Friday, February 10, 2012

Mitt Romney's Web of Influence.

Very interesting. And disturbing.

(If image does not enlarge, you can click here.)

By the way since we are on the topic of Mitt Romeny, did you know that he and Seamus got the Taiwan animation treatment? Well they did.


  1. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Pass it on! Our fight has just begun!

    OBAMA/BIDEN .....2012

  2. Anonymous4:22 AM

    The Seamus story is a horror story contrary to what Mittens and his slave wife say.

    His publicist was agonizing over how to spin this story because it's even worse than has been reported.

    The "windshield" for the dog was a plastic tarp roped onto the crate.

    When the dog lost control of his bowels, Mitt didn't stop to hose him down as reported. He drove the car with the dog on top THROUGH AN AUTOMATIC CAR WASH!!!!!

    The poor, poor animal. He never knew what a real home could be because he had Mitt for a parent. Mrs. Mitt only did what Mr. Mitt said and approved of everything.

  3. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Thanks for that bit of fun. Mis-treatment of animals should be ridiculed and considered a red flag in any relationship, on a national or personal level.

  4. sharon28535:18 AM

    Now that's funny! Mittens has really sealed his fate with doggie-gate.

  5. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Anon @4:22
    I heard that too about the car wash! Anyone who would treat "a member of his family"....(his words)that way, is a horrible human piece of crap.
    But that is not why the xtians don't like him. They don't like him b/c he is Mormon!
    Hard to believe but true. They are fucking idiots who don't care about fellow creatures only themselves.
    I hope crate gate follows him until the day he dies. That poor dog. :(

  6. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Romney didn't do that to his dog because Seamus was a dog: he did it to the dog because the dog was powerless. Just as corporations are people to him (as long as both are very rich), so too dogs and the powerless are the same to him (both are lacking in money, and may be freely abused). Besides, after
    Seamus died, did Mitt baptize him as a Mormon anyway?

  7. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Mitt Romney Tries Romancing the Right at CPAC Conference

  8. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Now, Mitt Romney Has A Santorum-Like Bing & Google Problem

  9. Anita Winecooler6:24 PM

    For a man who's been a lifetime politician, there's not a genuine bone in his body. He's flip flopped so many times, it's impossible to know where he stands on the issues from day to day.
    Being filthy rich and bored is a bad combination.

    At this point, it doesn't matter who wins the GOP ticket, combined they're no match for our president. Any one of them would be a cake walk to go against.

    Obama 2012
    Warren 2016


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It just goes directly to their thighs.