Friday, March 23, 2012

Fox News never ACTUALLY called Obama a Muslim. But they sure helped to drive that meme.

(H/T to Media Matters.)


  1. Sally in MI3:15 AM

    And Ann Coulter never made jokes about Chelsea Clinton either...if Fox would just for one minute tell the truth about ANYTHING..just once, they'd lose all their uneducated viewers.

  2. Anonymous5:57 AM

    The Fox News Minister of Propaganda, Sean(Joseph Goebbels) Hannity, should be investigated by the FBI for treason.

  3. Anonymous6:04 AM

    They use their guests to get out the message and puppet Palin is a perfect example of this.

  4. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Fox is really pushing the limits. Here's their latest 'celebration' that is directly TREASONOUS to President Obama:

  5. Anonymous6:25 AM

    O/T but Gryphen have you seen this?

    The Consequences of Alaska’s Female Sexual Servitude Legislatio

    ...The end result is the disenfranchisement of women, and I am not talking simply about voting rights or having a job or being in combat. I am talking about disenfranchisement from the human race, making women little better than that pet dog I motioned earlier. So much for doing away with slavery. State-sponsored Biblical slavery is alive and well. So much for the First Amendment, because all this is 100% religiously based: you can’t use in vitro because that trumps God’s will; you can’t use contraceptives because that violates God’s will and you can’t have the abortion you need because you couldn’t have contraceptives because that also violates God’s will. All that’s left is a religiously mandated abstinence program to legislate perverted ideas of so-called Christian morality promoted by a group of fanatics who have forgotten Jesus existed.

    Welcome to the Bronze Age, America. Get ready to sell your daughters; soon they’ll be marrying their rapist and then we can kick that pesky Constitution to the curb and all will be as God intended.

  6. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Speaking of nasty commentating:

    TRI can report that Cumulus Media/ESPN Audio affiliates just received a list of 31 advertisers “who requested that their commercials not be scheduled in any Rush Limbaugh programs.” The memo instructs stations to “move any spots that may fall in Rush Limbaugh programs to comparably-rated time periods.

    These are not the same advertisers who were on an earlier list of 98 who requested their spots be moved away be moved away from Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage and other right wing radio hosts. The new list includes heavyweights, Advance Auto, Intuit Turbo Tax, John Deere and Progressive. (When tax perpetration services don’t want anything to do with you during tax season, things are really bad).

    Some of Limbaugh’s smaller advertisers are coming back, but the big national advertisers are staying away. The reason they won’t come back is that they don’t want the negative publicity that comes from being associated with Rush Limbaugh. The radio industry itself is getting worried that the Limbaugh boycott may make the Fortune 500 skittish about advertising on certain programs. All of these developments represent a huge change from how the talk radio industry operated just weeks ago.

  7. Not What You Want to Hear6:32 AM

    Off topic, but this is great: "Bristol, Ask Your Mom About Defending Women"

    The writer gave some very good examples of how Palin has never fought for women unless they share her political stripes, how she has completely given Rush Limbaugh a pass on his slanderous rant against Sandra Fluke, but takes exception to Bill Maher because his attacks were against HER.

    A few other things any similar articles in the future should mention:

    Palin giggled away as two shock jock radio hosts denigrated Palin's political enemy Lyda Green - a recovering cancer victim - as "a cancer."

    Palin has penned a fawning eulogy over Andrew Breitbart, a man who trashed prominent Democratic women with names like "sympathy fuck" and "bitch."

    Palin herself has denigrated male enemies with derogatory sexist imagery, referring to these men as "limp and impotent." Not only is that wrong towards men, it reinforces some really negative "ballbuster" labels that women have tried for years to overcome.

    Palin, a female politician, put a graphical image of the crosshairs of a gun on another female politician's district. When the latter got on national TV to express her concerns, Palin doubled down with a Facebook post laden with more gun imagery and metaphors. Not long after, that female politician was shot in the head at close range, and many other people were murdered - including a young girl who was inspired by the female politician who was shot in the head. Whether or not the shooter knew anything about the Palin crosshairs, Gabby Giffords asked Palin to remove those crosshairs - and Palin refused to do so. In fact, to this day, that map is still somewhere on Palin's website.

    Which it wouldn't be if, as the first woman governor in Alaska, with the opportunity to be a real role model for women, Palin hadn't abandoned her post to become a hatemonger on Fox News.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      As the 1st MADAM of Wasilla she has no compassion for women. To her, they are only to be used as Prostitutes. Either working for PIMP DADDY TODD, or WHORING themselves out to Magazines and Reality shows.

  8. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Media Matters Releases Radio Ads Against Rush Limbaugh (AUDIO)

    Media Matters launched its campaign on Thursday, stating the company planned to spend at least $100,000 on anti-Limbaugh radio ads. The ads use audio from Limbaugh's attack on Fluke and criticize stations that still air his program. The group called their ads "community service announcements."

  9. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Yep, this is how it is done. Evil at work.

  10. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Note that only ten people have commented so far. Face it, Americans really don't care. Which brings up the question, why don't you move away from there and stop torturing yourself by being an American. Try moving to Canada maybe and just face the fact that too many americans are just no fucking good in any real way. Yes, it's that bad and it needs serious consideration. YOu're living in a very sick society that shows no signs of ever changing until it destroys itself. You are always going to be in the minority.

  11. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I'm really hoping that the commenter from 10:16 is incorrect. If we see a heavy Republican vote this November I'll concede he is right...but I'm holding out for there being a voter swing to the left, away from the total insanity of the rightwing extremists.

    Fox channel has poisoned the minds of so many with its constant hate parade, but there is some evidence that the exposure coming from the Republican primaries, has energized the majority of the citizens who are appalled to learn of just how crazy things have become.

  12. Anonymous2:07 PM

    The Fox News Minister of Propaganda, Sean(Joseph Goebbels) Hannity strikes again. He represents the RepubliKKKan party so well.

  13. Anita Winecooler5:23 PM

    And it just gets sicker. Geraldo Rivera drew a direct causal connection between wearing a hoodie and getting murdered. Stupid laws and guns aren't the problem, wearing hoodies is "Asking for it".


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