Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Palin on Fox and Friends: President Obama "Not fit to hold this office." Hey, at least he didn't quit halfway through!

Part one of this little gabfest is pretty much the same old anti-Obama rhetoric that Palin has been spewing in interview after interview. Except where she foolishly makes the claim that "There is access to preventative care and contraception out there, and we don't need government to tell our employers that they must provide that for us." 

(Says the woman with a house full of children born out of wedlock, and possibly yet another pregnant teen.)

Palin is also stunned when confronted with tape of Mitt Romney responding to her claims that he is not "conservative enough." Caught unaware she kind of walks it back and blames her statement on the"70% of GOP and independent voter" not being convinced that he is the best candidate.

When pressed about her own feelings concerning Romney's conservatism she decides to go passive aggressive and responds with "A lot of this has to do with somebody's past, ya know were they pro-abortion in the past and now perhaps they're pro-life? What allowed that, that switch..kinda that flip flop. How have their positions evolved over the years? Were they pro-big government, pro-increase of taxes back then? And where are they now?"

Of course Palin knows full well where Romney stands on those issues today, he is currently twisting himself into the kind of conservative pretzel that the Right Wing will support in the general election. But the Grizzled Mama simply refuses to accept that the eventual candidate will be Romney and that her candidate, the Newt, is out of the running.
Now she has been demoted to just a "Fox News Contributor." Click collagen to play video.
However it is in part two where Palin doubles down on her blatant lies and attacks on President Obama. After hearing the President, quite rightly explain that "everybody" had it wrong in estimating that how badly the economy was damaged by Bush before he took office, Palin goes on the attack with this:

"What he does is defy common sense. And also did you catch what he was saying in there? He is now blaming the estimators, the statisticians, the economists. Every one else is to blame for the economic woes except for his 'felled' policies. That is another indication of his naivete and his un..un..he's not fit to hold this office."

Palin goes on to attack the President's plan to reduce our nuclear arsenal (Which by the way is simply an expansion of Ronald Reagan's START treaty), in recognition that those systems are outdated and expensive, and do NOT increase our security. (If in fact they ever did.)

She is still clearly stuck in a Cold War mindset, and seems to believe that if we have one less missile than China or Russia attacks then on our shores are only hours away. Apparently she is unaware that her idol, Ronald Reagan, had planned all along for America to dramatically reduce our nuclear capabilities.

In this case Obama is far more like Reagan than Palin could ever allow herself to be in this current political climate.

By the way as many of you reminded me, Palin was also on with Greta last night, sporting her "Lego hair."

Click wig for video
There was not too much about this interview that was new either, but Palin did explain her Facebook shout out to Allan Dershowitz in this way:

"I'm appreciative of Allan Dershowitz being very bold, and um non-partisan with quite a few of the positions that he has taken. You know he defended me. stuck his neck out when he didn't have to on the whole Gabby Giffords shooting issue, where I, and um a lot of other conservatives were being blamed for that." 

Wow! Does she REALLY want to remind Americans of how she handled herself during that terrible episode? Somehow I doubt it.

By the way my working theory for why Palin flew to do the CPAC convention and is now suddenly SO accessible Fox News hosts, is that she is trying to schmooze Roger Ailes into giving her a more permanent job.  Her reality show opportunities have run out, her chances of getting another book deal look less than promising, and her PAC is only a shadow of its former money laundering glory.

Simply put, she is out of options.

She might actually be forced to work for a living! Oh the horror!


  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Sarah Palin says-There is access to preventative care and contraception out there, and we don't need government to tell our employers that they must provide that for us

    yes, that access is provided by places like Planned Parenthood, who people like her are trying to put out of business.

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Palin had her drop dead moment supposedly in September when she said she would decide whether to run or not. She strung it into Oct.

    Well she dropped dead, so why doesn't she float with the tide as she put it, right out of our sight.

    Sick and tired of her tripe.

    She is unfit for any office. Why should anyone pay attention to her now?

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

    This woman is trash. President Obama and his family are wonderful and he is a great President. All she does is spew hate.

  4. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Who is it exactly again who pays for all of Palin's family healthcare needs? Yeah, right. The Government.

    The Bots pay for everything else.

  5. Anonymous12:57 PM

    That beyotch actually said President Obama's not fit to hold this office? Sorry, I can't listen to the Screechy One speaking, so will take your word for it. That just makes me fighting mad!! How dare that half-term quitter who can't string a coherent thought together dare say our President (and hers, btw) isn't fit for this office?! My god, will someone please please expose this woman for the fraud she is? Nicole Wallace? Steve Schmidt? Fred? Palin isn't fit to shine President Obama's shoes!

  6. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Yes, FOX is her biggest source of money now.

    Speeches have dried up, reality shows have vanished, PAC money is just a trickle of what is was and...

    She has to pay all the cost for multiple homes, nannies, hush money, airplanes and has to cover for her NON-WORKING brood of uneducated kids.

    Losing the FOX deal will hurt her.

  7. Anonymous12:58 PM

    If you would spend your time TAKING HER DOWN rather than talking about her, the world would be a better place.

  8. aj billings1:00 PM

    Palin's utter stupidity and partisan vomit reminds me of something that PT Barnum was alleged to have said

    "No one went broke underestimating public taste"

    "There's a sucker born every minute or There's a client born every minute"

  9. Virginia Voter1:01 PM

    Lego hair...snap it on and go. Fantastic.

    I mean, really, any of the Wig Trolls, cannot deny, looking at these two pictures, that Sarah wears wigs and/or extensions. The hair is different lengths, and different colors, and different textures, in the span of a day, for Gods sake.

  10. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Meanwhile in the real world Palin's opinions ceased to register for most people ages ago.
    Stewart, Colbert and O'Donell dismissed that ignorant greedy harpy awhile back as well.
    The only people aware of her shenanigans are the small group of bigoted far right imbeciles who still send her their kid's lunch money and us who read IM and ocassionally venture into the sea of greed.

  11. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Just curious: Who were the "other conservatives" blamed for the "Gabby Giffords shooting issue"? I don't remember anyone else being blamed other than her. Who is she trying to drag down with her?

  12. Anonymous1:09 PM

    She is a fucking idiot. Hey Sarah, you idiot, who quit their fucking job half way through you loser?

  13. Game on, Wasilla Granny! You're "not fit" to even mention the President's name. Or the First Lady's.

    Go back to your cheating girly-man in your tacky house on the dead lake, and try to instill some morals into your children who hate you unless you're giving them money. Kind of like you are with your P-Bots. And, for pity sake, take care of the special needs "prop" you bought for the 2008 election. Mitt may think "corporations are people," but Trig is NOT a corporation. He's a badly-used prop for your narcissism.

    Remember, remember, the sixth of November. Landslide!!!

  14. Anonymous1:11 PM

    "The whole Gabby Giffords shooting issue"?

    It wasn't an "issue" -- it was a murderous attack on innocent, unarmed civilians, in which a little girl exactly Piper's age was killed, as were a Federal judge and several others. Gabby Giffords was mained for life.

    Whether the mad man who fired the gun had seen your crosshairs, he'd certainly heard your hate speech for years. You do bear a responsibility for fomenting such anger and aggression in our country.

    It may have been an "issue" to you, Sarah Palin, but it was a wake-up call to all of us about your power to turn the political process into a fire fight.

    It wasn't a "blood libel" to say that you had a responsibility for this deadly deed. It is and was the truth.

    Alan Dershowitz is a low-life who will say and do anything to get his name in the news. He's not a white knight for you, Sarah. You should check out your "friends" before you use them for your ends. They're using you, too.

  15. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Now, Sarah... I know you get confused easily. It's not your fault. Now, think carefully, dear. Were you describing the President to your friends or were you describing yourself? No, no! Don't try to answer immediately. Take your time to think of the answer. Think... describing the President or yourself? Slow down and think........... That's right, Sarah! It was yourself you were describing. Good girl. Good good girl. Bless your heart.

  16. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I cannot believe what she says about President Obama! She doesn't have a clue about what he does or doesn't. No friggin' clue!!

    I just wish one of these supposed reporters/journalists would stop her in her tracks and ask her questions about the statements she makes.

    She's an idiot and not fast on her feet to directly answer a question. Everything is memorized and she'll divert a question if asked and move it to something different, do the ramble thingy and say absolutely nothing. She did that in debates in Alaska too! A total failure!

  17. Maybe she can get a job at Taco Bell.

  18. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Palin is always loathsome.

    A ugly, cancer on the Republican party. If they don't remove her soon they will be history.

    Her smugness is revolting.

  19. Anonymous1:32 PM

    My husband, who pays a lot of attention to politics and listens to my Palin rants, has told me that Palin's career in politics is essentially over. No one cares what the Crazy Mamma says anymore. In fact, what was "news grabbing" is now just "crazy talk." As it should be. ;)

  20. Anonymous1:33 PM

    God I hate that she's BACK being the GOP's attack dog. She isn't even fit to utter our President's name. I wish someone or something would take her out of the political discourse once and for all.

    She disgusts me! Don't know if I can stand seeing her mug around until the election.

  21. laprofesora1:36 PM

    She is so full of hate that someday I completely expect her to spontaneously combust.

  22. Anonymous1:37 PM

    She is amazing. She can’t actually believe the crap that comes out of her mouth. She is the least self-refective, intellectually aware political personality ever. Even old Ronny in all his dementia knew when he was throwing the shit in the wrong pile. Ailes must be enjoying this as pure comedy.

  23. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I am so sick and tired of Sarah Palin. How dare she claim that President Obama is "not fit to hold" the office of president. He has done an incredible job with absolutely zero cooperation from the Republican Party. I'd say that those Republican senators and representatives, the ones who have literally refused to work for the benefit of the American people, who pay their salaries and provide their benefits, are the ones who are "not fit" to hold office. And I sincerely hope that, come November 2012, we get rid of the lot of them. And Sarah Palin should stay home and take care of her children. Oh, that's right. She's not really "fit" for that job!

  24. laprofesora1:40 PM

    PS I wonder if they brought Crazy into the studio so they could comb her wig and dress her appropriately. And adjust her meds.

  25. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Totally agree about your theory of Palin wanting a more permanent job. I think that is exactly what this day at FOX has been about. Knowing FOX, they will fall for it...big mistake!!!

  26. Roger Ailes only responds to ratings and Sarah is always good for a sound byte or two. As the campaign winds down to the final two: President Obama vs. Romney or Santorum, she will become irrelevant once again. She has been wrong on just about everything so far. They keep her around for filler and to get something back for their investment in her home studio.

    Ailes will drop her and add whomever loses to Obama. Both ARomney and Santorum are otherwise "unemployed."

  27. Anonymous1:42 PM

    So someone who quit their job as governor half way through their first term has the gall to pass judgement of the President of the United states and proclaim he is not fir for the job? She is the attack bitch for the Republican party, but can someone please enlighten me as to why she gets free rein to attack other Republicans like Mitt? The GOP made Sarah, and they will have to deal with this wild card. If Santorum takes the lead, will Palin start attacking him as well? That would be worthy of a few bags of popcorn. The GOP is going down, and Sarah Palin will go down in history as the main instigator.

  28. Anonymous1:45 PM

    From the Bots --- Palin is such an idiot that she evidently did not take enough clothes with her to change. Sure hope she at least took a bath!!! She is to be on Eric Bolling show, his last show, and she has on that tacky rhinestone belt again.

    exodus2011 Today 03:33 PM

    great photo of Eric and Gov Palin taken today at FOX

  29. Anonymous1:45 PM

    This broad is only energizing Democrats with her crazy rants. Keep on keeping on batshit crazy fool! I hope she is on everyday. Every article written about her has 98% negative comments directed at her. She helped fracture her own party. Way to go Palin!

  30. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Palin, on Fox Business Network, says a brokered convention could happen and, if it does, she would "do whatever I could to help."

    Read the transcript below.

    BOLLING: Governor, a lot of people are saying it can't happen. I don't necessarily agree with them. If one of the nominees, one of the GOPers, doesn't get enough delegates, it could go the a brokered convention.

    If it does get to that and someone said, Governor, would you be interested, would you be interested?

    PALIN: Well, for one, I think that it could get to that. And I -- you know, if it had to -- if it had to be kind of closed up today, the whole nominating process, then we would be looking at a brokered convention.

    I mean nobody is quite there yet. So I think that months from now, if that's the case, then, you know, all bets are off as to who it will be willing to offer themselves up in the name of service to their country. I would -- I would do whatever I could to help.

    BOLLING: That's -- that's fantastic.

    Read more:

  31. she's a fraud, folks1:55 PM

    It is my fervent goal and hope…that we will some day no longer have to rely on nuclear weapons to deter aggression and assure world peace. To that end the United States is now engaged in a serious and sustained effort to negotiate major reductions in levels of offensive nuclear weapons with the ultimate goal of eliminating these weapons from the face of the earth.
    --Ronald Reagan, October 20, 1986

    Palin is a total freaking ignorant moron.

    Then again, anyone with a brain already knows that!

  32. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Lately I've found myself less and less willing and able to watch her interviews. The observations about her hair, and clothes and background props are just background noise to me. Often funny but largely repetitive and kind of pointless.

    I'm increasingly puzzled as to why anyone wants to interview her. She has nothing of value to add to the national discourse. Her looks are fading. Her influence waning since she decided not to run. Her followers seem to be dropping off.

    What's the point Mr.Ailes?

    I've lived long enough to have seen quite a number of former vice presidents and failed vice presidential candidates and I can't racall any of them behaving this way. She spews venom toward this president in a way that I have never seen. Her ignorance should disqualify her from speaking at a backwoods fish fry,let alone a national cable channel. Even McCain, who is a bitter, grumpy old fart on his best days, doesn't behave this way.

    I'm still morbidly fascinated by her because she is so far from anything we have ever seen, in the worst ways, that she might have been grown in a petrie dish of the most toxic substances imaginable.

    I just wish some people who claim to love her would get her the help she desperately needs and spare the rest of us this from this blight on our country. She really needs to fade away.

  33. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I don't quite understand how people who have amassed multi-millions of dollars feel pressured to make more. Isn't the whole point of making that much money to not need to struggle any longer?

    Sarah banked between 7 and 10 million on her book deal alone back in '09. If she's desperately looking for a money scheme now, where'd her money go?

  34. Anonymous2:07 PM

    She does read here. She showed up on The Five on Fox today. Although not for very long. She was challenged a few weeks back, here, that she could only do one on one interviews. With that said, they softballed it when she was on. No substance as usual.

  35. Anonymous2:10 PM

    "if someone had to offer themselves up, I would ." God now she's a martyr too? By all means, Sarah, offer yourself up. Then we can watch our President take you out with one debate.

  36. Anonymous2:14 PM

    if $he is trolling ailes for a permanent position could ailes make the skank ( please please please ) gather up all her fuk_tard spawn and get the hell outta Alaska permanently ?!?

    gawd that'd be awesome with the bonus being
    the chances of her gettin' hit by a bus or a cab would go up exponentially

  37. Oh, her movie is coming out soon isn't it?

    Wait till people get a hold of that. And wait till they find out it was written by Republicans, NOT liberals.
    Wonder if McCain will lie and say it ain't so, that she was the perfect VP candidate.
    She has to be worried. She has nothing. Her governing days and her reality tv days are behind her.
    She has not used this time to educate herself, she still sounds like a ditz when speaking ex temp.
    She can have articles written for her, but how long should fox carry her dead weight?

    All she can do is denigrate others, never has solutions or ideas. that gets old fast. I think she will be after POTUS Obama till her dying day. I can hear her 25 years from now, she'll still be complaining her ruined the country.

  38. Anonymous2:18 PM

    “Preventative” care? Anyone with a degree in journalism would not say “preventative” care. “Preventive" is always used and nobody goes back to preventative. She either missed the AP style class or flunked. I would go with flunked.

  39. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Palin with Bolling

  40. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Hmmmmm...Palin has been pushing for the "vetting" to go on as she is hoping for a brokered convention. According to the link below, she will say that she will get in if that happens. she is to say this tonight at 10PM on FBN.

    Surely she can't really have a chance if this happens! It has been odd that she has been on just about every show on FOX today. Something is definitely up!!!

  41. Anonymous2:22 PM

    She kicked the liberal guy on The Five!

  42. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I don't get the 'lego hair' joke. When I saw the hair I bet my expression matched Oprah's when she saw the Nellie Olsen hairdo. Honestly, I like changing my hair style. The difference is a style change or variation not changing hair.

    Palin is escalating her attacks. She must have reloaded.

    Gryphen's theory about maxing out with Fox a possible option is plausible. If the entertainment industry believed Palin amd Tawd were a complete pavkage she would not have time for speechifying. Her snark, spinning off the charts allegations (outlawing s'mores) wasn't quality entertainment. Neither was the aired let's pretend Sarah Palin interviewed people fake show.

    Palin is left to hawk, bark and attack. She got far doing that. Farther due to the GOP needing a wild card fale candidate. The gig is almost up!

  43. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Dumb fucking yutz.

  44. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Palin will return again and again to "blood libel" and "Trig is my son" because she is mentally unstable. She compulsively re-exposes herself because each time she does it and does NOT get caught, she relives the glory of herself deceiving the rest of the world.

    Palin is a sociopath.

  45. Anonymous2:26 PM

    The pee ponders think that EVERYONE is dissing her when they don't fawn, they don't realize that she NEVER has anything new to say. No one cares what she has to talk about. She is only mentioned because of the crowd that gathers to watch the wreck in action.

    Listen or report on a speech? It's the same old same old, over and over.

    She plays at being mysterious, but really, what are her policies? What would she do or change? It's all about games with her. Keeping her name out there for donations, throw in a few jabs at Obama.


  46. Anonymous2:27 PM

    She keeps jumping the shark, doesn't she?

    Problem is Sarah's too dim to grasp that she is marginalizing herself at the very moment in history when her brand of demagoguery is falling out of fashion.

    The tide has turned. The economy is improving. Most Americans approve of the job Obama is doing, and disapprove of the job the Congress is doing. They blame Republican obstructionism and see it for what it really is: the cynical politics of winning at any cost. They're tired of it, and look to a steady hand to stay the course to guide us forward.

    Her parade is over, and many are asking themselves, "What's that bad smell?"

    That would be Palin, stinking up the political discourse as the Republican Party circles the drain for 2012.

    That's why all the smart candidates are sitting this one out. Obama will win in a landslide, and they know it.

    Damage control means they try to keep the party from being torn apart. Not even Ailes will place Fox viewership numbers over the party's survival, faced with a generation of lost opportunities if independents and moderates continue to turn left.

    Sarah is now the most rabid of the trash-talkers and bomb-throwers, and is too stupid to look around and see how stale her schtick is becoming.

    Buh bye, Sarah. We survived you!

  47. Anonymous2:28 PM

    2:01 pm


  48. Irishgirl2:28 PM

    "Not fit to hold office" - and this coming from the woman who had people coming into her house and cleaning the shit from the toilet because she wouldn't get off her lazy butt and look after her children and home!

    Yes, I believe Joe McGinniss on this.

  49. Anonymous2:28 PM

    LOL on Greta:

    Sarah Palin having a mouth booger problem on Fox

  50. Anonymous2:30 PM

    She's a bully and a coward who would never have the guts to say that to Obama's face. She would love to have just a moment of the president's attention and would giggle and flirt and try to flatter him. She'd be so excited to be close to the man she's been idolizing for the last three years. Her obsessive behavior towards him is that of a deranged fan.

  51. Anonymous2:33 PM

    She is all over Fox today:
    Palin Says A Brokered Convention Is Possible. LOL

    On Fox Business News

  52. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Palin on The Five on FOX today. She is really trying to make points with everyone. Notice that she says that Trig is getting glasses today (ABOUT TIME) and that she won't be there, but Willow will be. So did Willow fly back already or is this another Palin lie.

    Sarah Palin a surprise guest on The Five

  53. Wigzilla has never looked better. Wait... what? Are you sure that's not a man?

  54. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Adele Takes on Newt Gingrich

  55. Anonymous2:46 PM

    palin dropped in as "a surprise guest" on "The Five." How is she considered a "guest" when she is supposed to be working for Fox?

    Now on Eric Boling, she is going to hedge on whether she'd jump in if there is a brokered convention. To me, it's just another ploy to get Pac money. Her bots love her, but Palin's interviews in New York fall flat like with that first Fox show she did about heroes. But, it almost seems like Fox is auditioning her for something and she seems to be auditioning, too. Surely, someone has told her to quit flailing her annoying hands and arms around but she always does.

    I am in Texas. If it makes anyone feel better, there are people in red Tx who absolutely can't stand her--truly. I think in Tx in 2008, the Reps won Tx only because people voted for McCain--not Palin. There's big, big money(huge) in the Republican party here. But among Republican power people and money people in Tx, Palin is considered an embarrassment. Her lack of manners, foul mouth and lack of knowledge are a huge deficit with the big money people in Tx.

    Also, there are some Repubs mad at Palin because she didn't support Perry. Sorry this is so long but I wanted to give a view from Tx.

  56. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Palin on The Five

  57. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I am 68 years old and have seen a lot of good, bad and evil people in my life time. Sarah Palin and her followers are the most evil people I have ever seen. There is nothing good about this woman or anyone who supports her.

  58. WakeUpAmerica2:54 PM

    Sarah Palin, so unfit that she's a waste of skin.

  59. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Sarah Palin KNOWS that getting your TUBES TIED is the best birth control, don't you Sarah?

  60. Anonymous2:59 PM

    It is not a surprise, since I heard her comment at CPAC that she thought a brokered convention was possible and that she would support such a thing.

    Now today she says she would offer herself up if necessary - WTF?

    Is she grifting for SarahPAC cash or is she serious, or is it both motivations?

    Folks, those who have been withholding information, let it fly. NOW.

  61. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Gingrich has said he would basically "stalk" Obama if he (Newt) gets the Repub nomination--that he would show up in the same place Obama campaigns a few hours later to dispute Obama. If that isn't tailor-made for Palin, I don't know what is. I believe she would love to follow/stalk Obama all over while campaigning with Newt. Palin is a sick, sorry thing(I can't even type "person" but have to call her a "thing".

  62. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I think she is gunning for a spot on one of these shows; she's much more relaxed in a group environment, albeit, she is still a moron. I think she is depressed in Alaska and misses the spotlight. I can smell her desperation. That being said, please, please, please Sarah Palin, do not waste the public's time in trying to get into this race. Does she really believe that ANYONE except her adoring horn dog Fox friends vote for her in brokered election? Oy vey.

  63. Anonymous3:07 PM

    A conservative friend of mine told me, when I asked his thoughts of Sarah Palin, that he thinks she is an embarrassment to the republican party. He still tunes in to watch her, though, because he wants to see if she's going to be wearing her "pole-dancin' shoes". LOL!

    He's a Romney supporter.

    I guess Sarah's become that girl in high school who is popular with the guys because she puts out.

  64. Anonymous3:17 PM

    She's got a lot of gall opining on "not fit to hold office." Even Romney (in Maine?) said our PRESIDENT didn't have experience because he's never been governor. He;s only berrn running the whole country for three years!

    GO right ahead and get that brokered convention you want so bad, $arah. You KNOW what's waiting for you, we have it all in black and white, and you'll see a smack down like never seen before.


  65. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Anon @2:01: Exactly. But Palin seems so pumped, like she thinks something big is going to break for her soon. I can't shake the feeling that someone with power is making her believe this. I was never convinced she ever really wanted to run for president, but now I think she does. I see a change in her demeanor that worries me. I really hope I am wrong and this flurry of interviews and vitriol spewing is her last, futile attempt to stay relevant.

  66. I just farted. I figure that is more relevant than any hot air from any paylin.

  67. turns out the fire in her belly was just gas.

  68. Anonymous3:27 PM

    You know, even if Sarah did somehow become the nominee at a brokered convention, she still has to go up against Obama. If she does get nominated, she will have squeaked through the nomination process without having to debate one single Republican. She won't be that lucky when faced with the very smart, very canny Mr. Obama.

  69. I was reading the comments on Eric Bolling's Facebook page and there were from a lot of women who think Palin is great. Men too. Scared me as they looked fairly normal. Then I saw the video of Palin with the "mouth booger" and calmed down. Whew. And then I saw the video of Sarah's "mouth booger." And all was right in my world. LOL.

  70. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Oh oh Sarah Palin popped her head out of her hole and said that President Obama "Not fit to hold this office."?

    Time to play Sarah Palin Wack A Mole!

    Let's see:
    Did President Obama pass film legislation right before quitting, then quit and immediately collected over $1,000,000 from that law?


    Did President Obama's daughter cut school brake lines in hopes of murdering innocent children?


    Did President Obama's wife run a prostitution ring to extort police officers and FBI agents?


    Did President Obama charge per diem to live at home?


    Did President Obama have his underage uneducated daughters pop out kids like a Pez candy dispenser?


    Did President Obama screw a black college basketball player in hopes of getting an interview?


    President Obama's kids know who their father is, does Sarah's retard know who donated their sperm?


    When President Obama wins an award does he drag his daughters around to hawk their "I Got Fucked In A Canvas Tent" book?


    Sarah Palin will have 3 kids out of high school in May with no ambitions or aptitude to go to college. You can bank on President Obama's kids going to college.

    Sarah Palin's underage uneducated daughter is engaged and pregnant and hasn't graduated from high school yet.

    Sarah Palin's daughters don't wear panties, they consider them speed bumps!
    Need I say any more?

    And WHACK!

    Now git your wonky eyed ass back into your hole!

  71. I totally agree with 2.30pm post.
    Well said.

  72. Anonymous3:34 PM

    LOL Sarah Palin needs to put on her push up bra to get something done.

    Do you think President Obama puts on his push up jock strap to end the Iraqi war or to pass health care?

    Sarah Palin give me a fucking break!

  73. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Go Sarah! Fracture the GOP. Send the centrists, moderates and independents running to Obama and the Democrats, throwing money as they go.

    What an inspiration you are! The more you show up in the headlines, the more people donate to Obama.

    Get that work done now, ready for your walk-on starring role as the savior of the GOP convention. Wow, you'll finally be vindicated!

    You'll show them! You go, girl. Lead them all the way over the cliff.

  74. Anonymous3:37 PM

    3:17 - I know what you mean. But what normal people like us forget is that People like Sarah are unbalanced on their best day, and their version of coming unhinged can take a manic form, especially with a little self medicating. Meth may be her best friend these days.

  75. Anonymous3:40 PM

    What evil force is controlling Sarah? She, who has read her bible in her early years, should be concerned about what provokes her to hate, lie, exploit, and make a true mockery of the Bride of Christ she says she represents.

    Has Sarah ever heard of Satan? But the Lord is greater, and even the demons tremble at his Name. Where is your fear of His Name, Sarah?

  76. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Waitin on the trolls, I mean the Palin girls and friends. They use the same little digs and words in post after post. It's sad to see them hurting so much. They really do seem retarded.

    Sarah won't be staying on Fox. It's too late for ass kissing and everyone knows it but her. She's an embarrassment to the network and that is saying something! Behind the scenes, she is laughed at. And yes immature haters, I know this fer sure -- first hand knowledge.

  77. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Palin on The Five on FOX today. She is really trying to make points with everyone. Notice that she says that Trig is getting glasses today (ABOUT TIME) and that she won't be there, but Willow will be. So did Willow fly back already or is this another Palin lie.

    Sarah Palin a surprise guest on The Five

    2:34 PM

    I'm confused Sarah, are you telling us the reason Willow is not in high school is so that she can take Tri-G to get his glasses? How come Tri-G's mother Bristol is not taking him?

  78. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Sarah Palin is behaving as though she has an air-tight birth certificate for her "son".

  79. Anonymous said...
    ...I just wish one of these supposed reporters/journalists would stop her in her tracks and ask her questions about the statements she makes...
    1:18 PM
    That is why this gutless, cowardly, incompetent, lying, un-American, lazy, lying, greedy, grifting, shrill, moronic, lying, tacky, tasteless, crass, classless, imbecilic buffoon only appears on Fox.

    She can't handle actual questions, and having to back up her yapping points with, you know, facts.

    Because she is stupid. And ignorant. And incurious. And a shameless, vile, despicable piece of traitorous trash.

  80. She bought that big house in Arizona to get out of Alaska.She must have been told by Fox that she needed to use her studio they built in Alaska.Now she's had another taste of bright lights and big city.

  81. Nancy in Naples3:52 PM

    She's gunning for being asked to run at a brokered convention. The Peepeers are gaga.
    "Now you know why she waited as long as she did to announce she is not running. She had to make sure spoilers like Christie and others wouldn't enter and lay claim to the tea party mantle. She had to make sure the field was unstable enough. She then sized up and decided that this field would remain undecided enough to go to brokered convention. Pure genius at work."

  82. Anonymous3:52 PM

    All that evil in her heart is making Palin look OLD and haggard!

    Palin is the same age as FL Michelle, but FL Michelle looks so much younger than her.

  83. As usual the insufferable bitch doesn't know what she is talking about. No wonder she's on faux news.

    Women sure don't need her to tell women what they want to do.

    So she wasn't on birth control when she used her position to screwed Rice?

  84. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Scarah reportedly told Bolling that she would accept and run if asked to in a brokered convention. Pee'ers are going crazy. It will air tonight. WTF? What a nutjob.

  85. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Funny, 3:34 PM: "Lead them all the way over the cliff." What a bunch of asshatian lemmings.

  86. Anonymous4:05 PM

    "Lego hair."

    OMG, ROF.
    hits the nail on the...head.

  87. Anonymous4:07 PM


    she is so stupid.

  88. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Palin just doesn't seem to realize that the rest of us can't just jump the border into Canada whenever we need healthcare.

  89. anon @ 3:52 PM. Actually bachmann is older by 7 years!

  90. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Huh. No trolls today? Are they too busy doing interviews on Faux? Or maybe it's jury duty...

  91. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Why she keeps wearing flag pin? for what? i'm not saying that anybody can't wear a flag pin but this lunatic is pretending like some of an important person holding some position in the government. it makes me sick!

  92. Anonymous4:32 PM

    LOL "Mouth booger". It's for moments like this that I watch Palin.

    She looks like she's high and Greta looks like she's about to bust out laughing.

  93. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Inarticulate Palin is a perfect match for Fox entertainment news catering to the pro-dumbing-down-of-America crowd.

    If she looked like Susan Boyle or goofy Glenn Beck and didn't have a DS baby to wave around, she'd be gone by now.

    At least Americans don't take her seriously and consider her a joke. She's still the gift that keeps on giving though that is getting pretty tiresome too. People complained to Beck's sponsors and got him off the air. Maybe there's still hope something will happen.....

  94. I'm just speechless....

  95. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I would not vote for someone who consistently dresses like a hooker.

  96. Ick. Can I keep it that simple? Ick. No solutions...just ick.

  97. Anonymous4:57 PM

    "How come Tri-G's mother Bristol is not taking him?

    3:45 PM"

    Why in the fucking hell isn't Trig's "father" TOAD picking up his glasses?

    Come to think of it, they've waited this long, why the fucking hell couldn't they wait for Sarah to get home and do it WITH Todd?

    Looking forward to seeing the new pics of Trig wearing his new glasses.

  98. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Gryphen, she's definitely up to something. She thumbed her nose at this outfit for three years, but now she's there with bells on. From the Washington Post's recent article:

    "In a rare nod to protocol for a woman best known for going rogue, she flew in early to prepare, according to conference organizers. She practiced her speech. She met privately with conference leaders, who had picked her to close the event, a position held in years past by radio talker Rush Limbaugh and Rep. Allen B. West."

    Does this sound like the Sarah we know? Flying in early? Preparing? Practicing? Cooperating? Nope. Something's up.

  99. Anonymous5:16 PM

    3:47 Of course she does - Governor Parnell of Alaska is who she appointed while she was in office up here. He won an election to the position which was as amazing as when she was elected!

    He still maintains many of the people she appointed to her administration prior to becoming the 'quitter governor'.

    I wouldn't put it past Parnell to have a secure birth certificate (on record) for Trig that reflects Toad and Sarah as parents. He still protects her and it is obvious to many of us living in Alaska.

  100. Anonymous5:17 PM

    What a totally despicable, ignorant woman, who is so full of hatred for our President. The CPAC convention was all about viciously attacking President Obama, and good old Sarah was right out there spewing all her hatred and divisiveness. Apparently she really doesn't like Romney and then says she'll get in there and support him if he is the nominee?

    None of the Rethugs have the answers to moving America forward and creating jobs, and many people throughout America are finally beginning to wake up and realize this.

    Was there anyone at CPAC who was urging Palin to run for POTUS? I wonder if she went there, ignorantly thinking that people would clamor to see her get out there and run? How's her PAC doing - still any fans continuing to contribute to Palin's lifestyle?

  101. Anonymous5:20 PM

    If she dares to even think about rushing through that crack in the door, the Republican Super PACs will slam it shut so fast she won't know what hit her. She's trolling for dollars now, for her own slush fund, but there's no way in the world that serious people -- and serious money -- will let her get anywhere near real politics ever again.

  102. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Anonymous said...

    if $he is trolling ailes for a permanent position could ailes make the skank ( please please please ) gather up all her fuk_tard spawn and get the hell outta Alaska permanently ?!?

    gawd that'd be awesome with the bonus being
    the chances of her gettin' hit by a bus or a cab would go up exponentially
    2:14 PM
    She could never make it "outside".
    My fantasy...when she is out "runnin'" in the "woods" (yeah I know, but the bots believe this) she will get eaten by a real Mama grizzly!

  103. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Now git your wonky eyed ass back into your hole!
    3:28 PM
    Your comment RULES!!!!
    Thank you!!!

  104. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Palin is the one who is not "fit for office" and that's why she quit as Governor, half term. She felt she was fit for a reality show, however, so she could make easy money.

    Being a Governor was hard work for her. Writing a book that was written by a ghost writer was more up her alley and required less also gave her time to heal from all the work done on her face.

  105. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I came to comment and see that 12:44 has said it all.


  106. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Palin’s star may have faded, but her grass-roots influence persists

  107. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Just how fucking typical of right-wing nut-jobs like Palin to blame their own shortcomings and lack of foresight on their constituents.

    You won a lot of favors there, you idiotic bitch.

  108. Anonymous6:04 PM

    One wishes that the good folks at Wiki Leaks would find Trig's true birth certificate somehow and then go after the Koch brothers...
    Actually, I'm wishing they would leak stuff on the oil companies. They raise the prices and then post the most obscene profits even as they show commercials with 'real' Americans pleading with us not to raise taxes on the oil companies...
    M from MD

  109. Marleycat6:14 PM

    And can you believe this paragon of parenting and Family values 3rd child dropped out of school (or was kicked out) just like the older two - and now claims she is "graduating" early. Sure she is - she hasn't been in school for a year, and pray tell why? Graduating early so she can get a jump start on college? No, Miss Willow's high purpose for skipping school for a year is to get "engaged" (sure she is), start her career as a coffee shop girl, and have a baby! SWEEEET! You GO, Sarah!!! You sure know how to raise your children to fulfill their highest potential! BTW, did Britta move home - leaving Bristol to care for her new "niece". Your heart must be bursting with pride!
    What a horrible future you have created for your children!

  110. Broker convention? Why? The repugbaggers have been cheating all the way through their primaries and caucuses.

    repugbaggers already know who they want as their nominee and it sure as hell ain't that insufferable crazy bitch.

    They know all they have is the sorry, pitiful romney.

  111. Dinty6:25 PM

    Alot of you are concerned that Ms. Palin is "up to something". The Sarah PAC financial statement released recently has all of the answers you need.

    When she officially declared she wasn't running, donations dropped precipitously, but even before when it became apparent to the more rational of Palin's supporters she wasn't running donations had begun to slide.

    It's all part of the grift, ladies and gentlemen. When she looks like she isn't running, the donations dry up. Now she has the benefit of what may appear to be a brokered convention she can appear that shes running again - $$$!

    Believe me, she knows the oppo files on her are huge (both R and D's oppo files), and if some of the stuff in there leaked, it would hurt her ability to make money away from politics(appearances, tv analyst gigs), much less in politics.

    So kick back, and enjoy the sideshow freak in action. She ain't runnin', she's just making it look like she is.

  112. Anonymous6:29 PM

    This guy really has the hots for Palin - he even called her a "stunner". Here is a part of what he wrote.

    February 15, 2012
    Hot for teacher: Sarah Palin’s favorite band

    Sarah Palin is a cool chick.

    I found that out on Saturday, when she answered a question I asked her directly: Who’s your favorite band?

    One shot. I stepped forward: “WHO’S YOUR FAVORITE BAND?”

    If you watch the video carefully, you’ll notice that something interesting happens. Palin was in a kind of rhythm, saying thankyougoodtoseeyouthankssure, when I shouted the question. It takes a second, but then it registers with her: This guy is not kissing my ass, asking me to sign something or eliciting advice about drilling. He wants to know my favorite band.

    “Who’s my favorite band?” she repeats. She leans forward and then it comes: “VAN PALIN, LIKE VAN HALEN!” And she’s gone.

    I would have never guessed. Sarah Palin is not the sensitive poet or the snobby sorority top 40 Kelly Clarkson party girl. She’s that rare commodity, the cool chick. Any woman who likes Van Halen, one of the few irrefutably awesome bands in rock and roll history, is automatically a cool chick.

    It gets even better: Palin named her son Trig Paxson Van Palin because it rhymes and she’s a fan of the band.

    The only thing cooler would have been if she had named the kid Eddie Van Halen Palin.

    So in the rock and roll universe, Sarah Palin is cool. To claim otherwise is like faulting Obama for recently singing, on key and in the Apollo Theater, Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together.”

    Read more:

  113. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Can someone take another interviewer and substitute their questions in...then let her answers fly? I bet her rambling nonsense is so generic it answers any question from any interviewer. No, I won't listen to her voice, so I have to rely on transcripts of interviews.

  114. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Sarah Palin is a Rock n Roll Queen. Ever listen to the Subways? Didn't think so, cause yer all just a bunch of fat fuck liberals munching your abortions and swilling your birth control. Sarah is perfect. Her children are perfect. She is a genetic icon. PERFECT!

  115. Anonymous6:43 PM

    What 3:29PM didn't take care of with the whack-a-mole, I'll take care of with with my giant fly swatter. Still picking wig hairs out of it from the conehead hairdo yesterday.


  116. Anonymous6:45 PM

    "Simply put, she is out of options."

    You're absolutely right Gryph. The dumbass from Wasilla is running out of grifting options.

  117. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I don't know, Dinty.
    I think she might be staying out as long as possible to avoid the vetting and gotcha questions. She probably thinks that they will allow her in if there is no one else left standing when they are done with the "vetting" of each other, vetting that she herself is calling for. Could be another VP pick that she is going for, too.

    Norquist has said that they only need a figurehead- scary.

  118. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Sarah Palin is a Rock n Roll Queen. Ever listen to the Subways? Didn't think so, cause yer all just a bunch of fat fuck liberals munching your abortions and swilling your birth control. Sarah is perfect. Her children are perfect. She is a genetic icon. PERFECT!
    6:40 PM
    Hey TedNuuuugenet!
    forgot what a fat fuck fucktard you are!!!
    Sarah is perfect, yeah if your a RETARD like you!
    Fuck off and ESAD!
    In case you are wallow, when is the bun due, hon?Wallow you could use BC just SaYIN'!!!

  119. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Sarah Palin To Eric Bolling: ‘I’m Game’ To Run For Office, ‘All Bets Are Off’ In A Brokered Convention

    Sarah Palin was the first guest on the first episode of Follow the Money, so it seemed natural for Eric Bolling to bring Palin back for his final show. In an extensive interview that began with Bolling asking Palin to explain how her life has changed since becoming Sen. John McCain‘s running mate and culminated with Palin noting that “all bets are off” as to who can be nominated in a brokered convention– something she considers a real possibility.

    Palin retold the story of how she ended up becoming Sen. McCain’s vice presidential nominee, making the somewhat profound statement that once she got on the airplane to Arizona, she “essentially never came home again.” She did say that “I’m still there, I’m still an Alaskan,” and maintained her good spirits by refusing to dread things. With the enthusiasm that Palin received after her speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Bolling could not help but ask what Palin was thinking of doing with her future. She answered that she was reading to help America any way she could, and if it meant “running for office at some point in the future, I’m game.” “Want to elaborate on that?” Bolling asked, getting a flat “No!”

    The topic came up again later in the conversation, when Bolling brought up the possibility of a brokered convention in August. “If it does get to that,” Bolling asked, “and someone said ‘Governor, would you be interested,’ would you be interested?” Palin began her answer asserting that she saw the possibility of a brokered convention as a very real one. “If it had to be kind of closed up today, the whole nominating process, then we would be looking at a brokered convention,” she responded, since “nobody is quite there yet.” If it came to a brokered convention, “all bets are off as to who it will be willing to offer themselves up in the name of service to their country.” She added only that she “would be willing to help any way that I can,” which is about as open a declaration of a brokered convention candidacy she could give– and, as is her wont, she elaborated no more than that.

    The interview via Fox Business below:

  120. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Look at The Michelle Obama video. Our FIRST family. No hatred, no spewing garbage, no wayward kids, just honesty and caring for humanity. All there explained with grace.

    Then we have $arah. Hatred, vindictiveness, divisive, manic/depressive, no "solutions" but standard retread talking points. There IS no comparison. NONE.

    $arah's still running for prom queen at 48 years old. FORTY EIGHT.

    That should say it all.

  121. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Sarah Palin is a Rock n Roll Queen. Ever listen to the Subways? Didn't think so, cause yer all just a bunch of fat fuck liberals munching your abortions and swilling your birth control. Sarah is perfect. Her children are perfect. She is a genetic icon. PERFECT!
    6:40 PM

    I laughed my ass off at your comment.

  122. Baldy is a cunt7:35 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Sarah Palin is a Rock n Roll Queen. Ever listen to the Subways? Didn't think so, cause yer all just a bunch of fat fuck liberals munching your abortions and swilling your birth control. Sarah is perfect. Her children are perfect. She is a genetic icon. PERFECT!
    6:40 PM
    Yeah, she rocks them Glen rice, Curtis menard, Toad Palin, and then then rolls them and blows them...Ummm i think that is what you mean piggy... is that what she did 2 you Ted?
    Rock & blow ya?

  123. Anonymous7:38 PM

    OMG - Palin's stupidity strikes yet again. She says that she received a phone call from McCain in August 2006---it was 2008.

  124. Anita Winecooler7:58 PM

    Ailes got his knob polished and has Sarah making the rounds on Fox News. Guess they'll be dismantleing the studio soon because Sarah's worst nightmare is about to come true.

    Obama wins re-election, Popeye
    Sarah gets a pink slip and no marketable skills.

  125. Dinty8:20 PM

    @Anonymous 7:19

    The oppo files are HUGE (not to mention Brad Scharlott's and Fred's book). She's happy with her harping from the sidelines as long as the dollars keep rolling in. She may fake at a run, but she's not so stupid to not see how badly her career would be damaged.

    Oh and whatever "young adult" thinks they're hot shit for listening to the Subways, I saw them live in London before they had a record contract, and never miss them when they play SF. Plus I'm 6' with a 32" waist and in good shape, so there goes your theory about that.

  126. Anonymous8:29 PM

    What is lego hair?

    I love how Sarah probably works 100 times harder than you and yet you still create these fictional and biased machinations.

  127. Anonymous8:31 PM

    All liberals have are personal attacks based on things that don't matter. Sad. And you can't even face the music of your own party's failings. The US started its decline after WW2. Not with Bush I. Not with Clinton. Not with Reagan, Not with W. Not with Obama. WW2

    Welfare country and the indifference to where the money's coming from.

    SCREW irresponsible progressives.


    Did yall see at the end of the mouth booger vid she tried to cover her snot by squeezing her lips together.


  129. I swear the next muthafucker who says they miss this insufferable bitch when she's m.i.a. I hope s/he are eternally hooked up to her screeches 24/7.

  130. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Hattip to the Wisconsin bloggers!

    Hilarious Politico failure.

    Paranoid about Unions in Wisconsin Politico posts:

    2/15/12 12:02 PM EST

    MILWAUKEE -- It's very clear what side President Obama is on here in Wisconsin.

    Behind the stage where he will speak today are two flags: an American one, as usual, and right alongside it -- and a flag for the local union, Wisconsin 1848.

    The president has been mum in recent months on the battle raging in the Badger State between unions and Republican Gov. Scott Walker, who is facing a recall election largely pushed by labor after he pushed through laws effectively taking away collective bargaining rights in the state.

    Here at Master Lock, Obama is speaking about domestic manufaturing and highlighting what he calls "in-sourcing," bringing jobs back from overseas. The padlock manufacturer brought roughly 100 jobs back from China to this factory --union jobs, the White House has noted.

    Walker had been expected to join the president but canceled this morning because his office said he has the flu.

    But someone is seeing the union boogeyman where it isn't. That is the state flag of Wisconsin (entered the Union in 1848) next to the U.S. Flag! The picture "proof" was very clear in original Politico post. Now Politico has deleted the story, after comments pointed out their stupidity. The original it may still be viewed at the google cache and wherever someone saved a copy. Because on the internet, FAILURE IS FOREVER.

    Politico: watch for their report on
    "Operation Angry Badger" coming whenever they pull their heads out of Governor Scott Walker's asshole.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf

  131. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Time to strap on the push up bra, Sarah.

  132. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Anon @ 8:31, screw you.

    Everything worth fighting for has been achieved by Liberals.

    Have a nice day, however ;-).

  133. Anonymous9:26 PM

    To whomever didn't get the Lego hair reference. Neither did I. But if you google Lego people'll see it is a fitting description of not only Sarah's hair, but "Republican hair" in general.

    You'll see a molded plastic form atop the heads of these "people" that conforms to most of the rigidly arranged "hairdos" of many a conservative candidate.

  134. 8:31 PM

    Why is your stupid ass here?

    FYI -- repugbaggers cause all our troubles. People such as yourself who spread lies, hatred and bile. People like you who wants to be in our lives uninvited.

  135. Anonymous10:01 PM

    I would have to say Palin is a poor role model for her daughters and females every where.

    You can tell Palin is not comfortable in her own skin and sad to say, she would take her life if she looks like her dad.

    Her family skin genes are pretty loose and you can tell Sarah has had work done. There are times when her neck looks like an old wrinkled hound dog then the next time you see her it has tightened up.

    It is understandable why Bristol got the chin implant at such an early stage. I wouldn't be surprised if Sarah talked her into it! We all know Bristol lied that her chin grew from having her mouth realigned. Typical lying Palin.

    Palin is starting to look like Joan Rivers.

  136. scarlet/oregon10:25 PM

    Just got Blocked from the comments on The Right Scoop.

    I wasn't rude, but merely inquisitive about who these people are who are pretending to be Reporters...and who chooses their wardrobes, especially the one on the end with her micro-mini skirt & hooker heels.

    Also wanted to know why they didn't ask Palin how much money and time she has donated to disabled children....since they think she's such a caring mom to Trig who's getting his first glasses via Willow? was punishment enough to watch Palin's hair and face unable to move, let alone watch the guys tripping over their drool.

  137. Anonymous12:26 AM

    I sort of watched the first two clips (I was washing dishes and heard it from a distance). The funny thing was, that after the Palin clips were over, they had some guy on who wrote a book about being single. Apparently, over 50% of American adults now live alone.

    When asked what issues are politically important to "Singles", I believe that the guy said "reproductive rights". Then he went on to say that it was perhaps not the smartest thing in the world for the Republicans to keep harping about "family values", when over half the population is now choosing a lifestyle very far from the tradition of old.

    You didn't mention that Palin said "Noook-YOU-ler"!

  138. Anonymous1:11 AM

    She is such an insufferable POS.

  139. Anonymous1:26 AM

    "I love how Sarah probably works 100 times harder than you and yet you still create these fictional and biased machinations.

    8:29 PM"

    Dear "I," whoever you are:
    Your mother may work hard, but I'd imagine that all of us do. Does she work 100 times harder than most who put in 40-hour weeks, plus?
    That would be, say, 400 hours a week. Yet there are only 168 hours in a week, total.
    No wonder she's looking exhausted and confused.
    It might help you not to exaggerate to make your point. It sounds immature and jealous.
    Also, too, please explain your use of "machinations." I think you might work a little harder and check the dictionary before using big words. Or go back to school instead.

  140. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Allan Dershovitz did not defend her, but defended the use of the term "blood libel". What he said was that he had used it himself in court so that it must be alright for Palin to use it. Sarah, you probably don't know any Jewish people, but we love to debate and argue any position. Dershovitz thinks you're a dumb shiska.

  141. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Palin's role is rabble rouser, and she relishes it.

  142. Anonymous2:58 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Yes, FOX is her biggest source of money now.

    Speeches have dried up, reality shows have vanished, PAC money is just a trickle of what is was and...

    She has to pay all the cost for multiple homes, nannies, hush money, airplanes and has to cover for her NON-WORKING brood of uneducated kids.

    Losing the FOX deal will hurt her.

    12:58 PM

    When Palin was getting paid to make speeches she really didn't care how her wigs or clothes looked like when she did her FOX home shows. But now that her star has fallen, Palin knows she can't loose the FOX deal so now she is attempting to put more effort into it but she still can't get rid of the dumbass hill billy ignorant hick personality and look.

  143. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Classic narcissist projecting her own issues onto another. Shakin my head again yet again. How can she get away with this time and time again. How unpatriotic to spew vitriol toward the leader of the United States. What an embarrassment she is. Yes free speech and all that, but what do citizens of other countries think when they hear a US citizen slamming the president like this over and over and over again.

  144. Anonymous3:47 AM

    I think she does maintain a fantasy that the GOP might turn to her if they get desperate enough. Not saying they would be smart to do so given all her baggage, but then again they aren't very smart, are they?

    She definitely has a fantasy of being part of the convention in some way.

  145. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Now she is stating if the GOP goes to a brokered convention, she would help out, she would take the nomination. Could you just see her against President Obama in a debate! Whoo hoo bring on the beer and nachos!

  146. Anonymous4:06 AM

    @ Dinty: 6:25: Everything you say makes sense, but someone is clearly making a coordinated effort to revive Palin's fading career. Why are are articles like that Daily Caller piece coming out right now? The author sounds exactly like Rich Lowry in his "starburst" love letter to Palin. It's as if the last three-plus years never happened and no one knows anything about Palin's numerous skeletons and deficits; we are back to grown men embarrassing themselves over her. (Seriously, we are supposed to buy a shrill, cynical woman in her late forties is "cool"?)

  147. Not What You Want to Hear4:47 AM

    Nancy in Naples said: "She's gunning for being asked to run at a brokered convention."

    No, she's not. This is just the latest repackaging of her only product "Pretend to Run for President." It does seem to keep selling, for whatever bizarre reason. But no one is actually going to let her cut in line at the last and minute and put her up as a candidate at the GOP convention.

  148. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Just shut your lying, crusty old pie hole... that's all I have to say.

  149. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Sarah probably works 100 times harder than you and yet you still create these fictional and biased machinations.

    8:29 PM
    Doing what exactly?

    She babbles, from her home, a few times per week, for less than 15 minutes at a time, with a teleprompter saying little except vituperative attacks that are 75% word salad.

    Every teacher and professor speaks knowledgeably for an hour or more at a time in front of a live and very tough audience.

    "She runs a family business." It's a seasonal sell it all at once to wholesale buyers.

    Nothing compared to hard working folks like my friends the local bakers, who work 6 days a week, 51 weeks per years, starting at midnight and working until 3 p.m. or later, the next day. they do it all themselves, dealing with often unreasonable customers sometimes unreliable vendors, to advertising, market research, bookkeeping etc.

    Raise a family? Well seems she's a certain 0/5 failure there. 2Two no-college out of wedlock birthing Track and Bristol, Willow's FB posts and Piper's rudeness. Trig's inappropriate clothing seems to be evidence that she didn't get that one right either.

    You've got to be kidding. She has millions - that is called a cleaning lady. Not to mention, since it is only 5 people - not really much cleaning to be done - or shouldn't be.

    Shopping and beauty treatments? Or what used to be called "keeping up one's appearance? Plenty of visual evidence shows the former beauty queen twice removed grows older, and more haggard every day. And the hygiene is questionable. She is pushing 50 just by leaning a bit yet she appears to raid her daughter closets, or those of the local barmaid.

    Sorry. Reading about your self, making vitriolic posts on FB and others' blogs isn't work.

  150. Anonymous6:19 AM

    "The US started its decline after WW2. Not with Bush I. Not with Clinton. Not with Reagan, Not with W. Not with Obama. WW2"

    So you're a fan of all FDR's wonderful social safety net initiatives.

  151. Gryphen you really need to post the videoof "Sarah Palin's mouth booger problem" Someone posted a link in this thread or you can Google it.

  152. Marleycat7:36 AM

    Even if it becomes a brokered convention, even if she is asked to run, and even if she accepts - we all know this is about nothing more than grifting more money from gullible "Christian" Funamentalists/Dominionists, and the RWNJ's, especially the elderly low IQ fringe lunatics! Wait a minute - let me amend that - these Palin supporters are ALL elderly, low IQ RWNJ's and Fundie extremists.

    That's all it is - and I pray that all the dog whistles she's been throwing out there about President Obama don't come back on her in a really harmful way - after all, there are alot of "Sean Christies" amongst her lunatic fringe.

    When they realize they have signed over their life savings to ensure Sarah gets another mansion, or Todd gets to have more prostitutes - they will be turning their crosshairs, er, surveyors marks, on Wasilla, AK with the name Sarah Palin identified as the target! Well, that would be Palin Derangement Syndrome, with a capital "P"! A well deserved capital "P", in my opinion.

    Revisiting the unconfirmed rumor I thought I read about a possible Joe Miller/Shailey Tripp "special" business arrangement - take a gander at Shailey's post "Friday - Ask me anything". Her response to someone's question about whether Joe Miller had been a client - interesting that she said she had met him and did know him.

    Short and sweet, not really confirming he was a client, but, really, think about that! Joe Miller is a lawyer, well-known politician, close friends with Todd and Sarah Palin - and runs in a completely different circle than Sahiley Tripp -that is, unless some very unusual reason exists that would cause their paths to cross!

    Todd Palin was pimping Shailey (probably others, too) to his friends, probably to those who could further their political power and agenda. Joe Miller is a (fake)Fundie politician, just like the Palins, and gee, how in the WORLD would Shailey and Joe Miller get to know one another except for . . .? It's just a coinky-dinky, sure it is!

    It seems to me that if Shailey met him in totally normal circumstances she would have stated that. Like - they attended the same church, or (as with Todd) or some other community/school event. She was certainly forthcoming about how she first met Todd - why wouldn't she have made it clear how she and Joe Miller "knew" each other? Shailey did not elaborate futher because she might get sued, IMO!

    Remember the (fake) Fundie link - the Palins, that APD spokesmen who did the press release denying Todd's involvement with prostitution, and Joe Miller! Not to mention the APD officer and FBI agent who were former clients. "Christians", my ass, they're all FAKE FUNDIES!

  153. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Anonymous said...

    All liberals have are personal attacks based on things that don't matter. Sad.

    SCREW irresponsible progressives.
    8:31 PM
    Fuck Off Brooklyn!

  154. Anonymous8:21 AM

    scarlet/oregon said...

    Just got Blocked from the comments on The Right Scoop.
    Don't feel bad they block EVERYONE who doesn't toe the party line. :(


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.