Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Picture of President Obama terrified over debate challenge from Sarah Palin.

Oh yeah, I am going to have a LOT of fun with this picture.

The idea of Palin debating Obama actually did make ME laugh so hard that I was wiping tears away as I read her Facebook challenge the other day.

If ever anybody had ANY doubt that she was suffering from a mental illness, THAT should have put those doubts to rest.


  1. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Sarah, the forum of which you seek only belongs to those who have the guts and wherewithall to run for the top of the ticket, the 'opposition' against an incumbent. It's called the Presidential debates you twit.

    You belong no where near the POTUS, as a private citizen or a pundent. Your panties would get in a wad if you ever had to face an unscripted appearance in front of the President, outside your protective conservo bubble. You'd get all wee-wee'd up.


    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      OMG..lmao! the best words ever for the lunatic.

    2. Anonymous5:13 AM

      LOL... what does wee-wee'd mean? Is that an Alaskan term?

  2. Sally in MI6:38 PM

    And then his campaign spokesman on Ed telling Ed that that was the forst she'd ever heard of it. Sarah is sure the President is just as addicted to a crackberry as she is...I don't recall ever seeing him with as much as an IPOD. Besides, he and the lovely Michelle are hosting a state dinner tonight.

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      That they are, and with their usual class, dignity, grace and honor. Michelle looks amazing, the dinner sounds divine, everyone is having fun laughing and enjoying each other. The warmth and welcome that comes from the Obamas is awesome to witness. It is clearly infective and everyone's catching it!

    2. Anonymous8:15 PM

      The President and the First Lady represent us so well! Just love them to pieces!

    3. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Actually, I remember that President Obama was quite a crackberry addict until the Secret Service took it away from him. I think it just comes with the lifestyle.

      But he certainly never made a fool of himself on Twitter like she does on a regular basis and I have never heard of the Obama girls posting anything inappropriate online.

    4. Martha Schwope4:39 AM

      President Obama was never a crackberry addict. Stop making things up.

  3. Anonymous6:39 PM

    What a nut job. And, she doesn’t even get it.

    1. She gets it - she just hates it - jealousy is her second name

  4. Well, don't cha know, she did so well when she debated Senator O'Biden. She'll be awesome, you betcha. She'll just have her memorized answers and pivot when the questions get too hard. Like she did on the basketball court when she was Sarah Barracuda. Yep, she'll just show that hoity-toity guy from Washington a thing or two. And she'll wear her Belmonts and Monkey Pumps 'cause she's real smart and sassy.

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Don't forget her false boobies!

    2. Anonymous8:40 PM

      She'd probably just recycle the old memorized answers from the o'Biden debate. Why waste time learning anything new? You betchya!

    3. Her fake boobs are called The Belmont Twins. She'll be wearing them along with her bedazzled cross, flag and Star of David.

  5. LOL

    can you imagine what the loon palin is like these days?

    Game Change showing how she acted "mentally unstable" during the campaign.
    others horrors like man coulter etc. making fun of her.

    and a book exposing todds pimping and involvement with running a prostitution ring according to Ms Tripp.

    btw I believe Ms Tripps book can be the thing that finally sends these grifters under the ice in alaska for good.

    I hope everything is being done to get someone in the MSM to expose it.

  6. Anonymous6:44 PM

    True dat! I laughed also too. I emailed some of my Repub friends and they just said "when will she just stop embarassing our party?" They don't normally talk about her, at all, but the civil war tirade and then this, got them riled up.

  7. Anonymous6:44 PM

    LOVE that picture. My reaction precisely also, too!

    O/T: What happened to Alaskawtf??? It's gone again from the Net.

  8. Anonymous6:51 PM

    The whole world is laughing at Palin the quitter.

    bumpit to nowhere.

    1. Anonymous7:42 PM

      The world IS laughing at her, and she's proving "Game Change" non-fiction. What an ignorant narcisstic fool.

    2. Bumpit to nowhere.

      LOL What a great zinger.

  9. laprofesora7:03 PM

    I don't mean to be indelicate, but Sarah Palin would absolutely pee her pants if she had to face Barack Obama in a debate. Then she'd collapse on the floor in a giant, sobbing, heaving, pee-soaked heap.

    Be careful what you ask for, Sarah!

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Not that it would EVER happen as long as there is a sun and a moon,

      but IF President Obama were to even MEET Sarah Palin, I have no doubt President Obama would be a total gentleman, and he would smile that GORGEOUS smile of his, at her, and yes, Sarah would probably pee in her (oversized and stained) pants.

      She is a disgusting rube.

      She isn't even qualified to scrub Mrs. Obama's toilet. Palin sux.

  10. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Why on earth would she think she's important enough for president Obama to waste his precious time on her? What a delusional dumbfuck!

  11. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Clearly this wanting to debate Obama is a direct result of the accurate depiction of her failed debate prep as depicted in the movie Game Change.

    As if the "take us back to the Civil War" interview with Hannity wasn't enough to show the show she is petty and jilted...

    We now know the woman has issues with people of color... well we always knew that, but we do know now, she will gather up the racist crowd in record numbers now.

    1. Anonymous8:11 PM

      We've always known she is racist in Alaska! And, then just continued it on the campaign trail w/McCain, which helped bring them down!

      Americans like 'respectful' people, Sarah! Look up the word in the dictionary. You need to also refer to him as "President" Obama and not just Obama. You are showing your nastiness as in "Game Change"!

    2. Anonymous8:44 PM

      You nailed it. The debate challenge is a direct result of how ridiculous she looked in Game Change.

      As both Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt have pointed out, now that she is 'free' of the campaign handlers (ie, them) who were so detrimental to her during the campaign, it's not like she has done anything to redeem herself.

    3. she must have gotten those index cards back 'in order' and feels she's finally ready to roll. And, no, she can't call him "Joe".

  12. Other mentally ill people who want to debate President Obama:

    Orly Taitz
    Dick "no pulse" Cheney
    Fred Phelps
    Donald Trump Jr.
    Lizzie Borden
    Charles Manson
    Mr. Hyde
    Colonel Kurtz
    Hannibal Lecter
    Typhoid Mary
    Joseph Smith
    Elle Driver

    Get in line, Sarah ...

    1. Ailsa7:36 PM

      That did make me laugh. Thank you.

    2. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Newt Gingrich wants at least three Lincoln/Douglas style debates, which are supposed to last for hours. First question for Sarah: Lincoln/Douglas debate: Do you agree or disagree with the outcome? (Hey, Sarah, do you know what the Lincoln/Douglas debate was and who "won"?)

    3. Anonymous8:05 PM

      Suggestion for Gryphen: The photo that Sarah has in mind when she is dreaming of debating President Obama is the one of Jan Brewer wagging her finger in The President.

      Ever since Sarah saw that photo, she has been dying for the chance to "debate" Obama. To Sarah, debate and debase are close enough. She just wants to go Jan one better and shout in his face, "Pallin' around with terrorists! Commie Pinko Muslim! Orly Taitz was right; you're a Kenyan!" Sarah doesn't want to have a reasoned discussion back and forth; she just wants to scream at the guy.

    4. Anonymous9:11 PM

      -Ashley 'Backwards B' Todd
      -Caitlin Upton (Miss Teen South Carolina, and such)
      -Wendy from Breaking Bad
      -Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme
      -Travis Bickle
      -Madame Defarge

    5. Anonymous10:20 PM

      Glen Rice didn't call her back.

    6. Anonymous10:26 PM

      Add Mike Levin and Sean Hannity to that list. I guess they have both said they would donate $50K to Obama's superpac if he would debate them. LOL! If I had $50K I would donate it just to watch our President mop the floor with those two fools.

    7. Anonymous7:31 PM


      What "would" be really funny, is if SARAHPAC offered $$$$$$ for Paylin to debate Obama.

      Of course, President Obama would suggest that the proceeds go toward FAMILIES WITH DISABILITIES, and would make Paylin look like the disgusting grifter she is!

      Put your PAC's $$$$$$ where your mouth is beyatch?

      You can't stand by ANything you freaking loser.

  13. Anonymous7:32 PM

    OMG - love the picture and I can see him doing just that when someone tells him about quitter's FB post. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Actually, I don't think so. President Obama has a kind heart and would probably eel pity for her as the mentally and socially challenged individual she is.
      It's his supporters (us) who have that LMAO reaction - which is perfectly appropriate.

  14. Anonymous7:45 PM

    As in the "Game Change" movie, they talked about how Dick Freaking CHENEY was calling out Palin as a fruitcake, and saying that when someone as much of a total whacko like Cheney takes the moral high ground from you, you are DONE:

    I just read that Ann the Man Coulter is on record referring to Palin as a "charlatan." (Oooooh: what a revelation, huh?) Next will be Bachmann claiming Palin is out of touch with reality!

    1. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Months ago, I saw Coulter on Fox and she said she was beginning not to like Palin because of her fanatical followers. She said that they attacked her whenever she says anthing about Palin. This last comment will send them over the edge into viciousness. They are a horrible bunch. I've been under attack on twitter before from her bots and their hate just oozes.

  15. Anonymous7:47 PM

    It would be a hoot if he agreed and called it for TOMORROW so she'd have no time to prep or memorize or get advised or anything. There is NO WAY she could pull it off even with an earpiece. Barack Obama is a brilliant, educated, self aware, traveled, seasoned human being., not so much. It would be the bet ratings that were ever garnered for a TV show, that's for sure.

    But, in the end, I would not want her to be that elevated, ever, ever, and certainly not recognized as an equal contender. Nope, no way.

  16. Anonymous8:02 PM

    No teleprompter, no note cards, no previously viewed questions. Just Barack and Sarah. I'd pay to watch that!

    1. Anonymous3:50 AM

      And nothing written on the hands.

  17. Anonymous8:07 PM

    I think his plate is pretty full being the wonderful President of the United States.

    She's a total idiot to even think she's of his quality! She wouldn't be able to shine his shoes properly!

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      But, but, don't ya just "run" the country through e-mails and texts?

      Ya know, like ya run a state??

      See, I told you I was experienced! I was home by 3:30 every day to watch my soaps!

      P'shaw- that "Obama" doesn't have nothin' on me.

  18. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Famous People Sarah Palin Doesn't Like

  19. Anonymous8:19 PM

    False bravado by Palin as she knows she can posture like a peacock while behind a protective fence in a game preserve.

    The web is awash with her "taking us back to the civil war" comment. Newspapers and blogs are all trying to make sense of it.

    Being as uneducated and uninformed as she is, Is it possible that she meant civil rights movement and stupidly wrote civil war instead?

    1. Anonymous10:38 PM

      Once again, sadly, I think she meant the civil war. And you're right about the false bravado (which btw is a trait of narcissism). Sarah Palin not only shows a lack of self-esteem but rather shows her self-deception and her lack of true confidence. Sarah doesn't truly feel good about herself thus the false bravado she resorts to.

      False Bravado as in:

      "His show of bravado as he climbed into the boxing ring was undermined by his shaking knees."

      "The bravado by the colonel was mainly to disguise the weakness of his small force."


  20. Silly, retarded Sarah. Even with the questions given to your flying monkeys ahead of any debate, you would lose to a rock.

  21. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Bill Clinton on Sarah Palin and Barack Obama

  22. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Sarah Palin is becoming a 'stalker' as to President Obama. She just can't leave him alone w/her idiotic lies/crap/rants!

    She is the laughing stock of the United States and "Game Change" helped get the word out about her. Many of us were well aware she is/was unstable and an idiot. The HBO special just reinforced it.

  23. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I can picture him reacting like that to her _during_ a debate with him. And the rest of the nation as well.

  24. Anonymous8:51 PM

    This was MOST interesting in light of Game Change. I watched it with a whole new viewing. Chris Matthews was really nailing it down.

    Sarah Palin is a 'Category 5' Moron

  25. Anonymous8:54 PM

    She thinks challenging the president to a debate somehow makes them equals. It's so transparent as to be laughable. It didn't help that the post read as if it were written by a functionally illiterate middle school mean girl. If you are going to challenge someone to a battle of wits, it's probably a good idea to avoid spelling errors in your invitation.

  26. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Pay per view. Proceeds go to respective political parties. Everyone loves a train wreck!

  27. Anonymous9:01 PM

    HBO lauds ‘Game Change’ ratings, but Palin movie couldn’t top ‘Pawn Stars’ rerun


    1. Anonymous10:14 PM

      Perhaps dumbass, most people don't have HBO & Pawn Stars is on basic cable. Overall 'Game Change' huge ratings.

    2. WakeUpAmerica3:59 AM

      Plus, many people watched the movie online because they don't have HBO. I'm guessing those viewers don't get counted either.

    3. Anonymous4:06 AM

      Also, too, Palin's fans LOVE them a good pawn. It's how they get their stuff.

  28. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Her words mean absolutely nothing, Its the reason she put this silly challenge out. She know's that the President would never waste his time with her so therefore it is a safe thing to challenge him and once again rile up her base of nutters. Another lame attempt to undermine someone that really has the ability to run a country. Wow, that McCain staff taught her quite a bit, mostly how to 'fuck your country' instead of 'country first'
    I really despise McCain..he was ultimately the one that made this decision. In Game Change if you remember, I can't remember who the hell he was talking to but he said "give me the low down, can she do this" to which whoever the hell it was picked up the phone and gave him the "high risk but she is good"
    I think that is where all this vetting went wrong between what Schmidt had to say in the movie and also Wallace. Schmidt said he wasn't responsible for the vetting. That was not his job.
    John McCain got the word from his lawyer team and John McCain decided he wanted her.

    1. McCain was talking to A. B. Culvahouse who was responsible for vetting Palin but only had five days to do it. Culvahouse had spent months vetting all the others on McCain's list.

      That scene proved McCain's own ego trumped his "love of country". It was more important for him to stroke his ego by saying "I've always gone for the high risk" rather than thinking of what he might be doing to the country.

  29. If the President hears this challenge and dies laughing, is she on the hook for redrum?

  30. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I have an uncle who challenged the president to a debate on his FB page too. But that was when he stopped taking his Thorazine.

  31. Anonymous9:22 PM

    The best thing for Sarah in GameChange was that she could be fed lines and spark up in a debate setting. In the movie, she didn't watch, she was a failure at most everything else regarding brains, at best, she was mentally ill with a low IQ. As dumb as it is to bring attention to her lack of knowledge, it is as if she is dumb again and doesn't know that the real contender will debate a President. Not some sideshow clown. She wants to spoil the whole Republican Party if she thinks she can do that spin about running for top office if the people want her. What people? Piper and friends? She would crash the Party and at the Convention feed them a line about she is the one and will do it for the people, she must serve because of how much people want her. How else could she think she is going to debate a President?

  32. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Sarah stated the other day on either radio or tv that she was not running for anything. Ok, just now on Sarah Pac, she is begging for money to fight HBO.
    Is all this legal? Is she trying to get money for a lawsuit or something? Can she still ask for money if she states she is not running. She better watch herself, cause you can bet the big shots in Washington will open all her books and she may just need a good lawyer. If she pushes the president enough, she may pay big time in the end.

  33. Anonymous10:29 PM

    No trolls tonight? I guess they can't even defend Palin's idiotic FB rant. They are likely embarrassed and at a loss for words.

  34. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Turns out that this Invisible Children is some sort of evangelical youth cult being funded by big time rightwing dominionist donors. Charlie Booker did a great segment on them on 10 O'Clock Live tonight. He showed a video of Kony director Jason Russel speaking at Liberty University about stealth evangelizing. He showed some clips of IC's youtube videos which were both hilarious and disturbing. In short they are well funded master propagandists.

    Truthout had a good piece about their funding and their dominionist connections. Why the fuck would Oprah give them a check. Lawrence O'Donnell even had Russel on? This group has have links to The Family ( of C-Street and the Ugandan kill the gays fame), Lou Engle's The Call, Focus on the Family, etc.

  35. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Obama would probably just quote Pogo: "I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person."

  36. The President is too much of a gentleman to allow himself to make a fool of that twit.It's easier to hang back and she'll do it all by herself.Actually she is the perfect spokesperson for the GOP she's as "Clueless" as the rest of her brownshirt gangmembers.Unfortunatly they've done more damage and harmed more people then any group in recent American history with the exception of the fundamentalist movement that many of these faux politicians call home.

  37. Sarah Palin is clueless to just how dumb she is! She's dumber than a box of rocks and she wants to debate the President! She would have to have the answers to all the questions before hand and she still couldn't hold a candle to our wonderful President! When will the far right just let go of her and all of them get a life or find an island somewhere so they can move out of the USA and let us all get on with our lives! These people are all clueless!

  38. Good lord. Why doesn't she go ahead and challenge Obi Wan Kenobi to a light saber battle while she's at it. If she debated Obama, when it was over there'd by nothing left of Palin except a pile of ashes and a pair of red fuck-me pumps.

  39. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Sarah is mentally ill. NO DOUBT.

  40. Anonymous5:18 AM

    You can tell she is mentally ill. Why would the President of the US want to debate a civilian.
    She is indeed mentally ill.

  41. Randall6:36 AM

    Sarah's inability to comprehend the Office of the President is evident in her act of offering the challenge via Facebook.

    ...and she doesn't even realize what a joke it is to do so.

    I'll bet someone could sit her down and explain it to her ...and she still wouldn't get it.

  42. Not What You Want to Hear7:16 AM

    In the space of a week, she has shrieked about Obama not defending her honor by returning Bill Maher's donation, to offering up an invitation to debate "anytime, anywhere."

    Is Barack Obama on this woman's mind 24 hours a day? She even obsessed over his Christmas card! If she wasn't a famous talking head, there is no way that we wouldn't think she was some sort of bizarre stalker.

  43. I visited and read the usual delusional stuff. I also girded my loins and read the comments. To these people, Sarah is a saint, a true patriot and a woman who has been hounded and picked on by the liberals/Hollywood elite. Tom Hanks and the producers of Game Change are scumbags, etc.

    Frankly, it all sounded like a mirror image of the things we say here about Palin. It worries me because these people see the exact opposite of what we see in Palin. Difference being is that they have never read or accepted anything that is not a total tongue massage of their Sarah. I came away with the thought that the commenters did not see Game Change - only selected clips that were refuted in the Breitbart piece, which, of course, failed to mention the disclaimer in the film that states that certain dates and places were changed to move the narrative. So, they refudiated certain dates by showing pictures of Sarah on the same day doing something very normal for a VP candidate instead of the catatonic mess that is shown during debate prep.

    How do we reach these people? (And don't say, "forget about them.") They are responsible for keeping Sarah in the limelight and they are the ones contributing to SarahPac. They are adamant and they are loyal to her. Not all her followers are window licking zombies. Many are intelligent but are blinded by their loyalty.

    What will it take for her to be totally disgraced? And would her followers believe it?

  44. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Kinda O/T but during Game Change, I at first wondered why they included a scene of McCain and staff laughing uproariously at a YouTube clip of John Edwards "primping" himself on camera before an interview. Someone had put the song "I feel pretty" in the loop. It was embarrassing for Edwards, sure, but not devastating.

    So why include it? Show McCain is a jerk?

    Then, the movie rolls on.

    There is Sarah Palin, being replayed on YouTube in her Couric and Gibson interviews.

    Schmidt laments the "24hour news cycle"- but McCain didn't have a problem when it was being used against his opponents.

    Also, the stuff against Edwards was pure fluff.

    The "stuff" against Palin, well, those were her OWN words playing over and over and over again.

    Always interesting to think WHY a scene is included...

  45. Anita Winecooler10:14 PM

    President Obama is the road runner

    Sarah Palin is the seventh dwarf

    Any Questions?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.