Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Paying homage to our favorite Presidents. A comparison of writing styles.

In a rather bizarre coincidence both our President, the esteemed Barack Obama, and some chick living in the meth capital of the world, posted articles honoring their favorite Presidents on the same day.

Our current President's article turned up in the Atlantic, a well respected magazine with high journalistic standards, while this other person's musing were posted on Facebook, a place where teenage girls complain to their friends about the zit on the forehead that totally appeared right before prom.

Let us compare them shall we?

Here is a portion of what the President wrote:

Lincoln is the President I turn to often. From time to time, I’ll walk over to the Lincoln Bedroom and reread the handwritten Gettysburg Address encased in glass, or reflect on the Emancipation Proclamation, which hangs in the Oval Office, or pull a volume of his writings from the library in search of lessons to draw. 

Always thoughtful, always eloquent, Lincoln’s writings speak to me as they speak to so many Americans, reminding us what is best about ourselves and the Union he saved: that though we may have our differences, we are one people, and we are one nation, united by a common creed. 

That, I believe, is why, a century and a half after he took office, Lincoln is revered by the American people. Such reverence is richly deserved, but it comes at a cost. The Lincoln who holds a place in our national memory is less a man than an icon—a face carved in black hills, a marble giant towering over us on a mall. 
Abraham Lincoln, photographed by Alexander Gardner on February 5, 1865.
 What makes Alexander Gardner’s print so resonant, then, is its humanity. Here is Lincoln as he was, his eyes weary, his forehead wrinkled, wearing an expression, wrote a poet, of “deep latent sadness.” But Gardner also captures something else. An eyebrow, arched. An upturned lip. The faintest hint of a smile. There is, in the photographer’s print, something of his subject’s spirit.

Exceedingly well written, this article captures the essence of the man that Obama admires so much, while separating him from the trappings of the idolatry which keeps us from recognizing, and accessing, his humanity.

Clearly the President has a deep and abiding affection for our 16th president.

Now let's hear from the Lunatic on Lake Lucille.

I had the privilege of coming of age during the era of Ronald Reagan. I like to think of him as America's lifeguard. As a teenager, Ronald Reagan saved 77 lives as a lifeguard on the Rock River, which ran through his hometown of Dixon, Ill. The day he was inaugurated in 1981, a local radio announcer famously declared, "The Rock River flows for you tonight, Mr. President." 

The image of the lifeguard seems to represent what Reagan was to America and to the freedom-loving people of the world. He lifted our country up at a time when we were in the depths of economic, cultural and spiritual malaise. We were told that we must accept that the era of American greatness was over; but with his optimism and common sense, President Reagan held up a mirror to the American soul to remind us of our exceptionalism. 

We are all so grateful for his courage and leadership; and like President Reagan, we believe that our best days are yet to come because “there will always be a bright dawn ahead” for America.

(The rest of the post was an orgy of self congratulatory back patting, for articles Palin had others write for her, which are beneath notice and only useful in convincing the paint chip eaters that she is still relevant. That is why I focused on the portion about Reagan.)

Written by a ghostwriter last year, and cut and pasted into yesterday's Facebook post, this reads like a middle school history paper written by a D student after quickly skimming Wikipedia to learn about her subject.

And rather than lend a sense of dignity to her supposed idol, as Obama so carefully did for his, she instead conjured up an image of a damp skinny kid wearing a ridiculous swimsuit.

Not exactly the image that cries out for a place on Mt. Rushmore now is it?

I know it is unfair to compare an intellect as sophisticated and multifaceted as our President's to one that can barely remember how to get a wig to fit properly on her head, but if you are going to present yourself to the world as a political pundit, you invite comparisons with people who make you look as if you are still moving your lips when you sound out the words to "One fish, Two Fish."

By the way, I have every confidence that the President wrote every word of his article, whereas the Grizzled Mama undoubtedly sent a barely coherent text and then took credit for the hard work of RAM, the saddest little Palin-bot of them all.


  1. Anonymous6:38 AM

    The Lunatic also forgot a question that homely Greta asked her last night, she must have been on downers, she looked stoned in the interview, or maybe it was the mullet wig she wore

  2. Anonymous6:47 AM

    O/T Handel resigns from Komen. Great news for women!!!

  3. Kathi in NJ6:52 AM

    The decline of The Grifter's influence has been delightful to watch. It continues.


  4. Anonymous6:56 AM

    WHOO HOO! She is TOAST!

    Karen Handel, Susan G. Komen Executive, Quits Over Planned Parenthood Dispute

    A high-ranking official resigned Tuesday from the Susan G. Komen for the Cure breast-cancer charity after a dispute over whether the group should give funding to Planned Parenthood, according to a letter obtained by The Associated Press.

    Karen Handel, the charity's vice president for public policy, told Komen officials that she supported the move to cut off funding for Planned Parenthood. She said the discussion started before she arrived at the organization and was approved at the highest levels of the charity.

    "I am deeply disappointed by the gross mischaracterizations of the strategy, its rationale, and my involvement in it," Handel said in her letter. "I openly acknowledge my role in the matter and continue to believe our decision was the best one for Komen's future and the women we serve."


  5. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Sarah's pimping Newtster again...likes to think that President Obama would be 'afraid' of him...LOL!


  6. There is a distinct gap of maturity between the authors.

  7. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Here’s an excerpt from Handel’s resignation letter, the rest of which can be viewed here:


  8. Anonymous7:16 AM

    hey SP....Does Stuff It mean anything to you?


    "We establish no religion in this country, we command no worship, we mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are, and must remain, separate. All are free to believe or not believe, all are free to practice a faith or not, and those who believe are free, and should be free, to speak of and act on their belief."

    further, her raygun-BF also said..
    "And there's something else. The ideals of our country leave no room whatsoever for intolerance, for anti-Semitism, or for bigotry of any kind -- none."

    so, eat shit SP.
    add sugar: you can do it.

  9. Anonymous7:17 AM

    her reagan:
    "We establish no religion in this country, we command no worship, we mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are, and must remain, separate. All are free to believe or not believe, all are free to practice a faith or not, and those who believe are free, and should be free, to speak of and act on their belief."

  10. Hoken7:22 AM

    That swimsuit is proof enough - Reagan had teh gay.

  11. nswfm7:30 AM

    From the everything Palin touches turns to shit department:


    Wouldn't mind if her magic touch turns Reagan to shit also, too.

  12. Anonymous7:41 AM

    It is so obvious that Palin didn't write this she should acknowledge who the writer is, and praise him for his work. But with Palin that is never the case, she wants to take the credit for his work which most people can identify is someone else. Postings such as this just step by step ruins her creditability. But the Palinbots actually believe she wrote this which further exhibits their ignorance.

  13. Anonymous7:45 AM

    To Sarah Palin:

    While you still have money, go get treatment. You may still have time to save yourself.

    Your family and "friends" seem to be riding your coattails instead of helping you. They have nothing to gain if you get better.

  14. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Well, just on style, not substance:
    the Palins must have gone to the supermarket to get the cheapest arrangement they could buy to stick on that shelf behind her; the green lightbulb has burned out, but the creepy shadows in the background continue to distract; and, finally, Sarah, please look at yourself in the mirror. Really look. Avocado green is not your friend, and neither is a wig of straight hair that doesn't move when your head does.
    Greta seems to be unable to say three-and-four syllable words -- she has some sort of speech defect, but your ramblings are more basic.
    A whole nine minutes and who can remember a word you said? Do you?

  15. Anonymous8:34 AM

    President Obama is somewhat boring. I don't hang on his every word. That's because he acts presidential in all that he does. By now, I expect decorum and well-reasoned orations from him. Some of us take his behavior for granted because we know he's honest, decent and a kind man and father.

    Not so with the Quitter and the GOP candidates. They're nuts, racist, egomaniacal, ignorant, grifting, lying, pandering, and generally contemptible excuses for human beings. We dissect their ramblings to substantiate our growing negative opinions. I hang on their words and deeds because of the fear of how they could devastate our country if elected.

  16. Marleycat8:35 AM

    Sarah is flying high again, which is it - Vodka, Crystal Meth, Coke, Special K, Oxycontin, huffing glue - or any of 'em, all of 'em? She is also, again, absolutely filthy! Is she suffering from some std's, Hep C, HIV/AIDs that Todd brought home, or she contracted from one or more of her own peccadilloes?

    Christ's sake - Palins, Heaths - get her help! Maybe everyone needs to write to FUX News and Roger Ailes to demand they force her to get an intervention done and some rehab before she ends up dead!

  17. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Over at See of Pee they're planning a big money bomb to coincide with her birthday - all encouraging each other to send $20.12 to signal that they want her to run. I'd say about 40% of those people fully believe that she will plan to run, no question, just a matter of time, another 30% have some crazy ass plan about how she's going to come in and steal the nomination, 20% who are "keeping the faith" just in case. The other 10% get shouted down if they dare peep that they're sure she's not in the race.

    But the money bomb is hilarious, especially after this last expenditure report came out - I mean, come on, go through that list and try to explain it away. Only a few of Pee-ers are even touching that report with a ten-foot pole, dangling the "well, she needs if for travel and security" line. Total f*ing delusion over there.

  18. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I agree that RAM is the saddest little Palin-bot of them all. But at least she's being paid well for it. Almost $100,000 a year.

  19. Anonymous8:47 AM

    There can be no doubt that right wing folks do not read. If you look at Reagan's ignorance, the deficit he left that was greater than all previous presidents combined, the homeless that were a product of his cutting off funding for mental institutions, got California laws passed to allow abortions, headed the screen actor's union, married Nancy probably because she was pregnant, needed her to keep his president's job while he had Alzheimer's, created havoc by mucking in the air traffic controller's union, broke the law with the Iran/Contra dealings, attacked Grenada without due process, etc. etc. etc.

    Come on Republicans, can't you dig up a bonafide hero?

    It has to be an embarrassment for any REpublicans who check out history.

    H Walker Bush took one for the Gipper when he got elected,
    by raising taxes, which cost him the 2nd term, but those Repugs should be heralding H W Bush because he is the one who helped dig us out of the hole Reagan created.

    How truly stupid can a group be when they keep "hero worshiping" such a bag of misjudgements and idiocy as Reagan who visited such debacles on this country?

    Reagan raised taxes 11 times during his presidency and gave us the horrendous 1987 stock market plunge that took 25% of my retirement fund, and much more from some other investors.

    His famous speech about tearing down the Berlin wall gives him far too much credit as the Soviet leaders were already in the process of reworking the communistic country's structure.

    Note that the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Gorbachev in 1990 for the demise of communism in Russia - it was not given to Reagan.

  20. Sarah's new theme: the US is going bankrupt!

    Now she's trying to move towards Santorum a little bit. Hedging your bet, Sarah? Or using your "kiss of death" to take out another candidate? Whatever it is, keep it going. It's working wonders.

    As to her new "do" it looks like two wigs. Her bangs look greasy and are a darker color. The other dead animal on her head looks like someone might be missing a collie dog. Or a Palomino horse tail. (She's reverting back to the Bachmann look now that Michele is out of the picture.)

    More word salad from the empress of the dark tower over the dead lake.

  21. thenorwegianblue9:28 AM

    Sheesh, the Confirmed Speakers list for CPAC is really the toxic waste dump of American politics http://cpac2012.conservative.org/program/2012-invited-speakers/

  22. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Speaking of awesome presidents, check these photos out! And the event is phenomenal. Michelle strengthens the body of this country, Barack strengthens the mind of this country. They both strengthen the heart of this country.


  23. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Reagan was a joke.

    I worked at a data processing outpost for a large corporation in the 80's. We were funded with top of the line IBM computer mainframes with enough processing capability to run 5 large banks or 3 California DMV's!! Overkill for the miniscule amount of data we processed as we only used the massive system to one fifth capacity.

    I had access to printed copies of reports. Remember this was pre Windows era where the floppy disk was the only available storage to the public. All data had redundant copies filed on huge disks that spun 24/7 and for tax reasons, printed on paper. What I saw on print was mind boggling. At months end tallies the words: My good god, what the fuck, holy shit, Jesus Mary Joseph, these people are making a killing, look at all those zeroes, the company idiot makes this much??would cross my lips.

    The tax breaks were outrageous and generated major profits which in my opinion was tiered incorrectly nor distributed fairly, salary-wise throughout the company. The execs got super rich with major bonus packages. The rank and file got nothing. Collated employee performance reports showed 88% were the ones responsible for driving the money in while execs vacationed. These people were paid diddly squat. They got NOTHING.

    Company tactics to get tax breaks was mandated priority. Regular employees were extorted to donate to United Way and other charitable
    organizations. Execs contributed nothing but the company as a whole got huge tax breaks on top of already layered ones.

    Spending and acquisition was rampantly wild and a lot of expenditures were not in the books.

    I believe that it was during Reagan's years when the separation between poor and the rich steadily grew to enormous contrasts and still believe that to this day we are still suffering from what he and his cronies administered.

  24. @Crystal Sage

    Her move towards Santorum is probably to further the possibility of a brokered convention. The longer the not-Romney's stay in the the race the more likely the brokered convention scenario becomes.

    My guess is Ms. Palin still thinks she has a shot at the Presidency if she's able to become nominated in a brokered convention. My guess is the chances for her actually getting it are about nil, but it would be fun to see what the effects on her are.

  25. Gryphen..after seeing Sarah on Greta last night, could you please post some side-by-side pictures of her during the campaign and how bad she looks now? I've never seen anyone go down hill so fast unless they are sick or are using drugs!

  26. Anonymous11:27 AM

    it's also a bad analogy for Palin and the Teabaggers professed ideology.

    Lifeguard are also tehe guys and galls who keep foolish and overconfident swimmers from getting in over their heads, prevent roughhousing that can cause injury to the innocent (and the stupid) and tell you not to run on the pool's edge.

    Very much like our government which often must protect us from our own occasional or chronic hubris and keeps the bullies and fools from injuring themselves or others.
    Sarah and her rightwing anarchists call this the "nanny state," while common sense endowed individuals call it having a lifeguard around.

  27. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Poor Greta must have drawn the "short straw" and had to interview $carah again. Her days at Fox must be numbered since she is now reduced to interviewing the political PUNDINT with the least credibility of all.

  28. Anita Winecooler6:50 PM

    That's what happens when a shallow swimmer is in the deep end.

    She waves and flashes her wrinkled ta tas at the scrawniest lifeguard while holding her wig in one hand and grasping the edge of the pool with the other. He tosses her a fake pregnancy belly and off she floats to the shallow end!

    She wouldn't understand what President Obama's eloquent writing means, he only mentions himself twice.

  29. Anonymous7:55 PM

    "Here is Lincoln as he was, his eyes weary, his forehead wrinkled, wearing an expression, wrote a poet, of “deep latent sadness.” But Gardner also captures something else. An eyebrow, arched. An upturned lip. The faintest hint of a smile. There is, in the photographer’s print, something of his subject’s spirit".

    These words are true of the President himself.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.