Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Julianne Moore discusses Game Change on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.


  1. Anonymous5:57 AM

    OK, just for the record:
    That is NOT and Idaho accent.
    I live in Sandpoint (birthplace of WGE) and No one---let me repeat---NO ONE talks like Palin. I have never heard anyone here with that strange sort of speech pattern.
    And if it came from Creepy Chuck, I don't think he is native to Idaho anyway. Although his picture is up at the High School in the commons and I crack up laughing every time I go by it at one of my kids' school activities.
    Didn't the Heath's move to Idaho when Chuckles was an early teen? All I can say is that accent didn't originate here.

    1. Dinty6:50 AM

      All I can say is when I hear the accent, I think of this:

    2. Anonymous6:57 AM

      Why is his photo up at the High School?

    3. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Sarah's sisters have a northern accent, a lesser version of Fargo.

    4. Anonymous8:36 AM

      If you listen to the YouTube of her early sportscasting, SHE herself did not speak with the accent. It's something she has made up to sound distinctive and cute (like some high school girls do).

    5. "Baldy's sisters"?? Baldy has sisters?? Oh that's right...Heather who had to beg her sister to not de-fund "special needs" funding and took in her pregnant daughter and raises Piper...and the infamous Molly...of the let-Baldy-fuck-Glenn-Rice-in- her-dorm-room.....THAT Molly!

    6. Anonymous8:57 AM

      $arah's accent was apparently latent, and appeared in 2008.

    7. Anonymous9:24 AM

      like everything else about $carah the accent is totally fraudulent...
      i'd realllly like for her to just up and choke on her snot today, be fukin' done with it, ala breitbart

    8. Anonymous11:20 AM

      Hi, OP here.
      Chuckles has his picture up in the High School wall of fame for sports. It says "Chuck Heath, Class of 1956. Football, Basketball, and Track" (I have a picture on my phone...not sure why, but I took a picture of his picture and haven't deleted it yet).
      We were at the High School this winter and I told my 10 year old daughter to look at the picture (not telling her who it was) and her immediate response was, "He looks creepy!" I nearly died laughing and told her they call him Creepy Chuck.

    9. Anonymous3:54 PM

      As another person born and raised in Sandpoint, Idaho, I must agree that the accent is NOT Idaho. No one I know speaks even vaguely like Palin. I'm really not sure where Moore came up with this silly idea.

  2. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Here's a little roundup of recent articles on Game Change and Julia:

    'Game Change’ with Julianne Moore doesn’t always flatter Sarah Palin, but its goal isn’t to skewer her

    A Minute With: Julianne Moore on being Sarah Palin,0,4438944.story

    The real problem with Sarah Palin

    Julianne Moore's Game Change

    Actress taking flak from Sarah Palin supporters for made-for-TV movie

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      So, they held back telling the truth about Palin as not to skewer her? Then it is not a movie of total truth. I will pass on viewing it.

  3. Anonymous6:02 AM

    With a single tweet Sarah forced Maher to defend Limbaugh.

    The squishy little cunt ran for cover after Sarah took him down.


    1. Anonymous6:34 AM your dreams

    2. Anonymous6:47 AM

      Naww, it's more like the boys' club sticks together. Rush made fun of Sarah too, when he baited her by repeating the word "retard" after she criticized Rahm Emmanuel for using it. You surely must recall Sarah's reaction to being baited by Rush. The squishy little cunt ran for cover and sputtered that when Rush used it, it was "satire." Yeah, right. Only because Sarah was terrified of being ripped by Rush if she criticized him.

      Oh and get back to us when Obama returns Bill's $1M.

    3. Marleycat7:06 AM

      Is that you, Todd - only a man who likes rent-boys would refer to another man as a "squishy little cunt". Sorry, but women just don't do that. I think the comment should be re-directed at Sarah, your wife. She is a woman, and, well, she is a . . . . ! Your words, not mine.

    4. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Thanks for revealing the way the Palin family speaks to each other at home. Sick nasty troll.

    5. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Willow has a dirty mouth.

    6. Anonymous8:11 AM

      Your statement is typical of one made by a mentally ill narcissist. Bill doesn't care about Sarah. Defending Rush had nothing to do with Sarah. Only a very sick mind would put the two together.
      You really are giving Sarah power she doesn't possess. And squishy cunt? To describe a man? You are off your rocket and very deranged

    7. Anonymous8:25 AM

      BOYS WILL BE BOYS is all about you, TAWD. Also your BP EXECS RON DUNCAN, MIKE UTSLER, MAX EASLEY, DARYL LUO getting their HAPPY ENDINGS from your PROSTITUTION RING. More names are being exposed and Sarah's Energy Policy's with BP are directly involved. Get
      your Prison Garb ready, they will have much fun with your PURSE CARRYING A$$.

    8. Anonymous8:27 AM

      so do most people here ;)

    9. Anonymous8:30 AM

      I don't even understand what the original commenter is saying. This is what happens when ignorant people blog and comment.

      Anon 8:42, you need a life.

      Anon 8:52, you need to read some of the nasty and hateful things your fellow IM commenters say regularly.

      I am thankful you're all here and being productive citizens. We need none of you in society.

    10. Actually, I think Bill Maher is yanking Sarah Palin's chain, essentially AGREEING with her own defense of Rush Limbaugh and suggesting "liberals look bad by not accepting", setting up her having a like-minded position to Maher's own position.

      I'm sure he did it just to irk Palin even more than she's been since he called her a "cxnt".

      Speaking of, did you know Sarah Palin has a Jupiter/Neptune quincunx? An astrologer said so!

      Back to Maher and Limbaugh: The cherry on top is Maher's suggestion that "sponsor pullout" is "intimidation". Sponsor pullout is repudiation, not intimidation. Maher is mocking Palin and every other right wing knee-jerker.

    11. Don't you belong at the "urination"?
      Hey y'all, Hookergate by Shay Tripp! Yep Toadie loved to smell her Undies!
      I'd say sarah is the "squishy little cunt"!
      Oh and idiot4Palin...Fuck off! :)

    12. Anonymous9:35 AM

      9:30 AM:

      Nice try, troll. The original commenter was probably you. I’m so glad the HATEFUL Palins are here on this blog being unproductive, unemployed citizens, instead of destructive citizens living in the White House. Now, if only the Palins would do America a favor, and DROP OUT of society.

    13. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Sponsor pullout is the very definition of that "free market" thingy that all the "constitutional conservatives" are always goin' on about and claiming can "correct itself" when it goes off the tracks.

      It's funny how it's "intimidation" and "attack on 1st amendment rights" when it's applied to THEM...

  4. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Grifter Granny ,I hope you had your ears on . The movie was not intended to be about you . You just happened . thats all, nothing more .
    Get over yourself and move on please .

  5. Anonymous6:19 AM

    At the end though, Game Change is terrific television, superbly crafted by Danny Strong and director Jay Roach. (They also collaborated to make Recount, the HBO movie about the Florida election recount in the 2000 presidential election and the Bush v. Gore case in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.) What sympathy that emerges for Palin is organic. What the movie indicts is the system and the tactics that led to her elevation.

    You will be shocked by her ignorance, and appalled by her arrogance. You will be stunned by how close she came to a full-blown breakdown. You will need to remind yourself that it’s all true.

  6. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Sarah Palin is what she's always been: a cunning little vixen on the make. She manipulated her way into the mayor's office in Wasilla and then left that down hopelessly in debt. She manipulated herself into the Governor's office by backstabbing the previous Governor. She went on a spending spree as Veep candidate. Quit the Governor's office when the heat was turned up. And now travels the lower 48 spunging off gullible Republicans.

  7. Anonymous6:22 AM

    We used to laugh at chucky when he attempted to teach at Wasilla High, he thought it was complimentary, but it was his accent. Kids liked him for the jokes he told, not the things he was supposed to teach.

    I left the school when chucky thought it was funny to try and "talk like a native".

    Yeah, Mr Heath was so white trash. Thank God mom and dad moved us to Homer.

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      I would bet you're not even from Alaska. Your words paint you as someone who has no idea what you're talking about.

    2. Anonymous8:43 AM

      That's a lie.

    3. Anonymous10:02 AM

      It's all true! I'm a witness!

  8. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Contrast the way Julianne Moore carries herself during interviews like this, vs. Princess Dingbat and the flying monkeys. That tells you everything you need to know right there.

  9. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Mrs. Palin is both emblamatic, and symptomatic, of today's far right conservativism; it is incredible arrogance employed as the antidote to unbelievable ignorance. They will not tolerate any form of criticism, and they are utterly contemptuous of honest debate. They can't suffer any sort of loss personally but will go to extreme, almost ludicrous lengths to deflect their intellectual deficiencies onto someone...anyone...else, regardless of how much further damage it risks to themselves politically. Every conservative politician today fights the same losing battle; by refusing to face their own ideological shortcomings honestly they constrict themselves in an ever-diminishing range of policy options until their ideas and messages become so simplistic that no one save their most die-hard base can take them's a political movement that ultimately devours itself, as we are seeing. 'Fascism' is its ultimate death-throes, a vain (yet of course brutal and damaging to the state at large) attempt to support by force what can no longer be supported by logic.

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM


    2. most politicians on the right play the game.

      palin is different because she is as vile and uneducated as the far right extremists.

      and she is far more bizarre then even this movie Game Change could possible show.

      palin is protected by the enormity of how bizarre she really is.
      no one believes it if you tell them but these insiders saw some of it for themselves.
      thats why my bet is most people will come away from watching this movie remembering 2 things: first her laying on the floor in some sort of a breakdown and most importantly they will remember that McCain's own people wondered if "she may be mentally unstable".

    3. Betsy S8:20 AM

      Wonderful comment, Anon 7:22. Thank you.

    4. Anonymous8:25 AM

      So, what say you about all the liberals who believe being wealthy is a bad thing and live hypocritical lives when they attack republicans for things democrats are guilty of?

      You have no idea what you're talking about. There's a reason Gryphen posts none of Obama's lies, gaffes, and manipulations, even when all that is evident.


    5. Excellent comment!

    6. Anonymous8:52 AM

      LOL hello irony troll! Please tell me which "liberals" believe being wealthy is "a bad thing"? That's hysterical. It's also propoganda.

      But I understand that in the defective right wing brain, wanting those who control 80% of the nation's wealth to pay taxes is considered "class warfare".

      I know, I know, all those people struggling to hang on to what little they've got should just pimp their kids out to reality TV, right? It's the American way!

    7. Anonymous8:55 AM

      @9:25 am: So... by your standards, because they never mention all $arah's gaffes, lies and stupidity, Fox news is Propoganda just like we've always suspected. Thanks for clarifying that for us!

    8. AnonymousMar 7, 2012 09:25 AM

      STFU troll! You gotta a lot of nerve coming all up in Gryphen's house and shitting all over the furniture and vomiting incoherent babblings about PRESIDENT Obama!

      You're lucky you can post that shit here...because if any of us went to the crazy asylum that you obviously escaped from...we would be banned and have our email address published!

      So take your dirty draws and your bullshit and go back to "Crazies4Palin" and tell them that your medication has worn off and you need another inoculation troll!

    9. What the hell are you talking about, Anon@ 9:25AM? You're incredibly stupid or brainwashed if you really believe WE believe "being wealthy is a bad thing".

      No, we believe, as did Jesus Christ, it's what one DOES with their wealth is most important. From the comments and behavior of most right wingers here and on other blogs, they don't seem to be followers of Jesus Christ, only Mammon. They're Pharisees.

      And if you revel in reading over and over "Obama's gaffes" like 57 states, corpsman, etc., go to some right wing nutjob's blog, where you'll find real propaganda.

      You surely don't believe Gryphen is obligated to be like a right wing nutjob, do you?

    10. Anonymous9:32 AM

      AnonymousMar 7, 2012 09:25 AM

      So, what say you about all the liberals who believe being wealthy is a bad thing and live hypocritical lives when they attack republicans for things democrats are guilty of?

      You have no idea what you're talking about. There's a reason Gryphen posts none of Obama's lies, gaffes, and manipulations, even when all that is evident.

      What GinaM said Troll...
      Ummmm speaking of wealthy & propaganda, do you know who raised the taxes on the oil companies in AK? Palin.
      You've Swallowed the queens propaganda hook line and sinker...especially about "Game Change"! Do yourself a favor and READ! You might find some truth if you read something besides Palin's lies and listen to something other than fox noise.
      And Get the fuck out of Gryphens house!
      I wish he would delete your troll comments like You do to us.
      But we believe in Freedoms! Yes unlike your grifter queen.
      Hey have you seen Toad lately?
      You know Toad of the Prostitution ring? Hookergate?

    11. Anonymous9:58 AM

      9:25 AM

      Um, stupid troll: Most Liberals don’t think wealth is a bad thing. The Roosevelts were wealthy, and so are the Kennedys. There are a lot of wealthy liberals. Liberals don’t like it when the wealthy get rich off the backs of others. It’s about fairness, something republicans (who hate the poor, and middle class) know nothing about.

      “There's a reason Gryphen posts none of Obama's lies, gaffes, and manipulations, even when all that is evident.” -TROLL PROPAGANDA!

      It’s because Gryphen is a democrat, stupid. If you don’t want to read posts about any of $arah Palin’s lies, gaffes, and manipulations, even when it’s all evident, go back to the SEA OF PEE, where you came from!

      Please tell us about President Obama’s terrible “lies,” RECENT GAFFES, (not stupid non-gaffes from 4 years ago) and “manipulations.” And, please provide PROOF, not PROPAGANDA from some right-wing site. If not, you know what to do: STFU!

  10. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Too bad Moore worked so much on the accent and utterly missed the sociopath aspect of Palin's problems.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      It's pretty obvious how Moore feels about Palin if you can separate yourself from wanting her to tear Palin apart. Just in this interview, her expression and tone when she - basically - says that Palin's accent is fake, says it all.

    2. Anonymous10:01 AM

      It is fake. Listen to audio from her mayor and sportscaster days.

    3. Anonymous11:15 AM

      "It's pretty obvious how Moore feels about "

      Yes it is: Pity and slight amusement.

  11. Anonymous6:55 AM

    WOW! Every site I'm going to this morning has an autorun video of 'Game Change' trailer running...I mean their ad campaign is BLANKETING the's making me absolutely GIDDY with anticipation!

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Thank you for pointing that out!

  12. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I was dismayed to hear (in some other interview) that in the effort to do a "balanced" portrayal of SP, there's some kind of happy ending aspect that they did not reveal in the interview, but my sense was that it's something like SP saying "I've finally found my voice," or "now I know who I am," or "I'm going to be true to me now." I sure hope that is not the ending, because we see where that got her: crosshairs, blood libel, misstating Paul Revere's story, wigs and "work," and much more.

    There IS no uplifting end to this story -- I sure hope the movie doesn't invent one. And clearly no one cares about that HOAX that is the crowning jewel of SP's lying and dishonesty.

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      She has inspired a number of young people to speak out against the evils of big government. That's uplifting.

    2. Anonymous8:48 AM

      And she's inspired some hilarious comedy! THAT'S uplifting!

    3. AnonymousMar 7, 2012 09:23 AM

      She has inspired a number of young people to speak out against the evils of big government. That's uplifting.

      Yep...old Baldy has "inspired a number of young people" Jared Loughner!

      Baldy can NEVER run from the murder of 6 people including a little girl who was the same age as Piper! That's how Baldy "inspires" troll! She owns that shit!

    4. Anonymous9:40 AM

      I think the best SP will be able to do on the "uplifting ending" front is her next gig as a tele-evangelist: "Ah have sinnnned! Ah have sinnnnned" "Ah have repented, and so can yeeeewwww!" (and please send your $ for my ministry ASAP)

      She would be so good at that. In the tradition of a long line of such people. Good money-maker, that line of work.

    5. Anonymous9:45 AM

      AnonymousMar 7, 2012 09:23 AM

      She has inspired a number of young people to speak out against the evils of big government. That's uplifting.
      Sarahpalin grew Gov in Alaska like no other! She even made up positions for family friends! She is BIG GOV you nitwit!
      "Abundance Management" for Correy "the Gopher choker" Rossi She Taxed Big OIL the most!

    6. Since the movie only covers the "60 days of the campaign ending at the election", the uplifting end is that McCain/Palin lost. Didn't end her reign of terror on the country but at least she's not sitting in DC. That's a biggie.

    7. Anonymous10:09 AM

      9:23 AM

      WRONG! She’s inspired hatred, and racist, angry old farts (who had no problem with the imaginary “evils” of big government when the white republican president was doing it!) to lash out hysterically at the black president. That crap is only uplifting to a small number of racists. But, DIVISIVE to the majority of the country.

    8. Geoffry Dunn says:

      Near the end of the film, Schmidt emotionally apologizes to McCain: "I'm so sorry that I suggested her."

      (Heh heh.)

  13. From JadeZ, here is the entire story, from day one to right this minute, and the single reason why no one in their right mind would ever speak directly for the public record about anything related to Sarah Palin:

    "palin is protected by the enormity of how bizarre she really is."

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      So true! THAT is how a sitting Governor got away with PRETENDING TO BE PREGNANT. It's kraaaaaazy!

    2. Anonymous8:47 AM

      It's the "big lie" concept invented by Goebels. Tell a lie so audatious that nobody could believe anyone would be so insane as to lie about something like that. Unfortunately for $arah, the pics don't lie and the accompanying video footage proves they're not photoshopped.

      Sorry $arah, but that was the most feeble attempt at faking a pregnancy ever. You're SO not as smart as you think.

    3. Anonymous11:25 AM

      And she makes money off her bizarre reality... going "rogue" and all...

  14. Anonymous7:15 AM

    How's Willow's pregnancy going? When's the due date?

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      How's that slander and being an asshole workin for ya?

    2. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Willow? Is that you?

    3. AnonymousMar 7, 2012 09:22 AM

      How's that slander and being an asshole workin for ya?

      Oh SNAP! Beefy or Wallow don't like this at ALL!

      Ladies...Ladies....calm need to get your selves worked up into a sweaty lather on a blog!

      Time will tell if Wallow drops her need to throw words around that you have no idea what the meanings are...see if you had stayed in school you would understand the difference between LIBEL and SLANDER!

    4. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Willow is on lockdown and out of public view.
      Sarah Fakes Pregnancy, her Daughters can't.
      They have been too Promiscuous. Toad's Prostitution Ring placed an aura of SEX all over the Palin Compound. Toad is MUTE on the subject of the Prostitution Ring and his Co-workers are being exposed.

    5. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Palin Troll is pretty busy today.

      How's that obsessing over anonymous comments that don't amount to anything or affect Sarah's bank account work out for you?

    6. Anonymous10:11 AM

      9:22 AM:

      How’s it working out for YOU?

  15. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I am curious about Mrs. Palin's still saying her son is in combat? Is he? That is like a lie then isn't it? And no one asks. No one corrects her?

    1. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Didn't he just deploy to Afghanistan? He's been in the lower 48 for a couple months.

    2. Anonymous8:44 AM

      How does he have discharge papers if he's "deployed" anywhere?

    3. AnonymousMar 7, 2012 09:21 AM

      Didn't he just deploy to Afghanistan? He's been in the lower 48 for a couple months.

      REALLY?? I thought he was Head Security at the Palin compound...gotta keep the crazies away...or inside!

  16. Two Blue Jays7:29 AM

    Geoffrey Dunn has an outstanding post on HP this morning about Steve Schmidt and by extension, the movie. He nails it.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Yes - it is a very good article. She is getting pretty beat up on another article concerning her "tease" to run in 2012. Pathetic Repubs/TP'ers. They have sunk so low that she can still appeal to them. She knows little more about national and international politics than she did 4 years ago. What she can do is memorize some phrases and talking points. The problem she has there, though, is she seems to get them mixed up and it seems she is not sure what phrase goes with which talking point. Always entertaining.
      Pat Padrnos

    2. Anonymous8:21 AM

      This is a man who quoted a woman in his Palin book who outright lied about teenage Sarah. Justsayin.

    3. mudkitten8:36 AM

      Agreed. Thanks for the link.

    4. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Right, because anyone who says something bad about the queen of methsilla MUST be lying! I'm with ya, sister!

    5. AnonymousMar 7, 2012 09:21 AM

      This is a man who quoted a woman in his Palin book who outright lied about teenage Sarah. Justsayin.

      *patting the little troll on it's pointy little head*

      There...there've said this so many times and STILL nobody gives a flying fuck about Baldy and her teenage crush on Curtis and getting throughly REJECTED!

      Which is why she's rampaging like a giant bald headed Wigzilla...blowing out fire and burning everything in her PATH! If only Curtis had given that wonky eye fool the time of day...Baldy might have ended up a different person....SIGH!

      Where's a time machine when you need it!

  17. lostinmn7:36 AM

    One of the interesting parts of Sara "accent" is the way it changes depending on her audience. It might be complimentary except in MN she put on the movie "Fargo" accent and didn't understand that the Coen brothers put that in there to pimp the way people outside of MN think we talk. There might be a few old timers up in the sticks who still talk like that but even out in the woods people chuckle when someone talks like that. The only time you hear that accent these days is when someone is telling an Ole and Lena joke. The minute she came out on stage in St. Paul and started talking like she was on the set of Fargo I tuned her out as a fraud. Too bad not enough people saw that part of her early enough

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Like how Obama puts on his MLK "accent" for certain crowds?

    2. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Hopefully he'll mandate carpal tunnel coverage in Obamacare so you trolls don't end up all crippled.

    3. Anonymous9:02 AM

      You are a racist.

    4. Anonymous9:14 AM


    5. Anonymous9:16 AM

      oh willer, bartles, saree,

    6. AnonymousMar 7, 2012 09:20 AM

      Like how Obama puts on his MLK "accent" for certain crowds?

      Umm...troll...try to keep up....

      *speaking slowly*

      T H E C O M M E N T W A S A B O U T....Baldy Palin!

      Not the man Baldy has been having sexual fantasies about for the last four years! No need to be mad because President Obama doesn't give old Baldy the time of day! And her constant Glen(opps...did I say in Glenn Rice..HeHe) Close/Fatal Attraction antics will not change that! LOL!!

    7. Anonymous10:20 AM

      9:20 AM

      President Obama puts on his MLK “accent” for all crowds, you racist asshole, which is a GOOD THING. Because like MLK, our president is an wonderful orator, unlike $arah Palin who speaks in word salad, and “hickanese” for certain inbred crowds.

    8. lostinmn11:01 AM

      If baldy knew or had even met people from MN I might give her a pass. We often blend into our conversation local dialect when we travel to certain parts of the country but the dialect Palin foisted on the country from the stage in St. Paul was not MN dialect - that was my point. She came here thinking we all talked like Francis McDormand - and we don't. Obama? I don't know what you mean about the MLK dialect but like most of us he probably has a dialect when he's among certain groups and another when he's more formal. In contrast? Sara sounds like a hick no matter where she is. And that hick Fargo chatter went away almost as fast as she left MN with her ill gotten clothing booty.

    9. Anonymous11:37 AM

      "Like how Obama puts on his MLK "accent" for certain crowds?"
      Wow. You are a racist too troll? MLK didn't have an "accent".

  18. On your bright, chilly Sunday morning you may be able to hear the shrieks from the banks of Lake Wassilly-billy where the last gasp of the Flying Monkey Matriarchy come tumbling down around their ears... Not all the details but enough to insure that everyone with an IQ greater than a cheeseburger knows the details of the long, deep mental illness that the Monkey Queen has rained down on your state and all of mankind.

    What was that song at the beginning of the Wizard movie way back when.... "Ding dong the witch is dead"..... Har... Har.... Har.....

  19. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Please, Gryphen, please post an in-depth review of Game Change, even if you have to record it and watch it twice (sorry!) Some of us are unable to get HBO. Thanks.

  20. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Why did Bristol name her son after Shailey? That's weird!

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      What's weird is people saying this despite Bristol having no idea who Shailey is.

    2. Anonymous8:36 AM

      That's even sadder if true (which it isn't since Brisol has a google alert for her own name).

      Shailey Tripp is (one of) the woman Todd Palin used to pay for sex and pimp out to his buddies.

    3. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Wow! You must be psychic to be able to see into Bristol's mind and know who she's never heard of! Can you tell me this week's lotto numbers?

    4. Anonymous9:05 AM

      So it's just a complete coincidence? While I suppose that is possible, it sure seems unlikely . . . .

    5. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Apparently Levi knows who Shailey is.

      These naming coincidences are tiresome. A grnadson named after grandpappy's prostitute and another claimed kid named after his medical condition Tri-G . I mean really, what are the chances this is just a coinky-dink in a family that doesn't believe in coinky dinks??

    6. AnonymousMar 7, 2012 09:19 AM

      Beefy...stop playing! You know exactly WHO Shailey is...remember when you and Levi was in the shower after doing the do...he told you about your daddy coming out of Shailey's place...remember that Beefy?

    7. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Well know what Sarah says "there are no coinkydinks"!!!
      BTW fun factoid for all you Trolls, Shay was inspired by Sarah's "Boys will be Boys" quote and that's why she named her book, That!
      So the question about Bristol naming Tripp after his fave prostitute...well HELLO!

    8. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Lotta "coincidences" in that family... Down's baby accidentally named after Trisomy-G... other baby accidentally named the same as former prostitute implicating Todd... it's amazing!

    9. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Now that the origin of Tri-G has been revealed to the Palins (if he really was named for an uncle, a gun, or a twig, which they misspelled), it was not, and still isn't, too late to change his name to something more appropriate.
      The same with Tripp. He'll know about his grandfather's business, even if his mother claims she didn't. What was the origin of "Tripp"? And why not change his name slightly -- it's not too late -- to something without any crude overtones? Do him a big favor.

    10. Anonymous10:25 AM

      9:19 AM,9:40 AM:

      Sure, troll. I believe you. Not. Tripp is still named after his grandfather’s prostitute. Inquiring minds want to know why/how that happened.

  21. Anonymous7:48 AM

    The person playing Todd did not come close to his pip squeak voice.. or the evil eyes.

    Movie needs a scene showing Todd sniffing hooker panties... then it would be more factual.

  22. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Sarah Palin stole Bristol's first born baby, named him Tri-G and faked a pregnancy for political purposes. Baby-obsessed Bristol was so upset about this she immediately got pregnant and named the kid after Shailey to get sarah wee-wee'd up. Case Closed.

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      What are you talking about? For starters, Bristol would have to know who Shailey is and Levi would have had to have that Todd confrontation BEFORE Tripp's birth and naming, not after.

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Why do people hyphenate Trig's name? He is named after a relative. PROVEN by those who know what they're talking about.

    3. Anonymous8:37 AM

      The Palins have ANOTHER relative named after Trisomy-G? That's just sad and weird. What's wrong with those people?

    4. Anonymous8:48 AM

      "Proven"? Please show me the family tree that has a relative named "Trig." Show us.

    5. Anonymous9:09 AM

      True. And the facts to prove it are about to come tumbling out from where they've been hidden. Money doesn't buy silence forever, and and even the most dysfunctional family can't keep secrets forever.

    6. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Dear old uncle Trygve???
      Then name the kid Trygve. Or Tryg. But certainly not Tri-G which is the medical term for Down Syndrome, Trisomy 21 or Trisomy G. Boy are you late to the show. Pubmed is your friend. Look up how the chromosome 21 is also known as chromosome G and Trisomy G is another name for Down syndrome. Where oh where is dear old Uncle Trygve? What sort of relationship does he have with the Palins? Why was he chosen to be the namesake? I think this is on of those things Sarah read as a gift from god. Trygve means Brave Victory in old Norse. I'll say I named him after dear old uncle Trygve since me taking on a retarded kid really can hep me get a brave victory as the VP . Weeeee!!!! But, chuckle chuckle, I'll really name him retarded and the name will tell the story of how I became VP.
      She is one sick fuck people. Face it. You can't spin it any other way.
      So, to sum up:
      Please please please show me some proof of uncle Trygve and how he is so special to the Palins. And after you do, you still have the IMPOSSIBLE task of explaining WHY Sarah, who now has to know that Tri-G means retarded, doesn't apologize to all the hundreds of thousands who are appalled, disgusted, sickened by the naming gaffe.
      Still waiting.

    7. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Remember when Sarah spoke to the NRA she said she named Tri-G for a gun Trigger. If she speaks to some math teachers, she'll say she named him for trigonometry, her favorite class. If she speaks to some doctors, she'll say she named him trig for triglycerides, to remind people to be "heart healthy". Sarah panders to whatever group she is with.

    8. AnonymousMar 7, 2012 09:18 AM

      What are you talking about? For starters, Bristol would have to know who Shailey is and Levi would have had to have that Todd confrontation BEFORE Tripp's birth and naming, not after.

      AnonymousMar 7, 2012 09:19 AM

      Why do people hyphenate Trig's name? He is named after a relative. PROVEN by those who know what they're talking about.

      Oh're getting a little upset there Beefy! You can always just ASK your daddy who Shailey the mean time....


    9. Anonymous9:57 AM

      AnonymousMar 7, 2012 09:18 AM

      What are you talking about? For starters, Bristol would have to know who Shailey is and Levi would have had to have that Todd confrontation BEFORE Tripp's birth and naming, not after.
      You know someone posted here a while back that the Toad came into AK DMV and got personalized license plates in Mar 2008 saying TRIPP!
      Now that was:
      Before Bristol was preggo (according to the "offical story")
      Shay say's Toad would buy her "gifts"
      Now said plates are on Beefy's truck?
      Hmmmm what a coincidence!

    10. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Hey, trolls: You don’t sound so confident, today. You were oozing confidence yesterday, about Palin being “vindicated,” and Gryphen’s “lies” being proven false, (not true). What happened? Not that I care…

    11. Anonymous10:51 AM

      We are assuming that Bristol WANTED to have another baby...that's Bristol's story line and it seems to have stuck. HOWEVER, it is just as likely that her second pregancy was also unplanned. She did have a reputation back then - she even called herself a "slut."

    12. Anonymous10:54 AM

      The Palins h ave all exhibited "passive aggressive" behavior not only to others outside the family but inside the family in particular.

      Todd giving Sarah a BIG ICE SCREW for Christmas? It wouldn't purprise me that Todd suggested Bristol name her son Tripp just to get to Sarah.

    13. Anonymous11:45 AM

      " Levi would have had to have that Todd confrontation BEFORE Tripp's birth and naming, not after."

      Wait....why? What does the "todd confrontation" have to do with any of this? I think you just gave away another little tidbit..thanks troll!

    14. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Wow I coulda had a V-8!!!!
      That is absolutely hysterical that Todd gave her an ice screw!! I never put two and two together when she was talking about the ice auger. Dumbass Sarah doesn't even get the joke either. I don't think panty sniffin Toad came up with the joke himself though. I think Track helped him lol!!

    15. Bristol's Real Chin11:52 AM

      Just ask the grifter-- there are no coincidences! Tripp is named Tripp for a reason.

  23. Anonymous7:55 AM

    3 Days Left!! Woo-hoo!! I cannot wait!

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Liberals defended Sarah against Joe M's trashy book. People from all corners are saying Game Change will vindicate her. Why are you excited?

    2. Anonymous8:37 AM

      9:17, why are you so upset, then? You're obviously commenting all over the place here. Something the matter?

    3. Anonymous8:37 AM

      People from all corners of your house on the dead lake?

    4. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Because we LOVE $arah! Thanks for asking!

    5. Anonymous9:12 AM

      How can Game Change vindicate Sarah when, by he own admission, it's based on a false narrative?

    6. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Watched it last night. Game Change did no vindicate her.

    7. AnonymousMar 7, 2012 09:17 AM

      Liberals defended Sarah against Joe M's trashy book. People from all corners are saying Game Change will vindicate her. Why are you excited?

      Dang Beefy! You are typing your sausage fingers down to the bone! Girl, you better pace yourself!

      Listen up...ain't it time for your morning break? Meet me outside by the "roach coach" and I'll buy you that greasy breakfast burrito that you love so much!

      I know you've worked up an appetite and you only been on duty for an hour!

      See...we "liberals" know how to feed the needy!

    8. Anonymous9:58 AM

      The REAL question is: if Game Change "vindicates" Paylin, then why are she and the attack botz in preemptive strike mode?

      9:17am = FAIL.

    9. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Only highly paid liberal millionaires who have a reputation to maintain about, and are afraid of being labeled as “biased,” “defended” $arah Palin. Yet, none of them defended Palin against Glen Rice’s admission that he did in fact fuck her! Hahahaha!

      There you go with your comprehension problems, again. Why are YOU excited? You sound as if you think “Game Change” is going to give $arah Palin’s fictional version of events; that the media (Katie Couric, etc.) edited videos to make her look stupid, that the media ganged up on her for no reason, the media manufactured a “caricature” of a fake $arah Palin, blah, blah, blah. That’s not what “Game Change” is about.

      People of all corners are not saying “Game Change” will “vindicate” $arah Palin. What they have been saying is, that some people may sympathize with her after seeing the movie, (I won’t) but they will still come away with the same impression: that $arah Palin really is ignorant, unqualified, in over her head, and possibly even mentally unstable. Some people may just feel sorry for a mentally unstable old hag. Vindicated? Not at all.

    10. Anonymous11:48 AM

      "Liberals defended Sarah against Joe M's trashy book. People from all corners are saying Game Change will vindicate her. Why are you excited?"
      Anon 8:55 here. I'm just excited about going to get my oil changed. Who said anything about "Game Change"? Guess we know what's on your mind. lol

  24. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Why haven't we seen a photo of Track and Britta plus their baby. Aren their photos? Are they married?

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      They're not public figures. Their business isn't your business. So leave them be. Kyla is beautiful and happy. Why do you care to see a picture of a random person's baby?

      Please read a grammar book while you're pining for the Palins. It will do you good.

    2. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Sadly, even if she is beautiful and happy she is still 25% Sarah Palin and that is a life sentence of horror.

    3. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Since you know so much troll @9:16
      How about telling us about The Toad's prostitution ring involving CEO's from GCI and BP and Sex trafficking?

    4. AnonymousMar 7, 2012 09:16 AM better take that back troll or your check is going to be short this week! Track is NOT a "random person"...he is HEAD of SECURITY at the Baldy Palin compound...and you best believe he is happy and proud to have that job!

    5. Anonymous10:10 AM

      I'll give Track one thing, he is not a grifter like Sarah or Bristol.

    6. Anonymous11:05 AM

      “Pining” for the Palins? Really? Oh, shut up! That’s one of the many reasons people can’t stand you Palins. You assholes are so full of yourselves. I wouldn’t be surprised the original comment was somewhat snark. You think you are so fucking clever. I’ve NEVER heard $arah Palin say the same thing about her MINOR children, and grandchildren (Trig, and Tripp). Tripp, a THREE year old is a public figure, thanks to his fame-whoring mother, (and grandmother) yet he is always thrust upon a public, who really couldn’t care less, and now his grifter mother has chosen to have the public “all up in his business,” with a t.v. show named after him. We’ll see who’s “pining” for the Palins, after Bri$tol’s t.v. show FAILS!

      Tell the Palins to read book, PERIOD. Any of ‘em. All of ‘em…

  25. aj billings8:11 AM

    Somewhat ON topic, check out Geoffrey Dunn's accurate and scathing article on Steve Schmidt's role in the 2008 elections, and his expose of Palin's incompetence, ignorance, fumbling of the VP slot.

  26. Anonymous8:14 AM

    This bitch is going to hell. People on foodstamps SHOULD FEEL ASHAMED in general, despite being in need. Though a large number of people aren't really in need, they're just lazy assholes.

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Gryphen, why do you moderate comments if you're going to let something like this through? Seriously.

    2. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Too bad you're wasting your amazing psychic powers trolling on blogs, you could probably be doing something meaningful right now.

    3. Anonymous9:03 AM

      I feel sorry for you. You are a very angry person.

    4. Anonymous9:40 AM

      This is a very strange comment. You make no sense whatsoever.
      Pat Padrnos

    5. Anonymous9:46 AM

      But, but, but... you don't know Julianne Moore personally, do you? How can you be so immature as to judge her when you have never met her? I am so confused!

    6. The REAL Welfare in this Country is CORPORATE Welfare. If you were the least bit educated in Civics, you'd know that. The fallacy of 'Welfare queens' driving Cadillacs is a total MYTH. And you are the one who should feel ashamed! Racist bigot. You would sign your name to this screed if you weren't such a coward.

    7. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Yea, those lazy people, they could be trolling for .25 a pop like you are!
      Hey do you get OT?

    8. AnonymousMar 7, 2012 09:14 AM

      This bitch is going to hell. People on foodstamps SHOULD FEEL ASHAMED in general, despite being in need. Though a large number of people aren't really in need, they're just lazy assholes.

      WTFunk!! Um....Beefy...ain't it a little early to be hitting the crackpipe? From the late and great Whitney Houston...

      "CRACK IS WACK"!

    9. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Oh My!

    10. Anonymous11:18 AM

      What bitch is going to hell? The lazy, fame-seeking bitch, who quit her job, and should be ashamed of herself, because many of her paint-chip eating fans are now probably on food stamps, after they gave away their grocery money, social security, so that $arah Palin, and her lazy asshole, unemployed (by choice), millionaire family live can off of it?

      Don’t worry, troll. You’re definitely going where Andrew Breitbart went. Drink plenty of water.

    11. Cracklin Charlie12:24 PM

      Thank you, DKey for saying what I wanted to say.

      I despise bullies that pick on poor people. Pick on someone your own size, bitch!

    12. You're welcome, CC! We Truth-seekers need to stick together. I love the old axiom that "there is no religion higher than Truth." Poor and defenseless people are always the target of the 1% and their minions, eh? Thanks for standing up for the oppressed. Have a lovely day, wherever you are!

    13. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Are you on foodstamps?

    14. Marleycat6:42 PM

      Well, we all know why the Palins don't need food stamps don't we Bristol - cause your Pimp Daddy is out raking in illegal $$$ buying and selling vulnerable rent boys and girls to feed you lying skanks, isn't that true, Bristol. Hundreds of thousands of $$$ buying and selling people to be used by pigs like himself, he had the 1st shot at them, then he turned them over for kinky, fetishist, brutal, psychotic sex with his "friends"- even if they didn't want to do it. He threatened, stalked, and forced compliance - so you could stuff your face with twinkies and pop babies out! Proud are you, Bristol, some of those human beings uswed by your father, Bristol, were probably on food stamps after he skimmed off more than he promised to pay - so he could have himself a good time pretending to be a manly man. He was sexing men, too, Bristol! Any self-respecting human being would choose food stamps over being a pimp profiting from other's suffering and debasement. Your attitude sickens me and I hope to see the day - soon - when you and your parents get your just desserts for the evil that you are!

  27. Game Change: "Unbelievably True".....Julianne Moore.

    Can't wait!

  28. Anonymous8:32 AM

    There is a scene between her and Track phoning her from Iraq - they have him in a tent with a helicopter revving up outside. They escalate a sense of urgency, that he has to go, can't way where he is and he's picking up a weapon. She yells, are you safe? And he says yes and good luck at the VP debate.

    Schmidt, who is already experiencing a strained relationship with Palin, asks her if she is okay?

    She says, "My son is safe. I'm good."

    So. . .he isn't a combat vet. He was a driver right? What is this scene? Is it really trying to portray him as on the fighting lines?

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      It's just more of the liberal smear machine's... oh, wait.

    2. Bristol's Real Chin11:53 AM

      Yes, he was a driver for VIPs

    3. It'd be pretty stupid if a Humvee or Jeep driver didn't bring his rifle with him EVERYWHERE. He should clean latrines if he's caught without it. Picking up a rifle in a movie scene doesn't imply anything but being READY.

      Neither does a helicopter in the background. It probably just arrived with the reconnoitering squad.

  29. Anonymous8:35 AM

    LOL Trolls are out in FORCE on this one for some reason...

    Love me some trolls in the morning. ;))

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Bristol and Willow tries to be the first to answer.

    2. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Funny how the trolls keep changing the subject, too

      “You’re all going to hell, because your all lazy assholes on food stamps!” (Even though the Palins are always looking handouts, and are some of the laziest people I have ever seen.)

      “Game Change” vindicates $arah!” (No, it doesn’t. Where did they get that idea?)

      “Bri$tol doesn’t even know who Todd’s prostitute is!” (Yeah, right.)

    3. Bristol decided to Troll here before she left for her job (about 10 minutes away) instead of AT her job.

      Maybe the boss told her to get off her ass, put her phone down and get to work, or stay home.

  30. "Obama’s very presence in the White House reminds them of their impending extinction; that he attends to their every outburst of hysteria with unflappable calm makes them even more desperately sure that he’s their mortician."

    great post on this site about the right wing!

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Thanks for the link. I can't wait until BreitFarts tox screen comes back.
      :::Speed Kills::: are you listening Baldy?

  31. Anonymous8:39 AM

    WOW. Somebody has her panties in a wad! Good Lord, commenting left, right and sideways! So funny.

  32. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Off topic

    Anyone notice that Joe the Dumber is running for office,,,,

    Government can`t create jobs unless we`re running for one.

  33. Anonymous9:11 AM

    CNN's Jack Cafferty did more in his summation of Palin than any other broadcast journalist, putting him on par with Edward R. Murrow.

    Cafferty deadpans: "Did you get that? If John McCain wins, this woman will be one 72 year old's heart beat away from being President of the United States. And if that doesn't scare the hell out of you, it should. Here's the question, is Governor Sarah Palin qualified to be President? [snip] I'm 65 and I have been covering politics as you [Wolf Blitzer] have for a long time and that is one of the most pathetic pieces of tape I have ever seen for someone aspiring to one of the highest offices in the country.

    SP: Not only am I ready but willing and able to serve as Vice President with Senator McCain if Americans so bless us and privilege us with the opportunity of serving them. Ready with my executive experience as a city mayor and manager as a governor as a commissioner regulator of oil and gas.

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Jack called it straight; Sarah Palin is an embarassment on so many levels.

      Sarah Palin is pathetic at best.

  34. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Sucks to be Sarah. You have people like Steve Schmidt, not only the chief strategist for the last GOP presidential campaign, but also the one who recommended her to McCain for the VP pick, now saying repeatedly and on the record that she was a mistake, and explaining why in detail. She forgot that on the larger national playing field this is happens after you've pissed off the wrong people. They take off the gloves.

    This movie is about Steve Schmidt as the central character, and the plot is driven by his growing understanding about - and horror at - how completely unqualified, unstable and blindly ambitious Sarah was.

    And he has verified and validated that it is a factual dramatization.

    What an enemy to have. There's not enough money and friends to offset that one single enemy.

    An American political horror movie: this is what CAN happen, and did.

    It's an ugly, ugly story. And Sarah is the monster on the loose.

  35. Anonymous9:31 AM

    There is a scene where Sarah (Moore) is standing in a hockey shirt, running shorts and tennis shoes in the VP mock debate - they shoot her from behind and you can see the backs of her thighs. . .not enough cottage cheese.

  36. Anonymous9:37 AM


    Here's the background of why Romney won't stand up to Rush.

    The spider web of money behind him of Bin and Cler Channel, etc., together with fact that his 'interest income' is from Bain by arrangement deferring his income allowing for the 14% tax payment as his tax forms shows.

  37. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Random but this could be important as it involves someone we were supposed to trust. There really is hardly any truth in Levi's book. In 2009 ALL of his interviews mentioned a variation of "Sarah didn't like me. I knew Todd didn't like me." ALL of them.

    What a dip for completely fabricating a story in his little book. No wonder Bristol had to sneak around as girls do when they fall for someone their parents DESPISE and want gone from the beginning.

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      I'd say it's more revealing of the Trollop sneaking around for a piece of tail. Whoring herself for Free or at minimum -- a Wine Cooler.

      Toss the whore a quarter and she'd blow ya!!

    2. Anonymous10:41 AM

      We know it's you, Bristol. Who else would care enough about what Levi said in his book a couple years ago?

      You're embarrassing yourself.

    3. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Oh, so girls will be girls, too? OK, I admit that kind of sneaking around as a teenager, but I fully acknowledge that my relationship with my family was waayyy fucked up. I never pretended my family was all Applebee's and shit. I never lied and created a myth about it.

    4. Anonymous11:05 AM

      What? Why? Who cares? Bristol, please don't show how jealous and immature you are.

    5. Cracklin Charlie12:15 PM

      Sounds like we may need to go back and reread Levi's book.

    6. Anonymous12:20 PM

      "Random but this could be important as it involves someone we were supposed to trust"

      Aww bless your heart troll. You think you're part of this community.

    7. Anonymous12:20 PM

      How's that obsession with Levi workin' out for ya Bristol?

  38. Anonymous10:02 AM

    .. "If Romney is the nominee, I hope I get to stand side by side with John McCain, whom I do respect, stand side by side with him in supporting Romney as our nominee," Palin said.

    Comment from CNN:
    What she was really thinking: "Wow! I really hate that I am not the center of attention! I need the camera on me! What's a girl to do? I will make another last ditch effort and COMPROMISE my position on what GOP candidate I really want in order to get SEEN ON THE BIG POLITICAL STAGE so everyone will think that maybe I'm STILL A CONTENDER. I really don't care who gets to nod, I just need the attention! Oh please oh please oh please John and Mitt, I want to stand with you please! "

  39. The interview with Julianne Moore on TDS is why I l♥ve Jon Stewart. We got the message while the two had some fun. If you listen carefully, you know that Julianne found Sarah to be seriously flawed and possibly mentally ill. Also loved Stewart's "talk" with Iran, Israel and the US regarding the tension between Israel and Iran.

    Too bad Sarah doesn't watch TDS. She would get a great education and maybe have a few laughs along the way.

  40. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Sarah Palin voted for Newt... The White Widow has planted her spider kiss of death on Newt...

  41. Anonymous10:05 AM

    'The Undefeated': Network Says Airing Pro-Palin Movie Opposite HBO's 'Game Change' Isn't Political

  42. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Shailey Tripp is dumping on all the Johns Todd sent her to service, (including their ahem personal member size and looks) They are all going to be very unhappy campers.

    I hope she is careful when she goes out. If this doesn't do in the happy couple living by dead Lake Lucille, I don't know what it will take to convince people that they are disgusting opportunistic and fit for nothing but the valley trash that they are.

  43. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Those who are hoping for the scene where that Sarah Palin rube answers the door to her McCain Camp aides in her towel are going to be disappointed. She was in a track suit instead. LOL.

  44. AnonymousMar 7, 2012 10:37 AM

    Random but this could be important as it involves someone we were supposed to trust. There really is hardly any truth in Levi's book. In 2009 ALL of his interviews mentioned a variation of "Sarah didn't like me. I knew Todd didn't like me." ALL of them.

    What a dip for completely fabricating a story in his little book. No wonder Bristol had to sneak around as girls do when they fall for someone their parents DESPISE and want gone from the beginning.

    LMAO!! WOW Beefy...took you awhile before you FINALLY brought up the love of your life....LEVI! And what kind of desperate ass chick were you that you had to "sneak around"...oh...and who can forget you crawling in and out of Levi's window and bed while doing all that "sneaking around"!

    Girl...this is why you can't keep a man....YOU TALK TO MUCH! Close your mouth and your legs!

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      Levi is a good young man! Can you imagine being involved w/that Palin crowd? I'll wager he wishes he'd never heard of them!

  45. Anonymous11:00 AM

    AMAZON REVIEW Boys Will Be Boys

    WOW! Shailey Tripp does an excellent job providing a detailed, horrifying look at the sex for hire political racket run by Todd Palin before, during, and after his wife was Governor of Alaska. Todd Palin apparently provided sexual services through Sahiley and many other men and women for his political and corporate cronies, even trafficking prostitutes across stare lines for the purpose of winning federal contacts and entertaining his friends.
    Todd Palin took advantage of Shailey, a single mom of two disabled kids, and lured her into a sordid world, while playing the "First Dude" of Alaska. Shailey's tale is riveting , heartbreaking , and finally redeeming....a must read!

    1. Anonymous4:23 PM

      Somebody somewhere said she talked about the Toad's "two-toned" (as in color) little weenie...
      I guess I will have to REREAD the book again b/c I missed that "little" factoid!

      I know why are the pee'rs are out today! SarahPac (wimps) put out ANOTHER statement about GAME CHANGE! How many is that now, + the movies etc...If that anin't enough to make you watch they are REALLY afraid of this movie.
      Ah peebots. Kind of feel know when you find out there is no easter bunny?
      Sarah Palin is nothing but a FAKER! A Shill!
      Who was woefully unqualified for the job she accepted. Game Change going to show that.

  46. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Another AMAZON REVIEW Boys Will Be Boys:

    The author is also another witness that Sarah Palin was not pregnant in 2008 with Trig as she wants everyone to believe.
    Sarah had a massage 6 weeks before the sopposed birth date of Trig Palin and the witness who gave the massage notes Sarah was not pregnant and Palin herself said she was not pregnant and wanted her abdoman massaged because it was still sore from the Lipo injections she had a few weeks before in order to ger rid of fat.
    Sarah Palin is a grifter, but her husband should be investigated.
    Shailey names some of the "clients" who are friends and business asssociates of Todd Palin and a few are cops and FBI agents.
    What journalist will help expose this illegal and devastating behavior? Here is another example of how women are blamed and shamed for bad boy behavior and how the woman is arrested but not the johns.
    Shailey Tripp is a brave woman and I support her 100%. I purchased both her books.

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      This is the story that shows the Anchorage Police Department to be corrupt! Fucking amazing! They cover for the Palin clan!!!!

  47. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I wasn't sure what to expect but Shailey's story blew me away. I also didn't think it was possible for me to feel more contempt for the Palins' than I already do but this tripled it at the very least. Todd is a snake, lower than dirt, taking advantage of a mother of two disabled children, using her for sex and then "referring" his friends and business associates to her. What really rocked me was hearing that she was not the only woman he had done this to. Shailey met several others who had been recruited by Todd. He used to run ads on Craigslist and was so very familiar with the lifestyle that he already knew what words to use as code to indicate special services, etc. She talks about how he deposited $350 in her account one month for seeing six of his friends and how he suddenly expected her to now service him for free! The number of clients increased but the money remained the same. I know many of us have often wondered how the Palins afforded the lifestyle they had, their toys and vacation homes, not to mention buying their third home in Alaska within 15 years of marriage while Sarah had only worked making a decent salary for 1/3 of those years. Four children in Alaska is not inexpensive but now we know how they made ends meet. Sarah may have not known just how he made his extra money back then but she certainly does now. It's more than enough to trigger an IRS investigation.

    If there's any doubt as to how the name Tripp came to be, I think Levi may have suggested it as he ran into Todd sneaking out of the spa via the back door and had an argument out in the parking lot in the summer of '07. Every time Sarah hears the name Tripp, what does she think? What does Bristol think, knowing her son's name was influenced by the last name of a mother of two disabled children that her father abused sexually and profited from by peddling her services to others? What a sick and disturbed family the Palins' are!.................

    SEE MORE @

    1. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Women & MEN!!! Yes Todd was prostituting GUYS as well.
      Wonder if he was fucking them guys also, too?

  48. Anonymous11:07 AM


    Happy to see PBS and CBC (Canadian Broading Corporation) released a trailer today "Murdoch's Scandels".

    Happy to see some on this side of the pond are continuing to dig into Murdoch. I came across this when reading a story of CBC and PBS working together on this and contributing funding.

  49. Anonymous11:40 AM

    If you get a chance to hear any of her Super Tuesday "pundint" appearances, you'll see that she is fast running out of things to say and repeating the same cliches AGAIN. Her speaking used to be peppered with sound bites, but now, there it's nouns and adjectives thrown in to an all-cliche talk. Try to catch the Bret Baer from Tuesday- omg. If she says "open door" one more time!

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      She's trollin' for money from the Urination. If they think she might run...they will give their rent $$$!
      Stupid people.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.