Thursday, March 22, 2012

A little early morning chuckle courtesy of our President.

I think Obama gets more mileage out of the birth certificate "controversy" than all of the Republicans put together.


  1. Irishgirl4:08 AM

    I loved it!

  2. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Mr. Obama is one cool dude.


  3. Anonymous4:32 AM

    A half-black, half-white Obama should have spoke in Palin:

    Now, perhaps this should also too go on a banner on the side of a big red barn in the heartland, Americana, so blessed, to prove to some folks out there that maybe are wanting to know if I'm stil makin stuff up about my birth. My mother, my white mother perhaps, should have shown her stretch marks for you reporters, members of the media of which I so appreciate, but she's passed. So progressing this great truth that I am the ril dil, this certificate I'm so blessed to receive, from Ahmadinejad, or the Queen, from not some big. . .scary thing, country out there that is not hell bent on destroying our great country of time tested truths and freedom loving Americans also. So, this is the big middle finger and whatnot to all you haters that say horrible stuff about me and my family.

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      we have a winner, great A.M. laugh, thanks!

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:19 AM

      That was pretty damn good!

      my favorite is still "not some big...scary thing"

      what a maroon!

    3. Anita Winecooler5:50 PM

      Very funny!

    4. Anonymous8:16 PM


  4. Anonymous4:34 AM

    That guy just oozes class and style.

    I don't think he sits around obsessing over his citizenry or fearing that the birthers are going to succeed in blocking his candidacy (denying his incumbency) in two-bit states that are shoving themselves in women's wombs instead of focusing on jobs that they claim the President has ignored for his socialist agenda.

    Hail to the Chief.

  5. Anonymous4:35 AM

    If he started singing "Oh Danny Boy," I think the refrigerator in Wasilla would have exploded.

    1. Irishgirl6:56 AM


    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:19 AM

      OMG - that would have been Amazing.

      He would have nailed it, too.

    3. Anonymous7:50 AM

      5:35 You made me howl!! Think you might be right!!! President Obama is the greatest thing we have to look forward to each day!

    4. Anonymous8:18 PM

      I bet he'd do a soulful rendition too. He has a very good singing voice,

  6. Anonymous4:45 AM

    The man has such a divinely wicked sense of humor. He does it with such aplomb that it takes me by surprise every time and I'm left yet again impressed with his ease of delivery and the force of his comedic impact.

    And I'm sure it makes heads explode on the other side. They try to rile him up, diminish him, attack him and all he does is smile that big, gorgeous, radiant smile and mocks them magnificently.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      What s/he said! ^

    2. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Yeah. I am so proud that he is POTUS and will work hard for 4 more years. I believe in his vision for America.

  7. Sally in MI4:48 AM

    You know, I'm reading the book he wrote in grad school (well before the GOP even dreamed of calling him a socialist marxist lazy, entitled law professor who hates America) and he mentioned finding an essay his dad had written folded around his 'birth certificate' in the attic. Now, either this plot was underway on the day of his birth and continued into his college years, or the GOP is just full of crap! And we know ehich, don't we?

  8. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Guinness book of world records has just listed Trig's birth certificate as being as rare as a unicorn.

    The Irish believe in unicorns .. but still do not think the birth certificate exists.

  9. Anonymous5:19 AM

    tanks for sharing - the President can put a smile on my face 2012 Landslide!!!

    O/T - curious there hasn't been a word from Palin about World Down's Syndrome Day - which I belive was yesterday.
    Guess should couldn't figure out a way to make it all about her so she just ignored it.

    1. I noticed the absence of mention of the event as well.

      How much you wanna bet she doesn't bother to read any of the literature on the syndrome or join any mother's groups of similarly affected children, or.....or, really, have any care of the poor kid. If she REALLY wanted to be an advocate for "special needs kids" she COULD have been, but she blew that, too.

    2. Anonymous9:06 AM

      As usual, Sarah benefited from people who were projecting their hopes on her that she meant what she said. Her saying she knew what it meant to be a Mother of a Special Needs kid meant nothing since she barely got her feet wet in the experience of it all yet with a newborn on the trail and a big family pitching in to cover all the bases.

      Her emails don't reveal a huge commitment to attending to the 'challenges' a DS child needs with therapy and regular medical attention. She has always glossed over this expertise the same way she does with energy, families with SN children face 'challenges,' the same way the market is 'thirsty' for energy. WTF does that mean? Superficial, gutteral understanding with no evidence to back up her experience.

      I'm not wishing a challenging home life for her, especially for Trig, but she's had it easy and made; whereas, real kids in the Valley who've needed support and assistance had their doors closed under her watch, and since.

      What if Trig wasn't handsome? He is. But what if he wasn't? Why is she always talking about his looks? When she says something as bizarre as "The World Needs More Trig's," what does that mean? A cold hard world that conservatives value the fetus more than the quality of life, so that safety nets and programs suffer.

    3. Anonymous2:30 PM

      I'm guessing that she hoped that other families of kids with DS would jump at the chance to send her lots of money and that did not happen. Many families who have special needs children struggle to provide the necessary medical, therapeutic and educational support their child needs. They don't have money to waste on someone who does absolutely nothing to make the lives of children with DS and their families a little easier.

      Why would she waste her precious time with people who won't send her money?

    4. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Trig isn't important to Sarah anymore. But Bristol has taken him over as her prop now. hmmm.

  10. lostinmn5:55 AM

    I think he's finally showing them they are messing with the wrong President. His joke about the BC shows he has the upper hand on all these fools.

    He's taking no prisoners these days - every smack gets smacked back even harder and his ability to pimp the lies that have been told about him is priceless

  11. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Bristol used a video for Down's Syndrome Day. Sarah and Todd are busy doing grass rooty things.

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      I just had this thought, maybe Sarah is letting herself go nuts and thus opening the door for Bristol (the real Mom) to 'take Trig in and care for him'
      just a thought, I know she is too vain, but maybe, and I truly do hope, if Trig is Bristol's, she does get to have him back as her SON not brother.

    2. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Yes, and Bristol can take over for Sarah and run for President. Collect money and keep the family business afloat. Since Todd has to be on the down low and fishing is seasonal.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:03 PM

      AnonymousMar 22, 2012 06:58 AM
      Bristol used a video for Down's Syndrome Day...

      What did she use it for? An IUD? A chin sharpener? A Frissbee?

  12. Anonymous6:03 AM

    we are so fortunate that he has a good sense of humor and that leaders of other countries recognize he is a unique man and leader.

    his smile is a treasure all unto itself.

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      I truly love his smile... and Mrs. Obama's and Malia's and Sasha's... so genuine they make me smile in return.

  13. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    This has got to chap that flabby, leathery a$$ of yours!

    Notice how an adult handles a Birth Certificate controversy?

  14. Well done Mr. President.

  15. Anonymous6:38 AM

    The Irish have a song for our lovely President.

    1. Wow, they really love President O'Bama as we do.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:11 PM

      Thanks, It's nice to see classy people accepting him in song! People all over the world can see what a good man he is.

      I think it's safe to say he absolutely deserved the Nobel Peace Prize.

  16. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Love him and love that!

  17. As JayKen notes, Sarah, THIS is the way a well-balanced person handles an accusation that is egregiously untrue; she makes it into an opportunity for laughs. A well-balanced person doesn't--and doesn't have her daughter-- go into mean-girl rants about "haters".

    BTW, what birthdate is on Trig's birth certificate?

    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Any of this information would do...
      attending physican
      birth date
      mothers name
      fathers name
      birth location
      ethnic identity and possibly COUNTRY OF BIRTH??
      maybe he was born in Kenya, too, also!

    2. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Just let the FBI do a DNA-test, together with Bristol, Todd & the rest of the family, with a lot of LSM and Bloggers looking over your shoulder, Sarah. Why should we believe you if showed us a birth-certificate ?

    3. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Sarah has told so many varying stories on the birth of the youngest in their household. She's a pathological liar - which is the very worst type!

      She's made her own bed and is now lying in it. She deserves every bit of crud that comes her way!

  18. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I just love our President! He has great humor and is smart as shit! The majority of Repubs are total idiots - beginning w/the hunkered down one in Wasilla, AK! (Now having Bristol do her dirty work!)

  19. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Made my day. Thanks, Gryphen

  20. Gryph --

    Did you see this great post at Wonkette today?

    Very sweet.

  21. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Handling it Obama style - a zinger and a grin.

    Gotta love it!

  22. Anita Winecooler6:22 PM

    I love his Wit! Very smart, dismissing the idiots while keeping the issue front and center.

    Well Done, Sir!

  23. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Say, where's Sarah's birth certificate?

    Obama/Biden 2012


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