Friday, February 24, 2012

Rick Santorum tells Glenn Beck that colleges are "indoctrination mills." Isn't he thinking of churches?

"I fear smart people. And so should you."
Courtesy of CBS News:

In an hour-long interview with conservative television host Glenn Beck, Santorum also defended his record on abortion and his vote in favor of President George W. Bush's No Child Left Behind education law. 

On the president's efforts to boost college attendance, Santorum said, "I understand why Barack Obama wants to send every kid to college, because of their indoctrination mills, absolutely ... The indoctrination that is going on at the university level is a harm to our country." 

He claimed that "62 percent of kids who go into college with a faith commitment leave without it," but declined to cite a source for the figure. And he floated the idea of requiring universities that receive public funds have "intellectual diversity" on campus.

I have the feeling that Santorum's version of "intellectual diversity" means setting up college courses to teach students to stop listening to university professors and to instead get their education from religious leaders and priests. ("Don't think, believe!")

In some ways I almost have to agree with Santorum that people who are raised with a religious background DEFINITELY question their beliefs and preconceived notions once they are introduced to a wider range of facts and ideas.

However where we part ways is that I believe that any idea, or faith, which cannot stand up to scrutiny is one not worth embracing. (A point of view that I share with a certain founder of an alternative religion than one supported by Santorum too by the way.)

We have long known that Republicans are of the mind that education is an anti-conservative plot, but Santorum is just more blunt about voicing that opinion out loud. You know, where sane people can hear him.

That is why the conservatives are always trying to strip public schools of much needed funding while promoting the idea of vouchers and religious home schooling options.

That way they can ensure that the public stays ignorant enough to actually believe the bullshit they are selling them.

I think the point that Rick "Frothy Mixture" Santorum is making is this, "Smart, well educated people don't vote Republican."

And on that point he and I are in full agreement.

Gee, maybe miracles do happen!


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Only religious loons would vote for Santorum and most voters are not religious loons. Santorum has zero chance of becoming the President so I hope he gets the GOP nominee slot.

  2. Virginia Voter12:11 PM

    Wow, I feel sorry for his kids. A few of them certainly look old enough to be of college age, or very close to it, is he keeping them locked up in the house all day so they don't get indoctrinated?

    Both Rick and his wife went to college and law school, and it seems they kept thri whacked out beliefs in check.

    This dude is truly demented

  3. Anonymous12:12 PM

    for somebody university educated with a law degree, what does that make him ??

  4. Anonymous12:17 PM

    This guy frightens the hell out of me!!!

    Thank God, President Obama will be reelected!

    Vote in November folks and get the Republicans out of office where ever you can...on the national, state and local levels!!! They are control freaks and have such a need to govern the female vaginas!
    How about not allowing them vasectomies and viagra? Sounds good to me!

  5. Anonymous12:30 PM

    “And he floated the idea of requiring universities that receive public funds have "intellectual diversity" on campus.”

    WTF does that mean, Satansrectum?

  6. I heard a portion of this on Stephanie Miller's radio show. Frightening stuff, the right keeps going further to the right, but it looks to be not about freedom but rather authoritarian rule.

  7. Most college students, especially in their second year, go through a healthy stage of doubting much of what they have believed. If they didn't, I don't think we could consider them educated. I can't count the number of parents who came to me as a dietitian because their college aged child (usually female) had decided to commit to some version of vegetarianism. It's part of becoming and adult.

  8. Sally in MI12:37 PM

    My mother-in-law has said this for years. Back when we were in high school in the alte 60's she got an English teacher fired because he dared to use one of those "who would you put on the boat?" queries when her had a sub one day. She thought that it was evil. She got another teacher nearly fired for giving a son a "D" in reading...he had earned a D, but she just knew he could read. (not there are or ever were, books in that home. Wait, there are some pamphlets from the Heritage Foundation around..stuff about how evil the left is, and how bad public education is.)
    What is really funny is that the grandkids who went to public colleges did not change their religious beliefs, and are all employed and married. Her 4 who went to the same private, white bread tiny school are employeds, but don't go to church, and not one of them even has a girlfriend. Another four are employed, but there is not one college degree between them, and they have a couple of out of wedlock kids (these 8 all went to church based high schools as well!)
    Santorum is frightening, and the sooner the GOP gets rid of him, the better.

  9. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Didn't he go to college, something like three in fact? He knows that's not the truth and yet he's using scare tactics on the undereducated who listen and believe what Beck says. That statement along should disqualify him from any future office. He'll never get nominated with far out statements like that. It's no wonder he got badly beaten on his 3rd Senate run.

  10. Anonymous12:39 PM

    That is the mantra of these religious extremists, their congregations have to be ignorant so they can cotrol them.

  11. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Another danger Gryph, is the proliferation of for profit cyber schools, which operate under charters. It's a magnet for the "wouldn't want my little snowflake to hear about evolution without me being there to whisper in his other ear that it's a lie. Helicopter parenting combined with fundagelicalism - super-ick.

  12. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Religion evolved to protect the idea of god from disproof. You'd think Santorum would want to keep religion from existing alongside science and rational thinking at the universities.

  13. laprofesora12:45 PM

    Don't you just love watching Frothy flap his jaws and dig himself in deeper and deeper? What a knucklehead. Why doesn't he just run for Pope?

  14. Virginia Voter12:47 PM

    Ok, so I got curious and did a little googling , and found out Rick's oldest is Elizabeth who is 20 and a junior at the University of Dallas, a Catholic school of course) but is taking the year off to work on the campaign. She's quite the budding politico, and has done a number of interviews, mostly with conservative media. Certainly not the next Meghan McCain, but surprising none the less considering her father's views.

    So I guess Rick actually does believe in higher education for his own kids, but wants to discourage everyone else from getting indoctrinated?

  15. Anonymous12:49 PM

    O/T News Corpse shreds SP's latest Facebook rant against the President in which she calls President Obama a traitor and tries to show what an energy expert she is:

  16. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I call dibs on Rick. I feel compelled to convert Rick Santorum to Islam after his death. Anyone can convert anyone to anything after they're dead. Praise be to Allah, Rick.

  17. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Hey Uncle Gryphen,

    Does Santorum even have a degree? I just don't understand the hatred he has for higher education (besides the obvious -- that he can't bamboozle those who have learned about other religions outside of Christianity.)

  18. Anonymous12:51 PM

    And enjoy those virgins!

  19. Sally in MI12:55 PM

    Every photo I see of Santorum shows his hand up with fingers outstretched as if he's waiting for someone to put a surgical glove on him. Maybe he thinks he can do some of those transvaginal probes himself?

  20. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I went to catholic grade, high school and college. I lost my faith due to the priests and nuns I encountered in those institutions. When they couldn't answer a straight question without blushing, sending me to the principal, or calling my parents, that was it for me. I stuck with the church as an observer in order to placate my charismatic nutter parents (an earlier version of the dominionists with out the doom and gloom).
    Santorum is as bat shit crazy as Bachman.

  21. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Anyone who doubts the evil of church indoctrination should read this:

    [Cocking ear for the inevitable response, "But that's not REAL Christianity!" Oh yes. It is.]

  22. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I think that Rick Santorum is insane. That is the only possible explanation for his increasingly bizarre statement. Is there anyone who thinks that this man should be president of the United States?

  23. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I remember the crazy club on the religious channel often had people on who would rail against universities being the breeding grounds for satan. They would continually warn people to send their kids to religious colleges and not secular colleges. This is truly how many deeply religious people view higher education. Nothing new here folks. It is a travesty such schools now receive faith-based funding. Our tax dollars at work ...

  24. Anonymous1:17 PM

    One look at the Palin Tribe shows what a lack of education does. The GOP is truly the Party Of Stupid.

  25. angela1:17 PM

    Santorum and Beck is a whole lot of crazy in one room.
    Little animals must be screaming now . . . .

  26. OT, but Princess has an energy post up on her Facebook page.

    Gryph -- what are your feelings about drilling in ANWR? (It makes me sick to even contemplate it.)

  27. Frothy mixture holds a BA, MBA and LL.B. Obviously, like his stance on abortion, it's a matter of: Don't do as I do; do as I say.

    He wants to eliminate public schools and give people the option to either send their children to private, church-run schools or home school. As for college: not needed. Properly programmed fighters are needed as cannon fodder for the Great War on Non-Christian Religions coming up under Santorum's presidency.

    Just when you thought it couldn't get any crazier, Frothy Mixture surges anew.

  28. Anonymous1:31 PM

    It is truly beyond ridiculous that this man is a contender for the Republican nomination for President of the United States.

    I would think the leaders of the Republican party would be getting the hook out and yanking this guy offstage before he does any more damage to his party.

  29. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I also note religious schools rarely if ever have earth science departments. Most have biology programs only.

  30. hedgewytch1:48 PM

    And in the same breath these putz's will go on and on about American exceptionalism - except how can one be exceptional without the best education they can get?

    The one subject that boils my blood more than anything is this one. The attack on education - it is ludicrous and I don't understand how these people can go "yeah, lets stay stupid!"

    Who needs scientists, engineers, mathematicians, doctors, geologists, etc?.....except when we need to produce a chemical, build a bridge, figure out how much money you made, cure a medical problem, and find some valuable resources..... Ugh!!

  31. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I just can't figure out how this man got this far in this century with his ideology. His wife must be a pathetic schmuck and his kids incredibly embarrassed.

  32. Anonymous1:51 PM

    So, are his kids going on to higher education? If he had a choice, would he have gone on to college? Does he want every university to be like Brigham Young? And how does he expect parents to afford home schooling as well as working, social activities, etc? He is the ultimate moron and I am looking for him to be knocked down many, many pegs. He makes a lot of statements, but offers no solutions. If he were elected, I truly believe I would sell everything and move to Canada.

  33. deebee2:04 PM

    It would be great if this idiot becomes the candidate. After the reelection all the states which voted for him could be culled from U.S. and form their own United States of Christofascism.
    For this I pray.....amen.

  34. Anonymous2:11 PM

    This guy is a Nazi through and through. And before the condemnations fly, let us all remember that the atrocities of that era were presaged by ideas that were just as idiotic and dangerous as Santorum's.

  35. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Speaking of indoctrination...

    Be sure to read the comments. They're hilarious!

  36. I think it was third grade, actually. That's when I found out that there was no Santa Claus; my first realization that I was Lied To by my parents, and other adults. I'm sure they all got a good laugh! well, ever since that time, I was critical of everything they told me, and today, I get the good laugh at the depth of gulliblity (they call it faith) that churches use to subjugate and fleece those morons. I have little respect for their ability as critical thinkers.

  37. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Rick Santorum: ‘Mitt Romney Is In Bed With Barack Obama On Destroying’ Churches And Hospitals

    In the aftermath of the three bazillionth Republican debate Tuesday night, many of the candidates have taken to the airwaves to explain how and why their performance was the awesomest. Rick Santorum chose to go with GBTV for his message, making appearances on both Glenn Beck’s TV show as well as radio show in the past day. While on the radio, he accused his rival Mitt Romney of being “in bed with Barack Obama.”

    Oh no! Mitt Romney and the President are in bed together?

  38. Anonymous2:50 PM

    "Rick Santorum tells Glenn Beck that colleges are "indoctrination mills." Isn't he thinking of churches?"

    He is speaking the exact truth. Religious colleges are indoctrination mills, especially when they are religious colleges with a political agenda.

  39. Anonymous2:56 PM

    It's a plot to get slave labor and not educate and keep all the money for the rich. Who ever heard of education being bad. This ghuy needs to be flushed down the toliet

  40. Anonymous2:58 PM

    There are not a whole lot of good things one can say about the Republicans and the far right wings.

    One is that they are so used to being in positive surroundings with each other and talking about things that they would never before have discussed publicly, that they now really believe, like Goebbels, their own propaganda.
    They think every one thinks and talks that way and so they keep blurting their ugly truths out.

    Or at least the stupid Tee Peers do, and the Repos have run a lot of Tee Peeing idiots for office in the last decade.

  41. He is a spooky zealot. But he is polling high. That is even spookier.

  42. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Has anybody asked Santorums wife how Rickie Man on child Santorum and Sarah Palin can both be chosen of god to be POTUS?

    I'm not up on my preordination but I really don't see how they can both be listening to the same God and hearing the exact opposite anointment.

  43. Anonymous3:04 PM

    joemac1114 said...

    I heard a portion of this on Stephanie Miller's radio show. Frightening stuff, the right keeps going further to the right, but it looks to be not about freedom but rather authoritarian rule.
    12:33 PM

    to Santorum's ilk, that's a feature, not a bug.

  44. His handlers musta told him his obsession with gay male sex was OTT, so, like the obsessive-compulsive he probably is, he had to pick something else to obsess on (no matter how illogical or downright stupid). People like him seem unable (or unwilling) to keep matters in proportion.

    Lucky for us, it's all out there in livid color.

    Gawd, Mawd, if he's the nominee, this is gonna be fantabulous!

  45. Anonymous3:09 PM

    laprofesora said...

    Don't you just love watching Frothy flap his jaws and dig himself in deeper and deeper? What a knucklehead. Why doesn't he just run for Pope?

    12:45 PM
    That explains Santorum exactly, la professora. He's one of those who really, really wanted the "authority" of the robe and pulpit, but just couldn't give up the nookie. He's been angry, lashing out and looking for someone to blame for his lack "human failings" ever after.

  46. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Virginia Lawmaker, Says Wife Wouldn't Have Sex Because Of Transvaginal Ultrasound Bill

    Virginia's controversial transvaginal ultrasound bill hit one Republican lawmaker close to home. In the bedroom, to be precise. He said a fellow lawmaker's television discussion of the bill cost him sex with his wife.

    State Del. David Albo (R-Fairfax Station) was addressing the House of Delegates Friday when he described his failed seduction of his wife Tuesday night. Albo had driven home from Richmond following debate on the bill, which would have required women to have a transvaginal ultrasound procedure before receiving an abortion. (Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) announced this week that he and Republican lawmakers reached a deal to make the transvaginal procedure optional instead of mandated.)

    Albo's remarks -- which he delivered with laughter -- were aimed in particular at that TV-talking colleague, Del. David Englin (D-Alexandria), a leading opponent of the bill.

    "Boy's in bed, wife's here, TV, poured some red wine," Albo said of how he began the night.

    Albo then attempted to play some "mood music" for his fellow lawmakers to help explain how he tried to entice his wife. House members were laughing as Albo received assistance from another lawmaker in putting on the music.

    The next step in his seduction plan: He went to turn on the Redskins Channel to help put his wife in the mood for love. Apparently, his wife loves the Washington football team.

    On the way to his Redskins seduction, Albo found a news channel that mentioned his name in the context of the ultrasound bill. On Rachel Maddow's show on MSNBC, Englin was discussing the ultrasound bill.

    Unfortunately for Albo, he and his wife stopped to watch the show -- and his warm bed turned into a cold shower.

    "The show's over, and she looks at me and says, 'I have to go to bed,'" Albo recounted to further laughter.

  47. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Anonymous said...

    “And he floated the idea of requiring universities that receive public funds have "intellectual diversity" on campus.”

    WTF does that mean, Satansrectum?

    12:30 PM
    Pretty simple, he want's a religious test for hiring faculty.

  48. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Isn't forcing a child into a religious faith without his/her choice a form of child abuse?

  49. Ailsa3:19 PM

    If his daughter attends the University of Dallas does he know how much danger she is in? The philosophy department teaches Husserl,Wittgenstein,Heidegger,
    Nietzsche and Bergson.

    Even if philosophy is not her subject, you do realize, Rick, that means there are people in the proximity of your daughter who intimately know the details of these kind of terrifying ideas.

    It's crazy, yes. It's also pretty sad.

  50. Sarah Palin the candidate knew nothing; Rick Santorum the candidate knows God - I don't know which is worse - but probably the latter.

    The GOP has imploded

  51. if "indoctrination" means getting a better education so i have the ability to make a better wage and know more about the world around me when I graduate, then sure frothy's right...and as i soon as i graduate high school next year, im heading of for some brainwashing in the name of good ol' uncle sam

  52. WakeUpAmerica3:26 PM

    Yes, even though I am a Christian, I agree that churches are most often indoctrination mills. Santorum should fear smart people; they're on to his morality scam.

  53. Anonymous3:26 PM

    O/T ... Happy Birthday Gryph! May you have many more years of health, wealth, good times and good friends. And may you forever keep sharing your humor and snark.

  54. Anonymous3:38 PM

    And how does he expect parents to afford home schooling as well as working, social activities, etc?
    Like any other patriarchal dipshit, Ricky thinks women should be back barefoot and preggers.

    That way men will have half the competition for jobs and fulltime maids/housekeepers/sex slaves.

    Once you realize he read The Handmaid's Tale as a policy planning manual, then his bullshit vies on contraception all start to make very, very twisted and misogynistic sense. the

  55. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I keep seeing a "stock" video of Santorum standing there, talking hate, while some poor girl with a horsey face like his, is to his right, and behind him--wearing polka dots.

    You don't have to be a highly sensitive person, to pick up her telepathic cries.

    "I am SO worthless as a person. But somehow, I'm ever so lucky to be in the shadow of this magnificent earthly father!"

    Absolutely pathetic. However, it DOES answer the question so many of us have, of why in the world any WOMAN supports the radical rightwing Republicans--they have been brainwashed since birth to be subservient, self hating, psychological disasters.

  56. Anonymous3:48 PM

    O/T but nevertheless interesting.

    Sarah posted her latest rant on Facebook at 9:00 this morning. It is now well into the evening on the east coast and heading that way in the midwest and west coast and there is no one that has posted her rant.

    Google News is showing nothing. It isn't on the usual sites that still give her attention like HuffPost or least I haven't found it.

    So, isn't that something.

    NewsCorpse does a great job of busting her on her BS, so there's that at least, but the fact that NO ONE is printing her anti-Obama rant is very revealing, isn't it?

  57. Anonymous3:57 PM

    What about all the Catholic universities? Does he believe they are evil as well. As bad as he is, the truly scary people are the ones who vote for him. He was in Texas today and the crazies were there throwing money at him. $500.00 a plate breakfast I believe it was.

  58. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Why in the world any WOMAN supports the radical rightwing Republicans--they have been brainwashed since birth to be subservient, self hating, psychological disasters.

    3:39 PM


  59. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Is it your birthday, Gryph? You share it with George Thorogood!

    Rock ON!

  60. Anonymous4:26 PM

    What is this guy a friggin' throwback or something? Neanderthal, indeed.

    Santorum: Democratic Party An Orgy Of Sex And Homosexuality Preying On Lust

    At one point, Santorum was fed a statement which included the proposition that “Republican Party is trying to repeal Woodstock.” Santorum replied:

    'Woodstock is the great American orgy. This is who the Democratic Party has become. They have become the party of Woodstock. The prey upon our most basic primal lusts, and that’s sex. And the whole abortion culture, it’s not about life. It’s about sexual freedom. That’s what it’s about. Homosexuality. It’s about sexual freedom.'

    'All of the things are about sexual freedom, and they hate to be called on them. They try to somehow or other tie this to the Founding Father’s vision of liberty, which is bizarre. It’s ridiculous.'

    This was not the only ludicrous and extremist statement Santorum made at that symposium. There was also this statement, made in response to how Santorum believes the mainstream media characterizes him:

    'It comes down to sex. That’s what it’s all about. It comes down to freedom, and it comes down to sex. If you have anything to with any of the sexual issues, and if you are on the wrong side of being able to do all of the sexual freedoms you want, you are a bad guy. And you’re dangerous because you are going to limit my freedom in an area that’s the most central to me. And that’s the way it’s looked at.'

    And, contrary to what Santorum and his aides were forced to clean up this weekend, Santorum made it clear at this conference that he does not believe Obama or anyone who is a liberal, can be a Christian. For Santorum, it’s all or nothing...

  61. I could never have imagined a candidate running on an anti-education platform. Sigh, Republicans.

  62. Anonymous4:32 PM


    Another State Joins The Republican Transvaginal War On Women:

    "Update: Similar bills are being presented in many states, including but not limited to Alaska and Illinois."


  63. Anonymous4:39 PM

    If you want to get a COMPREHENSIVE, right from the 'horse's mouth', idea of how insanely extreme that Ricky is, read this. It's long, but so eye-opening, and in my opinion, frightening that this man is a candidate for president of the US. There's text and videos, the second link is the overview, the first link is where the first question is answered. Brace yourself, it's deep in the muck you will be a goin'.

  64. Anonymous5:32 PM

    hedgewytch, I'd fan you if I could. American exceptionalism indeed! If I didn't have some competent Asian and Haitian students, I don't know how I could face my freshman engineering classes.

  65. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Yeah, 4:32, check it out:

    Remind me again who voted Coghill into office?

    Obama's a mulatto, pregnant wimmen need to get medically raped...Alaska's the last stop on the clown car tour, eh?

  66. lwtjb5:58 PM

    WHY is this man so obsessed with sex? It seems like he equates sex with religion. He's nuts. Makes me wonder if he flagellates himself on a regular basis.

  67. Anonymous6:12 PM

    This guy is one creepy asshole!! Vote out the Repubs in the November election.

  68. Anonymous6:17 PM

    John Oliver analyzes Rick Santorum's conservative rhetoric

  69. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Just saw on Rachel Maddow that Rick has really upset the Dutch people. He outright lied and told this horrible story about how the Dutch people kill their old people.

    The man is a freak'n idiot!!

  70. Anonymous6:47 PM

    This guy is frightening as hell and I'll bet he has a little dick to go along w/his idiotic sweaters. He's overweight too! Plus, I feel very sorry for his wife - no sexual enjoyment and I'll wager she's never experienced a climax. Poor, poor lady! The guy is all about himself!!!! What a piece of shit. He'll never win against President Obama!

  71. Anonymous7:50 PM

    So, Santorum thinks universities should have a requirement of intellectual diversity: be required to teach lots of far right classes. Hmmmm, yet he and all the repubs are against the Fairness Doctrine (saying when the airwaves, which belong to all of us, present only one side of the story, their side, it's just too bad, and the network should not be required to present a balanced view). So: Fairness Doctrine required for universities where there is a captive audience; Fairness Doctrine forbidden when there is NO captive audience.

    Would anyone believe that all 3 of these guys (Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich) have TWO advanced degrees beyond their BAs??? Santorum and Romney both have JDs and MBAs, and Gingrich has a MA and PhD. And Santorum's WIFE has a JD and also a nursing degree. And here they are, trumpeting against higher education sounding the alarm that the faith of their base is so incredibly weak that people will lose it if they get an education. Who are they trying to fool, and WHAT is in their Kool-Aid, anyway????

  72. I personally did lose my religious faith during my college years, but I don't blame the institution of higher learning. It wasn't a conspiracy to indoctinrate me. Mostly it was a maturation.

  73. Anonymous8:37 PM

    As they say, for a woman or minority to vote Republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

  74. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Wow, with no effort at all, Santorum has managed to make political enemies of yet another, but this time totally unintended, voting bloc: the Jesuits!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

  75. Anita Winecooler8:41 PM

    Mellissa Harris Perry was a guest on another msnbc show (Bashir, maybe)- anyway she brought up this topic and made some very salient points.
    Grade Schools are where children fill their minds with the basics on a range of topics, and college is where they learn to unpack everything they learned and to question the items they were told to take on faith, (which excludes the premise of questioning by it's definition). She put into words, exactly my experience in higher education.
    It wasn't until College that my inquisitive mind learned to break down everything I learned, everything I believed in, and learned to question without guilt, listen to other's ideas, and blossomed to make a dent in the universe.
    Santorum doesn't have that capacity, and never will. Theis entire agenda of his is a way to keep women out of the workforce so men wouldn't have to work so hard to go to college, and to compete in the labor force.
    How any woman, or man who loves, knows, or admires their contribution can vote for this idiot is beyond me.

  76. mudkitten9:58 PM

    Methinks the problem is with the religion, not the education.

    Yes, it would toast my biscuits if all the smart people belonged to the other party. It must really suck to be a Republican these days.

    I have to agree with an anonymous poster above who said: "It is truly beyond ridiculous that this man is a contender for the Republican nomination for President of the United States."

    It is also dangerous for these sort of ideas to be bandied about in the mainstream, as if they were sane or even acceptable.

  77. Talk about a loose cannon! Ggeezzzzzz... BUT, him talking to Glenno-Draino should be some indicator what level of slug he's tying to connect with here....

    To change the subject radically, have you or your colleagues seen the dust-up that Ricky has / is causing with the Dutch Government??? HOLY-MOLY....

  78. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Apparently going to Penn State did nothing to enlighten Santorum.

  79. Poor Rick, he's still worrying about how to get them to come back to the farm once they've seen the bright lights of the big city.

    Rick's religion has turned him into a xenophobe. In other words, he's a yellow bellied chicken-shit who strains credulity to its breaking point when he claims to be a man of courage, when in fact he has none.


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