Friday, March 16, 2012

In case you ever doubt the REAL reason that Palin was selected as John McCain's running mate.

Arlen Spector has written a new book, called "Life Among the Cannibals: A Political Career, a Tea Party Uprising and the End of Governing as We Know It."

In this book Specter settles a number of old political scores, including with President Obama and his VP Joe Biden, just to name two. He also talks about his struggle with cancer and his decision to jump from the Republican party to the Democratic party.

However, in one of the books many anecdotes, he also reveals that he once rode on the so-called "Straight Talk Express" with McCain and Palin. This was his impression:

"Still she was a total charmer, very friendly" Specter writes. "The few things she said were intelligent. We were sitting virtually knee-to-knee in the cramped bus, and she radiated sensuality. Her skirt rode up above the knees - not exactly short, but close."

In one paragraph Specter has revealed the only important quality anybody ever cared about when it came to Palin.  Did she give them a hard on?

Palin knew that men found her attractive, and knew how to use that to her advantage. And it was through this horny adolescent fog through which it seems ALL of those who wanted her on the ticket viewed her.

In other words her supporters can talk about her "energy expertise," or her "pro-life credibility," or her "Christian faith," (All of which are false by the way), but all any of them really cared about is that when they saw her they wanted to fuck her.  And that is where the "vetting" stopped and the masturbatory fantasies began.

In this scene from the movie "Game Change" Nicole Wallace has a rather uncomfortable conversation with Palin about her disastrous Katy Couric interview.

In the scene Wallace claims that Palin did not "fight back like you did in the Charlie Gibson interview."  But that is a mischaracterization of what happened.  And even in THAT interview Palin resorts to her little girl voice when unable to think of examples of John McCain pushing for more regulation of Wall Street. ("I'll try to find you some and bring'em to ya.")

It WASN'T that Palin did not fight back, it is that her methods of using her looks and flirty attitude to disarm the interviewer simply did not work on Couric, because she was a woman.

Palin is in the process of going down in history as the LEAST qualified VP candidate ever chosen, the biggest embarrassment of ANY political party, and the woman who has single-handedly set back the women's movement at least a hundred years.

And it all happened because she made a bunch of horny old Republican men want to stick their penis in her.

So I have only one question for those abject embarrassments to thinking men everywhere.
How does your penis feel about her now?


  1. She was attractive-- but so are a lot of other women. And a lot of other women stay attractive, and their kids don't get knocked up or knock up girls before they are legally able to drink.

    If Sarah Palin has done anything for those of us with brains, it is to make us recognize that we can't just rise from obscurity and take on the world. it is in paying one's dues, helping others succeed, and getting pulled up, that one learns the ropes.

    Sarah Palin served as the bad example to not follow. She didn't even know decent table manners or etiquette. How could we (I supported her in the beginning) be willing to send her to meet heads of state? Sarah Palin has taught us all a sad lesson in that not just anyone can grow up to be President.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      well put! That should be the lesson to the Palin Story and may be her legacy.

      She was simply too unaware to be aware that she was so incapable for the job of governing - the VP for goodness sake! -- but believed so completely that God had chosen her so not to worry.

      Then the McCain folks showed her that acting was better than knowing the facts, and she has been doing that ever since. How long will she be able to drag this out...

    2. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Oh, she had the acting part figgered out long before that.

    3. Anonymous5:51 PM

      She is just like Reagan. All of those years in the White House he was nothing but an actor.

    4. Take away the makeup and hair do and nice clothes and designer specs and she wouldnt be any more attractive than any other woman her age and size. As far as intelligence, she is not intelligent, thats exaggeration.

    5. She is no more attractive than most other women her age and size--take away the makeup and designer specs and clothes and styled hairdos and she wouldnt be anything. And she is not even a little bit intelligent. In fact she is a big embarrassment to America everytime she starts her stupid shreiking. Yuk!

  2. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question,

    1. WakeUpAmerica3:21 PM

      AND who are Tristan's, Bristol's "god son," parent.

    2. WakeUpAmerica3:23 PM

      AND where are Tristan's (Bristol's alleged god son) parents? When you find Trig's birth certificate, could we have a little peek at Tristan's too?

    3. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Yes, let's see a photo of Tristan. And wasn't there a little girl as well ? Is that Track's or ???

    4. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Gryphen, can we please have a post investigating these mystery babies?

    5. Anonymous5:44 PM

      I think the DWTS baby was a girl and they gave it to Track and Britta.

    6. Does that mean Bristol can add "Surrogate Mom" to her list of life's accomplishments?

  3. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Men can be so lame sometimes...but especially white, old, gnarly, horny, republican men. Eww, eww, eww.

    1. Maybe this guy just found out his milf may be on the ticket and now might have to wrestle the secret service for his chance.

  4. Anonymous2:17 PM

    "she radiated sensuality" and Todd did his own kind of "radiating" with prostitutes

    1. Anonymous4:40 PM

      LOL--- I know: radiating sensuality is a bit of an overstatement. Men are dogs for the most part and get boners thinking of women's panties, let alone a real woman. Radiated sensuality? She looked a part-- she photographed well, before the medication and the boob jobs.

      Todd planting his Palin seeds wherever he could, because he was married to such a sensual radiator!

    2. Anonymous5:47 PM

      I know Shailey Tripp wrote a book and she is promoting it along with her co-writer, but no other blogs are picking up the story. Why is this? Why is everyone else afraid to touch it?

    3. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Have you tried Malia LItman's blog? Or The Palin Place? You can start there. Malia has been covering it for a year, so you have a lot of reading to do.

  5. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Oh yes, the infamous Newsweek "I Can Win" pose.

    No, you can't...and you never will.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      See my boobies? They are mine! I bought them!

    2. Anonymous3:57 PM

      I call it her soft porn spread. Seductive indeed. All you had to do was imagine her with no clothes and she'd be a centerfold in Hustler. I found the photos in Newsweek offensive in their sensual depiction of Palin.

  6. Calli P2:18 PM


    You should post this one, as well:

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Now that is one skanky, nasty Bitch. She is making Jan Brewer look good. No wonder Toad is screwing prostitutes. Would you want to hit that? I'm sure that Glenn Rice's penis has fallen off by now. Wash your ass already, because the WHOLE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT YOU.

    2. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Calli P,you should put a warning on that.I almost lost my lunch when that pic popped up.I may swear off sex fo life after that.

    3. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Anon 4:23 PM
      Why are you only stuck on Glen Rice. What about Todd's business partner she had an affair with. That was more than a one night stand.

    4. Thx Calli for the reminder but let's post the whole series of Grizzly Gidget's Hawaiian vacation. Proving once again that by applying several coats of paint and hammering out a few dings on an old broken down rusty Buick you just might find someone to buy it.

      BTW, would someone get this broad a toothpick for her next trip!! (refer to opening pic on link)

    5. Anonymous7:00 PM

      diz -

      I noticed Todd's t-shirt says "If you don't love America...". I wonder came after that. "You might be a secessionist"?

    6. It said "get the hell out... Sarah wore it that trip as well, so hard keeping one's feeling to yourself when you're from such fine classy linage as the Palins.

  7. Anonymous2:19 PM

    this pic goes nicely with your post -

    1. Ailsa4:19 PM

      That's great!

    2. Anita Winecooler7:46 PM

      HA HA HA!!! Love it!

      That's "Drop your popcorn" funny!

  8. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I'm a female, can I call her a slut? She looks & acts like a slut.

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      From another female, YES, there are those woman that earn that name and Sarah is one of them. I find it amazing the derogatory words that come to mind when she pops up in conversation, and I'm not one for using such words related to women at all, but she must makes me disgusted for defiling women by her very existence.

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Uhm, no, you can't. The whole slut walk thing and re-appropriating the word slut is about women who like sex, saying hey, sex is fun, sex is good and done responsibly, it is my right and choice to have sex. It is honest.

      It isn't about using sex (or the suggestion of it without ever intending to consummate that suggestion)to get extrinsic goodies - like VP slots. We have much more accurate descriptors for what $carah does. When she suggest and doesn't deliver, it's called being a pricktease. I she does deliver, then she's a prostitute - she delivers. But even a prostitute (as in sex worker) is more honest than $carah. The prostitute is really just delivering an orgasm. $carah suggests that she'll deliver not just the orgasm, but the whole romantic fantasy - which she doesn't have the goods (the intelligence, the ethics, the loyalty) to actually deliver on. $carah's more of an adultress in that way.

  9. 10 or 15 years ago, there was a poster showing a beautiful woman in a subtle, sexy pose. The caption said "No matter how good she looks, there's somebody somewhere who's sick of her shit". In Palin's case, there's a country sick and tired of her shit.

    But I can't speak for viagra or porno addicted men.

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Do you Photoshop? Can you please do this over this photo?

    2. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Someone has done it:

    3. Anonymous5:55 PM

      The thing is, for all of the supposed good looks ("hottest governor from the coldest state"!), when I look back at pre-2009 photos I see a woman who looks better than she does now, certainly, but not a really pretty woman. Attractive, sure, and more attractive in some photos than others, but not really pretty. The manish jawline, for example, was always there. I think the appeal was always ALL about the skank ho come hither sex appeal. She might be dumb as a post, but when it comes to throwing out her scent to males of the species, the woman is (has been) a f*cking genius.

  10. Anonymous2:31 PM

    In other words, she is a WHORE who played those old JACKASSES. What a truly inspiring footnote to American history.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      She's been nothing more than a prick teaser to those fat, racist Republican boys nationwide! They still don't realize she is flat chested as hell - those boobs are not hers (in the top photo)! Think about it - she's had four kids - that in itself plays havoc on the boobies. She's way past being perky and tight!

    2. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Well there are plenty of pictures in t-shirts showing her as flat as baord, so has nothing to do with the kids, she just is small chested. Not that there is anything wrong with that except for that, on occasion, she puts on the DDs, to perpetuate more fraud.

    3. Anonymous5:18 PM


      Sarah is not "broke" - she is "flat busted"!

      (This was a t-shirt she had in "college"...)

  11. right on... LMAO

  12. Olivia2:33 PM

    Good on you for pointing it out again. We must also remember that for a lot of these old white Republican bastards, she gave them probably what was their first Viagra-less spontaneous hard on in years. Not surprising that they were and are so incredibly besotted with her. For the first time in many miserably limp years their little friends made an appearance without the aid of the little blue pill. How can you not make a total fool of yourself over a woman that can do that?

  13. Sharon2:36 PM are in a mood today, not that I would disagree with anything you just said, lol. I love the deal with Bristol's blog, you are a master Gryp, just knowing how they follow this blog must put a huge smile on your face. When all this happened in 2008 I was taking care of my mom full-time, so I had loads of time to read, and it amazes me that all the really illegal things she did as gov really don't get much attention. When you sum everything up, she should be in jail!!! Can you imagine a regular mother getting away with her complete lack of parenting? N

  14. Sharon2:38 PM

    oooops..hit the wrong button. Just saying where I come from, having 5 kids not finishing school or poor Piper not going at her young age, they would have taken them away. She is a disgace to women let alone motherhood. Let's hope it really does end this time in Nov

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Nope.. no they wouldn't. And you can thank the cyber/charter/homeschooling lobbiests at ALEC and the fundernut freaks at HSLDA for that.

    2. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Sarah homeschools the same way she shoots moose. Do not associate her with people who really do homeschool their kids for valid reasons.

      M in MD

  15. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Wow, now if you classified yourself as a comedian maybe you could get away with this. But you have seriously stepped into Rush Limbaugh's territory now. I'm embarrassed right now that I like this blog.

    You can't claim a moral high ground when it comes to asses like Rush then turn around and behave just like him.

    Shame on you Gryphen... I might have to boycott your blog... for a few days anyway.

    1. WakeUpAmerica3:27 PM

      Oh, puh-leeze.

    2. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Disagree with you - SHE plays the sexual game (the fake boobs, the very high heels,short and tight skirts, the way she plays with her tongue etc ).She deserves the comments made by Gryphen.

    3. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Palin's whole exsistance is to excite men. She thinks(dare I say that) this the way to get ahead in this world.
      I'm just amazed it took the rest of the country so long to catch on. she was very easy to label, the first time she stepped on to the stage of politics.
      Maybe it's my age but, i knew who and what she was a long,long time ago.

    4. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Actually it's apples and oranges. See, if Ms, Fluke had ACTUALLY said: "hey everyone, I'm a slut and a prostitute who wants to get banged five times a day and you should pay for it" then Rush's comments would have been totally legit.

      The fact is, Palin DID use sex in an attempt to influence people and to distract from her horrific level of know-nothingness, and the actual reactions some of them have publicly given prove gryph is on the money here.

      I mean, what self-respecting potential head of state would walk onto a raised stage wearing a miniskirt and gogo boots?

      It may not be nice to say, but in this case it is actually accurate.

    5. Anonymous5:06 PM

      And for the Wasilla mayor's meeting she commented that it was time to bring out her breasts or somesuch.

    6. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Oh, come on, what, you thought you were at a serious political blog or something? Gryphen is, shall we say the political equivalent of dListed or TMZ. Don't come for the "real news" and also don't come if you don't want to be offended.

    7. I see Gryph as more of a Bill Maher, Lewis Black satirist kind of guy.

      But sometimes he's Howard Beale!

      (like when he has to excuse himself and go punch something)

    8. Anita Winecooler8:19 PM

      Please spare the platitudes for someone more deserving. Palin's schtick has always been "hey look at ME" with the stilletto heels, short skirts, "Drill baby Drill!!!!!" hottest Governor from the Coldest state. If there's a camera and money, she's there with bells on.

      Gryphen does ONE suggestive blog post, Limbaugh "crucified" a woman for DAYS with vile language and sexually demeaning terms, a woman whose only "crime" was NOT about sex, but contraceptives that were denied another woman who lost an ovary because they weren't covered.

    9. Anonymous10:39 PM

      $carah's always been a skank slut, with huge emphasis on SKANK

    10. Please. Palin is the one who chose to mock our political system by showing off her political/presidential qualifications as being nothing more than posing in suggestive poses.

      "Look at me! Aren't I hot? Vote for me!"

      She insulted every politician, male and female, who has ever worked hard for their constituents.

      Palin is a sexist through and through. She should be called out on it.

  16. O/T (no post today on this topic)

    TIME magazine's Swampland blog has posted "babies on the campaign trail"...

    Most of the candidates look uncomfortable with the wee ones; all the kids look terrified of Romney. There's pics of Obama on the rope line and only one baby looks unhappy, and I'm sure that's before he/she had been held by POTUS.

  17. Anonymous2:43 PM

    She is a succubus.

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      That's a really good metaphore for her. REally good.

    2. Anonymous4:05 PM

      SO true!!!

    3. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Nail head is now hit!

    4. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Who can say what the RW religious extreme freaks do or think in their secret world. Some people take succubi serious and literal. They go as far as collecting bodily fluid and basting a female.

      wikipedia offers another explanation: In the field of medicine, there is some belief that the stories relating to encounters with succubi bear similar resemblance to the contemporary phenomenon of people reporting alien abductions, which has been ascribed to the condition known as sleep paralysis. It is therefore suggested that historical accounts of people experiencing encounters with succubi may have been in fact symptoms of sleep paralysis, with the hallucination of the said creatures coming from their contemporary culture.

  18. Anonymous2:43 PM

    The first photos - showing the boobs that are not hers! She's since been proven to be a liar and fraud. Yea!!!! She was attractive once upon a time. The meaness and nastiness has aged her horribly in a few short years!

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      She must weigh all of one hundred pounds at this photo shoot. She starved herself to be more photogenic and made up for the side effects in other ways. I was disgusted with Newsweek for this spread.

  19. Anonymous2:48 PM

    "oozed" not "radiated" as in oozed an invisible an odorless toxic cloud which paralyzed the prefrontal cortex while activating the lizard brain.

    Palin is best viewed as a newly identified element, like some nugget from the primordial soup.

    I envision her as the hag version of the Terminator, relentless and soulless, designed to appear human and pre-programmed for destruction

  20. Anonymous2:51 PM

    'Game Change' in less than a minute

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Everyone should watch this! Hilarious in less than a minute...

      Proves the lie of Palin's deceptive little anti-Game Change video.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:28 PM

      I agree! Very clever, a minute well spent!

  21. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I loved the scene in Game Change when McCain opens the door of his Sodona house for Sarah and gets a good look at her back side before giving a nod of aproval to his male comrades.

    1. If I ever meet "The Most Honorable Senator from the Great State of Arizona" face to face, I will shake his hand, look him square in the eye and say, "You Sir, are a Traitor."

    2. hauksdottir8:39 PM

      I'll say, "You, Sir, are a Songbird."

      For those who don't know, McCain got that nickname after telling his captors everything he knew AND making propaganda videos for them. Traitor.

  22. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Yes, Sarah sure knows how to exude sensuality, but she doesn't follow through. That's the definition of a prick tease. Which I think she is.

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      What backside? McCain must like pancake asses.

  23. Anonymous3:02 PM

    "It WASN'T that Palin did not fight back, it is that her methods of using her looks and flirty attitude to disarm the interviewer simply did not work on Couric, because she was a woman."

    It didn't work with Charles Gibson either. Her incompetence transcends her sex. Please bear this in mind.

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      But it totally DOES work on Glenn Beck and Hannity for some reason...

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!5:20 PM


      Were you looking for a reason 'other' than the fact that Beck and Hannity are fucking morons?

  24. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Anyone figure out why Bristol named her son after Shailey Tripp?

  25. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Wheres trig's birth certificate?

    1. Todds Teeny Tiny Two Toned Pecker5:21 PM

      At the bottom of Dead Lake Lucille, with Sarah's wedding ring and her "empathy" belly.

  26. Bigdaddy773:04 PM

    I thought her looks were elvish compared to the McCain girls in 2008. But I'm more into blondes anyway.

  27. Anonymous3:06 PM

    She has to use her "looks" because she just isn't that smart. Sarah can't learn. She has something wrong with her brain. Someone she get get help.

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      You are right.She couldn't remember Joe Biden's name.She kept calling Herman Cain Herb.She didn't seem to know the difference between civil rights and the civil war and North and South Korea.Her brain isn't wired right.I'm no expert but there is something real wrong with her.

  28. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Unless you've had an experience with an extremely narcissistic person (and I have), you won't begin to comprehend how such a person can manipulate those around them for their own purposes.

    In my two experiences with extreme narcissists, neither seemed to be conscious of what they were doing to others or why - it is that they are so convinced with their own stories that others must play their assigned roles. If you don't, there is hell to pay.

    I think Sarah is very mentally ill, and the scary part is that she cannot recognize that she is ill or what she is doing to others. As long as she is getting money for her "acting" she'll continue to act out her personal drama on a public stage. Narcissists do that.

  29. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Palin's Breath

    Sarah Palin Watches Obama/McCain Debate

    Gov. Sarah Palin Pre-Game Superbowl Spot
    (when she still had hair?)

    'In what respect Charlie?'

    1. Nope. The citizen from Alaska is wearing a hairpiece. I didn't think she was, until she turned around to the audience, then I saw the hairpiece. She was wearing it low, without the bump it.

  30. WakeUpAmerica3:18 PM

    Oh, now that was cold, Gryphen.

  31. Anonymous3:21 PM

    My husband said he'd rather put his penis in a light socket than anywhere near that monster hose beast.

  32. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Those boobs like way out of proportion -- and not tethered to her rib cage.
    Even Pamela Anderson's fakes look more real than these do.

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      That's because Pam's are actually installed.

  33. I still maintain that palin learned how to disarm men and use her sexuality to her advantage because she needed to learn how to survive in that house her father maintained.
    the little girl voice is used to become a 'different' person.
    its a coping and survival mechanism.

    plus palin certainly understands exactly what she is doing and rely s on her overt sexuality to help achieve her ambitions.

    it is ALL she knows, so its not surprising she attacks women who dont fall for it and she sexually attacks men who dont fall for it.

    she evens uses her children to suggest THEY are being threatened with sexual attack.

    its all part of her functional insanity.

    what evil was going on in that chamber of dead animals where palin grew up and what was chuckys role in creating this pathology in his daughter?

    thats the missing link to palins insanity.

    1. AuntieRuthh4:09 PM

      I think you may well be correct on this. She may have learned to adapt in order to survive. On a personal level, this may be admirable. But it does not excuse her deliberate ignorance, which must never be inflicted upon us as a nation. She is not fit to be the head of any government, much less the USA.

    2. Anonymous4:09 PM

      I'm wondering - are Sarah's siblings anything like her? I cannot recall if she has more than one sister - but, I do know the Troopergate sister has been married multiple times. Be interesting to research her siblings....the brother included...even though I'm sure they are intentionally keeping off the radar in regard to her! Wonder what they really think of her?

    3. Anonymous5:10 PM

      I dated someone once who had been married to a woman who had been chronically molested by her 2 brother for over a 6 or 7 year period. Her parents never found out, she never told them. One brother (the worse one--the leader) denied it forever, the other admitted and apologized as adults. This woman definitely had borderline personality disorder and was an alcoholic.

    4. Anonymous5:16 PM

      I am absolutely sure that you have hit the nail on the head and I've posted on the blog a number of times my viewing on this.

      Sarah has learned to survive early sexual activity. She is arrested at an early emotional age because she 'separated' herself from the horrors that were being inflicted on her young body.

      Incest is a word that doesn't get spoken out loud much, but EVERYTHING points to it. I suspect her father also, under the guise of some cockamamie 'nature' lesson, but I can't be sure about that. There is something really creepy about him and how she relates to him.

      I've seen it too many times in my counseling sessions. There is no question in my mind that Sarah is a victim/survivor of sexual molestation/activity, most likely when she was around 8 years old. She learned very quickly how to manipulate men, and ultimately hated them for how easily she COULD work them. She hates women because her mother never came to her aid.

      She winks and flicks her tongue and rubs her thighs and dresses provocatively because she learned very early that that was how she could get attention, and affection, and what she wanted.

      Her prick tease act is how she came to control the situation to some degree. Her attacking males with sexual innuendo is par for the course. Very dark forces went to work on this girl.

      However, I don't feel sorry for the adult Sarah, because she chose to play out her early damage is a very harmful way. I know of so many women who had similar circumstances and they are loving, kind people who contribute to the world, their families and their communities in very loving ways. She chose the dark side and she THRIVES in it.

      We can all choose, she did and she has turned her toxicity on the whole country. Yes, WE are paying for the damage done to that little girl so many years ago. She is making EVERYONE pay for it with every one of her squeals and screeches and at the moment, it's mostly directed at our lovely President, but NO ONE is exempt from her destruction, as we've come to learn.

    5. Todds Teeny Tiny Two Toned Pecker5:27 PM

      Chuck is WAAAAAY too involved in the lives of his grown children.

      Even the incident with Molly & Mike about the "illegal" moose hunting incident (that Sarah n Todd tried to railroad Mike with, after the divorce)

      Well, Molly had won the ticket to shoot a bull moose (this was a BIG deal, there's only a limited # of bull moose allowed to be killed in a season)

      Well, Molly didn't hunt (HEar that?? She HATED hunting, was NOT familiar with it...despite all the BS from the Palins about "hunting" since birth and shit...)

      So, Molly dragged her feet and dragged her feet and CHUCK (her dad) was RELENTLESS about calling Molly about the Moose hunt.

      Well, finally Molly's husband, Mike, went on the trip (I think CHUCK HEATH went with MIKE, also, too, so it was OBVIOUS to the entire Palin family that they were ALL OKAY with this...)

      However, it was only AFTER Mike and Molly were in divorce proceedings that SARAH n TODD n CHUCK **ALL** tried to get Mike Wooten fired, and they claimed this was one of the incidents of his "poor judgement".

      Only poor judgement that STUD had was marrying into the Palin family.

      Oh yeah, Mike is a hottie, too. Those Palin women Can. NOT. keep. HOT. GUYS!!!!

    6. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Wooten looks like he might have been cute before he got that swollen 'roid neck. This whole family is nothing but a bunch of crazy gun-toting moose-hunting rednecks. Wooten met his match with the Palins. He's no prize...just another crazy hothead cop that got a little drunk on his power. They all deserve each other.

    7. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Yes Jadez. Did you ever see the pic of her on a motorcycle and she was a babe about 2 1/2 with NO CLOTHES on except shoes???
      Her father was a SCHOOL Teacher in a school with a Pedo ring!
      He told her It wasn't healthy for teens to wear nightgowns in ALASKA!
      Sarah freaked out when a guest in her house used Baby oil...!
      I still think that time in the wood when sarah wrote she held "warm moose eyeballs"...well its code for something else.
      Her whole behavior screams Sexually molested, and those girls act like ho bags b/c every guy is their "Daddy"!
      You can't feel sorry for them b/c they are always on the "make" Any of them all of them. That is EXACTLY why she didn't get on with Katie. Katie was a woman. A striaght woman.
      All she know is winkin' and blinkin' and the silence promise of " happy ending" later....
      They are always looking to please daddy...always.
      I'll never forget when Sarah was DEFEATED, the pics of her at the airport the video showed creepy chuckles stroking her back!!! I was like who is that old perv????
      And later found out it was her father@!@@
      In bailey's book she goes to meet some guy professionally and wears "hookerboots"!!! of course that is all the guy remembers.
      Both her and the Toad are sick, sick, sick! I'm surprise the porno pic or a video hasn't turned up yet again?

  34. Anonymous3:47 PM

    It still gives me the chills to watch Julianne...

    A Tale Of Two Palins: Will The Real Sarah Please Stand Up? (VIDEO)

  35. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Someone has put together a reminder of what we dodged in 2008:

  36. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Horny old Republican men (whose shriveled dicks are all the size of Tinkerbell's little finger): NO PROBLEM!

  37. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Palin = airbrushed, menopausal CRONE

  38. Anonymous4:10 PM

    it all happened coz the people of alaska elected her their governor

  39. Anonymous4:12 PM

    "the woman who has single-handedly set back the women's movement at least a hundred years"

    No, she did not. Try as she might, and try as her people continue to do - she has not set me back for one second. She only speeds me up.

    1. All I can say is after I heard her speak for the first time, I turned to my sister and said, "She does NOT represent me, or my sisters".

    2. "she has not set me back for one second. She only speeds me up."

      Very well said! You should put that on bumper stickers and posters! :)

  40. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Gryphen, I read your blog every day. I'm a fan. Having said that, I believe you lose credibility when you post something like the above. It's base, it's raunchy, it's adolescent, it's borderline pornographic. Palin gives the media plenty to write about; you don't need to sink to such despicable depths to make a point. Just my take.

    1. Borderline pornographic? LOL!!!

      Gryphen's take on Palin's "appeal" is spot-on. The raunchiness, adolescent, and "borderline" (personality) comes from Mrs. Sarah Palin (AIP) herself.

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      A little over the top Gryphen.

    3. Anonymous5:28 PM

      I respectfully TOTALLY disagree with you.

      Sarah Palin has been selling SEX from the get-go and when you use that to saunter into a position like VP of the US, it absolutely becomes something to shine a HUGE light on and SHOCK people into seeing the insideousness of what she has done.

      It's not adolescent, it's an adult male telling it like it is. And honey, you ain't seen pornographic if you call THIS that.

      Gryphen can be blunt and straightforward. He is a healthy male who is comfortable with calling out other males behavior for what it is. I respect his insights and though it can be a little rough around the edges, I don't find myself taking offense since I look to see who is doing the speaking and Gryphen has proven himself over and over again to be kind and decent man...but DON'T FUCK WITH HIM because he WILL stand his ground.

      Where I will agree with you is that he is being raunchy, and purposely so, it is this climate that powerful men chose a hapless harridan to be in one of the most powerful positions in the world and it was their COCKS that directed them.

      Gryphen is calling it for what is was and continues to be, she's a sexual fraud, a political prick tease and the men who were and are sucked into her act are impotent dicks.

    4. "Gryphen has proven himself over and over again to be a kind and decent man...but DON'T FUCK WITH HIM because he WILL stand his ground!"

      Namaste Gryph!

    5. I respectfully disagree. Palin did that photo shoot to keep herself in the news and discussed as a potential presidential candidate. She chose a sexual portrayal of herself, as if that was all that was important to think about when thinking of her.

      Why weren't there shots of her heavy involvement with charitable boards, civic volunteer activities, her demanding, intellectual career?

      She has nothing to offer but sex, and she has never put the effort into having anything else to offer.

      "It's base, it's raunchy, it's adolescent, it's borderline pornographic. Palin gives the media plenty to write about..."

      Yes, and that is exactly what she gave the media to talk about. She was very pleased with herself.

  41. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Your take on this is correct Gryphen. I remember in 08 how quys would talk about how they would like to do her, but wanted her nowhere near the W. H.

  42. PalinsHoax4:20 PM

    OMG Gryphen, have pity on us. Please warn us before you display such a hideous picture.

    - My husband has fainted from viewing this gargoyle image of Palin.
    - The dog has high-tailed it down the road, yelping all the way from fright.
    - The cat is hissing and spitting at this fiend on my computer screen.
    - All the plants in my house have wilted and shrivelled up.
    - And I, I cannot stop laughing. Is that a Hallowe'en mask Palin has on her face?

    By the way Palin, NOW do you see how you and RAM resemble each other? It's the beaked nose.

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      OK, you made me laugh REALLY HARD with that description of Sarah's image effect on your household...I can just imagine it, and it's hysterically funny.

  43. Anonymous4:27 PM

    "And it all happened because she made a bunch of horny old Republican men want to stick their penis in her."
    WOW just WOW! You definitely hit it out of the park with that statement. White old men thinking with their little head for sure & that is exactly how Sarah Palin has risen in her career. Not through well thought out positions or ideas but because a bunch of horny men wanted to f**k her.
    How truly pathetic.


  44. She’s not that pretty! My husband wears a similar gray sweatshirt, and his face is WAY prettier/handsomer/nicer. He doesn’t have fake boobs, however. I guess that’s the criterion.

  45. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Sarah doesn't see any reason to be a well read intelligent woman. She learned at a young age that she could flirt and charm her way through life. It's her weapon, and she uses it to her advantage. There are many women who do this shit their entire lives. Back in the day, this used to be a very acceptable way for females to be brought up. We would like to think that women today don't use that shit to get ahead, but they do. It's not fair, but it s reality. Those women who use their looks and sexuality to get ahead are in for a very rude awakening when they discover that they are no longer the cutest little kitten in the litter. They have no brains to fall back on when they are "old". Women over the age of 50 become invisible. Ask any women who has passed through menopause - all will tell you that they have become invisible. Sarah has a couple more years to play the coquette. She's trying to hang on to it now. I see evidence of some cosmetic tweaks already. It ain't going to be pretty when she discovers using her fake boobs and her little girl voice no longer works.

    1. thank you anon, whoever you are, for again exposing this sad truth of one segment of the 'sisterhood'. These are very likely the same type of women who also don't give a second thought to having affairs with the already taken. I've worked around several over the many years and they are toxic to the workplace, both for their male and female associates.

  46. It's interesting that Mrs Palin seems to be having more success with bringing about the downfall of the GOP Presidential candidates, their nomination process and the careers of sane Republications while having NO impact whatsoever on the President, the Dems and Government Policy.

    Everyone she has supported is on life support, those she attacks are doing well. Her methods of gaining favor are turning many more against her than for her - she wants an America that would treat herself and her daughters as 2nd class citizens - talk about self hate!

    1. TS for Prez!5:30 PM

      BRAVO! Best comment on this thread!

  47. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Gryph I will have to take your opinion on what men think when they look at Sarah as accurate.
    There is just nothing about her that appeals to me. She is not bad looking but as soon as she opens her mouth. Yuck.
    Surely some where along the way the brain begins to over take the hormones?
    Or maybe not.

  48. Todds Two Toned Tiny Pecker4:50 PM

    Well 'I' for one was never really 'in' to her...get it?

  49. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Palin is ONE of the ugliest humans ever thrown in the public square. Inside & out, she is ugly with jealousy and envy.

  50. Anonymous5:03 PM

    She sure loves herself. Too bad that she avoided educating herself. Soon to come: INDICTMENTS for misappropriation of campaign funds, fraud, and the Prostitution Ring.

  51. Now that I have reached cronehood, relieved quite frankly, that it is no longer a big issue. I have been a feminist all my life so never played that game of using my feminine wiles to get ahead in life and always felt a certain disdain for women who relied on their outer appearance rather than their beauty inside. Character is what makes the person,actually never pay attention to what someone
    looks like,more who they are. Decent human beings I find more attractive.

    As Palin ages,her insides are revealed and it ain't pretty. Sure,there might be some who still might want to do her, but the numbers have to be dwindling fast. She isn't aging well, I think the hate has finally won it's way with her. If that is all she had going for her is her looks,it sure sucks to be her.

  52. Anonymous5:10 PM

    i really can't imagine anyone thinking Palin is sensual. She's one of those people who just always looks dirty. And that clunky, plodding, monster walk-ick.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      I can't believe that people even debate her "hotness"; she's ancient for godsake! She's a shriveled up middle aged grandma. I can't think of many women her age that don't look wrinkly and cellulite-ridden and terrible! I don't know who she's giving a boner to but they must be as old and disgusting as she is! I thought old horny men went for hot young chicks? There must be a contingent of "granny chasers" out there that I wasn't aware of :-)

    2. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Geez, that was fricking cruel and insensitive to those of us who are over 50. I guess you think we should go kill ourselves.

    3. Anonymous7:13 PM

      It's not classically sensual, it's cheap, easy sex they think they're looking at. You know, the only kind they can get.

    4. Anonymous8:17 PM

      She walks like a manly big duck wearing oversized clunky cowboy boots.
      I don't get the hotness factor, especially now, but even then.

  53. Anonymous5:11 PM

    The real problem with conservatives is that they think that running a government is like running a business. Even GWB said in 1999 when he was in the primaries that he would put the "right" people into his cabinet, so all he would have to do is sign bills from a majority GOP Congress.

    $arah did something similar in Alaska, though she placed her mean girl clique into many important offices, she also placed people that were afraid of her and worked to please her.

    A government is not a business. The goal is to break even, not run on deficits for 30 years when the source of revenue keeps being cut. If a business was losing money on it's product, it would raise the price of the product, ot go out of business. You can only lay off so many employees before you have no one to make your product left.

    $arah thought as VP she would "get into that Senate and shake things up, not knowing she was only needed if there was a 50-50 tie on a bill.

    If she ever did get into the Oval Office, she would break GWB's record for vacation days. After all, isn't that what a CEO does?

  54. Anonymous5:12 PM

    These twins hardly compare to what she wore to the races.

    O/T I am trying to catch up on the Palin procedures over the last year and came across the following explanation for why Bristol looks so different. Bristol is obviously very brave and willing to sacrefice a lot to achieve her goals, as far as her physical appearance goes. It does not explain why the exaggerated chin, a cartoon look, but perhaps that is her ideal of beauty. None of the Palins are known for good taste.

    A prescription for a liquid or soft foods diet could explain Palin's slimmer figure, which she debuted at the White House Correspondent's Dinner last month. In a photo from January, Palin still sported a full face, but an interview shot in February showed her new chin beginning its outward progression.

    neck lipo.....
    "You would never get that type of aesthetic improvement by just repositioning the jaw," said Dr. Steve Colen, chairman of plastic surgery at the Hackensack University Medical Center. "Her claim that it was just functional sounds like a little bit of a cover up."
    But was it worth it?
    "I think, frankly, her chin is too prominent," said Millard. "She looks a little bit like Jim Carrey in 'Me, Myself and Irene.'"

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      I believe she was wearing the "Tell-tale scarf" before hand.
      Man, if scarve's could talk???

  55. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Most women who have REAL boobs HAVE cleavage, how come Palin has NEVER shown ACTUAL cleavage? Oh, the old Boner men are going to be so disappointed when they find out the tits came from Victoria Secret!

  56. Gee Gryphen, I was wishing for a moment that I had a penis so I could watch it shrink and recede back into my nether regions in answer to your question.

    Wouldn't be fair tho as the mere sight of this unappealing woman's face, let alone the sound of her voice, has made me nauseous from the first moment I saw her. Tacky, cheap, fake and evil to her core. Gag.

  57. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Isn't that Giuliani in a wig?

  58. Old white republican men? How desparate is that? Really? I would not call sarah extreme, but average at best. And really? After popping out 4 great could that body be? Any one can look good with the right clothing and attention. Way way way over rated and mental.

  59. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Yes, I am looking forward to watching Sarah Palin run for President of the United Stats. I can't wait to see her tax returns from the last couple of years. I can't wait to see her authentic, real medical history, not the fake note from her BFF doctor. We all want to see Trig's birth certificate. We want to hear how Sarah "progressed" Alaska since she quit her job as governor. (How much did that cost the state?) It will be fun to watch Sarah dodge debate questions, avoid interviews while her opponent makes himself available to every form of media. Sarah will keep harping on the vetting thing, which really is an issue that should bite her in the ass. Her opponent will have a record of catching world terrorists and restoring the economy. Best of all, Bristol will have a full time job trolling all of the internet sites. Trig might be a little heavy for Sarah to lug around on the campaign trail, but there is still time for Sarah to announce another surprise pregnancy. The baby should arrive right before the convention. That's show business!

  60. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Speaking of NOT hot, white, uptight males on the campaign trail...

    and then there's our awesome Prez:

  61. Anonymous6:15 PM

    She's the most sexist woman I've ever seen.

    Next to the picture shown, you should have the pic of her totally flat chested so everyone can see just how fake she is. It's the one of her in Hawaii talking on a cell phone wearing a gray t-shirt. You compared the pregnancy pics the other day for us to look at. Add the Hawaii pic here too!


  62. I was looking at some of the wasilly beauty contest photos of her and wow? she looked like a hillbilly then and now she looks like an old hillbilly. The woman does not realize that she is just another face in the crowd. Nothing special. When ya look into her eyes.....its empty. Rapture witch at best

  63. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I don't know how any man can call her 'sensual'. She isn't feminine at all. She has this harder, frontier-buffalo-gal-king of demeanor, talking tough to impress the guys, chewing on a wad of tobacco kind-of-demeanor, showing that she's tougher than any man.

    And, she never seems to be alone with her mother. They never seem to have any kind of relationship. Sarah likes to portray herself to enjoy being around men, like, hunting with dad and his friends.

    1. Anonymous5:08 AM

      To me, using the word sensual to describe her implies there's a femininity about her and there really is nothing feminine (other than her physical anatomy) about Sarah Palin. She is a wolf in sheep's clothing and women like her absolutely disgust me! She's not a good mom or wife, otherwise her family wouldn't be in constant chaos as it so apparently is. Sucks to be you Sarah!

  64. For those who are upset that this post got a little raunchy, welcome to the world of men. How do you REALLY think Palin was described by the Republican men when their wives and children were out of earshot?

    I could have chosen to soften the language, but why?

    This is an adult blog, for adults to have adult conversations about sometimes uncomfortable subjects.

    What I described above is unarguably accurate if you simply examine the evidence.

    If you are disgusted by that, join the club. I am also disgusted that the GOP actually chose a person that was going to be one 72 year old heartbeat away from the White House on the criteria I described above.

    That is how you choose a drunken hook-up, NOT a vice presidential candidate!

    1. Olivia6:56 PM

      Don't ever back down, Mr. G. You are spot on.

      I have no doubt that if McCain had won, he would have been dead in less than a year. Sarah Palin was running for POTUS, not VP. There is no way a cancer ridden, doddering old fool would ever stand in her way.
      LOVE it that a beautiful, intelligent, educated, effective BLACK man who has a lovely wife and family are in their rightful place leading our country.

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012!

    2. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Guess we were supposed to forget that one of her BIG selling points was she was hot. And Hillary was not.

      Replay from September 2008.

      All the Republicans were drooling.
      Karl Rove, Rush, Juan Williams, Beck, Newt. All in this 30 second compilation.

      Let's remind them that this sagging screeching battleax got their libidos in a uproar when they were thinking she was the next vice president. Don't like it? Tough.

    3. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Gryphen, you tell it like it is. Your style is great, and we will keep coming back.

    4. Sarah would've pushed down the stairs before the Fourth of July!

    5. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Gryph, you are spot on. What you posted is the truth. I remember being at a party a couple years ago where we were discussing Palin. It was a mixed bunch - conservatives and Democrats. The women all thought she was stupid. The men agreed that she was stupid, but all acted like a bunch of horny teenaged boys talking about how hot she was and they'd fuck her. They really did not see her as leader. They saw her as a pin-up girl.

    6. Remember that Fatwah on the Pakistani President for flirting with Palin?
      Even when she sat down, she hiked up her skirt a bit. She just can't help herself.

    7. An European viewpoint4:30 AM

      As a woman, I thank you Gryphen for using those accurate words in describing the effects on men of someone who used her sexual appeal to have a career. Disgusting as it is, thanks for calling a spade a spade.

      I still can't get over her "helllooooo" to the fake Sarkozy - that's a pro come hither voice if I ever heard one.

      Every woman who uses sex to sell herself is letting her entire gender down. We females should not make males feel like we have to prostitute ourselves to get ahead in a world dominated by men - we are equal humans, not sex toys.

  65. Anonymous6:49 PM

    A VERY chilling post by Geoffrey Dunne:

    Let's stop this insanity once and for all, because I do NOT want this mentally unstable wench NEAR the White House, let alone IN the White House, with the Nuclear Codes at her beck and call! Can you imagine Toad running his international sex trafficking from the White House? It would be officially sanctioned...

    1. Very chilling. She is the worst demagogue to show up on the national stage in a very long time. Absolutely the rock bottom offering.

    2. The closest Palin will get to The White House... is looking at a spread in the Encyclopedia Britannica. Of course she might have some trouble finding it, because she's looked under:
      a) I can win
      b) Maverick Building
      c) Paul Reveres Swinger Pad
      d) Ronald Reagan Estates
      Nope not there...

  66. Anonymous6:52 PM

    and Gryphen how do you know exactly what Republican men were thinking?

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      They were all drooling over Sally Word Salad.

      Newt, Rush, Beck, Juan Williams, Karl Rove all in this 30 sec clip.

    2. Anonymous7:40 PM

      I'm so sure Gryphen has never met a republican man in Alaska who's familiar with Sarah Palin! Do you think he lives under a rock?

  67. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Let's not concentrate on her looks - PLEASE!!! - let's concentrate on the task at hand of getting her and her pimping sex trafficking husband into JAIL, and as far away as humanly possible from the White House! PLEASE!!!

  68. Anonymous7:06 PM

    If she does get the nomination at a brokered convention, then she does NOT need to show her medical or financial records, and she does NOT need to debate president Obama.

    She is DEFINITELY running a VERY unconventional campaign, but she IS running!

    1. Anonymous8:44 PM

      ??? She would still have to be checked out by the Secret Service. Why would she not have to debate President Obama? It is STUPID to think that all she has to do is get nominated at a Brokered Convention and she could walk into the WHITEHOUSE. The GOOD OLD BOYS would never let her STEAL the nomination. They will expose all of her DIRTY LAUNDRY prior to the RNC. Sarah Palin has zero chance, KEEP DREAMING.

    2. Anonymous10:27 PM

      McCain might even expose her if she gets too close.

    3. Anonymous10:44 PM

      Palin would use the excuse that she challenged Pres Obama to a debate on her Facebook and he didn't respond, so she doesn't have to debate him. You know-"I asked him to debate and he wouldn't, so I see no reason to debate him now." I bet that is her plan behind that little challenge-besides the fact that she knew he wouldn't respond.

    4. Anonymous10:54 PM

      Palin would use the excuse that she challenged Pres Obama to a debate on her Facebook and he didn't respond, so she doesn't have to debate him. You know-"I asked him to debate and he wouldn't, so I see no reason to debate him now." I bet that is her plan behind that little challenge-besides the fact that she knew he wouldn't respond.

    5. Anonymous12:08 AM

      But, as President, she'll have to disclose her financials and tax returns, and release a yearly medical evaluation, done by a military doctor. It's the law.
      If she's lied, she can be impeached. If she's broken the law, she can be jailed.
      Really unconventional -- until she has to live by the same rules as everyone else.

    6. hauksdottir2:32 AM

      I'd even bet that Franklin Graham would show up for breakfast (after all his Daddy advised so many presidents), and they would all pray over it... just like those cardinals choosing a new pope listen for God's voice in their heart.

    7. AKinPA10:17 AM

      Do you really think Mitt (Come on guys it's MY turn) Romney would let Idiot Palin become the nominee? Not to mention the handful of Republicans in power who still have some self respect.

      And why wouldn't she have to debate? There have been televised debates since 1960. There would be no excuse for breaking that tradition. Besides she's too un-self-aware to realize she would make a fool of herself in a debate with the President. She'd probably think she'd emerge victorious in a debate.

  69. Anonymous7:10 PM

    if you ask me,, not only is the mcain staff to blame for dredging her out, but once she found out how unqualified she was,, she should have backed out.
    but her ego would not allow it.

    bill in belize

    1. McGovern dumped Eagleton; there's no reason McCain couldn't have eased her on out.

    2. Anonymous12:35 PM

      9:18, that's exactly exactly why McCain couldn't ease Palin out. McGovern's campaign never recovered from dumping Eagleton (not that McGovern had a chance anyway but still...).

  70. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Gryphen, you hit the nail on the head when you described the adolescent behavior of the horny old men who were willing to disregard all of Palin's obvious deficits in mental intelligence and moral integrity. It's still frightening to contemplate just how close she came to become even VP, which would have placed her a 72-year-old heartbeat from the presidency. She's nearly 50 now, and she has not matured in terms of political growth or her self-image. There are a lot of very attractive women nearly 50 as well as 50 and older, who dress and carry themselves with age-appropriate dignity. Simple Sarah is not one of them.

  71. Anita Winecooler8:43 PM

    Oh, Gryphen - you've outdone yourself! The photos are priceless!

    I have to say that Senator Spector was one republican I always respected. He helped me with a zoning issue when Ed Rendell couldn't/wouldn't.

    After reading that, my respect has diminished quite a bit.

    I woudn't know, but I doubt those blue pills would help the poor penis in your post.

    1. Anonymous10:53 PM

      Did they ever find out if they solved that fire case at Palin's church? She spoke of "accelerent" in her (recently released emails around 12/13 and 14) before anyone else released that info around 12/15. It just seems odd.

  72. Anonymous12:05 AM

    I love the last photo. I always think of a donkey braying. Hee Haw. Hee Haw!

  73. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Nothing like using sex to screw your way to the top. If anyone doesn't think she hasn't done this, I have a few bridges in AK to sell you.

    Palin's attitude toward other women? Fuck sisterhood--I'm all for myself.

  74. The Abu Gharib fall "guy", former US Army Brigadier General Janis L. Karpinski summed up Sarah Palin appeal succinctly:

    There is something almost sinister in Palin's attempts to seduce the voting public. She has a "come hither" look all of the time, and dares anyone, men or women, but especially men, to approach her or challenge her....

    She uses her sexuality, and men's vulnerability, to intimidate them and expose their weaknesses...

    She encourages men and women to be drawn first to the sexuality and beauty of a woman before making a decision about her credibility, intelligence and leadership.

  75. That Newsweek "spread" was an insult to every intelligent, well-intended, conscientious woman at whatever elected level, of either party, who has worked hard to learn and educate herself to make the best decisions she can for her constituents.

    To keep herself in the news and remind people that she could be a presidential contender, that vacant-headed dunce thought that all she had to do was stand around in the woods looking well, vacant?

    An article about any credible future candidate, male or female, would have shown pics of them at board meetings for their favorite foundations, working hard at their current career or job, participating in civic betterment activities, etc.

    She had nothing to show for herself. Nothing. Because she is nothing.

    And what a crappy photographer not to understand how to present his subject in the most appropriate setting for what she was attempting to convey. Oh, wait a minute...

  76. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Ask Marylin Blackburn and the citizens of Alaska if they thought she was so hot back in 1984 when she was DEFEATED in the Ms. Alaska Beauty contest. She used her flute back then, as a phallic symbol to seduce the judges, but it did not work. Today the BITCH just looks downright Nasty. Toad, does she even wash her ass, or is your preference for the skanky whores?

  77. Good picture you chose: mouth open, teeth exposed like a rat's, inviting an insertion, only to bite it off once she has it down deep. She's like a venus fly trap, enticing with the only thing she has, sexual spunk.

  78. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Yes. Post her flat in a grey loose T in Hawaii. or flat in white in Iowa. She has tiny boobs, but when she wears the Belmont boobs she sticks out her chest, in that see what I've got way.

    The first man I ran into who said he loved Palin, was a fat pauchy man with his obese and homely wife. He said Palin was his pinup girl. And his wife nodded. I didn't know them, this was at a YMCA pool. I shuddered because THIS was her constituancy. Flabby and stupid.

  79. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Ewww, Gryphen!

  80. Gasman10:23 AM

    Sarah Palin: Queen of the dirty old GOP man boner brigade.

  81. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Oh how impious and usual.

  82. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Mitt won't let her run. He hired Steve, and Steve definitely has a truckload of oppo on her. Don't think he won't use Triggergate, either.

  83. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I can't stand Sarah Palin. But when you say she is the least qualified vp candidate of all time, you are guilty of the same mysogynism as those you criticize. Surely Dan Quayle, the man who actually became vp, was every bit as unqualified as she was!


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