Saturday, February 18, 2012

Okay ladies I have need of your services.

As I was looking through the just released Flickr slideshow offered up by SarahPAC, I saw something that kind of caught my eye. So I did a screen capture and focused on the part which I found somewhat troubling and which you can see in the image above.

Now we have often discussed, here and on other blogs, how oddly shaped Bristol's belly was during her appearances in 2008 with her mom on the campaign trail.

But until now there were only handful of images, many of  which Audrey discussed rather thoroughly in her post "The Cornerstone-Questions and Answers."

In ALL of those pictures, which show Bristol pregnant, she is either wearing this black dress (pictured above) or wearing coats and sweatshirts which tended to camouflage her belly, while seemingly always having SOMETHING in front of her stomach as well. (Check out Audrey's post to see what I mean.)

So the image above is the first new picture that I have seen in quite some time. And in this one she is sitting down and far less camouflaged.

I guess my question to all of you, and especially to the ladies who have been pregnant is, does THAT stomach look at ALL right to any of you?

And if it strikes you as oddly as it strikes me, how come NOBODY on the campaign trail seems to have noticed it at the time, or come forward all these years later to tell the public that there was some trickery afoot?

Or, to be fair, am I just seeing something that is not there?

Your thoughts?


  1. Pregnant bellies, particularly those in a first pregnancy when muscles are tight, are hard. They have a basketball type shape. That belly, my friends, looks soft and saggy. Look at the way it sags over her waistband and bulges out to the sides, like the beer gut of a fifty year old man. I thought the same thing too, Gryphen, when I first saw it. Something is up for sure.

  2. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Its the empathy belly.
    The boobage is wrong also, too.
    That looks like someone wearing a sports bra, which you would never do while preggo since your boobs hurt so much.
    EPIC FAIL: Caught wearing the Empathy belly!!!
    Is there a date on this pic?

  3. SQUISHY! That's how I would describe Beefy's tum's looks SQUISHY!

    Now...the question is....WHY does her stomach look SQUISHY?

    And the BOOBS!! They looked like they are filled with water or air! Shapeshifters...that's what they are.

    I said it already....releasing these pictures was NOT smart Baldy....NOT smart at all!

  4. eclecticsandra2:58 PM

    The bustline seems much stranger than the abdomen. The belly part looks too vertically narrow to be real. Actually, she looks as if she has two innertubes stuck on her.

  5. Anonymous2:59 PM

    It is weird how Bristol had a relatively normal bust when she was on the tarmac for Levi's arrival. It's when you compare the tarmac photo bust with the RNC bolster bust that you realize that NO ONE changes shape that dramatically in less than a day EXCEPT a mother breast feeding.

  6. I don't know for sure what I am seeing and I hope that others with more photographing experience will comment, but the first thing I think of when seeing this belly is that it does not look round and firm; all I can think of is like an inflated balloon which is sliding to one side and has lost part of its air; now she could be sitting kind of to one side, position of her legs, but the belly looks weird. The bosom is still there, like in the dark dress, what is she wearing under this t-shirt? It is dark and it seems to be encompassing some of the breasts as well as the belly? What do others see?

  7. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I have never been pregnant, but it looks like she is wearing Sarah's fake belly upside down!

  8. Do you think she is wearing Spongebob Pillow Baby?

  9. Virginia Voter3:08 PM

    To me, Bristol looks fat in this picture, not pregnant. Having been pregnant myself a couple of times, I can say from experience that pregnant bellies are rock hard, and don't move, roll, or fold. Late in pregnancy you can feel feet, butt, and even elbows poking out, but unless you are very overweight (which Bristol wasn't) your belly wouldn't roll like that.

    So weird.

  10. Anonymous3:10 PM

    The belly looks soft like fat belly. There could have been a pregnancy under it. Bristol's face is heavier also. It is possible she had an enormous breast growth some females experience. I have seen females pack on exhorbinant weight the first half of pregnancy due to pigging out on junk and simple carbs.

    If this picture was in Aug. She wasn't far enough along to have a pronounced hard baby bump. The boobs defy explanation.

  11. Well, she still has the Bolster Boobs but her belly looks like mine when I sit down and I'm certainly not pregnant - just fat. Weird though. Like she has a flotation device on underneath her shirt.

    Why is it that the Palins can't even have babies like normal people? LOL.

  12. Anonymous3:11 PM

    WTF is wrong with that family?

    How can Bristol explain why her jugs runneth over other than she is churning milk for her new calf?

    Bristol didn’t have her mouth realigned yet so that procedure didn’t make her chest get bulbous like that.

  13. Bristol looks in this photo how I looked AFTER I had had a baby. Not while. When you are fairly athletic and all the baby weight is in the tummy area and you have a fairly large kid, those muscles and all get all out of whack and you end up with mushy over the top of your jeans belly. And sometimes it never goes away.

  14. lostinmn3:13 PM

    I've always thought the boobs and belly were more postpartum than pregnant - I mean the boobs are huge and the postpartum belly is often that big. I've never been convinced she isn't Trig's mother. And if the shenanigans regarding his actual birth date played out she could have given birth to him AND gotten pregnant again. That's my vote. My kids mom is petite as can be and her boobs didn't get nearly as large before either of our kids were born as they did when she was nursing the first few months.

  15. Anonymous3:18 PM

    I've always thought that Bristol was post-partum during the campaign and that Trig and Tripp were fraternal twins born in Feb 2008. There is a famous photo of Sarah Palin taken around February 20, 2008, where she looks teary-eyed and is wearing the giant orange scarf. I think this is right around the time that Bristol birthed the twins and there was some concern that neither would live. The babies were most likely born around 27-28 weeks of gestation and Trig had to have more care because of his genetic defect. Bristol had been missing in action due to Mono up until after the "birth of Trig by Sarah" because she was busy out of state spending time with her twins. Sarah decided to fake the birth of Trig in early March when it was found that he would live and she began the scarves in earnest and did pillows and fake belly some of the time. This was after the announcement from McCain regarding running for POTUS and Sarah did know she was on a short list for VP. I think she decided to fake a pregnancy with the "special" one and use that pro-life credential for all it was worth. Meanwhile, Bristol was dealing with life with premie twins....

    Tripp was also small but was not in a life-threatening condition and he was kept out of sight until his debut with Greta in Feb 2009, 2 months following his "birthdate". By the time that we saw Tripp in Feb 2009 at the Iron Dog with Greta in Fairbanks he already looked much larger than a 2 month old baby would. Bristol was nursing or pumping during the campaign and they faked her pregnancy w/Tripp as well and Tripp made his appearance in February to make the entire thing seem more plausible.

    Both babies were small because they were premies, but now they are catching up to each other, and as a matter of fact, Tripp, who should be nearly 8 months younger than Trig, appears to be larger than Trig, and that perhaps is why we don't see them often in appearances together.

    So that is my take on the Palin baby saga. It feels right to me and they are the ones that have to live with their choices and deceit for the rest of their lives. I don't have a "horse in this race" but I think they all lied about a lot of things.

  16. Anonymous3:19 PM

    She looks obviously pregnant to me. Nail in the coffin?

  17. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Look at her shirt. White and shapeless. Shirts make or break a figure. Gryphen, have you seen this?

    I found this flickr account recently and thought I posted th elink. But if I didn't, place the pic you just posted in this timeline.

    I did some research and determined all the pictures are in the proper order.

    Oct 8

    Oct 11

    Oct 18

    To me it appears she popped in the second week of Oct, her 7th month. Ladies, is that early, on time of late in your experience? Everyone;s different. Think about numbers of pregnancies too. A second one will show and round out much earlier, often by month 3 or 4.

    Ive always thought Bristol popped out slower than the average pregnant woman, despite being passed down Sarah's body and face. In my experience, women typically round out around 6 months. Actually, 6 mos for Bristol would have been around mid to late Sept. She didn't get a round belly until late Oct it seemed and even on Nov 4th at the party thing, she looked a little small from the front. Could they have padded her? or at least put he rin planned attire? Possibly. I don't see Bristol shopping for lots of maternity clothes.. as she turned down a baby shower.

  18. Well, I was pregnant twice - the second time 30 years ago - but I looked at the pictures of Bristol and couldn't find anything amiss. As I remember, depending on where the little critter was inside me, I looked slightly more or less pregnant on any given day. So those pictures didn't look odd to me.

    But, what I really want to talk about is the breast-feeding angle. Not all mothers breastfeed. I chose not to with either son - and they both turned out fine, anyway! - and so I had a shot with both births that dried up the milk. Now, I was a pretty good mother - despite the bottle feeding - but I will say that Sarah Palin does not seem to be particularly concerned with the niceties or details of parenting. If breastfeeding by a DS baby is difficult for the reasons mentioned and bottle feeding was done, I can't imagine Palin would have bothered with Bristol expressing milk to bottle feed. Too much trouble when you can open a can of Similac and bottle feed. And I can't imagine Bristol being concerned enough to force the issue.

    I'm not sure where this leaves things. But if Bristol wasn't breastfeeding or expressing milk, what would her breasts have looked like during the second pregnancy? (And I am convinced that Bristol did give birth to both babies.)

  19. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Actually, there was another photo from that bunch that I thought was even more puzzling.

    It is also a inside-the-bus pic. Trig is on her lap and she's leaning back, and her hair falls over what I guess is her chest. The hair looks like it is lying over a basketball, and the curve starts right up near the top of her shoulder. It doesn't seem to physiologically make sense.

  20. I'm back .. yes, squishy, GinaM, that is a good descriptor and Angiemomma says saggy, yes, another good one.

  21. Anonymous3:26 PM

    First thing I thought of was Sarah at Belmont. That shirt made her boobs look big from the front but form the side, they looked normal. Bristol's shirt is made so she looked wider and it's white, which would widen her as well. It just looks like she hasn't gotten to the bball stage yet, the one Sarah hit with Track.

  22. Anonymous3:26 PM

    The dress one is what is freaky. Unless she was carrying that kid in her boobs, something is wrong.

    And yeah, she looks wide in the sitting down picture, and I think the shadow from her hands is making her upper belly look a bit concave where it should be convex.

  23. Anonymous3:27 PM

    It certainly looks less along than the 32 weeks pregnancy photo from her book. 32 weeks is 7 mos. That was probably late Oct. This is early Oct. Makes sense to me. All women are different. Britta was a watermelon carrier. Bristol ended up a bball.

  24. Oh no Anonymous at 3:03 - she turned poor Spongebob pillow baby upside down!

  25. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Anon 3:18, there's so much wrong with your timeline that you need to exit the cnversation before you confuse any newbies.

  26. Anonymous3:31 PM

    You saw this too-- good. I was looking at those pics earlier today and thought: woa, return of the bolster pregnancy thing..... that is SO OBVIOUSLY a fake empathy belly she has on... now, whether there is a real pg belly underneath it? Maybe, maybe not. But THAT is not normal. Nope. No sir-e bob.


  27. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I've always thought Bristol looked more postpartum than five months pregnant at the convention. My daughter-in-law had a baby 4 months ago and she looks just like that(in the breast area)if she hasn't fed him in awhile. And I agree with the others the stomach looks like flab not baby.

  28. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Honestly, the only way to know anything is to witness someone everyday and see how they naturally progress. We say Sarah got big with Track but have no timeline for that picture. It could have been at the tailend of the pregnancy. Im putting together a collage thingy now.

  29. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Bravo, anon 3:18. Now, how about Ruffles. Could we be talking triplets? But Ruffles looked very much like a newborn in May 08 (Palin kitchen, w/ Levi and Mercede).

  30. Anonymous3:38 PM

    As a mother of 4, I vote fat belly - post partum because she definitely was not that fat as a high schooler. That is a doughnut or beer belly!! I can see the scenerio anonymous 3:18 lays out - twins born in late winter or early spring.

  31. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Postpartum. IMHO.

  32. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I think Bristol had a premature Trig in February, became pregnant again in May and this is the resultant look. She was both postpartum and pregnant. Her belly looks as if it had delivered a baby rather recently, squishy still up near the rib cage. When I was pregnant with my first baby I barely showed at five months and it was a very low down hard round ball near my pelvis. Unless Bristol was quite overweight when she became pregnant I just don’t see how she could be so fat looking with a first pregnancy at 17 years old considering photos of her the summer before when she was so svelte. She may have been bolstered for leaking breasts.

  33. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Anonymous at 2:59.

    What you said...exactly!

  34. Anon 3:18, I'm not so sure about the twin story. (I have no information, just doesn't ring right). Children with DS frequently are small, so I haven't thought much about Trig's size. As for the picture, she looks postpartum to me. The stomach could just be fat without the breasts. It does look like she is wearing a heavy sports bra. Thats not to say she isn't pregnant too. It would be early pregnancy.

  35. Anonymous3:43 PM

    That belly looks like an after delivery belly. The boobs like padded milk boobs.

  36. sharon28533:45 PM

    brisdull's belly looks exactly the way it's supposed to look. She gave birth to Trig and that is the after belly - most women don't recover for up to 6 months as far as their belly shape and muscle tightness. Some longer.

    She appears to be wearing some type of band over her breasts and my guess is the boobs are full of milk. :-)

    Can't have that wet tee shirt look on stage, now can we?? That pic of her in the gray dress is so beyond pathetic - overkill on the boobs issue there. She looks ridiculous.

    My theory is simple - brisdull gave birth twice - not twins - 2 seperate pregnancies.

  37. Okay I am hearing that some believe it is an empathy belly, while others think she is post-partum.

    Does anybody think she looks pregnant?

  38. Cracklin' Charlie3:48 PM

    She looks like a very young, postpartum, breastfeeding mother of two, to me. The belly is way too squishy to have a baby inside. She may be wearing the empathy belly. There does seem to be an outline of some type of undergarment.

    The boys are not twins.

  39. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Unless she was really heavy before getting pregnant that is not a pregnant belly.

  40. Anonymous3:51 PM

    An empathy belly (a real one, not a pillow) would NOT look that sagging and squishy. And a bust BIGGER than the belly isn't the norm for a pregnant woman, especially not that shapeless bolster bust.

  41. Olivia3:52 PM

    I think it looks completely fake but I don't understand how or why an "empathy" belly or other purchased pregnancy faker would be so phoney looking. Why would there be a uniboob? Maybe it is just stuffing.

  42. Anonymous3:52 PM

    That does not look like a first time five month pregnant teenage belly, I can tell you that. It's smooshed horizontally.

    I'm leaning toward empathy belly and post partum (Hell, and maybe even already pregnant with Tripp, but not very far along).

  43. I agree that she looks postpartum, not pregnant.

  44. Oh my. That is the I-still-have-post-partum-pudge belly. The mystery definitely deepens, because she was supposed to be pregnant at this time. But...that's no pregnant pudge. And the boobage has the same slightly-overweight-after-giving-birth look. Pudge or no, Bristol was one pretty little girl.

    I dunno. How is it possible to keep track of all the fake, wrongly attributed, maybe/maybe not pregnancies with these people.

  45. ...but, if she gave birth to Trig in March or April, there's plenty of time for her to be pregged again by August, to deliver Tripp the following January or February. Kind of like Catholic twins, 11 or 12 months apart.

    I have no idea...except that Sarah Palin did not give birth to anyone in 2008.

  46. sally in MI4:04 PM

    Look at Trig. He is being held in a sitting position...looks to me to be about 4-5 months. At 4 months postpartum, when I was nusring, my boobs and my stomach were huge...and the tummy was flabby. I also got pregnant again when the baby was six months and I was nursing, and the stomach never really firmed up. To me, it is evidence that Bristol had Trig. I'm guessing this to be August, right after Palin was offered up as savioress of McCain's campaign. If Trig were born in April, Bristol could be pregnant with Tripp while nursing Trig. It explains the boobs and the saggy stomach, AND Trig would have been term in early January, which is when we think he was born. What a bloody mess! And did she have #3 right after DWTS? When she talked about not having 'strenuous workouts' but spending all day in makeup, I wondered about that...these people talk about 6-8 hours of DANCING every day to get their routines ready. Of course, a pregnant conttestant couldn't tolerate that, so it explains her lack of ability, and her apparent weight gain while on the show.
    But yes, when I saw that, I did a double take.

  47. Anonymous4:09 PM

    People keep saying it looks like Bristol is wearing a sports bra, could it be something else?

    Since Bristol looks postpartum, could she be wearing a one piece bathing suit made for pregnant women under her other clothes to hold her in?

  48. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Empathy belly. I gave birth to5 kids and never looked like that. Belly to soft looking.

  49. Anonymous4:11 PM

    In the Flicker Slide Show, photo #29 or #30 shows Bristol at the top left of the page. Take a look at Bristol's chest area in that photo. It's gigantic.

    I think Bristol had already given birth to Trig and/or to Ruffles and maybe was pregnant again. Who knows! The question of what happened to Ruffles has never been answered has it?

    Something that I didn't pay attention to during the campaign was whether or not Sarah was wearing wigs on the campaign trail. From the Flicker Slide Show, it looks like she did.

  50. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Bristol looks exactly like the fattened sacrificial calf she was in 2008.

    Shame on you, Sarah.

  51. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Does she look pregnant? She looks fat! Like I said, first pregnancy on svelte body does not look like that at five months! But, second pregnancy still postpartum? Definitely. Sarah Palin is the most insensitive, ambitious narcissistic parent ever. I sincerely feel sad for Bristol Palin. She was a young beautiful girl used by her parents to advance their own agenda. I see no upside to how this has played out. Bristol lost a chance to be a carefree teenager and young adult pursuing a life beyond Wasilla and the Valley. My kids pity her.

  52. Anonymous4:12 PM

    She does not look pregnant, she looks fat. But it could be the second pregnancy coupled with still post partum weight from Trig - the first pregnancy.

  53. Anonymous4:12 PM

    She does not look pregnant. Looks post-partum.

  54. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Bravo, anon 3:18. Now, how about Ruffles. Could we be talking triplets? But Ruffles looked very much like a newborn in May 08 (Palin kitchen, w/ Levi and Mercede).

    3:37 PM

    I've always thought Ruffles was premie Tripp and his ear cartilage changed as he got older and the ears fixed themselves. I realize that there was an Ear Nose and Throat specialist consulted regarding this ear condition, but sometimes premies can change a great deal after birth as they are born "partially cooked" and there is still much organ and feature formation to occur after birth that usually happens in the uterus.

    Ruffles still looked rather small and puny in the Palin kitchen photos and realistically he could have been a twin to Trig born in late Feb, which would have put him right around full gestational age when those photos were taken, but still slightly behind a fully-gestated infant of the same post-conception age.

    The Palins are too stupid to have perpetrated a complicated hoax. To me this seems a simple explanation that fits with the physical characteristics that we've witnessed both with the possible birth mothers and the multiple infants.

    And, as someone asked earlier, I think I will bow out now so as to "not confuse the newbies". I wouldn't want to deprive the "newbies" of the pleasure of exploring all of the various blogs and countless pages of writing and comments on their own and create their own opinions regarding the genesis of the youngest Palins.

  55. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I agree that the belly looks more like post-partum squishy than baby, and the boobs are definitely odd. They're overly large and high and look as though they've been inflated.

    I also noticed how much prettier her face looks in the top photo before she had all the work done on her chin. She looks like herself, not like a Kardashian wanna-be.

  56. Anonymous4:18 PM


    I don't think so.

    She doesn't look normal, that's for sure. Bulges too high and too wide.

    A pregnant belly is hard and compact,
    and doesn't go up to the bust line in that fashion.

    Plus, if she were pregnant, I think she'd be sitting a little farther back -- a hard belly would make her posture, as pictured, difficult to sustain.

  57. Anonymous4:19 PM

    With a squishy ab like that, she shouldn't be dressing like that when she is in the public eye. That is early pregnancy, 'haha, I'm eating for a crowd!' weight gain, unless she is just fat, in the top picture.

    They were probably exaggerating the pregnancy for the drama.

  58. Gryphen @ 3:46PM....

    Does anybody think she looks pregnant?

    That would be a.....NO!

    A family of shape shifters....shifting faces, shifting noses, shifting chins shifting bodies....shifting everywhere!

    I know...they are all a bunch of shifty, shiftless, liars!

  59. Anonymous4:36 PM

    I've been pregnant 5 times. She looks fat and pregnant to me.

  60. That's a post-partum belly and a pair of working breasts!

  61. Anonymous4:39 PM

    My thought is that we will get no closer to revealing the PalinHoax by examining the facts of Bristol's life.

    When and whether she was pregnant is actually irrelevant to the PalinHoax. Just as whether one is an admirer of Palin or sees her as a fraud is irrelevant. She either lied about her pregnancy or she did not. Who the bioMom of Trig would be (everyone's next question) is irrelevant. No matter who the bioMom is, it cannot be Sarah Palin because the photos just weeks before the "delivery" show a profile so flat as to make a 6-pound baby a few weeks later impossible. Or a medical miracle. (Notice how no one EVER discusses these photos to rebut them?)

    There is a lot of circumstantial data that some of us 3-year veterans of this investigation have studied. It might someday be interesting to speculate more fully on Palin's motive and the details surrounding this hoax, but the main issue before us is THAT SHE HOAXED THE ELECTORATE.

    SP WAS NOT PREGNANT AS STATED. The brand she created for herself was a fraud. Enablers went along with it, and are doing so to this day. These enablers serve as a model that such a dirty trick CAN be pulled off, and this is encouraging perpetrators of further dirty tricks in this coming election. This is why we must keep working to expose this major political hoax that was intended to sway an election and is still being covered up.

    The Palin family's abundant details of indiscretions and wanton -- even criminal -- behavior are of truly minor interest compared to the hoax and its enablers. Palin's well-documented history of compulsive and strategic lying did not get the traction it deserved. Many people simply do not care about Palin and dismiss her importance. However, the ability to keep the lid on a hoax like this, intended to sway voters, taking advantage of a disabled child, is truly a red flag re corruption among Republicans wishing to win elections with candidates as third-rate as their hypocritical "family values" that they insist on imposing on the rest of us. The possibility that a Repub candidate could win against President Obama (with the help of more dirty tricks, like voter fraud, and probably other efforts) should be enough to galvanize us into finding a way to reveal this hoax and all that it implies.

    Anon3:18's take works for me. But let's say Bristol was never pregnant at all: had mono as stated, looked merely pudgy, perhaps only wore weird underwear. It does not change the fact that SP was not pregnant as stated and hoaxed us.

    Let's say that SP had the brains and ethics of our First Lady: that still would not change the photo-verified fact that SHE WAS NOT PREGNANT AS STATED AND HOAXED US.

    If we don't prove that first, no one will be interested in these or any other details. Even after the truth comes out, I bet only a very few will be interested in anything more than the political details of who knew what and when, and how this could happen to the U.S. of A. --Amy1

  62. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Methinks the image perhaps exposes the residual "babyfat" that Brissy was carrying from giving birth earlier in the year (some time between Feb - April 08), hence, the thick breast padding to conceal breast leakage.

  63. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Doesn't she just wear a sweatshirt before the campaign made the pregnancy announcement? In all the pics I saw of her before these new ones, she's not hiding anything. She was visible to the public most of October. Am I wrong? What about the Aaron Tippin pics from like the second week of Oct. I remember that rally. Or the walmart pictures from just after that. Of the SNL one. She doesn't seem too bashful.

  64. N'yah4:41 PM

    Gryphen, you have posted before the overlay composite of Bristol in the RNC dress with the cheap empathy belly on.

    Just as you can see with the gray dress, you can see the top edge of her tee-shirt kind of folds under a tiny bit. That's because the foam of the padding ends before the neckline of the dress and tee-shirt begin.

    Bristol only wore this belly when she knew there would be a photographer present. When she was caught off guard (such as the time she came off the bus with no evidence of pregnancy except random miscellany in her hoodie pockets or when she was running on icy ground into the church) she never had the belly on.

    It was a prop for Sarah at the Gusty photo shoot.

    It was a prop for Bristol during the convention.

    It was a prop for Bristol on the bus.

    I wish you'd post a side by side of Bristol on the Tarmac with a modest bustline and less than 24 hours later with those ridiculous comical mountains on her chest.

    Yes, breasts can become very enlarged after pregnancy. But usually in the week after birth and then they shrink back down to a more normal size. What can never, ever happen is a pregnant woman having normal B or C cup breasts and then 24 hours later having DDD sized breasts and 24 hours after THAT be back to normal B or C.

    Perhaps Sarah thought if she herself could go from flat belly to giant watermelon belly and back to flat again in the space of 48 hours and nobody noticed, Bristol's ridiculous (and medically impossible) shape shifting would simply be viewed as "a chip off the old block".

    I also did the "Reagan Ranch Photo" experiment someone mentioned on an earlier thread and I think you should definitely post that (the lightened version) as well- then people can compare how Bristol looks then- actually pregnant, vs how she looked at the RNC/on the bus (padded to LOOK pregnant.)

    Sorry for the long comment! As my dear departed mother used to say when SP was first thrust upon the national stage- "homegirl gets on my last black nerve". Sometimes I can "get going" about the Palins!

  65. Anonymous4:44 PM

    She's rather big for post partem and an empathy belly would look more perfect wouldn't it? What makes you think she had Tripp before the election? We've seen her every month from April 08 on and we've heard something concrete about her whereabouts every month before that. There were constantly extended family and people around her during the campaign. They were not only stoked for Sarah but mentioned Bristol constantly. Wasn't it aunts who were talking about a baby shower?

  66. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Her face looks the same as her book's picture. Her face has never looked like that at another time before. Just an observation.

  67. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Shirt style. Women know how clothes work. She obviously didn't feel like shopping for new clothes or didn't have time. I only saw her in jeans and t shirts. Cute, but plain.

  68. ibwilliamsi4:46 PM

    She looks as though she needed to go on a diet, not pregnant.

  69. Anonymous4:46 PM

    That belly isn't even the right shape to be a pregnant belly.

    It looks postpartum to me.

    I've wondered if Tripp was actually born before Trig, especially after your post about what Tank said about the baby that Levi picked up and how big the baby was, and also, the pictures of Tripp in the recent magazine article about her moving from LA. That picture of Tripp looks so much bigger than a toddler.

    I think that is why she always had the pacifier in his mouth- probably only when out in public to reinforce the image that he's only 2 1/2 or 3 or whatever the story was.

  70. Anonymous4:46 PM

    To my eyes it look like she already had a baby and she needs to express her breast. Looks like a baby needs breast milk or momma is going to explode.

  71. Anonymous4:48 PM

    So when do yall think she had Tripp is you don't think she's pregnant? She was TINY in April, May, June, July and Aug 08. Tripp was small in Dec 08.

    You're confusing me. I see a pregnant girl who grew slowly and wore ill fitting clothes at times.

  72. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Anon 4:40, then why was she flat-bellied in the People mag pics shot in June 2008?

  73. Anonymous4:50 PM

    And is that Sarah in the background? If so, isn't she the one who should be looking post partum?

  74. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Anonymous at 3:20

    Just to clarify since it sounds as though you have no experience with pregnancy or childbirth, babies do not "pop" out. It is a long, painful, and very bloody process. The state of pregnancy is very stressful on a female's health - many women are not even able to do it and miscarry. Childbirth is agonizing and life threatening - some women die trying. Please don't trivialize this huge and physically traumatizing experience by saying they just "pop" out.

  75. Anonymous4:52 PM

    OMG! Who the freak mentioned triplets? Do you all evenknow what past pictorial evidence means?

    Delivering triplets that lived would mean she would have looked OBVIOUSLY PREGNANT in mid to late 2007. Sitting down in Oct 07, she didn't even look pregnant with one child, let alone 3.

    People who don't think make my head hurt.

  76. Anonymous4:56 PM

    What caught my attention was the boobs. That's the look a woman gets when she wears a sports bra. Only, how comfortable are sports bras when you're that huge? (can't say, personally, because I'm not!) That's a massive chest she's showing there, especially if you look at how flat she is in the photo from last week's CPAC that you just posted.

    As for the stomach... Looks more postpartum than pregnant to me, although that could be the effect of the way she is sitting. That's one thing they don't warn you about--that a lot of women go home from the hospital looking 6 months pregnant. Not all, but many.

    She's showing a lot of weight in her face, but that could be either because she's pregnant or postpartum.

    The October photos linked to by 3:20 look to me to show a woman 8-9 months pregnant.

  77. Anonymous5:01 PM

    She sure doesn't look a bit like most young women do in their first pregnancies. Now, to those of you who are saying: "postpartum"... Look at this pic, taken on 8/24/08:

    She's pretty thin, right?! Honestly, I almost think Palin forced Bristol to mainline McDonalds in order to bulk up, once she got the call from McCain! So bizarre.

  78. hedgewytch5:05 PM

    Simple answer, overweight out of shape and on a very poor diet - oh, and got the belly flap from a few babies and no toning afterward.

  79. I don't think Bristol looks a whole lot different in that top picture from 2008 than she did in this picture from almost exactly 2 years later, October 8, 2010:

    I think she was pregnant in both of them. I think she was closer to delivery in 2008, within a month. I think she delivered before the end of the year in 2010 (she did not tour with the DWTS cast).

    Lastly, I think ALL the Palins wear oodles of Spanx to hide their shape.

  80. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Post partum and nursing. Not sure what baby she's nursing, but she's definitely a nursing mother here.

  81. Anonymous5:06 PM

    The photo is dated October 8, 2008.

  82. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Wondered how long it would take for this to show up here. There were not many views of the gallery when I went there earlier today.
    Spit my coffee on the keyboard when I saw this one!

    This is where Sarah has a problem.

    Anything she does to try to help herself runs the risk of proving her critics right.

    There are some more photos she doesn't want released, I guess. Was the mystery garmet equipped with an onboard aircompressor for easy shape shifting? Who had the remote control?

  83. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Yes, I agree 4:39.

    But why isn't there a birth certificate filed in Wasilla or Anchorage?

    Why aren't there hospital records?

    People can't just give birth and have it go unrecorded in this day and age.

    And if these documents aren't available, then doesn't that serve as a cover-up all on its own?

  84. Anonymous5:10 PM

    This is not an empathy belly. She's breast feeding and it's post pregnancy fat she hasn't lost. How old was Trig here supposedly???

  85. I don't think she is pregnant (or just pregnant) because the shape(s) are just wrong; somehow she just looks misshapen. I don't think she is that hugely postpartum - not after a first pregnancy when she was a very slim woman with little breasts in the summer pics we saw of her (summer of 2007) before Trig was born in April. Plus, if she did have Tripp and he was born in late December, then look at the pictures of her from May (I think it was) following his birth, 5 months later, at the Candies event in NYC. She is very slim, all over. Now I know she could maybe have achieved that with dieting stringently, but then she bulks up again on DWTS?

  86. Anonymous5:15 PM

    she looks postpartum to me...... after prego belly fat and breasts full of milk. Very strange, although she still could have been prego with Tripp, after being first prego with Trig.

  87. Anonymous5:16 PM

    My daughter looks JUST like that when she sits down. Post-partum after more than one child.

    A testament to the sad state of our country when a family like THIS gets paid the time of day.

    TROLLOPS, all of them, and if anyone thinks Piper isn't waiting HER turn.....

    Nice JOB, $arah.

  88. Her belly button should be an outie at that point… it was an outie at that point during DWTS.

    Tripp was already born and getting big. Where did Trig come from?

  89. Anonymous5:18 PM

    That is a FAT gut. Not a pregnant belly.

  90. That's post-partum fat, not new baby.

  91. Anonymous5:22 PM

    anonymous said:

    what is Willow holding in her hand and what is Trig looking at, very interesting? I see the claw of you know who on the right holding up the wall.

  92. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I bet you any amount of money Sarah loves posts like these where people are coming up with the weirdest, stupidest conclusions to simple situations.

    Here is what probably happened.

    Sarah meets with Kristol and crew in June 2007. They want to F**k her, therefore make some pact to make her politically relevant at the national level.

    During this time, Bristol is being a normal teen, chillin with friends, enjoying the summer, feeding a crush on JC, who likes her back.

    At some point, Bristol sets her eyes on Levi, who had been dating LG for awhile, as she made the claim to friends that spring that she LOVED him sooooo much

    Bristol and LG were once childhood buddies, possibly, maybe.

    LG finds out Bristol likes her boyfriend and is annoyed/pissed/ready to kick ass or have her friends kick ass

    LG states around this time that her boyfriend is a douche and liar.

    Meanwhile, Bristol's yearlong crush on JC ended with her new relationship, which he lamented to his sister via social networking. He expressed confusion at why she'd date someone else when theyd been talking all year.

    Like a lot of teen girls, Bristol "fell hard" for rugged, outdoorsy, albeit dim Levi.

    School starts. No problems at first. Bristol engages in normal activities with friends, plays some football, is known by mom for making great coffee.

    End of Sept. Bristol invited to Newsweek conference. She goes. Early Oct.

    October continues on. A friend of LG references Bristol by her initials and mentions an ass kicking good time, or potential one. This is a past event.

    Rumor has it that Bristol started a homeschooling program at some point this semester, after mid Sept of course.

    October random event - Sarah's sisters writes heartbreaking email detailing the trials of raising a special needs child, saying she tells people the Governor cares. Sarah concurs and says they need to do more.

    Bristol attends Hawaii wedding with family. Mid November. Years later, she jokes with friend that they were on the same island two hotels from each other and how weird that is.

  93. Anonymous5:23 PM


    Days before actual wedding, Sarah gets call from Parnell from OCS. Serious matter.

    Around Xmas 2007, Bristol's cousin refers to her when telling TT they saw his mom at the mall.

    Bristol begs parents to let her stay home and not go to Juneau because she doesn't want to leave friends again and the boyfriend she fell hard for.

    They finally agree, despite wishing she'd break up with him. She moves in with cousin in Anchorage and attends high school there.

    Rumors abound via other teenagers that she did briefly break up with him.

    Sarah has specific business dealing with OCS, relating to abusive situations.

    Palins attend irondog finish line in Fairbanks. Girls with her. Palin wears coat indoors and scarf. Looks thick.

    Sarah and main advisor Todd attend DC events, meet with McCain. Late Feb

    McCain wins nom.

    Sarah announces pregnancy.

    Kids are shocked and reportedly hurt at the secrecy.

    Bristol allegedly rekindles with boyfriend she fell hard for the previous year and decide to have baby to satisfy her babyfix and possibly out of residual anger due to the Trig secret.

    Boyfriend is unsure as he is merely 17. Bristol works on him, has him get to know her family, has him meet her new brother. He looks bored and like he's appeasing her.

    Either May 1 or 2- Bristol tells bf she is pregnant

    Boyfriend's 18th birthday. His family is invited to Bristol's home for cake and to meet new addition. Bristol's idea probably, as she's trying to acclimate him to her family.

    Early May 4th. Boyfriend's sister says he is angry and hunts every night.

    May 4th. Trig baby shower
    Bristol reveals her pregnancy to parents. Boyfriend silent, thinks her father may kill him.

    Meanwhile Sarah takes Trig everywhere.

    Bristol travels a lot that summer. Levi's specific actions unknown. ZT asks TT if it's true Levi proposed to Bristol at some point early summer

    July 08 - Sarah tells Todd Bristol and bf should marry Aug 29. No reply. She says pray about it.

    Aug - Rumor is that Sarah asked to adopt daughter's baby. No.

    mid Aug- Sarah allegedly tells staff member Bristol's pregnant and will have it.

    Fair - McCain phone call

    Aug 29th - lives change forever.

    Late Sept/Oct - Bristol calls mom to ask for her input on bf's job opportunity. Sarah says he's stupid if he turns it down. Bristol on campaign most of Oct. Rumors are that there is a lot of fighting between the soon to be parents.

    Election over. Lost. Sarah super busy with interviews, flying, Juneau, xmas.

    Daughter and boyfriend fight constantly.

    Baby born.

    Couple break up

    All of the above is taken from emails and myspace

  94. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Records like that aren't publicly available.

  95. Anonymous5:24 PM

    "Anything she does to try to help herself runs the risk of proving her critics right. "

    How so?

    What's really right or wrong in Palinland? There are really only rumors.

  96. Anonymous5:27 PM

    "She sure doesn't look a bit like most young women do in their first pregnancies.'

    But she sure waited to gain weight didn't she. For multipara women, they grow faster. I was huge by week 13. Like, 35 weeks huge.

  97. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Anon4:51, when I saw POP OUT, I mean when the belly decides to round out. I've been pregnant twice. While it's different for everyone, most women I'd imagine notice a moment when their stomach suddenly appears. more shapely and less blobby.

  98. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Beware, the troll is here posting to confuse everyone.
    Can't stand this particular troll. I think she is a Palin stalker who knows dates and photos and pretends to know them.
    She is insane. Am I wrong? This is is fact. No?

  99. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Anon 4:46, if that were the case, she'd be in pain and not at ease as she clearly is. Again, shirt type and body type make all the difference in the world.

  100. Looks like 2 inner-tubes to me... diffidently not a 17 yr old girls 5 mo. baby bump!

  101. Anonymous5:40 PM

    She's postpartum and pregnant here.
    I agree with an earlier commenter who said the Palins are too stupid to keep track of an elaborate hoax. I've read all the books (Levi's, Bailey's, etc.), and looked at the pics and blogs for years now. Here's what I think happened:

    Bristol got pregnant in 2007 and the family tried to hide it at first. They were scrambling. Bristol then had Trig (not in Alaska) in February. EARLY. It was uncertain whether he would live. At first, Sarah was relieved about that, because if Trig died in an out-of-state NICU, as Sarah says in her book, "no one would ever know." When Trig survived, Sarah realized that she needed to pretend the baby was hers, to avoid controversy, save her "brand," etc. (In her mind, she was doing this to "spare" her daughter any public pain.)

    So, Sarah fakes a pregnancy to hide the shame of a pregnant teenage daughter. She trots Trig out in April, when he looks like a normal newborn, because he was premature. (He's also not susceptible to illness as any other baby in his supposed situation would have been, having gone through all that months prior. Hence Sarah's willingness to show him off so soon.) Sarah bounces back to work a few days later and breathes a sigh of relief. Career-ending crisis averted.

    Meanwhile, Bristol gets pregnant again in April. This time Sarah knows she can't hide it. (And she's furious with Levi.) So, when John McCain's vetter A.B. Culvahouse comes knocking in July, Sarah tells the truth about Bristol being pregnant, knowing she's a longshot for the VP nom anyway. Then she gets the gig! She's forced to continue the lie, only with more details and more attention. Her story starts to get confused, pics start to come out... And so on.

    And Bristol definitely had a third pregnancy during DWTS, but that's a whole other bag of Crunch Wrap Supremes.

  102. Anonymous5:40 PM

    well I can say Willow's breasts are looking mighty big now a days... Kinda like Bristol's when she up on stage with McCain back in 08...

  103. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Are Palins born with attached cellphone? I am certain they use them to deflect and to make their lives look so busy. In utero and out.

  104. Anonymous5:49 PM

    With Sarah being so vain taking diet pills and meth, do you think she would let Bristol get that big?

    Sarah can't stop a baby growing inside or one that already came out.

  105. Sorry for o.t., but...

    betheliteforsarah Today 02:51 AM in reply to BrianusBerkleianus
    BB it was an incredible week! I'm continuing to pray everyday that it is all falling into place as HE has chosen the way! God Bless You for your never-ending support of our great Gov! I hope we can see her with her troops on Sunday! These are exciting times! I'm so scared it is all a dream! But, I will ALWAYS stand with Sarah! (Wish I knew what to put here in Latin... lol)
    Mountain and 18 more liked this Like Reply

    BrianusBerkleianus Today 03:25 AM in reply to betheliteforsarah
    Thank you, bethelite. Yes, it was a beautiful week ... and not just a dream!!!

    How about: CUM SARAH SEMPER STABO--It Is With SARAH That I Shall Always Stand!!!

    God bless you!!
    IwjwI and 10 more liked this L

    Is the most prolific B anus, B anus just yanking their chain?

  106. Postpartum and 4/5 mos. pregnant stuffed to look farther along.

  107. Sally in MI6:00 PM

    I ahve a question. What do the Palins have against maternity clothes? Sarah never once wore anything with her fake baby other than that long black blazer and scarves...lots of scarves. Bristol wore sheath dresses...the worst thing to wear while pregnant. Are there any photos of a Palin in anything resembling maternity clothes? And why not?

  108. Anonymous6:03 PM

    The only way to find out if Bristol is postpartum or pregnant in that picture is to get a volunteer male from Wasilla to keep feeding Bristol wine coolers until she starts running off at the mouth. Then you start questioning her about Trig, Tripp, why did Track leave for Michigan, did he graduate high school, is Willow pregnant, did Sarah graduate college, did Willow get kicked out of school, is Todd gay, is Sarah mentally ill.......

    Any volunteers?

    Boots on the ground?

  109. Pregnant or ?...She is a porker...look at her jowls.

    Just seeing these disgusting people again makes me sick. Yuck!

  110. Anonymous6:17 PM

    1) Bristol loves sex more than anything and I can't imagine her moaning, sweating and riding Levi with all that fat on her on top of him, so I believe that's postpartum.

    2) Levi never came across to me as a chubby chaser.

    3) Levi had other girls going after him and Bristol was jealous, insecure and paranoid so I don't think she would let herself go like that.

    4) Wasn't Bristol athletic? Played basketball?

  111. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I believe she gave birth to Trig earlier than his announced birthday and Tripp later than his announced birthday. So, in this photo, she is both post-partum and pregnant, just not as far along in the pregnancy as they claimed.

  112. Anonymous6:19 PM

    It's the same old thing. Tell the BIG LIE and keep repeating it, repeating it, repeating it until people take it as FACT.

    Why do you think the "Game Change" stuff has started? WE KNOW the truth. Her minions are OUT slamming every truth uncovered.

    Not going to work....keep drugging yourself to sleep, Sarah. You announce, we POUNCE, and we're LOADED. DARE ya!

  113. Anonymous6:22 PM's Brooklyn

  114. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:22 PM

    I can't speak from personal experience, but this is almost exactly how a close friend of mine looked AFTER she gave birth, probably for a good several months. In fact, I get the impression that Brissie is actually trying to suck in her gut in this pic--what pregnant woman would do that?

  115. Cracklin' Charlie6:27 PM

    Conceived Dec 06
    Born Jul 07

    Conceived Aug 07
    Born Apr 08

    The picture of Trig in Levi's arms, taken in Sarah's kitchen, was NOT taken in May 08. Trig is Ruffles. They had over a year before the RNC to fix his ears. Tank said Tripp looked a year old in spring of 2009, because he was a year old in Spring 2009.

  116. Anonymous6:27 PM

    My first impression is that Bristol's shape is more like that of a post-partum nursing mother with boobs bound and swathed to hide leakage.

    I thought this in 2008 and this latest photo only confirms it for me.

    It would be really interesting to know if anyone on the campaign trail ever noticed if or how often Bristol was alone with Trig or if and how often Bristol accompanied her mother at feeding times.

    If Bristol wasn't directly feeding Trig during the 2008 campaign or was attempting to stop nursing (so gramma could be seen using a bottle), her breasts would be this swollen and her tummy saggy and out of shape.

    It would have been difficult for her to lose the baby fat on her mother's busy schedule - especially if she were pregnant again with Tripp.

  117. Anonymous6:28 PM

    She is still carrying baby fat from the earlier pregnancy and nursing. She could also be pregnant, but that is not an empathy belly. Empathy bellies actually do have the shape of a pregnant belly. Bristol's belly is just plain fat - if she was a guy, everyone would say she had a huge beer belly.

  118. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I was never convinced that Bristol is the birth mother of Trig....but now I'm not so sure. If Trig was born earlier than April (and I think it's a good bet that he was) and Tripp was born closer to February when he was first revealed on is possible that Bristol is PP in that photo. I agree that it doesn't look like a pregnant belly.

    But the other thing that is making me think Bristol is Trig's the story that Bristol was angry that Sarah had a baby and so decided to have one with Levi. She was angry because Sarah had a baby that really belonged to Bristol and so she and Levi got pregnant again so she could have one to keep for herself.

  119. Anonymous6:36 PM

    What's the "Hooah" pin for on Sarah last week for?

  120. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Isn't this picture after Bristol returned her borrowed phone back to Sherry? She and Willow have blackberries. New?

  121. Anonymous6:42 PM

    All I know is that picture of her in the dress is dreadful. Who would allow their daughter to wear such a tight stiff dress showing a gigantic bustline like that. The bustline just looks painful, odd, and unflattering. What mother would let their daughter be seen in public like that? The poor girl must have been crying inside. Did SP force her to go out like that? Cruel and unusual punishment.

    The picture of her sitting down may be a normal pregnant belly. But again, the bust is disturbingly huge and IMO not because she's 4 or 5 months pregnant. The breast size increases but Bristol's is a huge distortion.

  122. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Bristol just looks fat to me. The boobs are the weird looking thing to me. Something off in that picture and also in that brown dress at the RNC. Very strange looking and why no one told her is just beyond me, but of course Sarah is just thinking of herself and no one else.

  123. Anonymous6:45 PM

    "2) Levi never came across to me as a chubby chaser."

    Really? Not to say Bristol has ever been fat, but during the first half of 07, she was rather pudgy. Pretty, popular, and attracted several guys, and with a little extra meat. But we all saw the mutual attraction of her and Johnny, and read about his desire to date her in 07. Levi= not in picture.

    - - - -

    While I know you're exaggerating or just playing games, you just described basically every living thing by your love sex more than anything comment.

  124. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Sally in MI- apparently maternity clothes are out, for some reason. When I showed mine (ok, a calico smock) to my pregnant daughter she laughed. She went 9 months with only a couple of pairs of maternity jeans- other than that, just big tees or high waisted dresses. From what I've seen around my east coast town, that's what the young 'uns do these days. :

  125. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Umm, what about the preggo pic of Bristol with the hockey puck? She was obviously pg in that photo but minus all the extra weight gain in the face and breasts. When was that pic supposedly taken? I think she looks more like she did in 2007 in that one.

  126. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Ok . Anon 6:03 brings up a point that needs addressing. What does any of that have to do with any of you? or the country? or life in general as we know it? 1. everything that gets discussed on blogs thats not firsthand is rumor. 2. how does this end the lying from the democrats and republicans in power? 3. how does it help people find jobs, the people who refuse to work a decent job serving fried food and milkshakes?

    I know it's our country's custom to use more interesting people's lives as comedy fodder but really, point?

  127. eva marie6:50 PM

    OT to the picture on this post but in looking through the flicker pictures I see the one taken in Walmart?/Target?/Costo? where Palin and daughter are buying diapers.

    I remember when that was discovered and discussed and I don't remember it being released by her or her campaign or her pac. Why then is she giving credit to Shealah Craighead for the picture??

  128. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Let's see, could this be a post-partum looking belly after giving birth to Trig? We haven't been told the truth about Trig's real birthdate, but we are supposed to believe that Trig was only 4 months old on the campaign trail. He is obviously a few months older than that, but could Bristol still have the post-partum belly mebbe 6 or 7 months after? Hmmm.

  129. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Sally, no time to shop? She turned down a baby shower didn't she? Or did the one her relatives were talking about come to fruition?

    All one needs is maternity pants and it looks like she's wearing them. Well, unless youre my sister who had her first baby at 36 and wore her husband's 34 jeans at 8 mos.

  130. The photo of her in the black dress has a belly that appears firm, like you would expect of a pregnant belly. The breasts just look like a joke.
    The photo in the white shirt was taken in October, and it's hard to tell, but it seems like you can see the button on her jeans. You cannot, however, see if there is one of those "belly bands" that are often attached to maternity-wear. I've known one pregnant friend who literally was able to wear her pre-preggo jeans all through her pregnancy because she carried VERY high (as in, right under her chest, even while standing)-- we do not see this sort of high-carrying with Bristol, so she should be wearing maternity jeans.
    Her bustline in the bus is also "off." What I find additionally interesting about her choice in outfits is that she wears very high necklines. I sometimes wear my husband's shirts, and that's the kind of neckline Bristol wears.
    Bristol's belly on the bus looks... flabby. Which you really don't get as you progress into pregnancy. Even if you've never been pregnant, all the books describe it perfectly: just when you think you can't possibly stretch any more or get any bigger-- you do. However firm or taut her belly appeared at the convention, it would have only gotten firmer and tighter as the weeks progressed. I have a picture of me at 32 weeks (sitting down) and you can still see the circular outline. Bristol just seems like she has a gut...? And mind you, I was not as "in shape" or as thin as Bristol was before i was pregnant.

  131. Anonymous6:56 PM

    No trolls today?

  132. abbafan6:59 PM

    Anon@3:18P.M.- I have been following most Palin blogs since $arah first screeched in Minny in '08. Many hypotheses have been formulated and analyzed since this petulant fraud was unleashed onto an unsuspecting electorate; however, your scenario of the biggest hoax ever perpetrated holds a lot of water(pun intended). This avenue of the Palins' deception is possibly the best one that I have read about in the last 3 years, and definitely deserves more scrutiny. Most commenters here are surmising that $arah and her brood are trying to deflect the truth, that "Game Change" will present them in a very negative light. If $arah becomes too bold and brazen, and her trap yaps too much, certain people will say "enough of this idiot"! Then the floodgates will open full throttle, and flush this imbecile up shit creek once and for all!

  133. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Postpartum nursing mother, though she could also be a few months pregnant with a second pregnancy. That's my opion as a mom and grandma

  134. Anonymous7:05 PM

    KaJo said...

    I don't think Bristol looks a whole lot different in that top picture from 2008 than she did in this picture from almost exactly 2 years later, October 8, 2010:
    Except for the humongo uniboob

  135. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I'm going with post partum. The belly is squishy not hard, and the breasts look taut as if she were lactating.

  136. MadCityKaren7:17 PM

    I've not read all the comments, but my first impression (back in 2008) was that Brisdull appeared "post-partum" and nursing.

  137. Anonymous7:19 PM

    What about this photo?

    The three-quarter view of Bristol's bosom is much more revelatory than the more facing-the-camera view. She's HUGE on top, even huger than she appeared at the convention.

    But look at Bristol's hands (and in the first photo as well). Her fingers are just as slim as Willow's. If Bristol were pregnant in these photos, wouldn't her fingers be as puffed out as the rest of her?

  138. Anonymous7:21 PM

    6:49 PM - The POINT is MOST of America wants a president we can look up to, who's intellegent, and we can emulate ourselves after. NOT a smarmy carnival side show. It's NOT rocket science.

  139. Anonymous7:23 PM

    I know everyone's different, but I had my first child at 25, and was exhausted during the first and second trimesters. Bristol was following her mom around for quite a while on that campaign trail, and being the oldest sister, was probably handed the responsibility of looking after Trig, and Piper, living on a bus, hotels, jets; the jetlag, the loneliness, the sudden break-up of her routine from Alaska, friends, and here she was only 17 years old. A tremendous responsibility for such a young girl. Sarah has a nerve to tell the world how wonderful and happy she is, while the photos show a different story. The campaign photos show a story of a 17 year-old ripped from her comfortable surroundings, having to contribute all her energy towards her mother's pursuit of power.

    Not once did we hear Sarah ever sit down and discuss the negatives and concern about Bristol's feelings during that time, or even if the girl was starting to feel anxious about labour and childbirth, which is a fear and concern all young teenagers have. They need reassurance, not anxiety and fatigue by playing aide and mom to Sarah and Sarah's baby.

  140. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I don't know how to put this, but there is some new type of memory foam out there, that is kind of squishy and sags when left to its own - kind of like her belly seems to be oozing to her right (our left). I believe the foam I mean was all the rage late last year for pillows.

    Also, too, those boobs... they look like they are surrounded by a set of inner tubes. There is no real shape to them besides balloon shape.

    Formerly $arah's empathy belly?

  141. Anonymous7:33 PM

    "hair school"
    WTF is "hair school"?

    "have an open dialogue" with the queen of England ...

    studying first grade flash cards with her old ass daughter...

    North Korea is her friend...

    What does a vice president do?

    Africa? WTF is Africa?

    Leaking amniotic fluid in Texas, on the airplane seat, in the limo..

    Ended the hopes and dreams of a NFL football guarterback, a city, a state...

    Now destroying the NBA...
    Give me a fucking break!
    That woman is an idiot!

  142. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Could be a combo of 3:18 + 5:40.

    Bristol was pregnant in 2007 and delivered a singleton or twins in early 2008. Ruffles and Trig could be identical twins. They had very similar facial characteristics. The neonatal specialist interviewed by Laura Novak opined that Ruffles appeared to also have Down Syndrome.

    Ruffles had an ear deformity that could have resulted from a blood vessel imbalance such as twin to twin transfusion syndrome or some unknown reason that was not genetic, therefore Trig did not have this defect. This defect would not resolve itself nor would it be surgically corrected at the tender age of 4-5 months.

    If not twins, then one infant was acquired to complete the hoax and there is much more to the story. Ruffles and Trig are two different infants.

    Regardless, mothers of preemies are encouraged to provide breast milk. It is considered quite important for the infant's immune system and it is the easiest nutrition for an immature gut to absorb. A preemies immune system is not at normal strength for a very long time. Preemies are highly susceptible to viral and bacterial infections and should not be taken out into public whenever it can be avoided. A loving parent of a preemie lives in fear of RSV among many other illness (such as whooping cough). They can be lethal.

    By Aug of 2008, Bristol was again pregnant, this time with Tripp. The infant in the GVS Feb 2009 video is Tripp and his state of development is consistent with a 1-2 month old infant. That means Bristol was 3-4-5 months pregnant in this photo.

    My conclusion is that the photo in question of Bristol seated is a post-partum Bristol who is still nursing or providing breast milk for either a singleton or twins. And she is at least 3 months pregnant.

    Bristol was also pregnant during DWTS.

    Today, she is not pregnant, not post-partum, not nursing and getting back into good physical shape. And she is looking great, for the first time since that initial Candies photo shoot when she was temporarily between pregnancies.

    What happened to Ruffles?

  143. Anonymous7:44 PM

    she was rather pudgy. Pretty, popular, and attracted several guys, and with a little extra meat. But we all saw the mutual attraction of her and Johnny, and read about his desire to date her in 07. Levi= not in picture.

    6:45 PM

    Pudgy Bristol was attracted to anybody with a penis and a peanut butter sandwich.

    If you had wine coolers and a canvas tent with you then it just took a few minutes for the coolers to kick in and Bristol would ride you like a wet walrus during mating season.

  144. Anonymous7:45 PM

    The breasts she's sporting at the RNC are screaming 'breastfeeding' of 'breast leakage' all over them. They are incredibly padded - obviously to hide the evidence of a post-pregnancy and now new pregnancy.

    In the first photo, Britol's pregnant belly does not look normal - squishy is more like it. I've never seen such a belly on a pregnant woman nor did I have one in my three pregnancies. This is very odd.

  145. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Bristol looks like a woman who has just had a baby - she put on some weight while pregnant - and is lactating thus the swollen boobs.

  146. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Anon 3:18. Your analysis sounds reasonable and sound to me. That makes the most sense. Well written. I agree.

  147. Anonymous7:55 PM

    What does any of that have to do with any of you? or the country? or life in general as we know it?

    6:49 PM
    Faking a pregnancy to gain political power indicates a mentally unstable person. Couple that mentally unstable person with an elderly health problems presidential candidate and you get DISASTER for this country.

    Sarah Palin boasts of boarding a transcontinental flight without a check of amniotic fluid leak for a premature Down Syndrome baby. A person stupid enough to make such a boast should not be heavily influencing the political discourse in this country.

    Ignoring Sarah Palin's mental instability is inconceivable.

  148. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I agree with Anon 3:40.

  149. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Anon 3:18 - most intriguing analysis. If the twins were born in 2-2008, where would that put Bristol aat the time of conception?

    Mother's first year as governor and Track and Bristol getting into some trouble re: the yacht Pacifica and Kolvig.

    I believe Bristol's pregancy would be the reason Sarah essentially moved the governor's office to you home in Wasilla.

    I'm not sure Levi is Trig or Tripp's father, either. Were he and Bristol an item in July 2007, the date I calculate as the conception for premies born in 2-2008.

    I did some research on Bristol during this time, and blogs about Juneau at the time, and rumors of the unexplained fire and sinking of the MV Pacifica. It was rumored to be a party boat for teens, including Bristol and Track.

  150. Anonymous8:16 PM

    I definitely vote for post partum.

  151. Anonymous8:16 PM

    @3:18 PM Anonymous said...
    I've always thought that Bristol was post-partum during the campaign and that Trig and Tripp were fraternal twins born in Feb 2008...


    I agree with you! I have had a similar theory for awhile now.

    I love how you laid it out so clearly, it makes perfect sense to me.


  152. Anonymous8:18 PM

    "Brooklyn" needs psychiatric help. The rumor is that she is a stalker, not unlike Craig and his dad. A pathetic person that the Palins do not want around them anymore than we want her. Obsessive and needs meds. Fact. In 2012.

  153. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Postpartum nursing mother, though she could also be a few months pregnant with a second pregnancy. That's my opion as a mom and grandma

    I agree. A friend of mine thought that nursing was nature's contraceptive. Her kids are 10 months apart. She nursed the first baby for six months, while pregnant with the second.

    There are photos of Bristol with big bolster boobs and other photo where she is not so big. One thing that could account for her shape-shifting would be lactating. Her belly changes size, too, but she could be stuffed into a girdle for some photos. In this photo, Bristol is really letting it all hang out.

    The reason that this is our business is because Sarah Palin may not have given birth to Trig-- her family values and right to life credentials. There are some people who think that Bristol gave birth to Trig, and that would make everything that Sarah says is a lie. When Sarah says those nasty things about Obama, it matters if she is a liar.

    It also matters that Bristol is a liar. She came back to Alaska to raise her child and fix up a house (while living next door is a much nicer, much bigger house). Now, she's talking about filming a documentary. Her life is a fake. She has full time help, and instead of going to college, she works in a doctor's office. She has at best a GED or a meaningless high school diploma. Bristol is not managing that office, nor is she doing things that a trained nurse would do. Why not go to college and learn something? It's no problem She has the money and the help. Get real, stop filming a "reality show" that isn't real. Those people are fakes!

  154. Anonymous8:32 PM

    YES, to the photo linked to by 7:19.

    THAT is the one I mentioned earlier on this post and the earlier one concerning the batch of campaign photos.

    When I first saw that one, I was sure that her hair must be laying over some round pillow that she was sitting next to, because the body shape that the hair outline suggests is IMPOSSIBLE!

    I think maybe another commenter got it right when they guessed that her "suit" was pushed out of position by he way she was sitting.

  155. Cracklin' Charlie8:32 PM

    I hope somebody has locked up the canned goods in PalinLand tonite!


  156. Anonymous8:38 PM

    LoL that Palin family is something else. Just your average carnival skeezers...

    LOL No chin implant just mouth realigned

    LOL Belmont boobs today. Smooth as a Ken doll the next day.

    LOL Almost 18 year old graduating a year early and didn't go to school the past year.

    LOL Everything hollers postpartum but the only one with a new born baby was an old lady who developed her baby bump in a week and delivered a few weeks later and was back at work carrying her heart defected high risk baby in a couple of days.

    LOL Built a new 2 story house without plans and with a couple of buddies and just down the road a hockey rink was built at the same time.

    LOL Film legislation was passed then the governor quit and shortly there after made over a million from that same law.

    LOL daughter gets caught breaking and entering / destroying private property and is not convicted.

    LOL Sexually active underage mother getting paid to lecture about abstinence while hooking up with Levi, Ben, Gino and Kyle in a short period of time.... Did I mention got paid while doing them?

    LOL son got caught cutting school bus brake lines, no conviction.

    LOL Dairygate, troopergate, emailgate, per diem gate, SarahPac Paid Family Vacation gate, all kinds of gates.

    LOL and to top it off lied and strung people along about running for president and people kept sending them money even though the daughter said her mom had already made up her mind a year earlier.

    Alaska... Simply fucking amazing!

    I wouldn't believe it if they made a movie about it.

  157. It looks like an after thought belly.

  158. Anonymous8:46 PM

    That photo of Bristol in the white shirt looks like she has padding on from below the neck down to her pubic area!!! Weird! When was the photo taken?

  159. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Could it be one of those airline neck pillows, the kind that are full of tiny foam beads?

  160. Anita Winecooler9:12 PM

    I carried three full term, gave birth to two. To me she looks post partum more than pregnant, but I can see a scenario where she could be pregnant AND wearing a squishy something something to look further along.

    I remember being post-partum and still standing away from the sink while doing bottles or dishes, and my husband used to remind me that I could stand closer and not slouch so much.

    Hard to tell, Gryph. I'm tall and on the thin side, and carried differently all three times. My second was doing toe curls on my ribcage and they feared she would be breech, but she was stillborn and it's kind of a blurr.
    My second I carried high, but after her birth, my belly looked like that photo, if she breastfed, that type of shirt doesn't allow for easy access and can show leakage, especially white. I wore loose sweatshirts most of the time.

    What's with these people? Yet another questionable photo- why show this after all this time? Compare this to the photo with the hockey buck and scratch your head- something's not right.

  161. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Tubal Ligation after Piper says it all. Granny Grifter has the nerve to talk about VETTING Candidates when she has never been VETTED. GRANNY LULU you are a LIAR.

  162. Cracklin' Charlie9:23 PM


    I have two points to make about why Palin's babygate is important.

    The first is that, like Andrew Sullivan, I feel that the fact that the national media organizations did not report the true story of Sarah Palin's obvious lack of qualification for the position of Vice President of the United States sets a dangerous precedent. It wouldn't matter if it had been Sarah Palin or any other completely unqualified individual. The media failed the voters. And after the media spin blitz that was the GWB administration, that is just unacceptable. We deserve a free and independent press.

    But secondly, as a woman, and a mother of two, I just want to understand how it is that any woman could regularly and repeatedly put the needs of her children second to her own ambition. It also seems that, no matter what, Sarah Palin always finds someone else to blame for the things that happen to her, when in reality, her problems were all created by her. She didn't have to lie about the babies, they could have just told the truth. The bloggers didn't start the lies, they just started asking questions. Katie Couric didn't cause Sarah's lack of knowledge, she just exposed it.

    Does she really feel as though she is infallible? I don't think we need any more leaders who believe that they have been chosen by God to tell me, in minute detail, how I should be allowed to live my life. Especially when that person's moral compass is pointing so far from true north itself.

  163. Because Trig is Bristol's, they had to make her (look) further along than she really was. If indeed, she was even pregnant then. I suspect, if she was pregnant in that pic, she was only a few months along.

  164. "Umm, what about the preggo pic of Bristol with the hockey puck? She was obviously pg in that photo but minus all the extra weight gain in the face and breasts. When was that pic supposedly taken? I think she looks more like she did in 2007 in that one.

    6:48 PM"

    Yes, yes, that was what I was thinking too!

    If only we could find out WHEN those preggo belly pictures of Bristol were taken, because when I first saw them, I thought Bristol looked younger than she did when she was supposedly pregnant with Tripp.

    I also, too, thought B in grey dress at convention photo looked like a nursing mother who was deathly afraid of leaking and stuffed her bra with towels or diapers or whatnot to make double sure no leaking happened.

    Whatever the true story, we know Sarah lies constantly.

  165. Why would any of you believe that any of these Palin women would take the time and care to breast feed an infant? These women just hand the child over to ANY person that know how to hold a baby bottle.
    Perhaps Britta breast fed, but then, she isn't a Palin.

  166. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Meg Staplegun on KAKM auction again this year. NO bids from me until they get rid of her.

  167. Just saw the question you asked, if she looked pregnant. Not 5 months along, that's for sure. One running story had her a couple months pregnant in August, with Tripp born later than stated.

    This would have been to bolster the "Sarah having birthed Trig" fairy tale. Bristol could be postpartum with Trig here, & a couple months pregnant with little Trippy.

  168. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Michelin Man audition, definitely.

  169. Anonymous1:56 AM

    The gray dress was borrowed from Megan McCain, because Bristol didn't have anything appropriate to wear. I thought Bristol might have stuffed the top part because it was too big on her. Wonder what Megan would say.

  170. Anonymous2:51 AM

    You could have shown me this picture and told me it was from Dancing with the Stars.

  171. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Shes not pregnant she already had the babies.

  172. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Too long; didn't read.

    Can't get through all the comments. Will go back later and read. I'll just say this - I watched the RNC convention and saw Bristol's amazing chest. Knew nothing about any controversy at the time, and not for a long time later. But I saw her chest and thought WTF? That is NOT normal. I wondered what on earth the stylists had done to that young woman. Her appearance made no sense at all unless someone put her in a Dolly Parton dress, realized the mistake, and stuffed a beach towel into the dress.

  173. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Palin's lies spew out like bullets from an automatic weapon. So fast in fact, that she has lost track of what she has said.

    She probably reads this blog to find out what she said and when she said it.

    Why is this important? Sarah (like Romney) believes it is God's will that she becomes president. She will do anythin to attain that goal .Had she been elected VP, McCain's life may have been in danger.

    Palin as president would be the worst thing imaginable -she would ignore advisors -

    Now this picture is important because: 1. Audrey's site got shuttered after she was suggesting Bristol's convention pregnancy was fake. (I never saw a convincing picture that showed it wasn't.) Tank indicated that Tripp was older than we think.

    This throws a lot about what we think out the window.

    If we knew the actual truth, it would be totally bizarre and convoluted.

    Right Sarah?

    There could be other things involved like stand-in babies, abortions. Some much deception that it seems like normal to the Palin family.

  174. Anonymous4:05 AM

    At the convention, Bri was definitely postpartum!!! That picture with the padding had to have been taken after she expressed.

    As a mother of two, five feet tall and 119lbs pre-baby #1 at age 29, my boobies swelled so big and got so painful and lumpy, there was no way I could wave or have tight fitting clothes like a sports bra touch them. And let's not even talk about having a baby even close to me or have one crying. It was all over and my clothes were a complete matter how many nursing pads I stuffed in my nursing bra. That's just not realistic at all.

    Since I nursed my first child, my stomach went back flat within three weeks and my boobies found a normal size after 2-1/2 to 3 months.

  175. Anonymous4:35 AM


    I agree with you--lots of Spanx action going on here. Including Willow.

    I notice that a lot of the white trash types in my area push their busts up into this kind of uniboob configuration. Very strange--almost like a porno.

  176. Anonymous4:42 AM

    I don't think many teenaged girls breast feed their babies. They don't want to stretch out their boobs, leak milk, or have a baby latched on to their nipples (that might hinder their social life). Bristol wasn't pumping any milk out of those bodacious tata's.

  177. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Every time I see Bristol in the gray bolster dress I think: Honey, where the hell is your self esteem? No amount of momma's money is worth the shame of having to go on worldwide television looking like that.
    Brstol, you need thertapy. Alot of therapy. Your mother did not protect you. She made you look like an absolute idiot in front of the entire world. Are those hotel towels in your top??
    My god child. You have been horribly abused. Instead of taking your anger out on h8ers, you need to acknowledge the fact that your mother ruined your life foe her own agenda and you OWE HER NOTHING. You could be a gazillionaire and be healed if you just break free and address all she has done to you in the name of her own sickness. She is sick. Sybil's mom sick.

  178. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Remember when Nicole Wallace was out promoting her "Sarah Palin is crazy" "novel"? And mentioned that there was a "contingency plan" to make sure Sarah never got inaugurated -- at least she implied there was...I always assumed that the "contingency" was babygate and that Nicole KNEW Sarah didn't give birth in April, that she saw something, or had some evidence that proved it. Also, I think she PURPOSELY went around talking about this in September-October 2011 as a warning to Sarah, to let Sarah know that she would leak the story if she ran for president.

    Which makes Nicole Wallace, imo, almost as vile as the Palin clan...

  179. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Im more concerned about those huge boobs!!!!
    It has to be a empathy belly...
    They wanted her to look WAY more pregnant than she was to thwart the Trig story.
    Enuff Said...

  180. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Looks like what is referred to as a,'spare tire.' The 'thing' looks like it's moveable & that ain't

    Sharon TN

  181. lilli6:30 AM

    What does Trig have in his hand in this photo, looks like a hot dog or large pretzel..could he have been teething??

  182. Looking at her... that is recently (as in a few months) postpartum belly flab.

    Beneath that flab is a maybe 4 month pregnancy. A four month pregnancy shows on a slim woman, which she wasn't. And that fits in with a January date of birth, which is what I believe.

    There was no reason to confuse Tripp's birthdate unless it would counter Sarah's lying April 08 date of birth for Trig. In fact, if Tripp's date of birth supported Sarah's story, she'd have released it. But not: all sorts of confusion about the date of birth and no pictures until February- when Greta Van Susteren showed up to interview Bristol and Sarah crashed the interview. I noticed that Bristol didn't stand up during that interview, and, as I've always said, the different between a 3 week baby wrapped in a blanket and a seven week baby wrapped in a blanket, on TV, from a distance? Not measurable. 7 to 9 pounds? Not visible under those circumstances.

    No, Bristol was a skank ho who got knocked up and gave birth to Trig sometime at the end of January 08.
    Then she got knocked up and had Tripp sometime in January, 09. After a pause to regroup, she got knocked up and made a fool of herself on DWTS, as shown by obviously pregnant pictures of her taken AFTER DWTS, and the use of a body double showing off her house in Maricopa.

    Somebody needs to grab that girl's ear and talk to her about birth control. Or stuff a pill down her throat every day. She obviously doesn't learn with experience.

  183. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Last week Palin said her son was in the service. Isn't that another lie? One day he's running the family's fishing biz, the next he's in the service?

  184. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Anon @7:38: You sound like Audrey...if so, my regards and I hope you're well.

  185. Anonymous8:11 AM

    So where are the Palin defenders on this thread?! If you criticize something superficial like their hair or clothing they come out swinging with one response after another. Question something serious like whether they faked and covered up pregnancies for children that they then used to market their brand and advance their careers and...crickets.

  186. Anonymous8:30 AM

    My opinion...
    Bristol gave birth to Trig in April.
    Bristol was ENCOURAGED to get pregnant again, which she did.
    (it is possible to get pregnant within a few weeks of having a baby)
    She was heavily padded at the convention. She was full of milk. If she was pregnant again, she wouldn't have been able to take the "dry up" medication that some mothers take to dry up their breasts if they aren't breast feeding.
    There have been pictures posted of the campaign trail where trig was drinking out of a bottle that is part of a pumping someone was providing breast milk...and it didn't appear Sarah was padded.
    When i was post partum, a crying baby in the grocery store would start my leakage...
    And it can be really messy and a lot of it.
    Then Bristol had Tripp in December just a month and a half early.
    It makes twins or switching babies...just crafty timing.

  187. slightly O/T, but I can't seem to fathom Bristol and Levi telling sarah and Todd that Bristol is pregnant on the day of Sarah's baby shower. I know we are talking palins here, but it just doesn't make much sense to me.

    Anyone else?


  188. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I wrote the anon comment at 7:38pm and I am not Audrey, just someone who has paid very careful attention to all the details that have been revealed and discussed these last 3 -4 years.

    I am also a medical professional and experienced with neonates.

    I urge everyone to refresh their understanding by reading some of the most critical articles posted on these blogs. The Tale of Two Babies and its follow-up posts, the Laura Novak series where a neonatal specialist was interviewed and of course, the information developed by Audrey way back at the beginning of this saga all contained well developed information.

    And, in judging the age of the infant Tripp as seen in the GVS video, disregard the baby's size and focus on his development as demonstrated by vocalizations, head and neck control and hand/arm movements. For those who may argue that this was a stand in baby and not Tripp, look at his facial features. It is unmistakenly Tripp.

    Preemies may take years to catch up in size and some developmental milestones may be delayed. Tripp is a tall boy, we can not judge his speech as his pacifier serves as a literal plug, but he seems to be well coordinated and physically unchallenged.

    If Tripp was Trig's twin, he would have been around 10 months to 1 year old in the GVS interivew - really????? In order for this to be true, an extreme developmental delay was rapidly overcome in a remarkable short time without any lingering disability. Tripp's life has played out in the media, so there is ample evidence that there is no physical challenge or developmental delays. Watch the GVS video, it's out there still available.

    Look at the evidence that has been accumulated and consider it carefully.

    Ruffles existed, there are photographs that have been endlessly discussed. Physicians have offered their informed opinions that the ear defect was significant and could not be repaired until the infant was much older. One physician offered an opinion that the opening may have required closure as it could have been problematic.

    If so, there are still significant deformities in the ear that are not addressed. And there are many photos of Trig's ear that show no evidence of scarring or skin grafts.

    There has also been discussion that Trig and Ruffles had similar ear shapes therefore they must be one and the same. These arguments often mix comparisons between right and left ears and have never persuaded me. If the ear shapes are similar, this could also be further evidence that the infants were identical twins, but again this has never been presented in a fashion that impresses me.

    Ruffles and Trig could be twins or they could be unrelated. At least one of these babes was Bristol's child.

    What happened to Ruffles?

  189. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Wow the overactive imaginations.

  190. It's not the stomach that pops out at me but the bust. What is she doing? Rolling up T-shirt across there? It's like she's got a bolster pinned across the front of her boobs. It doesn't even look stuffed.

  191. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Empathy belly, of course. You can see the outline of the top underneath her shirt and the squishiness below.

  192. Bristol's Real Chin9:55 AM

    "Wow the overactive imaginations."

    I agree, Anon 9:34! I, too, am always amazed at the lies and obfuscations to which the Palins resort. Only someone with an amazingly overactive imagination could come up with all of the Grifter's schemes for taking money from her followers without giving anything back. It takes a great deal of imagination to eke out a living when you have no discernible talent for anything, but Bristol's doing a good job at that, too.

  193. Anonymous10:11 AM

    OK here is my theory. Bristol was hidden away not with mono but because she was pregnant. She gives birth to premature twins. One is Ruffles who has severe AFS and is in very poor health.

    (I saw a post on IM by someone who said Bristol was partying while pregnant.)

    The other twin has DS. Now, Sarah had planned on hiding Bristols pregnancy because of her career. Maybe that teary photo was around the time that this was happening. A DS baby OK but a baby with AFS?? She could never spin that one.

    What happened to Ruffles the AFS baby? Who knows? Didn't make it or institutionalized. SP is in panic mode because she now finds out abut the VP short list. So she comes up with the Tri-G story at the spur of the moment. This will save the day and give her pro-life cred.

    Now if Bristol gave birth in Feb 08 to these two babies and then got pregnant six weeks or so later she would be about four months along with Trigg around August. She could have been angry with SP for using Tri-G and got pregnant again on purpose to hurt her mother or she was just careless or she wanted a do over baby because she realized what a terrible thing had taken place with the AFS baby.

    And what is SP going to do at this point? She already tried to cover up Bristols previous out of wedlock teenage pregnancy. And between since Bristol is already preggers AGAIN and she also has Post Partum weight (that's what I see in this pic) the only thing she can do is out her daughter and seek the sympathy vote.

  194. Anonymous10:27 AM

    The Palin girls were photographed at the state fair at the end of August 2008. Bristol is in a sweatshirt but and turned a little away from the camera, but is clear that there is no bolster bosom on her.

    Yet at RNC (days later) she is bulging. But before the amazing appearance in the grey dress at RNC, Bristol's bosom looks relatively normal when she is at the airport to greet Levi.

    Other than a lactating mother, no human's breasts change so dramatically such a short period of time.

  195. Anonymous10:27 AM

    NO WAY

    1:56 AM
    The gray dress was borrowed from Megan McCain, because Bristol didn't have anything appropriate to wear.

    I have always thought this was a ridiculous thing to say (and we no no Palin ever says anything ridiculous).

    The RNC spent $$$$$ for everyone's clothes for that night. Right down to designer striped baby clothes for Trig. (And designer underwear for everyone else!)

    When you are introducing a potential Vice President and her family you do not have them wear hand me downs no matter how expensive they might be.

    For Pete's sake, send someone to Macy's and bring back a whole arm full of assorted, loose fitting, dresses with a smart jacket and let her pick one out!

    I think that if it IS true, it only speaks to the Palin's hillbilly ways to borrow a tacky looking dress for a big event. But remember, the Palin's were not making decisions that night. EVERYTHING was orchestrated.

    Even if it were true..why not put a nice blazer or sweater over it and hide the boobs? The "everyone look and see the boobs and belly" was the whole point of the weird grey dress.

    Poor teenage Bristol.

    And speaking of Trig's designer jammies. I've always been offended that they couldn't put him in something cute, not something that says "look at me" "don't miss me, Momma's meal ticket".

    We are all perfectly capable of seeing the kid if he was in something more attractive and less gaudy.

    He looks like a prisoner in full inmate gear. Who chose that?

    The whole thing is sick.

  196. You know this story would have been hard to figure out without all of the obfuscation going on.
    I could never really follow the babies, since as a man I just wasn't familiar enough.
    But now, I am really convinced that Bristle looked so odd because she was pre and post partum at the same time. I remember her just busting out of that dress at the convention and how odd that was and only people on this blog seemed to notice it. It makes sense that Bristle had a baby in February and then got pregnant again and gave such a great excuse because they lied about the date of birth. Then there was confusion over the date of birth of her second child. We haven't seen that BC either. Then I remember Palin's disclosure forms had the wrong number of children on it at the end of that year.
    It has been almost 4 years now and finally I am beginning to get an idea of how this scam went down. Thanks.

  197. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Hate to differ with all my good friends at IM, but, Gryph, I actually think you are seeing something there that does not exist. Her belly looks fine to me, it appears that she spread width-wise rather than out front (which happened to me, many people didn't know I was pregnant, since I was already fat and my growth seemed to go in my hips). Her boobs still look bolster-like, but the line of the bra makes it look like one of those uni-boob things. Just my thought.

    I still believe than SP faked her pregnancy; I'm agnostic on Bristol's (other than the timing might be a little off). Don't shoot me.


  198. Gryph:

    do you still talk to Audrey? I was reall bummed when she quit her blog.


  199. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Anon 8:38

    I would add to your list the mysterious burning/sinking of the MV Pacifica in Juneau in March 2007It was reputedly to be a "party boat" and Track and Bristol were regulars. There were reports of drinking and drugs. The yacht was owned by a sheriff's deputy Kolvig, and his son and Bristol were rumored to be an item. The yacht burned and sank in March 2007. Cause of the accident was not determined by the Coast Guard and the media did not cover the accident.

    I surmise that the reason for the coverup was because of the kids involved.

    I also wonder if Levi is not the father of Trig, just a handy stand in.

  200. Anonymous12:46 PM

    strange that she's supposed to be 7 months pregnant and her boobs stick out further than her soft belly. The girl is not pregnant in that photo nor was she pregnant at the RNC. She'd already given birth.


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