Wednesday, March 07, 2012

SuperPAC that supports Newt Gingrich is buying up ad space on Rush Limbaugh's radio program that horrified advertisers have suddenly freed up.

"By gosh Rush needs me, and thankfully I have a SuperPAC full of money to meet that need. After all, we misogynists need to stick together!"
Courtesy of the LA Times:

A new week greeted Rush Limbaugh with four more advertiser defections, for a total of 11, along with a sharp rebuke from former Republican presidential nominee John McCain. Peter Gabriel asked that his song "Sledgehammer" no longer be used on Limbaugh's radio program. 

Even after Limbaugh issued a rare apology, the furor that had erupted when the conservative radio host called an activist law student a "slut" and a "prostitute" showed no sign of abating Monday. 

But a backlash that might be a career-breaker for some commentators seemed unlikely to dent Limbaugh's considerable stature among his 15 million weekly listeners and conservative leaders. At least one advertiser stepped forward Monday to acknowledge increasing its ad spending on the Limbaugh program. 

A spokesman for Winning Our Future, a "super PAC" backing former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's presidential bid, said the group purchased more airtime. "He apologized and we're satisfied," said spokesman Rick Tyler, who said the group began advertising with the program two weeks ago.


If this were happening on the Democratic side the radio host under attack for such disgusting remarks, would find himself the loneliest man in America.

But when it happens on the Right, everybody, including even the women, circle the wagons and play a rousing game of "blame the victim."

Though I guess I should not be surprised that a man who attacks a defenseless woman would find support from the man who treats the women in his life like cartons of milk stamped with an expiration date. "Sorry honey, your 'sell by date' has passed and I am packing up and moving on to other dairy products now. Unless of course you want to have a threesome with the cottage cheese?"

But what am I saying? The SuperPAC's are not ALLOWED to coordinate with their candidate, so clearly Gingrich has NO control over this.

Right? Yeah, right!

Update: There are now 27 companies that have pulled their advertising from Limbaugh's show.


  1. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Meanwhile,, a company that bills itself “the world’s largest sugar daddy and sugar baby dating website,” announced its decision to start advertising on Limbaugh’s show late Tuesday.

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Maybe Gingrich can find wifey number 4.

      And, I gather a "sugar baby" is the younger wife of a sugar daddy.

      But really, if a "sugar daddy" is a man who supports his gold digging wife, than a "sugar baby" should be a baby who supports his gold digging mother (a la Tripp Palin).

  2. Sally in MI4:18 AM

    Well, let them waste their money. I mean, Rush's '15 million' is a number made up by his staff, and even it were close to that, just who is Newt pulling votes from with this? Why, Ricky Christian. If tehy are advertising on Rush, that means millions of Americans will never hear the slimy ads, and that's fine by me!

  3. Not What You Want to Hear4:24 AM

    Fitting for one Dirty Old Bully to advertise on another Dirty Old Bully's radio show.

  4. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Well, I wouldn't expect anything else from Newt, would you? He has no respect for women. He's the politician version of Rush Limbaugh.

    1. "Political version of Rush." I like that.

      For a dummy like Newt this is a smart move. He can get some primary votes out of that audience. Maybe it will further disrupt the inevitable Romney candidacy. And the ad money will stop in a few months

    2. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Newt actively gave lip service to woo remaining Palin fans. Advertising to Rush's audience, Palin standing up for Rush degrading and twistling women's health care needs as slutty prostitutes is enough evidence Newt is pond scum trolling for the lowest.

      More importantly Gingrich clearly is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

  5. Anonymous4:38 AM

    All across the country, through legislative proposals, government regulations, and political rhetoric, war is being waged upon women, their bodies, their private interests, and their right to self-determination. This is occurring without, and in spite of, the participation of the same women being affected by these actions, and whose futures, and those of their families, are being unilaterally determined.

    In this modern era of limits, people in power are in a race to divide the spoils of power, and the means being used are becoming more and more shortsighted. Saturn has devoured his son, and now looks to his daughters.

    Our organization is determined to see that this race to the bottom does not claim the rights and liberties of over one half of the populace. We will not suffer the burdens of those whose ambitions would be fulfilled by the destruction of the human worth off the mothers, sisters and daughters of this great nation.

    Enough is enough.

    1. Marleycat7:20 AM

      Women need to be educated about the the Right Wing's, the Fundamentalist Christians', the GOP's, and the Teabaggers' fundamental hatred of women AND children. Obviously, they hate middle class and lower income men, as well - as thees guys can ill-afford to support the huge families that lack of access to birth control will create. Not many guys want to father chiildren in their mid-forties, fifties, sixties, either - wow, what a ball and chain!

  6. Anonymous4:40 AM


  7. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Maybe panty sniffer Todd will buy ad time on the show.

    "For hot girls, call Todd at BR549"

  8. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Newt is toast, if his ego wasn't as inflated as his waistline, he'd get out and make it a dogfight between dumb and dumber.

  9. Anonymous4:47 AM

    I can't comprehend what is going on in this country. When I read the vile and nasty comments on different articles it breaks my heart. The hatred seems to be multipling like a cancer.

  10. Anonymous4:49 AM

    If you didn't believe in God before Gryphen, maybe now you will. I'm starting to believe in things that I questioned before too. Has something taken over these men's minds?

    Since the 2008 election, a new wave of 'crazy' and lack of judgment has taken over. It's time to start mourning the loss of class and social graces, manners and all those things that our parents and elders taught us in these Gingriches. We're witnessing a new, 'improved' hijacked Republican party. The bible would call it a wave of spiritual deception that has blinded the minds of men whose consciences have been seared, who have been brought to the top of that mountain by Satan and shown the world's riches and system - and they want some of it.

    And this new phenomenon isn't just ordinary greed and powerlust and corruption. It's a new breed. It's people who play out that they are supposedly representing the good, the christian way. They talk one way, and act the opposite way, but what's so crazy is that they don't even hide it. They are so caught up in their act and have no self-awareness or don't care how contradictory they look.

    Someone needs to find a name to call this new brand of politician. Gone are the days of hiding their trysts and bad deeds. Now, they do it in the light of day and still think they can fool the masses.

    It says in the bible that God would send strong delusion to those who would lap it up. Just saying.

    1. Anonymous5:16 AM

      Yes, the bible says lots of things but what is going on right this very minute has been going on forever (and in every culture). It is nothing new.

      The only difference right now is that you have had leaders who unleashed the crazy again (like McCarthyism, etc). When you have leaders or men of power spewing their hatred, bigotry, fear and ignorance it just brings out the people who were rather mentally unstable to begin with.

      The other problem is that the RR took over the republican party because they needed their votes. Now it has become the RR party. They courted them & it is now their downfall. Too bad the rest of us have to deal with it though.

      At any rate, it does not make me believe that there is a god - just verifies why I no longer believe that there is someone watching over us, etc.

      Just saying........

    2. Not What You Want to Hear5:31 AM

      Anon 5:49 am: "Someone needs to find a name to call this new brand of politician."

      The Bible already has a name for them. Two names, actually. False prophets, and wolves in sheep clothing.

      I do think many so-called Christians support Palin because they think she legitimizes their inclination to bully, judg, and condemn. Many Christians, of course, flat out have her number and see that she's a phony. But in between that group are some Christians that take her word for being a Christian, simply because they don't follow her as closely as, say, those of us on IM do. They simply aren't aware of all her hypocrisies.

    3. The internet reaches good and bad alike or left and right alike. The bad behavior isn't new, the difference is whatever is said or done just reaches millions of people very quickly who will say either "That's horrible" or "Hey, I can get away with that too". The RW falls into the "If he/she can get away with it, I can get away with it too" category. That's why we had so many Palin clones - Sharron Angle, Jan Brewer, Michele Bachmann. I think they all thought, "I'm smarter than Palin is, I can become a big time politician too".

      What is astounding are the people who do something in front of a camera then deny doing it. We've seen that over and over. It's like they don't understand how recording devices or videos work.

    4. Marleycat8:25 AM

      Political propaganda and corruption is certainly not new - but, what is new, at least from what we have seen in a long time, since McCarthyism in this country, and Hitler in Germany, is the absolute extreme level of hate and depravity of the message - and the relatively recent unholy alliance of the Right Wing GOP/Teabaggers with the Christian Fundamentalist Extremists and the enforcement arm of the 1%, paid for by Wall Street.

      Most Americans have not recognized the insidious, creeping spread of this through our society- or what it means to all of us. As the powers that be pit middle class Americans against the poor,Whites against every other race/ethnic group, men against women, young against old, Christian Extremists against Main Stream Christians, and
      all Christians against non-Christians - they are free to gut the Constitution as they see fit.

      This what this is all about - same old same old, but 100x's more virulent in nature. Not just for most of the money and power, because they already have that, but for ALL of the money and power!

    5. Marleycat8:48 AM

      I forgot to add, I agree Sharon, it is astonishing when someone who knows they are guilty of hate speech, slurs, etc, can ignore the reality of the proof contained in videos and tape, documentation, etc! Like when you catch a child with a hand in the cookie jar WITH the cookie - saying "NO, I didn't take any cookies!" - even when they know you KNOW they did and SAW THEM doing it!

      You can forgive the child and use it as a teaching moment, because this is the stuff of childhood and learning right from wrong. When it is an adult doing this - you know there is a serious moral and cognitive disconnect there that is unlikely to ever be corrected, no matter how many "teaching moments" they could learn from. There is no there, there.

      This is who Sarah Palin and her ilk are. They do it so often, you get to the point where nothing she says is viewed as the truth. You automatically know it's a lie. I especially like the ones where she and/or her supporters say - Sarah never bashes the President or Michelle Obama, or their children - so why is he saying hateful things about Sarah, poor Sarah! - and then the MSM repeats the lie, over and over, Poor Sarah! They have learned that if you tell the lie often enough - people start to believe it, and there a are a lot of stupid people out there!

    6. Anonymous9:37 AM

      My little brother got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. My mom said, "Are you taking a cookie?"

      My brother said, "No".

      My mother said, "I SEE you!"

      My brother said:


    7. Marleycat8:10 PM

      Hahahaha! Smart little guy! My 4 year old grandson recently admitted his creative method to get carefully regulated sweets in his house, he was pretty proud he put one over on his Mom and Dad! He learned that if he wakes up in the middle of the night when his parents are none the wiser - he can eat all the cookies he wanted, got into the cupboard by climbing up on the chair. Had NO idea that to get away with the theft scot-free - he didn't think to throw away the empty box and clean up crumbs! He got caught, and the cookies were then hidden in case he found himself unable to resist the temptation again. His mom and dad thought they had outwitted him -- guess again! The next night, when he got up - he somehow got into the freezer and ate a huge amount of ice cream! He learned though, he rinsed out the spoon and put it away, thinking there's NO way he'd get caught again - except the next day mom and dad thought it would be nice to have some ice cream for dessert! He got the lecture, said he was sorry - and that night - there was a chain around the fridge/freezer! They all laughed about it! I'm sure he's thinking of a workaround for that particular barrier, to this day!

  11. "She went to the University knowing full well the limitations on the health coverage. It is canon law, If you don't like it, leave. There are tons of reputable state law schools which probably have much better health care." said my Virginia friend after I posted:

    Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian:
    Rush Limbaugh and Patricia Heaton both apologized, not because they have a conscience, but because they have an accountant. #SandraFluke

    Of course my friend missed the point entirely and I commented back to her in this regard. This is what gets filtered down to the people who fall under the category Conservative Republican. They firmly believe that women like Sandra Fluke are sluts because Rush Limbaugh told them so; they firmly believe that Sarah Palin is an inspiring leader; they firmly believe that there is a war on religious rights, led by that godless Kenyan, Barack Obama. And they firmly believe that America is going to hell under President Obama's leadership. (Of course, there is one more thing they firmly believe in but don't say: that black man does not belong in the White House.)

    We cannot convince them otherwise. Therefore, we need to get the rest of the voters to get off their behinds and vote, vote like their very lives depended on it. Because it does.

    1. Marleycat8:50 AM

      AMEN to that! Their lives do depend on it!

    2. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Randi Rhodes pointed out yesterday that Ms Fluke's testimony before Congress included the following:
      1. Women need hormonal birth control pills for things in addition to contraception: irregular cycles, painful cycles, heavy cycles and to combat ovarian cysts. A friend of hers could not afford the pills, and ended up having a partial hysterectomy, losing one ovary.
      2. The University is not denying coverage to women students based on religious belief, because they DO offer birth control coverage to their faculty and staff in their insurance coverage.
      3. Students are required to buy the insurance (tax payers don't pay for it) as a condition of enrollment in the university.

  12. Anonymous4:53 AM

    New post by Geoffrey Dunn on Huff post about Sarah

    "Schmidt undergoes an agonizing personal transformation, one in which he realizes the poison that he has heaped upon the American body politic and the troubling implications of what Ed Harris-as-John McCain describes as the "dark side of American populism." While McCain and his advisors watch with horror the "rough beast" they have unleashed, to borrow a phrase from Yeats, Palin is fueled by it all, drunk with the power of her strange and eerie celebrity on the hustings."

  13. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Wow! More....

    Schmidt acknowledged that Palin has had a "destructive impact" on the both the tenor and substance of the American political process

  14. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Gryphen, did you see this? Rush really doesn't have 15 million (or 20 million as many people say) listeners.

    This article breaks it down:

  15. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Game Change: Sarah Palin and the Confessions of Steve Schmidt

    The film is essentially framed by Schmidt's view of the campaign. He is its conscience and its voice. It begins with his celebrated 60 Minutes interview in January of 2010 with Anderson Cooper--in which he declared that "there were numerous instances that [Palin] said things that were not accurate...that she was being untruthful and inaccurate" -- and it ends with that interview as well.

    In between, Schmidt undergoes an agonizing personal transformation, one in which he realizes the poison that he has heaped upon the American body politic and the troubling implications of what Ed Harris-as-John McCain describes as the "dark side of American populism." While McCain and his advisors watch with horror the "rough beast" they have unleashed, to borrow a phrase from Yeats, Palin is fueled by it all, drunk with the power of her strange and eerie celebrity on the hustings.

    In the end, Schmidt has been stripped of his innocence. The naïve conservative idealism that led him to jump into the middle of McCain's chaotic enterprise (against the wishes of his wife) had been hardened into a numbing realism. "That wasn't a campaign," he utters in a Phoenix bar as the walls of the election were crashing around him, "it was a bad reality show..."

  16. Anonymous5:04 AM

    EXCELLENT article by Geoffrey Dunne on Game Change and Steve Schmidt:

    ...Schmidt, above all others perhaps, has understood the resonating impacts of the Palin candidacy. At what were largely overlooked remarks at a recent forum on the 2012 election sponsored by The New Yorker, Schmidt acknowledged that Palin has had a "destructive impact" on the both the tenor and substance of the American political process:

    I think that she helped usher in an hour of know-nothingness, and mainstreamed it in the Republican Party to the detriment of the conservative movement... And I think her nomination trivialized American politics, and had a lot of results that I'm not particularly comfortable with. And, of course, you know, I had a very personally difficult relationship with her during the campaign. But it was a mistake. There's just no two ways about it.
    Game Change serves as Steve Schmidt's confession. The film reveals Palin for what she is: intellectually dysfunctional, psychologically imbalanced, and most importantly, politically polarizing. Near the end of the film, Schmidt emotionally apologizes to McCain: "I'm so sorry that I suggested her."

    The film, however, is also a condemnation on the underlying political calculus that resulted in Palin's selection. "There are too many of the political advisors," Schmidt acknowledged at The New Yorker forum, "who were looking at this through the prism of 'how does this help us win the election?' as opposed to 'is the person fit for governing?'" Hopefully the Republican strategists and advisors soon to be making a similar decision will heed the larger and more cardinal lessons of Game Change.

  17. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Well, it all started when 'rogue' became vogue. The popular boys and girls all wanted to be like Sarah. Sarah and the tea party started this wave of political rebellion. It didn't matter if some were politically independent or moderate republicans, they were all branded as 'disgusting' liberals. And liberals were branded as the enemy.

    So that 'hate' seed has been planted by the troubled souls of people like Palin, and it germinated, blossomed into one big ugly weed. It's spread it's branches and taken hold of minds that were once rational and turned them into reactionary brainwashed idiots, controlled by their spite, grudges, and hatred.

    Whoever could defend Rush Limbaugh has to have their head examined.

  18. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Pro-Adultery Dating Website Wants To Buy Rush Limbaugh's Abandoned Ad Space

    Read more:

  19. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Here's the website to sign the petition to Clear Channel to have Limbaugh removed from their roster:

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Clear Channel is owned by Bain (Romney). Do you really think that is going to happen? Not saying we should not sign the petition, but we should all recognize what it is we are up against (a multi-billion dollar empire of power-lusting, well-mobilized, hate). Clear Channel, like Rush Limbaugh, may be considered as the life blood of the republican party.

      In a related vein, the new and harshly restrictive voter ID laws in many red states will now preclude tens of thousands of former voters from going to the polls unless they are very careful to re-register by dotting every i and crossing every t ahead of time. In some cases, multiple forms of ID, including photos and birth certificates, will be necessary. Tens of thousands of people (perhaps hundreds of thousands) who have been voting regularly and peacefully for decades may find themselves unable to cast a ballot on election day. I expect this to be the tsunami below the radar in 2012.

  20. Anonymous5:44 AM

    2012 or Never

    Republicans are worried this election could be their last chance to stop history. This is fear talking. But not paranoia.

  21. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Why are people demonizing Rush? He was taking Fluke's stupidity and absurd comments and making them even more absurd. You have to be an avid listener to know where he's coming from. Rush is not a bad man. That said, I do think he should watch himself sometimes. He knows liberal audiences become unhinged easily. Contrary, Bill Maher is a hateful prick who just blasts people to blast people.

    1. Anonymous6:01 AM

      I guess it's true what they say. Listening to Rush Limbaugh for an extended period causes brain damage. Or maybe people with intellectual deficiencies are more likely to be avid listeners. It doesn't really matter. The outcome is the same.

    2. Anonymous6:23 AM

      Well aren't you smart. I would recommend that you watch the video clip of what Ms. Fluke actually said. When you have the ACTUAL FACTS then you can comment on how stupid and absurd her comments were.

      I realize that you will probably never do that though. It is far easier to believe a grown man who spews hatred & lies and is filthy rich because people like you don't have the brain capacity to actually research what is true & what is not.

      It is a damn shame.

    3. Anonymous6:46 AM

      Please explain Ms Flukes' supposed "stupidity and absurd comments" Specifically, what were they?

    4. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Laughing at Michael Fox's incurable disease made Rush a bad man.

      Hope he joins Andy Brightfart real soon

    5. YEAH! What "mitchthekid" said....X 100!

    6. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Sarah why are you so jealous of Sandra Fluke? Oh I know why. Because she's prettier and smarter than you AND she's getting attention. You just can't stand it huh Sarah? You really are pathetic.

    7. Anonymous2:18 PM

      I also urge you to inform your self that Ms. Fluke actually spoke on behalf of prescribed medication used frequently for medical conditions.

      Go on a factual mission to find out what is true, not or maybe true. Sluts, prostitues, sex tapes per Rush are his words and fiction.

      Try critical thinking instead if shit seeds implanted in your brain.

  22. I heard it was 20 advertisers and counting plus two radio stations that will no longer air his program.

  23. AnonymousMar 7, 2012 06:46 AM

    Why are people demonizing Rush? He was taking Fluke's stupidity and absurd comments and making them even more absurd. You have to be an avid listener to know where he's coming from. Rush is not a bad man. That said, I do think he should watch himself sometimes. He knows liberal audiences become unhinged easily. Contrary, Bill Maher is a hateful prick who just blasts people to blast people.

    See's idiots like this...who make comments like this... which makes our job harder!
    Get out and vote...for President Obama!

    If this is a woman making this comment I feel sorry for you. If this is a guy making this comment...well...I hope you don't have a wife, girlfriend or daughter...because you just called them "stupid"!

  24. Anonymous6:34 AM

    SCUM advertising on SCUM:

    Noel Biderman, the CEO of Ashley Madison, an affair-encouraging business that pairs up men and women who are already in relationships, was a guest on Starting Point Wednesday morning, discussing his plans to buy up abandoned advertising space on Rush Limbaugh‘s radio program.

    “I actually did not believe this existed,” host Soledad O’Brien revealed, as she introduced Biderman. She then asked how much of the advertising space Biderman planned to buy up.

    “We’re totally willing to step into the void left by other advertisers,” Biderman said, pointing out that Limbaugh has 10 million listeners. “If it costs two or three million dollars, happy to pony up.”

    O’Brien then asked why Ashley Madison wanted to pair up with Limbaugh as an advertising partner, considering everyone else is fleeing from him.

    “Listen, blue and red states, people cheat in both of them,” Biderman said. “Republican, democrat, men, women — everybody is prone to having an affair. So the bottom line is, my audience sits with his audience and I’m happy to advertise to them.”

  25. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Your link to Politico is now listing 35 advertisers, er, "pulling out" !

    Wildly Cheering Tortoise

  26. Anonymous6:42 AM

    This is truly hysterically brilliant!

    Colbert's Super Tuesday Party: Transvaginal Ultrasound Margaritas & Republican Salsa (VIDEO)

  27. Anonymous6:44 AM

    To put this in prospective it is this. A young girl unwed teen was put before the republican convention as a princess. The girl was appauded for dumb bad behavior. Held up as a model for absintince, and keeping her child, even though she wrote that at 15/ 16/ 17 she was having sex in a tent, drinking winecoolers. Rush didn't call her a slut then, she was rewared with money for gigs telling ppl how hard it was , even though she still had several live aver boyfriends. Then they awarded her bad dancing by voting and voting for her on DWTS.Rush didn't casll her bad namesfor humping all over the dance floor, or . and talk about her wanting sex even though she admitted she was on birth control pills. Saying we were paying for her to have all that sex, but it's always sdifferent with rebup's God always forgives them. They can have affairs with either sex it's okay they just mis-stepped. BUT let a young woman going to law school, who thinks there should be birth control available to women is held up by him as a slut who wants us to pay for sex. She is doing the responsible thing using protection. If women give up these rights they deserve to be nothing but breeders for these unscruplous people and corporations.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Beautifully said.

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Since you brought the little darling if the GOP, Bristol, here is my 2 cents: I found it inappropriat to put the teen on Oprah ti give a national pledge about her sexual choice. Whoa! Not the public's business. Next, it takes a certain type of person to sell their personal sex story. It takes a sick parent lacking boundaries to champion sellung private details about fucking in tents. Just saying, it is a whole different level ti sell your private details and give lip service to chasteness then hump on the dance floor replete with disrobing.

      Perhaps Rush belies other females prostitute sell out sexually and at 17 years old!

  28. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Newt is a very handsome man


      Okay Baldy...."Fig" Newton has already said he would put you in "his administration" (*SNICKER*)you don't have to tongue him down here in the comments of IM! I don't think the at fat dough boy reads here....or does he?

      *looking down at the comment posted at 7:51AM..nope looks like Beefy just started her shift*

    2. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Pardon me while I PUKE.

    3. Anonymous7:47 AM

      I think (hope) the OP was being sarcastic.

    4. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Um satire is supposed to be funny. Keep trying troll; you'll get it someday.

  29. Anonymous6:46 AM

    What better place for Sheldon Adelson to waste his money than pumping it into Limbaugh's listeners' ears? He isn't going to win any new voters there. Let him piss away his money.

  30. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Flukes needs fulfillment.

    1. AnonymousMar 7, 2012 07:47 AM

      Flukes needs fulfillment.

      Oh dear...Beefalo has arrived and is very upset with Sandra Fluke! Well Beefy if "Fluke needs fulfillment" which for her is education...everyone knows what you need...ask Levi, Dylan, Gino, Ben...need I go on!

      Girl...close your legs and open your mind!

    2. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Sandra Fluke > Sarah Palin.
      Sarah WISHES President Barack Obama would call HER! LOL!!

    3. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Are frontal lobotomies covered by health insurance? Sandra Flukes finds fulfillment by expanding her brain, Rush finds it by bashing a private citizen and fueling his baser instincts, probably involving a hand held mirror and a pair of tweezers.

  31. Anonymous6:51 AM

    This Flukes bitch is basically telling people sex is the most important thing on earth. She's 30 and in college bitching about not being able to afford birth control (condoms are cheap as fuck honey) so she can have lots of sex.

    Sex, no matter at what age, is something that makes people forget about other more important responsibilities. You my dear Sandra, need deep personal reflection. You are degrading out culture.

    1. AnonymousMar 7, 2012 07:51 AM

      This Flukes bitch is basically telling people sex is the most important thing on earth. She's 30 and in college bitching about not being able to afford birth control (condoms are cheap as fuck honey) so she can have lots of sex.

      Sex, no matter at what age, is something that makes people forget about other more important responsibilities. You my dear Sandra, need deep personal reflection. You are degrading out culture.

      This "Bristol" bitch is basically telling people sex is the most important thing on earth. She's 20 ( are!) and sitting in a doctors office bitching about not being able to have Levi (condoms are cheap as fuck honey) so she can have lots of sex.

      Sex, no matter at what age, I started at 15( for those who read my book..."Not Afraid to Lie, My Journey to Sex" by Beefalo Palin") is something that makes people forget about other more important responsibilities (yes, like feeding and taking care of my three neglected children...Trig, Tripp, and Tiffany). You my dear Beefalo, need deep personal reflection and intensive therapy. "You are degrading out culture"...with your inability to keep your mouth and legs close....FACT!

      There...I fixed it for ya'! You're welcome!

    2. Anonymous7:46 AM

      She's is law school, not "college" and she was discussing her friend who needed birth control pills for a health reason (like Bristol Palin claimed SHE did).

      Not that any of that matters.

      There's nothing wrong with sex and there's nothing wrong with taking the responsibility to protect yourself from getting pregnant. There are millions of women who have taken birth control pills at one point or another, some of them in long term relationships (often marriages).

      What's degrading our culture is using derogatory names and intimidation to try to bully women to keep their mouths shut.

      Sex is a normal, wonderful part of human life and the vast majority of people are able to have sex and still remember all the other things they need to do. Taking the Pill IS being responsible.

      You sound incredibly repressed. Maybe you need to get laid.

    3. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Wow. Are you really that stupid that you don't know how birth control works? You must be a Palin since they clearly don't know how it works either.

    4. Anonymous7:47 AM

      GFY liar.

    5. Anonymous7:48 AM

      You have no clue what you're talking about. Better stop now.

    6. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Gee, another person coming here telling us what they THINK Ms. Flukes said.

      Original - NOT!

      Go to the video of what she said. It proves that you are ignorant. You shouldn't come here & spout off things you no nothing about.

      I don't know where you get your other information about condoms being cheaper than "f". They are quite expensive.

      Perhaps, it must be your lack of sexual fulfillment that makes you so bitchy.

    7. Anonymous8:07 AM

      So when you, your daughter, sister, mother or friend needs birth control to help with ovarian cysts are you going to buy them a box of condoms and call it good?

    8. Anonymous8:11 AM

      BRISCOW the Baby Factory needs to get a life and stay away from the topic of SEX. Didn't you speak about ABSTINENCE? DYLAN KOLVIG, TRIG'S Father, should be supporting Trig. You don't even know who is the Father of Tripp.
      Who knows how many more babies that you and WALLOW have made and are making. Your Jealousy towards an EDUCATED woman(SANDRA FLUKE) is your own Dysfunctional Family's fault for not demanding that you DROPOUTS attend school. Your posting 24/7 on IM proves that you have no life. Without Gryphen, all of you would be lost.

    9. Anonymous8:13 AM

      If had been would have learned her testimony was discussing ANOTHER woman with ovarian tumor needing the birth control pills which were presecribed as treatment for the TUMOR. That student could not afford the pills/prescription & ended up with tumor so large her ovaries had to be removed to save her life....the pill would have saved her life AND her ovaries.

      It has nothing to do with sex..the entire Fluke testimony/issue was about her discussing many medical reasons the pill is used for other than use as contraceptive.

      Am wondering when the religious are going to advocate the cease of using donated organs to save lives. No wait, that would cut into their profit margin!

    10. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Idiot - try listening to what she said before you open your ignorant pie hole. Either that or please explain HOW she's telling people that sex is the most important thing on earth - yeah, I think I'd rather see you try to do that. Moron.

    11. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Troll at 7:51 Who's the Bitch? You not Ms. Fluke!
      STFU your ignorance is showing! FYI:

      Taxpayers Don’t Pay for Contraception
      Posted on 03/06/2012 at 3:31 pm by Bob Cesca

      And it wouldn’t be a capital crime if we did. But the line from Limbaugh and other liars on this issue is that “they” don’t want to pay for birth control.

      They don’t. Health insurance customers do.

      Baldy should STFU and Start minding about where the Toad been sniffin' around. I guess he is having a bunch of sex 2 4get about her according to your theory?
      HookerGATE. Hey Sarah...Where's the Toad?

    12. Anonymous9:50 AM

      1) Sandra Fluke is in her third year at one of the most prestigious and difficult law schools in the country.
      2) Nothing that she said referred in any way to sex. She was talking about the use of birth control pills that are used for purposes other than contraception.
      3) You, dear Bristol, who claimed that you, too, too birth control pills for a purpose other than contraception, should be rooting for Ms. Fluke.

    13. Anita Winecooler8:43 PM

      Stupid people are a waste of skin.

  32. Anonymous7:18 AM

    The depth and breadth of your ignorance is staggering. Sandra isn't basically telling anyone anything, but obviously your ears are hearing what the right wing has been parroting now for days. You are misinformed beyond measure and all you do is putrify the discourse by making such backward statements. Please shut the fuck up, you're giving me a headache.

  33. Anonymous8:07 AM

    In news today:

    Two very, very profitable businesses have publicly announced their offers to purchase all the ad time the human Hindenberg has lost: a dating site for married people to find fellow adulterers and the dating site for sugar daddies to harvest their sugar baby.

    So far the kiddy bordellos in St. Thomas haven't offered to fund one of their most prolific customers by buying adv. air time....neither has the mfg of Viagra for some strange reason

  34. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Marianne Gingrich , wife # 3 said Newt wanted to have an open marriage, with threesomes.
    Doesn't it fit that a man of that moral character would gravitate to a show where the host , on air , no less, fantasized about a 6th grade girl
    having sex and a girl in junior high having sex
    and announced that he wanted to watch sex videos online ?
    I guess including child porn , too.
    Anyone who continues to support this pervert obviously endorses that type of activity.
    Decent people of all political persuasions should make sure that any company, local or national, receives a copy of Fluke's
    actual testimony
    and a full transcript of Limbaugh's 9 hour diatribe of filth.
    Try reading the transcript in the workplace or at a PTA meeting.
    Security would be escorting you from the building , it's that disgusting and inappropriate.
    It appears that those who are forgiving and defending Limbaugh are under the impression that Limbaugh's
    only transgression was " two words. "
    No apology can forgive his 3 days of shocking X rated slander,
    including the very creepy sexual mention of a 6th grade girl and a junior high school girl .
    7:51 is obviously an uninformed Limbaugh listener.
    Limbaugh lied to his listeners for 3 days about Fluke's actual testimony.
    The only one who talked about sex was dirty old man Limbaugh.

  35. Anonymous9:14 AM

    REELZ is going to show the Undefeated!!

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Nobody gives a flippin shit about that crappy movie full of lies.
      Fuck off troll.


  37. Romney gave his cajones to Rush Limbaugh a long time ago!

    Clear Channel’s Directors Give Big to Romney, Who Won’t Criticize Limbaugh

    The directors of Clear Channel, which hosts Rush Limbaugh’s show, have been big donors to Mitt Romney’s campaigns, which might help explain why Romney has been so reluctant to criticize Rush.

  38. The GOP have been happy to have Rush as their spokesperson for years..that says everything you should need to know about the current republican party.

    Many of us remember the days before the “southern strategy”, before they figuratively sold their souls to the religious right and the hate-mongers like Rush Limbaugh and FOX news.

    There is no chance for rebuilding or rebranding now, because they can never separate their brand of “Christian” theology, racism, homophobia and corporate ownership from the current one.

    The hypocrisy of this GOP is..stunning.

    Thinking conservatives will have to start another party, because there is absolutely no “salvation” for this one.
    Are advertisers just now figuring out that this guy is a crazy hate-monger?

    We went back and (easily) found 10 quotes that should have sent advertisers heading for the hills long before Fluke got in Rush’s crosshairs.

    1. “In Obama’s America, the white kids now get beat up, with the black kids cheering, ‘Yeah, right on, right on, right on’ … Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff.” Source

    2. “If homosexuality being inborn is what makes it acceptable, why does racism being inborn not make racism acceptable? … We are born that way. We don’t choose it. So shouldn’t it be acceptable, excuse — this is according to the way the left thinks about things.” Source

    3. “Barack the Magic Negro“

    This original song aired on The Rush Limbaugh Show several times. Chip Saltzman, a 2008 candidate for RNC chair, put it on a mix CD and distributed it to his colleagues. The gift backfired; Michael Steele was elected instead.

    Here, Limbaugh defends the song:

    4. [To an African-American caller] “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.” Source

    SEE ALSO: Rush Limbaugh: Slut or Sterile? Zero Kids From 4 Marriages Means …

    5. “Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?” Source

    6. [To a caller arguing that black people need to be heard] “They are 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?” Source

    7. [When a Mexican won the New York Marathon] “An immigration agent chased him the last 10 miles.” Source

    8. Jared Loughner has the Democrats’ “full support”

    Limbaugh suggested that the shooter of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, a Democrat, was being aided by the same party:

    “What Mr. Loughner knows is that he has the full support of a major political party in this country. He’s sitting there in jail. He knows what’s going on, he knows that. … The Democrat party is attempting to find anybody but him to blame. He knows if he plays his cards right, he’s just a victim. … That smiling mug shot — this guy clearly understands he’s getting all the attention and he understands he’s got a political party doing everything it can, plus a local sheriff doing everything that they can to make sure he’s not convicted of murder — but something lesser.” Source

    9. “The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. They’re invested in black coaches and black quarterbacks doing well. I think there’s a little hope invested in McNabb and he got a lot of credit for the performance of his team that he didn’t really deserve.” Source

    10. “Look, let me put it to you this way: The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.” Source

    Even Peter Gabriel wants nothing to do with Rush anymore. Republican politicians are denouncing him. So the racist shtick was just Rush being Rush, right? He may think football players are no different from gang members, but at least he’s not sexist. Oh, he is? All right, I guess we have to pull our ads now.

    Or is the level of publicity the only difference here?

    1. Anita Winecooler8:56 PM

      His parents should be so proud! Can anything be more vile? And why do so many people tune in?

      In a way, this whole kerfuffle shows the lack of decency of the GOP. Their silence and passive dismissal won't be forgotten on election day.

  39. Beldar Nostradamos Conehead9:32 AM

    Ah, Gryphen, you do pick the best images to accompany your posts! That one totally captures the bellicose tortoiseyness that IS The Newtster. He may not win in 2012 or 2016 or 2020 or 2024 or 2028 or even 2032. But I think you may be surprised to discover that slow and steady eventually wins the race. Little by little he will wear down the resistance of the American people to his especially odious brand of dishonest politics. I confidently predict a Gingrich presidency sometime in the later part of the 2040s or early part the 2050s.

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Hey! Mr. Conehead! Whaddaya mean "tortoisey"? Wrinkles are lovely too, ya know.

      W. Tortoise

  40. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Mr.Grinch as I call him is a human piece of excretment,with a ugly face and an even uglier soul.
    Just like the ugly from Wassilla who believes she's a beauty.
    Both are decievers,who believe they are just way too clever for the common person to catch on too. Not so, your time is very short(both of you) I can hardly wait till both are just a comment at the bottom of the page.

  41. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Why is it that the LA times can't get it straight about how many advertisers have actually pulled their ad's from this fat mouth'd idiot? Are they going by 'indefinitely' or 'suspended' on their count? We all know that there is far more than just 11 advertisers that have pulled their ad's.

    If these advertisers are saying that they have suspended their ads from his show then I would think that they won't be advertising again as long as he is spewing his garbage mouth. They are watching the situation and are likely hoping for someone to take his place.

    But at the same time I think it is important to keep the pressure on these advertisers and let them know that they are being watched with regards to their true sincerity.

    The problem is, who wants to listen to this idiot everyday to keep track of who the advertisers are on his program...

  42. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Gryphen, I would hardly call Flukes defenseless. She is strong and smart and has the majority of the sane on her side. She has, with the unwitted help of that pasty blowhard Rush, brought to the surface the continued struggles of women to reach equality and to realize their basic rights concerning health care. She is a warrior and I sincerely hope she stays in the fight and sues some of the arrogance out of that pig. She provided yet another opportunity for the far-Right and their fictional new network, Fox, to show their asses.

  43. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Go to to find two of the new advertisers on Limbaugh's show.

    Be prepared to moan and/or laugh a lot.

    So sick, so sad.

  44. Anonymous12:01 PM

    How cozy....can you say birds of a feather.....

  45. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Gingrich is one frightening looking man in that photo! Can you imagine the man being President of the United States? The fact his Super PAC is actually endorsing the likes of Limbaugh is frightening in itself! Make sure that everyone is made aware of this. These are the type of folks Todd and Sarah alighn themselves with! The "defiant ones"!

  46. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Gingrich is a horrible looking man - would not represent America well physically, much less with his arrogance. He would scare the hell out of children much less adults! How did all of his wives (4) ever sleep with him. Cannot imagine. He strikes me as the kind of guy that would satisfy himself and give no consideration to the wife/woman! Course, now he probably has trouble having sex - he's overweight - appears ready to have a heart attack - waddles when he walks and is probably on medication that keeps him from getting it up!!!!!


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