Friday, March 02, 2012

Buried in at least one scene of the movie Game Change is this reference to questions about Palin's last pregnancy.

From my understanding the movie, much like the book, dos not really address babygate in any significant way. But that is not to say that they completely ignore it either.

Courtesy of Politico:

Two reporters who make cameos in the film are the “Game Change” authors themselves: Mark Halperin and John Heilemann. In one scene, Schmidt is holding court in a reporter scrum that includes Halperin and Heilemann. Schmidt angrily says, “In the last 24 hours, I have been asked questions by the national media that are outrageous and disgusting. I have been asked when [Palin]’s amniotic fluid stated to leak with regards to the last birth. It’s shameful.” To which reporter Heilemann cheekily replies, “So, when did it start leaking?” 

Okay in my opinion just watching THAT exchange alone makes this movie a must see.

Though to be honest I wish they would have a scene where Julianne Moore, playing Sarah,  reacts to the realization that the baby questions are not going away and she ends up throwing Bristol to the wolves in order to deflect the inquiries.

Now that would be riveting TV!


  1. Anonymous4:05 AM

    IMO, it was better to disclose Bristol's pregnancy then because you know that would have come out eventually in those two months.

    1. Anonymous5:08 AM

      Lol really? Here you are, pouncing on the first post. If you aren't Bristol, you need psychiatric help. And if you are, well, that's even sadder and you need years of therapy.

    2. You have got to be a have this kind of twisted logic!

      Ummm...don't ya' think it would have been better if Baldy just RELEASED Trig's BC instead of humiliating her teenage daughter for the next "two months"

    3. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Huh? Which Bristol pregnancy?

    4. Good point. Wasilla must be the black hole
      Of anti-palin info. Too bad. A serious cleanse
      Would seem to be in order. Call it a Wasilla "Dump".

  2. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Better to have the whole country know it's an impossibility that Trig is Bristol's. Before the Bristol announcement, the media was reporting Trig was Bristols. Why would she want to let them get away with that lie? Today, only like 60 people think that.

    I can tell you that it probably PAINED Sarah to have to do that. Did you see her reaction post-election? She looked like she wanted to bawl when she was asked about Bristol and the treatment towards her. However, she wouldn't have doneit if Bristol weren't one of the strongest people in the world.

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM


    2. Anonymous5:08 AM

      Please tell me this is a parody post.

    3. angela5:14 AM

      Why did Sarah run at all?

      And I say this as a person who believes that even if she was a man she should not have accepted the vp slot. Pregnant teen, DS baby, son recently forced into a war zone. These are the decision making processes of a narcissist. Or maybe someone who was used to her family and others raising her children. The PAINED expression as you say--came too late if not at all. How did a supposed christian conservative think her daughter would be treated? Her family life was a fraud.

      I can think of not one teenaged girl who would want to stand on stage in front of millions of people-- seventeen and pregnant. Now why did her supposed loving mother not get this? And by the way--she lied and never asked her kids about running because she knew what Bristol and Track's answer would be . . . .

    4. Anonymous5:23 AM

      Bristol (or Willow, or Piper, or Sarah), if you had actually gone to high school you would have learned proper punctuation (e.g., Bristol's not Bristols).

    5. Anonymous5:46 AM

      I'm a raging liberal woman who CHOSE to have my 2 children. When I took on that responsibility, I knew that until those kids were adults, my needs and ambitions would take second place. I really was/am a Grizzly mamma. My job was to protect my kids, nurture them, teach them, and love them. No way would I have put my own ambition above my kids if they were having a crisis. Perhaps Sarah should have realized when she chose life for those 5 kids of hers, that she was also taking on the responsibility to care for them and shield them from harm, emotional or physical. Perhaps Ms. Palin should have realized that having a pregnant teenaged daughter and 4 month special needs infant took precedence over her own ambition at that time. She could have shielded Bristol from scrutiny by declining McCains offer. She could have given Trig the care a special needs infant needed. Early intervention by the PARENTS is the best intervention in an infants life. Sarah could have stayed Gov, built up her credentials without putting the most vulnerable of her children at risk. She gets zero sympathy from this mother.

    6. It proved no such thing, since it appears that the young man presented on April 18th was not a newborn preemie weighing a mere 6 lbs. There was plenty of time for Bristol to have had both babies in 2008.

    7. Anonymous6:06 AM

      B. Palin has sensitive skin and big feet. What do you mean she is strong? Her mouth is as filthy as her mother's!

    8. AnonymousMar 2, 2012 05:09 AM

      Better to have the whole country know it's an impossibility that Trig is Bristol's. Before the Bristol announcement, the media was reporting Trig was Bristols. Why would she want to let them get away with that lie? Today, only like 60 people think that.

      How was it "an impossibility that Trig is Beefalo's"?? Baldy NEVER showed Trig's BC!

      Stop it're embarrassing yourself! Baldy threw her teenage daughter under the political bus for her OWN selfish career! Now that Baldy QUIT...she's still pimping her daughter...except this time it's for MONEY!

    9. Anonymous6:26 AM

      excellent post.

    10. Anonymous6:27 AM

      "Today, only like 60 people think that."

      You must mean the "like 60" people who worked on the McCain campaign who know all her dirt? Also, anyone who is running for the GOP nom this year who thought she might get in the race. Yeah, a lot of people "think that". And it's more than "like 60".

    11. Better to have the whole country know it's an impossibility that Trig is Bristol's.

      Sure it was possible. First, you have to posit that Sarah Palin lies every time she opens her mouth.

      (Unfortunately, that's something the McCain campaign came to know too late, as well as the rest of us)

      Thus, both her claim to being pregnant and her supposed due date are questionable. And of course, the announced (alleged) delivery date.

      Taking those into consideration, adding the 2007 rumors and Bristol's own MySpace musings, it's entirely possible that Bristol got pregnant with Trig and delivered him in early January 2008.

      Thus, Bristol was able to appear publicly in February 2008 (the Iron Dog, the Women's Day event) albeit appearing with postpartum bloat. Something her mother never exhibited in her return to the Gov. office 3 days after the alleged delivery.

    12. Anonymous10:23 AM

      I doubt the birth dates of either Trig or Tripp. Bristol most certainly could have birthed both.... with time to spare. Mama calculated on people counting the months on their fingers and saying - 'Nope, not enough time for Bristol to have birthed Trig -- HA!

      As you say, "like 60 people" don't get it now.

    13. Anonymous4:21 PM

      When I saw the Palin family when SP was introduced I wondered if the older girl was the mother of the infant. Just saying why not have Todd hold the infant?

      For me, the bottom line is the lies of SP: lied to staff, lied to her kids about a late life pregnancy, she seemed like a cat who swallowed a canary to fool people, she sought to appear as THE great mother of most pure family hiding a knocked up teen. Lies, intentional deceipt, narcissistic self absorption. No freakin surprise people are harmed .

      As a paremt she blames everyone. Worst mother ever IMO she is pond scum. Her kids are fooled up is down.

    14. Please!! Give me a mother effin break!!
      The "Wild Ride" alone defies all plausability!
      I can't wait for some Wasilla braveheart to
      Come forward with the truth we all know.

    15. Anonymous11:24 AM

      The truth is that it's IMPOSSIBLE for Sarah to be the mother of the DS child. She had a tubal ligation days after Piper was born. PLUS Todd told Shaileigh Tripp in 2007 (during his affair and the following prostitution events) that he had not had sex with Sarah in two years.

      So how did Sarah get pregnant? Was it an immaculate conception? Not likely that God would have chosen a herpes infected, drug-snorting, whore to be the mother of a new angel.

  3. Anonymous4:36 AM

    O/T - Rachel Maddow is releasing a book!!

    For those that don't read Rachel Maddow's blog, FYI -- Rachel has written a book to be released the end of the month entitled 'Drift - The Unmooring of American Military Power'.

    "I have it on good authority that we will be getting a second excerpt some time soon as well, but for now you can get started reading Drift with the prologue before the book is officially released at the end of the month"

    I just read the prologue excerpt - As someone commented -- "it's fascinating, intriguing, disturbing and revealing". Looking forward to reading it.

  4. Anonymous4:54 AM


    Romney bragging about connections in WA and ability to get money from WA to pay for the Olympics

  5. angela4:54 AM

    The ultimate Achilles heel for Sarah Palin is that she is a lying coward.

    We all know she is the projection queen, so when she started all that mama grizzly and pit bull shit it was because she did not protect her children. She'd forced her son into the military, she threw Bristol under the bus--which she will forever be paying for and she basically took Willow out of formal education so she would not embarrass her like the older two did. Of course the biggest crime was using a tiny defenseless baby as a political prop.

    When asked about the birth story and what her father said--Sarah must have pissed all down her legs with fear of something. So why not just say--"Oh that's just my Dad". But she went into default mode. Lying. Always lying. And like any lying coward she has discovered the art of getting people to cover and defend her while she plots her next victim role.

    Personally I don't think Sarah Palin would recognize the truth. I don't know if she birthed her last child or not. What I do know is that Palin is not an adroit liar—she's just a liar. Its hard to be good at it when people write down everything you say and there is the google.

    The HBO movie has unhinged her because up to now the media has covered for Sarah. Sure, some liberal publications may say she is clueless but most of the others keep this brave, spirited Alaskan superwoman thing going. Palin never was that and if that meme dies—so does her back story. And that backstory pays all of her family's bills and probably a whole lot of hush money for the idiotic things she's been a party to.

    Sarah Palin curled up in a fetal position smelling like old food is just not the picture the Grisly One wants out there.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Don't forget what she did to that adorable little girl, Piper. Now she isn't even fit to be seen in public.

  6. Isn't there some basis to sue Sarah Palin for fraud to compel her to produce evidence that she is the birth mother? Lying in her book maybe?

    1. Anonymous6:31 AM

      You need a victim for tort, Gail. Someone who was harmed by the lie has to sue. Just thinking something false about someone isn't harm.

      It would have to be someone (Ailes, FAUX) who hired her based on the lies and didn't get what they thought they were getting based on the book.

    2. lostinmn6:59 AM

      In theory someone who has documentation they donated to SaraPAC because they felt sympathy or were taken in by the big lie might be able to. It might be more effective to file a class action for the sum of her lies leading them to believe she wasn't what she claimed. Then again most of her supporters have sniffed too many toxic fumes and hence are not of sound enough mind to protest and realize she's scamming them even today. She has found a niche in the market and will continue to exploit it as long as the media gives her air time - which it will because it generates revenue for them

  7. Anonymous5:10 AM

    5:09 If what you say is true (I doubt it) then being such a wonderful mother, Palin would have declined the invitation to be VP. Protecting her children has NEVER been a priority. Just before his tragic "accident" Curtis Menard ripped into $carah about her lack of parenting of his son and her kids. This happened in her office, there are witnesses. Then he died, and she proceeded on her merry (lousy mothering skills) way. If Bristol is so "strong" why does she not get a job or an education? These taxpayer funded reality shows are not going to last. The girl has no talent in any area whatsoever - NONE. Remember the one with the Massey brothers bombed before it even made it to TV. The test audiences were bored with her.

  8. If the matter has been mentioned here, I've missed it, but the question of "What became of Fred's Babygate book?" has been plausibly answered at other antiPalinista blogs. A good summary is given in the comments at

    1. Dinty7:05 AM

      Wow. I just figured it was because Palin was old news after declaring she wasn't running for President.

      Gryphen, you should write a book about this, its a meta way to get the other book published

  9. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Sarah is a sociopath. She is very twisted, To fake a pregnancy is twisted.
    That whole damn family is a bunch of grifting, plastic surgery getting, trash.

  10. Anonymous5:15 AM

    People, I challenge you all, to BOYCOTT any reality show of this grifting trashy family.
    Keep your standards high, don't watch that trash.

    1. Anonymous5:49 AM

      No problem here. reality shows are always trash.

    2. Ha, you didn't have to ask ME!

      I cannot abide ANY of the reality shows that feature these overly-made-up big-hair cheap-catalog-clothing wearing screechy profane women who think emoting on camera involves merely raising one's voice.

      One look as I surf by looking for something entertaining to watch, and what registers is "young, stupid, shallow".

      I have no doubt at all that Bristol Palin and her pals will "act" like all the other reality show women.

    3. I unabashedly confess that i'm addicted to America's Next Top Model. Otherwise, all five TVs are set to the ID channel all day and Adult Swim all night.

      I hope ANTM doesn't count because i'm old and set in my ways :), but i wanna be part of the boycott!

    4. I like the reality shows where they catch the catfish with their bare hands. And there was one about Kentuckian snake handler who went out into an area about to be strip mined to clear all the serpents out so they wouldn't be harmed. It gave me a broader sympathy with belief system different from my own.

    5. Anonymous7:10 AM

      No need to request a boycott from me. I don't watch the BS reality crap in that I see too many of them as totally dumbing down -- the rewarding of bad behaviour among many other things - sex, booze, drugs, fights, etc at the drop of a hat and the hat doesn't even have to hit the floor.

      I would love to see Stupi Snooki et al; the Housewives of every friggin city wherever; the Bachelor/ettes who beg to be defined by a quick ph*ck with a nobody and 'despiration' to 'get it'; teen preggers - paying and competing to get preggers; Duggars addicted to ph*cking; KKardashianKlan who are pimping products made using slave labor; --etc., etc., etc.

      You can't totally blame politics for why America is tanking. TV networks/cable are doing a fine job dumbing it down so that so many are seeing their '15 minutes' more important than education and adults are putting the example of over the top 'fighters' being acceptible.

      You can't help but know what the shows are in that every news show now has to include reporting on them etc. so there is no avoiding it -- but don't have to partake in watching them. Brisket included. I still wonder if this one will go the same way as the Brothers show -- be made, she gets paid but it gets shelved. Here's hoping.

    6. Anonymous9:17 AM

      I don't watch reality shows (except for one)and won't watch Bristol's. However, I am a 63 yo hooked on TI and Tiny:The Family Hustle on vh1. I don't know I got hooked, geezer that I am, but it is a cute show and he's a sweet father

  11. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Sarah Palin should have been an intelligent enough woman to realize that she would not have been a good pick for the vice presidency. She should have said, "Thanks but no thanks. I've got a big job here in Alaska and children who need me." But no, with her family clearly falling apart at the seams, she ignored her real duty as a human being and dragged them around on the campaign trail. That showed what a dysfunctional person Sarah Palin really is.

    1. Anonymous6:35 AM

      Yes, and it shows a hubris beyond belief. If you asked her, she'd (and Santorum who also has a special needs child) would likely give you some bullcrap about the need to save the country is higher, and "God" called them - as if whatever God wanted to do was dependent on one human being - I know THAT and I'm an atheist.

  12. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Geoffrey Dunn has written a very interesting article regarding the upcoming HBO movie GAME CHANGE and the Lies of Sarah Palin:

    Beyond Game Change: Five Undisputed Facts About Sarah Palin's Behavior During the 2008 Campaign

    1. I hope Geoffrey Dunn continues to be a presence to counter Palinbot and SarahPAC propaganda, and I also hope Joe McGinniss gets in on the action.

      Perhaps even Frank Bailey could be encouraged by his old co-authors to write an essay debunking the SarahPAC attacks.

      (hint, hint)

    2. Tessie2:16 PM

      Thanks for the link! I'm laughing so hard at #3 ( Palin Got Suckered by the French-Canadian Comedians) I can barely read.
      He had run out of material before Palin ever caught on.

    3. Anonymous5:35 AM

      Have you read the full transcript of the phone call? I first saw it in one of the books (Game Change? Dunn's book?) and nearly died laughing. It goes on and on and on. My recollection is that the guy did start ad-libbing -- and the conversation went off into deep space -- because it went on longer than he'd ever imagined. But, laughs aside, the glimpse into Palin's psyche is pretty horrifying.
      I haven't kept up with comments here lately: do we know if the faux interview is in Game Change? Presumably yes: it would have audiences rolling in the isles.

  13. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:23 AM

    Just back from the SarahPalin™ Fave Rave Fan Club, where the miserable little warriors are busy praying at their newly constructed altar to Andrew Breitbart. Here are some choice comments scrawled in crayon on the playroom wall:

    "The HBO movie, on the other hand, is designed not only to continue, but to EXTEND the lies about Sarah Palin's. Initially in 2008, the LSM and the Left's lie was that she was a stupid, unethical redneck--but the movie adds that she was/is unstable, temper-driven, and unskilled politically.

    THEY KNOW BETTER. It's all BY DESIGN, to take her out BEFORE she runs. Take them on, Gov. Palin--and take them DOWN. Help America, please! RUN!

    God bless them in every way----because God knows BEST how to teach hard lessons."


    "What HBO's "Game Change" and the media's fraudulent, hysterical defense of it proves, yet again, is that the guv just drives them bonkers. And what all the push back from the Palin nation proves, once again, is that the people know the truth and will not stand for anything less, and especially not from them.

    The guv is the personification of credibility and authenticity, if ever there was one."


    "Okay, Governor......

    enough MUCKING around!!!!

    You MUST run!!!!

    That is an ORDER, Soldier!!!!





    "We all must pick up the fight from Breitbart and go forth and conquer the libs and prevent them from destroying our country. He was awesome and fearless. He was Sarah's cheerful and forthright warrior."


    Breitbart? Cheerful? Really? "Conquer the libs"? I hope that just means at the ballot box!

    They're spinning the idea that AB had an "induced" heart attack after spending two hours arguing politics at a local bar. He dropped dead on the walk home. They're reporting that AB supposedly had "incriminating" videos to prove the President wasn't fit to run, and that AB was going to release them in March--one question, Bots: if AB actually had such videos, you could bet your soiled diapers that he would have raced to release them and NOT spread the rumor beforehand.

    There's also a OneMillionBreitbarts facebook group that someone is trying to coordinate. The insanity--it reaalllly burns!

    1. NewsHounds is reporting that "Last night, during a Hannity segment about Breitbart’s life and death, guest Stephen Bannon (the director of the flop The Undefeated) announced that Breitbart’s tapes of President Obama at Harvard will soon be released showing, as Breitbart recently said, “why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008.”

      If the "Obama tapes" are like any other tapes in Breitbart's hands, you can bet they've been tampered with, edited, snipped up to delete any context.

      In other words, BFD. Bring it on.

    2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn7:48 AM

      Thanks, KaJo! The Bots managed to make it seem much more nefarious than videos from that there elite skool--Harvard. Big surprise. Now that AB isn't here to defend his slicing and dicing, wonder who will do it for him--Bannon, O'Keefe, Rushie and Sistah Sarah? The entire cast of Faux News? Like any thinking voter would care, but the RWNJs would rather the minions believe that a place of higher learning is the devil's playground. Better for them to follow their ignorance into a future $1 a day sweatshop job.

  14. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Wow ..... 1st two comments by Palin & Company. Do they have 24/7 surveillance of this site? Wow someone has alot to hide.

  15. I think it’ll all come out now.

    I don’t know if you work well with Tank, but collaboration between the two of you would really sell, especially if it’s true that he never lies to YOU.

    Tank is eye-catching in his own way.

  16. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Sarah stole Bristol's baby and faked a pregnancy for political reasons. For revenge Bristol got pregnant immediately after and named the kid after Todd's prostitute. CONFIMRED.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Makes perfect sense to me.

    2. @Anon 6:54 AM

      Have you ever had a baby at age 16? Do you really think a party girl like Bristol would turn right around and do that again?

      Crazy, just crazy.

    3. Anonymous5:39 AM

      16? Do tell!

  17. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Julianne Moore, on Jay Leno, on how she adopted Palin’s accent for “Game Change,” which debuts on HBO a week from tomorrow (Sat., March 10, at 9 p.m.): “I listened to her book on tape, her book ‘Going Rogue.’ I went on YouTube, listened to all of her appearances, media appearances, all of her speeches, the debates, the convention speeches. And I put it all on my iPod, wiped [everything else] off, except for ‘Ice, Ice Baby,’ which is the song that my daughter ice skated to. So my 14-year-old son was really embarrassed by that, because there’s nothing worse than a mom who has nothing but Sarah Palin and ‘Ice, Ice Baby’ on their iPod. … I had it on constantly. It was really kind of a total immersion.”

  18. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Wish the movie showed Dr. CBJ delivering Trig.

    I believe CBJ drove to hospital and hand delivered Trig to Sarah's parents.

    1. Indeed, that's how Sarah Palin explains it: always using the word "delivered" instead of "gave birth to".

      Or "I'm his mother" -- as if anyone has been claiming that an adoptive or putative mother is not a child's mother.

      For someone who garbles her speech so much, she certainly does indulge in word play a lot.

  19. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I am super happy that Sarah and Co. are giving HBO so much free publicity for the movie. Can't wait to see Game Change. I'm pretty sure she's pushing hard so that Shailey's book about her affair with Todd falls under the radar. I already bought my copy of the book and plan to pass it on.

  20. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Julianne Moore doesn't seem to capture Sarah's evil and maliciousness behind the smile. Perhap's that's only what we've seen so far.

    1. I think you're right. The other two disappointments I have with what little I've seen of Julianne Moore's performance as Sarah Palin (via the trailers, so far):

      1) She doesn't give you that wide-eyed look with the plastic pageant-beauty-queen smile -- she smiles with her whole face, which results in a Moore squinty-eyed look instead of a Palin look (see the ad poster above).

      2) Moore apparently never learned the pageant-beauty-queen gestures, like waving and raising her arms. Moore enthusiastically waves her hands above her head; I think Palin rarely waved in such a way as to deform the sleeves of her jacket or pull her jacket up under her chin (again, see ad poster above).

      I think the trick there is to wave with one's arms forward from the body, not sideways. I remember only one picture of campaign-Palin looking not picture-perfect while waving, the picture of her in the red skin-tight suit and knee-high boots -- -- it's because she's waving with her hand over her head.

  21. Anonymous6:46 AM

    The e-mail was from McGinnis to Jesse Griffin, author of “an obscure, low-rent, and now-defunct anti-Palin blog,” as Breitbart puts it. Griffin was a source for McGinnis, though the panicked e-mail indicates that McGinnis had significant doubts as to the authenticity of accusations he was about to make in his book, which, at the time, was being fact-checked by Crown Publishing, the unit of Random House responsible for publishing The Rogue.

    “Legal review of my manuscript is underway and here’s my problem: no one has ever offered documentation of any of the lurid stories about the Palins,” McGinnis begins in his e-mail to Griffin dated Jan. 27.

    McGinnis specifically asks for proof of such claims as: Todd Palin had sex with a hooker; Sarah Palin had an affair; Track Palin was a druggie who enlisted in the army to avoid arrest; Trig Palin is not Sarah’s natural-born child; and Bristol Palin was pregnant while filming Dancing With the Stars but had the fetus aborted.

    I couldn't be happier that this foul and toxic man is no longer able to poison the discourse in this country.

    1. It's hard to tell from your comment, but should I assume you're talking about Andrew Breitbart in your last sentence?

    2. Anonymous5:31 PM


  22. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Meghan McCain said on BeastTVto HBO: "Kiss my ass, I'm not going to your friggin premiere"

    She has supposedly received 7 email invites. Yearightsure -- NOT. This Bitch thinks her shit don't smell and she's all the 'get' for the libs. She can go fly her fat ass with those over inflated fake blowup boobs.

    1. Meghan is just mad because her character has NO SPEAKING PARTS!

      Now if Meghan would just do the same...

  23. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  24. O/T, but whatever I was going to snark flew right out of my head by the ad for the Totsy line of MATERNITY CLOTHES that appeared beneath the comment box!

    They are quite attractive, featuring a young woman with a very round pregnant belly clearly visible, but I burst out laughing. Maybe they need a new slogan: "Until your amniotic fluid leaks, you'll need something to wear."

  25. In my best the-dingo-ate-my-baby-voice, ahem, I want my baby...I want my babyyyy.

    stupid unstable unhinged common skank.

  26. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Check out Entertainment Weekly's last page of this week's edition, where they predict Julianne Moore is going to win awards for her performance in GAME CHANGE!

    1. There's also a scathing review of Game Change called The Amateur in the latest Rolling Stone (Mar 15). It's not on the RS website yet but should be available in the 'television' review section soon. Amazing how so many critics using so many different words end up with the same accurate and negative view of la Palin.

    2. Want to also mention the review of Game Change in the Mar 15 issue of Rolling Stone titled The Amateur. Although the many reviewers use different words, they all come to the same accurate but negative conclusion about Palin. The review isn't yet on the RS website but should be soon under the 'television' review section.

  27. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Sarah's attempts to deflect attention from Game Change's picture of her are simply putting out variations of the same BIG Lie. Eventually the whole house of cards will tumble down exposing Queen Sarah for who she really is.

  28. Anonymous10:49 AM

    O/T but funny!

  29. Anonymous11:54 AM

    The actress Julianne Moore on HBO’s ‘Game Change’: tells Jay Leno that upcoming film is more about 2008 campaign than a critique of Palin

  30. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Jimmy Kimmel Spoofs Bristol Palin's New Reality Show 'Life's A Tripp' (VIDEO)

  31. Anonymous12:01 PM

    It is amazing how much the actors look like the people they are playing! I can hardly wait to see this film! In fact, having friends over so we can see it together - all us, of course, very, very opposed to Palin and we all live in Alaska!!!

  32. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Wouldn't it be neat if Moore won an award for her portrayal of Palin - as is already rumored she might?

    Tina Fey is already very popular due to having played Palin w/her wonderful sense of humor! She also won an award for it!

    I'll bet that drives Sarah Palin nuts because she cannot profit from any of it. And, she has absolutely NO control in the matter. I love it!!!! She's going down, down, down!

  33. Check out this post from Charles P. Pierce's Esquire blog:
    "...apparently, the production concentrates rather exclusively on the selection and nomination by the McCain campaign of Princess Dumbass Of The Northwoods. The word on this, apparently, has reached the near vicinity of Grifter's Hollow."

    Read more:

    Princess Dumbass of the Northwoods! Hilarial!

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Thanks for the link. Good stuff. Like this line -

      'These people honestly believe that the president awakens every night in a cold sweat that a halfwit with a 56 percent disapproval rating will run against him for president.'

  34. Anonymous1:21 PM

    The McCain campaign had to know that something is mighty fishy about suddenly announcing you are 7 months pregnant with a special needs child.

    1. This woman, who lives on publicizing even the smallest event in her life, had she actually been preggers would have been shouting it from the rooftops and calendaring up the babyshowers.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.