Thursday, March 22, 2012

2012 Christian voting guide.

Make sense to me.


  1. Sharon2:55 AM

    Good One.....not to change the subject, I was glad to see Bernie Saunders finally talked about gas prices. Why isn't everyone talking about this? This is always manipulated by Wall St and the speculators. I heard last time that they can make a law that if fuel isn't part of your direct business expense (like airlines) you cannot buy the futures. This is the one thing about Obama I just don't understand...I hope he gets better advice next term....esp Geitner. I am watching Morning Joe and Rev Al's mom just passed away. He is still heading down to Fla to help with that mess. My thoughts are with him..such tradegy.

  2. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Princess Dumbass of the Norwoods Will Not Go Away

    Sometimes, you have to look so deeply into polling results like these that basic human sanity catches a cab and tells you it will meet you back at the house:

    The talk of a brokered convention never seems to die down and one interesting finding on this poll was that Sarah Palin is far more popular than any of the actual Republican candidates in the race. Her net favorability is +48, with 68% of voters rating her favorably to only 20% with a negative opinion. That compares favorably to +29 for Santorum, +19 for Romney, and -26 for Paul.

    One man's "interesting finding" is another man's desperate cry for help, I guess. If, at this point in the process, a clueless grifter is your most popular option with your most energized voters, then I think I speak for the rest of the country when I say, please, people, get some therapy.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:15 AM

      basic human sanity catches a cab and tells you it will meet you back at the house

      obviously "sanity" was shit faced drunk!

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:16 AM

      "clueless grifter"?

      G - are you moonlighting as an Esquire writer?


      That is. Awesome. that she is described that way.

      Ya know, truthfully.

  3. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Jeb Bush: Romney's Rusty Armor, Not a White Knight

    The one thing that Jeb Bush's endorsement does do is fairly well put to bed the lunatic speculation that he might mount a bid of his own. Was the country really prepared to take another chance on the Bush family? Even on The Smart One? Now, though, it has become plain that, by electing Willard Romney, the country will be electing something of a Bush manque — the third term of the Avignon Presidency. (I know. The link is to the blazing heart of Wingnuttia, but who are you going to believe on a story like this one?) Is it possible that there burns in the souls of the former Bush administration flunkies the desire to avenge their boss's memory through the use of Mitt Romney to defeat the man who was elected in 2008 as the living embodiment of the country's revulsion at the previous eight years, whether he was comfortable in that role or not? Remember, the entire campaign of George W. Bush was in some measure an act of revenge against the administration that had turned Poppy out in 1992. I put nothing past these people.

  4. aj billings7:07 AM


    If you are a "rill" ultra right religious person, I'd like to know how you can assert that it's "god's will" that you're own PREFERRED candidate will win, seeing that the other people running are also "rill" christians too.

    Are there 4 gods? nope.

    So if God only has one plan for who will win, how does that work if all 4 mainstream repubs claim god's will that they be President?

    Sarah Palin said she knew in 2008 that the "right people will win"

    Some prophet she is, yes, my precious!

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      I don't know about anyone else, but I'm so sick and tired of 'religion' being brought into everything - government, football, corporations, etc.

      More and more Americans are pulling away from these supposed christians - they are ramming it down our throats. And, when you really review/vet some of them, they truly are not practicing christians! They totally live a lie! Palin, Santorum, Perry and on and on.

      And, anything that Palin endorses turns to shit...look at Tebow now...I truly suspect his display of religion got a LOT of negative commentary...and, that is why he was traded!

  5. Nice graphic, Gryph. But not logical. I half-believed that God inspired Sarah Palin to offer herself, and John McCain to choose her, in 2008 -- so that Obama could be elected. (From a psychological perspective, the choice of Palin was so unbelievable I wanted to attribute it to divine intervention.) But believing that Obama was God's choice in 2008 does not necessarily imply that God will choose Obama over whoever the Republicans pick this year. Those who believe in prayer should pray that our President does not make a major mistake and that the voters don't either.

  6. They're eating their own quite effectively. The following from a conservative columnist.

  7. corprimo9:13 AM

    "Infalliable" is not a word - we shouldn't stoop to their level of grammatical ignorance.

  8. So, Sarah, see the flow chart? Read carefully, dear. And if you wonder where they got that idea, maybe the flowchart should have at the bottom, just so you know (since you don't seem to know the Bible very well): Romans 13:1-2, 1) Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2) Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. NIV

  9. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Link to an interesting articles on the historical accuracy of the Christian tradition.

    Link to a rebuttal of the above article.

    Both articles were written by respected scholars.

  10. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Absolutely perfect and fool proof!

  11. Anita Winecooler5:40 PM

    I love the graphic. One can be an atheist yet acknowledge that Christ existed, but of course atheists don't have the right to religious freedom, because "belief" that there is no God isn't a "religion" technically.

  12. Gasman7:18 PM

    Since liberals were able to thwart the ALMIGHTY GOD, OMNIPOTENT CREATOR OF ALL by evicting him from our schools and government, aren't the fundagelicals conceding that their god is easily bested by liberals? Wouldn't that make liberals MIGHTIER than their god?

    How great can such a god actually be?


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