Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bill Maher answers questions about the Right's comparison between him and Rush Limbaugh.

ABC's Jake Tapper asks Bill Maher four questions.

You will find three of them posted below.

TAPPER: So with all the criticism of Rush Limbaugh for his comments about the Georgetown Law student, conservatives claim that there’s a double standard, with President Obama, Democrats and the media far more tolerant of offensive language when wielded by liberal or progressive media figures against conservative women. Is that a fair comparison? You have certainly used offensive words to describe some politicians you don’t like. 

MAHER: I’m a comedian – not just a guy who says he is, like Rush, but someone who – well, you saw me do stand-up last year in D.C. There’s a big difference between just saying you’re a comedian and going out and getting thousands of people to laugh hard for 90 minutes. And the one I’m compared to most is Carlin, who also had these kind of problems. Edgy is my brand – everyone wants that, but they say, “but never go over the line.” It’s like telling Tom Brady, ‘Throw into coverage 40 times a game every game but never throw an interception.’” 

TAPPER: How do you know when you’ve gone too far? 

MAHER: I let the audience be the guide. The bit I did about Palin using the word c—, one of the biggest laughs in my act, I did it all over the country, not one person ever registered disapproval, and believe me, audiences are not afraid to let you know. Because it was a routine where that word came in at just the right moment. Context is very important, and it’s also important to remember that stand-up comedy is the final frontier of free speech. Still, I stopped doing that routine, but I would like someone to replace that word if it’s so awful with another one that has the same meaning for a person – not just women, it’s a word you can and lots do (all the British, for example) use for both sexes. It has a very specific meaning. 

TAPPER: And that’s not comparable to what Limbaugh said about Sandra Fluke? 

MAHER: To compare that to Rush is ridiculous – he went after a civilian about very specific behavior, that was a lie, speaking for a party that has systematically gone after women’s rights all year, on the public airwaves. I used a rude word about a public figure who gives as good as she gets, who’s called people “terrorist” and “unAmerican.” Sarah Barracuda. The First Amendment was specifically designed for citizens to insult politicians. Libel laws were written to protect law students speaking out on political issues from getting called whores by Oxycontin addicts.

Like I have said many times, I don't always agree with EVERYTHING Bill Maher says, but I certainly do agree with everything he says in the above interview.

What Rush was doing was purposefully going after what he perceived to be a vulnerable target as a way to attack the President and Democrats.  What Maher does is to say outrageous things in order to get a laugh.

They are nothing alike.

By the way have you been reading Limbaugh's new defense? He is now claiming that he was tricked into attacking Sandra Fluke by the Democrats.

You know maybe I was wrong, maybe he is a comedian, because THAT is seriously funny.


  1. Tom Joad3:12 AM

    El rushbo is an angry closeted homosexual!

    El rushbo is to be outed soon. The repug elites have had enough of his bullshit.

    Watch the news sources!

  2. Sally in MI4:41 AM

    We tricked him? Next sarah will be saying she was tricked into faking a pregnancy by Obama because the Democrats really, really wanted her to run for VP, and that she was tricked into letting Bristol run wild
    by Democrats who wanted to make sure her daughter was on DWTS while a young mother. Or that Track was tricked into joining the National Guard by DEMOCRATS because they want a celebrity in the war. Yes, Rush, it was a trick...and your failure is the treat. Happy St. Patrick's Day, fool.

    1. Ya think that Glenn Beck was sharing his meds with them or something? They all sound crazier as the days go by.

  3. Not What You Want to Hear5:20 AM

    Gryphen: "What Rush was doing was purposefully going after what he perceived to be a vulnerable target as a way to attack the President and Democrats."

    This is true, but it's also important to note that he had to falsify Sandra Fluke's statements in order to do this. Her statement was solely focused on the medical uses of birth control, and that giving employers, schools, organizations, etc. authority to deny coverage for birth control was akin to denying something that many women medically required.

    Rush Limbaugh, in order to destroy this woman's personal reputation - and by extension, the Democrats - told his listeners that she was demanding the government pay for her birth control because she was having so much sex. Although her statements are widely available on numerous websites, millions of his listeners now believe Limbaugh's characterization of Ms. Fluke.

    I very much hope that Sandra Fluke takes him and Clear Channel to court for slander, libel, and defamation. She has a strong case for all three.

    1. You make a very true point about his lies and libel and she does have a strong case. However, she calmly is making her point and still able to have time and money to finish her degree. The public took care of Rush's pay check and time and he is still flubbering and gasping on the air about this. She now has the better life and he is still lying and stacking up defamation material ... maybe if he is still around later, she could represent herself with that sweet smile and calm demeanor and oh yes as you mentioned ... The Truth.

    2. Anonymous10:28 AM

      I agree. She has the law on her side. I just hope she does it without Gloria (nauseating).

      Freedom of speech not a defense in Libel and defamation cases even if the person believes in what they are saying is true. He knew it was a lie, but even if he didn't, it's still illegal.

      Also, in Florida state law it's a misdemeanor to use language demeaning a woman without any basis, "whoever speaks of and concerning any woman, married, or unmarried, falsely and maliciously imputing to her want of chastity, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree."

      If she doesn't sue, does he then even triple down and say worse things about another private citizen? He says he isn't scared about his advertisers leaving. He isn't suspended or fined. He's so arrogant and proud of himself. So what is stopping him? What does he have to lose?

  4. Anonymous5:41 AM

    As Boycott Crushes Him Rush Limbaugh Claims He’s God’s Gift to Women

    Lewis Blacks Rips Rush Limbaugh And The Republican War On Women

    Taliban? Talibangelical? They Both Hate Women

  5. It doesn't seem to matter who says what - Sarah Palin ALWAYS injects herself as the victim.

    What is interesting is how every comedian in the land has Mrs Palin front and center in their comedy routines. Even Santorum hasn't become the laughing stock that is Palin - perhaps Rick realizes when you enter politics you need a thick skin.

    She is such an incredible WIMP.

  6. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Michael J. Fox Calls Out Rush Limbaugh’s Corporate Sponsored Bully Pulpit

    The actor turned activist dismissed Limbaugh’s attacks on him, but had this to say about Fluke, “But the thing with Sandra Fluke, I am husband to a wife and a father to daughters, and a son to a mother, and a brother to sisters, and that was really offensive… I can yell and scream and wave my arms, ironically, or whatever about what he said, but let the free market decide, and all the things. I love there to be voices out there that I don’t agree with. I love people to say vile offensive things, because then I know who they are, and as a voter I know they are, and as a consumer, I know who they are, and then they have identified themselves, and all things being equal, the market will balance that out.”

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      That's a fantastic point!

  7. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Of COURSE it was an evil, devious plan by the Democrats to embarrass the right!

    Because they KNEW that her testimony was going to be refused by Issa and his merry band of misogynist monkeys AND...

    they KNEW that the Republicans would change the rules to prevent her alternate testimony from being broadcast like every other hearing AND...

    they KNEW that Limbaugh would jump all over the story, lie about what she really said and call her vile names AND...

    they KNEW that 140-some of his sponsors would bail on his show AND...

    they KNEW that many of the other right-wing radio hate shows would experience collateral damage from sponsors reacting to public outcry AND...

    they KNEW that the general public would flip over Limbaugh's reaction and that his lies would influence even more women (and the men who love and respect them) to angrily abandon the GOP AND...

    they KNEW that the reaction to this event would put even more of a spotlight on the dangerous efforts by the GOP to destroy women's rights in a multitude of ways.

    AND...they also know who's going to win the Superbowl next year!

  8. Anonymous6:47 AM

    i still say that Maher's use of the c word is as vile or more so that the slut word, and so, i am boycotting him and his sponsors, too.

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      i used a C word everyday! boycott me!

    2. Anita Winecooler7:52 PM

      I have to respectfully disagree. Maher is a comedian, Sarah Palin is a public figure who flaunts, taunts, and teases on purpose, to get attention, any type of attention, from men.

      Rush is a lowlife mouthpiece for the GOP who purposely attributed vile untruths about Ms Flukes, a private citizen for three days. He didn't just use the "Slut" word, but said she has a lot of sex, should air tapes on the internet, demeaned and degraded her family, and said he was shocked she could even walk considering the amount of sex she had.
      The "c" word, in a comedy skit pales in comparison to the level Rush went to.

      Why is the GOP so silent? Where are the Conservative women speaking out against Rush's actions?

  9. I am tired of hearing that "Rush called Fluke a slut and a prostitute." He used that mis-perception to apologize for "two words."

    A more accurate statement regarding his attack is that for nine hours, over three days, Limbaugh repeatedly attacked a private citizen using the most vile and degrading sexual imagery possible to lie over and over again about what she said, what she does, and how she lives her life.

    He has never in any way apologized for that, nor has he admitted lying about Fluke.

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Dead on Nefer! You have accurately and succinctly summarized what I've been feeling since this "thing" happened. My fondest wish is for Ms Fluke to sue the pants off Rush Limbaugh.

  10. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Maher will always be a pig.

    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      4-time Granny Palin and 3-time mommy Bristol are pigs....Oink

    2. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Comparing the two is apples to oranges. Sarah Palin is not a private citizen anymore. She put herself out there and sho9uldn;t be surprised that she's criticized and made fun of. She spends ALL her time throwing bombs at the President and anyone else who gets in her way. The things she says are ten times more offensive than anything Bill Maher has ever said. He's telling jokes, she is not. Where's the spotlight on her disgusting comments? The same light that has been shone on rush needs to be shone on Greta and Hannity for propping up the Thing that came from Wasilla. Let's go after their sponsors and give granny a taste of her own medicine. if everyone should be chastised for what they say, so should she.

      Paling around with terrorists

      He's not like us

      The Real America

      calling journalists limp impotent, chain smoking puppy kickers

      saying the President had no cajones

      Telling people to man-up and put on their man pants

      Calling Jay Ramras - Vajay-jay and Bird nose

      insinuating men are rapists, pedophiles and perverts (Letterman & McGinnis)and creeps (Gryph)

      The list goes on and on and there is definitely a sexist bent. She's trying to shame people who write things about her by insulting them. It's one of her regular tactics.

      Sarah Fluke is a private citizen who was exorcising her rights in a democracy by testifying to congress about her experiences as a citizen of the USA...

      ...and Sarah Palin is a cunt.

    3. Anonymous10:28 AM

      AnonymousMar 17, 2012 08:20 AM
      you will be always a PIG also too!

    4. Anonymous12:23 PM

      At least Bill Maher can stand up and admit he's a comedian who uses raunchy crude language, jokes about taboo things and name calling to make money. He also doesn;t claim to thave the smarts or gravitas to be POTUS.

      Whereas Sarah Palin claims to be a religious person with a "servant's heart" yet she also uses raunchy crude language, jokes about taboo things and name calling to make money. Sarah Palin is a hypocrite of the first order...and a cunt.

      By the way, if you have to keep telling people that you have a "servant's heart", you don't have one. It should be evident in your actions as a human being. The way she uses her children and her religion while not using her voice to help any cause except her own pockets proves what kind of heart she has... a black heart of stone.

  11. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I love Bill Maher and watch his show every Friday night. He is so damned funny and clever!

    Maher is not a 'pig' (statement above in a comment). I would use that word more for Rush Limbaugh or Sarah Palin.

    Go back in the records - Sarah Palin has called guys limp dicks, etc. She is deserving of every negative she is getting and I thik it is about time. She is one lying, nasty broad and it's been proven of her time and time again.

    Maher slammed Palin again last night for her stupidity...he's correct! Read about her - vet her in Alaska - on the McCain campaign trail. See the HBO movie "Game Change" (it was on against last night!).

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      any man who uses the c word is a pig
      ergo: Maher is a pig
      and just because Palin, Limpbaugh and Hannity are potty-mouths doesn't excuse Maher's pigdom

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Bullshit 9:55 a.m.!

    3. Anonymous9:39 AM

      I think more and more people are going to go after Palin! She is being outted for the horrible woman she is and it's about time! She deserves every bit of it!

      She's on record for being a horrible liar about damned near everything. She lies and has lied about things she doesn't (and didn't) even need to for crying out loud!

      Plus, she is racist and spreads nothing but hate. She calls herself a christian - my ass!

    4. Anonymous10:17 AM

      we represent ourselves, nobody else, so when Maher calls Palin, or Rush calls Fluke, or Palin calls the President bad words, the only one i look at is the one doing the talking.
      i don't think excessive rudeness is called for, especially as standard fare, and i'll continue to speak out about it.

    5. Gasman10:30 AM

      Anon @ 9:55,
      Nope. Not even close. The GOP CONSTANTLY falls back on the lame "well the mean old Dems do it too" false equivalency argument EVERY time they get called out for egregious conduct. You engage in sophistry and very faulty logic by trying to equate the purposely vulgar humor of a comedian with the rhetorical firebombs of the titular head of the GOP. And no, "titular" is not a "potty mouth" word.

      "Potty mouth?" What, are you like, five?

    6. Anonymous6:55 PM

      okay, gasman. how about crass, uncouth, vulgar, boorish, loutish, tacky, or uncivilized for what Palin, Limpbaugh, Maher, and Hannity use for language?
      and I am not equating their foul-mouthed spewings with eachother. each stand on their own merit, or fall on it.
      don't give Maher a pass, just because he's dissing someone we all despise.

    7. Gasman8:41 PM

      Anon @ 7:55,
      You are comparing apples to festering piles of putrescent shit. The false equivalency narrative doesn't fly. There is NO comparison. PERIOD.

      I don't "give Maher a pass, just because he's dissing someone we all despise," hell, I don't give him a pass at all. Personally, I don't find him very funny most of the time, but humor is based upon personal taste. There is no level of taste that finds Limbaugh funny. He appeals only to the lesser angels of our nature.

      Limbaugh is NEVER funny and never tries to be. His sole raison d'être is to be offensive. He will go to any length to be repellent, vulgar, and hateful in order to wound. Maher prods with caustic humor and has admitted that there are limits to how far he will take his jabs. Limbaugh has no moral or ethical filter. Limbaugh has a decades long history of racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, misogyny, general bigotry and is a goddamned child raping pedophile.

      BIG difference.

      Don't even try to compare the two. There IS NO COMPARISON. Why the fuck is it so important for you to try and minimize Limbaugh's repugnant calumny by trying to trot out your bullshit false equivalencies? Apologias for such a loathsome miscreant cannot be defended as being honorable or legitimate in any way.

    8. Anonymous6:14 AM

      i do NOT minimize Rush's calumny, or anyone else's. i am shocked at Rush, Palin, and the others. But i am also turned off by Maher, and i happen to think that the c-word is so offensive, it should never be used by anyone civilized. Ergo; Maher is a pig.
      i do like your word repellant.

    9. Gasman1:20 PM

      Anon above,
      Again, for what it's worth, I tend to find Maher unfunny and can respect your discomfort with his C-bombs. However, that doesn't even come close to Limbaugh's assault on a private citizen who gets labeled a whore, slut, and prostitute merely for availing herself of her constitutionally guaranteed rights. If "cunt" is offensive, I contend that "whore, slut, and prostitute" are exponentially MORE offensive. Maher wasn't attempting to silence Palin, but merely to whittle her down her mythical image to a more truthful size. Limbaugh was trying to utterly destroy, crush and forever silence Ms. Fluke.

      As I said previously, BIG difference.

      Maher may be a pig, but Limbaugh is a wife hopping, drug addled, racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, junkie child molesting sack of shit. In my book, Limbaugh is INFINITELY worse than Maher.

    10. Anonymous3:11 PM

      WOW! Now that's what I call some spirited, articulate, intelligent discourse. Really. Even though the two of you are not in full agreement, there is a degree of respect for ideas and thoughts and a healthy pushback from both. I like it. Thanks.

    11. Anonymous7:11 PM

      gasman: thanks for the chat on the subject. as the above anon noted, a civil discussion is always enjoyable.
      i totally agree that rush is revolting and beyond acceptable, and i wish he'd been taken off the air years ago.
      maher is simply rude and outrageous, and i happen to dislike sarcasm taken to the limit.
      also, as a woman, i say the c-word is worse than slut or whore or bitch. would you rather be a jerk or an anus? is there a word equivalent to the c-word in man's world? i don't think so.
      again, thanks for the discussion

    12. Gasman8:17 PM

      Anon above,
      Dick, maybe? I still say objectifying a woman as part of her own anatomy isn't anywhere near as offensive as calling her slut, whore, or prostitute - i.e., someone who SELLS that same body part for money. True, the C-bomb is meant to be demeaning, but there is a level of filth and moral turpitude that is implied in Limbaugh's insults that is not present in Maher's. Maher's implies mere stupidity while Limbaugh's implies a total lack of character, moral fiber and cleanliness.

  12. Anonymous9:33 AM

    9:55 Read Maher's interview for god sakes! He is a comedian - draws huge, huge crowds and people love him!

    Sarah Palin is a first class asshole. She has spread racist, terrorist crap throughout the nation, lies, cheats, stole money in Alaska from the government (she ended up having to pay it back), was proven to be unethical by the Alaska Legislature and on and on and on.

    She's called men horrible names such as limp dicks, pediphiles (spelling?), said her teenage girls had rape threats in Juneau (but never called the cops to report it), etc.

    She deserves everything she gets! I have absolutely no sympathy for her!

  13. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Tricked? No, he knew exactly what he was doing. Even after being warned (I'm sure someone pulled him aside) he didn't back down. It was if he was on some sort of a dare or if he were on some high with all the attention, and he continued to attack her (even worse than the first day) all week long. That's an attack on purpose. There are verbal attacks in the heat of things. But this man went home, took a break, and then came to work the next day an even bigger pig. Most people would have had time to cool off and then feel remorse. Not that sorry piece of shit.

    The apology was a joke. And if he were truly sorry, he would have apologized immediately after the first day. If you listen to him now, he is still proud of himself. He's not a comedian, he's not even a shock jock like Howard Stern, where you would expect some colorful language. He is a radio news pundit, yet he's the leader of the GOP now, as some say. There's a huge difference.

    It's like Ed from the Ed show. He was suspended off the air on TV for what he stupidly said in the heat of it on his radio show. What Rush said was much, much worse. Yet Rush was never suspended or fined - nothing. I can forgive Rush for the first day, because we all say things in the heat of the moment, but please, this man wanted to say these things. Maybe he even wrote it all a head of time. That's just a sick pig.

    This made me fear for her safety. If you read some of the comments from "conservative" men - wow. It was scary what they were saying about her. He seemed to make it okay to attack her with words or whatever.

    The worst of it is that it was all a lie. He made it all up. She was mostly talking about the many medical reasons for birth control on behalf of other women.

    So do conservative men really think women are only for sex? It looks that way to me, but they better bring their own condoms, unless those will be illegal now too if Santorum were to be pres. I better dust off my apron now.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:23 PM

      I agree with everything you said, except for the comparison to Ed. Ed gave a heartfelt, meaningful, and genuine apology, then took himself off the Shows to prove how sincere he was and promised not to ever use the word again. And he didn't.

      Ed showed the world what a person of honor does, not only by words, but by deeds.

      Excellent Comment!! Thank You

  14. Gasman10:17 AM

    So, Limbaugh is so feckless and stupid that he just couldn't help stepping on that rake that President Obama and the Democrats placed in front of him?

    For once I might actually be able to agree with him.

  15. Tessie12:13 PM

    Is Fox News a parrot of Rush or is Rush a parrot of Fox News? I'm so confused.

    Eric Bolling floated the Obama made Rush do it conspiracy theory 10 days ago. I know most of you hate this site, but the comments are pretty funny. My favorite: And Rush played into the devious Obama plot??? If that is true the Republicans might as well surrender now; they cannot overcome such evil genius.

  16. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Things Sarah Palin does not understand:

    Constitutionally protected free speech.
    Private v. public behavior.
    Humor, in general.
    Turnaround is fair play.
    How very foolish and ignorant she is.

  17. Anonymous2:52 PM

    "The First Amendment was specifically designed for citizens to insult politicians. Libel laws were written to protect law students speaking out on political issues from getting called whores by Oxycontin addicts."

    I am not a Bill Maher fan even though I am a raging liberal who despises Limpblob, but I think the above about sums it up.

  18. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Funny that Maher said that he did his act all over the country and that no one registered disapproval. Hmmm. Could it be that his audience is full of ignorant people. And maybe that's why that part got the biggest laughs, too. And...maybe all of the intelligent people listen are listening to talk radio.

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Nope. It couldn't be.

  19. Anita Winecooler8:04 PM

    I love good satire and comedy, especially brit coms. It's about pushing the envelope and making people laugh. Maher's right in his first amendment comment. Comparing the "Cunt" word to the three day assault on Ms. Fluke and her parents, from a mouthpiece for the GOP isn't fair.

    Where are the voices of the GOP and conservatives, especially Women?


    Another Tea Party Patriot is caught "loving his freedom" ---------to kidnap and rape a woman.

  20. Anita Winecooler8:17 PM

    Forgot to add----

    Rush, in his desperation to get this behind him, keeps the Fluke issue front and center. Sounds like he took a hint from Fox News and their illustrious hand puppet, Sarah Palin.

    Keep digging, Rush! I doubt your target audience can afford satellite radio - they can barely afford new teefus!!!!!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.