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At the exact moment O'Reilly asked about Game Change. Click stunned look to play interview. |
But I just had to check out the Grizzled Mama and "Papa Bear" Bill O'Reilly, becasue you just know this will not go well.
And I was right.
Oh it starts off innocuous enough, but then around the 3:20 mark.
O'Reilly, discussing the negative attacks flying back and forth between Romney and Gingrich: "Now, how do you handle the negative attacks? I don't think there's anybody in the country who's had more negativity directed toward them than you. In fact there's an HBO movie coming up in March. Big one! Okay? Again it's going to hammer you, I understand. How do YOU, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, handle the negative attacks. What is the best way to handle them?"
Oh no he didn't just bring up that movie! Oh...yes he did.
This is followed by a moment of stunned silence as Palin, who looked as if she suddenly wanted to flee the minute Billo brought up the movie, tries to get her shit together in order to respond.
Palin: "Well I hope that THEY, like I am able to do, keeps priorities straight, and right, and know what really matters. At the end of the day what matters to me is my faith, my family, and my freedom as an American. (Essentially the three F's) So all that other stuff on the periphery (New word alert!) you know it can just kind of go away. It's not going to adversely affect me and I hope that the candidates feel the same."
You can almost hear Palin exhale at the end of this answer, happy that she got through it without losing her cool and screaming at the monitor, and assuming that O'Reilly will now move on.
However Billo noticed her reaction as well, and he smells Alaskan blood in the water.
O'Reilly: "But you're a human being, don't you get tired of this stuff? I mean you were a good sport on Saturday Night Live. You went on with Tin Fey, and that was SMART, but doesn't it once in awhile, you go, you know is it all worth it? I mean now I'm going to get hammered on HBO by another crazy movie. Umm, it's debilitating, it HAS to be debilitating Governor. I'll give you the last word."
Palin: "Well I'm more sympathetic when I watch others go through, perhaps what I had, and STILL, go through, ya know I feel like my skin is thick enough where it's not going to bother me, but I do feel for others. And I DO understand why American voters seem to be a bit more disenchanted with the whole process today. Because they see the brutality too, they know they waste time and waste resources and we have got to stay focused on the main thing through this primary election, finding the most equipped candidate to go up against the 'felled' policies of Obama."
In other words you son-of-a-bitch, WHY are you asking me about that damn HBO movie?
I added that last part, though that question was ALL OVER her face.
I have NO idea what compelled Palin to risk going on the Factor again, but I have to imagine that she, and of course her refrigerator, are REALLY regretting this decision.
Now, since we are always "hammering" Palin on her appearance, I would like to point out that she clearly cleaned herself up for Billo, and even put on one of her "going to the big city" wigs. She looked much better than in previous appearance and, if she could just get the crazy look out her eyes, she might even stop scaring small children.
Yeah, like THAT will happen!
P.S. Before I forget, let me follow up O'Reilly's free advertising to remind you all that the movie Game Change premieres March 10 on HBO. You should watch it while drinking some fine wine, and then afterward drunk dial Wasilla to ask Snowdrift Snooki, how she liked Julianne Moore's performance. You know, just to be polite.
I don't think she had any choice but to go where Ailes wants her to be interviewed.
ReplyDeleteAnd did you notice, even in her phony statement that she has empathy for others who go through public scrutiny that in the end, it was also about meeeeeeeee?
Wa$chilla DeVile barely kept herself together @ 3:20!! LMAO :) I cannot wait for Game Change. It's time for people to realize how close we came to having a vainglorious, narcissistic, retarded moron just one heartbeat away from the presidency.
ReplyDeleteOT, but considering Gryphen's crush on Michelle Obama, I had to post. Michelle and Ellen in a push-up contest! I love our first lady.
Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?
Influence of Palin and Tea Party Wanes in Early Contests
ReplyDeleteIn October, Sarah Palin announced that she would not run for president in 2012, ending the media frenzy around her potential candidacy even as she vowed to remain politically active and influential.
“I will continue driving the discussion for freedom and free markets,” she wrote in an e-mail to her supporters.
Just over three months later, her attempts to wield influence in the presidential campaign the way she did during the 2010 midterm elections have largely fizzled.
She held her breath when he started talking about the movie. I thought her head would explode. I don't think she realizes that bill-o just helped the republican party put her out of her misery. When your employer starts telling viewers about a movie that is going to "hammer you", that is a clear, north star shining bright message, that those time tested truths about you are indeed true and you are proverbial toast.
ReplyDeleteAMF, have fun in jail.
This is what I've been saying for awhile:
ReplyDeleteThe Myth of Palin’s Influence
If Palin’s unofficial endorsement was thought by some observers to have had some influence on the outcome in South Carolina, what conclusions should we draw from the fact that her call for Floridians to “rage against the machine” and vote for Gingrich doesn’t seem to have had the same effect?
The answer is obvious. While there may be a few conservatives who look to Palin for guidance, most disregarded her advice...
She misquoted President Obama......
ReplyDeleteNo, Sarah Palin, Obama Did Not Call Americans "Lazy"
February 01, 2012 11:53 pm ET by Leslie Rosenberg
In attempting to make a point about voter turnout during the Republican primary process, Sarah Palin repeated the right-wing talking point that President Obama called Americans "lazy." Palin claimed that ads targeting Mitt Romney would help Obama's re-election "only if Americans can concede Obama's point that he recently made, and that is that America has gotten lazy." She added: "It is imperative that voters do not become lazy in this primary process."
In fact, Obama did not accuse Americans of being lazy, and those who continue to insist, like Palin, that he did, take Obama's comments out of context.
As FactCheck.org wrote:
Republican presidential candidates Rick Perry and Mitt Romney both claim President Barack Obama said that "Americans are lazy." He didn't. To the contrary, Obama has consistently and repeatedly praised American workers as the "most productive in the world," a bit of boosterism he has repeated dozens of times.
His recent words -- "we've been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades" -- actually referred to collective efforts to promote foreign investment in the U.S., and not to American workers or voters as individuals. Perry and Romney simply rip those words out of their context in order to mislead.
Palin is already a drinking game. Try to get her to comment on ANYTHING and not mention President Obama, or how its all about her three F's or how some idiot conservative is being victimized-JUST LIKE HER.
ReplyDeleteAnd to give Crazy her do—she sure did look normal and less medicated.
It must have taken a few of her kids to soap and hose her ass down while the entire staff of the Beehive worked on her head. (Or FAUX sent make-up people to Alaska because O'Reilly didn't want her skanking up his show.)
Palin: "Well I'm more sympathetic when I watch others go through, perhaps what I had ..."
ReplyDeleteOh really Palin? So then you must really sympathize with President Obama for all the s**t, craziness, disrespect, outlandish accusations and lies that are hurled at the President by the Tea Baggers and by Republicans.
Oh wait !! YOU are the one who instigates and glorifies in all this outrageous behaviour towards President Obama.
So how is it that "Well I'm more sympathetic when I watch others go through, perhaps what I had ..."?
You, Palin, are not only a liar and a farce, your are also an as***le of the biggest order.
Palin is such a liar. She is saying that they should cut down on the nasty campaigning and focus on the issues. I guess she thinks we have forgotten about all her nasty hits at President Obama in 2008.
ReplyDeleteA reader asked us about Rubio’s statement, saying, “I do not recall Obama being overly negative in his campaign.”
But it appears to be an article of faith for Republicans. Joe Scarborough, a former GOP member of Congress who hosts MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” declared on Wednesday: “Barack Obama won ugly in 2008; he ran more negative ads than anyone else in the history of television.”
But is this really the case?
The Facts
The nasty campaign of 2008 actually was raised in one of the presidential debates at the time. Sen. John McCain of Arizona, Obama’s Republican rival, complained that Obama had “spent more money on negative ads than any political campaign in history.” Obama responded that almost all of McCain’s ads were negative.
The exchange gets to the crux of the issue. Obama had raised more money than any candidate in U.S. history, so he was able to spend significant amounts of money on negative ads—and positive ads. (From September on, Obama and his allies had $380 million to spend, compared to $195 million for McCain and his allies.)
But the truth is that McCain had a higher percentage of negative ads, and quite likely matched or even exceeded the number of negative ads aired by Obama. So his campaign, on a percentage basis, was more negative.
As we have often explained in this column, raw numbers can be misleading without proper context. Rubio could have just as easily have said that no candidate had raised as much money as Barack Obama, but instead he choose to focus on the fact that a good chunk of that money was spent on negative ads.
But Obama could afford to spend money on positive ads, especially in the final days of the campaign, while McCain turned increasingly negative as the campaign progressed. (This could be one reason why the reader who asked about Rubio’s comment has an impression that Obama was not overly negative.)
In a 2010 report, the University of Wisconsin Advertising Project (which is now housed at Wesleyan University) surveyed presidential advertising in the 2008 campaign. The report concluded that McCain ran more negative ads than Obama in July, August and September, while Obama ran more negative ads in September and October.
But while Obama ran slightly more negative ads in October, he could also afford to spend tens of millions of dollars on positive ads, so that one third of his ads in October were positive, compared to only a small percentage of McCain’s ads. (Look on the bar chart on page 5.)
The report unfortunately does not mention actual numbers, but the bar chart suggests that both men aired just about the same number of negative ads between July and election day—245,000. (The bar chart also has June but those numbers are too small to estimate.)
If you only count September, October and November, Obama appears to have a slight edge in negative ads, but virtually all of McCain’s ads were negative.
Awwww...but Gryphen you need to see her interview yesterday on FAKE Business News with the best name I have EVAH seen at FAKE News...David ASSMAN! Yep...ASSMAN is his name!
ReplyDeleteIn this interview she cusses when he ask her if she is "going to go see Game Change"! Here's the link..
She starts cussing at the 3:29 mark!
I watched the video pretending I was a Sarah-bot, and in my opinion, they will think she did very well with the question(s). They are blinded, what few of them that are left.
ReplyDeleteAt least, having Bill bring it (the movie) up as the finale of the interview, should pique interest from the Fox News viewers to watch it!
Screech you finally put on some lipstick, I don't think pink is really your color, keep trying, a rust color might be okay. Pitbulls need their lipstick.
ReplyDeleteI thought this was one of her better interviews. She appeared rational and sane. She knows what the film is. She also probably knows it's going to vindicate her to even-keeled, rational people.
ReplyDeleteEw, you have a crush on Michelle O? Why? She's like a 40 something, unaccomplished (in the long run) shadow. Just being objective. Not that I'm judging. Some people just like being the lackey.
ReplyDeleteThat was in response to Anon 7:30 AM
She tried so hard and anticipated this interview so much: she cleaned and brushed her wig, wore attractive, age-appropriate clothes, even smiled.
ReplyDeleteShe felt she was back in the big time.
Then, the anvil dropped on her head.
If she were a real politician, she'd have known it was coming and would have had a more thoughtful -- and shorter -- response. But Billo wasn't playing softball anymore, and it's getting close to the end of her Fox appearances. I do think it's sad, that she has tried so hard in her limited, deluded, ignorant way to keep in the spotlight, but it is dimming, and she knows it. She's back to the peasant life from which she was plucked a decade or so ago, and now she's older, no wiser, and there's no upward trajectory for her. Just faith, family and freedom, and that was never enough for her.
Sarah must have one of those "Learn a New Word a Day" calendars. She used the word "brutality" several times in her five minute appearance. She also, too, uses the word "via" over and over.
ReplyDeleteI liked the fact that Bill O'Reilly cut Sarah off at least five times. She tried to interrupt Billo, but no one interrupts Billo, not even Sarah. He can out-talk her, and he did. His questions were longer than her answers.
I am also surprised that Sarah has been appearing on Fox every day for the past few days, sometimes twice a day. I wonder if Sarah asked for more air time to stay in the public eye because she needs to increase the donations to her PAC.
Hey quick question,
ReplyDeleteWhen are you all going to grow up?
Please, I ask all of your mushy-brained koolaid liberals, start thinking rationally:
FACT: people who aren't where they want to be financially only have themselves to blame. TRUEST STATEMENT EVER MADE. Your failures are your fault, results of decisions you make and your successes are your fault. Even Sarah Palin has admitted this several times verbally.
If you want to talk about hair, this is what presidential hair looks like for a woman -- of course, what's under the hair is what matters, and EW has it. I hope she is POTUS after Obama's 2nd term.
ReplyDeletePalin would look great in this hairdo, but of course she is unclear on the concept, and Elizabeth Warren's smarts are way beyond her.
Gryphen: are we ready to say "Fred" is dead in the water? And our only next hope is "Game Change"? Can you tell us what the major blogger "stink" Floyd writes about is? Why are YOU not writing the PalinBabyGate book? ASAP. Please. We need this.
Hey Sarah, here's another "F" for you:
ReplyDeleteFUCK off you blithering idiot!
"cleaned herself up?"
ReplyDeleteAs in, sported a jacket with a collar line and a bright metal pendant directed right to the cleavage?
"status quo" was the word of the day. And she even knew it was Latin.
ReplyDeletePalin anticipated the "Game Change" question that came from Assman, so she swore and smiled and said she wouldn't waste her time.
I'll bet, however, if the Palins don't already subscribe, an HBO technician will be hooking up #1 Hillbilly Holler, Wasilla, AK, in the next few weeks. They'll have it piped into every TV in their house: probably one for each family member, so they can watch it in peace and not hear Sarah's mutterings during the movie. Expect a tweet or a FB posting immediately after the first showing.
7:30 shared: "Michelle and Ellen in a push-up contest!"
What? She actually did this in public? Doesn't she know that feats of physical performance, such as half-marathons, have to be done in remote locations and evidence sent in via ambiguous sources?
7:47 AM said: "Or FAUX sent make-up people to Alaska because O'Reilly didn't want her skanking up his show."
Yup. That's what I'm thinking.
We should have had a bet to see who was going to be the first to ask that question. I bet Billo got to do it because he is the king over there and wanted to make her squirm. They probably even had a contest to see who was gonna get to to it and Billo won. Behind the scenes they were throwing a popcorn party to see the outcome and have been laughing all day. Scara you are such a joke, thanks for crawling back out from under the scum you live under to give us another opportunity to laugh at you.
ReplyDeleteI don't think pink is really your color, keep trying, a rust color might be okay. Pitbulls need their lipstick. 7:52 AM
Yes, with all her money, you would think she would have a stylist. As a former make-up color analyst, I tend to look at her color choices. Her clothing choices are the wrong color for her as well. Young people can almost get by with anything, but wearing the right colors for your skin type, tends to lessen the appearance of wrinkles and the haggard look.
As with everything, Sarah is clueless.
Palin: "Well I'm more sympathetic when I watch others go through, perhaps what I had, and STILL, go through, ya know I feel like my skin is thick enough where it's not going to bother me, but I do feel for others...."
ReplyDeleteI call bull shit on the thick skin shit!
We all know Palin reads IM religiously!
Throwing cans at her refrigerator, lying, grifting, obsessing over the Obamas, taking diet pills, avoiding Tri-G and her kids and reading IM is the only thing Sarah Palin does religiously. Am I right bitch?
Every time there is a comment on IM about her hair, clothes, fireplace, crap behind her and even the exposed electrical on her wall you will see Palin try to fix it or hide it for her next fiasco broadcast!
See Sarah, IM bloggers do provide a service to your dysfunctional retarded family!
In a sense we are producing your FOX commentary reality show. So where is our cut of Alaska's film tax credit dollars?
We want to start seeing Gryphen's name listed at the end credits for his part in producing your show!
Mudflats has two clips of this movie.
ReplyDeleteOver at C4P, they are telling everyone to boycott HBO. As if it matters what 20 - 30 people think. Delusional, yet again.
ReplyDeleteNot gonna lie, I'm pretty envious of her hair. It can do anything. My hair just lies there and sometimes looks voluminous, but on its own time table.
ReplyDeleteRomney to endorse Mitt.
ReplyDeleteEven after he said this stuff
Does anyone have any theories as to what the treble clef pendant is all about? Is that her nod to the recent stylings of the President and Mitt Romney?
ReplyDeleteAlso, too enjoyed the clenched jaw, moose-in-the-headlights look when Game Change was mentioned. Let the victimization wailing begin....
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI don't think she had any choice but to go where Ailes wants her to be interviewed.
And did you notice, even in her phony statement that she has empathy for others who go through public scrutiny that in the end, it was also about meeeeeeeee?
7:19 AM
Sarah didn't Ailes tell you to knock off that "Me Me Me Blood Libel Bullshit"?
Well damn it start listening to your boss!
If I was Ailes I would of fired your ass long time ago!
You seem to be a slow learner!
O/T Ellen DeGeneres And Michelle Obama Have A Push Up Contest (Just Like The Socialists Would Want Them To)
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThis is what I've been saying for awhile:
The Myth of Palin’s Influence
If Palin’s unofficial endorsement was thought by some observers to have had some influence on the outcome in South Carolina, what conclusions should we draw from the fact that her call for Floridians to “rage against the machine” and vote for Gingrich doesn’t seem to have had the same effect?
Fuck that Palin Influence.
Sarah Palin can't even get her little breeders to wear condoms or take their monthly cramp pills.
Those retarded Sons of Bitches keeps spitting out those little bastards as if they were Tic Tacs!
Her opening remark with Obama calling Americans lazy was taken out of context. She is doing nothing more than parroting Perry and Romney, fact checked at:
After she mentions candidates who hide behind SuperPacs (what a total hypocrite), Billo schools her on the climate of the majority of voters. OBSERVE HOW SHE REACTS CAUSE IT IS PRICELESS!! This is the same look a conniving child will give you as they are thinking of another excuse or reason in response of you telling them what they did was wrong and shouldn't do it again. An impetuous look glazed her face momentarily followed by utter frustration, then anger as Billo continues his sentence. She manages to hold back but her emotions confuse her. LOOK AT HER FACE AND THE HEAVING CHEST. She looks like she's ready to burst !! As she shifts in her chair (a major sign of frustration and mental discomfort -can't wait till this is over), she manages to calm down as she forces a smile. As Billo continues to intimidate her, she looks like she's hyperventilating. She has this "oh boy...here it comes..I shouldn't have agreed to go on this show" look when Billo brings up her HBO premiere. She sidesteps the question of how SHE would handle the negative attacks. She says what matters to her -- her faith, her family and her freedom.
Sarah exercised her freedom to use her faith and her family as an excuse to her followers not to run for POTUS. Ironically, it was God's will to keep her away from
political power at which point God turns to Karma and says " That was hella funny...ok now it's your turn."
Sarah wants to cut out the nasty campaigning. How are we going to keep the public interested and keep vetting the candidates?
ReplyDeleteShe's high as a kite! Whoa! I think its safe to saw Fox News is NOT a drug-free workplace!
ReplyDeleteFrom C4P:
ReplyDeleteThe Governor’s brother left the following message on yesterday’s open thread regarding the new HBO movie.
chuckjr Today 01:53 AM
Hi guys (and gals),
I thought I'd share something with you that you might enjoy. A friend of mine in Alabama told me to check out the trailer for the new HBO show, Game Change. Now as I recall, that book was written about the race between McCain and Obama, but somehow, HBO decided to make it into a Sarah story. Anyway, I watched the trailer tonight with my two sons (eleven and eight years old). When the trailer gets to the end, the actress portraying Sarah says something like, "We have to win this thing; I so don't want to go back to Alaska". Both of my kids burst out laughing and the oldest said, "dad, that's crazy! That doesn't even sound like Sarah, and you know how much she loves Alaska".
I know all of you Sarah supporters know that this movie is full of bull; just thought you might like to hear the perspectives of two of her nephews here in Alaska that know her just a little bit better than some Hollywood writer.
As mentioned in the previous post - she should know all about negative campaigning, since she has used it since campaigning for mayor!
ReplyDeleteProjection, meet thy disciple.
I think Bill was trying to corner her. She preaches all the time and judges and criticizes how others wrongly handle things. She just hates Romney's ability to spend 17 million on an ad campaign against Newt. And, she's an agitator; she only focuses on the fight. She gets enraged at the elite, those with more money, the establishment in Washington. She hardly ever ventures into the positive discussion of candidates' goals, their achievements, their record, she just judges how the campaign has gotten too personal and dirty. Because drama is what she feeds on.
ReplyDeleteThe theme of that interview was, "Is the negative GOP primary helping Obama"? Bill wanted his contributor (cough, cough) to point out how the primary needs to improve if they want to win. But he didn't get too far with Sarah.
This is why she won't endorse a candidate. She told Bill that people shouldn't get lazy, that they themselves should study and vet the candidates some more. This is contradictory, as she, is the lazy one; she's a Fox contributor yet doesn't do her job to educate viewers on these very things. Instead, she gets in the ring and puts on the gloves and thrashes verbal insults to those who criticize Newt. And she's dividing her own party by doing this, but doesn't care one iota. THis is why Bill and Fox (Ailes) might be annoyed at her refusal to ENDORSE. Because she loves the fight, the tease, the drama that ensues from candidates throwing mud back and forth. They now know her heart isn't in the electoral process. All Sarah cares about all the time is giving herself accolades while mudslinging anyone, even those in her camp. No fair discussion from Sarah. And these evening Fox hosts are losing credibility by having her on.
The other night Huckabee and another Fox contributor totally disagreed with Sarah's views on voting Newt just to annoy a liberal. They felt that the process has drawn itself out long enough, that a nominee is needed as soon as possible.
So, Bill, under obligation to Fox, is trying to draw out from Sarah on why she's so determined not to endorse, and keep the primary stretching out longer. He is laughing at her, like Judge Jeannine and possibly others, because she stubbornly refuses to cooperate on giving an endorsement, all the while believing herself to be an intelligent contributor. I wouldn't be surprised that Fox has something up their sleeves and soon we'll all be aghast and our jaws hang open when that certain question is raised to Sarah about the rumors of her "wild ride".
It's popcorn season.
They had a break in the tape and when she came back it was obvious that she had a meltdown.
ReplyDeleteBut she did remind us again that associations DO matter, like her having a pimp for a husband her ties to anti american militias, her ties to a disgraced militray member who is a serial killer, her ties to a witch hunter (Muthee).
Our President today at the National Prayer Breakfast and a sweetly satisfied little face in Obama's arms:
Sarah Palin said...
ReplyDeleteEw, you have a crush on Michelle O? Why? She's like a 40 something, unaccomplished (in the long run) shadow. Just being objective. Not that I'm judging. Some people just like being the lackey.
That was in response to Anon 7:30 AM
7:57 AM
LMFAO. Jealous much Sarah? Michelle is so much more beautiful than you. Sarah you are ugly and nasty. Does Michelle have a turkey neck and wonky eye? Didn't think so. Does Michelle has no upper lip and herpes sores covering her mouth? Didn't think so. Does Michelle have a balding flat block head with a square man-jaw? Didn't think so!
Michelle Obama > Ugly Retard Sarah
I thought this was one of her better interviews. She appeared rational and sane. She knows what the film is. She also probably knows it's going to vindicate her to even-keeled, rational people.
ReplyDelete7:56 AM
Shut up Sarah.
I think Bill was dog-whistling to Sarah. He was maybe implying (by bringing up Game Change) that she better stop demanding more vetting of the candidates, if she doesn't want to be vetted anymore, like the movie reveals.
ReplyDeleteFox is calling her on her hypocrisy.
They edited out something before her quivering voice answer on the HBO movie. Seems like she got a do-over.
ReplyDeleteHey quick question,
ReplyDeleteWhen are you all going to grow up?
Please, I ask all of your mushy-brained koolaid liberals, start thinking rationally:
FACT: people who aren't where they want to be financially only have themselves to blame. TRUEST STATEMENT EVER MADE. Your failures are your fault, results of decisions you make and your successes are your fault. Even Sarah Palin has admitted this several times verbally.
8:00 AM
Shut up Sarah.
>>Ew, you have a crush on Michelle O? Why? She's like a 40 something, unaccomplished (in the long run) shadow. Just being objective. Not that I'm judging. Some people just like being the lackey.
ReplyDeleteYou are an idiot. Michelle has accomplished a great deal in her life and for you to say you're being objective is the basis for my statement. Being a 'lackey' is a dog whistle, bullshit, racist statement and you are summarily SLAMMED for it, by me.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteNot gonna lie, I'm pretty envious of her hair. It can do anything. My hair just lies there and sometimes looks voluminous, but on its own time table.
8:27 AM
Shut up troll! You sound like an idiot and I guess "voluminous" is your word for the day huh? Okay...I'll play!
"Baldy's head is so "voluminous" that it matches Beefalo's and Wallow's tree trunk legs!"
Yep...it makes as much sense as your sentence!
PS...IT'S A WIG!!!
>>She also probably knows it's going to vindicate her to even-keeled, rational people.
ReplyDeleteHA! HA! HA! now that is some brilliant snark if I ever heard it.
Rational, even-keeled people have seen the nutcase that Sarah is and have called her out for it. The movie will be a fucking CELEBRATION for the rational people who have tried with all their might to turn a light on the nasty bitch from Wasilla that the MSM has let get by with so much hatred and racist, toxic spew.
It will be a BLOCKBUSTER and will cement an insane Sarah in the minds of RATIONAL people. As it should be.
8:00 said:
ReplyDelete"FACT: people who aren't where they want to be financially only have themselves to blame. TRUEST STATEMENT EVER MADE."
So, if Trig ever struggles financially during his adult years, it's his own doing.
The war vet suffering from injuries suffered during combat... head injuries, amputations, PTSD, etc. can't get their act together, it's their own fault.
This is the tip of the iceberg but hopefully enough to get you thinking that not everything is as black and white as you've been trained to believe.
lol...david's interview of that nut. Her word salad yet again and she gets paid how much. Just an idiot to the nth degree!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteRomney to endorse Mitt.
8:27 AM
Who else would Romney endorse? If you won't endorse yourself, why would anyone else vote for you?
"Not gonna lie, I'm pretty envious of her hair. It can do anything. My hair just lies there and sometimes looks voluminous, but on its own time table."
Yes, my hair also too just lies there on its own timetable.
Ahem is that you?
7:56 AM
ReplyDelete"She appeared rational and sane."
Ummm...Er....appearances can be deceiving troll.
She also appears to be a woman...but lately she's been "looking like a MAN"!
And you know Baldy is DREADING this movie in the worst kind of way! I think her FAMILY can't wait for this movie because they will probably be laughing their asses off watching Baldy show her ass to the world!
So GTF out of here with that "rational and sane" bullshit you're peddling! Baldy hasn't been sane or rational since she was probably a baby...ask Creepy Chuck!
Hey quick question,
ReplyDeleteWhen are you all going to grow up?
Please, I ask all of your mushy-brained koolaid liberals, start thinking rationally:
FACT: people who aren't where they want to be financially only have themselves to blame. TRUEST STATEMENT EVER MADE. Your failures are your fault, results of decisions you make and your successes are your fault. Even Sarah Palin has admitted this several times verbally.
8:00 AM
Dear Sarah:
First off, everything (except sign language) is said "verbally." That is, with words. "Orally" is the word you meant to use.
And, no, we're all "grown up" here, and know that someone making minimum wage may very well work harder than a hedge fund operator -- but their rewards are grossly out of balance. Asking a machine tool operator to work harder in order to become a millionaire is ludicrous. And that machine tool operator is as vital to our economy as any of the other workers, low paid and millionaires, in our country.
Finally, FACT: failures are not always the fault of an individual. What if their savings are wiped out by terminal cancer, and they haven't been able to get health insurance? What if their 401-k tanked in the stock market a few years ago -- retirement savings gone because of market movements, across the board. That's the small investors "fault"? What if their military pay is so low that they qualify for food stamps? That's their fault? Should all our armed forces leave the military so they can try to find ephemeral private-sector jobs, or should we, as a people, raise their pay? What do we owe our fellow men?
FACT: you are jealous of those who are smarter than you are,better educated, and are mature, happy, and thoughtful LIBERALS.
Have a nice day, Bristol, Willow and/or Sarah. It's worth coming to this site just to read the nonsensical trolls' musings.
OT, but further proof that the grizzled one is on the downward slide...
@ 7:57
ReplyDeleteand your law degree is from?
and where are you practicing now?
and you've of course worked for major municipalities and served on the boards of what university and public health organizations?
And, your children are exceptionally beautiful and intelligent, polite and accomplished young ladies?
Thanks or the laugh, little green with envy troll.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHey quick question,
When are you all going to grow up?
Please, I ask all of your mushy-brained koolaid liberals, start thinking rationally:
FACT: people who aren't where they want to be financially only have themselves to blame. TRUEST STATEMENT EVER MADE. Your failures are your fault, results of decisions you make and your successes are your fault. Even Sarah Palin has admitted this several times verbally.
8:00 AM
I see. So my neighbor should have decided to be diagnosed with leukemia before her husband dumped her for another woman, taking her health insurance with him. It's her own fault that her ex-husband was a jerk and she was mot medically trained enough to recognize the slight early symptoms as being the result of a serious disease rather than a minor cold.
I have a different take on this. It looks like, to me, that Bill-O is on her side and set up the opportunity for her to play victim. Bill-O has stood up for her before and looks like he is doing it again. He also seemed sympathetic to Palin always getting picked on.
ReplyDeleteMichelle Obama: Princeton B.A.
ReplyDeleteHarvard Law School J.D.
Had a successful career in Chicago,
to which she can return at any time in 2017. She's educated, trained, and experienced, Sarah. Right now she's spending a lot of quality time with her two likeable and talented daughters. Unlike you.
7:57 AM
ReplyDeleteWOW troll! You really are working that "Troll Thesaurus" today!
Ladies and Gentlemen...the Troll "WORD of the DAY" is..."lackey"...let's use it in a sentence...shall we!
"The Toad has been Baldy's "lackey" and official purse carrier since she QUIT being the Governor of Alaska!"
Oh troll...just in case you didn't know how old Michelle Obama is...she's the same age as Ex-Gov Baldy!
Surprise...right! Especially since Baldy looks like she's 10 years older than the FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES! HeHe.
Please, I ask all of your mushy-brained koolaid liberals, start thinking rationally:
ReplyDeleteFACT: people who aren't where they want to be financially only have themselves to blame. TRUEST STATEMENT EVER MADE. Your failures are your fault, results of decisions you make and your successes are your fault. Even Sarah Palin has admitted this several times verbally.
8:00 AM
Yeah, damn, it's my fault that I was raised by a disabled parent and there wasn't money for extras. Hey Daddy, get out of that wheelchair and WORK!
And it was certainly my fault that a major illness was not covered due to rescission by an insurance back before this President's Health care bill.
And it is absolutely my fault that the economy has tanked and the home equity loan I took out to start a business went from being 25% o my homes value to no almost 100%.
Palin says she has "sympathy" for others...? Narcissists don't have the mental capacity for sympathy. Sarah only understands how everything, anything, that too, matters to her. Nice try though Sarah.
ReplyDeleteI'm getting HBO just so I can watch GAME CHANGE on March 10th. Good times!
Tell me there weren't huge jump cuts at 2:03, 3:46, and 4:27 when they jumped to full screen paylin. Was that to allow her to pull it back together enough to answer? The jump cuts looked pretty jarring to me.
ReplyDeleteFrom C4P exodus/sarah/RAM.....
ReplyDeleteexodus2011 18 minutes ago
.... with the O'Romneycare endorsement by Trump today, something tells me there has just been an accceleration toward the *unconventional* ...
the Caucus States leading up to CPAC could easily tumble to him giving him momentum and the crown of inevitability, although the actual Delegate count does not necessarily back this up .... (due to those GOPe rule changes)
the bottom line is this: there is no Conservative Candidate, *quasi* or otherwise, who can UNIFY the Base and this is why O'Romneycare with his huge $ and GOPe backing marches on ....
Newt is not *real* he is *quasi*, the VETTING reveals his words now and his deeds back whenever do not match .... this is known to Fort Wasilla, has always been known to Fort Wasilla
So, what is to be done? Does Fort Wasilla want 'either' of these two Runners to carry the opposition torch against the DEM Ticket later this year? I don't think so ....
The stage must be being set for the *unconventional* which we have been told to expect with "mark my words" ..... " Candidates will be 'coming' and going .... " this could be true on the DEM side as well as the opposition to the DEM side .....
I can see the climate being ripe for an open rebellion against the GOPe because following their lead will not get America rescued, nor will it get America restored ... (which IMV is Gov Palin's bottom line)
I don't think this Trump move was unexpected by Fort Wasilla .... Gov Palin and Todd are 'seen' to be battling for the Candidate *who occupies the position of strongest Conservative fighter against the GOPe*, but because he is a 'quasi-Conservative', he has no real strength, but can only be propped up temporarily ...
The clear message to ConservativeVille USA, IMV, is this:
The UNIFIER must be found.
.... and I know from what SK Bannon said last year several times, he wants to see a huge battle at the GOP Convention, and the future direction of Constitutional America, debated vigorously.
btw, is Todd Palin on the trail with Newt? If he is, that means he is leaving his IronDog preparation, *in February*, which is something that is not done under usual circumstances .... and it would lead me to think that he might not participate this year ..... and will possibly be at CPAC with Gov Palin next week.
8:00 AM
ReplyDeletePoor deluded troll! Aren't you being paid by BaldyPac to post your drivel on Anti-Baldy sites?
So is that how you are "where you want to be financially"? Being PAID to support a person that you KNOW is a danger to herself and family as well as to the country (Remember Gabby Gifford and little Christina)?
I feel real pity and sorrow for you troll...because deep within yourself...I truly believe you can't stand Baldy Palin as much as us.
But you need to eat...so you have no qualms (look it up "dumbarse") posting these defensive diatribe on Baldy's behalf.
But you hitched your dog to the wrong sled troll....Baldy is hanging on by the tiniest thread and soon Ailes will snip that thread...then where will you be troll?
Your failures are your fault, results of decisions you make and your successes are your fault. Even Sarah Palin has admitted this several times verbally.
ReplyDelete8:00 AM
So $carah, why are you always blaming others - you want privacy? Get off the TEEVEE and go back to private lie. If not, IT'S YOU FAULT - you said so, in words.
Your failures are your fault, results of decisions you make and your successes are your fault. Even Sarah Palin has admitted this several times verbally.
ReplyDelete8:00 AM
So, Saree is a whiner, Saree is a whiiiiiiiiner.
Yes, she really did look much improved in that interview (but it still looks like a wig!)
ReplyDeleteShe fills for others that are being negatively attacked, and she thinks Pres. Obama's policies are felled.
I'm afraid to ask how she might pronounce, say, "foil", or "fall".
PS Sarah you SO do not have thick skin!!
How's that "squirmish thingy" workin out fer ya, Sarah?
ReplyDeleteReporter Asks Callista Gingrich: ‘Are You In An Open Marriage?’
Okay gryph... I've enjoyed this blog for a long time now, I admit I love me some Palin bashing 'cause she's a turd, deserves it, and frankly as far as I'm concerned has DEMANDED it with her grifting and idiocy.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm at the point where you're reading so much into these interviews that I feel duped every time I click on one and don't see ANY of the stuff you claim is happening.
For example, there was no "stunned moment of silence". There was satellite delay.
Again, this interview just seems like yet another pre-planned, canned setup for Palin to push an Ailes-approved theme. The was not a single interesting word said here. There was no: "I think Obama should have called the Dutch to take advantage of their world renowned dike-building skills" while O'Reilly rolls his eyes at the stupidity moment here.
I'm just saying I'm reaching the point where I'm really feeling mislead and cheated and I'm starting to lose interest. Please stop misrepresenting these boring-ass nothing interviews as some kind of "Palin beatdown" when they're not. It's getting old, dude.
No need to panic, I'm sure she'll do or say something legitimately idiotic soon enough and you can post something that won't waste my time...
Watch out Sarah! Papa Bear gonna eat your cubs! That's what they do ya know. I never thought of it until now but I bet she even stole her "Mama Grizzly" schtick from O'Reilly. Maybe that's why he's mean to her!
ReplyDeleteJulianne Moore on the View talks Sarah and Game Change:
GinaM recommended the Assman FoxBusiness interview from yesterday...
ReplyDeleteSP says (and I quote, more or less) that she wouldn't waste her time watching Game Change because it is based on a false narrative, and CAMPAIGNS THAT ARE WILLING TO THROW PEOPLE UNDER THE BUS FOR THEIR OWN SECURITY are not worth the time or energy.
Think think think....who could she be referring to? Is she saying that SHE was thrown under the bus by the McCain campaign? Well, golly geepers why would they do such a thing? Could it be....hmmmmm....that the person they picked for VP turned out to be as UNKNOWLEGEABLE and CLUELESS as she appeared to the general public in her 'gotcha' interviews??
Thanks Fox for mentioning this movie twice now!!
Anonymous @ 7:57am said...
ReplyDelete"Ew, you have a crush on Michelle O? Why? She's like a 40 something, unaccomplished (in the long run) shadow. Just being objective. Not that I'm judging. Some people just like being the lackey.
That was in response to Anon 7:30 AM"
Why do we have such high regard for the First Lady of the United State, Michelle Obama? Well for starters:
1.) FLOTUS is a responsible, loving parent who is raising her family in a responsible, loving way.
Unlike the Half-Term Quitter Governor whose children:
- are having out-of-wedlock babies
- drink wine coolers in tents
- give America the big middle finger on national TV
- destroy property, whether it is school bus break lines or the home of a family friend
- are truant from school, ignoring their education
2.) FLOTUS has respect for herself by taking care of herself with a healthy diet and exercise program and her efforts show in her glowing presence.
Unlike the strung-out appreance of the Half-Term Quitter Governor who looks like the staples in HER diet are Red Bulls, Taco Bell Crunch Wraps and the ingestion of products that make one look like a druggie.
3.) The Half-Term Quitter Governor's claim to fame was to "flip-flop like a halibut" in the arms of a basketball player plus in the arms of her husband Tawdy's business partner.
Talk about EEEWWWWW. What is there to admire in that?
4.) FLOTUS has a husband who loves her, and thus her beauty not only shines from the outside, but truly glows from within.
Unlike the Half-Term Quitter Governor whose husband likes to hook up with hookers and peep through knotholes in fences to see a woman's breasts.
Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, will become even more beautiful as she ages, because of the quality of life she is living. The number of birthdays one has celebrated has very little to do with one's beauty.
And how's that for startes as to why we so admire Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States?
Of course I am just being objective. It's not that I'm judging, because we know that some people just like being the mindless lackey.
This is in response to Anon 7:57am.
I'll give you a time-tested TRUTH, Bitch Queen: "The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior."
ReplyDeleteIt's NOT a waste of time or resources to keep fresh in people's minds EXACTLY what kind of person you ARE. You'd just LOVE it to all go away, wouldn't you? It won't. EVER.
"7:49 AM"
ReplyDeleteWhat do they consider a negative ad? Telling the truth isn't negative ad.
I doubt seriously if that survey has been tested.
She also took advice from one of your posters...
ReplyDeleteIn the first shot of her, you can see she is sitting at a table/desk.
Sarah, you're close, but our friendly poster told you to add Books to the frame; not enough to distract, but to build up your reputation for eduma-katin' urself!
You do not pass "Go",
You do not get to collect $200.
(But you DID win Third prize in a beauty contest!!
And your Governorship was a GET OUT OF JAIL FREE card!)
RAM is now wr iting the troll comments - that's why we get new words other than "jealous, immature, haters." Hey, she has to do something for her $8,000/month paycheck!
ReplyDelete"....I watched the trailer tonight with my two sons (eleven and eight years old). When the trailer gets to the end, the actress portraying Sarah says something like, "We have to win this thing; I so don't want to go back to Alaska". Both of my kids burst out laughing and the oldest said, "dad, that's crazy! That doesn't even sound like Sarah, and you know how much she loves Alaska"...."
ReplyDeleteHey Creepy Chuckie Jr... Yup... Sarah really loves Alaska!
This grifter knowingly before quitting her job as governor passed a law that allowed that piece of caribou turd to collect Alaska tax dollars (over a $1,000,000) for making Sarah Palin's Alaska.
Sarah Palin was just not satisfied scamming America, she had to "get hers" from Alaskans as well! That Alaska film money could of helped the poor starving cold Native Alaskans or those Alaskan film dollars could of pay for Rape Kits of little girls who can't afford them as well as help Alaska's senior citizens.
But Nooo.... Sarah Palin was just not satisfied with the money she made from books, speeches, appearances, attending dinners, dvds, book signings, conventions, photo ops, magazines, FOX appearances, etc....
Sarah needed Alaska's last dime to line her greedy pockets.
That low down grifter even tried to avoid paying property taxes on fully functional / furnished hidden cabins until she got caught.
LOL... Yup that Sarah Palin really loves her Alaska!
Sarah loves Alaska so much that she has daily reminders of Alaska in her house in the form of big windows, handrails and whatever else she could get her hands on in Wasilla and from the governor's mansion.
LOL.... Hey Chuckie sell your bullshit to somebody else in the lower 48 states because Alaskans know better!
FUCK Sarah Palin and FUCK Chuckie!
Sarah, quickly take a moment to log off IM and check out The Mudflats. No snark sweetie. KABOOOM, KABOOOOM!!!
ReplyDeleteYep...ASSMAN is his name!
I'm the "Assman", Jerry!- Kramer, "Seinfeld"
I guess Peter "Stupidcocksucker" was on vacation at Faux Snooze...
Hey Sarah... Trump announced that he will endorse Romney.
ReplyDeleteI guess it must be true when you made the comment that your opinions aint worth a hill of beans....
Florida and Trump are not buying your bull shit!
Romney was endorsed by Trump
Gingrich was endorsed by Tawd... Wasilla's Chump....
Sarah is wound up like a top for this interview. Her varied breathing shows she was trying to calm herself. There are several tongue-in-cheek moves. She made her infamous pout face before responding to O’Reilly’s question about the HBO movie. Her speech cadence went to choppy while saying (starting at 4:35) ‘my...skin..is..thick..enough’ (reminiscent of ‘Trig...was...my...son’ at the beginning of the ‘Sarah Palin Unplugged’ video) and then goes high speed through ‘not-gonna-bother-me’ and then she quickly changes subject to ‘others’ and ‘American voters’.
ReplyDeleteIt was painful to watch.
Why do Chuck's kids call her "Sarah"? Shouldn't it be "Aunt Sarah"? Why don't her own kids call her "mom"? What cult are they part of?????
ReplyDeleteOT - along with donating to Planned Parenthood here is another way to protest the bigots at Komen.
ReplyDelete"GuideStar is probably the biggest destination for anyone wishing to check out the bona fide's of a non-profit organization. And up until the Komen foundation's announcement earlier this week, it had enjoyed the benefit of enough five-star reviews to balance out the occasional burst of negative comments over the years." Susan G. Komen is being blasted with bad reviews. Go to Review a Charity at http://www.guidestar.org/
ReplyDeleteYour "concern" is duly noted and I'm sure Gryphen will get right on those changes you suggested so you don't "lose interest".
ReplyDeleteWithout govt intervention in it, the housing crisis would never have happened. It is government who pressured banks to give bad loans. That is obvious to anyone with eyes.
I hate politics and game players.
Govt should not be in banks business. Banks aren't stupid. They know when to give a loan and when not to. Eff you DC, again.
A few observations:
1) They have slashed her interview times in the past week; she'd been at twelve minutes...now she is relegated to four minutes.
2) She is being tossed to the absolute DREGS of the network; Assman indeed
3) WHAT happened to the 7 second delay??
I noticed this a few interviews ago. All of a sudden, she's answering in real time.
Do you think Fox may be pushing a "great" TV moment by taking away her safety net?
And Sarah?
"Hell no!"?
Hell no????
You are a GRANDMOTHER!!!
You are NOT Cute!
You are NOT Sassy!
You are NOT Youthful!
You are NOT sexy...
Act your fucking age, asshole!
"We" here in the blogosphere do not speak to our bosses, our co-workers, our families in the way we WRITE about you here.
We drop "F" bombs, and call your disgusting piglet daughters out on their nasty, vicious ways.
It is in NO SMALL PART b/c YOU, hillbilly grifters, FORCED YOURSELVES on US, the American public, and now WE get to tell YOU what WE think!
You created a caustic situation in our country that began with chants of "Kill him" and ended with actual Killings.
You are a fucking monster.
You are a fucking monster.
You are a fucking monster.
Speaking of old, dried up, racist trash with a home in Arizona, this sounds familiar:
ReplyDeleteBrewer Pledged Cash For Immigration Fight, Instead Spent It Buying Copies Of Her Own Book
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) launched a special fundraising political action committee in October, pledging to use the money to fight illegal immigration and take on other issues she believes in. But based on financial disclosures filed this week, she has so far used it to do little more than buy copies of her own book.
The governor had raised only about $22,000 for Jan PAC by the end of 2011 and spent nearly a quarter of the cash, buying books from Amazon and paying a bill at the luxurious Waldorf Astoria hotel in Orlando, Fla. The rest of the money is still in the bank.
Brewer spent $3,423 on books and shipping from the online retailer, according to the financial reports. On her fundraising website, she offers a signed copy of her book “Scorpions for Breakfast” to every donor who gives $100 or more.
In early December she also spent $624 for a night at the swank Waldorf Astoria in Orlando, which her financial disclosures repeatedly misspell as “Orlanda.” Another $513 went to airfare on Southwest Airlines.
A message left for representatives of Jan PAC was not returned.
In October, the governor launched the PAC with several goals:
Slush money, pure and simple. That seems to be what all the PACs are and the GOP seems to have scamming and scheming, within the letter of the law, down to a science.
Sarah went from being a big fish in a small pond to being sashimi, sliced and raw. Mmmm, good.
ReplyDeleteOh SNAP! The DNC is all over this one!
ReplyDeleteDNC On Trump and Romney: They Both Like Firing People
Donald Trump's endorsement of Mitt Romney in Las Vegas. Why does Trump like Romney, the video asks? "Because they both like firing people," comes the answer. After pointing out a list of criticisms Trump has previously lodged at Romney, the video shows them both talking about what they have in common: Trump uttering the catchprhrase, "you're fired" and Romney saying his admittedly out-of-context but already notorious "I like firing people" comment.
Of COURSE you know their spin will be all about 'firing' President Obama and the big, bad libruls in DC. They're so predictable.
We got soooo lucky with our First Lady (and her First Man)
ReplyDeletePush-ups: Michelle Obama v Ellen DeGeneres
Anonymous @ 7:56am said...
ReplyDelete"She knows what the film is. She also probably knows it's going to vindicate her to even-keeled, rational people."
Uuuhhhhmmmm. Have you confused the word "vindicate" with "validate"?
As in, Palin probably knows that the film is going to VALIDATE what even-keeled, rational people already know or have suspected - that Palin was totally and absolutely unprepared for the nomination of VP candidate, and that placing her on the ballot was the height of irresponsibility by the McCain campaign.
ReplyDeleteRon Paul's mask has been ripped away. He's been exposed for his neo-Nazi connection.
"Anonymous hacktivists expose Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul’s connection with American neo-Nazis.
On Tuesday, Anonymous enthusiasts hacked and defaced the website of American Third Position (A3P), a major US-based white supremacist network. According to Anonymous, documents liberated in the hack show that “Ron Paul has regularly met with many A3P members, even engaging in conference calls with their board of directors.”
I wouldn't be surprised to know of his son's connection too. I honestly believe that Ron Paul is continuing to campaign, knowing that he will not win, but will provide him with some leverage to get his son Rand named to a cabinet post -- this in exchange for the delegates he's gathered by taking votes away from the others.
Why does she always have a shit eating grin on her face. She is so fucking weird!
ReplyDeleteat 10:34
ReplyDeleteI agree Sarah Palin is a monster. I have been thinking that for years.
so is Newtie. Birds of a feather.
Two monsters.
Jan Brewer Recall Possible As Arizona Collective Bargaining Has Democrats, Unions Planning Protests
$arah's motto: "Keep Grift Alive!"
ReplyDeleteJon Stewart: Newt Gingrich Thinks He Won The Florida Primary, General Election Already (VIDEO)
Conservatives blast Mitt Romney for hating on the poor (too loudly)
ReplyDelete'Romney’s is a benevolent patrician’s view of society: The poor are incorrigible, but let’s add a couple more groats to their food stamps and housing vouchers, and they’ll stay quiet. Aside from the fact that that kind of thinking has led the western world to near terminal insolvency, for a candidate whose platitudinous balderdash of a stump speech purports to believe in the most Americanly American America that any American has ever Americanized over, it’s a dismal vision of permanent trans-generational poverty...'
ReplyDeleteYou really think highly of yourself don't you? You should take a long hard look in a mirror.
GinaM said...
ReplyDeleteAwwww...but Gryphen you need to see her interview yesterday on FAKE Business News with the best name I have EVAH seen at FAKE News...David ASSMAN! Yep...ASSMAN is his name!
In this interview she cusses when he ask her if she is "going to go see Game Change"! Here's the link..
She starts cussing at the 3:29 mark!
7:49 AM
palin's such a lyin' piece of shit..when assman asks her at the end of the vid if that's global warming going on behind her, $he stumbles and sez that yeah, $he could go for some global warming right about now, how $he was tired of it (the cold).....even though the wind was blowin' $he didn't bother to tell assman that it was 40 fukin' degrees outside, only about a 60 degree warmer difference from a week ago....
$carah's a lyin' skank grifter fraud piece of shit....wanna bet $he's front and center of her big screen watchin' game change when it airs...?..
Sarah Vs. Sarah said...
A few observations:
1) They have slashed her interview times in the past week; she'd been at twelve minutes...now she is relegated to four minutes.
2) She is being tossed to the absolute DREGS of the network; Assman indeed
3) WHAT happened to the 7 second delay??
I noticed this a few interviews ago. All of a sudden, she's answering in real time.
Do you think Fox may be pushing a "great" TV moment by taking away her safety net?
And Sarah?
"Hell no!"?
Hell no????
You are a GRANDMOTHER!!!
You are NOT Cute!
You are NOT Sassy!
You are NOT Youthful!
You are NOT sexy...
Act your fucking age, asshole!
"We" here in the blogosphere do not speak to our bosses, our co-workers, our families in the way we WRITE about you here.
We drop "F" bombs, and call your disgusting piglet daughters out on their nasty, vicious ways.
It is in NO SMALL PART b/c YOU, hillbilly grifters, FORCED YOURSELVES on US, the American public, and now WE get to tell YOU what WE think!
You created a caustic situation in our country that began with chants of "Kill him" and ended with actual Killings.
You are a fucking monster.
You are a fucking monster.
You are a fucking monster.
10:34 AM
Anonymous said...
Everybody forgot about that motherfucking son of a bitch John McCain who brought that ignorant dumbass retarded backwoods skanky old don't know shit scamming fuck wad Sarah Palin and her fucked up grifting uneducated whoring trailer park family into our lives.
That piece of shit McCain should fucking quit his job and get the fuck out of politics and Washington DC!
John we didn't forget you started this bull shit.
One more fuck you to Sarah, the Palins, John and to the McCains.
11:13 PM
Troll cleanup needed on aisle 10:24.
ReplyDeleteJust a little bit o' brain barf, but slimy nonetheless.
That insufferable bambi killer doesn't like negativity? AHAAHAHAHA
ReplyDeleteYa can't get more negative than her dumbass. Some examples:
1. Facilitating thinly-disguised kkk rallies that encouraged guns (at democratic events, mind ya)
2. Blatant Racism (signs, vocal rants, sights on democratic officials, cartoons-before, after az massacre)
3. Lying (babygate, emasculation, name calling, hockey mom, blood libel, 2nd place marathon runner, bridge to nowhere, yahoo trial, christie, death panels, Obama is Islam, Obama is Kenyan, she's a maverick, tons of gates, running for president, google it)
4. Cheating (state per, using yahoo accounts, per diem, taxes, on polls, Glen Rice, curtis)
5. Stealing (ak trust fund, material for her box house)
5. Physical Harm (reload, death threats, gun sights on democratic officials, az massacre)
The idiot also believes that going negative (lying about the candidate) is vetting.
The idiot who linked the sight to commentary magazine is a troll.
ReplyDeleteBefore I read an unfamiliar link I check out its homepage. This is a repugbagger site with ridiculous, stupid headlines.
"I'm just saying I'm reaching the point where I'm really feeling mislead and cheated and I'm starting to lose interest."
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, too bad there's not a way to look at a blog post title and decide whether or not you'll be interested. Too bad you're forced to read every word here as if you were one of Sarah's paid "supporters." If only there were a way to, for instance, simply click away to another blog.. or not click here in the first place.
No, not "vindicate", 7:56 AM. But Sarah's probably scared that Game Change is going to provide confirmation of her ignorance, abuses, and grandstanding to even-keeled, rational people. She has no use for even-keeled, rational people.
ReplyDeleteWithout govt intervention in it, the housing crisis would never have happened.
10:24 AM
You are a retard who has no idea what they're talking about. Do you even read what you write before clicking 'submit'? So you're saying "the housing crisis would never have happened" "without government intervention".
Uhhh...hey idiot....there would be no need for the government to intervene if there was no housing crisis in the first place. Anyone with half a brain can understand that. Why can't you? Too many drugs or are you just genuinely stupid?
Logic is your friend. I suggest a logic 101 course to get you up to speed. Don't bother posting again until you understand basic logic unless you enjoy being humiliated and ridiculed.
Sarah is as thin skinned as they come and hypocritical to boot. Malia does an excellent job of showing us. Really reminded me of the non-stop barrage of attacks she has launched on our wonderful president. She is a monster.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin, The Queen of Attack
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Without govt intervention in it, the housing crisis would never have happened. It is government who pressured banks to give bad loans. That is obvious to anyone with eyes.
I hate politics and game players.
Govt should not be in banks business. Banks aren't stupid. They know when to give a loan and when not to. Eff you DC, again.
10:24 AM
Wrong, again. The government ordered banks to be fair instead of de facto redlining areas. The banks then took those concessions meant to help underserved and minority areas, and ran with them in all areas of loans. THAT was the problem, the banks greed.
SO stop lying.
and Bo[eh]ner may well be out of a job soon; good riddance
Sarah Palin is the devil. She belongs in hell.
ReplyDeleteShe was panting like a dog through that entire interview. I loved it would Billo would chuckle and say "come on governor" like she she was an effin' naive idiot (which she is). I can tell he genuinely loves toying with her when he has her cornered. I seriously doubt it was her choice to be on his show. It was do it or else from ailes...
ReplyDeleteSo, 8:00, One's failures are all one's own fault? "TRUEST STATEMENT EVER MADE"
ReplyDeleteWell, then that means that Sarah's defeat in '08 was her very own fault! Not caused by the nasty Democrats or the nastier McCain operatives, or the many millions of people who voted against her: Sarah herself caused herself to fail.
And her successes are all "her fault," too, according to you, 8:00.
But, hey, wasn't God going to be cracking open a door for her? So, is the decline in SarahPAC donations her fault, or God's fault?
Who's to blame?
Or, maybe, her roller coaster ride from backwoods peasant, to fame and fortune, and now back to backwoods peasant again was -- what? Divine intervention? Or Sarah's own damn fault? Please tell us, 8:00.
The shit eating grin is because she is stoned on weed. Fox News doesn't care if their employees are on drugs.
ReplyDeleteShe is not intellectually curious because she doesn’t need to be. She doesn’t know much because it’s not necessary that she does. And she really doesn’t have an overriding political philosophy, because she will be presented with people who will act as instruments of advancement and who’ll tell her what she needs to say. “God brought us together,” she told her inner circle as governor. Everything will work out as it was meant to be. She will arrive at whatever the destination is, whenever the time is right, with a small and tightly knit circle of confidants around her. She can only function through that inner circle.
ReplyDeleteAs long as she is the devoted martyr, the populist Everyman, eyes gazing upward, standing strong against the forces of evil, suffering the injustices and untruths, little else matters.
PS. The way the hair is in the lead photo is the most attractive I've ever seen her do it. What a dramatic change has happened. I think that was at the end of the two months of Palin hell we went through during the 2008 election.
Here is the video where Steve Schmidt says Sarah wanted him to lie about Toad's AIP connections
ReplyDeleteI happened to catch it live last night and even though she didn't look like she was about to cry, there was a prolonged point when she was answering regarding Game Change that her voice was high pitched and quivery, and if I weren't looking right at her poker face and just heard the words, I would swear it sounded like someone about to cry and fighting it very hard.
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah,
ReplyDeleteI google vetted ya the first time I heard of you...and that made mo NOT VOTE FOR YA. hahahaha.
Is that a treble clef or a dollar sign necklace ya got going with your dollar bill green jacket??
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteEw, you have a crush on Michelle O? Why? She's like a 40 something, unaccomplished (in the long run) shadow. Just being objective. (snip)
That was in response to Anon 7:30 AM
7:57 AM
I see you have a crush on mama grifter?
Unaccomplished? Really?
She earned her Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from Harvard Law School in 1988.
Worked for the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau, assisting low-income tenants with housing cases.
She is the third First Lady with a postgraduate degree.
She continues to hold her law license, but as she no longer needs it for her work, it has been on a voluntary inactive status since 1993.
In 1996, she served as the Associate Dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago, where she developed the University's Community Service Center.
She has been compared to Jacqueline Kennedy due to her sense of style.
Oh and if that is not enough troll, she has WHITE blood in her!
Wiki is your friend.
Unaccomplished...we all know who that is....Baldy. 5 colleges she didn't even graduate, She has done NOTHING except stoke the fires of Hatred and bigotry in this country!
She is nothing but a Trashy drug addled Bitch.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteNot gonna lie, I'm pretty envious of her hair. It can do anything. My hair just lies there and sometimes looks voluminous, but on its own time table.
8:27 AM
What hair?
She's bald. You must be blind or Brooklyn with your lips on Baldy's ass!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteFrom C4P:
The Governor’s brother left the following message on yesterday’s open thread regarding the new HBO movie.
What governor?
She QUIT, remember? Bot! And really are you stupid enough to thing Palins dumbassed bro post on the Urination?
Put down the crack pipe please!
Anonymous @ 11:35
ReplyDeleteWe must remember what Sarah said during the 08 campaign. She said God wouldn't let the wrong person become president. Let's give her credit here, she was 100% correct.
Hey quick question,
ReplyDeleteWhen are you all going to grow up?
Please, I ask all of your mushy-brained koolaid liberals, start thinking rationally:
FACT: people who aren't where they want to be financially only have themselves to blame. TRUEST STATEMENT EVER MADE. Your failures are your fault, results of decisions you make and your successes are your fault. Even Sarah Palin has admitted this several times verbally.
8:00 AM
So when the father and family bread winner is killed in a car accident, it's the widow's own damn fault if she falls behind on the mortgage.
You are a heartless idiot.
She feels for others who have to go through that?! More like she puts others through that! Nasty woman.
ReplyDeleteFuck that Palin Influence.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin can't even get her little breeders to wear condoms or take their monthly cramp pills.
Those retarded Sons of Bitches keeps spitting out those little bastards as if they were Tic Tacs!
8:35 AM
Oh I so do love that, "Tic Tacs" hahaha!!!
My take on this exchange is very different, Grphen. I think Sarah knew this question was coming AND pre-approved it. What you see on her face is simply the intense anger this movie (and the book) inspire in her.
ReplyDeleteBrillo's question gives him the chance, once again, to trot out the longstanding, ridiculous meme that no politician has ever been attacked as much as, or as unfairly as, Poor Sarah, while at the same time giving her the chance to boast about her "thick skin" and conflate her experience with that of people who actually have the guts to run for president.
At least it gave us a peek into just how much this movie is rattling her cage, poor, thick-skinned victim that she is.
The fabulously fit First Lady inspires while the debilitated, frumpy, Half-term flails!
ReplyDeleteWhew , I am so glad Sarah had Bristol and Willow take me down to the Beehive so that darling Jessica could be my fluffer. Didn't I look awesome last night y'all?
ReplyDeleteHeh heh its coming Sarah you sorry Daughter of a Bitch!
ReplyDeleteO'Loofah said Palin was debilitated. Is that what the crack heads are calling it these days?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDelete"....I watched the trailer tonight with my two sons (eleven and eight years old). When the trailer gets to the end, the actress portraying Sarah says something like, "We have to win this thing; I so don't want to go back to Alaska". Both of my kids burst out laughing and the oldest said, "dad, that's crazy! That doesn't even sound like Sarah, and you know how much she loves Alaska"...."
Hey Chuckie Cheese Dick, since your boys have that dysfunctional Heath DNA in them, I'm going to assume those little bastards are retarded and uneducated like their father, Auntie Sarah and the rest of them pieces of retarded discarded shits of hers. No wonder they can't comprehend the love for Alaska versus Sarah's rape and pillage of Alaska.
Do yourself a favor, have your boys spade and neutered or make sure they take their daily cramp pills.
Enough is enough! You people need to stop infesting Alaska and the only way to do that is to prevent the Heaths and Palins from breeding like cockroaches and pussyroaches.
...and her teeth are over whited so that they look BLUE!
ReplyDeleteMethinks she has WAYYYY too much time on her hands!
I think Sarah Palin's puppeteers told Fox to get "in front" of the HBO movie story. I think that was why Palin was "promoted" to O'Reilly's show after months of being ignore by O'Reilly.
ReplyDeletePalin did not get much "victim" mileage out the "Game Change" book. It was, after all, not a book focused just on her. And it was too well documented for Palin to whine "not factual". Even the "cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs" remark wasn't worth much to Palin's mania for victimhood.
I think Palin sees the HBO movie as a golden opportunity to get her brand in the limelight again with a blast of "poor little brave me suffering for my patriotism".
I'm sure Greta VanSustern and the other Fox luminaries will all get roped in for a Palin wallow in self-pity.
Sarah Palin is mentally unstable enough to be oblivious the reality shown in the HBO movie. That is, that John McCain and his campaign staff committed treason.
Sure looked to me like she had just done a couple of lines before she went on & was struggling to get the drip down before she spoke.
ReplyDeleteNot that that should come as a shock to anyone.
Anonymous 9:30-
ReplyDeleteI noticed those bizarre jumps,too. Methinks she lost her shit & was heavily edited.
So when the father and family bread winner is killed in a car accident, it's the widow's own damn fault if she falls behind on the mortgage.
ReplyDeleteYou are a heartless idiot.
12:14 PM
If it was Sarah Palin, nobody would shed a tear. We find her unmarked grave and piss and dance all over it!
Fuck Todd, let him jack up his trailer and put the wheels back on it and get the fuck out of Wasilla and take dem sexaholics and little bastards with him!
I had a hard time taking my eyes off her chest. Why? I wondered. So I analyzed it. First, that little G clef thingy (she is SO into reading and writing music!) hangs exactly as if it were cleavage. And then, as I looked more closely, kazaam!!!!! She used make-up on herself down there, giving a little 3-D effect. !!!!! Look closely -- it's obvious once you know it's there!
ReplyDeleteThis woman needs to donate her brain to science......so they can study the similarities it has to swiss cheese..........
ReplyDeleteBoy, she REALLY is reading here, LOL! Lipstick that is still pink, but at least not her skin color, and the background a picture of the lake sometime in summer or fall (obviously not winter, since there is no snow on any of those trees, so, obviously not a 'live' picture out her window)
ReplyDeleteAgree. It looked like she was ready to clobber O'Really!
He absolutely did that on purpose! Loved it!
ReplyDeleteThanks Gryphen!
Word of the day was "Brutality"
ReplyDeleteand "best equipped" candidate to beat Obama's felled policies.
FACT: people who aren't where they want to be financially only have themselves to blame. TRUEST STATEMENT EVER MADE. Your failures are your fault, results of decisions you make and your successes are your fault. Even Sarah Palin has admitted this several times verbally.
ReplyDeleteRight- I should have been born in my cousin's family. His dad was a multimillionaire. Stupid me, starting out in the wrong womb.
This is just a guess but remember back in fall 08 after she had destroyed McCain's campaign?
ReplyDeleteHer Wasilla beautician mentioned she had a hair emergency, as in she was loosing it.
My guess that the big mouthed beautician got thrown under Palin's bus for speaking the truth, and that the local Palin bots have boycotted her business.
So maybe, the reason the wigs are trashy looking is that Palin has to send them out of state get them cleaned a restyled. I mean if she torpedoed the local Alaskan lady who else would risk doing her do?
So the wig she had on for BillO just got back from the cleaners in Timbuktu?
That still doesn't explain why Sarah so often looks like she hasn't washed or combed her own hair.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteOT, but considering Gryphen's crush on Michelle Obama, I had to post. Michelle and Ellen in a push-up contest! I love our first lady.
I just saw that on DU. Priceless.
24 for Rllen and 25 for Michelle
O/T Over on Yahoo, the comments on an article about GRANNY GRIFTER endorsing Newt are BRUTAL. I M is
ReplyDeleteCordial compared to them.
$arah obviously washed and poofed her wig and wore a push up bra to try and regain some of her rapidly fading 'hotness.'
ReplyDeleteHa thanks GinaM for the link, the last line is the best: "Global warming, yeah I'd be voting for it at this point if I could, cuz I'm getting kinda tired of this"
ReplyDelete... iow, "I so don't don't want to go back to Alaska..."
Not to knock Bill, but I'm pretty sure any question causes air-head palin to go into "stunned silence" for a second or two. I can see her going into stunned silence when somebody just asks her how she's doing today?
ReplyDeleteGina M @7:49
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Assman/Asshat interview link!!!!
Did I hear her say "I'm not going OUT to spend my hard earned money to watch....."
Does Sarah realize it's on HBO and not in theaters? Which means it'll be seen by a much wider audience than a "rill" movie you gotta load the whole famned damily into a car, drive to a theater only to be told it's sold out?
That was RICH! Thanks for the link!
I must agree with you, Gryphen, she's batshit crazy, but she actually looks clean in this clip!
ReplyDeleteI suppose she was out running and did a sprint through one of those automated car washes with the big blowing machines to dry the cars off. Bristol probably used her wig as a "wash pouffe" while batheing Tripp in the kitchen sink, while dressed in an Armani outfit. I hope Tripp had a helmet on, getting hit with that chin while she's blowing bubblgum could do some serious damage.
Martha again @3:55
You're right! I was paging though magazines in the waiting room of my doctor's office, and one had a stylist who shared "tricks" to make your cleaveage appear more pronounced, and Sarah must have read it, basically, one uses blush or powdered foundation a few shades darker than your skin, then make a "martini glass" motion with a brush, then blend. There was also something about muted autumn lip gloss and browns and blues being the new colors next season.
Another was to wear longer length thin necklaces with a bold point or "y" shaped charm to bring the eye down.
I swear she reads those rags religiously when she isn't reading IM.
Gryphen, were you aware of this?
ReplyDelete"The right-wing pressure leading to Komen’s decision also came from within the organization. Last year, Komen hired as its new vice president of public policy Karen Handel, an anti-choice former secretary of state and Republican candidate for governor in Georgia. During her failed primary bid, Handel vowed to cut off any state-allocated funds to Planned Parenthood and was one of Sarah Palin’s infamous “Mama Grizzly” endorsed candidates. Indeed, the bio on Handel’s Twitter account reads “Lifelong Conservative Republican formerly Georgia’s first Republican Secretary of State,” giving an indication of her priorities."
Sarah Palin is such a fucking bitch, will her toxic spew never be erased? .
Here are more F words for Sarah "blood libel" Palin: fraud, failure, and foolish.
ReplyDeleteIf you only count September, October and November, Obama appears to have a slight edge in negative ads, but virtually all of McCain’s ads were negative.
Guess why?
WHAT o WHAT appeared on the scene in SEPTEMBER 2008?
The SCREECH heard round the world!!
McCain didn't need to spend $$ on negative ADS- he had a living, breathing ATTACK DOG on the ticket! (just look at GinaM's avatar).
This disgusting women spouted hate and vitriol at EVERY CHANCE because she COULD NOT TALK ABOUT HERSELF- SHE HAD NO ACCOMPLISHMENTS!!!
So it was lies, lies, lies about her "energy" expertise (holy f*ck, make me puke)...
And then a sustained campaign of tearing into (then) Sentator Barack Obama with a laser-focused campaign of character assasination, that I don't think we have ever seen. In public, at least.
And the Obama campaign NEVER EVEN MENTIONED Sarah in their ads, did they?
It was like, she was pesky little fly...
buzz, buzz, buzzing around...
trying to "get in" there...
into the "real" power circle.
But the thing is, Sarah, you were chosen by the LOSER!!
You never even MET Barack OBAMA!!!
You WILL NEVER meet Barack OBAMA!!
You're a LOSER, juicy.
No matter all the head-patting you've gotten from Faux these last few years, the COLD, HARD, "ALASKAN" truth is that you were NEVER, EVER, EVER even a tiny player in Barack Obama's world.
His concern was John McCain.
Once McCain selected you, Mr. President must have felt pretty "gosh-darn-diddly-good" about his chances.
OBAMA 2012!!!!
Couple of quotes from Barack; GOD I love him!!
"Now, because he knows that his economic theories don't work, he's been spending these last few days calling me every name in the book.
Lately he's called me a socialist for wanting to roll-back the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans so we can finally give tax relief to the middle class.
I don't know what's next.
By the end of the week he'll be accusing me of being a secret communist because I shared my toys in kindergarten.
I shared my peanut butter and jelly sandwich."
--on John McCain's attacks, Raleigh, North Carolina, Oct. 29, 2008
And for you know who...
Poking fun at Sarah Palin: "I do love the Waldorf-Astoria, though. You know, I hear that from the doorstep you can see all the way to the Russian tea room." --at the Al Smith Dinner
oh sh!t, this is even better...
Many of you know that I got my name, Barack, from my father. What you may not know is Barack is actually Swahili for 'That One.'
And I got my middle name from somebody who obviously didn't think I'd ever run for president.
If I had to name my greatest strength, I guess it would be my humility.
Greatest weakness, it's possible that I'm a little too awesome."
--at the Al Smith Dinner
OMG LOVE LOVE him!! =)
"That's what he talked about yesterday, 'I want to drill here. I want to drill now.'
ReplyDeleteI don't know where he was standing.
I think he was in a building somewhere."
--on John McCain's energy plan
that had me LOL~
"I don't want to be invited to the family hunting party."
--on revelations that he and Dick Cheney are eighth cousins
"Look, when I was a kid, I inhaled frequently. That was the point."
We forget how incredibly charming and funny our President is, because he is busy doing his job!
ReplyDeleteBut oh man, just re-reading this stuff, and his Al Green performance?
It will be quite a sight to see when it's just Barack and Kitten Mittens.
Isn't this interesting?
ReplyDeleteFrom 2008 campaign:
Total Delegates: 2,380
Votes Needed for Nomination: 1,191
Results (President):
McCain (AZ): 2,343 (99.28%)
Paul (TX): 15 (0.63%)
Romney (MA): 2 (0.09%)
They really, really, REALLY do. not. like. Mitt.
"I don't think there's anybody in the country who's had more negativity directed toward them than you."
ReplyDeleteJust wait 'til the general election, Bill-O: Romney's gonna need an asbestos suit to make it through the debates.
"I don't think there's anybody in the country who's had more negativity directed toward them than you."
ReplyDeleteThing is, no one cares. Whine to your heart's content.
Anonymous @ 8:47 It's too damn bad that Chuckie didn't read Bailey's book because he would have read those exact words from Palin in an email to selected members of her staff. She HATED her job by then because the media wasn't fawning all over her 24/7 in Alaska. They actually had the audacity to ask her to live up to the promise she made them about holding her accountable. Better luck next time, Chuckie, cuz Sister Sarah sure did utter those very same words. Remember her attorneys also poured over all the emails going into the book. They're factual and Bailey can produce them any time she starts lying about something or someone and she damn well knows it.
ReplyDeleteStupid Sarah didn't think her emails could be subpoenaed!
GinaM!!! LOVE OUR LINK!!! You can see ole Scarah's plastic smile freeze onto her face as she tries to keep her facial muscle from turning into a snarl.
ReplyDeleteYou are sooooo right!
McCain is a piece of shit that deserves his shitty life.
I was looking at some 2008 footage, and when McCain says, "My friends", I feel physically repulsed.
AND, what's so crazy, is that sack of shit left HIS sick wife for a younger, richer Cindy "Budweiser"!
The Story The Media WON'T TELL ... How John McCain Left His DYING WIFE For A WEALTHY TEENAGER
June 10, 2008: Presidential hopeful has a lot of explaining to do. Not for his politics, but for what he did to his first wife.
MediaTakeOut.com has learned that McCain, whom the mainstream media portrays as a descent man - is far from it.
In a report by the British paper the Daily Mail, McCain apparently left his wife while she was on her deathbed - for a teenage socialite.
Here's how they report it:
[McCain] was shot down over Hanoi in October 1967 on his 23rd mission over North Vietnam and was badly beaten by an angry mob when he was pulled, half-drowned from a lake.
Over the next five-and-a-half years in the notorious Hoa Loa Prison he was regularly tortured and mistreated.
It was in 1969 that Carol went to spend the Christmas holiday her third without McCain at her parents home.
After dinner, she left to drop off some presents at a friend's house.
It wasn't until some hours later that she was discovered, alone and in terrible pain, next to the wreckage of her car.
She had been hurled through the windscreen.
And after the accident, Carol was reportedly in bad shape - and McCain started playing the field:
When McCain his hair turned prematurely white and his body reduced to little more than a skeleton was released in March 1973, he told reporters he was overjoyed to see Carol again.
But friends say privately he was appalled by the change in her appearance. At first, though, he was kind, assuring her: I don't look so good myself. It's fine.
"I thought, of course, we would live happily ever after," says Carol. But as a war hero, McCain was moving in ever-more elevated circles.
The he met Cindy McCain - a wealthy teenager whos dad had enough money to finance his political ambitions:
In 1979, while still married to Carol he met Cindy at a cocktail party in Hawaii. Over the next six months he pursued her, flying around the country to see her. Then he began to push to end his marriage.
Here's what some of McCain's pals say happened:
They portray the politician as a self-centred womaniser who effectively abandoned his crippled wife to "play the field".
They accuse him of finally settling on Cindy, a former rodeo beauty queen, for financial reasons.
McCain was then earning little more than $25,000 a year as a naval officer, while his new father-in-law, Jim Hensley, was a multi-millionaire who had impeccable political connections.
Here's how one of McCain's former friends puts it:
This is a guy who makes such a big deal about his character. He has no character. He is a fake. If there was any character in that first marriage, it all belonged to Carol.
Wonder if the mainstream press will go with this story...
We all know how the media came through for us in 2008, you betcha!
It's interesting and a good refresher to look back at this old video of Palin's first appearance on fox news with O'Reilly.
ReplyDeleteCheck out her answers when he asks about the book 'Game Change'.
It's almost as though he planned it this way. First asking about the book and now a couple of years later, the movie...