Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Today's "Oh my God I So Hope This Is True!" story. Update!

According to the National Enquirer:

Women declare war on Rush Limbaugh for calling a young law student a “slut” and a prostitute,” and now his own wife Kathryn is jumping on the bash-Rush bandwagon! 

She’s furious at the 61-year-old con­servative firebrand and threatened to walk out of their marriage if he keeps up his trash talk, say insiders. 

After an outpouring of out­rage from both the left and right, he issued a limp apol­ogy, saying: “I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situ­ation.” But that didn’t stem the tide of criticism, and his beautiful wife of less than two years was swept up in the controversy, having to endure rebukes from some of her closest friends. 

“Kathryn is fit to be tied,” said a pal. “She feels as if she’s be­ing tarred and feathered with the same brush that people are using on her hus­band. She really let him have it. “She said she’s become a social pariah because of his hot-headed, heedless comments and warned him in no uncertain terms that he’d better keep his trap shut and stop using words like ‘slut’ for any woman!” 

Rush is said to be much more worried about alienating his wife, who says that they rarely fight over politics even though she has her “own opinions.” 

“Rush couldn’t face life without her,” the insider divulged. 

Yes I KNOW it's the National Enquirer, and yes I KNOW they are sometimes not as persnickety about the facts as they should be, but you have to admit that if there were EVER a story that simply HAD to be true, that this would be it.

You tell me ladies, if YOUR husband said anything even remotely as disgusting as the garbage that recently dribbled out this fat bastard's mouth, wouldn't you be reevaluating whether the fancy clothes, big house, and buckets of jewelry were really worth putting up with what could be the single most disgusting human being on earth?

And by the way speaking of prostitution, what do we call a woman who sleeps with a man who she finds physically disgusting, and who embarrasses her  on a daily basis, for his money?

Update: I thought you all might like to hear Rush Limballs essentially begging his advertisers not to abandon him.


  1. Anonymous3:53 PM

    It's bullshit. It's a cynical marketing ploy and I don't believe for a minute it's really true.

    The picture you chose is extremely accurate! He's just hiding behind her to deflect the criticism. You watch, in the coming weeks he'll "have an epiphany" via his "love" for her.

    And the idea that he couldn't go on without her? Oh please, he'd just have to buy a new one sooner than usual. What is she, #4? #5?

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      I guess if she bails, then he still has his little boys overseas (and his Viagra that he gets in his lawyer's name)

    2. Anonymous5:18 PM

      LOL.....Your comment is spot on.

    3. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Yeah the Democrats love you SO much that is why they wipe out 55% of the population with abortion. Now they have late term abortion which is even more fun for them. Oh yeah read Margaret Sangers own words and how she says lets use abortion to wipe out the undesirables. The DEMS love her because they are all about reducing population. Yeah now thats a party that cares!

  2. Anonymous3:59 PM

    where exactly is the line between trophy wife and prostitute?

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Trophy wives are bought, you only rent a prostitute. ;))

    2. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Charlie Sheen always said that he didn't pay women for sex, he paid them to leave.

  3. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Stories in NE, Star and other rags are true maybe 2% of the time.

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      You may be right, but for the sake of argument, exactly what body part did you pull that statistic from?

    2. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Tell that to John Edwards.

    3. And Arnold and Ashton.

    4. Anonymous8:12 PM

      No, in fact, they are true 98% of the time. The 2% of the time when they are not true is only in minor details. For example, they may say someone made$100,000 when they really made $50,000 or something. Or they might say something happened at one hotel, instead of another. But the gist of the stories are absolutely factual. The National Enquirier is lawyered up to the max, they do not lie. The anonymous "friends" who sell the stories have to sign contracts with their real names stating that all the facts are true. The people quoted are only anonymous in print, by the editors and writers and lawyers they are fully vetted. The information you read in these tabloids is TRUE.

  4. MissSunshine4:07 PM

    I don't believe it. He has been a pig for years - that's how he makes the money to entice these women into marrying him.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this story were "planted" to give RL a face-saving "my wife asked me to play nice" instead of "oh shit! my program is being dropped by every decent advertiser - I better play nice for awhile".

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Honey- let's go shopping at Tiffanys. Signed Lorena Bobbit.

    2. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Got a point there!

    3. Little friggin ray of sunshine5:08 PM

      I was going to say the same thing. . . Rush is too self centered to have any one person be someone he can't live without.

  5. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I don't feel sorry for her - she knew what she was getting into. And she is far too old to think she could change him. She enjoys the lifestyle his particular brand of trash talk affords her. I agree with 4:53 - it is a cynical marketing ploy if nothing else. He is a pig and he has proved it over and over again for the last 20+ years.

  6. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Your last sentence is all we need to know about this woman. Who cares what she thinks, she was willing to sell herself. She's much worse than a prostitue, as prostitutes are just trying to survive. She does it not for survival, but for extreme wealth and luxury.

    I'm sure they deserve each other.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      blame the woman, again.

      . . . what do we call a woman who sleeps with a man who she finds physically disgusting, and who embarrasses her on a daily basis, for his money? . . . .

      what we call her is abused. Battered woman.

      Do we really know what motivates her? How many of us know someone who married a jerk in spite of what was obvious to others. . .

  7. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Oh man, the way his old claw is digging into the arm of the juicy young creepy. I almost feel sorry for them both, but I guess they both get what they bargained for.

  8. Anonymous4:17 PM

    how any woman could possibly want to get physical with that loathsome fat human tick Limbaugh is beyond me. Even for a 5 million dollar pre nup

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      It is no doubt in the prenup no touching. She is there to cover up for what he actually does.

    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      $5M pre-nup? The NYT said the other days that RL makes $50M/year. I think we are talking way more money for the wife.

      And please: why do we have to do just what Rush L did, and insult someone whose life is none of our business. Be happy she tried to take the right side.

    3. Anonymous7:10 PM

      "And please: why do we have to do just what Rush L did, and insult someone whose life is none of our business. Be happy she tried to take the right side."

      Agreed. I still think the whole thing is a calculated effort to soothe Limbaugh's fleeing sponsors, but at least she's gone public on the right side of the issue rather than defending him the way Palin is.

      And besides, isn't being Mrs. Rush Limbaugh punishment enough?

  9. Anonymous4:18 PM

    My husband is a Republican. I am having a more and more difficult time respecting him anymore for retaining loyalty to that party. It is affecting our marriage very much, I'm afraid. He claims he is pro-choice, he claims he doesn't like Limbaugh, claims to respect women, but he still aligns with a party that would take away all of mine, our daughters and our grandaughters reproductive rights. I could really use some feedback from other women who might be in a similarly "mixed" marriage. Its not just a matter of policy anymore, its a matter of someone being will to toss asside my rights as a human being.

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      He is probably Republican in name only. It's like Catholics who still belong to their church, but don't follow the leadership. It's a "tradition". There are Republicans for Obama groups, for example. I did read a statement from an R, who said he was registered R, but behind the curtains, he would cast his vote by his conscience and it was usually for the Dem. candidate. IMO, a lot has to do with exposure, if he were to attend a Dem event, and met others, he could have a change of heart about his political alliance, or become an independent/undeclared/non-partisan registered voter instead. ?

    2. Anonymous7:11 PM

      I was in a similar situation. It got so bad we decided to not allow any news stations on while both of us were in the house. What changed things? Rick Santorum and Rush Limbaugh. My husband actually listened to what those bozos said and became very disgusted. He actually turned ON Lawrence O'Donnell tonight and listened to him. There is hope for you and your husband.

    3. Anonymous7:23 PM

      I've had the same discussion (sometimes turned argument) with my husband. He is a social liberal as far as marriage equality, women's rights, etc. But, he draws the line at the 2nd amendment. For this one and only reason (well, he's in law enforcement, too), he identifies with the Republican party. We've had discussions about other things such as insurance should be non-profit and the meaning of the Occupy movement. I've been able to convince him of the 'progressive' point of view on more than one occasion. Still, he calls himself a Republican. :Z

    4. Anonymous8:20 PM

      I wonder how James Carville and Mary Matalin do it? Especially since they are both vicious personalities? The problems is--Dems/Progressives are generally smarter and willing to discuss, be openminded, see the other point of view even if you don't agree with it. The Repubs are divisive, judgmental, rigid, their way is the only right way and they actively seek to call liberals evil, scum, blah blah blah This is something that Rove et al along with LImbaugh created. I think it used to be this way about religion---the hate and judgement. But I think having tribes be defined in terms of harsh politics is new and it's a real shame because it makes you sort of hate the people you love. It's a toughie. I've certainly dated Republican men but they had to be quite apolitical for it to work. good luck for the next year! things are only going to get worse, especially as they start to do their dirty work on our president!

    5. Anonymous9:04 PM

      5:18 - Try to get your husband to watch Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC. Sometimes he re-tweets tweets from former R's who are now progressives; they switch after watching him on the news for awhile.

    6. Anonymous9:06 PM

      Exactly. Lawyer time. Good luck.

    7. I am in the same boat. Been with my Sig-other for over 14 years. We TRY not to discuss politics. After our last heated discussion which culminated in my walking out of a sushi restaurant in the middle of dinner, not speaking at all on the 1/2 drive home, we decided to sit down and really TALK about it. We agreed to some "terms". I would no longer walk into the living room when he was watching Faux News and say "cartoons again?" and he would discontinue calling me his "little Socialist". He IS a Liberal when it comes to Women's social issues. But it ends there. I HAVE influenced him a bit, in those rare moments where he actually hears me when talking politics. He used to LOVE Palin. Now he knows the truth, believes it. He despises Rush. I have caught him watching MSNBC more and more vs. his old "news" source. He even pointed out how different their story reporting was on the same exact subject. He is slowing evolving and not letting the Faux news brain washing continue. There IS hope. Hang in there.

  10. Anonymous4:23 PM

    How could anyone marry that awful man? She must be pretty awful, too?

  11. Eeeewwww! Get that lump on your left shoulder removed, Kathryn. Immediately, if you don't want it to grow more ...

    I can't imagine anything more disgusting than having to share a room, let alone a bedroom (I just threw up in my mouth a little bit) with the "drug addled gasbag." THIS is what Kathryn has to endure every night:

    Tell me, Kathryn, is the money worth it? And if you wouldn't sleep with this man if he was dirt-poor, what does that make you?

    Let's vote for a REAL man in November. OBAMA Landslide!!!

    1. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Well if he's gay or a pedophile, as the rumors suggest (google 'is Rush limbaugh a pedophile?'), then she's not sleeping with him, she's just acting as his beard and cashing in Probably not such a bad gig, in that case. Except of course, she probalby has to socialize with a bunch of evil conservatives

  12. I never thought one of his women would fight back like that? Of course, he did date Daren Kagen (sp), for a while, and she was really sharp.

    An elderly friend sent me this. Folks are catching on. I especially liked seven.


    Dear Noah,
    We could have sworn you said the ark wasn't leaving till 5.

    Dear Icebergs,
    Sorry to hear about the global warming. Karma's a bitch.
    The Titanic

    Dear America ,
    You produced Miley Cyrus. Bieber is your punishment.

    Dear Yahoo,
    I've never heard anyone say, "I don't know, let's Yahoo! it ..." Just saying...

    Dear 2010,
    So I hear the best rapper is white and the president is black? WTF happened?!

    Dear girls who have been dumped,
    There are plenty of fish in the sea... Just kidding! They're all dead.

    Dear Scissors,
    I feel your one wants to run with me either.
    Sarah Palin

    Dear World,
    Please stop freaking out about 2012. Our calendars end there because some Spanish d-bags invaded our country and we got a little busy ok?
    The Mayans

    Dear White People,
    Don't you just hate immigrants?
    Native Americans

    Dear iPhone,
    Please stop spell checking all of my rude words into nice words. You piece of shut.
    Every iPhone User

    Dear Trash,
    At least you get picked up....
    The Girls of Jersey Shore

    Dear Man,
    It's cute, but can you pick up peanuts with it?

    1. Darlene, that was awesome!

      Regarding those immigrants, a friend of mine has a very old photo on her wall. It's a group of Native American warriors standing in a line with their rifles The caption? "Fighting terrorism since 1942."

    2. Excellent, Darlene! Especially #7! And I'll add:

      "Dear Seamus, SORRY about your mean, creepy owner. Mine are AWESOME!"

      Bo the Dog

    3. Anonymous7:54 PM

      I've got that on a t-shirt, but it's 1492 not 1942...1942, that'd probably have John Belushi as Wild Bill Kelso with Dan Akroyd as a tank commander

    4. Anonymous10:06 PM

      1941 would be the movie and Belushi was great...

  13. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I do believe that it is negative psychosocial repercussions such as this that will be the complete undoing of the Republican party as we know it. Howe very ironic-though perhaps not surprising-that the so-called party of "family values" sees fit to rip itself to shreds on the jagged shores of myopic idiocy and ideologies.

  14. otto katz4:44 PM

    We would call that woman "Kathryn".

  15. Smirnonn4:44 PM

    In all fairness, she could actually be attracted to him. I mean, she is blind and deaf, right? Whaaaaaa???? NO?!?!??!!?? Oh, my...

  16. Looks like El Rushbo, is experiencing first hand a "Deft application of the vaginal wrench!"

    No more "Yankee Da Wankee!"


    H/T Tom Robbins

  17. Anonymous4:48 PM

    He was known to be an asshole when she married him! She married him for his money! I'd have already kicked his sorry ass out the door! She should be embarrassed as hell being married to the jerk!

    The man that has used Viagra for years due to his ill health, medication and age. Wonder if his insurance plan pays for it?

    He is as evil inside as he is outwardly. Much the same as the idiot and fraud, Sarah Palin. They both have places in hell awaiting them!

    1. Anonymous6:33 PM

      As I read the story, she isn't angry about what he said. She's angry that what he said has made her a social pariah (and presumably her social standing was part of the marital bargain).

    2. Anonymous7:55 PM

      She's angry that what he said has made her a social pariah (and presumably her social standing was part of the marital bargain).

      That is how I read it. Social standing where they are is supreme.

  18. MC30314:52 PM

    Meh. If she didn't know who she married when she married him, then she's not all that smart. It's not like he morphed into this creature overnight. He's always been this way. So, yeah. Whatever. Money trumps everything in their world.

    (And seriously, EWW. He is gross x 100)

  19. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Back when they first reported his disgusting and disrespectful words toward Ms. Fluke, I told my husband that I bet Limbaugh's wife hit him upside the head when she heard what he said.

  20. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I'm not holding my breath. He's been this icky for a very long time, probably longer than she's been alive. On the other hand, if she's looking for a way out, this is as good excuse as any to leave him with a chunk of his cash. You go girl!

  21. honeybabe4:56 PM

    okay, now i REALLY want to hear from the multiple former mrs. limbaughs. more popcorn please.

  22. Anonymous4:56 PM

    She's a beard. Come on guys. Old Rush loves himself some little boys.

  23. Balzafiar4:57 PM

    Easy question, easy answer: Kathryn.

  24. Anonymous4:58 PM

    If his wife is mad, it's only because her meal ticket is threatened. JMO but she knew what he was when she married him, and she didn't care.

    So I really don't believe this story - not because of its source but because it doesn't ring true.

    I do agree with others that it could be planted, though.

  25. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Did Jabba the blowhard ever get his Viagra back from customs after it was seized?

    Cause I can't believe he'd be getting much without a little help.

  26. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Rush Limbaugh's New Friend: Westboro Baptist:

  27. Anonymous5:15 PM


    And, I don't suppose this is true. Anyone can 'make stuff up,' including the best, Sarah Palin.

    So, we can only wish Rush was getting the cold shoulder from his slut prostitute of a trophy wife. And I say this as a wife, mother and according to Rush, a slut prostitute.

    1. Anonymous9:43 PM

      He and Sarah Palin would be a great couple - they are both so evil and ugly in their thoughts and words. Wouldn't that be a kick in the ass to see them together - knowing she has a vajayjay that is expansive and 'loose' due to having four kids (the retarded child is not hers) and him not being able to get it up w/o Viagra. They would deserve each other!

  28. Anonymous5:15 PM

    All three of Rush's ex-wives left HIM.
    Let's see if the tub of lard can scare off a fourth one.

  29. Anonymous5:16 PM

    'Had to work hard to keep my dinner in my stomach...Seriously, what woman looks at him and sees husband material? Only money can buy that sort of companionship. 'Makes one wonder if he has a pre-nup.
    M from MD

  30. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I'll just bet the prescription for Viagra goes to her, to get her in the mood to service Rush.

    1. Anonymous9:40 PM

      Oh, God - can you imagine fucking Rush - the fat ass? I'll bet he has a little dick! He is repulsive physically and mentally.

  31. Anonymous5:20 PM

    4:59 Hit the nail on the head!!!

    She is just as disgusting as he is.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      How true.
      Wouldn't it be funny if she was the one to get bags of mail saying what a ____ she married etc and and he was totally ignored as his ads pulled away for a few weeks. She married for greed and social status as happens in their neighborhood. How popular she would feel with tons of mail and improved celebrity.

  32. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Kthryn is #4. The first may have been legit. The second was a college kid - he was 33. The third was from a dating service (aerobics instructor). The fourth one was a "party planner" quite obviously 60 y o Rush's junior by quite a bit.

    Interestingly, no children from any marriage - is Rush sterile, or just too selfish to have kids? Or is he so paranoid, that he thinks once a wie has kids, she will split and he will have to shell out really big bucks fro their upkeep - and he likely hates kids - that kind usually do.

    1. Anonymous9:37 PM

      Rush Limpballs makes me sick to my stomach. I have no respect for the women that have covered him over the years, but I'm sure they are ALL financially happy. I don't see any of them coming out in support of him (or anti him for that matter!). All the divorce agreements paid them well and protected the fucking, fat asshole.

  33. Anonymous5:30 PM

    It couldn't happen to a nastier son of a bitch. Limbaugh is a pig who has been pushing the limits of bad speech for years. It's nice when his comments about women have come to bite him in his fat butt. Everyone else that he made fun of didn't have the nerve to confront the loudspeaker for the Republican Party.

  34. Anonymous5:38 PM

    A Palm Beach socialite called Cookie? It is a miserable business arrangement whether they stay married or not. I am sure they've worked out the details with lawyers long before the fake wedding. This may be a ploy to make him seem more human. Just another regular married guy who has a wife to please or some dumb thing.

    If she is truly disgusted and wants to blow his sham up, writes a no hold back tell all, be darned with the money, then it might matter.

  35. Anonymous5:41 PM

    BOO Hoo~ wifey has told him to sit down and STFU..
    all for ratings nothing more...If he thinks this will make it right he's dead wrong..I want that pos off the airwaves...

  36. Anonymous5:43 PM

    We call her "Mrs. Limbaugh," of course.

  37. Gryphen, your last sentence shocked me a little. At first, i thought "is Gryphen talking about Shailey?"

    I guess in some cases it's gold-digging; in some cases, it's survival.

  38. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Hoo boy. You sure this was the right approach to take? Calling another woman a prostitute? Yeah, I know how inconceivable it is that she married a pile of very wealthy rhino turds only for love. But so what? It's her business, isn't it? She's not out there trashing people, Rush is.

    Speaking of prostitutes, may I remind you that Shailey Tripp willingly took money for having sex with a stinking pile of moose turds. So why do you condemn one and not the other? Why should a woman have to be down on her luck and desperate for money before it's okay for her to have sex for money with a pig?

    I really think you need to back off this attack on Rush Limbaugh's wife. Yeah, I hope she leaves him too, but again, that's her business.

    1. Shailey did what she did to provide for,and feed,her family-and has never hidden that fact. Desperate times led to desperate measures in her case,and she is trying her best to improve herself,her life,and that of her children. Big difference between that and marrying a vile excuse for a man,just because he has money and power,and you want to have his rich lifestyle. As a female,I for one,have more respect for the Shaileys' of the world then I do for the women who sell for soul for a marriage to gain a wealthy husband and lifestyle. And nope,I will NEVER believe she married Rush for love-not in a million years.

    2. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Do you actually think they have sex? People assume it happens just because they get married. Not all people marry that way. She is a social climber, wannabe socialite that married "up" in the finance way, which boosts her social position. It is business. Posing for dumb pictures is part of the deal. The story is a plant. If they think people see through the ruse, they will do something in print to look like a loving couple. She will highlighther charity work yadda yadda yadda.

    3. Anonymous8:14 PM

      _________I really think you need to back off this attack on Rush Limbaugh's wife. Yeah, I hope she leaves him too, but again, that's her business.

      It isn't actually an attack on anyone's wife. People don't like being deceived. When marriages or anything looks like it is deceptive they are going to express it. She made a deal with a public person knowing his standing and that the lights would be on them, good and bad. She has to take what comes. If she wants different she will do the right thing and stand up for herself. She is by his side as a wife, if people believe it fine, if they don't buy it, that is the public life she made for herself. I am sure she can deal with it.

    4. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Because on admits she was a prostitute with mitigating circumstances (survival and care o her children) the other one has admitted no such thing, and she was surviving just fine and she "married" for a luxuries - not altruistic or desperation motives.

    5. Anonymous9:32 PM

      No, Rush Limbaugh has made IT our business! He's a public figure - has said so many horrible things for years over the radio waves - and he and she deserve everything that is coming their way. Money or no money. She is a gold digger and he is a total asshole and would freak me out in the bedroom! Cannot even imagine getting close to the asshole!

  39. Anonymous6:01 PM

    There is a name for Rush's "wife":

    A Beard

  40. Anonymous6:06 PM

    What kind of a person wishes this to be true for someone's marriage ... And the "calls" his wife a slut.

    This post seems to show what you will say to the right will not say to ur own.

  41. Anita Winecooler6:12 PM

    Nice Catch, there Kathryn with a "y" and no "e"!!

    There's not enough brain bleach OR money in the world that would make me date, let alone marry, a scumsucking low life like Rush.

    Can anyone imagine??? Ewww I'm gettng an image(((((shiver))))) never mind....

    Spin it all you want, Rush, we're not backing down.

  42. His future ex-wife hopefully.

  43. Although it may be bullshit, I must admit it did have a feel good aspect to it.

  44. THESE beautiful "wives" of drug addict limbaugh are under contract and though they cant grow a beard, its none the less visible to anyone that cares to look.

    and thats the real story even the NE would never print.

  45. Did I say 1942? Of course you know I meant 1442.

  46. I must be losing it. 1942? 1492? 1442? Heck, it must be time to quit commenting for today.

  47. "Drug Limpballs" wife is a BEARD! He pays her to stay with long as she doesn't cause any get caught boinking the pool boy..she'll be compensated!

    Everybody knows the nasty bag of shit loves the little boys...shit...Clarence Thomas married these two idiots...what does that tell ya'!

    This story is planted because Drug is losing all his advertisers and radio stations are canceling his show!

    Too late his ass is grass! Here's a link to Drug having some fake ass female call into his show and support his stank smelly fat know the shit is fake because she sounds like some hard up actress!

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      There was a story in the news last year about people being hired to call into right wing talk radio and read scrips provided to them.

  48. hauksdottir6:37 PM

    If Wife #4 is angry at him, it is only because he derailed the gravy train, and the stains aren't going to come out. She married him knowing that it would be a marriage of convenience, and now it is getting very inconvenient indeed.

    He gets a skinny blond beard to escort him at social functions and otherwise leave him to his little brown boys and rounds of golf. She gets social status, a large mansion, and oodles of money and jewelry.

    The only way Rushbo gets sex is by purchasing it, purchasing the bottles of boner pills, and purchasing the flights to countries where he can hire pre-teen boys. Money, money, money. No wonder he equates the two.

  49. Anonymous6:40 PM

    what do we call a woman who sleeps with a man who she finds physically disgusting, and who embarrasses her on a daily basis, for his money?

    You might call her Jackie Onassis, who was (in part) providing for her children so they would not be the poor relations, and in part providing safety and security for them. In which she succeeded, even though Onassis did his best to cheat her re the settlement. I can respect Jackie for that. Life is complicated.

    I don't think Rush's wife has to sleep with him. His words make him sound impotent, as did the Viagra incident. A beard, yes. A business arrangement. Not a problem for me, although not how I want to live.

    1. Anonymous8:22 PM

      None of that is new. Some places it is common to have arranged marriage. Romantic marriage idea is fairly new.

    2. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Jackie was also terrified that she was going to have her head blown off - or one of her children.

      She "needed" the security of Onassis' money for her to feel she could exist safely in the world.

      That is quite different than Rush's wife...

  50. Anonymous6:40 PM

    The story doesn't say his wife is upset about his attitude or philosophy. She's upset because she's become a pariah in her social circle. That fits with the only reason I can think of why anyone would marry him in the first place. So yeah - ultimately, the story sounds true to me.

  51. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I can't even stand to look at him whenever a show plays clips of him. I just can't imagine anyone wanting to marry him, regardless of HOW much money he might have and what the pre-nup might say. Whatever may happen (or not) in private between the two of them (ick!), she at least has to pretend to feel affection for him in public.

    I could never be that good an actress, no matter how much I was getting paid or how comfortable my life was.

    1. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Totally agree - I couldn't fake it either! Guess you have to be a 'gold digger' to handle the likes of him.

  52. Anonymous6:52 PM

    What do you call a woman who ..... well, either Mrs. Limbaugh or Mrs. Gingrich. Ol' Newtie is repulsive too.

    1. Anonymous9:20 PM

      I cannot even imagine getting in bed with these two guys. They are both so repulsive. Mrs. Limbaugh married him for his money. Period! She'll be set for the rest of her life when he is dead and gone. The Gingrich wife looks like stone! I'll bet he can't mess up her hair....can you imagine the two couples in bed together? Yuke!

  53. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Am I the only one who "got" that Gryphen was pointing out what Rush would call her if she was not his wife?

  54. My first thought to your question was that it depended on how cute the pool boy was; but then I remembered Rushbo works from home, so I guess I'd find a way to send some of his money to Planned Parenthood, then take a long vacation without him.

    lol, I don't know, it's hard to imagine because I'd never be with a man like Rush. No way, no how.

    Ewwwwww ........

  55. He looks like a total lech in the photo. And she has that same glazed Callista Gingrich look about her. I bet she must borrow a lot of his Oxycontin before she lets him bone her.

  56. You're assuming she actually has sex with him. Perhaps there is an agreement between them. He gets the hotty trophy bride who acts as his cover,and she gets the "title",can spend the allowance money,and looks the other way when he takes his little blue pills on his "vacations" with the young men that are said to be much more to his liking.

    1. There are a lot of folks in Sacramento who would rightly agree with you. When the rumors were running rampant, our boy and his evil tongue suddenly found he preferred NYC and FL to the 'cowtown' he loved to hate. Neither the cows nor the town shed a tear.

  57. Anonymous11:56 PM

    How the fuck any self-respecting woman could be seen with (much less marry) a cretin like Rush is beyond me. Then again, we are talking about money-grubbing, right-wing libertarians whose decency is so easily bought and bemused with and by the promise of money, toys, and bright shiny objects (though I would hardly characterize Rush as "bright").

  58. Anonymous2:28 AM

    She is only concerned NOW?

    She knew exactly who she was marrying. He has been disgusting and cruel for his entire career ans the only conceivable reason she would have married him is the money he has made from his disgusting behavior, so I have NO sympathy for her.

    She was in it for the money and is now upset that the money is coming with a downside (though I would have thought there were too many to count).

    She should be tarred with the same brush.

    It serves the Pig and the Prostitute (Mr. and Mrs. Limbaugh)right.

    May their repulsive, money-based union dissolve and may the well of riches dry up for them both.


  59. Anonymous3:46 AM

    "Social climbing in Palm Beach is a blood sport. Lives are routinely destroyed, people are kicked to the curb, knives are stuck in the back and money is the only God that is always worshipped. Busty & brash Maya Johnson came to town as Maya Benderman, freshly divorced from a millionaire and unknown with a thick Russian accent that outed her immediately as an outsider to those on the moneyed A-list in Palm Beach, so she began working on the B-list. She was determined to find a way into the best parties at the biggest homes and conversation with the wealthiest of the rich....."

    google Palm Beach, socialite. society
    Limbaugh has modest houses considering where he lives. Large enough they wouldn't have to see each other except via appointments.

    She's likes her men well-seasoned. "I grew up so differently, traveling around the world, that I'm sometimes not able to relate to the average person my age," Rogers told Palm Beach Post writer Jose Lambiet in 2008. "Rush has such amazing experience."

  60. Anonymous4:45 AM

    That picture is enough to give a person nightmares. They are both just creepy.

    I have never understood the whole "trophy wife" thing. Do these women have no self worth at all? She is in the same league as Calista Gingerich. Whores, purely and simply put.

    How can Limpbaugh castigate a college student for being a slut/prostitute for taking birth control pills and yet have married the four women he has married. Sick, sad people, all!

  61. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Why protect his wife from his vile legacy? He doesn't.
    RW, like Palin, use family. Rush is the leader.

  62. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I wouldn't go to dinner or spend one moment of time with someone who espoused the views of Rush Limbaugh. He certainly is no candidate for "partnership". My husband is exactly opposite. He believes in kindness to those less fortunate, he believes in protectiveness to the disabled; he believes in opportunity for all including women and law students, he respects the importance of a good reputation, he believes in honesty and liberty and equality. That's why I can love him.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.