Thursday, February 02, 2012

Michelle Obama demonstrates impressive athletic prowess on Ellen show.

I actually thought that both Michelle and Ellen were VERY impressive during this display.

As an ex-personal trainer I can tell you that there are plenty of males in their age bracket who would be hard pressed to do even HALF as many pushups as either of them just did.

By the way I just have mention how impressed I am with the fact that both our President and First Lady are far less about "talking the talk," and much more about "walking the walk."

There are a lot of others who will tell you they have some impressive physical or intellectual ability and then simply NEVER demonstrate that in any observable manner, OR instead fake it to fool the morons.

However the President and Michelle, just show what they got "going on."


  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    All I can say is they must have amazing sex. With the fitness of their bodies...mmm, mmm, mmmmmm.

    Having a strong and fit, agile and flexible President, I believe, translates to his actions as well.

    Michelle rocks! She is such a living and breathing example of what she advocates. NOTHING is superficial or two-faced about her.

  2. Anonymous11:27 AM

    LOVE this post!! I was thinking the same thing about certain "fakers". -E

  3. Anonymous11:28 AM

    One thing Sarah and Michelle have in common is physical ability. I will say that. In general, I am impressed with many public figure's athletic ability.

  4. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Ok, positivity time. I admire Sarah and Michelle.

    Sarah, while not professing to be a traditional fashionista, has no problem wearing what she wants.
    She's also a fierce runner and pretty strong-bodied woman.

    Michelle, while not physically small naturally, doesn't appear to be self-conscious in revealing clothing, namely spandex. That's commendable. And I trust she cares about being healthy.

    People may hate each woman for a variety of ignorant reasons, but you have to give them that. ^

  5. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Michelle Obama is such a better person than Sarah Palin. Sarah is like a gnat and Michelle is like a beautiful butterfly. It's really pathetic how jealous of Michelle she is. You know she wishes it was her in the white house. Sorry Sarah you will NEVER be in the white house. Guaranteed. America doesn't elect LOSERS. Didn't you realize that in 2008 after President Barack Obama whooped your nasty ass?

  6. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I heard Newt can lift 5 Big Macs.

  7. Anonymous11:53 AM

    11:28 & 11:32

    sarah healthy...

  8. Anonymous11:54 AM

    >>She's also a fierce runner

    OH, you must have meant a FAKE runner, a cheating running and bullshit runner wearing pantyhose on magazine covers, stealing other people's wins.

    Sarah is NOTHING to admire unless you admire a mentally ill, sexually abused, narcissistic, pathological liar. Unless you admire an absent mother, an opportunistic grifter and a sanctimonious bitch who has done more to nurture and foment hate and violence in this country in my lifetime as an adult and that is 60 years.

    Now Michelle, yes, THAT is a women to admire. Her parenting, her fitness regime, her commitment to others, her happy marriage, her popularity with anyone who meets her, the love she embodies for people. Her grace and beauty, her hard work, her stunning fashion flair and her amazing physique, yes, that is a stellar expression of what is possible with brains, heart and spirit.

    Sarah, meh.

  9. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Our FLOTUS is intelligent, highly educated, a wonderful mother, a compassionate person, and she is in great shape. A true role model for our children and grandchildren!

  10. Anonymous11:55 AM

    We are sooooooooo lucky with this president and his family.

    And what's to "hate," for EITHER Michelle or Sarah? One woman is black -- that seems to be her major sin. The other woman is a documented liar, quitter, and hoaxer with poor taste and little education.

    I vote for Michelle.

  11. Anonymous11:58 AM

    >>but you have to give them that.

    Putting Sarah in the same sentence with Michelle is like saying pond scum (SP) and Evian water (MO) are anywhere the same. Just doesn't fly.

    Sarah could never, will never, couldn't even begin to, measure up to Michelle Obama on any level, in any way whatsoever, so give it up. Any comparison lives strictly in your poor, deluded psyche. Get some help, hon.

  12. Bristol's Real Chin11:59 AM

    Oh April/Bristol/Willow/Lou Sarah, being thin does not equate to fitness no matter what you think. How many marathons are being run in the poorest part of Africa?

    I was impressed that we saw the First Lady's pushups on video, without having to resort to suspicious photographs in which she claimed to be doing pushups and randomly appeared behind other people.

    THAT is fitness.

  13. Anonymous12:00 PM

    >>One thing Sarah and Michelle have in common is physical ability.

    Yes, Michelle has the physical ability to CRUSH Sarah and Sarah has the physical ability to SLINK AWAY.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Ok, positivity time. I admire Sarah and Michelle. ...

    Michelle, while not physically small naturally, doesn't appear to be self-conscious in revealing clothing, namely spandex. That's commendable. And I trust she cares about being healthy.
    11:32 AM
    You lie.

    Your snide little digs at Michelle "not being small" and yet "not minding revealing clothing, namely spandex" show your true colors.

    And after all the times you reptiles bitched about the First Lady having the audacity to suggest healthy eating and living habits, you saying that you "trust that she cares about being healthy" shows your trollishness.

    And by the way, your scraggly flabby queen is anything but "a fierce runner and strong-bodied woman."

    Come on, let's see footage of her daily runs around Wasilla. Oh, wait. She doesn't. She wears panty hose and wraps herself in the flag. She rents/borrows a jogging stroller for a photo op. She runs for a bit and then gets an owie on her wittle hand. She runs a bit and then drops out before the end. Oh yeah, and she photoshops her way through a run.

    Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States of America, is a thousand times and more the wife, mother, patriot, athlete, role model, and Christian than low-life trashy Palin could ever in a million years ever hope to be.

  15. Anonymous12:11 PM

    House Democrats recorded a parody of Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together” for President Barack Obama at their recent annual retreat.

    “We’re … We’re so in love with you …

    We’re going to help you make it through …

    By turning the red states blue …

    You make us feel so darn proud …

    We want to shout it out loud …

    Let’s bring the country together …

    Supporting you whether … whether times are good or bad … happy or sad

    Let’s bring the country together …

    Supporting you whether … whether times are good or bad … happy or sad

    Let’s … Let’s stay together.”

    Lyrics by Rep. John B. Larson (D-Conn.) and Terisa Griffin, with “apologies to Al Green.”

  16. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Sarah is not a runner. She is not physically fit. She looks sickly, unhealthy and someone in her family (if they even care about her anymore) should seriously get her some help. Sarah is having a slow motion breakdown before our very eyes. She needs serious help. The overuse of drugs and lack of eating food is finally catching up with her. Sarah is sick both physically and mentally. She has NOTHING in common with First Lady Michelle Obama. Absolutely. Nothing.

  17. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I had to laugh at the comments above about Sarah's physical and athletic ability! Whoever wrote them, tried to do a good job of not sounding like a Palin, but really, you can't fool us Alaskans who are reading this blog.

  18. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Uh where's Trig? I thought he was Sarah's "son"? I haven't seen them together in at least 2 years now. That's awfully strange don't you think? For a mother to never be seen with her "son"? I see Michelle Obama with Sasha and Malia all the time, but Sarah is not even seen with Piper. What's up with that?

  19. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Sarah looks 20 years older than First Lady Michelle Obama but they are the same age! I couldn't believe it either when I first heard. Sarah looks at least 20 years older than First Lady Michelle Obama. No lie. Why do you think that is?

  20. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Our FLOTUS rocks.

  21. Our First Lady is so impressive! She is such a wonderful role model. It's a shame that so many fools let politics and race get in the way of acknowledging that both Barack and Michele Obama are wonderful role models for their children. Who wouldn't want their kids to grow up to be happy, healthy, caring, successful people?

  22. WHAT??? Who the hell is talking about someone named Sarah??? Must it be included in everything??? Oh so sad!!!

  23. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I'm so, so happy they represent us! Couldn't be a better example for Americans! And, think what we could have had - thank God Americans were paying attention! McCain and Palin - BARF! No comparison. The Obamas also project a happy marriage and parenting with wonderful daughters!

    McCain was caught on camera calling his wife a 'c---' and then look at Sarah and Toad with their affairs, lies and unesthical ways.

    America truly is well represented throughout the nation and world by the Obamas.

  24. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I'm a slug.

  25. Impressive and inspiring. I'm older than both and could do 10 pushups not too long ago before rapid deterioration set in. Think it's time to start building back up.

  26. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I have to respond - Sarah Palin is not athletic. Go back in her basketball days - high school - she was reported not to be a good player - just gutsy.

    She is not a proven runner either - she's always put it out there, but so many races she supposedly partcipated in - she didn't!

    Sarah in no way compares to Michelle athletically. They are the same age and look at the difference in them physcially. Palin looks sick, old and weak as to her body (mind too!). Michelle is physcially fit, body looks good and wears a constant smile and displays a wonderful personality and sense of humor. Again, Palin does not. She is not healthy physically or mentally.

  27. @11:32

    $arah is the complete opposite of the FLOTUS.

    $arah is NOT a fierce runner.

    $arah's ONLY physical talent is throwing cans of food in the direction of her already-dented refrigerator.

  28. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Gotta love "real" Americans . . . who are not pretentious or hypocritical (real hair is a bonus, also too).

    You go, Lady O!

    : )

  29. I've seen Sarah's cottage cheese thighs. She's no runner. Her envy of our beautiful, healthy and fit First Lady demonstrating "rill" physical prowess must have triggered the fetal position. And she's finally found that just because you sleep with an athlete, it doesn't make you one ... BTW, Sarah, have you killed anything lately? I mean, besides your "career?" Maybe a defenseless Wolf cub? Baby Moose? Crosshairs, anyone?

    Remember, remember, the sixth of November! Landslide!!

  30. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Obama just got closer to winning in 2012.

    ...Trump is the embodiment of GOP racism towards Obama. At various times during his pretend run for president, he questioned President Obama’s birth certificate, questioned his college transcripts, claimed to have a great relationship with “the blacks,” and blamed African-Americans for Obama’s election. After yesterday’s “I’m not concerned about the very poor comments,” Romney has has outdone himself, and taken another step towards killing the image of moderate Mitt who can win in November.

    The Obama campaign should be doing cartwheels at the thought of Mitt Romney cozying up to Donald Trump. From now until November, every single one of Trump’s insane statements will have the phrase Romney supporter attached to them. By getting Trump’s support, Romney has also managed to align himself with Newt Gingrich’s partner in their child janitor enterprise. Trump is synonymous with the extremism of the birther issue, and Romney is going to have a hard time moving back to the middle after accepting Donald Trump’s endorsement.

    As the Republican base continues to push Mitt Romney more towards the extreme right, nothing could possibly make Obama For America happier than to see Donald Trump touting the virtues of Willard “Mitt” Romney. By bringing Trump into the fold Mitt Romney has now gone birther, and this can only help President Obama win reelection in the fall.

  31. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Comparison troll alert... and when was the last time $P really ran, except in the 2008 defeat and away from reporters?

  32. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Yep, the Poison Touch from Wasilla has done her work well:

    THE TRUTH ABOUT NEVADA: Newt Gingrich Is Having A Meltdown

    t looks like the end of the road for Newt Gingrich.

    The former House Speaker has been on a downward spiral for the past two days since his loss in Florida on Tuesday, culminating this morning with Donald Trump's surprise endorsement of his rival Mitt Romney.

    The Trump endorsement might not have been so bad if Gingrich hadn't said this morning that he was getting the Donald's nod.

    It's unclear why Gingrich was confused, but his hasty boasting is yet another indication that the former House Speaker is melting down.

    Good news!

  33. Sharon1:09 PM

    To compare Michelle and Sarah in the same breath other than being female and beyond me. Sarah isn't fit to tie Michelle's shoes.
    So much of the negative krap about the Obama's is sheer jealously about their story, their backgrounds, their humility, their modern views, their intelligence...and yes their
    combined sexiness, the cool factor and their modesty. The icing on the cake.....THEY ARE BLACK!!!!!
    Newt works up a sweat going up the stairs, and Calista would have to remove her helmut hair and remove the jewels and nails. I doubt if Mitt ever sweated in his life. I know how proud I am that they represent America and you can see how the rest of the world views us because of him.

    On a different note....the vomit factor is overwhelming watching Trump endorse Mitt today. Living 40 years in so Jersey, we are all well aware of his 16 bankrupt companies and living in Las Vegas now its just too much to take.

  34. Anonymous1:26 PM

    The fabulously fit First Lady inspires while the debilitated, frumpy, Half-term flails!

  35. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Many nights I have imagined that our family is having a meal similar to the Obamas: two veggies, humanely riaised meat, low-fat dairy, high fiber breads and grains eaten together because we have made that a priority, it's that important. Other meals the same, low fat, high nutrition. I can count on one hand the number of times I have served box mac and chesse and going out to eat is a rarity, esp fast food. I get a kick when my son ocmes home from school and he is craving, you got it, VEGGIES! :) Of course, I like to spoil him with goodies but it makes my heart good to know that he has learned how to live a healthy life. These examples that we set are important for our families and our nation. The mind and body are connected. The stronger the bodies are of the country, the stronger our minds will be.

  36. Anonymous1:29 PM

    The only "running" Bitch Queen does is off at the mouth.

  37. Anonymous1:30 PM

    @ 11:28 & 11:32

    Is this RAM earning her keep or pill popping, vodka swilling debilitated Sarah writing letters to the editor again?

    Sickly Sarah is the polar opposite of Michelle the Life Force!

  38. Anonymous1:38 PM

    The only running Sarah does is down the stairs to meet the Fed Ex man delivering her package of diet pills from the Mexican pharmacy.

  39. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Michelle has a glow, and a smile that's real. She's the genuine article.
    There's no comparison between our First Lady and the ex-governor, unemployed lazy, foul-mouthed, jealous redneck.
    Michelle doesn't even think about you, Sarah. Live with it.

  40. Now that is some serious muscle there!
    And as far as comparison lets see what we got here...

    Michelle works outs with a trainer every morning at 4:30AM!

    Baldy on the other hand works out on IM's at 4:30AM...pumping out the most retarded comments imaginable...for example the two that she posted at 11:28 & 11:32AM!

    Michelle has a mother that steps in and takes care of Sasha and Malia when Michelle has to attend to her duties as the First Lady!

    Baldy's mother hangs out with the "militia" and seems to have no idea who or where her grandchildren are and their respective locations!

    Michelle's husband sings beautifully and looks great without a shirt!
    Michelle's husband is THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

    Baldy's husband is......a pimp who's sleeps with his hoes, has a speaking voice so high that he is often mistaken on the phone and radio for a woman!
    Baldy's husband has a title too..."The Official Purse Carrier of the Quitter Ex-Gov of Alaska!

    Yep, are right...these two ladies are JUST alike! NOT!!!

  41. Canadian Country Girl2:33 PM

    @12:16 - "Sarah is sick both physically and mentally. She has NOTHING in common with First Lady Michelle Obama. Absolutely. Nothing."

    Can you imagine Sarah and kin having an organic vegetable garden (like Michelle) on the shores of the dead lake? OR "eating seasonally" like Michelle's family, i.e. carefully storing and eating home canned organic fruits and berries, and home grown root cellar stored carrots and parsnips, turnips and beets, and a variety of potatoes of course. Onions and garlic too! Michelle and I do that. Sarah? Not so much.

  42. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I wonder why Hate Spice hasn't opened her deranged yap about the cowards at Komen caving to the crazies. The extreme religious right's willingness to sacrifice women's lives for political ideology gives all Christians a bad name. Politicizing breast cancer is as low as it gets. It reminds me of when Michelle Bernard's Independent Women's Forum sent out e-mails telling its members that if the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed 600,000 women would die of breast cancer. These people are despicable. I still can't believe MSNBC had her on as a regular. Shame.

  43. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I would like to Rush Limbaugh do 3 push-ups on live TV.

  44. Anonymous3:16 PM

    While watching Ellen and FLOTUS Michelle do those push-ups, I couldn't help but think of the First Quitter Governor in Hawaii strutting with her water bra and full make-up on, pretending to run.

    Michelle Obama can effortlessly do what she says she can do! Palin can't do anything but fantasize then lie about accomplishments.

  45. Anonymous3:22 PM

    From 1:28:

    When I said:

    "when my son ocmes home from school "

    I meant college. I've got another headed to college in a little over a year. Education is another top priority on our house.

  46. Anonymous3:42 PM

    How many push ups can Sarah do? One?

  47. deebee4:00 PM

    Anon @ 3:42
    The answer is "two", with help from Victoria's Secret.

  48. Anonymous4:01 PM

    If they have to give us fluff to make headlines, the Obamas win in terms of good fluff. The Republicans give us drama (affairs, hate, "I can't believe they said that!!!!" moments) while our President croons, and his wife shows her flex with Ellen. What's not to love with this pair?

    And to anyone who thinks the half term gov is in shape, no serious runner would look so made up to work out. There is a focus with athletes on the sport and the toll it takes on looking like you came out of a cookie press. You look a little haggard in the process, you sweat, your hair gets put in a pony tail lest it interfer with your work out -which it will-- and the How Now Sow wasn't It!

  49. Anonymous4:03 PM

    The only push-up Sarah knows is her bra.

  50. Anonymous4:14 PM

    And above all else, the Obamas live the faith they proclaim, rather than mimicking phony Christian precepts like one who wears a huge crucifix or Star of David "costume" jewelry:

    For believers and non-believers alike.


  51. Anonymous4:35 PM

    That was fun.

    Go girls!

  52. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Anonymous said...
    One thing Sarah and Michelle have in common is physical ability. I will say that. In general, I am impressed with many public figure's athletic ability.
    11:28 AM

    You are correct Sarah can keep the word salad flying longer than any other living pol but the mutant Chordate Newt.

  53. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I just LOVE the First Lady! We are so lucky to have these amazing people in the White House!!

  54. Not What You Want to Hear5:40 PM

    So proud of them both! Thank you, Mrs. Obama, for your work to get America MOVING again! I'm inspired.

  55. "People may hate each woman for a variety of ignorant reasons, but you have to give them that. ^

    11:32 AM"

    HAHAHAHA I thought you were serious. I was about to call you a lying dumbass troll.

    sarah looks soft and fragile and I have seen pics of her cottage cheese legs and flabby aging too fast 50 year old body.

    Good One.

  56. Anonymous7:17 PM

    The comment about being thin but not fit is an important distinction.

    I am glad I learned more about nutrition as I raised my family. It paid off in brain power, health, energy, life habits, leisure, recreational activities and competitive sports e.g. Marathons. The next generation (grandchildren) benefit from collective learning.

    Teaching kids about health, fitness and nutrition empowers them to manage their well being.

    A certain person who twists that to perverted thinking lying the government is going to ban cookies needs a big smack down.

  57. I would like to say the Second Lady, Dr Jill Biden, is also pretty fit. I read somewhere that she runs 5 miles a day 5 times a week. She looks pretty good for 60. Better than Palin at 47. She also has 4 degrees: 1 bachelors, 2 masters and one doctorate. She attended just as many colleges as our favorite ex-governor.

    Joe Biden's first wife died in a car crash, and Jill Biden helped him raise his sons from his first wife. Personally I would not marry a woman who had kids, but I do admire someone who helps raise kids to whom they are not related.

  58. Anita Winecooler9:58 PM

    Two covergirls doing pushups on television. I love it!
    Comparing First Lady Michelle Obama to Skank is laughable.

    What I love most, is the concern she shows for Ellen's back problem, then they BOTH do "men's" pushups, now that takes muscle!

    Mrs Obama shows acceptance and inclusiveness by being a guest on Ellen. Two qualities Skank never has, and never will.

  59. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Our President and First Lady are just SO AWESOME in so many ways!

    Unlike a certain FAKER we know who has a photoshop pretending to run a 1/2 marathon with the only real photo crossing the finish line by herself! Unlike a person who goes out & buys a running stroller for a magazine photo shoot to make it look like she actually used it. Oh but yeah buddy, she sure did put on a tank top & shorty shorts with a baby strapped on her back to show off mowing the lawn all so she could insinuate another person was a pedophile!

    Just shows how SICK your mind is SARAH! You NEVER walked the walk and still don't. You are such a negative person always scheming & plotting your way down the ladder. Everything about you is FAKE FAKE FAKE!

  60. Anonymous4:01 AM

    And yet Rush calls her "fat" and "angry." But it's not like he's never been wrong before, LOL.

  61. Dude...

    He is hot!


    (But M.O. could probably take me out with a SICK upper-cut! ;) )


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.