Saturday, March 17, 2012

President Obama discusses the rising cost of gas in his Weekly Address.

Since the economy has improved, the job market has seen a steady increase, and the President has established himself as a great Commander-in-Chief when it comes to national security, the Republicans are desperately hoping that high gas prices are one thing he cannot fix before the election.

The fact is he is doing more than just about any of his predecessors in addressing the problem, but his opponents and critics are confident it will not be fast enough. It is kind of like bitching that you don't have any fresh vegetables to eat while the farmer is at that moment still planting the seeds.

Of course the truth is that these GOP windbags could not do a SINGLE THING to lower gas prices either. But then they don't have to since they are not now, nor ever will be, the President.

By the way did you all catch the recent report that says Bin Laden was actively plotting to kill the President before he was killed?

“The reason for concentrating on them is that Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make Biden take over the presidency,” the message said, according to the account by Ignatius, who said he was given an opportunity to view the records. “Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the U.S. into a crisis.”

He thought Joe Biden was "unprepared for that post?" Really?

You know what that tells me? That Bin Laden hoped that Biden would lose in the 2012 elections and that he would only have one of these bumbling Republicans to deal with afterward.

Knowing them they would probably launch a war on Iran, Syria, and re-invade Iraq again, while once again pimping the idea of a "War on terrorism." And of course THAT is exactly what Al-Qaeda wants their American puppets to do.

After all George Bush jumped through every hoop they held up. Why expect anything different from this crop of losers?


  1. O/T but Baldy related...picture of Baldy, the Toad, Wallow with anorexic Candance Cameron at that Women's conference that Baldy spoke at today....I will let the picture speak for itself!

    One thing...Baldy looks like she needs a bath AND a shower...and why is her head so GINORMOUS!!

    Oh...and her clothing choice is as usual....FUCKED UP!

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      *putting on my mean-girl water-bra*

      I really liked "DirtyWig" better than "Baldy". And it certainly fits in this picture (the name, not the wig). I suspect we'll be seeing Willow in hand-me-down scarves sometime soon. Tawdry looks like he's practicing for his mug shot. I'll leave Candace alone, but her frothyish brother probably taunted her as mercilessly as he did Carol on "Growing Pains".

  2. I didn't hear those gasbags bitching about $4.00 a gallon gas under the "shrub" administration.

    Hippocrite much???????????

  3. O/T more from Baldy's speech courtesy of the "Crazies4Palin" crowd....

    It won't let me post videos....she talked about tough times for her & family lately....tabloid about 20 mill divorce....she talked about Jeremiah 29:11 & wrote it on her hand. She says she writes bible verses on her hand sometimes to mess w media lol!

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Willow has a large BELLY in that pic. I wonder why TODD is the only one not smiling(PIMPING AIN'T EASY)?

    2. Anonymous3:24 PM

      I didn't think Willow's belly looked that big. Her breasts though are huge. Maybe she's been lactating?

  4. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Off topic.

    John McCain on meet the press tomorrow.

  5. Anonymous1:10 PM

    The "great" one Ronald Reagan, hard at work....

  6. Manonymous1:16 PM

    Why would Bib Laden plot to kill a brother Muslim? that makes no sense! (I know the President is not Muslim; I'm making a joke.)

    I know too many people all over the country who are still struggling. In what areas are these jobs?

  7. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Killing Obama, bin Laden wrote, would mean the “totally unprepared” Vice President Joe Biden would become president.

    “The reason for concentrating on them is that Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make Biden take over the presidency,” bin Laden wrote to his top lieutenant Atiya Abd al-Rahman. “… Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the U.S. into a crisis. As for Petraeus, he is the man of the hour … and killing him would alter the war’s path.”

    Read more:

    1. Imagine how fast they would have gone after McCain to put $a$$y in charge!

  8. Anonymous1:59 PM

    O/T O'BAMA celebrates St. Patrick's day with a Guinness. I just LOVE our president! He's so easy and comfortable with people and it's a delight to see how people respond to him.

    Happy St. Pat's day everyone!

  9. Anonymous2:00 PM


  10. Anonymous2:40 PM

    The Big Gas Lie

    Last week, I received an email from House Republicans. I guess I'm on their list, or someone being a wise guy put me on their list. But no matter - I love seeing the latest shit that comes out of their ass and their attempt to pass it as some kind of idea.

    The email was hitting all talking points of the most recent attack on President Obama in blaming him for the current gas prices. Here's the chart they included:

  11. Anonymous2:45 PM

    The sad part of things is that the President could make the best case in the UNIVERSE for how gas prices are not controlled by the U.S. government--and because the ones who have been instructed by Fox channel to think otherwise, will jump up and turn off the TV or radio in order to NOT HEAR Obama say anything, they will continue to be simpleton, misinformed citizens.

    Of course, in 2008, when O'Reilly and the other propaganda artists screamed to stop blaming BUSH for this same thing, they all listened...but being such mental deficients, they have already forgotten that lesson.

  12. Anonymous2:46 PM

    At least the Dodd-Frank regulations will also do something about Wall Street speculators driving prices up - at least once Wall Street is through with it's stall-tactics trying to bury it in the courts and Republicans writing laws (HR1573) trying to delay enforcement of the Dodd-Frank law before October 2012. The date a coincidence? Doubtful. They are also trying to defund the CFTC in their budget proposals, so it cannot staff to enforce Wall Street regulations. Why are Republicans actively writing legislation trying to stop something that can bring gas prices down a good percentage? Actions speak louder than words, GOP. YOU want high gas prices and want to protect Wall Street yet again.

    Find out if your Congressman or Congresswoman voted on 1573 and the budget to defund CFTC. If they voted for either, they cannot complain about gas prices.

  13. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Wasn't it Sarah or someone in the GOP that said that Osama wanted Obama to be president? I'm going to research that now. I distinctly remember they made a big deal about it.

  14. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Off topic wingnut news.

    Republicans lose it in Missouri today. Can't get along with each other. Largest caucus in the state cancelled due to chaos.

    Free for all at Wonkette. New editor really doesn't like Dildo O'Keefe and the latest allegations against him. (Wiretapping Maxine Waters? wtf?)

  15. Anonymous3:48 PM

    O/T but 10 O'Clock Live asks 'Who is Sarah Palin' and the answer is quite splendidly hysterical. No question, they've got HER number...

  16. Smirnonn6:23 PM

    "...crop of losers..."

    Indeed. The gop field this cycle is unbelievably pathetic. It would be laughable if it were not for the thinly veiled cynical plan to install yet another gop figurehead puppet for the rove, the grover and the kochs to manipulate. Thankfully, I firmly believe that none of them has a snowball's chance in hell of beating President Obama, who (much to their consternation) has turned out to be one of our BEST presidents EVER.

    The modern gop panders to the stupid. Without fear and ignorance the gop is a toothless snake, writhing in the mud of it's own fetid fecum. This is precisely the reason for their attacks on education. Anyone with a rudimentary grasp on facts would never vote for any of those assclowns.

  17. Anonymous6:50 PM

    When I hear someone talk about gasoline prices and it is the president's fault the prices are high, I ask them if they know what our largest export is? Its gasoline.
    Then I ask if we have so much gasoline that we can ship it off to foreign lands when why don't we keep it here if the price is so high should'nt the high prices lower if we keep all that gas here instead of selling to foreigners?
    It confuses the heck out of the conservatives.

  18. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Oh, wouldn't it be nice, if using LOGIC with "conservatives" actually WORKED?

    I find that stating something factual and logical causes a glazed over look in their eyes...then in a frighteningly robotic fashion, a verbatim bit of propaganda they heard on Fox channel, issues out of their mouth, like a recording.

    It may not even pertain to the conversation, but it ends the discussion--as you realize its like speaking to someone who has been possessed.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.