asked employees to refrain from using “contraception/abortifacient/abortion services” until then:

    “In the meantime, I have a simple plea I make:

  52. Anonymous12:08 PM


    interesting - Track did one year in the reserves as a PFC and is a SGT now!

    way to go!

  53. ManxMamma1:03 PM

    I certainly hope this paragon of Catholicism celebrated Ash Wednesday by attending church and having the ashes placed on his forehead. Any pictures?

  54. Pointed out on Twitter link today, Rick Santorum also approves of torturing captives, non-combatants, people caught up because someone said they were associated with terrorist activities. He also approves of pre-emptive war.

    The Catholic Church, via the Pope, is strongly against torture and pre-emptive attacks against sovereign nations.

    So can we say Rick Santorum is no Christian? Or just Christian when it comes to issues relating to penises and vaginas?

  55. "A top Republican close to the campaign said that McCain’s aides have largely kept faith with Palin. They have been impressed by her work ethic, and by what a quick study she is."

    Actually most of them have concluded she is mentally ill and in need of some serious intervention, long term. Even Batshit Crazy Bachmann is somewhat sane. Palin? Not so much.

  56. I stand with President Ronald Reagan in supporting “the unalienable personhood of every American, from the moment of conception until natural death.”

    When Reagan was governor of California he signed legislation which led to 1 million abortions in that state. When he became president he did nothing to oppose abortion. You'd think these idiot voters would be tired of winding up in an alley with a headache, no money and a feeling they've been sodomized.

    And yet they made no complaint when Jan Brewer brought in death panels to Arizona and not much when Bob McDonnell tried to introduce ultrasonic rape chairs in Virginia. So much for limited government.

  57. Thank you, Maureen Dowd

    Funniest sick thing I read tonight during the debate:

    Coming Up: Gabriel Santorum + Jubilee Duggar Play Date.

    (I am going to hell.)

  58. aj weishar7:11 PM

    You're missing 2 more critical points about Santorum. As a member of the Knights of Malta, he pledged allegiance to the Vatican over his country. If he is elected President, he answers to the Vatican not U.S. voters and Congress. He is also affiliated with Opus Dei. This guy is right out of a Dan Brown novel. All he needs is an albino monk.

  59. Anita Winecooler7:42 PM

    Anonymous said...
    10:19 am

    I think it's safe to say Gryphen doesn't give a shit what barbarictoughts site says about Track Palin.

    Gryphen is repecting Tracks wishes to break away from his mother, the pursecarryier, and their dysfunctional family, though I do wonder how he got promoted to seargeant so soon. Don't worry about Britta, her roots and nails are done and she's probably living with her Parents, far, far away from Sarah, the pursecarryier and their dysfunctional family.


    Yeah, I just watched Frothy in the debates, methinks Sarah's throwing canned goods. Single mother homes, unwed teens having babies is on the rise and the traditional family is under attack, is the newest issue Frothy is touting.

    Love the graphic, Serves Ricky right.

    He got 55 grand of taxpayers money for homeschooling his kids while Governor of Pennsylvania- hypocrite.

    wonder if they could do one with Sarah made out of roadkill wigs? THAT I could use as wallpaper.

    I cracked up reading Gasman's comment, thanks, that was perfect snark!


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