Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Taking a frightening tour of the Right Wing mindset.

I'm right because I say I'm right!
I received an interesting link the other day which led me to this rather disquieting article at Truthout:

 Robert Altemeyer, a Canadian psychologist, has done extensive testing to isolate and describe the traits of the authoritarian personality. His results are distilled in his book "The Authoritarians." He describes religious fundamentalists, the core of the right-wing Republican base, as follows: 

"They are highly submissive to established authority, aggressive in the name of that authority and conventional to the point of insisting everyone should behave as their authorities decide. They are fearful and self-righteous and have a lot of hostility in them that they readily direct toward various out-groups. They are easily incited, easily led, rather un-inclined to think for themselves, largely impervious to facts and reason and rely instead on social support to maintain their beliefs. They bring strong loyalty to their in-groups, have thick-walled, highly compartmentalized minds, use a lot of double standards in their judgments, are surprisingly unprincipled at times and are often hypocrites." 

There are tens of millions of Americans who, although personally lacking the self-confidence, ambition and leadership qualities of authoritarian dominators like Gingrich or Sarah Palin, nevertheless empower the latter to achieve their goals while finding psychological fulfillment in subordination to a cause. Altemeyer describes these persons as authoritarian followers. They are socially rigid, highly conventional and strongly intolerant personalities, who, absent any self-directed goals, seek achievement and satisfaction by losing themselves in a movement greater than themselves. One finds them overrepresented in reactionary political movements, fundamentalist sects and leader cults like scientology. They are the people who responded on cue when Bush's press secretary said after the 9/11 attacks that people had better "watch what they say;" or who approved of illegal surveillance because "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear;" or who, after months of news stories saying that no weapons of mass destruction had been found in Iraq, nevertheless believed the weapons were found.

If you are anything like me you have probably spent many hours trying to understand just how ANYBODY gets sucked into trusting these obvious charlatans, and how seemingly lucid people allow themselves to be convinced to vote against  their self interests time and time again.

Apparently they are raised to put their faith in those who talk with a voice of authority, despite their obvious shortcoming, or who appear to have some access to information not readily available to the masses, despite no evidence to support their claims.

So what are the circumstances in place which create these "authoritarian personalities?"

According to Reich (Author William Reich who wrote "The Mass Psychology of Fascism" in 1933.) , a patriarchal, sexually repressive family life, reinforced by strict and punitive religious dogma, is the "factory" of a reactionary political order. Hence, the right wing's ongoing attempts to erase the separation of church and state, its crusade against Planned Parenthood, its strange obsession with gays. Consider the following political platform, which sounds almost as if it were taken from a speech by Rick Santorum: 

"The preservation of the family with many children is a matter of biological concept and national feeling. The family with many children must be preserved ... because it is a highly valuable, indispensable part of the ... nation. Valuable and indispensable not only because it alone guarantees the maintenance of the population in the future but because it is the strongest basis of national morality and national culture ... The preservation of this family form is a necessity of national and cultural politics ... This concept is strictly at variance with the demands for an abolition of paragraph 218; it considers unborn life as sacrosanct. For the legalization of abortion is at variance with the function of the family, which is to produce children and would lead to the definite destruction of the family with many children." 

So wrote the Völkischer Beobachter of October 14, 1931.

Now I am not one to refer to those I don't agree with as Nazis, but  it IS fascinating how closely the values of many on the  Right Wing coincide with those of a certain movement in Germany.

It also goes a long way toward explaining the Right's never ending attacks on the public school system. As is so often articulated by Rick Santorum:

“Never before and never again after their years of mass education will any person live and work in such a radically narrow, age-segregated environment,” Santorum wrote. “It’s amazing that so many kids turn out to be fairly normal, considering the weird socialization they get in public schools.” 

He went on: “In a home school, by contrast, children interact in a rich and complex way with adults and children of other ages all the time. In general, they are better-adjusted, more at ease with adults, more capable of conversation, more able to notice when a younger child needs help or comfort, and in general a lot better socialized than their mass-schooled peers.”

But of course these are ridiculous arguments to hide the TRUE reason that people like Rick Santorum, and his ilk, despise and fear the public school system.

And that is because it attempts to level the playing field between the haves and the not yet haves, while encouraging the students to ask questions and, even worse, to think for themselves.

That is in direct conflict with what the Right Wing desires from the American public, which is to believe rather than think, and to trust rather than question.

And that is certainly NOT something that an authoritarian parent would want for their child, or that an authoritarian politician would want from any potential voter who might refuse to put their intellect on hold, and to simply vote while clinging to their fear of "the other" and holding onto their faith in those who look like they do, think like they do, and worship like they do.

P.S. By the way did you know that ALL Creationism bills introduced since 2004 are based on an amendment introduced in 2001 by Rick Santorum? Which, by the way, kind of tells you everything you need to know about Mr. Frothy Mixture.

Don'tcha think?


  1. Wolfbitch10:23 AM

    Another "benefit" to homeschooling is that it's invariably the mother who does the schooling. Which keeps her out of the workforce and in the kitchen, where she belongs.

    These kinds of people, regardless of their political affiliation, scare the crap out of me.

  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Great post once again, Gryphen.

    The excerpts were spot-on.

    As to the Santorum home-schooling rah-rah, what people need to understand is how the Seven Mountains movement wants to destroy the public school system and replace it with indoctrinating private church-based schools or home-schooling in order to raise its Christian Army of little followers.

    I recommend any doubters to go the Leah Burton's blog to learn more:

    She has earned the respect and admiration of interfaith leaders and is regarded as one the true experts on Dominionism.

  3. They are now known to me as 'The Dissemblers."

    All of 'em... any of 'em.

  4. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Well socialized home-schoolers? Not always, in fact, quite the opposite. The typical homeschooler in my town is taught by fundies who have very few ties to the realities of modern life. They are extremely authoritarian and their kids appear shy and maladjusted.

    And, of course the family blames every social ill a result of not "following Jethen sus". The kids rebel like crazy and the community has to deal with their out of control teens who exhibit a narrow hold on reality. Unfortunately, the kids are scarred for life, unable to mix well with others and end up in low-end jobs. The parents often end up divorced and leave the community with the end result of their crappy parenting.

    Welcome to fundie world.

  5. Anonymous10:32 AM

    So what are the circumstances in place which create these "authoritarian personalities?"

    I would argue that in some small part, it is a complete absence (or desperation for) of valid logic of whatever quality, combined with a dose of blind faith.

  6. Anonymous10:41 AM

    It's an explanation that many of us can easily identify after reading commenters at C4P and also at other sites such as the far right commenters at Mediate. The comments they write all seem to lack logic and supporting evidence, as if they are just quoting something they heard of FOX. The explanation also helps to describe why FOX is able to convince their listeners to believe their highly biased narrative.

  7. WakeUpAmerica10:43 AM

    "...empower the latter to achieve their goals while finding psychological fulfillment in subordination to a cause." That pretty much nails the typical troll and Palin-bot

  8. Anonymous10:43 AM

    It's an explanation that many of us can easily identify after reading commenters at C4P and also at other sites such as the far right commenters at Mediate. The comments they write all seem to lack logic and supporting evidence, as if they are just quoting something they heard of FOX. The explanation also helps to describe why FOX is able to convince their listeners to believe their highly biased narrative.

  9. Anonymous11:01 AM

    How many of us, ran, from our father's house. Same thing. I ran.

  10. Very interesting..... For me (and only me) the thing that keeps banging up against a brick wall is how there can be 'republican women'. I just don't get that. EVERYTHING republicans seem to stand for publicly AND even more so in private, seem to want women to submit to everything men want and give control of some, if not all, of their personal decision making OUT of their hands! HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN ??

    Someone PLEASE help me understand that?

  11. This falls in line with the study that shows conservatism is strong in those of lower intelligence.

    They need to be led by the nose because they're incapable of higher thought.

  12. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Teabaggers/Republiscum/Conservatives are stupid un-American lemmings who are scared of their own shadow and can't think for themselves. They are dumb fascists no different than Hitler. The good news is their party is practically extinct. It will be a great day for America when the last one of these scum dies off and America can prosper without them holding us back anymore.

  13. Anonymous11:24 AM

    This group of 'far right' people are going to be voted out of office this next go around. The polls show one thing and they spout something completely different. They are a frightening bunch and want to control women's rights that have been in place for years. It's just amazing!!! Are they so self-absorbed?

  14. Anonymous11:25 AM

    From 1948 to 2005 a program called "Candid Camera" ran that would play practical jokes on people and secretly film them.

    Allen Funt, the creator and host of the program stated that a person in some sort of uniform with an air of confidence could often issue the most ABSURD orders - and people would obey!

  15. laprofesora11:42 AM

    They also thrive on the "us vs. them" mentality. I believe many have low self-esteem and gain self-worth by belonging to a group that proposes to be superior to others. They need to constantly assert their worth by belittling and dominating others.

  16. Anonymous11:56 AM

    There's home schooling and then there's home schooling. My sons set there own curriculum. From early on, the likes of George Carlin was a favorite instructional video with a daily dose of John Stewart.
    Two became certified tradesmen by the time they were 19 and were earning in excess of $70k. They will own their own "modest" homes by the time they are 25. My third son, strangely enough, is in university studying to be a school teacher.
    They are all very socialized, well adjusted independent thinkers, extremely happy and very proud of themselves.
    Self directed learning is not for everyone. It was a joy to watch young mind develop through their own curiosity. There is some merit to home schooling.

  17. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Winski said...

    Very interesting..... For me (and only me) the thing that keeps banging up against a brick wall is how there can be 'republican women'. I just don't get that. EVERYTHING republicans seem to stand for publicly AND even more so in private, seem to want women to submit to everything men want and give control of some, if not all, of their personal decision making OUT of their hands! HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN ??

    Someone PLEASE help me understand that?

    Here's my thought on that . . .
    Since fundies live in a Bizarro kind of world, then behind closed doors they must live the same way -- opposite of what we see.
    Do republican women run things and are actually the "pants wearers" in the house? In public, they sit there and smile while the husband spills all kinds of ridiculous shit out of his mouth about family values knowing it's a different story at home.

    I've lived it with "Good Christians" that I know and love dearly. The women were the complete opposite of what they portrayed so, after stepping back and looking at this thing, it all made sense. Being a republican is like being your own Lady Gaga, Sasha Fierce or Borat -- a made up character that let's them be who they really WANT to be but aren't in "real life".

    Wouldn't you agree?

  18. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Republican women follow these insane dictates because there are people who cannot deal with freedom -- they must have rules, they feel safer if they are told what to do and do not have to make up their own minds, or have conflicting thoughts.

    They live in a dream world where the strong man/husband/God will shelter them from harm. It is a sad illusion, because reality seeps in constantly, and the disconnect is often too much for them to bear.

  19. I'm writing in Lorena Bobbit for President.

    Look at this artist's (williambanzai7) take on the lunatic fringe trying to take over the country:

    3 hours ago
    I dont know what God thinks about condoms, but I do know one thing...
    2 hours ago
    We have had enough philandering televangelists, pedophile priests and gay Senators hiding in men's toilets...
    2 hours ago
    to give each of us the God given right to tell these religious right activists to STFU!
    2 hours ago

  20. Anonymous12:35 PM

    President Obama Speaks About Insourcing Jobs in Wisconsin Today

  21. mitchethekid12:39 PM

    During the height of the Iraq war, John Dean wrote a book with the collaboration of Barry Goldwater called "Conservatives Without Conscious." Dick Cheney, the monchondrail authoritarian was the focus. The saying "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross" comes to my mind. This regressive thought proces needs to become extinct.

  22. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Let's Do It Again (Obama 2012)

  23. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Yes I think that why they want to defund the public school system get rid of teachers. ppl will only be able to get a computer education for their children through some religious program taught only what they want. Women will be taken out of the workforce since they will have babies every yr or 2 and won't be able to afford a babysitter. Then it will be you can't support all those kids so these pious ppl take them and put them slave labor.

  24. Anonymous12:53 PM

    It is precisely BECAUSE of Authoritarianism that I chose to homeschool my kids. This corrosive philosophy was standard practice in the public schools where we lived (WV). By removing them from the influence of teachers & principals who reveled in their fundie culture, I was able to expose them to a far more diverse world. We were constantly out in the real world, interacting with peoples of many different faiths and beliefs.

  25. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I dont have young kids so this is out of my area, however, I do notice one thing about kids in my small town. The kids that attend the very poor public school, when meeting an adult, put out their hands to shake and say "Nice To Meet You". The home schooled kids cover their faces with their hands and cry. I have seen this occur several times.

  26. palin supporters ARE fox viewers.

    no other show or network can make that claim.
    there is virtually no seperation between palins views and hannitys audience.
    that is not true of any other show on fox.
    for ex. hannity loses a MILLION viewers and he follows billo.
    that means his viewers are even MORE extreme right wingers.
    and THAT is why you see on fox.ailes trys to use palin to bring those loons to other shows but she cant and billo really doesnt want palin on his show for a couple of reasons.
    first off he doesnt need her to draw ratings but more important he does not like the idea of having to pretend palin is equal his intellect which like him or not billo is a bright guy.

    so ailes must decide if he wants to pay palin to feed into the loons after her contract expires.

    my guess right now is he pays her to come back.

  27. Hannah1:42 PM

    My brother fell for a girl in college, married her, and is now, well, kinda stuck. See, he met her at college and she was fun-loving, easy-going, liked to go out and dance, was "affectionate" with him......they got married. Trouble is, she was in her rebelling stage while away from daddy at college, now that they are married and have kids, she has reverted 100% back to "daddy's girl", and can't make a decision on anything without calling her father. She has "rediscovered" her Catholic faith, at her parent's prodding, and has decided to home-school her kids. These poor kids are so un-equipped for the real world, and my brother is not the master of his own household....his father-in-law is. But, he's stuck for the sake of his kids, cause every time he asserts himself, this woman and her family scoop her up and remove wife and children to "the home place."

  28. Anonymous1:46 PM


  29. Not What You Want to Hear2:04 PM

    "They bring strong loyalty to their in-groups, have thick-walled, highly compartmentalized minds, use a lot of double standards in their judgments, are surprisingly unprincipled at times and are often hypocrites."

    This is often true among the rightwingers. And a year ago, I would have said it was exclusive only to rightwingers. But I don't think progressives should think they aren't capable of the same hypocritical compartmentalism.

    For example, we are rightfully repulsed by the viciousness of rightwingers like Sarah Palin, yet some of the comments about her looks and her daughters are just disgusting and no better than the garbage that spews out of the mouth of cretins like Andrew Breitbart. Exactly how are we better if we can so quickly and gleefully sling mud like that, too?

    The Christian-baiting is another example. I see no other religions getting bashed on this site, much less with the regularity that Christianity does. I find that unprincipled and yes, a glaring example of the double standards that some progressives are perfectly capable of holding. If you jump for the opportunity to mock Christianity, then have the courage to admit it's because you have issues with that faith alone, not because you generally disavow religion. If you really felt the latter, you would regularly be making cracks and insults about Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and every other religion, too. Some of you don't see how much you've compartmentalized yourself to despise Christianity alone, largely because our opponents use the faith as a badge of respectability to hide their true selves. And at the end of the day, that's not a very deep, well thoughtout reason to hate Christianity.

    Long story short, I don't think we should be patting ourselves on the back thinking we're immune to the same kind of thinking that plagues rightwingers.

  30. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I stepped into the world of homeschooling 31 years ago by taking my 6 yr old out of school after she’d been psychologically abused by a crazy 1st grade teacher. The homeschooling movement at that time *did* contain some fundies, but they were not the dominant group, though it seems like they might be now (or at least the fundie segment gets the most publicity).

    Over the years – and up until about 9 years ago – one or the other of my kids have been involved with homeschooling, and it was a wonderful and enriching experience, with lots of opportunities for creativity and socialization.

    Homeschooling is what people make it. Fundies will, of course, make it rigid, narrow-minded, and structure it around their own limited and warped world view.

  31. Lidia2:33 PM

    People may think it is nurture but I am here to say it is nature. I am an unashamed liberal with a RWNJ sister. We were raised in the same non-religious household and both attended expensive liberal east-coast private colleges.

    Yet she listens to Michelle Malkin and Michael Savage and has joined a Rapture church. In Connecticut.

    I think she just has one of Altmeyer's authoritarian-follower personalities.

  32. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Meet Rick Santorum, the first Gerbil-American President.

  33. Anonymous3:02 PM

    When women become well-educated, self-confident, and able to do things and earn a living for themselves, they are a massive threat to ANY authoritarian system. Toss in the internet, and the entire male-dominated power structure becomes extremely threatened.
    Women, who are curious by nature, tend to ask the questions that men do not even think of asking. That, combined with better women's education, job skills, and self-confidence, can really rock the boat. Just ask the Saudi government (and other repressive third world governments, almost all of which, by the way, have no separation between church and state).

    So, yes, the republicans want to kill two birds with one stone: preserve what little they perceive as remaining of the white male-dominated power structure by returning women to the home, and simultaneously enrich the pockets of their private school donors, who stand to gain billions from these gestures.

    Huge families plus home schooling = one big step backward for women and the next generation, and two giant steps forward for the white male power structure and its private school-contributing political donors.

  34. Anonymous4:05 PM

    not what you want to hear said "Some of you don't see how much you've compartmentalized yourself to despise Christianity alone, . . ."

    Christianity is something some of learned first hand, and therefore the hypocrisy rankles more than in a religion we have no experience of.

  35. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I have one of those fundie mothers and her mother lived us while I was growing up. My grandmother did not preach to or at us, so I've been baffled.

    The only thing I can figure is her parents went thru a very divisive divorce in the 1930's-mom's brothers had to testify on opposite sides. I think my mother was too young to sort out all the contradictions, and latched on to an authoritarian view of religion as a way out offer own emotional chaos.

  36. Not What You Want to Hear5:37 PM

    Anon 4:05: "Christianity is something some of learned first hand, and therefore the hypocrisy rankles more than in a religion we have no experience of."

    I didn't mean to infer that I equate calling out the hypocrisy of so-called Christians as Christian-baiting. That hypocrisy should be called out, often. I meant the mocking of the faith itself, and people who follow the faith. Except for Bill Maher, I've never heard any progressive dare to mock another religion besides Christianity.

  37. Anita Winecooler7:31 PM

    I loved this post! It explains the mindset and how gullible certain personality types can be.

    The homeschooling issue is something I have mixed feelings over. I've seen children excell in public schools, but I do understand that some areas don't have good public schools, that some children aren't placed properly and are bored with the curriculum. And, yes, there is a segement of society that purposely uses it to indoctrinate their children into certain lifestyles and religious beliefs (Amish and Fundie/dominionism etc.)

  38. Tania1:53 AM

    I encourage everyone interested in the effects of home schooling to check out the doco 'Jesus camp' which shows several poor poor children being brainwashed. I'll never forget one kid who sat at the kitchen table and was gleefully answering his awful mothers questions about the earth and global warming. She asked why it was irrelevant and why scientists were such stupid idiots (both chortled away thinking how smart they were and how stupid ALL the scientists are that the scientists had never thought of their defense). Happily the boy responds like he has hundreds of times, telling his obese ignorant idiot mother that it didn't matter because it was only a couple of degrees change detected so far! Obviously telling them that just a fraction of a degree change can irreparably change ecosystems would be pointless. Taking them to areas where perma frost is melting and causing human migration would be pointless.

    These evil people are not rational. They truly think the earth is theirs to be 'raped' as it says in the bible. To them the sight of a beautiful forest being torn down is untroubling. In fact they'd turn to their children and explain why it's good. They are dangerously mentally ill people, that's no exaggeration. I'm sick to death of 'believers' being beyond criticism to people. No; let's tell it like it is. If I came up with similar crazy beliefs and attributed it to the invisible pink unicorn that talks to me every midnight and tells me the meaning of life i would be put away as a dangerously ill person, quite rightly! If I wrote down what the unicorn told me and called it the holy book and said our government should be based on the unicorn writings what would happen? Yeah.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.