Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Score one for the good guys! Karen Handel resigns from Komen Foundation amidst controversy over cutting of funds to Planned Parenthood.

Courtesy of Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

Karen Handel, the embattled Georgian lauded and criticized for the split between the Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, resigned today from her post at the breast cancer organization. 

Handel has called a press conference this afternoon to discuss the decision. 

Handel's resignation a week after the breast cancer organization announced and then reversed a decision to pull funding from Planned Parenthood, citing a policy change that prohibited giving grants to organizations under local, state or federal investigation. The move sparked an outcry from both foes and supporters of abortion rights, with many praising Komen for the initial decision, while others vilified the organization for denying funds that largely help low-income women. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has obtained Handel's resignation letter to Komen founder and CEO Nancy Brinker, in which Handel states: "I am deeply disappointed by the gross mischaracterizations of the strategy, its rationale, and my involvement in it. I openly acknowledge my role in the matter and continue to believe our decision was the best one for Komen’s future and the women we serve. 

However, the decision to update our granting model was made before I joined Komen, and the controversy related to Planned Parenthood has long been a concern to the organization. Neither the decision nor the changes themselves were based on anyone’s political beliefs or ideology. Rather, both were based on Komen’s mission and how to better serve women, as well as a realization of the need to distance Komen from controversy. I believe that Komen, like any other nonprofit organization, has the right and the responsibility to set criteria and highest standards for how and to whom it grants." 

Brinker denied Handel's involvement in a televised interview with MSNBC , but that did little to quell the growing movement calling for Handel's resignation. Handel remained mum about her role in the funding decision last week; today's press conference will mark her first public statements about what quickly became a public relations debacle.

What can I say? You simply DO NOT screw with women's ability to get affordable health care and contraception in this country.  And if you do.......

Personally I hope that this is just the beginning, and that this new energy to protect reproductive rights extends to the political arena. I would love to see women's groups start really organizing to kick some of these Republican Neanderthals out of office before they succeed in making it a crime for a doctor to end an unwanted pregnancy, or make it impossible for Americans to access birth control.

Because I think that now more than ever we realize that has been the goal all along.


  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Handel is calling her former boss, Brinker, a liar. Handel claims the policy was in before she got there to reduce Komen's exposure to controversy. Brinker said Planned Parenthood was unfunded since Koeen was not going to fund pass thru grants anymore. So which is it, "ladies"?
    And as for making it political, who started that shit in the first place Ms. Karen "Loser Governor Candidate for Georgia" Handel who ran on an unfund Planned Parenthood platform?

  2. I hope the "sweet lil southern belle" Jade Morey who with her mean, cruel Tweet prompted Karen Handel to reTweet, loses her job at whatever anti-progress place she works at too.

    Jade Morey is proof that beauty is only skin deep.

  3. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Okay - that's one down. Many others to go. No dancing in the endzone. It's like a dripping tap -- one by one they have to fall.

    Brinker and all the board have to be fired or for 'their' face value -- resign. Wouldn't want to damage the 'botox' look.

    Handel's one good move but not enough. They've shown themselves as how easy they rollover, get their bellies scratched by politics. They've all put on full display they are truly weak.

    Komen can continue to 'suck eggs' as a 'youth' said to me over the weekend on the issue.

    A reminder -- there was a quiet rollout of the withdrawal of funds to support stem cell research.

  4. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Until they take away Roe v Wade, it is LEGAL to have an abortion in this country. If your religion is against it, don't have one! Don't tell the rest of us that we can't either.$

  5. If Handel really cared about Komen, she would have taken one for the team and put all the blame on herself. By her statements, she has shown that the entire organization is deeply entrenched in it's philosophy and her departure won't make a difference. I still won't support them...not ever.

  6. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

  7. She lies. If the persons in the organizations who have possession of the emails are truthful at all, then she is lying.

    This is great! Bye bye again Karen! Though it would be wise to keep an eye on her. She's probably already thinking of where she can go next to undermine an organization for her own agenda.

    On my way to work this morning, I heard Nancy Sinatra's "These boots are made for walking ..." My favorite verse goes "You been lying when you shoulda been truthing, you been thinking you'd never get burned, well I just found me a brand new box of matches ...." and of course I adapted this song to the Komen Kerfluffle - I think many women and men woke up, put on some of those boots and are ready to kick some a$$ - look out Karen Handel!

    Her resignation will not reinstate Komen's good standing. The damage is done!

  8. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Handel's an idiot and a quitter just like Sarah. No wonder Sarah endorses her.

  9. fromthediagonal8:12 AM

    Anonymous @ 7:48 and Lynne @ 7:53:
    I completely agree with you both!

  10. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I'm making a donation to Planned Parenthood. They helped me out when I was younger. And, I'll never again support the Komen Foundation.

  11. It will be the same old right wing spin crap. Wasn't my decision. I'm a distraction so I'm falling on my sword. Yadda yadda.

    It isn't a win until you find out who is replacing Handel. Brinker is a Repub1%can't too. SHE chose Handel and approved it. You better believe it. So time will tell. IF Planned Parenthood gets any funding. Sure they're allowed to APPLY but that doesn't mean they'll be approved. And who will replace Handel. Watch those two things before you call this a win.

  12. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Brinker and the Board Members have to vote and sign on to all these plans. One person does not get to roll out change in a Board controlled environment.

    What I laughed at on Saturday, is that Ari Fleischer has been front and center on CNN through the Rethug state primaries. Who's hiding under a rock at the moment!!! No where to be found on CNN!!! In the words of Rick Perry - "OOPS!!!!"

  13. Anonymous8:29 AM

    WOW!!! To think that a Sarah Palin endorsement not only jinxes the recipient but everything they touch after that.

    The Christian Right should know the consequence of making a deal with the devil. You never come out ahead.

    IMHO SGK is forever tainted. Brinker lied about the reasons Planned Parenthood was denied (as funding went to many other recipients that under real investigations and only those that the right wing oppose where stopped).

    Brinker lied that funding was restored to planned parenthood when it was never taken away from the current year (or she lied on MSNBC when she said it only was for future grants).

    Brinker lied that Handel didn't have that big of role when internal emails show differently.

    Not sure many women on either side want to give to an inefficient charity that lies.

  14. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I love the idea Handel isn't rolling over, pretending to take one for the team -- isn't going quietly.

    It just gives more attention to the Komen fiasco instead of being rolled under the carpet. And it's all being done by the Right-Wingers. The Left haven't lifted a finger to assist their in-fighting. It mirrors the GOP campaign.

    The popcorn industry must be going through the roof with profits!!!

  15. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Another Palin-endorsed loser fails/quits. I'm not surprised at all. Everything she touches turns to shit.

  16. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish!

  17. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I think it is time to put some pressure on the major donors. Youplait is one and I have already emailed them saying I won't buy anymore of their product until they cut ties with Kormen. Other funders can be found on the Kormen web site. This organization will only change its ways if funders stop giving them money.

  18. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Wonder if Fleischer considered Snowdrift for the Komen position but realized she doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut!!! Snowdrift hasn't the ability to work in a 'hen house'!!!

  19. Lawrence O'Donnell said last night that the Komen Foundation will not be in existence in five years. Let's make that a reality. It's not just Handel; it's the whole board. The Komen Foundation is riddled with cancer.

    All donations should go directly to PP or another women's service that supports a women's health; their right to choose and their access to birth control. The opposition showed its hand(el) thinking that women are complacent about their rights.

    Instead women woke up and they refuse to relinquish their hard-fought rights and health care to a bunch of right wing ideologues.

    The Komen Foundation is toast. Just like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and any other woman who betrays her sex. You Betcha!

  20. Sally in MI8:59 AM

    If I were PP, I'd refuse any money from the corrupt Komen Foundation anyway. These women have one goal: line their pockets. Somehow I think Sarah would fit right in, if she had any sort of work ethic.
    I'm glad Komen has been exposed for what they are: against women's health, but for womens' money.

  21. Margaret and Helen have a great new blog up...pink razors and things.

    Love that blog!!!!

  22. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Don't tell me that abortion causes breast cancer. I have never had an abortion and have breast cancer. But I was exposed to chemicals in the ground water from all the fertilizers and insecticides applied to the crops and washed into the streams and ground water. That was many years ago. Can you imagine how bad it is years later? I lived for 48 years at the foot of Mount Evans and we were at the top of the chain for water. However, the smog from the city would creep up the mountains and permeate out lungs. But no abortion on my record. I've a long history of full body x-rays as a result of polio and dental work? Perhaps some of that money should go for research and a CURE! I had 5 days of intense radiation for my breast cancer that was equal to 7 weeks. Have 3 broken ribs from the radiation that will never heal.Until you have had the skin from the areola and nipple fried and fall off leaving bleeding tissue under it, you don't realize what radiation can do. Now have moles and skin tags all over the area of radiation and worry they will become skin cancers. This excess radiation was due to the doctor taking out the wrong lump and cutting into the cancer and spreading it. Sen. Bill Frist, MD got a bill slipped onto another bill that you can't sue your doctor for mall-practice! GOP death panels!

  23. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Ah.... so she's become the 'chosen martyr,' the poor dear. Well, I'm sure that won't prevent her from pursuing her right-wing anti-women's rights agenda elsewhere.

    What a bunch of liars.

  24. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Brinker said earlier (on Andrea Mitchell interview) that Handel had nothing to do with the decision, which was made by the Board (i.e., Brinker, her son, and other pals).

    Handel did what she was hired to do.

    Slow Learner Dept: Romney is weighing in now. To boost his anti-choice cred with voters of that persuasion. Good! First flip-flop, then pick the wrong side. Make it easy for Obama to win.

    I do fear those Diebold voting machines, though. They could elect Romney in spite of everything.

  25. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Oh...thought this was interesting too...in the interests of Komen's "non partisan" stance.


  26. Anonymous9:10 AM

    No more pink ribbons for me. My support will go directly to Planned Parenthood. This was a real eye opener for me.

  27. Anonymous9:11 AM

    And Prop 8 has been ruled unconstitutional by a CA judge. What with this great news and Handel's resignation, maybe it really is "half-time in America!"

  28. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Cry me a freaking river....

    As Karen said, "I've got a handle on this"


  29. Dinty9:13 AM

    And the hits just keep on comin' -

    9th District just struck down California's Proposition 8 as unconstitutional:


    A great day to be a progressive indeed.

  30. Anonymous9:14 AM

    IMHO, I think Handel is the sacrificial lamb. From the tone of her letter, I think she was told to resign or be fired, so she resigned in a nasty way in an attempt to hold her head high. Unfortunately, she lifted her nose so high in the air, she wasn't watching her feet and tripped into the mud.

  31. And the Palin curse continues!! Handel quitting is like the Titanic's Captain quitting right after they hit the iceberg. Major FAIL. Or in Palinspeak, Major 'FELL.' Have you noticed all the footage they're showing of Karen "Typhoid Mary" Handel with Sarah "Quitter" Palin endorsing her? And do Baggers even see how transparent they are in their victimization? "Blood Libel" anyone?

    Remember, remember, the sixth of November! OBAMA landslide!!

  32. Virginia Voter9:21 AM

    As Sarah says, the bell can't be unrung, so I for one will never support Komen in the future. These women have gotten rich exploiting the memory of our loved ones lost to breast cancer. With all the hundreds of millions of dollars raised, breast cancer patients are still treated with the same procedures they were 30 years ago...lumpectomy or mastectomy, radiation, and chemotherapy, followed by tamoxifen. My best friend was diagnosed last summer with Stage 1 breast cancer, and I was shocked that she did essentially the same protocol my mother did back in the eighties.

    Komen and their right wing staff can shove their pink ribbons where the sun don't shine. Their organization is a sham. The jig is up ladies, I won't be fooled again.

  33. marthauys9:29 AM

    Now it begins. First, Handel is coming to Alaska to lick her wounds with Sarah. Bristol & Willow will do her hair while she eats moose chili. Piper will make her cookies shaped like little pink boobs. Todd will carry her purse on command. Then, the bedroom door will close while the two evil women get into the Red Bull & make their plan to take over the world. Pinky and the No Brain!

    I told Nordstrom they could stick my favorite bras where the sun doesn't shine until they rip off the pink ribbon tag. That's just for starters.

    I'm going to continue to raise a Pink Stink until they are nothing but a bad memory.

  34. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Don't these right-wing-nuts realize that Planned Parenthood provides a very valuable service to women? Don't they realize that educating young women and providing birth control contraceptives that they are preventing unwanted pregnancies, therefore, women will not NEED abortions?

  35. Anonymous9:32 AM

    DAMN! This day just gets better and better! This is earthshatteringly awesome!

    Federal Appeals Court Rules California’s Ban on Gay Marriage Is Unconstitutional

    A federal appeals court panel ruled Tuesday that a voter-approved ban on gay marriage in California violated the Constitution, all but ensuring that the case will proceed to the United States Supreme Court.

    Read More:

  36. Hoken9:33 AM

    Komen's damaged reputation is the result of their raising the blinds and letting in sunlight. Handel's only a part of it - her ideas were approved by the board. That same board voted to defund stem cell research, which reflects the same ideology as their defunding of PP. Komen has also worked to suppress studies on environmental causes of breast cancer, and done so to protect the interests of their corporate donors. They have also favored treatment-oriented research over cure-oriented research, while they collected $ from Big Pharma. Sunlight has not been their friend - it has revealed Komen to be something other than its crafted image had led us to believe.

    Komen's ethics and practices are not aligned w/ altruism or science, but reflect corporate priorities that put Komen first and show that breast cancer has, for Komen, become more a marketing tool than a cause.

    Facilitating their own demise is perhaps their best contribution for the cure in a long time. Thanks to their effort to defund PP and the scrutiny it brought on Komen, lots of donors and supporters will redirect their $ and their altruistic energy in more effective ways to achieve progress toward a cure.

  37. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Sarah was stoned and nodding off on Greta last night! She's getting really bold and brazen with her drug use. She thinks no one will call her out on it, just like her fake pregnancy! Disgusting! I guess Fox doesn't drug test their employees? Is Fox not a drug-free workplace?

  38. Anonymous9:34 AM

    This is all too late. My contributions will go to the local Planned Parenthood - where real help is given to real people.

  39. Enigma/Watergate summer blog posted this vid


    (warning graphic & truthy- not for work)

    her closing line captured it:

    The Komen foundation showed their ass, and now they can kiss mine"

    I don't think the Komen foundation will ever recover from this. They can fire the whole board & do backflips, still won't change their bottom line.
    They put themselves in the spotlight & brought on scrutiny.
    Any "charitable foundation" that keeps 56% of donations for themselves is a scam.

  40. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Prepare for the knashing of teeth and the wails of horror from the homophobic minions. They just got had. Between this and Komen and the Halftime ad and President Obama's ratings heading up...you can just hear the howls from behind closed doors and FOX will really spin into gear, most likely blaming Obama, because they always do, but dollars to donuts, the Bald one will weigh in soon enough. At any rate, this is just spectacular news.


  41. The breast cancer people are evil anyhow.

  42. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Sarah Palin said she is against any government funding of Planned Pareanthood.

    Still a shifty, anti woman witch.

    That is because she is a pretend male with Toads balls in her pocket.

  43. Anonymous9:45 AM

    This is just ludicrous! They really pull out the big guns when they're faced with science and common sense, don't they? Why are these people given a platform to spew their bile?

    Conservative Pundit Compares Birth Control Mandate To Rise Of Nazi Germany


  44. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I am a Republican male who will never buy anything with a pink ribbon again. No one likes to be duped.

    At the risk of sounding ignorant, I will admit that I think Planned Parenthood could use better marketing. The pink ribbon was genius. It was a great idea.

    Why shouldn´t Planned Parenthood benefit from this idea?

    Planned Parenthood could pick a flower, a bird, an insect, anything as long as it´s animate, to be their symbol.

  45. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Well, lookie here you dumbass knucle-dragging repugs, women with brains will not be duped. Take your little right-wing Handle and go beat off. We have spoken and you better watch out for the next election. It will not be pretty. What a great day!

  46. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I knew it was only a matter of time before she left. By her leaving only make it look even more politically motivated. Kormen may have learned a lesson in this, but its probably wishful thinking that the evangelical Christians and far right has learned anything, after all, they have their "God" on their side.

  47. Enjay in E MT9:50 AM

    I believe the Komen Foundation has lost a substantial number of supporters & sponsors after this debacle. I won't pick up another "pink ribbon" product or sponsor a Pink walker.

    Altho no doubt Karen Handel is to blame, the entire board deserves equal credit. How could they hire a senior exec. who does not share the philosophy of the foundation?

    I have donated to PP directly, and will continue to do so. Avoiding high overhead with limited results of foundations.

  48. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Just like in the song, "Bread and Roses", the line that says, "The rising of the women is the rising of us all" society only works if it works for the disadvantaged, not if it works only for the advantaged.

  49. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Bigotry on the Right:


  50. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:53 AM

    OT, but the kiddies at the Pool are wringing their hands over Glen Beck's The Blaze website bashing SP's Newsweek Trig Tribute (which they swear was written through a "mother's tears." Mmffff!)

    Of course they all LOVED Glennie when he was the Saint's BFF--now they're whining that he's just an actor and a "false prophet" (see verbatim comment):

    "...That is why I compared him [Beck] to Elmer Gantry, the fictional religious fraud who preyed on good Christian folk to profit himself."

    Ah, well. I guess if they had any shred of self awareness or insight, they wouldn't be Bots!

  51. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Please take note that Romney came out the other day on this issue saying Komen had made the right decision!

    Romney likes corporate-backed organizations like Komen more than he likes providing affordable and accessible healthcare for women.

    Please remember this: Romney supports Komen.

    Make sure you for for Independents or Democrats. None of the GOP will fight for women's health care. None.

  52. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Sweet..Bless her heart!!

  53. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Good as to her resignation. I doubt the Komen Foundation will be as significant as it use to be.

    Vote the Republicans out of office - national, state and local levels. They are NOT pro women!

  54. Anonymous10:03 AM

    And here's another one for the good guys!

    President Obama's Record on Jobs - Obama for America 2012 Ad - February 2012


  55. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Well it's a start ;)

  56. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Proposition 8 Ruling Prompts Outpouring Of Political Reaction


  57. Anne In DC10:42 AM

    Komen had to know what Karen Handel was all about, so it strains credulity to pretend otherwise. Just like Palin, Bachmann, and the bimbos at FOX NOISE, she is a RWNJ who obviously is anything but "pro-life." She was willing to see millions of women sacrified to breast cancer on the altar of her professed regard for the sanctity of life.
    Since I am already a contributor to PP, I will increase the amount I donate.

  58. Anonymous10:42 AM



    FOX News has signed former Susan G. Komen for the Cure vice president Karen Handel, as a contributor, announced Michael Clemente, Senior Vice President of News Editorial for the network. Handel will offer commentary and analysis across all FOX News platforms and will participate in programming leading up to the 2012 Presidential elections, or whenever Barack Obama does something that irritates pro-life activists, or whenever Sarah Palin is too busy.

    In making the announcement, Clemente said, “Karen Handel's long experience in politics and charity will add a valuable point of view to our line-up."

    Handel added, “I’m pleased to offer analysis of public policy and politics to the millions of Americans who get their news from FOX, born and unborn.”


  59. Anonymous10:45 AM

    What a self-righteous bitch! Good riddance to her from Komen though I'm sure she has another right-wing offer in her pocket.

  60. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Gryphen FYI-


  61. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Anonymous @10:42 am

    It's a parody. Fox did not hire her.

  62. angela11:06 AM

    Anon 10:42

    That is a parody.

    Of course the sad part----this is exactly what happens with the loser wingnuts out there. FAUX hires them. Good old FAUX and their wingnut welfare.

    Mark Sanford (Hiking the Appalachian Trail.)
    Sarah Palin (I quit for America.)
    Dick Morris (Prostitutes are good listeners.)
    Newt Gingrich (What ethics violations?)
    Oliver North (Don't I look sincere.)

  63. Anonymous11:10 AM

    My favorite radio station has played Komen ads the last two days. I just contacted them and told them they would lose a loyal listener if they keep playing those ads. Join me in helping Komen lose its voice!

  64. Handel shows up on Fox now. Yes, that's the place all losers show up!
    Did she really add "unborn" to the list of people who will watch her on Fox?
    The stupid doesn't surprise me.
    Life ends with our last breath as it begins with our first breath of air and that's when a persons life begins. Outside the womb, not inside, while still a part of the mothers body.
    It's a woman's choice, not anyone else.

  65. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Jane Abrahams of Susan B Anthony and Team Sarah is still on the Board - and have you looked up the number of states that already have or are trying to defund PP? This is not going away, it is a well concerted movement. I actually believe Handel when she says this defunding plan was already well under way. I think she was hired just to bolster the ranks. I think there was already collusion between Stearns and Abraham's ilk. This is not going away, folks, they have only just begun.


  66. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Another nasty nobody bites the dust. I mean, who the hell is Karen Handel to decree that PPA go unfunded? She is a bitter loser endorsed in 2008 by the ultimate loser. Both are nasty, uneducated (Karen can't seem to recall where she took her college courses at night) and irrelevant. They would have innocent women face cancer, possibly death, for the cause! How very un-Christian.

  67. Has Fox become the safety net for right wing political losers?

  68. Cynthianne11:25 AM

    Handel is going because Komen is desperate to limit the damage, but it's too late- they have been unmasked as a wingnut welfare organization, mainly interested in lining their own pockets and using their good reputations and their donor's money to advance the wingnut agenda. Now their reputation is shot and the money is drying up. Having one of their grifters resign won't help. It's only a matter of time before they fade away.

  69. Anonymous11:25 AM


    Wow. This a.m. I said to my hubbie that she probably had an offer lined up and he said "probably with FOX news"!

    On a side note, the story about that awful father that burned himself and sons said that the boys had started to say things about what they remembered about their mother. How sad that they paid the price for their father's wrong-doing. The dad probably couldn't figure out that the kids would grow up and blow his cover.

  70. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Sarah Palin is against Planned Parenthood because Sally Heath, Sarah Heath, Track, Bristol, and Willow all did not PLAN for their Parenthood. Wine Coolers and Tents will do it every time.

  71. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Here she is in all her nasty glory, blaming Planned Parenthood:

    Karen Handel Denounces Planned Parenthood’s ‘Vicious Attacks And Coercion’ Against Komen Foundation

    Handel told Kelly that it is “absurd” to suggest she was the main force behind the foundation’s altered funding policy, adding that policy changes were carefully vetted.

    “Last time I checked,” she continued, “private, non-profit organizations have a right and a responsibility to be able to set the highest standards in criteria on their own, without interference, let alone the level of vicious attacks and coercion that’s occurred by Planned Parenthood. It’s simply outrageous.”


  72. anon@10:42 WTF

    re: Karen Handel article on Slate.

    Wiegl was writing that Handel was joining FOX as a PARODY.

    Not that it's an absurd idea when considering Ailes did actually hire the hygiene-challenged, wonky-eyed former gub'ner.

  73. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Anon 10:42

    If you friggin read the post by Weigel - you would have noted the words 'It's a parody'

    I say we have a Troll Alert at 10:42

    "Based on what's happened to other people chased out of jobs by politics, this is how I see Handel's future playing out. It's a parody. Any resemblence to the names of people living or dead is unintentional"

  74. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Agree with the posters who say that this resignation isn't too little too late. The light has exposed all the bottom feeders and no one will ever trust them again.

    LOL at the idea that PP needs a symbol too. I nominate a little bunny, hopping happily around. Why? Because when you are very old like I am, when they verified you were dead by saying "the rabbit died". PP's birth control classes and pills would have saved many bunnies to hop another day.

  75. Anonymous11:39 AM


    WTF is right. But totally and completely NOT a surprise. She will fit right in with their agenda of lies and half truths.

    And...the "unborn" listen to Fox????

  76. marthauys11:46 AM

    Anon 10:42

    Look further into the future...

    Look at the title of the piece...

    Read the intro in italics...


    I actually predict that future plan number 1 has an excellent chance of being a premonition! Why? All the Whack A Mole conservatives eventually show up at Fox "News"!

  77. Anonymous11:58 AM

    O/T Anyone else unable to read comments past 200 on the Palin newsweek Life with Trig thread?

  78. Kimosabe1:31 PM

    What really ticks me off is that the MSM (incl WaPo and PBS) continues to report only that Komen reversed its decision on funding PP, when in fact they did no such thing. The real story is that while Komen was generally believed to be a beneficial anti-cancer pro-woman organization, it in fact has been exposed as a bunch of right-wing money-grubbing teabaggers with no regard for women's health at all. Watch MSNBC or read this blog and you know that; watch the networks or read the newspaper, not so much.

  79. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Handel said...... "I believe that Komen, like any other nonprofit organization, has the right and the responsibility to set criteria and highest standards for how and to whom it grants."

    I'm telling Handel and the Komen Foundation right now in no uncertain terms.

    I believe that individual donors have the right and the responsibility to set criteria and high standards for the charities and causes we donate to. And Karen Handel, the Komen Foundation are at the bottom of the damned list. I hope the foundation goes bankrupt, because their leadership is morally bankrupt.

    I softened my message here a lot from what I'm really thinking.


  80. AJ Billings2:22 PM

    Judging by her 3rd chin, I don't think she was being underpaid either

  81. http://blog.buzzflash.com/buzzflash.org/komen3

    Komen will never see another penny from me, it doesn't matter who resigns. Even before this new anti-PP push, they were not a pro-women's health organization, but a money making machine. There is no thief as bad as the one who uses a person's good intentions against them.

  82. Anonymous2:48 PM

    This is what I mean when I say 2012 is not the end of the world. 2012 is going to be the end of the bullshit. People are waking up left, right and center, to the crap that is going on in this country. 2012 is going to be great!

  83. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Irony-challenged Republicans...


  84. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Good riddance, but as far as I'm concerned Komen is tainted beyond repair. They've shown their true colors with this move.
    M from MD

  85. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Lets face it PP just got 3M plus smakaroos some of which would have gone to Komen and much that would probably never have gone to Komen anyway, but for sure will not to to Komen any time in the near future.

  86. Anita Winecooler7:00 PM

    Until SBK and Karen come clean with the TRUTH, then they'll not get one more pink cent from me ever.

    Planned Parenthood gets my direct donations from now on.

  87. lwtjb7:36 PM

    These guys would not have to do anything to avoid controversy if they had not started the controversy in the first place.

    On another note, I sure do not understand the war on women and women's health that erupted this election. Aren't we supposed to be talking about jobs?

  88. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Rather late to comment but just had to add - this person has completely ruined a billion dollar world wide brand - and she has no sense of doing anything wrong - both the left and right of politics are now against the pink - they will have nothing left to donate to anyone. This is what hating women is all about and to think that the hatred is led by a woman is way beyond my understanding.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.