Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Palin-bots about to get all excited over nothing again in 3..2..1

Of course she really says nothing here, but is just vague enough to make the idiots over at the Sea O'Pee start rubbing one out in anticipation that Palin will actually run for president sometime in their lifetime.

The woman has no shame.

I swear I have witnessed protozoa that catch on quicker than the people who support Palin do. Of course to be fair, they ARE more evolved.

And by the way doesn't CNN have some actual news to cover today? Even Fox didn't find it newsworthy to send someone to interview Granny Grifter about whether or not she ever plans to run for president or not, or to ask for whom she cast her vote.

By the way she has NO intention of running for president in 2016, because by the time 2016 rolls around she will either look like the Crypt Keeper or, if she continues with the plastic surgery, like Joan Rivers less attractive sister.

You will also notice that she once again defends Rush Limbaugh, and calls the media hypocrites for calling him out on the attacks directed at Sandra Fluke. And this on the same day that she demanded Obama give back the million dollars that Bill Maher gave a SuperPAC which supports him.

This woman, is an idiot!

P.S. If you want to see the real news that is happening this Super Tuesday then just click here.


  1. Anonymous5:15 PM

    She reminds me of girls that have a hard time saying no when asked out on a date. She has no intention of seriously running, but she can't come out and say it for fear of people losing their interest in her and moving on. I've seen it hundreds of times.

  2. Anonymous5:19 PM

    This is really disgusting......talking about Rush, the brokered convention and that she definitely plans to be at the conviction. She tries to act like it was a coincidence that they interviewed her. Also check out the hair and the blush. She looks like crap!!!


    In this one she is downing President Obama and about the 2016 election.


    1. What the heck was with that wig..blonde streaks that didn't match her dark front hair..salons do not do foils that way. Her voice was screechier than ever..talk about being jacked up! Creepy Todd hanging around in the background.

    2. The comment above was in reference to the CNN interview.

    3. Anonymous7:51 PM

      I'm sure a typo when you said she definitely plans to be at the "conviction"...rather than convention.

      Oh how I wish she were attending a conviction - her own!!!!

    4. Marleycat9:33 AM

      She didn't take a shower for days - so slather on new make up on top of old, tie up filthy hair and put on a less dirty wig - there all ready for my fans, oh - glob on some 1960's white lipstick to complete my look! CNN is no less incendiary than FUX News!

  3. Nevermind what the Palin-bots are doing -- the CNN crew were practically having orgasms at scoring a Palin appearance on their network.

    Did you see the Tweet from Greta Van Susteren?

    She asked, "@gretawire Gov Palin on CNN?"

    Why, yes, Greta, she was. What, did she violate her Fox contract or something?

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      I swear - Wolf gets an erection everytime he sees her!! He`s like an excited teenager that `goes off early`!!!!! ROFL

    2. Anonymous6:21 PM

      You can bet that Greta is doing a phone interview. She will not let CNN show her up.

    3. Anonymous10:49 PM

      there were rumors that Sarah was once courting CNN. She will play these two against each other. She has something up her sleeve. Geez, if there no end to her drama?

    4. Anonymous11:33 AM

      I actually wrote CNN a quick note and asked them why they were calling her "Governor" when she quit? And why were they interviewing a liar and a quitter?

      We can't let the "Bots" be the only voices they hear.

  4. Anonymous5:21 PM

    She's fading big time! Where was all the other media to get her wonderful words? Not even FOX!!! She is a 'has been' and of no concern to many other folks in the U.S. Especially in Alaska!! Sarah, go hike in the mountains and get lost!

  5. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  6. Anonymous5:29 PM

    She can always give me a good laugh!

  7. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Just in time for the bots to increase their donations to Sarah PAC's first quarter. She's got the IQ of a geranium, but she's no fool.

    1. Anonymous10:51 PM

      I am beginning to think that Todd is the moving force behind this charade. He's been pimping his wife ever since he realized sex sells.

  8. Anonymous5:34 PM

    O/T - Major Video Find for the good people of WI

    Wisconsin - Scott Walker - Video of Walker during 2010 campaign 'Vowing to work within state's collective bargaining rules'

    From Maddow Blog:

    Andy Kroll notes a newly-surfaced video of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), during his 2010 campaign, vowing to work within the state's collective-bargaining rules -- the same rules that he set out to eliminate soon after taking office. The significance is simple: the recall effort is predicated on the argument that Walker misled Wisconsin voters about what he'd do if elected.


    This is going to make the Recall Election speeches, interviews, ads interesting!!!


    1. Anonymous2:47 AM

      Thanks for that, de!

  9. I agree with David Frum on twitter

    RT @szorowitz: @davidfrum Shouldn't Palin's response to 2016 run question have been she expects GOP President to run for re-election

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Frum expects far too much. If she couldn`t tell Katie what she reads, how on hell could she think that fast on her feet to come up with that!! He forgets -- her brain has gotten older and shrivelled since 2008

  10. Anonymous5:35 PM

    "tits awry"

    Fashion and design classes the world over will use that pic to study the pitfalls of poorly chosen foundation garments.

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM


      That giving new meaning to the words `lift and separate`

      HBO just ran an ad on CNN for Game Change

    2. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Awry, and heading slowly toward her waist.

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Or she showed the GOP hand. They have no plans on winning the 2012 election, just like they lost the 2008 election on purpose.

      Of course, $arah does not get the GOP memos. She is not on the CC list for anything important.

  11. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Watching Santorum speaking, one of his daughters is standing somewhat funny. Oh, I see, she has an aspirin between her knees

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      I hope that she paid for it out of her own pocket.Even if it's just for a headache instead of birth control, I want to see the video.

  12. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Watch Sarah Palin Talk About Super Tuesday And Her Presidential Plans On…CNN


  13. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Such a nasty piece of work. Delusional too. Lookin' old too, that's for you Sarah.
    Is Track serving in combat right now?

    1. Anonymous10:58 PM

      He either is or is not in the Army. Does anybody know? I thought he was discharged.

  14. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Regarding Palin demanding President Obama return Bill Maher's money. The bitch is so fucking stupid. Maher donated the money to Democrat SuperPAC not President Obama's campaign

    1. She thinks the president uses the Pac money like she does. Dumb idiot.

    2. Anonymous10:58 PM


    3. Anonymous2:25 AM

      And she read all the stuff here yesterday about how SHE should give all her PAC money back because she is not running for office. Simple solution; just go on CNN and drop a hint thatshe "might' run in 2016 and the PAC is all legal again ! (in her mind anyway).

      She won't be alive by 2016; all the drug abuse and other physical/mental problems will take care of that.

    4. Anonymous2:26 AM

      Oh, and she just HAD to try and upstage Super Tuesday in some way, didn't she ?

  15. Anonymous5:44 PM

    She sure is reinforcing the portrayal of her in Game Change. Know nothing, hate and lie spewing loose cannon. Gotta love it.

  16. Her fake boobs are extremely uneven in that picture!

  17. Anonymous5:48 PM

    So I wonder what Track is doing overseas. Granny got caught bull shitting last time so I think she learned her lesson and is telling the truth.

    But overseas for Sarah could be mean Track is stationed in Florida or Dead Lake Lucille.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Maybe he is stationed near the refrigerator trying to protect it. Maybe the Palin kitchen qualifies as a war zone?

  18. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Palin says, " having a family member in the military serving in a war zone right now " ?
    Is this genuine news or is she just making things up again/still ?

  19. This interview made my blood boil. Ignorance wrapped in hate wrapped in hypocrisy. And are they really interviewing her at a polling site? In my city, we have to remove candidate buttons and throw out flyers before entering the building.

  20. angela5:50 PM

    Hysterical! Did anyone hear Maher is defending Limbaugh on Twitter.
    OMG. What will Sarah do now? I think this is called ratfucking.
    What a day.

    And if Sarah could get her negatives down---I think they are in the seventy percents--I'd vote for her for county dog warden if she promised not to kick the dogs. Wow--SarahPac money must be none existent to make Sarah do another pole dance.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      You would be better off breaking off a chunk of ice from a glacier and set her adrift as President of her own island!!

      That would be good for her as she`s not really into doing much work.

      Ooops -- I forgot. Shhhhh - Don`t tell her -- Ice melts!!

    2. Anonymous12:04 AM

      Maher is SCARED. He is thinking if it can happen to Limbaugh, it can happen to ANYBODY in the media.

  21. Anonymous5:53 PM

    So Barbara Bush, that elitist, says the primary season has been crazy and it should end.

    Sarah Palin, that plain workin' woman who wears three layers of makeup to vote in a caucus, wants MORE debates and more "competition." The Republicans have been going at it for nearly a year -- if the candidates haven't made themselves known, they simply can't.

    "Orwellian rhetoric" -- has she ever read anything by George Orwell? He would take her apart, piece by piece, if he were around today.She's the one who says white is black, square is round -- both to deceive, and because she believes her idiocy.

  22. Anonymous5:55 PM

    About a week ago, Palin sent out a Sarahpac letter asking for money ( with a Ronald Reagan stamp on it that excited the bots.)So of course she is answering this way. And once again, her bots will toss money her way to pay for a mailer that makes her look important. They will never catch on. The money they send does nothing but keep Palin's "brand"(lunatic) keep going.

    1. Marleycat9:40 AM

      No, it's used for Todd's "operating expenses" for his business with Gregg - and of course - to pay off those who he employed and effed to keep their mouths shut! The execs at GCI and BP are shitting bricks right now and are leaning on Todd - Those guys could be in big trouble!

  23. I heard it from Sarah herself: "Anything she could do for the country, she would do". It would definitely be good for the country if she would STFU but that's not going to happen.

    She said she "has a family member serving in a war zone". Is she referring to Track? If so, is he in a war zone?

    1. lilli6:46 PM

      I wonder if Track married Bretta before he went over there so she and the baby would be covered in case something happened..I have a niece who married her boyfriend of 2 yrs before he was deployed, he's a Captain out of Ft. Wainwright Alaska. He wanted to marry her so she would have benefits if something happened to him.

    2. Anonymous6:54 PM

      She's SO stupid that she still thinks Americans are stupider than her. That we can't put 2 and 2 together when she is bald faced lying again. She started out lying and will go to her grave lying. Just because she believes her own lies doesn't mean everybody else does. Obviously she has absolutely no clue how others perceive her. It's great to see though how the populace has caught on to her game.

      One too many lies Sarah.

  24. Anonymous5:57 PM

    why 2016 why not now. for she knows she will loose against mr.pres. and one more way for her task her fans for $.

    1. I noted that 2016 date too. I guess she realizes that there won't be any Republican incumbent to worry about. And I would love to see her try to go up against President Obama. At least she would finally get him to pay attention to her...assuming she got the nomination with her servant's heart and all.

  25. Anonymous5:59 PM

    yuck! what stupid bimbo.

  26. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Sarah's such a "Lyin' Ass Grifter". Her followers are mushrooms, fermenting in $arah's shit. Oh yeah, it's true. Must suck a lot at C4P as they try to regroup for the 10,001st time. Heads must be exploding there as she plays out her "tease" for a 2012 brokered convention nomination VP slot or a shot at 2016. Keep sending Granny Grifter your dollars C4Per's. Sarah's simply unfucking believable, she will win and prove that we exist! Yeah, yeah you rabid dogs, she's going to win! Send money NOW.
    lol at you unevolved monkeys.

    follow_the _news

    1. lilli6:47 PM

      Mushrooms..she keeps them in the dark and feeds them lots of Bull shit..perfect!!

    2. the insufferable bitch really believes that repubaggers spent millions of dollars and umpteen hours up until now so her old nutty no paying grifting crazyass will be swept in, in some kind of fairy dust? Girl, get real.

      Girl you must be from the moon.

  27. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I am so excited that she is excited!
    Protezoa is just about correct.

    Is anyone concerned about an ameoba?

    Holy shit. I hope not.

    1. Anonymous6:45 PM

      how about a paramecium ?

  28. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Sit your dumb ass down Bitch, it is OVER !

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Sarah or Bristol or both skanks?

    2. Anonymous6:46 PM


  29. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I heard tawd was there. Did anyone check his coat pockets before they let him in? Ewww. Toddwadding - storing used condoms wrapped in a washcloth in your coat pocket.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      You need to take that to Urban Dictionary --- it's a great new definition!

    2. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Storing used condoms wrapped in a washcloth in his coat pocket.

      Hey what can Sarah say besides Boys Will Be Boys.

    3. lostinmn6:57 PM

      I thought Toad was AIP? Can he vote in the GOP primary?

  30. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Why did Bristol name her first born after Shailey Tripp?

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Levi was getting even with Toad.

  31. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Sarah Palin will never run for office. She knows the truth about trig will be revealed. That's her biggest fear.

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      About TriG? What about The Toad?
      Saw this tweet:

      #BoysWillBeBoys bit.ly/xOtNy3 According2 this book #ToddPalin referred #MikeUtsler#MaxEasley#DarylLuo of #BP 4SexW/#ShayTripp #NEWS!

    2. she has bigger lies and bigger gates than we know.

      she can't run because number one, she's a freakin idiot.

  32. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Where's the birth certificate?

  33. Sally in MI6:11 PM

    Larry O'Donnell commented after Newt's nasty speech condeming the President for everything and anythin g, that he has yet to hear one member of the GOP start a sentence with "President Obama said" and finish it with a true statement.

  34. Anonymous6:11 PM

    This just in! Bill Maher DEFENDS Rush!

    Bill Maher stood up for beseiged talk show host Rush Limbaugh via Twitter late Tuesday, tweeting “Hate to defend #RushLimbaugh but he apologized, liberals looking bad not accepting. Also hate intimidation by sponsor pullout.”


    1. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Like the View -- Maher`s level of apology is under a rock. Remember -- he had a `ick` so his brain in a different functioning area

  35. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Shame on CNN for enabling Sarah to continue her long con on her bots.

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      CNN is pathetically desperate for ratings.

    2. Anonymous11:08 PM

      She is flirting with CNN because she knows her days are numbered at Faux.

    3. she will bring this network further down. nobody wants an dusty, old nasty, lying bat.

  36. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Well maybe Mr Maher needs to feel the power of the internets. Big mistake by Bill Maher to defend Rush, he has no clue

  37. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Bill Maher also will defend Anne Coulter because she is a friend

  38. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Did you see Todd in the background with a bulge in his front pocket. He just finished doing a hooker and has his tied up condom and face cloth in his pocket.

    1. Anonymous8:15 PM


    2. Marleycat9:45 AM

      He likes to hold "it" in his hands, too - so Jeebus, whatever you do - DON'T shake his hands - it could be his, his rent-boys, or one of his customer's (or, shudder, all three!)!

  39. imnofred6:17 PM

    She is a fucking LIAR. She said that she has a son that is serving in Iraq. WRONG!! He has been discharged.

    CNN proved that they are nothing more than Fox News lite. The Blitzer/King "interview" was about as hard hitting as Sean Hannity. They may as well have just given her an open microphone and told her to launch an assault on the President and on Liberals.

    Of course, she is probably the only Republican who wants the process to continue as she still has hopes that she will show up at the convention and get the nomination.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Track is in the Ntl Guard and his unit has been activated. When Sarah went to farewell the troops in Indiana a couple weeks back instead of farewelling Todd on the fek9 race start, it was because Track was with that unit. There were pics and blog coverage.

    2. Wasn't he in the Army with the Striker Brigade out of Ft. Wainwright Alaska? He must be doing his reserve duty in the National Guard and got called up.

    3. Anonymous8:02 PM

      I thought she was at CPAC when Todd`s race started

    4. Anonymous8:48 PM

      yes, but he didn't go anywhere.

    5. Anonymous8:48 PM

      Couldn't they at least have asked her what she meant by Orwellian vis a vis Obama?

    6. Anonymous9:04 PM

      @Anon 8:41pm
      Thanks for the info. Do you have any links to pictures or the blogs? TIA


    7. imnofred9:07 PM

      Someone isn't telling the truth unless Gryph came across some phony discharge papers, which I doubt. Check them out for yourself. I

    8. Anonymous2:57 AM

      Anon @ 8:41 pm

      Sorry, but that doesn't add up. If he was in the National Guard and living in Alaska, he would be serving in Alaska--not Indiana. The NG serves the state in which it's located. If he's in the Reserves, that's another story.

    9. Anonymous5:49 AM

      Irishgirl posted a link.

    10. Anonymous6:08 AM

      I read somewhere he is now a sergeant. Is that possible considering how short a time he's served?

    11. Marleycat9:58 AM

      I still don't believe her, at all! There were no pictures of her with Track, with a veriable time stamp of when such a pic was taken - furthermore, why didn't he have a "rank" on the list Frontiersman of area people in the "military". Is that how National Guardsmen are differentiated from the regular Armed Forces, or "active" Guard? It may well be that his unit was deployed, but for all we know, he's Stateside polishing his CO's boots or being a supply clerk! Why doesn't he have a "rank"? I certainly could be mistaken, but, I can't help but believe she would have had FUX News and CNN with full media regalia to focus uber undeserved attention on . . . SARAH. Hahahahaha - thought I was going to say "Track", dincha? Well, even though the "occassion would have been about Track, if indeed it had happened, we all know Sarah would have made sure all of the cameras were on her snarling, lying mug! I don't care if I'm wrong - as I said, she lies so much, I don't believe anything she says. If she says the sky is blue - I'm getting therapy, because my lifelong perception of reality will be shaken to its core, because I will know that all those years I knew the sky to be blue were a big lie!

  40. Titscrepancy!

    (Not my word. But, just couldn't resist.)

    1. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Brilliant ! I wonder if she is going for the braless look to $timulate her ba$e?

  41. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Maher defends Rush? Now watch the Teabaggers' heads explode.

    1. Marleycat10:05 AM

      How disappointing that Maher didn't hold his ground. He is coarse to be sure and guilty of unflattering comedic descriptors of Palin, and others, but - usually, despite the crassness of his choice of words, they are fairly accurate and well-deserved! Big difference from what Limpballs did, and does over and over. This just emboldens the RW and legitimizes the birth control = slut sex = getting paid to have your sex - you owe us a live action porn vid to j**k off to! I guess Maher is just an empty blowhard who is not really committed to his devil-may -care take down of the lunatic fringe, is he?

  42. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Holy crap - that blue frost eyeshadow was the same stuff on my Barbi - in 1967.

    And TOAD looks pregnant - or did he just borrow one of $carah's props?

  43. Anonymous6:30 PM

    She is DELUSIONAL on so many levels, but if she thinks for ONE SECOND that she will have a chance in hell with the GLUT of GOP contenders that will be lining up 30 seconds after November voting day, she's doubly delusional. She will have to contend with the REAL heavy hitters in the GOP, not these namby pamby clowns that are in the mix now. By then the tparty will be fully defunct, there will be lots of young millenium voters, less old white people fox viewers, and the entire right wing will be in tatters.

    1. Anonymous3:34 AM

      Jeb will bury her. I call it first.

    2. Marleycat10:06 AM

      I help him, and provide my own shovel to dig with! Call me, Jeb, anytime!

  44. Anonymous6:34 PM

    She said that she will definitely be at the convention in Tampa. Surely no one will ask her to speak or at least I hope to hell not!

    Her makeup was really horrible. Too much eyebrow and way too much blush. Made her look really haggard.

  45. In other stupid people news, Joe the Plumber is running for Congress in Ohio's District 09. And as of now...he's winning. 50% to 49%. Sheesh.

    1. Anonymous9:44 PM

      That's in a reTHUG primary in a very blue district.

      Sort of like coming in third in a a three man race. Meaningless.

      Think Chicago - the reTHUGS think they have to run "someone." usually that "someone" keeps a really low profile, doesn't campaign, has a single storefront with their name on it and a phone line that is rarely answered.
      I believe this is also know n as a sacrificial lamb- Wurzeldoofus is too stupid to smell the BBQ until he feels the flames.

  46. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Well they both have one thing in common. D R U G S.

    No surprise though as she supported and defended Dr. Laura's "nigger" rant.

  47. Anonymous6:37 PM

    VERCAMMEN: Wolf wants to know if you want to weigh in on this controversy. He says some vile words were thrown around, some of them directed towards you actually, the controversy involving Rush Limbaugh, contraception and the Georgetown student? Your reaction to some of those words that were used?

    PALIN: I think the definition of hypocrisy is for Rush Limbaugh to have been called out, forced to apologize and retract what it is that he said in exercising his First Amendment rights, and never is that - the same applied to the leftist radicals who say such horrible things about the handicapped, about women, about the defenseless. So I think that's the definition of hypocrisy. And that's my two cents worth.

    1. Sally in MI10:57 PM

      What's horrible Sarah? That Trig is a pawn? That Bristol acts like a two-bit hooker? That the truth hurts?

  48. Anonymous6:38 PM

    She is working her plan - she planned all along to do everything she could to disrupt the primary process and hope to get the nomination at a brokered convention. Republicans aren't that dumb, are they?

    1. Anonymous9:14 PM


    2. Anonymous3:09 AM

      Mitt Romney's not going to let that happen. He'll buy all the delegates a shiny new car before he'd go into a brokered convention situation. Or...more realistically, he'll get stuck having to pick Santorum as his veep....just you watch!

  49. Anonymous6:42 PM

    hey $carah you wonk eyed skank fraud coward grifter, either fuk the hell off and die or move the fuk outta the state of alaska, take yer white trash parents, brother and yer spawn too you piece of shit

  50. Anonymous6:44 PM

    She really can't hide the bitterness, can she? Why so angry quitter? It's really off-putting. And who did her make-up, Piper?

  51. Anonymous6:44 PM

    2016? Utterly laughable. It is my own belief that the next Republican president (if ever one is elected again) will be a moderate. Just look at where appealing to the fringe gets you nowadays. Moreover, Palin will not learn a thing by her experiences. She is a celebrity with little interest in anything more than a paycheck.

    Forget it, cookie: Your star crashed to Earth the moment you opened your mouth.

  52. Anonymous6:48 PM

    "Murkowski Condemns Limbaugh As More Sponsors Flee Him"


    1. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Too little too late Lisa!

  53. Sarah said: "You're a lucky dude" to the reporter. She looked like she was getting off on the attention. I noticed that the people in the background were not at all interested in what was going on. Seems as if they have had enough of the grifting granny and her consort.

  54. Anonymous6:54 PM


    Palin Reveals She Voted For Gingrich


    1. Sally in MI10:55 PM

      Of course she did. He said he admired her and that she would have a place in his administration.

    2. Anonymous11:14 PM

      Gengrich gave a "shout out" to Todd Palin for helping him win Georgia, in his acceptance speech. hmmmm.

    3. Anonymous12:36 AM

      Because they told her she couldn't vote for Paul Revere, or "any of 'em."

  55. Anonymous6:59 PM

    just watched 2 minutes and heard the same fukin' platitudes rattled out, nothin' new there... i do hope though $he'll pump more botox into that brainless fukin' forehead of hers, fukin' thing looks ready to explode....i did also notice the fact that the locals didn't give a rats fukin' ass about the crazy skank slut bein' there

  56. Anonymous7:02 PM

    OMG - now she was just on FOX news blathering again...


    1. lilli8:07 PM

      Oh Oh she has on her scarf...this must have been taped before she was on CNN. 2 different wigs??

    2. Marleycat10:13 AM

      She's drunk!

  57. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Just for fun, check the following link out to see that an astrologer see in Palin what we see. Made me smile the further into it I read. It was posted last May but the truth is timeless.


    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      thanks for sharing the natal chart - it is definitely interesting

  58. Anonymous7:08 PM

    "all those things that are near and dear to an Alaskan's heart certainly are near and dear to an American's heart"

    Which are the rill ones, Sarah?

    1. Anonymous12:35 AM

      This just in: Alaska is a state in America -- the U.S.A., remember, Sarah?

  59. I wonder if McCain and his group from 2008 will finally speak to palin's incompetence.
    Will they think of the country or will they support the party all the way.

    When will the true republicans stand up for the country?

    1. Anonymous10:17 PM

      Don't hold your breath.

  60. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Julianne Moore is on The Daily Show

  61. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Shouldn't FOX pull her off the air now that she is again teasing a run? She just said if she is asked at the convention, she wouldn't close any doors... She is campaigning and has been running her mouth to extend the primary for a brokered convention all along thinking she is setting herself up to get the nomination. She has had a platform at Fox and she doesn't have to go on the road and campaign or debate with the other candidates. She just thinks she can waltz into the convention and everybody is going to beg her to be nominee. She is N U T S !!!!

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      The coffers are just about empty and the bucks stopped flowing in. The guest spots on her daughter's show are not going to pay enought to maintain the surgery or the wigmaker. She is hallucinating that she sees open doors because she knows she has to be front and center in order to get the free money flowing. She needs people to think she's running or she needs a paid contract.
      Lot's of luck Sarah. The party is coming to an end slowly but surely.

  62. Julianne Moore is on Jon Stewart tonight!

  63. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I do believe, after more thought, that Sarah tricked people again. By being coy, and her answer about running, she was probably trying to line up viewers for Bristol's show. And you know, her bots and others, will surely be on the edge of their seats tuning into Bristol's show to find a sign (blouse color, hairstyle,etc) that will give them a clue what Sarah is up to---and you know Sarah will be on that show. Of course, it could just turn out that "She's running. She's running" could reverberate from the walls of c4pee through 2012, into 2016 and beyond into 2020 and on and on.--And they will still be sending $$$ to her pac or her account in jail should she end up there.

  64. Anonymous7:28 PM

    OT, but look at this photo that has been shown as evidence that Palin is pregnant. Look at the area where a shoulder pad is evident. Doesn't it look like the top of the empathy belly get-up?


    1. lilli8:10 PM

      Bullet proof vest???

  65. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Every dollar they send to the Tundra Tart is one less they can send to a viable candidate and that makes me smile :), I could personally care less if her 'bots are stupid enough to fund her exstravegant lifestyle ( no different that the idiots funding TeeVee preachers)

  66. Gryphen: I watched Palin on CNN I could be wrong but I got the impression what she said she meant. She said, she was going to the convention,also that she would jump in if asked. In saying that, I also got the impression that she set it up, she acted all girly talking to the reporter, Wolf and John King asked her these questions I reckon they knew it was going to happen. Remember Sarah doesn't believe in coincidences.
    Later I seen her on Fox News, she was like a different person. If you can compare the two clips from CNN and Fox I would be interested in your take on it.

  67. telah7:37 PM

    From the interview with CNN, as reported on CBS News (I can't bear to watch it):
    "Asked about the controversy surrounding Rush Limbaugh and his criticism of law student Sandra Fluke for her push for greater access to contraception, Palin said it is "the definition of hypocrisy is for Rush Limbaugh to have been called out, forced to apologize and retract what it is that he said in exercising his First Amendment rights."

    Palin went to argue that the same standard is not applied "to the leftist radicals who say such horrible things about the handicapped, about women, about the defenseless."

    Delusional fucking bitch and her pimp loser pussy husband.

  68. Anonymous7:37 PM

    I had to laugh at snake Todd hiding in the background like he doesn't want the camera's on him, shouldn't he be by his wife's side? lmao! You will notice this at the end of the clip. Wonder if it has anything to do with Shailey's book out right now. If I were him I would be hiding under a rock somewhere. These idiots have no shame...wtf is it going to take to send these crazies away forever?

    1. lilli8:12 PM

      That whole family has no shame, not including Track who seems to want his privacy.

    2. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Hey Todd....Ron Duncan says...Thanks a bunch. I bet none of you ever thought Shailey would name all your names, eh?

    3. Anonymous10:32 PM

      I love that Shailey named those names! I have goggled them and it confirms what she writes in her book. Tags: Shailey Trip: Boys will be boys. I want the world to know....

      Remember the song...It's Hard out Here for a Pimp...apparently Todd wasn't that hard. LOL!!!

      To the T to the O to the DD...Whatcha going to do when they come for you? BECAUSE THEY ARE COMING.

    4. Anonymous10:48 PM

      How could sister Sarah even think of being included in the upcoming race as a VP candidate IF she were asked - which I totally doubt? She and Todd have WAY too much baggage. And, now the book is out about Todd's prostitute and the fact he referred others to her - i.e. a 'prostitution ring'!

  69. I watched her interview on CNN, caught it live.
    I got the impression that she did say at the end, that she was going to the convention and she would jump in if asked. Answering questions from Wolf and John King.
    I also thought that it was set up.I'll bet she let them know she would be there at that time.As you know well Sarah doesn't believe in coincidences, I also believe this was not a coincidence either.
    Later I watched her on Fox News.She acted all girly on CNN, then on Fox News she was stiff and formal, like two different people . Watch the two clips if you can I would like your opinion

    1. lilli8:15 PM

      Why are they having a political interview inside a polling place?? Are those people in Wasilla to chicken to confront her or CNN?

    2. Marleycat10:23 AM

      With Palin it's always setup, never spontaneous - afterall, why would they have been at a primary in Alaska, who did they think they were going to "run into" - Jesse Griffen OR Dirk Diggler (if it's an open primary)? It would have been more newsworthy and a more accurate take on the political mood of Alaskans, for sure! My Texas daughter will vote for Santorum in the Texas primary - even though she's a Dem! She knows Santorum will go down in flames against Santorum even in Texas!

  70. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Gotta give Palin one thing....when it comes to making $$$, getting a free ride of any type or a chance to keep her name in the media she doesn't care WHAT it takes. Her tenaciousness knows no bounds......even if the entire world laughs at her and thinks she's an idiot. She could give a hoot less if everyone sees her rubbing her prostitute ass all over the white house column.

    1. Anonymous10:33 PM

      You've got that right!

    2. Anonymous4:29 AM

      Yup. That's a NPD Queen for you: they crave the limelight with every fiber of their being and have zero compunction or even self-awareness about the lengths they will go to get it. And they are absolute masters at projection: call them on the BS and it gets blasted back at you, ten-fold.
      Twisted, pathetic, malignant...and very effective...

  71. LOL! Love it...Baldy all hyped up on Redbull and probably reeking of vodka or gin! And did ya'll see the Toad skulking in the background...like a good little handler! No way was he going to stop his top HOE from drumming up more money for the coffers!

    "Bitch betta have my money" Toad, Pimp of the Year 2012"

    Sorry didn't listen to the shit coming out of her mouth...I couldn't get over how she kept tilting her giant head....I guess somebody must have told her that's her "best side"! LOL!

    And THAT wig was atrocious...that must be her "going out" wig! That whole set up was for Baldy to put on her crusty G-string and shake that flabby ass for her bots'! I'm almost afraid to go to the Asylum and see how the patients took this latest dance!

    Maybe I'll wait until they're medication kicks in and THEN go over there!

  72. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Tweet on Fox News about Sarah & Todd`s votes -- I mean singular VOTE

    Fox News Politics ‏ @foxnewspolitics
    Sarah Palin tells Fox Business Network she voted for Gingrich in Alaska caucuses. Husband Todd didn’t vote; he’s an independent.

    1. Anonymous10:43 PM

      Palin was the 'kiss of death' in her vote for Gingrich - as usual. He came in LAST in Alaska. The guys is a total jerk!

  73. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Palin just told CNN she would consider entering the race. I say "go for it" as will help vet her for the party! Maybe this would make more Alaskans speak out. The mainstream and underground media could expose the lies. Plus just watching President Obama eviscerate in a debatey would be worth it. I am in Ohio and as usual, we don't have a winner yet.

  74. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Talk about delusional from one of the evacuees of the GOP clown car:

    Donald Trump tweet:

    Someone should ask @BarackObama in today's press conference how he accumulated more debt in 3 years than the first 42 presidents combined.

    1. Anonymous10:42 PM

      Trump shows total disrespect in not referring to him as "President" Barack Obama! Asshole!

    2. Well, for starters, he put George W. Bush's two wars ON the books. They weren't in Georgie's budget. Oh, that and the Medicare Part D giveaway to Big Pharma...that wasn't paid for. Hmmmm...seems Georgie used the credit card quite a bit.

  75. Sorry for double posts.

  76. Anonymous7:59 PM

    CNN Web is featuring not one but two links to Palin comments, in its top cluster of articles/videos!!!! That's the best they can do tonight, apparently. Pathetic.

    They think this is all about Sarah Palin? They are completely out of touch. Or they just can't accept she is not anyone's gravy train anymore. That ship has sailed, idiots.

    There is no way in hell the GOP is going down that road again, even if they are looking for a Hail Mary candidate come convention time. Even I don't think they are that stupid.

    (If Sarah is harboring a little fantasy that she is going to be Rick Santorum's running mate, she is sorely mistaken. And extremely foolish, because there are too many people now who would relish the opportunity to finally set the record straight on her, and that circumstance is probably one which would move them do to so.)

  77. Anonymous8:08 PM

    C4pee has another video on the Neil Cavuto thread. FOX must have come out with their hook and yanked her offstage. In that video, she says it will never get to a brokered convention(she says this at the end) and then in her presidential way we've come to expect, she said it would take someone "ballsy" to select her as VP and didn't think anyone would. Such class--but a headline grabber.

  78. Anonymous8:10 PM

    toddstarnes ‏ @toddstarnes (FoxNews)

    Palin tells FBN it would take a "ballsy candidate" to ask her to be their VP. -- @dglasscock

  79. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I see the sisters were a bit uneven and unbalanced tonight. I know that I shouldn't even type this, but what sort of woman thinks she can be taken as a serious political figure in a red shiny blouse? Gad, stereotypes running loose, but really, if it was Hilary in that shirt, I'd have a hard time taking her seriously as well.

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      That's her "I'm gonna put on one of my push up bras so I can get what I want tonight" - tactics in preparation for one of her Wasilla city council meetings. Her "tactics" are never on the level of anything that can be called HONEST. Never. Ever.

  80. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Kucinich lost his seat in Ohio (redistricting)

    Erik Erikson voted for Perry in Georgia. What a fucking tool. And he gets paid to be a mouthpiece. Huntsman was on the ballot too.

  81. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Clean up on aisle 4....clean up on aisle 4..... Sarah's left boob has fallen and can't get up!

  82. imnofred8:25 PM

    The more I think about it, I have to agree with others that say that this interview was pre-arranged.

    I doubt CNN would dispatch a camera crew to Wasilla, Alaska simply to cover a primary that is pretty much insignificant. The fact that Sarah and CNN were both there at once is no coincidence.

    When you look at the topics(continue the process,A Limbaugh, brokered convention, there is little doubt that a tweety bird from the Palin camp told CNN that Sister Sarah would be there and when.

    I also noticed how CNN downplayed it by saying that they had no idea that they would run into her.

    Unfortunately, Sarah got what she wanted. She got free airtime to campaign for a brokered convention and make it look like that she was simply answering a question.

    No doubt in my mind that the interview was set up and that the topics were scripted.

    1. Anonymous11:24 PM

      I agree with you completely. Sarah is flirting with CNN and I think Faux has dumped her.

    2. Marleycat10:29 AM

      They will hire her next, taking up with FUX's dirty seconds, thinking to milk the last drop of media faux news $$$ out of the Palin.

  83. Anonymous8:28 PM

    The interview was a set up by Palin & TeaNN. She's trying to distract people because "Game Change" will air this weekend. Same old M.O...look over here..not over there. *Roll Eyes* Our pathetic media falls for it every time.

    Oh & Greta's tweet was on purpose. Greta knew Palin would be on TeaNN and she probably was involved in the charade. Greta & Palin are bed buddies.

    Good Lawd!! Our country has turned into a high school melodrama. We really need to stop talking about "It" (Palin). Like I've said before, if we continue to feed the beast it will only get bigger.

    Gryph, I would really like to see more posts about the President & world affairs. You are an excellent writer and you would do good if you stop writing about The Thing from Wasilla.

    1. Greta has a thing about CNN who she worked for before Fox. As soon as I seen Palin on CNN Witch that I am, I went onto her Blog site and posted. Who saw Sarah Palin interview on CNN.On another site they commented she was tweeting, asking about it.
      Don't know if my post alerted her :-)

  84. Anonymous8:38 PM

    OT but has anyone ever seen a photo of Track and Brittas child?? Or have they seen the child in person?
    Are Track and Britta still together?
    We have never seen peep about this or Willows supposed engagement.

    PS Sarah looks terrible! Compare it to how she looked honing a speech at the last RNC. It's shocking if u put photos side by side. Why is she going to the convention?
    Can anyone go? I think she had a plan up her sleeve.

  85. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Gryphen are you denying certain posts?

  86. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Sarah Palin Tells Fox Business Network She Voted For Gingrich, ‘The Cheerful One’

    Since it came from you, I will tell you. I won’t sound like a politician and I’ll tell you about it tonight. I considered who can best bust through the Orwellian Obama rhetoric that we heard more of today in Obama’s press conference talking about another insolvent and unconstitutional bailout that has no funds to finance another program that he wants to kind of force down our throats. Who can best bust through these ideas of America never taking steps towards energy independence when we have the natural resources here and we can do it.

    Her choice, then? “The cheerful one, it’s Newt Gingrich.”

    Have a gander, via Fox Business Network:


    1. Sally in MI10:49 PM

      She and Newt gave the same speech. Can no one call them out, ever? Oil production is higher than it has ever been...the Gulf is not 'closed' at all. Tar Sands is a disaster that must be stopped. We can drill all the oil we have, but it still goes on the world market. And what of future generations? We suck the well dry and what is left for all of Palin's grandchldren? A barren and ugly place, denuded of trees, clean air, clean water. And for what? So she can have gas for her ridiculous bus trips? So Newt can pretend HE can get gas prices down to $2.50? I have to wonder if he and the oil companies are not in cohoots to bring prices down so he can swindle people of their votes. Time will tell. And Sarah...you're still an idiot. We know whay you voted for Newt. He's the only one who has ever mentioned your name at all, and you think he's promised you the VP slot...hahahhhaaha.

    2. Marleycat10:38 AM

      We know now why Sarah keeps touting drilling in ANWR - with BP execs screwing Todd's rent boys and girls, is there any doubt, that there is a free flow of money into Sarah's pockets if she stays on message and steady customers for Todd to earn good hard cash from? I hope Todd realizes that BP can crush Todd Palin like a bug, Sarah, too - if the Shailey Tripp disclosures cause them trouble with the DOJ, or they think Todd may squeal, OR attempt to extort! Be afraid, Sarah and Todd, be afraid - political fortunes and realities can switch - just like that - SNAP!

  87. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Hey G! Don't miss Jon Stewart tonight. Julianne Moore is on! AWESOME!

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:44 PM

      I found it interesting when, after talking about how much research when into the role, Julianne and Jon both said "And it's all true".

    2. Anonymous11:49 PM

      Julianne Moore sucks. I would not be surprised is she becomes best girlfriends with Palin, They can both go to !@#$%^!

  88. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Hey Sar~

    That bobble-head body language, particularly the side-to-side tic is rather telling...

    Btw, don't cha just love those "Game Change" commercials!

    Tick tock.


  89. Anonymous9:04 PM

    These people have the IQ of pond scum, and if you idiot trolls want to say I don't know who I accuse; I have a family full of these racist assholes and hear first hand how stupid they are. My aunt is as dumb as a bag of hammers, but I love her. She will NEVER admit to her idiocy even though she lives in Idaho and gets food stamps. She and most of my family hate black people; but refuse to admit they are racist.
    I love them but sit back and thank God I am not like they are.
    My aunt thinks Fox news is always true. How can you fight that kind of stupidity?

  90. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Send that bitch your money.

    You know that SarahPac Palin Family Summer Vacation bus doesn't run on fumes.

  91. WakeUpAmerica10:29 PM

    OMG!!! That is the fugliest hair yet! Talk about helmet head! Who the hell is doing her hair?

  92. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Palin is a legend in her own mind...

  93. Anonymous11:03 PM

    New TSA Scanners worthless?


  94. Anonymous11:16 PM

    As tired and burned out as I am about Palin - at least I take comfort in the fact that the longer she keeps her self out there with her political pole dance tease for her bots, there is more time for the truth to be revealed and more skeltons to fall out of the closet.

    o/t - I would like to see Palin forced to respond to this article blaming single moms for the problems this country faces, one politician in WI is trying to pass a bill that would officially label single parents a "contributing factor to child abuse and neglect."

    The stupidity of these people is beyond my comprehension.

    Also thank you for the previous post about Game Change - yes I do feel better now :)

    1. Marleycat10:47 AM

      Sarah will just enthusiastically agree, nodding that bobblehead, secure in the knowledge that NO MSM in the nation will dare to add - "since Bristol, Track, and Willow all procreated prior to marriage - and are not married to this date?" Even if they just stick to the baby out of wedlock that they can't deny - she will act like, and be allowed to do just that - as if nothing of the sort ever happened in her family! That's who Sarah is (and our Media) - it doesn't apply to me, so yes, let's vilify single mothers and throw them in jail, as the good "Christians" we are, and paragon of family values we Palins are, have you SEEN Todd!

  95. Anonymous12:20 AM

    I think it's great that Romney won in Alaska.

    Even they don't listen to her anymore!

  96. Irishgirl1:12 AM

    I knew I had heard that Track was deploying to Afghanistan and I have just remembered where I had read it. I don't know how true it is.



  97. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Sarah Palin was created by the AIP, for the AIP


  98. A. J. Billings3:46 AM

    Hi Sarah Palin. I'm using your WHOLE NAME so that your special google alerts will trigger, and you'll know that someone else is saying your name, dontcha know?

    Guess what Sarah Palin, this Saturday, we'll all be watching you screaming in frustration at having to do the work of running for VP in the Game Change movie

    We'll get to watch just how stupid you really were while they were tutoring you on such exotic subject like Africa being a country, and why that awful Saddam DIDN'T attach us on 9/11

    We'll also get to see the best part of the movie, along with MILLIONS of other rill 'Mericuns, where you are curled up in agony on the floor, unbathed, and whining like a baby because you blew the VP race completely.

    We'll get to review all this again because your own MOUTH is your worst enemy $arah.

    Make lots of popcorn folks, and don't forget that Game Change will get posted to torrent sites within minutes of the end of the HBO showing.

  99. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Sarah will never, be picked, Santorum is a very very strict Catholic, with very conservative views.He belongs to the Knights Of Malta,and Opius Dei, his children have attended the school run by Opius Dei.
    Sarah has nothing Santorum wants or needs. Sarah is of a faith that hates Catholics, and Morman's along with every other faith except hers. They are the chosen ones, all others are condemed, unless conversion takes place.
    Because they are the choosen ones, they can and do whatever, they choose, with no guilt.

  100. VeryPolitik4:37 AM

    Joe the NOT Plumber won his race. I just don't understand the mindset of this new breed of GOP/tea party folk. It almost seems that the more unqualified the more they are interested. Joe the NOT Plumber is no more qualified to set policy for any part of the US than the kid who bags my groceries is to perform medical procedures or the person at the cash is at refurbishing my car engine. What are they thinking?

    1. Marleycat12:04 PM

      No, he's not smart enough, or qualified - but will prove to be a very useful tool for the Right Wing power brokers, Koch Brothers set, to be so out of his league - like the Palins of the world. Throw a few simplistic dog whistles at him and Joe the Dummy will fall hook, line, and sinker to carry out their agenda.

      Just like AIP and the Fundies did with Palin, and paved the way for the Tea Party Baggers and the GOP, and BP/Todd, of course, too! This is the value of keeping the people stupid - Dogma and platitudes work very well with these fools - just too bad that so many people and our country are damaged because of it.

      These kinds of idiots are more valuable than those who have original thought, critical thinking skills, and a real solid set of ethics, morals, values - and an understanding of the Constitution.

      With Joe the Dummy and Sarah Palin - just wave a flag and a gun, scream about "Christian" morals, Biblical Law, tell them to hate everyone "not one of us", rewrite history so slavery never happened, the holocaust didn't either, on and on - they have no capacity for second thought or reflection, did poorly in school and grew up in a family where breeding is more important than education and knowledge - Ya got yourself what passes for a "Republican" today!!!

      Very, very dangerous situation - just ask Barbara Bush. She's a Republican, but she knows what the current crop of extremists is doing to the GOP and this country. Even Jeb alludes to what's going on - Extremism on Steroids! I don't like the Bushes, and they helped ruin this country - but even Bush Daddy and Bush Baby didn't foment hate against women, minorities, and education.

      Literally - now, to push the GOP agenda they are not just disagreeing with the other side's politics - they are demonizing women, children, education, retirees, the unemployed, all brown people, all non fundie Christians (almost everybody, in other words), LBGT rights - symbolically threatening people with guns in their parades and speeches.

      It's insane - what a sad thing they are doing to this country. That's what we saw at the Tea Party Rally where Baggers were hurling insults at the disabled man in the wheelchair - surrounded, with cheering and taunts applauded! And when black Congressmen were spit on and racists insults were openly hurled at them. I won't get started with the graphics
      used on the signs with nooses, monkey
      faces, etc.

      This is Palin and many more of her Party - hate mongers and tools who want control - who don't understand democracy, or the Constitution.

  101. Anonymous5:03 AM

    For fun, Gryphen, here's a reminder of how Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan first reacted when the Palin VP pick was announced.

    It's nice to see their real, honest, reactions before they start started spinning faithfully for the Republican party.


    Everything they said there still stands.

  102. Anonymous5:49 AM

    If the GOP thought that putting Rick Santorum together with Sarah Palin would give them a shot at the White House, they would put them together, their respective religious affiliations notwithstanding. (Sarah Palin's religious life is a rather vague and elusive one, anyway. It's fake, basically, unless she is sucking up to people like Franklin Graham - but that's for political reasons.)

    This isn't about religion, it's about political power. Mitt Romney is not taking the country by storm, and his religious identification is problematic as well. That's why we don't hear him talking much about it, thus far.

    A few generations ago it was considered amazing that Jack Kennedy became President, as a Catholic. Now the ultra, ultra-conservative Catholic seems more palatable than the Mormon. Go figure.

    It's not about their religions, but I can tell you this - once the General Election campaign starts, folks will start scrutinizing the GOP candidate much more closely in that regard. President Obama's Progressive Protestantism is going to look pretty good by comparison, just like most people support reproductive rights in this country, regardless of religious practice. Extremism in any form will not win the White House.

    The GOP is screwed, basically, no matter who they choose, and adding Sarah Palin into the mix on any ticket will not help them. They have to have learned that by now, no? They have done this to themselves, starting way back with GW when they decided that catering to the Religious Right was a political strategy. They do not, in 2012, have a viable candidate.

  103. Anonymous8:42 AM

    As an Alaskan resident for over 22 yrs. I find it really hard to believe that SP did not know CNN was at the polling place. Really? in small town Wasilla where it only takes one friend or family member to notice a CNN reporter in town .... thus a quick phone call for the heads up. I wouldn't be surprised if a friend of hers was on the same airplane with the reporter and drove him out there.

  104. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Sgt. Track Palin of Wasilla, and a member of B Company, 1st Battalion (Airborne), 143rd Infantry Regiment, Security Forces (SECFOR) for Kandihar Provincial Reconstruction Team (KPRT) dodges a tackle by one of his Air Force KPRT counterparts. (Photo by Staf Sgt. Karima Turner)



    I hope they got this wrong but how in the hell is Track Palin a Sargent in the National Guard in the short time he was enlisted. It would take men and women years and years to achieve that. I hope its wrong.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.