Sunday, February 12, 2012

Of course this is what Sarah Palin's appearance at CPAC was REALLY all about.

This is the top post at the Sea O'Pee today, and was posted even BEFORE Palin took the stage at CPAC last night. (As of this writing it only has a pathetic 34 comments.)

It sounds like a  number of individuals are contributing $20.12 for the next nine months, or until the election.  That does not sound like even enough to keep their queen dressed in the type of quality clothing to which she has grown accustomed.

But then again, maybe it is.

I love this little disclaimer that the Pee-bots have up:

As a reminder, C4P money bombs for SarahPAC are solely independent, grassroots projects of Conservatives4Palin. Anything that is put up on this blog is solely the product of its contributors and editors. There is no collaboration with SarahPAC to help raise funds.

Anybody who would buy that would...they would...well they would be somebody who be a Sarah Palin supporter, now wouldn't they?

I keep hearing that Palin did NOT get paid for this speaking gig, which of course is what kept her from showing up in years past, but I am pretty sure she somehow finagled a way to be compensated for her troubles. Some compensation that was more compelling than this rather pathetic money bomb that is.


  1. Anonymous6:39 AM

    If donating to the PAC means her morons have less cash to spend on guns, I say Let It Rain!!!

  2. Balzafiar6:42 AM

    More likely she got promised a high-paying job in someone's administration-to-be.

  3. Anonymous6:43 AM

    $20.12 x eight months x 34 commentors = $5,473.

    Less than enough to pay RAM's monthly salary.

    Even make it ten times the amount --
    $55,000. Still not enough to cover wig purchases, Willow and Bristol's salaries, Todd's travel expenses, not to mention bus wrapping and dried weeds for her studio.
    The money bomb has bombed.

  4. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Sarah Palin was paid very well in her "drug" of choice, the adulation of a rabid, mindless, racist, ignorant, and above all cheering crowd.

    Sarah Palin's handlers got her cleaned up and presentable. Something Fox news can't manage for Sarah Palin's drive-by vicious interviews. I think there is still big money investing in Sarah Palin's future. The power brokers know they can not get a GOP win in 2012, so they want Sarah Palin "credentialed" to keep trying to undermine the Obama administration through 2016.

  5. "...the type of quality clothing to which she has grown accustomed." haw haw haw haw haw haw you nailed it here Gryphen!

  6. Anonymous6:49 AM

    So Palin was at CPAC saying she wanted an instinctual constitutional conservative because it was too late to be learning this stuff.

    Yet this morning on FNC, she tells Wallace that Romney is a good candidate and that she likes how his conservatism is "evolving".

    Palin, a money grubbing hypocrite to the end.

    Sarah is all for limited government, she quit half way through her term.

  7. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Why does her boobies look so strange and unnatural? (The picture of her in her red silk blouse).

  8. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I've wondered about non candidates who have pacs. Do they get to spend the money only when they are traveling, speaking, or anything associated with politics? Or is that just super pacs? If a person has a regular pac, can that money be used for their daily living?

  9. Anonymous6:54 AM

    I would bet that transportation was provided for $carah and her skanky daughters. Looks like they all use the same lip gloss. Does Willing have herpes sores also, too? She took a tip from the Gingrich campaign and had paid "supporters" in the audience applauding her most radical statements. I wonder who paid them, certainly not $carah. Classy outfits she wore to BOTH venues. A black jumpsuit with a 70's belt?
    then a satin blouse with her boobs drooping almost to her waistline?

  10. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Sarah dresses like an over-the-hill Las Vegas cocktail waitress.

  11. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Don't make fun of her clothes, they are perfect for Klondike Kardashian.

  12. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Sarah Palin is just a "high class" hooker, for sale to the highest bidder.

  13. Pat in Seattle7:03 AM

    Looking at Willow, I would say she has had some face work done. Her eyes look different. How can Ms. Pris look so bad on Fox and actually look and sound almost like she did in 2008. Either they withheld the drugs/booze yesterday or they doubled up!

  14. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Too bad, so sad - Sarah was knocked completely out of the news cycle by Whitney Houston's death, and it could be a more perfect counterpoint: Whitney was the same age but was genuinely beautiful, supremely talented and truly beloved - contrasted with Sarah's money-grubbing prick tease in cheap clothes, tolerated for her ability to rally the the base.

    Thwarted by the outpouring of emotion over the loss of a black woman exactly the same age.

    Poor, poor Sarah, beaten by a black person again.

    Robbed of her rock star comeback by a REAL rock star!

  15. Anonymous7:12 AM

    BS Screech doesn't do anything unless there is money involved.

    I'd even bet she charged Wallow to wear one of her wigs.

  16. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Ahhhh,look at Willow, she has a certain...glow.

  17. Anonymous7:16 AM

    She's returned to her version of dressing for success: provocative shoes in a contrasting inappropriate color unrelated to her clothing styles, check. A short too-tight black skirt, check. Some bling and boobage on top, check. Ready to tease!

    Wow, she apparently has been so focused on her face work and looking thin that she missed the inevitable effects of mean old Mister Gravity on those granny breasts.

    But then appropriate undergarments were always one of her weak areas. Like my mother always said, you can tell a lady by her undergarments.

  18. Anonymous7:17 AM

    That black sweater is the exact same style she wore at her big Iowa speech last year (in ivory that time)... perhaps there was a Buy One Get One sale at the Wasilla mall?

  19. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Do water bras freeze?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Palin is accustomed to carharrts (sp) and sneakers, which is what you see her in on a daily basis. I think her purpose is to stir the depths of DC and highlight the fact that we DESPERATELY need real change. That's pretty apparent, evenif you refuse to let yourself see truth.

  22. WakeUpAmerica7:27 AM

    WTF does she have under her red shirt? It looks weird as hell and pointy. As for the black "costume," does she not know that she is almost 50 and not 15?

  23. Anonymous7:27 AM

    No way Sarah Palin showed up at CPac out of the goodness out of her heart. She was certainly reimbursed generously for all her and her daughters' per diem expenses, including clothing, hair and makeup. No skin off CPac's nose; any expense Palin threw at CPac would have been a tax deduction for them. Undoubtedly they worked something out that would benefit both sets of chiselers.

    As for the money bomb -- how utterly pathetic. The complete lack of self-awareness on the part of the pee drinkers would be sad, if they didn't just totally deserve to blow their own rent and food money on ungrateful, undeserving loser Sarah Palin.

    They don't realize that they are reinforcing the perception of her as an object of charity, not that she's going to object as long as she gets their cold cash!

    I certainly would love to be able to hear what she says about their stupidity behind their backs though - how could she have anything but contempt for these gullible losers?

  24. Anonymous7:27 AM

    That outfit looks like it come from JCPenney. And I wasn't even thinking of Ellen when I wrote that.

  25. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Oh I am so glad they dusted her off and dragged her out. It is so much fun reading all the comments. She makes it oh so very easy, doesn't she? Loved the comment on the yellow bracelet being an alert to her metal status, hysterical. I also agree that Willow does have a certain glow. Hmmmmmm??? Hi scara, Fuck you and your spaceship belt. Ya know, this keeps us young, just like we were in middle school, only this time we can take down the mean girl without getting in trouble!

  26. Anonymous7:32 AM

    PERFECT description: "over-the-hill Las Vegas cocktail waitress" but I would add maybe from one of the cheaper casinos

  27. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I'm convinced she's Barack Obama's secret weapon. Think about it. According to one poll, every time she opens her mouth, her ratings plunge. This screech-fest ought to send them right into the Marianas Trench.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Ha ha ha!

    I just noticed the picture of the United States on the money bomb logo-

    They have the contiguous United States, which is all most of "us"
    would need to see to indicate "America" -

    but they realized since Palin is from ALASKA - NOT part of the Contiguous US - they had to include "her" state somehow w/o taking up too much room-

    So they plopped Alaska right in the middle of the Heartland!!

    (Psst - I guess Hawaii wasn't considered "American ENOUGH" to make the map! Birthplace of Barack Hussein Obama, and all that, ya know)

  30. WakeUpAmerica7:40 AM

    You're awesome. Great attitude! Let it rain, indeed!

  31. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Many used to feel sorry for those stunned and stupid that donated to her. I lost that 'sorry feeling' long ago in that 'you can't fix stupid'. They want to tank their families, etc. - have at it.

    Waving At them as they go down!! and taking great pleasure saying "TOLD YOU SO"

  32. Anonymous7:48 AM

    ROFL at her crazy boobs. What the hell was she thinking standing before an audience with those things pointing backassways and nearly down to her knees. I have never seen such a strange set of girls.

  33. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Both of those pictures of Palins and including the earlier ones of Brisket -- they look more like Whores -- and not the what some people in this world would describe as 'the escort' whore. They look like down and dirty two-bit Whores. The slummers on the corner, offering it for two-bits through car windows.

  34. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Anon 6:54

    Sarah dresses like an over-the-hill Las Vegas cocktail waitress.

    That's being generous. The Palin Klan look like whores and I don't mean the legalized Nevada ones at the Ranch.

  35. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Isn't it about time folks start saying -- who cares about the quitting ignorant grifter -- why do y'all act as if she is relevant?

    Just the facts, just the facts.

    Was she paid, or wasn't she paid for her babbling appearance?

    Just the facts, just the facts?

    And, who paid for her expenses? For her kids to accompany her? Who paid?

  36. Anonymous7:54 AM

    In the words of Dolly Parton:

    "It takes a lot of money to look this cheap."

  37. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Palin -- parading the 2 junior sluts in the Rethug Cesspool of potential husbands.

  38. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Sarah Palin On Mitt Romney's Conservatism: 'I'm Not Convinced'

  39. Anonymous8:07 AM

    These bots give up, do they? They can see with their own eyes that Bristol Palin's book signing gig is suspicious. Why would she agree to give away free books and pay a two-way airplane ticket to Washington DC, only to give away books?

    It's curious that Sarah brings her two girls with her, and can NEVER go to any function without at least one family member. It raises those red flags on why she, as an independent ex-half-governor of a state, can't travel alone. The fact that she needs a family member with her at all times says something about her emotional stability, her professional capability, and focus on the job at hand.

    As a POTUS, SP would have her immediate family and parents chained to her, her every move would include their everyday input, interference, and she wouldn't be capable of making her own decisions. This CPAC speech and all other functions proves she can't work alone. Her unhealthy dependence on her children says there are many issues that need to be addressed if people want to believe she has all the answers.

    The MoneyBomb thing will only add more money to the Palin's addiction to spending money on keeping them close to the vest, and finagling ways to pay for all of them to travel free of charge.

  40. Hey G-

    TOTALLY O/T, but since it's Sunday, and you posted about your "Adam's rib" story a bit back

    (I thought it was cute, but I know the burning embarassment of knowing you were duped. By family, no less, right?)

    So, I got this link from Andrew Sullivan's site- a discussion about the "masculinity" of Jesus.

    From the blog:

    When I challenged men to respond to John Piper’s claim that “God has given Christianity a masculine feel” with posts that celebrate femininity and affirm women in the Church, I never expected this. Within a few days, we received over 150 contributions.


    This quote was first, but I'm sharing it b/c this man shares how the Bible "stories" - like Adam's rib- are not literal, but symbolic.

    It was BETTER for man "NOt to be alone" -- women were NEEDED!

    The rib is from the side - symbolizing EQUALITY - not from the head, or the foot.

    Anyway, I always understood the Bible stories to be parables

    - A parable is a succinct story, in prose or verse, which illustrates one or more instructive principles, or lessons, or (sometimes) a normative principle-


    Here's the quote:

    A few years ago, early in my time at a former church, I met a high school girl who was very committed to Christ. I asked her what her goals were and what she was considering studying when she graduated. She sort of shrugged her shoulders and said, ‘Well I like theology, but I’m a girl so I can’t really do much with that.’ My heart broke for her...

    When my daughters were infants I took each of them in my arms and stood in front of a congregation and dedicated them entirely to Christ. I asked the congregation to support my family and help raise them to be disciples, Kingdom Agents, and ambassadors of Christ. I stood before the body of Christ, the BRIDE of Christ, and in solidarity believed with them that God had plans for these girls that can only be carried out to the fullest extent in the community of believers.

    ...With all due respect to John Piper, I think he misses the mark. I get his point and respect much of what he suggests, but I have to believe that regardless of the purity of his motives and the sincerity of his theological belief in this topic, this mindset that limits the dreams I have for my daughters.

    The story I want my daughters to live is the one that begins in Genesis.

    The story where it is “not good” for the man to be alone.

    The story where Eve is taken from Adam’s side–a place of companionship and equality, not to walk behind.

    The story where, prior to sin entering the world, the relationship of the man and woman was a mirror of the unity of the Triune Creator–equal and submissive to each other because of love.

    The story where the gospels open on amazingly godly women, Mary and Elizabeth, through whom the Kingdom invasion began.

    The story where Paul writes, ‘There is neither Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.’

    The story where the body of Christ–the Church–is at its fullest breathing capacity when its members function in their fullest giftedness regardless of any barrier.


    {I actually think this is a FASCINATING topic...hint hint uncle Gryph! Can we talk about why we think that women are actually REALLY important to Jesus, and it's the CHURCH that has maligned them??

    Pretty, pretty please w/ sugar on top???


  41. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Now, Sarah Palin is here to yammer yammer lily hammer about politics and the 2012 race for the nomination, which developed a little bit further last night when Mitt Romney eked out a victory in the Maine caucuses over Ron Paul. (Paul has the better organization, however, so don't be surprised if he doesn't end up with more delegates than anyone at Team Romney realizes.) Romney also won the CPAC straw poll.

    Anyway, Palin wants the "Tea Party" members to stop getting ostracized by the establishment GOP in Congress, and put in leadership positions. Wallace wants to know who "the establishment" is, is it John Boehner or Mitch McConnell or whoever? Palin doesn't name names, it's just "people who are fighting to keep the status quo." (I thought that conservatism was all about maintaining institutions, though?) Anyway, there are Straw People, who "keep the status quo" and are "the establishment." They allow the president to have a "plastic credit card" to allow for debt.

    Wallace asks if she's referring to the people who agreed to raise the debt ceiling, and Palin just word soups it up, saying that it's not really any specific person with a specific vote that bothers her, but the "culmination" of some, or many, votes, by one or more people, that was "establishment" and not "change."

    Palin says that she was "shocked at the skin" -- I think? I'm not rewinding this -- at Lew's discussion of the contraception accommodation, because he "sounded like the press secretary." (Probably because the "chief of staff" and the "press secretary" are part of the same administration? Anyway, she hates the mandate...for some reason. Because of an assault on religion, for starters. (Though no one's religious liberty is in jeopardy, thanks to the accommodation.) But, more specifically, she believes that the mandate is government control of private business. "What gives government the right to tell us what we should provide our employees?" Palin asks, and hey, why can't business just provide employees with chicken bones and mud?

    Wallace points out that the economy is improving and Obama's approval is up, and "doesn't he have to be favored now to win re-election?" The correct answer here is that as long as GDP growth remains anemic, the incumbent is always vulnerable, because that's just what political science says, the end. Palin says that now the U4 employment numbers look good, it's time for conservatives to start citing the U6 numbers. And failing that, anecdotes. Palin says that if you ask the average person, they may have a different story about the economy, but the media hates talking to "average people" and I doubt Palin knows any, so that's a dead letter. Which is too bad, because Palin is 100% right about how everyone lives in a "political bubble" and is chronically out of touch with ordinary people.


  42. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Palin says Romney is a "great candidate" and "everyone's a great candidate" and "getting stronger and getting better," and she wants "to see the competition continue, and she literally has NO IDEA how much her political opponents agree with that.

    Wallace points out that in her CPAC speech, she was making anti-Romney dogwhistles to beat the band, and wants to know if she trusts Mitt Romney to actually be the sort of conservative she says she wants. She says that she "trusts that his idea about conservatism is evolving." And then she hangs RomneyCare around his neck and uses the term "ObamneyCare!" She really, really needs to just say, "VOTE FOR RICK SANTORUM." That is what Rick Santorum wants, SO BAD. She instead keeps throwing shade on Romney, noting that he can't close the deal.

    "What does he have to do to convince you?" asks Wallace. Palin says that he still needs to "articulate" something that she can't articulate...something about not fighting with each other and just providing solutions to problems, which we've not heard yet from any of the candidates.

    How does she compare Gingrich and Santorum? Santorum has been "bold about social issues." Newt has "a historical perspective" about "how America was built" that can be "put to good use." But she just gave a speech railing aganist "crony capitalism" and you can't say "Newt" and "historical" in the same sentence without thinking of his Freddie Mac millions! Oy. She says she will not "go into the negatives."

    Wallace asks about the GAME CHANGE movie and Julianne Moore, playing Sarah Palin. She is not very pleased about the movie or the book, or Julianne Moore. Wallace keeps showing her clips, saying "millions of people are going to see that." Really? I hope millions of people do not, actually, watch GAME CHANGE, based on a book that should be lining kennels. But if they do, they'll probably recognize it for the misogynist pulp fiction that it is.

    Anyway, Palin says she was "never in a funk" and is "ambivalent" about the movie.

    Wallace says that he was "touched" by her article about Trig in Newsweek. Palin is also really excited about the article she wrote about Trig for Newsweek. Palin and Newsweek are best friends now, or something!

  43. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Palin is accustomed to carharrts (sp) and sneakers, which is what you see her in on a daily basis. I think her purpose is to stir the depths of DC and highlight the fact that we DESPERATELY need real change. That's pretty apparent, evenif you refuse to let yourself see truth.

    7:26 AM
    Sarah Palin's purpose is to garner as much attention as she possibly can because she is mentally unstable.

    The truth as Sarah Palin boasts is that she supposed ignored an amniotic fluid leak for a premature Down Syndrome baby. That would have been a vicious act of endangerment (if had actually happened).

  44. Beldar Obama2012 Conehead8:12 AM


    EVERYONE who loves The Screechy Wretch(tm) should donate every penny they can to convince her to run. Even if they don't have enough money to eat or pay for rent or medicine. Romney is just Obama in whiteface. (eye roll) Screechy is the TRUE "severe" conservative!!!


  45. Palin is accustomed to carharrts (sp)

    Do they make waterbras?

  46. Anonymous8:14 AM

    What the hell happened to Willow?

    She was the better looking daughter, but not any more.

    Puffy face, fat legs, crappy hair.

  47. PERFECT description: "over-the-hill Las Vegas cocktail waitress" but I would add maybe from one of the cheaper casinos

    7:32 AM


    That's funny, cuz when I read the comment I thought,

    She's too ugly for Vegas!

    Maybe Reno?


  48. PalinsHoax8:16 AM

    Anonymous @ 6:52am said...
    "Why does her boobies look so strange and unnatural? (The picture of her in her red silk blouse)."


    Palin's boobies do look totally weird, don't they?

    I wonder if she stuffed her bra with a halibut, to remind herself of the times she "flipped-flopped like a halibut" in the arms of Glen Rice and Brad Hanson.

  49. Cracklin' Charlie8:16 AM

    Has anyone seen any pictures of Willow, from the event, when she isn't wearing a trench coat, and standing behind her mother?

  50. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Don't usually mention her 'look' but that bra or non-bra underneath is not attractive under her blouse. It's another 'Sarah morphing moment' where her bodily curves and lumps go all haywire and in the wrong direction.

    Doesn't anyone give her dressing advice before she goes on stage? Her blouse was too big for her, falling off to one side of her shoulder. The bottom of the blouse which was tucked down inside her skirt was messy. There's just something wrong with that woman in closthes.

    She needs a couture who fits clothes on her frame properly.

  51. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Ahhhhhh, Willow - Your hair is distracting as intended. But, when you wear the "uniform" you give yourself away. The coat, with hands in pockets...that is known as a tell.

    And your face has changed with the weight gain and the impact of a pregnancy. Don't worry, most of the changes will disappear. Some are related to fluid retention and some of the changes are the result of weight gain. Watch your diet carefully, exercise, sleep - all will help you in the long run.

    Guess your mom is feeling bold. After all your big sis could go on DWTS during her second and third trimester and get away with it. So why can't you go on a private jet to DC. Seems like you Palin girls each have your own 9-9-9 plans.

    Was it awkward being at the luncheon with the college girls?

  52. When she was campaigning, didn't she wear a bracelet that said:


    I imagine it was to "subltly remind" everyone that she had a "combat veteran" son.

    funny how she's not as "proud" of him now that he's just a civilian...

    on to the other Showpiece in my collection - TRIG

    (Although, I think we all know it's GLARINGLY OBVIOUS that Sarah can NEVER GO IN PUBLIC WITH TRIG AGAIN.

    Think about it:


    When he was a baby, he couldn't express how he felt and he couldn't prevent her from carrying him around like a (COLD) sack of potatoes.

    However, now that he is growing, and becoming stronger and more independent (just in being able to do more than he was able as a baby)


    Like any kid, right?

    And we all KNOW that Sarah is NOT caring for this little boy every day. Abso-fucking-lutely NO WAY!!

    She NEVER. EVER. mentions him.

    She NEVER. EVER. mentions his progress, his curriculum, his struggles or his successes.

    Because she is NOT there. And even though she gets updates, she really couldn't give a Shit about that little boy.

    And now, she simply CAN. NOT. appear with him!

    TRIG will TRIPP her up!!

    He is actually a "real" human being now, huh, Sarah?

    I bet you that little boy only "kind of" knows who she is, and DOES NOT LIKE HER!

    There is NO WAY TO HIDE IT- SO SHE HIDES HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  53. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Brokered convention. Palin is doing her pawn job.

    I agree with everyone's comments about her clothes. You would think Sarah would get a fashion consultant. I read somewhere, that although there was a great deal of applause for her speech yesterday, there were also people in the audience rolling their eyes.

  54. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Truly tacky Sarah. Notice that her red whatever shirt is way too large for her. Check out where the shoulder seams land on her...below the shoulder. Also check the upper arms of that shirt...massive crush wrinkle. Too much is tucked into that black skirt. I don't think the black skirt is all that short actually, but it's too tight with too much shirt tucked in and the shoes! O.M.G.!! Talk about wrong for the entire outfit.

    Her Johnny Cash blackness outfit is just beyond sad. There's a woman up here where I live who's Sarah's age, wealthy and dresses exactly like that...hip-hugger pants with atrocious huge rhinestone belt and long overdone hair. She's another trying to remain 25. It doesn't work ladies.

    Her 2008 sex appeal is gone. Well, except for those old white dudes swallowing Viagra. But that's what she was trying to sell at CPAC: Sex and hatred courtesy of Mistress Griftitia. All she needed was a black whip. Otherwise same OLD, worn out trash talk from 2008, President Obama, yada yada yada. Dressing like you're on the stroll in Atlantic City and spewing venom is all the Republicans have to offer. Thankfully, every time she speaks, normal people shake their heads and think: "Geezez, did we luck out that that nitwit is not in the White House."

  55. Anonymous8:30 AM

    OT but on the Sarah at CPAC thread I clicked on the link to look at more pictures. At the bottom I saw this and it put a big smiley face on me.

    Sarah's desperate to get rid of her leftover copies of "The Undefeated" it looks like. So they are giving away free copies with a one year subscription to Townhall Magazine. Is that pathetic or what?


  56. Tom Joad8:33 AM

    Sarah in black skinny Elvis pant suit thing-Willow in black trench coat.

    Later that day......
    Sarah in slutty old hag attire-Willow in black trench coat.

    Hmmmm, no one else in heavy coats?
    Hmmmm, no one else with a certain kind of 'glow' that Willow has?

  57. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Went to a birthday party yesterday in a tiny village in Bristol Bay, Alaska. Residents here say a lot with few words, and here's what I heard yesterday:

    TV was on, and Sarah was mentioned between the Whitney Houston news. One villager said, "I woke up to Sarah Palin speaking. It was awful." Another joined in, "I can't stand that woman or her voice." Then silence, as the news went back to Whitney.

    I know only one person in Alaska who doesn't think Sarah is a nutcase. He is 91 years old, and has early Alzheimer's disease. Fox News blares from his house 24/7...he won't allow visitors to change the channel. In 2008 he shook his knarled finger at me and said, "Sarah Palin will be President one day!" A "microcosm" (to use Sarah's new word) of her fan base.


  58. Anonymous8:34 AM

    In the article I posted above:

    Here is a post from the comment section:

    For those saying Sarah Palin: there is a whole group of conservatives that used to think she is great, but now can't stand her. My wife and I are among those . . . and we're not alone. She would not be a good candidate, and definitely would not beat Obama. I for one would not vote for her. She's ridiculous. I don't know why we keep giving the idiot a microphone. (See her attempt to discuss Paul Revere on Youtube for just one example of her idiocy.)

  59. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Aw, couldn't the Pbots pony up more than a measly $20.12 til the election? C'mon, True Believers, $arah needs some mo' money, honey! A truly generous donation for the $arahPac money bomb would be like $2,012 per month til election day, forget the decimal point!

  60. Most of us know what Palin looks like under the paint and shellac but here's a reminder and this way about 3 years ago.

    I notice she's more covered up than usual, a good way to hide her emaciated body. The only thing real about her image is her foul heart and mouth. That can't be disguised or covered up by any tricks of Hollywood or the circus.

  61. Anonymous8:39 AM

    What is Willow; about 40 now ?? 42 maybe ?? She sure looks it in those photos.

  62. Anonymous8:39 AM

    My Mom, deceased for almost 4 years now, had a true servant's heart in every sense of the term. She died two months before this FRAUD was introduced to the world and I thank GOD every DAY she never lived to see this.

    Palin is nothing but a political WHORE. Dresses like one, talks like one, grifts like one. What absolute low self-esteem to prostitute herself out like that, and her daughters are following right in line.


  63. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Still no trolls to be found ! Don't they know how to post to IM from their Blackberries in DC ?

  64. Anonymous8:40 AM

    7:26, no I think her purpose is to be a Professional Political Prostitute and she is paid well for that job. She looks like a cocktail waitress in a cheap bar, peddling her drinks and wise cracks and dressing for tips. Bet she learned it all at the Mugshot Saloon.

  65. Paisley8:40 AM

    Sarah Palin's looks aren't the issue, are they?

    It is the truth-less vitriol that spills from her whenever she has an audience that I find offensive. Equally offensive is how she is able to con people into giving her money while stringing them along. She's a great grifter.

    In my opinion she is still politically dangerous. Any speaker that can rouse a crowd like she does is potentially dangerous. Focusing on her looks is like debating whether or not an adder is still attractive or not.

    Just my two cents.

  66. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Willow is turning into Rosanne Barr.

    The Palins must eat junk food for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and all snacks in between.

  67. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Anyway, Palin says she was "never in a funk" and is "ambivalent" about the movie.
    Wallace says that he was "touched" by her article about Trig in Newsweek.
    8:09 AM
    Awwwwwwww. Wallace is "touched" by Sarah Palin's writings on the topic of Trig. Wallace is an idiot for ignoring that Sarah Palin wrote that she boarded a transcontinental flight without getting an amniotic fluid leak checked for a premature Down Syndrome baby.

    Wallace can't be stupid enough to believe Sarah Palin is a "good" mother. Wallace thought he'd get a viewer boost with a Palin interview after her come-back speech at CPAC.

    Wallace DOES know that Sarah Palin faked a pregnancy. He'll use Sarah Palin for what she's worth to keep his ratings up. Wallace DOES know that Sarah Palin is ignorant and stupid as described in the book "Game Change". Wallace DOES know that "Game Change" describes the McCain staff discussing the fact that Sarah Palin was/is "mentally unstable".

    Wallace DOES know that John McCain and his campaign staff committed treason.

    Wallace DOES know that Sarah Palin's handlers can only keep her presentable for short intervals.

    And, we all know those things, too.

  68. Sunny8:48 AM

    Wonkette has an interesting post on that hateful fraud's lies and fear mongering, and of course the harpy's worshippers are in there full force.

  69. lilli8:56 AM

    Why doesn't that 48 yr old women wear nylons when she wears heels?? Those heels are what 20 somethings wear when they go clubbing with their friends..the boobage, don't know what happened there?? The black country western bar outfit?? The Texas big bar slut hair is ridiculous..Sarah this is 2012, get with the program! You spend too much time at the Mugshot!

  70. Anonymous8:56 AM

    "Do water bras freeze?"

    7:19 AM

    LOL That's funny!

    Also, too, that wig Bristol has on is the same one Sarah wore in one of the videos over the past week.

    On behalf of the hookers and cocktail waitresses of the world, saying Sarah and her piglets look like them is an undeserved insult to the hookers and waitresses. I've never heard of a hooker or a cocktail waitress encouraging psychopaths to kill or maim people.

    Fuck you, Sarah Palin and your nasty offspring.

  71. Smirnonn8:59 AM

    The paylump dresses like she should be giving out Zima samples in a crappy nightclub. When is she going to go the fuck away?!?!?? Whatever happened to "Fred's" book? Would somebody please drive a stake through the proverbial heart of $kankula?

  72. Anonymous said...
    ...I think her purpose is to stir the depths of DC and highlight the fact that we DESPERATELY need real change...
    7:26 AM
    Really? That's what you get out of her completely unprofessional (even considering casual wear) age-inappropriate tight shirt and hip-huggers with the over-sized gaudy crotch-hugging buckle?

    I do think you are correct in that she stirred the absolute rock-bottom depths of DC. That's where her remaining DC fans slither around.

  73. Anonymous9:03 AM

    OMG. Sarah decided to go with boobage on this trip. Was this in support of Susan G. Komen or the contraception issue?

    That woman still has no clue as to how to dress. Sarah, I bet you were panicking when you were packing, "Dangit, I still don't have anything to wear. I hate this damn part of the job" (studying up on issues you challenge the President or Republicans that have the guts to run for office, well, she's still no good at that either.)

  74. F J Dandy9:09 AM

    She really needs to hire a stylist...she has no idea how to dress, accessorize, fix her hair, put on makeup, etc. Stinkypants should really try and wash her hair/take a bath, once in awhile.

  75. SmallAxe9:11 AM

    Let them blow all their money on her dumb ass. Check out her face when Wallace asks her about Game Change in this interview. BWAHAHAHAHAHA

  76. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Anon 7:26??? I wear Carhartts and boots all day long too, but I know how to dress to give a political speech. You want her to stir the depths of DC with her clothes and snake skin shoes?? How about with her brain? Oh, that's right, she needs one first. Maybe if she wore more appropriate clothes, more people who can't hear would take her more seriously. What is your point, exactly?

  77. jcinco9:16 AM

    I spent yesterday in Denver approving a good size project I am "middling". Due to mechanical difficulties I ended up being there until 8:00 last night. During the downtime I spent my time in the "customer lounge" which offers a tv as a means to kill time... I watched her cpac screech on CSPAN and refrained from throwing a rock through the tv screen since I didn't own it. She came across as shrill, starving,snarly snarky and unhinged. The facial expressions as she spat out her insults at the president were like nothing I've seen since middle school when girls were engaged in girl on girl altercations over a boy.
    When the camera panned on the audience I saw a lack of enthusiasm from many. I'm convinced the call for her rabidrube followers to show up for the event was sucessful. These knuckle draggers were the responsible party for all the screaming of usa, usa and sarah, sarah..I saw this morning she has begun to launch derogatory words towards Mitt. I am comforted in the fact of how mitt's folks handled newt getrich after SC. She wants a brokered convention as she thinks she can steal the nomination away from romney. I am hoping he will retaliate with a ferociousness we have yet to witness. He has the money I'm sure he has the goods so you go Mitt, knock the inarticulate harridan off the national stage in a fashion that she won't get up there again in our lifetimes.

  78. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Hey Willow, what are you covering up with that raincoat?

  79. Gasman9:23 AM

    I have had a change of heart toward Sarah Palin. I think that she is absolutely perfect; I wouldn't change a thing about her.

    Her screeched incoherent hyperbole, her mangling of syntax and grammar, her incomprehensible mutilation of historical facts all have helped to paint the GOP as the feckless troop of oily hucksters that they are. Only a pack of incompetent lying conman buffoons like the GOP could not only have Palin as a spokesperson, but seem to STILL hold her in great esteem.

    I am in awe of her ability to continuously fleece her brainless flock. I guess it takes a woman of scant intellect to be able to understand the vapidity of her slobbering peawit fans. How she is able to get them to continuously, and willingly, donate the last of their meagre resources to her when such donations are about as effective as flushing money down the toilet is a source of much wonderment.

    Likewise I heartily applaud her continued presence on FauxNews. Her caustic, venomous stream of unconsciousness screeds regularly confirm the status of FauxNews as nothing more than a hawker of preposterous, fetid, hopelessly biased GOP sewage which the right wing sheeple heartily lap up. While the brain dead devotees of FauxNews stick their noses in the trough and sup hungrily upon their malodorous diet of noxious excreta, the rest of America watches in disgust as this shrieking harpy of irrational boilerplate tripe basks in this miasmatic cloud of partisan filth.

    I applaud Sarah Palin for helping make this nation a better place. I offer her up a hearty "Brava" and ask her to continue doing her nation such a valuable service. You see, if Sarah Palin was not such a moronic clod, such an ignoramus, such a shallow, petty, small minded, provincial, vindictive, cretinous buffoon - and one whose star status within the GOP is secure - then the GOP could make a more plausible claim to be a reasonable and viable political party. However, with Sarah Palin as one of their more visible champions, that scenario is rendered absolutely unimaginable. Thus, Saran Palin becomes - albeit inadvertently - one of President Obama's greatest assets.

    I salute you Sarah Palin.

    God bless Sarah Palin. Long may she wave.

    Oh, and a belated happy 50th birthday Sarah. You look good for a woman of your age. Good work hiding all of that unsightly cellulite. Work it girl.

  80. Anonymous9:25 AM

    If she wants to drain the jacuzzi and hop in, she'll be the only one in it. Like the Baby Ruth in "Caddyshack," NO one wants to hang around THAT shit.

  81. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Oh boo hoo, I have been blocked from commenting over at the pee pond. I was going to suggest that they should pool their money and donate it in her name to a Down's organization instead of wasting it on her. Maybe that would give them some self-respect, but I guess they will never benefit from our suggestions because they don't want to listen to the smart people. Gryphen, can you tell that I am procrastinating......this is so much more fun than spreading mulch, and it is your fault. So I need some excuses for the hubby when he asks what did I do today and I have nothing..........

  82. Anonymous9:39 AM

    "Game Change" (the book) says Sarah Palin is "mentally unstable", but Wallace talks about "funk"? He's just dodging the real issue because he's morally corrupt.

  83. Anonymous9:40 AM

    It sounds like the bomb is a dud.

  84. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Anonymous said...
    7:26, no I think her purpose is to be a Professional Political Prostitute and she is paid well for that job. She looks like a cocktail waitress in a cheap bar, peddling her drinks and wise cracks and dressing for tips. Bet she learned it all at the Mugshot Saloon.
    8:40 AM
    the mugshot saloon was then known as hoopies roadhouse back when $carah was givin' blowjobs under the bar in the back pool room or snortin' cocaine in one of the two upstairs rooms..i know, i was there..

  85. Anonymous9:48 AM

    It's good to see Sarah is finally addressing her physical health.

  86. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I went to the sea of pee to read comments for the first time ever, and I'm beginning to lose consciousness. But I did like this line: "Sarah is a roll [sic] model for millions."

    She is a roll model all right. She'll roll over anyone, anytime. It's funny how deep down in the p-bot unconscious is a piece of the truth always trying to float to the surface.

  87. I tell ya Gryph... I read your work religiously but I have GOT to ask you one question... HOW do you maintain your sanity with all this stupidity and hilarity swirling around you 24 hours a day??

    I get nauseated just reading it much less living it !! I salute you sir...

  88. Anonymous9:51 AM

    The truth as Sarah Palin boasts is that she supposed ignored an amniotic fluid leak for a premature Down Syndrome baby. That would have been a vicious act of endangerment (if had actually happened).

    My daughter is pregnant and told us that the current advice is
    1. Do NOT expose the baby to other people for two weeks
    2. Wake the baby every 4 hours day and night for feeding
    3. All visitors in the first weeks must have up-to-date pertussis vaccinations.

    OK, so I know Alaska is the wild west (so they say) but this is a problem-free (not high risk) delivery for a young woman. Fresh as a daisy, take the baby to work a few days later? Was that another attempt (like the wild ride) to be rid of the baby?

  89. Anonymous9:52 AM

    My husband pays no attention to Palin (who he considered not worth paying attention to) but I mentioned this money bomb and he said "For what? More wig hats?"

  90. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Deconstructing Sarah Palin’s Marvelously Bad Speech At CPAC

    ...Palin went on a crazed stream-of-unconsciousness rant and said Obama doesn’t care about God or guns and women and religion. Wrong. Obama recently said in several interviews that he is a man of faith, he does go to church, he is for normal, civilized gun restrictions, and he supports a woman’s right to choose. In that respect, he does indeed care about women very much. Palin said the Obama administration likes to share military secrets “with the Kremlin.” That should be news to the Defense Department, the Homeland Security Department, the Justice Department and the 16 or 20 or so federal government intelligence agencies.

    Palin’s entire speech was one long delusional rant of someone who has not followed government and politics, who has not followed the news, and who has not followed exactly what the Obama administration has actually done. It was a speech of soundbites, media bites, far-right bites. Palin kept saying that “the door is open” to some new version of reality. But the only door that is open for Palin is the doors of unreality and the doors to her home on the range in Alaska–doors that she needs to walk through, settle in behind, and close tight behind her.


  91. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Paisley, considering the people who claim they'd vote for Sarah because "she's hot", or "I'd do her", and the fact that Ailes hired her because "she was hot and got ratings", her looks are very much an issue.

  92. Anonymous9:55 AM

    8:07 a.m, with all due respect, if I wanted to read about why women are important to Jesus (whom I consider entirely imaginary) I'd visit Jesus-believer blogs.

    That is not the purpose of Gryphen's blog.

  93. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I can barely muster up the energy or interest to comment on Sarah Palin. Oh, rats. I just. don't. have. the. inte--

  94. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Maybe you guys should read what the pundits at PoliticusUSA think about Palin's speech. Palin scares all of us there with that reference to "a door is open", Leah Burton in particular (the author of TheoPalinism, she's a a fourth-generation Alaskan).

    Palin thinks she can swoop in at the Tampa RNC and snatch the Republican Presidential nomination away from Romney without spending any money and not participating in one debate. And she'll insult President Obama for the ensuing 2 months and slither around any direct confrontations with his re-election campaign, preferring to ramp up the hate rhetoric.

  95. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Anon 9:43

    We care because?????? Hello Diane Sawyer.

  96. Given the vile, vicious, obscene, disgusting comments that are frequently approved for posting to this blog, even after Gryphen's New Year's plea for civility, I have sadly concluded that Gryphen does not understand the meaning of the word 'civility.'

    As I have commented before, I am particularly bothered by the mean comments about Palin's minor children. I agree with Joe McGinniss that mature adults give children the respect and privacy they deserve, even if their own mother does not. If it were up to me, Grypen would not post these myriad comments that fail the civility test, but it's not my blog.

    One person who I'm sure DOES understand the word 'civility' is President Barack Obama. He is always civil, mature, and reasonable in his statements and dealings with all people. I sometimes wonder what President Obama's reaction would be to seeing all of this vile stuff posted on a blog that loudly proclaims support for him.

    I skim through the comments, primarily looking for worthwhile links, which sometimes appear in the comments. The nasty back-and-forth name-calling, which are most of the comments, are simply not worth reading.

  97. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Jealous FJ?

  98. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Smirnonn, when we're not being lied to by beltway asses anymore.

  99. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Wow Anon 8:56, someone's jealous. I think you need a date with your mirror to do a self-assessment.

  100. Anonymous10:11 AM

    To the lone troll who defends Palin as saying she is "non-DC": While governor, she paid $30,000 to an east coast publicist to promote her within the beltway circles as "the hottest governor from the coolest state." That's right: $30,000 to become liked in DC. She WAS DESPERATE to be liked by DC insiders, but she couldn't buy her way in. Maybe if she took a course in American history, or learned something about how gov't works, she might become more popular in the lower 48. But she can't learn. Her IQ is only 83.

  101. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Sarah, if you are going to wear fake boobs, spend the money and get some that fit!! You look like a teenybopper who filled her bra with a box of Kleenex. The bra is sliding around because your flat chested and there's nothing there to stop it from moving..JC Penneys in Anchorage has some great bras and the help to get it fitted, stop shopping at Walmart.

  102. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Is Bristol wearing the same pants Sarah wore when they visited Ellis Island?

  103. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Her first reaction was to at least give the filmmakers credit for the “Sarah Palin Employment Act,” and joked they should be thanking her for helping create more jobs in filming the movie than President Obama.


    Guess she didn't read this:

    January’s jobs report is welcome news for the president.

    The unemployment rate dropped 0.2 percentage points to 8.3 percent; 243,000 new non-farm jobs were created in the past month.

    More important than the numbers is the trend: It’s the seventh-straight month of job growth over 100,000, as well as a marked increase from December when the economy added 200,000 jobs. It’s also the fifth straight month in which the unemployment rate dropped, and the lowest rate in nearly three years.

    Below the top-line numbers were other encouraging signs: Hiring was widespread across many high-paying industries, pay increased, and 2011 numbers were revised upward.

  104. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Anonymous 8:20, seek help. You can't hide ugly for long, though you're probably jealous of people's natural beauty.

  105. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Charlie, yes and I've seen the pic Bristol posted on her public fb page.

  106. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Jill said...
    Given the vile, vicious, obscene, disgusting comments that are frequently approved for posting to this blog, even after Gryphen's New Year's plea for civility, I have sadly concluded that Gryphen does not understand the meaning of the word 'civility.'

    As I have commented before, I am particularly bothered by the mean comments about Palin's minor children. I agree with Joe McGinniss that mature adults give children the respect and privacy they deserve, even if their own mother does not. If it were up to me, Grypen would not post these myriad comments that fail the civility test, but it's not my blog.

    One person who I'm sure DOES understand the word 'civility' is President Barack Obama. He is always civil, mature, and reasonable in his statements and dealings with all people. I sometimes wonder what President Obama's reaction would be to seeing all of this vile stuff posted on a blog that loudly proclaims support for him.

    I skim through the comments, primarily looking for worthwhile links, which sometimes appear in the comments. The nasty back-and-forth name-calling, which are most of the comments, are simply not worth reading.
    10:06 AM
    ummm, go someplace else ?

  107. Bristol's Real Chin10:20 AM

    "Aw, couldn't the Pbots pony up more than a measly $20.12 til the election? C'mon, True Believers, $arah needs some mo' money, honey! A truly generous donation for the $arahPac money bomb would be like $2,012 per month til election day, forget the decimal point!"

    I'm surprised that the grifter, Supporter of Israel that she is (but only for her End Times scenario) didn't get her C4P supporters to suggest that they give $57.72 per month (Jewish calendar)

  108. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Anon 8:14, you're the reason there's so much teen suicide. Good thing the people who you're personally attacking have strong wills and are adjusted.

  109. In my line of work I have to dill with lots of Republicans (they range from well-off to wealthy) and re Palin the general consensus is scorn, disgust and off their radar.
    Brokered convention or not, the GOP will never nominate Palin for anything ever.
    Yesterday's speech was one last hurrah before the inevitable slide down back to irrelevance and filler at Fox until her contract runs out.
    Rile up the base, smoke and mirrors to part the gullible bigoted Conservatards from their greenbacks.
    All the noise and hoopla is just that, there is no "comeback" nor is her physical appearance sustainable on a day to day basis, double up on quality uppers, wash and style remaining hair and extensions, good foundation and makeup and voila! Passable semblance reminiscent of 2008 naughty librarian looks.
    Almost worked, problem though, this is Palin dressing herself, money can't buy you love or good taste, hence the bulging misshappen mess under the 80's wrinkled camisole, the grossly innapropiate pumps and that belt!
    Too funny, rest assured the high and mighty rill GOP movers and shakers, especially the women, are all tsk-ing and frowning at the silly cheap dimwit.

  110. Anonymous10:22 AM

    "Sarah Palin's purpose is to garner as much attention as she possibly can because she is mentally unstable.

    Or she was asked to speak and finally accepted. But I love your fantasy.

  111. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Well put, what a wonderful perspective.

  112. Anonymous10:26 AM

    There's lots of projecting going on here today.

  113. Anonymous10:28 AM


    Will Fight To Let ANY Employer Deny Birth Control

  114. Anonymous10:29 AM

    "Oh I am so glad they dusted her off and dragged her out. It is so much fun reading all the comments. She makes it oh so very easy, doesn't she? Loved the comment on the yellow bracelet being an alert to her metal status, hysterical. I also agree that Willow does have a certain glow. Hmmmmmm??? Hi scara, Fuck you and your spaceship belt. Ya know, this keeps us young, just like we were in middle school, only this time we can take down the mean girl without getting in trouble!"

    How old are you?
    When there's hate in your heart, blogging is easy - always something to complain about. Why not try living an enviable life with an enviable personality and aura, huh? That would be a change for you.

  115. Bristol's Real Chin10:36 AM

    "Anon 8:14, you're the reason there's so much teen suicide. Good thing the people who you're personally attacking have strong wills and are adjusted."

    I think the word you're looking for is MALadjusted. Can't finish high school, can't hold down a real job, can't let people disagree with their mother would retaliating viciously, can't keep out of trouble with the law, can't live on their own-- yeah, that's the word.

  116. Anonymous10:39 AM

    9:43..whoa..tell use more.

  117. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Give till it hurts $P supporters, for Mama Griz needs a new pair of shoes... though having her feet shod with a "slithering snake" fits her conniving profile.


  118. Anonymous10:57 AM

    The "girls" in the red silk shirt don't look like the normal ones. Wonder if she forgot them. They look more like a rolled up hand towel from the hotel with maybe some tape to hold them somewhat in that weird shape. Really, if you look at a few of the pictures, I'd almost swear it was a towel of some sort.

  119. Anonymous11:14 AM

    10:20 AM --

    Palins in da house!

  120. lilly lily11:17 AM

    My first thought was "The fleet's in".

    Wearing the belmont boobs and snakesin sky high shoes.

    Her bots think she is a perfect 10.

    Well, they are entitled to worship a water bra on a dummy anytime.

  121. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Sista Sayrah,

    That bitterness must really burn as is comes up . . . like acid reflux, which leaves a bad taste in the mouth and leads to chronic halitosis.

    May you reap all that you have sown, in the hundred-fold realm.

    Btw, I didn't catch any footage of you and your side-kicks leaving church service this morning... and have you tithed on any of that ill-gotten loot?

  122. Anonymous11:25 AM

    "But then again, maybe it is."


  123. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Have her boobs fallen?

    Even my Mom, who was partial to Palin, said that she doesnt look cute anymore. She looks like a man.

  124. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Anon 9:39

    "Game Change" (the book) says Sarah Palin is "mentally unstable", but Wallace talks about "funk"? He's just dodging the real issue because he's morally corrupt.
    Nicole Wallace, who worked with Palin -- her book was about a 'mentally unstable VP'

    I see a pattern!!!

  125. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Come on, palinbots! Donate to SarahPAC so Trig can have nannies. Show mercy to poor little Trig.

  126. Anonymous11:35 AM

    What 6:49 AM said.

  127. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Woman of the year? Why not Hooker of the Year? for the blue pill crowd.

    The woman doesn't know how to dress. And as far as the Belmont boobs, why not get your implants and be done with it. Triple D's for your bots.

  128. Anonymous11:47 AM

    About why Sarah's chest looks weird.
    One she did not look in the mirror and wear a better bra. Two, she did not iron her silk blouse, it still has the fold marks on/in it. Three, the neck is too big and the whole blouse hangs off to the side.
    and Four, since she is known to not play well with others, evidently, she does not have clothing advice.

  129. Anonymous12:01 PM

    7:26 AM wrote, "Palin is accustomed to carharrts (sp) and sneakers, which is what you see her in on a daily basis. I think her purpose is to stir the depths of DC and highlight the fact that we DESPERATELY need real change. That's pretty apparent, evenif you refuse to let yourself see truth."

    Umm, no. Palin is actually accustomed to spare parts and Obama critiquers. I think her purpose is to stir the depths of the Delusional to to GRIFT as much as possible. Palin highlighted the fact that she DESPERATELY needs to let herself see the truth. That's pretty apparent.

  130. Anonymous12:14 PM mirror is just fine but I'm beginning to think Sarah doesn't own a are probably some old crow who lives her fantasy's threw Sarah thinking she is just like you..hell maybe she is! To me she looks like a skanky bar maid in some scummy honky tonk hustling for her tips. I've been to the bars in Alaska, yep she fits right in, she's the loud one who is always coming on to the men! My opinion, if you don't like it to damn bad!

  131. Titillating12:20 PM

    The OWS protesters at CPAC were as phony as Palin's boobs and were there for the same reason: to get bounced.

  132. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Gasman @ 9:23am, that was brilliant. Yes, we should all thank our lucky stars for Sarah's blind destruction of the Republican Party and conservative movement. What a big ol' out-of-control wrecking ball.

  133. Anonymous12:24 PM

    It wouldn't be the first time she spoke without financial compensation.

  134. Paisley said...
    Sarah Palin's looks aren't the issue, are they?



    then I believe the looks are fair game.

    Not to mention the fact that this is a woman hired for speeches about LEADERSHIP...

    Please name a current world leader that dresses like an adolescent.

    Fair. Game.

  135. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Sarah's store bought boobies-

  136. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Mama Griz,

    You might wanna lend one of your cubs a scarf...

    (wink, wink)


  137. ......this is so much more fun than spreading mulch, and it is your fault. So I need some excuses for the hubby when he asks what did I do today and I have nothing..........

    9:36 AM



  138. WIG HATS!!


    @9:55 AM

    Yup, you're right. Just thought it was tangential to his post on Adam's rib a bit back,

    but YOU are RIGHT.


  139. They're baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!

  140. They look more like a rolled up hand towel from the hotel with maybe some tape to hold them somewhat in that weird shape. Really, if you look at a few of the pictures, I'd almost swear it was a towel of some sort.

    10:57 AM



    For God's sake, Sarah!

    You can't even FAKE BOOBS WELL!!!!

  141. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Palin is accustomed to carharrts (sp) and sneakers, which is what you see her in on a daily basis. I think her purpose is to stir the depths of DC and highlight the fact that we DESPERATELY need real change. That's pretty apparent, evenif you refuse to let yourself see truth.

    7:26 AM

    (sp)? Too lazy to use spell check?
    The last time I saw (sp) was in a high school letter in 1986.

  142. Anonymous1:21 PM

    anonymous at 11:25 said

    "Have her boobs fallen?"

    Yes her boobs have fallen and "they can't get up!"

  143. Not What You Want to Hear1:30 PM

    In past years, she thought she was too good to show up, but now that she's getting past her shelf date, and obviously can't draw more than a thousand on her own, it's once again time to piggy back off another established event that gets 10,000 attendees a year.

    Anyway, I'm glad she went, because she urged the rightwingers to continue the politically suicidal dragging out of the primary process. If they take her advice, once again, Sarah Palin will have played a key role in getting Obama elected to the presidency. :)

  144. Not What You Want to Hear1:38 PM

    Jill: "One person who I'm sure DOES understand the word 'civility' is President Barack Obama. He is always civil, mature, and reasonable in his statements and dealings with all people. I sometimes wonder what President Obama's reaction would be to seeing all of this vile stuff posted on a blog that loudly proclaims support for him."

    I agree exactly with what you're saying, Jill. We can still be biting, if need be, but there's a way to do so where we don't sound like vulgar cretins, i.e., Andrew Breitbart. President Obama wouldn't approve of some of these posts at all; I think he'd be embarrassed that they're coming from his own supporters. The man has more class than most and despite what the rightwing haters say (and the example some of his own supporters sadly supply), he sets the highest standards in manners and comportment that we have seen in a long time. We should try to reach it. I can and should try harder, too.

  145. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Stop upsetting yourself.Read a book.

  146. Bristol's Real Chin1:54 PM

    "It wouldn't be the first time she spoke without financial compensation."

    It would be ALMOST the first time, though. But yes, let's not forget that the grifter spoke for free in May 2010 at the NRA convention, after speaking for her fee plus expenses a week earlier at Rainbow Omega.

  147. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Anon at 10:20 am, your reaction to my comment of 8:20 am tells me that I nailed the situation. Thanks for the confirmation. So, to make things easier for everyone, I will repeat the comment that you have confirmed:

    Ahhhhhh, Willow - Your hair is distracting as intended. But, when you wear the "uniform" you give yourself away. The coat, with hands in pockets...that is known as a tell.

    And your face has changed with the weight gain and the impact of a pregnancy. Don't worry, most of the changes will disappear. Some are related to fluid retention and some of the changes are the result of weight gain. Watch your diet carefully, exercise, sleep - all will help you in the long run.

    Guess your mom is feeling bold. After all your big sis could go on DWTS during her second and third trimester and get away with it. So why can't you go on a private jet to DC. Seems like you Palin girls each have your own 9-9-9 plans.

    Was it awkward being at the luncheon with the college girls?

  148. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Sarah, you need to go and get yourself some really big boobs, those padded bras just aren't cutting it and will your at it you might as well get some butt implants. How about a Dolly Pardon blond wig. Go all out Sarah, times passing you by. Go ahead and use the Pac money your bots won't mind and just think how much more $$$ you can rake in!

  149. All and all I'm sure it was a good weekend for Baldy and her marauding gang of little Baldy's in training. I wonder what kind of swag they manage to steal at CPAC?

    No where near the haul they got from Hollywood I'm sure! I'm not surprised "Crazies4Palin" have a moneybomb for Baldypac! They have to fill that had to be pretty close to empty and with that ferocious screeching Baldy did yesterday she's hoping someone....anyone will hire her to repeat that shit again....over and over and over AGAIN!

    Good luck with that...I mean how much lower can you go than to be hired to speak at a Bakery Conference!!

    Oh...maybe she'll speak at the annual "Orkin" pesticide conference...she would fit right in!

  150. "Crazie4Palins" have up a post written by that 16 year old girl who's been at CPAC and tweeting out pictures of herself with various Repubs scumbags....the poor thing had to keep turning down drinks of alcohol by some of the men there!

    Anywho her post today is titled...."Meeting Baldy Palin Against All Odds"(I tweaked the title a little bit)HeHe!

    It has a whopping 8 comments...but it is one sad article. The poor thing screamed out that she was 16 in order to get Baldy to stop.

    Not sure why Baldy would stop for a 16 year old but the poor thing did get a blurry picture of herself with Baldy!

    Too bad Bald's wonky eye wouldn't cooperate with the grainy photo...but here's the picture for those who want to see....

  151. Thank God our First Lady doesn't dress like that.

    They are trying to be the Kardasians. Yodeling hillbillies of ak aip. None of them are as beautiful as Kloe, let alone the rest of women. None of the idiot palins are as smart as Kim.


  152. Anonymous2:51 PM

    WTF happened to Willow's face?

    Its all swollen and puffy!

    Maybe Willow needs to pay a visit to Bristol's ummm dentist and get her mouth realigned and loose 5 lbs before she graduates early in May.

  153. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Either motherhood doesn't agree with her or Willow's boyfriend beat the shit out of her face with the yellow pages!

  154. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Willow WTF?

    The whole 5 gallons?

    I told you that the 5 gallon jug of botox is meant to last you one year.... not for one sitting!

  155. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Whoever stuffed Palin's bra in the red shirt should be fired!

    Tell me Sarah that your bra stuffer upper is not the same person who put up your little Charlie Brown christmas tree... Little Piper Diaper?

  156. Anonymous3:23 PM

    ....And your face has changed with the weight gain and the impact of a pregnancy. Don't worry, most of the changes will disappear. Some are related to fluid retention and some of the changes are the result of weight gain. Watch your diet carefully, exercise, sleep - all will help you in the long run.....

    Willow here's my advice, pregnant women are suppose to enjoy their body changes, it is understandable!

    Ignore all those idiotic comments, eat cake, eat ice cream eat whatever you want Willow....

    But damn girl! Did you have to eat the entire sheet cake by yourself in one sitting?

    WTF happened to your cankles?

    Ya need to go to Bristol's doctor and get your ankles realigned.

  157. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Willow are you hiding your fingers because they look like Brisket's sausage fingers?

    Tell your mama to start sharing her diet and cramp pills with her daughters!

  158. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Sarah just an observation, Ivanna Trump's titties does't look like your oddly shaped retarded titties.

    You are a multi millionaire and need to stop buying your falsies at the consignment stores!

    DAMN IT!! Start acting like a millionaire!

    Everybody is laughing at you.....

  159. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Seems like when she smiles it is looking more and more like a grimace, kind of gives a clue to what's going on in that addled brain.

    And the belt is simply a "look at me" ploy to grab some kind of narcissistic supply to keep her hungry ego fed since supply has been low lately. The cheap rhinestones are a bit much. Secretly she wishes she could put the glitz on her head in the form of a tiara, but even hillbilly Sarah knows that would be kinda gauche.

  160. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I agree w/DobieTracker @3:54 pm even though I have to admit that I contributed a few of the pot shots.

    Thanks for the reminder not to sink to Palin's level, DT.

  161. Anonymous4:57 PM

    @ 8:07 a.m. - can you take your fairy tales somewhere else? Reminder Gryphen is an atheist, IIRC; essentially you are attaching importance to what color little red riding hoods hood was, or what type of sacrifice Athena wanted.

  162. Marleycat4:57 PM

    Quite frankly, if she just looked in a fashion magazine she could get some better ideas of what would actually flatter her rather than make everyone's first thought be -"OH. MY. GOD! Sarah Palin looks like a HOOKER!" Or, "like a CLOWN!"_ Or, "like an old woman who thinks and acts like a teenybopper! EWWWWW!"

    Bristol and Willow are quite challenged in the fashion sense, too, and seem to prefer the hooker look also. I wonder why the Palin females all think looking like hookers is attractive? Hmmmmm . . . oh wait, could it be because the alpha Palin male ALSO prefers that look (and the actual hookers, too)! By Golly, no wonder!

    As far as the fake boobies sliding all around and sometimes looking real big, then not so big - it's time for the real thing baby - a real boob enhancement "procedure", like 38D's! Sarah, now that would make you really look at least 15 years younger!

    I have to say, though, that it makes you wonder about the mentality of a 48 year old mother, and her young daughters, one not even graduated from high school- wanting to attract men who are attracted to hookers - at a convention where quite a few such men are trolling for male and/or female hookers,of any age!

  163. *looking askance at Dobie Tracker*

    Oh my....goodness gracious....not even sure what to say to that comment.

    In all seriousness...I'm not sure that TELLING a blog owner to close their comments and or censor is the right way to go here.!!

  164. Anonymous5:34 PM

    concern troll @ 3:54 - and then it becomes the concern of concern troll - before and ater. Check some IP's Gryph.

  165. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Out of 166 comments 116 are anonymous and the rest are named...seems you've been infiltrated by ?? I have nothing against using Anonymous, I've used it myself but 116 out of 166! A little weird.

  166. Anonymous6:09 PM

    "Palin is accustomed to carharrts (sp) and sneakers, which is what you see her in on a daily basis. I think her purpose is to stir the depths of DC and highlight the fact that we DESPERATELY need real change. "

    That is one big order of WORD SALAD SUPREME! What the heck is that suppossed to mean? That you need to dress like a hooker and contort your breasts to "stir the depths" and "highlight facts"? None of what you say makes any sense.

    Palins must be on their return flight. Lots of trolls have appeared all of a sudden.

    BTW- Those pictures makes me think of a cartoon where a women has shelf-like, flattened breasts and asks how an observer can tell she just had a mammogram! I never thought she would really become that cheesy but it seems to be happening. She's channelling Tammy Faye big time.

  167. Anita Winecooler6:19 PM

    Very happy to give on Sarah's birthday.

    "This verifies that you donated to Sarah PAC in the amount of $20.12 for the duration of 9 months"

    Hmmmmm. 9 months. That's an interesting amount of time.

    The shallow swimmer's club, or what's left at the bottom of the urinal cake actually finds the nine months and interesting amount of time, after the obligatory "Hmmmmmmmm".

    Apparently, they don't know Sarah's gestation during her last pillowegnancy with Trig.

    God, at this rate, they can't even feed the account for RAM's supply of "HoHo"'s, let alone the monthly truckload of EPT tests that gets delivered to La Casa Di Palin.

  168. Anonymous said...
    @ 8:07 a.m. - can you take your fairy tales somewhere else? Reminder Gryphen is an atheist, IIRC; essentially you are attaching importance to what color little red riding hoods hood was, or what type of sacrifice Athena wanted.

    4:57 PM

    1) It was just a suggestion.

    2) Despite his atheism, G seems to enjoy discussions about religion.

    3) I appreciate that G respects women (his love for his daughter is obvious), so I was curious to see what info would come out about how much men have screwed up the idea of Christianity, at the very least, and religion, in general.

    4) I appreciate the different views and opinions here and was simply curious about this topic (which, again, WAS on this blog when G talked about his childhood belief that men had one less rib than women).

    5) Why so "snotty"? Sheesh.


  169. Anita Winecooler6:27 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Palin is accustomed to carharrts (sp) and sneakers, which is what you see her in on a daily basis. I think her purpose is to stir the depths of DC and highlight the fact that we DESPERATELY need real change. That's pretty apparent, evenif you refuse to let yourself see truth.

    7:26 AM

    Yep, you're right! She wears her slutty outfits to "stir the depths of (Republican Older Males on Viagra) in DC, who DESPERATELY need real (trouser) change. That's pretty apparent, even if you refuse to let yourself see the truth (about Newt).

  170. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Her hair is perpetually astonishing, but then it must be artificial. Also, she really needs to stop dressing like she's hanging out in Vegas in the 70's.
    M from MD

  171. Anita Winecooler8:22 PM

    Jill said...
    Given the vile, vicious, obscene, disgusting comments that are frequently approved for posting to this blog, even after Gryphen's New Year's plea for civility, I have sadly concluded that Gryphen does not understand the meaning of the word 'civility.'

    As I have commented before, I am particularly bothered by the mean comments about Palin's minor children. I agree with Joe McGinniss that mature adults give children the respect and privacy they deserve, even if their own mother does not. If it were up to me, Grypen would not post these myriad comments that fail the civility test, but it's not my blog.

    One person who I'm sure DOES understand the word 'civility' is President Barack Obama. He is always civil, mature, and reasonable in his statements and dealings with all people. I sometimes wonder what President Obama's reaction would be to seeing all of this vile stuff posted on a blog that loudly proclaims support for him.

    I skim through the comments, primarily looking for worthwhile links, which sometimes appear in the comments. The nasty back-and-forth name-calling, which are most of the comments, are simply not worth reading.
    10:06 AM

    Hi, Jill. Did you happen to realize you can ignore the comments that offend you? It's called "Free Will". Politics is like making sausage, not fun to watch at all.

    With all due respect, why read comments that offend you, then voice your disgust? Seems like an exercize in futility. Some blogs I visit just for the author's point of view, and don't read the comments at all. It's pretty easy, believe me.

  172. Bristol's Real Chin9:34 PM

    "Not sure why Baldy would stop for a 16 year old but the poor thing did get a blurry picture of herself with Baldy! "

    This one's easy. The grifter heard a rumor that there are 16 year old girls in this country who manage to not get pregnant. She just wanted to verify it.

  173. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Sarah, the teat you've been sucking on for the past four years is out of milk. Time for you to go home and stay there.

  174. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Hey Sarah when's the little bastard due?

  175. Anonymous2:41 AM

    When I seen that picture of Willow in DC, I thought maybe she is not pregnant.... then I asked myself why is Willow the only one wearing a big jacket?


  176. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Whewww, seeing that picture of Willow in Washington DC is very comforting to me.

    Means that she is not in Alaska breaking and entering into my house!

  177. Wall Street Protester Beaten Up At Sarah Palin's CPAC speech. See the video here:

  178. Here's a link to another Willow photograph, I think this was was at Bristol's book signing:

  179. Anonymous8:04 AM

    high class huuker. Kim K. or RZoe you need to help out sister scarah.

  180. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I know why the red shirt is too big. She told wally to get a bigger size because she is going to wear the biggest water braz.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.