Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pat Buchanan is a little pissy that he lost his job at MSNBC for being a racist. Yeah, how unfair?

Buchanan has written a rather long, and very angry, article complaining about how unfair it is that the world has changed and his conservative, homophobic, racist views are no longer tolerated.

You can read the whole thing by clicking here.

However I thought I would just focus on two segments that he uses to defend his book, Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?, which was essentially the last straw for the liberal viewers of MSNBC.

First he explains that his book could not be considered racist or anti-Semitic thusly:

If my book is racist and anti-Semitic, how did Sean Hannity, Erin Burnett, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Megyn Kelly, Lou Dobbs, and Ralph Nader miss that? How did Charles Payne, African-American host on Fox radio, who has interviewed me three times, fail to detect its racism? How did Michael Medved miss its anti-Semitism?

Yes, how DID the folks at Fox News, who are so well known for being racially sensitive and progressive, ever miss the fact that there was racism and antisemitism in the book? After all they are such shining examples of journalism, are they not?

As for Erin Burnett? Well she is on CNN, which is rapidly becoming "Fox News lite," so that might be the reason. Or else, to give her the benefit of the doubt because I am a fan, maybe she is just too busy to have actually read the entire book?

And Ralph Nader? Fuck Ralph Nader! That is all I have to say on that topic.

Then there is this effort to explain his position on "teh gays." 

That homosexual acts are unnatural and immoral has been doctrine in the Catholic Church for 2,000 years. Is it now hate speech to restate traditional Catholic beliefs?

Yes, it is now hate speech. Where the hell have you been?

Just like it is hateful to follow church doctrine by refusing to allow women to control their reproductive rights.

And just like it was hateful for the church to have tortured people for heresy during the Inquisition.

And hateful again to have placed Galileo Galilei under house arrest for daring to suggest that in fact the earth rotated around the sun instead of the other way around.

In fact there are many things that are, or were, supported by church doctrine that are considered completely ridiculous, or even hateful, by the enlightened people of today.

Perhaps the inability to recognize that, or to recognize his true motivations for espousing his racist, antisemitic, anti-gay viewpoints, is really what signaled the end of Pat Buchanan's career.

Somehow I don't think his removal from the airwaves is going to have any negative affect on MSNBC at all.

Besides there is always Fox News. And as Buchanan pointed out, THEY simply cannot detect any racism or antisemitism, so he should be perfectly at home in that environment.


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Yeah,he does his generation proud............

  2. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Cannot stand looking at or listening to Pat Buchanan so I'm glad he's no longer on MSNBC.

  3. Little by little these foul old dinosaurs will be weeded out. Great changes taking place in this generation.

  4. Gryphen, this has to be one of the best posts you've ever done, in my humble opinion.

    I couldn't agree with you more!

    The nerve of Pat B. to write such trash and then give the Fox KKK gang as an example of people who back him up.
    As for CNN, which I never watch but read that they ARE the Fox lite and Erin Burnett is mentioned quite a bit on twitter as someone who belongs on the Faux network!

  5. Remember, this GOP racist actually ran for President!

    We Dodged another bullet! Like McCain/Palin!

  6. lostinmn11:07 AM

    It always astonishes me when someone with Irish roots, the people who endured their own racism, can themselves come out as racists. And how can a Catholic, with its well documented and continuing cover-up of its pedophile priests, be against gays?

    I'll never figure that one out to save my soul - which is damned anyway because of my lack of christianity.

  7. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Watched Bill Maher live last night, Gryph. The only place I can find his segment is here:


  8. mudkitten11:10 AM

    "And Ralph Nader? Fuck Ralph Nader! That is all I have to say on that topic."

    That? Made me laugh. :-)

  9. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Hey leave Pat alone. He lost a relative to the Holocaust. One of his uncles fell out of a guard tower at Belsen and broke his neck.

  10. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Mr. Buchanan is a neanderthal. I will never forget when he said that Toad should hold Levi underwater until he stopped kicking.


  11. They should have fired him long ago. Rachel Maddow used to affectionately call him her "fake uncle" until she got fed up with his obtuseness and raked him over the coals for his backward views on sex, race, etc.

    You know, Gryphen, you're a really bright guy, but you make some of the same mistakes as the atheists you admire, like Dawkins and Sam Harris. You make assumptions without knowing facts. You read what the bishops say about topics like contraception and homosexuality, but you aren't aware of the principle of primacy of conscience, which enables most Catholics to fully accept the use of oral contraceptives.

    In the past, there were particular liturgies celebrated for homosexuals in the Church. But during the AIDS panic of the early '80s, when little was known about the disease except that it was first associated with gays, the Pope was pressured to take a harder line against homosexuals. Now the pendulum is swinging back. Again, individual Catholics can determine through examination of conscience whether homosexuality is a sin. No bishop, not even the Bishop of Rome, can overrule our own conscience.

    As far as we know, Jesus wasn't concerned about homosexuality. Paul was, but that's because he was a former Pharisee and remained enmeshed with Mosaic law.

    Recommended reading: "A Catholic Defense of Same Sex Marriage," by Prof. Daniel C. Maguire of Marquette University (a Jesuit institution), written in 2006 and available online.

  12. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Buchanan To Sean Hannity On MSNBC Exit: 'Un-American' Blacklist Pushed Me Off The Air (VIDEO)

  13. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Why is he upset? I thought republicans support an employers right to hire and fire without recourse/

  14. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I was delighted MSNBC dropped this horrible man. Whenever he was on one of the shows I enjoyed, I'd always turn him off.

    He is not a man I respect or admire in any way.

  15. Anonymous11:46 AM

    The first time I ever saw and heard Buchanan was during a nomination speech for Reagan. After hearing Buchanan speak for the first time, I thought he was a scary because of his racist and bigoted remarks. My view of him has never wavered since then, but I have wonder why anybody would even take Buchanan seriously or even give him a platform to spew his racist remarks. It took some time, but someone finally has realized Buchanan is a racist and a bigot and have taken his platform away from him. But, I wouldn't be surprised if FOX gave him a new platform to continue to speak his racist views.

  16. Anonymous11:50 AM

    You'd think Pat would be immediately welcome at Fox but they would never have him. Not because he's a racist- au contraire! -but because, like Ron Paul, he's an anti-neocon.

    Who's worse- MSNBC or FOX?

  17. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Well, if homosexual acts are so vile, why have so many priests indulged in them? Imagine if the Catholica Church had enacted a zero tolerance policy on that type of behavior amongst their own how much it would have SAVED the Church. MILLIONS of $$$. Then imagine the untold misery of so many young people had been avoided. Hypocrasy is rampant in these religious institutions. Why do the popes and bishops wear so much gold and fancy robes, it that not worshipping idols when they have to adorn themselves in these garments and jewels? Kissing the pope's hand? Puleeze, he is simply a man. A man who knowingly covered up child sexual abuse for many years, and probably still is to this day.

  18. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Pat ran for president many years ago. He lost. This explains his hatred of our current President, the intelligent, gentlemanly, charismatic President Obama. Poor Pat, he posessess none of these qualities.

  19. (Begin snark)

    And the same goes for his equally despicable brother, Bay.

    (End snark)

  20. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Gryphen - Breaking news on Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu. Isn't he the sheriff in the county where Sarah and Bristol have their houses ? It seems that the sheriff has a gay undocumented Mexican lover and was allegedly running a sex slave ring.

  21. Anonymous12:16 PM

    This week's This American Life had an interesting perspective. Dude who looks like Barack Obama talked about the RACISM thrown his way.

  22. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Another Obama hater has fallen!

  23. Anonymous12:34 PM

    It's about time the old fart stops farting and stinkin' up the place.

  24. Anonymous12:48 PM
    I just read the above referenced article on Buchanan's 10 worst rants. I did not realize he was as far gone as he is. He is a real live hater of everything non-Catholic.
    I signed all of those petitions and am relieved he is gone. He left black smoke in his wake.

  25. Anonymous12:50 PM

    The great Molly Ivins once stated that Buchanan's books sounded better in the original German.

  26. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Gryph wrote:

    "...And hateful again to have placed Galileo Galilei under house arrest for daring to suggest that in fact the earth rotated around the sun instead of the other way around."

    Lest we forget, before there was Galileo under house arrest, there was Giordano Bruno being burned at the stake.

    From wiki:

    His (Giordano Bruno's) cosmological theories went beyond the Copernican model in proposing that the Sun was essentially a star, and moreover, that the universe contained an infinite number of inhabited worlds populated by other intelligent beings.[1]

    He was burned at the stake by civil authorities in 1600 after the Roman Inquisition found him guilty of heresy for his pantheism and turned him over to the state, which at that time considered heresy illegal.

    After his death he gained considerable fame, particularly among 19th- and early 20th-century commentators who, focusing on his astronomical beliefs, regarded him as a martyr for free thought and modern scientific ideas.

    Happy to see Mr. Buchanan's bit of ignorance & darkness tossed overboard. It was way past time.

  27. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I have to agree with Jean - one of the best posts ever - and that's saying a lot.

  28. He'll have his own show on Faux before the end of the month. Couldn't stand him on MSNBC.

  29. It is good that he is gone. He is a loathsome creature. He was getting more skilled at cloaking himself, but intelligent folks aren't fooled.

  30. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Erin Burnett -- not only does she work for Faux Lite but she is engaged to Citigroup executive David Rubulotta, which was revealed at the launch party of her new CNN show, it discredited her from reporting anything to do with budgets/financials, which she did prior to her own show on CNN -- her views are IMO biased -- just like Fox.

    That she reported financials, the markets, etc., all while 'dating' a Citicorp exec of which the public was not aware -- what else does she have to hide. She may as well have dyed her hair blond and gone to work at Fox. Better fit.

  31. Smirnonn1:55 PM

    Hey Pat,

    1730 called. It wants it's morality back.

    I'm glad this regressive POS is off of MSNBC. We as a species have enough problems trying to continue to evolve.

  32. mudkitten said...
    "And Ralph Nader? Fuck Ralph Nader! That is all I have to say on that topic."

    That? Made me laugh. :-)

    11:10 AM

    Let's take 10 minutes and imagine the world if Al Gore had been the President instead of George W. Bush.

  33. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I don't think Pat B is a hateful person. BUt he is older and is accustomed to thinking the way he grew up around. It can be very hard for someone who grew up around in a heavily racist era and break out just like that. I definitely don't defend the behavior, but I understand it.

  34. Hammer and a Feather your comment hit me where I live.

    I actually used to drive myself crazy with "What if" scenarios concerning the 2000 election.

    Progressives, the media, the Democrats, we all fucked that one up! And I never want to let that happen again.

  35. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Anon 1:49

    Erin Burnett was a VP at Citigroup before she worked at CNBC, now at CNN and engaged to a Citigroup Exec.

    How much of the bailout did she benefit from??? Think of all the 'secrets'

  36. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I always though that MSNBC had Pat Buchanan on to provide an opposing opinion, sorta like Point/Counter Point.
    Occasionally I would see him and would cringe at the veiled, and sometimes not so veiled, bigotry, racism and prejudice he would let fly. We all know the first amendment guarantees free speech but I was amazed that the management at MSNBC permitted this to continue so long. In corporate America I have always been fascinated at how long corporations will allow something to continue that the most casual observer sees as wrong immediately. So many other commentators have been called out and suspended for inappropriate statements, yet he seemed to survive unscathed.

    He is clearly an empowered white male christian who is threatened by the obvious lost of there first in line status. The demographics of the United States are changing and what are these people going to do and think when they are in a minority.

    The whole right wing philosophy caters to people who have not stopped fighting the Civil War. They cannot understand how the blacks got off the plantation. Jan Brewer shaking her finger at President Obama is indicative of this. I remember during the McCain campaign when Palin would bait her crowd with veiled racist remarks, she would do nothing to challenge them when they spewed hatred from the bait.

    Little doubt Mr. Buchanan will land at FOX, the network built on hate and fear, sorta like the church.

  37. Anonymous3:24 PM

    He belongs on The 700 Club with Pat Robinson.

  38. @Gryphen 2:55PM

    I found this awesome short discussion about that very topic:

    If Al Gore became president instead?
    What would the world be like if Al Gore had won the election in 2000?
    2 years ago

    Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

    according to family guy, climate change would have been stopped, there would be socialized health care that worked way better than the current system, there would be an excellent education system, zero-tolerance gun policies, and an almost zero crime rate
    2 years ago

    Several interesting comments, and not all of them pro-Gore, are at the original page: tinyurl

  39. Anonymous5:24 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    I don't think Pat B is a hateful person. BUt he is older and is accustomed to thinking the way he grew up around. It can be very hard for someone who grew up around in a heavily racist era and break out just like that. I definitely don't defend the behavior, but I understand it.

    2:42 PM"

    Beg to differ with you. I was born and reared in the South; so were both of my parents, both of them growing up during the Great Depression; they were older than Pat.

    I watched both my parents realize that the racism they grew up with was not the reality of the world they were living in. Not over night, you're right. But, c'mon -- Pat's had ample opportunity to "come around"! Is it an act? Or is he hate-filled? I think he's a backward yearning old bigot -- by his own choices!

    Slightly O/T: Anonymous @ 2:42, it would behoove you to take some basic English courses.

  40. Slime eventually dries up.

    Now he and his sister can go back to Alabamie and re-open their plantation. They also get to put ads in all the local papers for help....'slaves'.

    Echos of Strom Thurmond fade slowly with this crowd but they'll soon ALL BE GONE.

  41. Anita Winecooler8:44 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I don't think Pat B is a hateful person. BUt he is older and is accustomed to thinking the way he grew up around. It can be very hard for someone who grew up around in a heavily racist era and break out just like that. I definitely don't defend the behavior, but I understand it.

    2:42 PM"

    I, too, have to disagree with the "older" excuse. Yes, it's a learned behavior, but it can be changed in one generation.

    The "grandfather clause" doesn't apply to racism and hatred. My father had racist views, he didn't go around broadcasting them, but he most definately was a racist.

    Until my Mother was pregnant with me and his car overheated on the way to the hospital with no payphone in sight (1958). He stood by the highway during a blizzard, hundreds of cars passed by and didn't help. Long story short, a black family stopped, whisked my parents to the nearest hospital and waited to make sure everyone was ok. In the meantime, he called his brother who was a mechanic and replaced the thermostat and ruptured hose and anti freeze in the car. That black man became my godfather, and his family is still part of mine even though he passed away.

    I can't imagine Pat Puke cannon having a change of heart, especially after reading his victimization rant.

    And didn't Erin Burnett get her show AFTER Pat got fired? Or am I wrong or thinking of someone else? (Not a fan of cnn except for Anderson Cooper)

  42. Anonymous10:32 PM

    11:13, you have it exactly backward about the principle of primacy of conscience.

    The encyclical promulgating that principle is all about allowing people to follow their consciences to follow Catholic church teachings in the face of opposition, NOT about allowing Catholics the freedom to deviate from Church teachings they disagree with.

    In the Catholic Church if your conscience disagrees with the church then your conscience is wrong.

    And sure, if you're gay, the church is just fine with you. As long as you are 100% celibate.

  43. Anne In DC10:39 PM

    I used to turn from MSNBC whenever Pat Buchanan came on, because I couldn't stand his nagging voice or the bigotry he spewed on a regular basis. The question is, what took them so long to drop him?

  44. Anon @ 10:32

    That point is being debated everywhere. Both sides are quoting encyclicals, Aquinas, and St. Augustine. Even bishops are divided. You're probably aware of the Winnipeg Statement regarding contraception.

    In their private lives, Catholic women's consciences (and brains) have allowed them to use contraception, according to polls. The typical family size in any parish in the country bears this out. They can't all be using the Creighton method.


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