Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Recently unsealed documents reveal that the National Organization for Marriage attempted to "drive a wedge between black and gays." Apparently "traditional values" involve pitting one minority group against another.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has more:

In one NOM documents entitled “Sideswiping Obama,” the group urges activists to raise “such issues as pornography” and “the protection of children.” “We will put a special focus on exposing those administration programs that have the effect of sexualizing children,” along with other “policy threats to children.” 

What do pornography and sexual threats to children have to do with same-sex marriage? Well, nothing really. But as another NOM document points out, the object isn’t so much to appeal to rational argument, but rather “a new, more emotionally powerful set of messages.” You know, like gay men molesting your kids.

Now if THAT tactic sounds very familiar to you, then I imagine you will not be surprised to learn that  a certain half term Governor has a rather cozy relationship with this group as well.

A week after the Obama administration announced it believed part of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional and said it would no longer defend the law in court, former half-term Gov. Sarah Palin is out with a statement that slams (surprise!) President Barack Obama for the decision. 

But just as interesting as what Palin said is who Palin said it to. Unlike most of her pronouncements, this didn’t come from her Facebook page or on her Twitter account. Instead, Palin “offered this exclusive response” to the anti-gay group the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), which has been fundraising off the Justice Department’s decision that DOMA was unconstitutional. 

“I have always believed that marriage is between one man and one woman,” Palin told NOM’s Maggie Gallagher. “Like the majority of Americans, I support the Defense of Marriage Act and find it appalling that the Obama administration decided not to defend this federal law which was enacted with broad bipartisan support and signed into law by a Democrat president.” 

“It’s appalling, but not surprising that the President has flip-flopped on yet another issue from his stated position as a candidate to a seemingly opposite position once he was elected,” she added.

So a group that attempted to push forward their agenda to fight gay marriage by pitting one minority group against another, create a meme that homosexuals are prone to pedophilia, and slime President Obama as a "social radical," apparently has Sarah Palin on speed dial.

Now isn't that interesting?


  1. johnie2xs3:16 AM

    Who among us are even vaguely surprised that the "Other Side" harbors these intents, and opinions?

    Rhetorically meant. We KNOW the answer!

  2. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Just like the GOP, folks. Divide and conquer. Been doing it for years.

  3. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Scarah believes Marriage is between one man, one woman and Todd's 'paid' sex partner.

    Despite years of religious education, I still can't figure out this question...if Adam and Eve had two sons and one was killed by the other....who did the surviving son 'mate' with in order to populate the earth?

    Only one answer is possible...his mother Eve. Now THAT is some sick shit!

  4. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Yeah Sarah, we believe marriage should be between unwilling teenagers who have visibly failed at your household policy of abstinence - under the surveyor's marks of parents who aren't retreating, but reloading.

  5. Anonymous4:43 AM

    If people could be tattooed showing the era of their thinking (and I'm giving Palin a wide berth in the description of 'thinking' department as we know that's not a reality!!) -- but if they were tatted -- Palin along with Santorum and Ron Paul would have branded on their forehead the 1800's. They don't even belong in the 1900's.

    It is unreal as to how many of these wonks that want to take us back to the dark ages. Those people should not be allowed to avail themselves of the technology like iphones, kitchen appliances, cars or airplanes for that matter. They should be required to use the horse & buggy for travel and fire for cooking -- no freezers either. They want to spew it -- they need to live it.

  6. BoJoFlo6:25 AM

    O/T -- but a MUST SEE!

    Another new entry from austinisafecker:

  7. Smirnonn6:34 AM

    It's fascinating to ponder the layers of hypocrisy that envelop the likes of simple serror and her pals at the NOM. Not only do they see fit to try to force their moral beliefs on EVERYONE but they DON'T EVEN LIVE THEM (whilst judgmentally thumping their bibles, of course).

    The far right has de-evolved from conservatism to regressivism. I agree with the post above from Anon @ 5:43. If they want to talk the talk, walk the walk. Things were so good way back when? Fine, stay there. Get polio, don't let your women vote, eschew science and hug your safe little "black and white" absolutes nice and close. The rest of us want to evolve.

  8. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Secret NOM Documents Reveal Race-Baiting Strategy

    Here's how NOM plans to set the Latino and LGBT communities against each other, from page 17 of a "confidential" 2009 strategic report entitled National Strategy for Winning the Marriage Battle:

    [B]y searching for these leaders across national boundaries we will assemble a community of next generation Latino leaders that Hispanics and other next generation elites in this country can aspire to be like. (As "ethnic rebels" such spokespeople will also have an appeal across racial lines, especially to young urbans in America). ... [W]e will develop Spanish language radio and TV ads, as well as pamphlets, YouTube videos, and church handouts and popular songs. Our ultimate goal is to make opposition to gay marriage an identity marker, a badge of youth rebellion to conformist association to the bad side of "Anglo" culture.

    And from a 2009 report to its board of directors, also marked "confidential":

    The Latino vote in America is a key swing vote, and will be so even more so in the future, both because of demographic growth and inherent uncertainty: Will the process of assimilation to the dominant Anglo culture lead Hispanics to abandon traditional family values? We must interrupt this process of assimilation by making support for marriage a key badge of Latino identity -- a symbol of resistance to inappropriate assimilation.

    In that board update, NOM is just as candid about its attempts to divide LGBT and African Americans:

    The strategic goal of this project is to drive a wedge between gays and blacks -- two key Democratic constituencies. Find, equip, energize and connect African American spokespeople for marriage; develop a media campaign around their objections to gay marriage as a civil right; provoke the gay marriage base into responding by denouncing these spokesmen and women as bigots. No politician wants to take up and push an issue that splits the base of his party. Fanning the hostility raised in the wake of Prop 8 is key to raising the costs of pushing gay marriage to its advocates ... find attractive young black Democrats to challenge white gay marriage advocates electorally.

    The name of the "strategic project" to which the above passage refers? NOM's "Not a Civil Right Project." Just last week I wrote a column for The Huffington Post in which I said that the movement for LGBT rights and the movement for African-American rights are both part of the same civil rights movement, and that it is crucially important for us to continue asserting so. I also wrote that equality-minded people of all races, ethnicities, orientations, and identities needed to push back against any attempt to avoid equating LGBT rights with civil rights -- from either the right or the left -- because it sets minority groups against each other, reinforces false hierarchies of oppression, and makes unjust accommodations for bigotry. Little did I know when I wrote those words that I was essentially outlining the strategic plan of the National Organization for Marriage. It's more than a little chilling, if you ask me.

    The NOM document dump is a veritable gold mine. For me, one of the most frightening revelations contained therein is that the organization admits that it plans on exporting its hateful models overseas. In their own words, NOM is engaged in the process of "creating [templates] that can be used abroad" because it recognizes that "marriage needs to be a national (and ultimately international) effort."

  9. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Wait...aren't those 'Alinsky tactics'? such as are perpetrated by those Nazi commie socialists in Washington?

    How can this be? Upright sons and daughters of the Cross, being conniving and underhanded?

    Shocked, I tell you, I am just SHOCKED.

  10. Anonymous9:16 AM

    You have a typo. The first link in your post is to "Southern Poverty Law Center". They are the keeper of the "hate group" list.

    Conservatives running an underground campaign based on hate and lies? I am shocked I tell you! SHOCKED!!!

  11. Anonymous10:06 AM

    “I have always believed that marriage is between one man and one woman,”

    Or in Palin's case, between one, man, his mistress, and one woman, eh "boring one?"

  12. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Sarah:until you can show that you've produced Christian children who married before having children, your views are simply too silly to take as rational discourse.

    Please all,go back to the Fairyland of Wasilla, where the men are pimps, all the women have chin enhancements,
    and all the chldren wander from male to male, asking "Are you my daddy?" DOMA. indeed/

  13. Anonymous12:23 PM

    The lack of interest in this thread speaks loudly Jesse. YOu simply don't have enough queers reading your blog to make all your gay posts credible. Come out of the closet and you will probably attract more gays.

  14. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I've come to the conclusion that the LOUDER anyone bleats about how they are on the side of "family values" and other such euphemisms for morally impaired, the more likely it is we will sooner or later hear about some gigantic scandal they are guilty of being involved in.

    This story is simply typical of that new wrinkle of "Murphy's Law."


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