Monday, March 26, 2012

Rick Santorum channels John McCain. And not in a good way. Update!

Rick Santorum lost his cool when asked by a reporter if he had just referred to Mitt Romney as "the worst Republican in the country" right after he had just referred to Mitt Romeny as "the worst Republican in the country."

This according to CBS News: In directing what appeared to be a new level of vitriol toward Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum on Sunday described his rival as "the worst Republican in the country to put up against Barack Obama." Santorum later, however, bristled at the notion that he was referring to anything other than Romney's position on health care. 

After a rally at the South Hills Country Club here, Santorum asked Republicans to "pick any other Republican in the country" than GOP presidential front-runner Romney, based on issues that make the former Massachusetts governor "uniquely disqualified" to run against Obama. Reporters swarmed him for clarification, only to have Santorum testily reply that it was unreasonable to take his comment outside the context of health care. 

Minutes later, Jeff Zeleny of The New York Times followed up with a question about his outburst, to which Santorum asked, "What speech did you listen to? Stop lying." 

 Pressed further, Santorum clarified that he meant Romney was the worst candidate "to run against Barack Obama on the issue of health care, because he fashioned the blueprint. I've been saying it in every speech. Quit distorting our words. If I see it [in print], it's bull(expletive). C'mon man, what are you doing?"

Now whether this reporter, Jeff Zeleny, took Santorum's words out of context (And I would argue that he didn't!) or not, this outburst and lack of composure is surely a personality trait that Santorum does NOT want to be identified with while running against the much more subdued Mitt Romney, and certainly one that does not bode well for a general election campaign against the "coolest guy in the room," Barack Obama.

After hearing this I could not help but to be reminded of John McCain's legendary temper that was much discussed by reporters behind the scenes, and was shockingly revealed to the public in the book "The Real McCain" in early 2008:

Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity, also let me in on another incident involving McCain's intemperateness. In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair and said, "You're getting a little thin up there." McCain's face reddened, and he responded, "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt." McCain's excuse was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United States, McCain would have many long days.

I think Rick Santorum is a major Fundamentalist douchebag, but if he is a major Fundamentalist douchebag with a bad temper that just makes him all the more unelectable.

By the way Santorum showed up this morning on Fox News (Where else?) this morning and offered this rather lame excuse for his behavior.

“If you haven’t cursed out a New York Times reporter during the course of a campaign, you’re not really a real Republican, is the way I look at it,” Santorum told Fox News.

So apparently in Santorum's eyes a "real Republican" is somebody with no respect for freedom of the press, and who believes it appropriate to lie on camera about things he JUST finished saying.

Well what do you know? There IS something that Rick Santorum and I agree on!

Update: Reporter Jeff Zeleny responds to Santorum's allegation that his "distorted" the Frothy Mixture's words:

 "Health care was not attached to that sentence in his soundbite there," he said. "[I was] simply asking for clarification." 

Co-host Erica Hill asked Zeleny to comment on an email Santorum sent to supporters saying he was "ready to take on the New York Times." 

"He can certainly do whatever he would like," Zeleny said. "It is a very common tactic for Republican presidential candidates, or even Democratic presidential candidates, to try and use the media a foil here. We've seen Newt Gingrich do it throughout the campaign season. So he clearly knew the cameras were rolling here ... he's very sensitive to these questions."

Being President of the United States is unarguably the most stressful job on the planet, if Santorum cannot handle a question from a reporter without losing his col do we REALLY want him negotiating with other nations on our behalf?

Fuck no!


  1. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Santorum Chews Out NYT’s Jeff Zeleny: ‘Quit Distorting My Words… It’s Bullsh*t!’

  2. angela6:57 AM

    Now Rick should be asking himself WWTCBD (what would the catholic bishops do). Then he should put on a frock coat and start pillaring women and their reproductive rights again because we are used to him in turd form. He seems better in his natural state of crap than actually getting people to believe he could be President.

  3. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Jeff Zeleny interview with Charlie Rose regarding above incident. I believe Jeff was doing his job asking for clarification and that Frothy Mixture is over reacting because he is afraid he is going to have to "walk back" his comments again.

    Why would anyone want Frothy as President? Do you really think he would hold his temper during tense negotiations with other countries, esp. Syria, Iran, China? If he has his finger on the red button, he would press the button first, say OOPS later.

    I am serious, if he wins, I am moving to Canada or Britain!!


    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      You will be safe to stay put - he sure isn't going to win

    2. Anonymous11:10 AM

      True. But I just want a back up plan just in case the GOP'ers are successful.


  4. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Rick is saying, quit using my own words against me. I can't handle the truth.

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      Even his own daughter seemed to be embarrassed! He's an embarrassment to the whole country.

      I am so thankful we have a sane, kind, and intelligent person leading us an sitting down and talking about nuclear weapons and what it could mean to the world. Read your last post and feel so positive that people are waking up! President Obama is such a positive influence in the world. The world knows he is looking out for all of us all over the world.

      The internet is making a difference and we are all connected! It's time for all Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, Buddhists, everyone to join together for world peace. Hate is not the answer and the GOP seems destined to follow war mongering.

      WHY? Money, of course. The 1% of every country are very selfish aren't they!

    2. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Santorum daughters look embarrassed alright. Can you imagine the fear if they've learned anything about what parents of Bristol did to her?

      Bristol's blog is D.O.A. Same as Andrew Breitbart. There is nothing there, no pulse, just a few old posts from the ghost writer, ancient history in blogville. Obviously, she is not serious at all. They are deserters, cowering behind a paid writer and then biffs like she saw Meaghan McCain's face. How hard is it to show respect to followers when you have Nancy French to help you? No Bristol sightings. What about the boss Sarah? She does work at barking orders on how to do it the Sarah way. The DEFEATED way. Some loons even did a movie for her and that failed. The family trolls claim Bristol was buying beer with the parent approved abstinence guy, a Gamlingolo family. Beer and no blog. WTF ? She can't even defend the misogynist rant of how strong and equal women of Alaska are? Silence is golden when she leaves Sarah to rant alone and with no Bristol back up. The girl has no backbone, can't even take a lesson from Gabriel Rivera.

      Bristol, you have to have a mind to achieve an independent mind. Get away from the denomination and dogma.

    3. fuuuuuuuuuuuck YOU, BRISDULL!!!12:52 PM

      Sarah needs Brisdull to express Sarah's thoughts behind the shield of, well, Brisdull and child(ren).

      However, I began to think,

      What will Sarah do if she thinks Brisdull is becoming *more* popular than she, Sarah?

      Or, maybe Mama Grifter would throw some "seed" $$$ behind the blog and pay for Nancy to start, but Bdull had to show some $$$$$$ return and fast,

      and she just. didn't.


    4. Anonymous1:34 PM

      TO fuuuuuuuuuuuck YOU, BRISDULL!!!
      In my grey matter, there is no chance of B becoming *more* popular than she, Sarah?
      Only if the whole of Sarah's workers, instructed by their leader, went to work at making that happen. Even that would not be a sure thing. B is dull, no talent and the face they bought her won't last either. Her life will be to stay hidden and constantly have work done. I've known girls like that. It is tragic when they start so young. She needed better guidance and to work on inner self. B's family and parents have failed her. They are clueless and think B failed their cause. The HannityPalin promo for B and the Last Frontier Women Don’t Tolerate Misogynists failed to do a follow up. EPIC FLOP.
      Now what can Sarah do? She can on up Jan Brewer
      She is back to her same old act. B was handed a golden ball from Fox and her mother and she dropped it.
      I am sure they are trying to come up with a come back for B. Maybe they have to buy her a new truck or get her a boyfriend that doesn't cheat.

  5. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Puny, pussy asshole bully. Glass-jawed bitch. Really, can I just pray that this dipshit teams up with Palin and tuns on the rethug ticket, so we can bury them together?

  6. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I think Tantorum would be preferable to what Google yields for Santorum.

    Either way, Rick's a loser.

    1. hedgewytch8:17 AM

      Tantorum! Bwwaaahhaa! Perfect!

    2. Anonymous10:55 AM


  7. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Santorum Doubles Down: ‘You’re Not A Real Republican Until You Curse Out A NYT Reporter’

  8. AJ Billings7:27 AM

    And we begin to see the anger, intolerance, and xenophobia which is the real character of Santorum. Life must be atrociously militant and regulated at his house for those poor kids.

    He's angry that things aren't the "way they should be" according to the mythology of religious views.

    He's angry that his America isn't all Catholic, or at least ultra right Christian

    And he's angry that women have the freedom to use birth control, have abortions, or enjoy sexual freedom.

    He's a truly awful person

  9. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Rick Santorum just made a brand new anti-Santorum ad for the Romney Campaign.

  10. Virginia Voter7:39 AM

    PRick Sanitorium is perhaps the most loathsome , all around unlike-able person to ever run for the office of President. Pretty much everyday, this asshole bloviated some kind of stupid hateful remark while campaigning. His visible disdain for anyone who questions his own verbatim statements just comes across as a complete and utter lack of self awareness to the point where I think this dude is mentally unstable. The fact that PRick has actually won primaries in red states says a whole lot about the intelligence of Republican voters.

    I find PRick totally offensive in every possible way. It scares me that he has spawned so many offspring.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:12 PM

      So True, Virgina Voter! When he was Senator of Pennsylvania, the GOP fawned over him, calling him "the pretty boy of the party". He went apeshit over gays, equating homosexuality to beastiality, and he refused to walk back on the issue after a slew of bad press and public outrage. His "pivot" was his pro life crusade using the baby that was "stillborn" to gain sympathy and votes, but it was too little, too late.
      That's how vile and pathetic he was and still is.
      He was almost in tears when he lost to a democrat.

      Can't wait to watch him implode when he loses.

  11. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Rick FROTHY is one of the most mealymouthed, whiny, little pissants that ever came down the pike. He is thin skinned, dishonest, backward, hypocritical and a bully. I cannot wait until he gets his ass kicked bigtime. He makes me want to haul off and smack his putrid little mug.

  12. Anonymous7:42 AM

    To me this story isn't about bad a temper, it's about someone who is out of touch with reality. Apparently the 'liberal media' is to blame for every stupid thing he says.

  13. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Unions are no longer useful. That is obvious.

    I mean, look at how Trayvor's (sp) shooter is being treated when his intimidators dont even know the full story thanks to our fabulously effed up media.

    I don't hate, but none of this is cool.

    1. Ailsa8:30 AM

      A young man is dead and you can't even be bothered to find out how to spell his name correctly.

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      don't you have some prostitutes you need to be pimpin' ?

    3. "Unions are no longer useful. That is obvious."

      What an incredibly stupid thing to say. That is obvious. Unions are needed more than ever.

      People like you who think nurses, teachers, firefighters, police officers, service workers, and all the other people who provide essential services to all of us in return for for a modest standard of living, are "thugs" and "goons" need to educate yourself.

      And you sure won't get an education from a bigoted right-wing talking point site like the Right Scoop. FACT.

    4. Marleycat9:17 AM

      Bristol and company should get her ass back to her Nancy French Blog - so she'll be with her stupido peer group, wondering when the FEDS get done with investigating her father's sicko, bizarro prostitution ring! Count on it Bristol - they're coming for all of you! Your parents' crimes will put an end to your grifting - start planning on how you'll be able to support yourself - on your own, like a real grown up!

    5. Anonymous9:45 AM

      "Unions are no longer useful. That is obvious.

      I mean, look at how Trayvor's (sp) shooter is being treated when his intimidators dont even know the full story thanks to our fabulously effed up media.

      I don't hate, but none of this is cool."

      Uhh...WTF are you talking about SARAH? Unions? Trayvon Martin? Wow you are especially UNHINGED this morning! What's the matter? Coming down off the meth or just desperate for attention again? Get help sicko.

    6. Anita Winecooler8:27 PM

      Anything from "the right scoop", is a biased lie. If it wasn't for unions, there would be no minimum wage, no safe work conditions, and no one to stand up for the working class in our country.

      His name is Trayvon Martin, you heartless buffoon. Learn how to spell it, because his name will be in the history books. He's an innocent child who was senselessly slain by a man who is still free, armed, and dangerous.

  14. Look how Frothy he gets! Stress of the campaign must be getting to Ricky. Why Oh Why are all GOPers Angry?

    At least he didn't call Romney, "THAT ONE!"

    1. Hannah2:11 PM

      For sure, I'd rather have Obama's Hope and Change than the republicans "nope and shame". And Santorum?? THIS temper-tantrum-throwing potty mouth is the religious savior for American politics?? Let me say this right back: Bullshit is all you have to offer, Santorum. Go away.

    2. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Well I do believe his very name is synonymous with shit - of the frothy type.

  15. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I'm not keen on a mandate, but feel it's my patriotic duty to support it. Great article on wickersham conscience.

  16. Anonymous8:00 AM

    And Jesus said " Quit distorting my words, if I see it, it's bulls8t"!

  17. Anonymous8:02 AM

    The 2012 Republican Primary is notable for how often the candidates deny they've said things they've said, even though they've been recorded saying them. Santorum is the worst. Mitt just says what he thinks people want to hear, regardless of what he said in the last stump speech. It is deliberate, if sloppy, politics. Santorum just doesn't seem to know what he's saying from moment to moment. Something tells me Santorum would have freaked out if Zeleny had complimented his suit. Santorum is a scary, sad little man, oozing down the right leg of life.

  18. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Just the kind of temperament a world leader needs. It wouldn't take much for Santorum to fly off the handle at some remark made by an Iranian leader to send him off the deep end and into war. Santorum is a man who doesn't abide criticism or even scrutiny. He should have his own Fox show, but President?

    1. Anonymous12:33 PM

      No, he should not have his own Fox show.

  19. Anonymous8:05 AM

    To use a Republican phrase, Mr. Santorum wants to "shove Christianity down our throats". But here again he does not act like a Christian, much like his recent treatment of Mr. Obama. He showed no compassion when Mr. Obama's daughter was in Mexico during the earthquake. Instead he spent his time criticizing the decision to let her travel there. And it turned out he was basing his criticism on incorrect information about what parts of Mexico were travel restricted. Like so many Republicans he is not just wrong, he is also nasty.

  20. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Rick Santorum is hopelessly mired in a world that does not exist. He is appealing to the concrete mindset of males who have never allowed themselves to be challenged by ideas more complex than "I want another beer." He believes that this mindset is America's mindset and that everyone wants to be just like his "ideal American man." Somehow, like Rush Limbaugh--whose infamous use of profanities highlights the lamentable lack of Republican enthusiasm for issue oriented debate--Rick Santorum rejects the romance of his own humanity in favor of a notion that he is America's epic hero. He sees his struggle for our hearts in comic book terms: the evils worked by the Rennaissance's light cannot again be allowed to smother the comfort and certainty of tried and true Medieval tradition. Humanity cannot stand another Englightenment: God will certainly punish us by casting us out of the Garden as he did Adam and Eve.

    Understood in this light, it is small wonder that Rick would become irate when the serpent, having taken the form of the liberal media, distorts the sense he meant when he--like Humpty Dumpty--chooses words to mean exactly what he wants them to mean: no more and no less.

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      I can't wait until some reporter asks him if he thinks the pope is gay.

      Andrew Sullivan-
      "It seems pretty obvious to me - as it does to Angelo Quattrochi, whose book is reviewed by Toibin - that the current Pope is a gay man (just as it was blindingly clear that John Paul II was straight). "

      Richard Sipe- THE POPE GAY.pdf
      "I have asked a number of Roman clerics and members of the Roman press corps if they think the pope is gay. None, of course, wish to be named for obvious reasons, but every one was convinced that Pope Benedict XVI is gay.

      Andrew Sullivan again-
      "He just wears red Prada slippers, is inseparable from a GQ stud personal assistant, insists on ermine in his hats and has now commissioned a papal eau de cologne!"

      So since Rick has such well developed interests about gays and sex and the church someone needs to ask him if the pope is gay. Because when PRick speaks people listen.

  21. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Only an idiot or a racist would support Sick Rantorum.

  22. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Santorum cut a sorry figure in that clip -- pathetic and unpresidential.

  23. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Nobody needs to distort Santorum's words. Thats one of the remarkable things about him. You don't have to speak out against this guy - he's so outrageous in his comments they speak for themselves. Nobody is distorting his words - his thoughts are what is distorted about him.

  24. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Don't worry, there's a pattern to these things, and this is just round 1. First Santorum has to get his headlines when he doubles-down on his response. Then someone's gonna look at the tape and tell him that the reporter had it right, that he didn't say what he claimed he'd said, and that he was firing blanks when he went off on the guy. Then we'll see the caption that he's "walking back" his statement, which is as close as any of these Repubs get to admitting they've lied, and he'll blame the "media" for making such a big thing out of it.
    Then he'll say something else.....

    And the Republican Party's Traveling Roadshow and Comedy Extravaganza rolls on.....and on.....and on.....

  25. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Sanctimonious Rick Santorum has to be eating a little crow today after reviewing his own comments! Face facts Rick, Mitt Romney will be the Republican Nominee. Neither of these men deserve to be President. But bashing the press when they correctly interpret your words is dishonest! It would have been wiser to just correct the record and say, "what I intended to say..." But now Santorum just looks petulant and childish. This would not be a good characteristic in our next President!

  26. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Santorum is not fit to be president with a temper like that. Our government will become a disaster with no one willing to work with him, especially if he angers the Congressional leadership.

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      I think it's time to ask the serious question: does Rick Santorum have a drinking problem? If the answer is no, then we are dealing with extremely serious mental issues. Either way, we are witnessing behavior so beyond the pale as to make him completely unfit not only to be president, but to serve in any elected office.

    2. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Perhaps he's a "dry drunk," like GW Bush.

      Certainly, the rigidity of this little martinet is not normal, for a human or a politician. He's letting all his personal neuroses blow up -- he can't contain his inner and outer lives any longer.

  27. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Anyone who aspires to be our President must behave with proper decorum despite the pressure. A reporter's challenge is a drop in the bucket compared to what President Obama faces and he doesn't lose his cool.

    Obama 2012-2016

  28. hedgewytch8:17 AM

    What is it with these guys?! It's like they feel entitled to say whatever the hell they want to say and GD you all to Hell if you DARE to question what they just said.

    Can you imagine what it must be like to live with this person? It is like watching a spoiled 4 year old in grown up cloths. "Nah, nah, nah, I can't HEAR you! I wanna wanna wanna! And YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!"

  29. He is such a petulant little douchebag.

  30. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Yeah, THAT'S who I want as prez. He just showed his true colors, as has the Wasilla self-proclaimed prima donna.

    Gonna call 'em on their CRAP every darn time!

  31. Another example of his 'do as I say, not as I do' rules for the rest of us.

    1)Allow your wife to be given meds while pregnant that results in premature delivery and the baby's, death, But NO other family has the right to make the same decision (abortions for the heath of the mother.)
    2)The rest of us should not be able to sue MD's, etc for bad medicine, but she got to sue her chiropractor for over $200,000.00 dollars
    3) home schooled his kids while they were living in a Virginia School district, but charged his Penn. rental home school district for $75,000.00 worth of home school materials.
    4) Received very very favorable loans for a house, worth more then the purchasing price.
    5)Birth control should not be allowed for the rest of us because your religion says NO.

    Rick santorum is a religious zealot and if evangelicals think that he will support their religion, they are wrong. He is a hard core Catholic, which means he alone has the true religion.

    And now he's a true republican because he said BS to a NY Times reporter?
    Really rick?
    I would have been more impressed if you were able to answer the reporters question.

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Please add this one to your list:

      According to Santorum, the people who live in Puerto Rico (almost typed Puerto Ricko, lol) must learn to speak English if they wish to continue voting in American presidential elections.

      But Santorum, whose father and grandfather were both born in Italy (and neither of whom ever became naturalized American citizens), grew up in a home in America, where Italian was spoken. That is why he is able to claim that he is bi-lingual.

      So, in Santorumland, it's fine for Italians to speak Italian in America, but Puerto Ricans should speak English in Puerto Rico.

      Yes, that's exactly just how dysfunctional this man is.

  32. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Santorum will not be the nominee and he knows it. He's is behaving like a wounded animal so wise people steer clear of him.

    Santorum is only in the primaries now to build his free (and priceless) media exposure to boost book and lecture sales later. That's exactly why Gingrich is still in. The more "colorful" these guys are, the more the media features them.

    It's theater, not politics.

    (And, very, very, very, bad theater, also, too. Palin is playing the same game, but she isn't even pretending to discuss issues any more.)

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      thanks for writing what i have been thinking.

    2. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Don't overlook how all this batshit crazy in the primary pushes the Overton Window to the right. Way to the right.

  33. Anonymous8:35 AM

    The GOP’s woman problem is that it has a serious problem with women.

  34. Anonymous8:37 AM

    OT - some people are lying about Palin's daughters running the Boston Marathon. They've never qualified so it's possible that they might be WALKING the 26 mile marathon, but I highly doubt it.

    Sarah Palin couldn't even qualify for the run.

    Chuckles was the first liar to claim he ran it but there are no records of him every running. It's also possible the he WALKED the marathon with all the non-racers.

    1. There are no records of Chuckles Sr. ever participating in the Boston Marathon. I called and checked, and finally the harassed ("Would you mind just... looking again?") clerk rasped in a Bahh-stan accent, "Lady, you have any idea how many people CLAIM to run the Boston?"

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Creepy Chuckie needs to show us the paperwork on his Boston Marathon run. Just like a birth certificate.

      Lots of people LIE about running in, even qualifying for the Boston Marathon. Creepy Chuckie needs to help expose the liars by showing his paperwork. It's the patriotic thing to do. Also. Too.

    3. fuuuuuuuuuuuck YOU, BRISDULL!!!1:03 PM

      Um, yeah, I *totally* ran it,

      it was Easy! ;)

      New York, too! Yeah, I was *right* behind that European chick, the *really skinny one* who won!


      Any of 'em, all of 'em ~

      E-A-Z-Y!!!! :)))))

  35. I would like to see the NY Times take his comment and talk about it .... yes, I would!

  36. Anonymous8:42 AM

    No doubt, Santorum is nothing but frothy santorum but what is the truth. It shouldn't be too hard to get the part of the speech that came before that.

  37. Anonymous8:48 AM

    THIS, IMO, is why his children always look so unhappy and frightened. THIS, IMO, is exactly how he behaves at home, with them. Like someone else we know, he is a megalomaniac with enormous unresolved anger issues, a wanna-be who is seeking power at any cost.

    Thanks to the GI bill, Santorum's Italian-born father Aldo was able to become a clinical psychologist. I wonder how he would diagnose the behavior of his son?

    Aldo's Italian father Pietro Santorum, the one Ricky touts as being a hard-working coal-miner) was not merely a socialist, but a pillar of the communist party in Italy in the 1920s. Apparently the Santorum family on the other side of the Atlantic isn't very amused by the behavior and political positions of Little Ricky.

    Most interesting is the fact that candidate Santorum has refused to produce either naturalization papers or otherwise prove that his father Aldo Santorum had become an American citizen by the time of little Ricky's birth. Aldo served with American forces in WWII, but as an Italian emigrant and alien, not as an American citizen. While he would probably have become eligible to apply for citizenship under the McCarran-Walter Act, there is no proof that he actually did so, or that he even initiated the process. Italian was spoken in the family home when Ricky was a child, and Aldo may have never taken the step to renounce his Italian citizenship and/or legally differentiate himself from his large extended family who still lived in Italy.

    There is no proof that Santorum's father, born in Italy, ever became a naturalized citizen prior to Santorum's birth. There is no proof that Romney's father, born in Mexico, ever became a natural citizen prior to Romney's birth. There is no proof that Rubio's father, born in Cuba, ever became a naturalized citizen PRIOR TO RUBIO'S BIRTH. With respect to birtherism, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, and Marco Rubio are singing from the same choir book – using the birther issue OFFENSIVELY AGAINST OBAMA: as a mere deflection, so as to prevent the same issue from being successfully raised AGAINST THEM!!!

    1. Anita Winecooler8:58 PM

      You're right on all points, my parents immigrated from 1940's Italy. My Grandfather was a Fascist, as was my Dad. Everyone was, for some odd reason - oh yeah! I remember.

      The ballot had two choices. 1) Benny Mousellini and 2) DEAD. So which would any sane person pick?
      My dad fought beside the American Soldiers in Italy, then Married.
      In my parent's case, they became American Citizens, Voted, worked, paid taxes, learned "American" and we spoke both languages.

      I do fault Santorum's family for not assimilating and learning the language, they seemed to have quite a few more perc's than the average immigrants of the time.

      The same goes for Rubio and his stories about cuba.

  38. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Where is Orali Titz when you need her? I want to check his birth certificate!

    This son is free enough to speak his mind. He has courage.
    NOT MINI ME!ME!ME! PALIN. The shrinking violet hides behind Nancy French's faux blog.

    What do you think? Has Bristol hit her style stride with this spring staple?

    1. fuuuuuuuuuuuck YOU, BRISDULL!!!1:06 PM

      Bristol's usual "spring" accessory is her newborn child...

    2. Anita Winecooler9:18 PM

      I don't believe Geraldo for one second. That whole story is made up, so he can find an excuse to validate the lie by saying "I was trying to save lives". It's a common tactic used by people with no spine. Remember "blood libel"?


      White is Bristol's signature color because it conveys purity, virtue, and virginity. She wore it while posing with Levi, also in white for the same reasons, and Tripp, her son which life is like a, also, too, wore white to match his Daddy.

      Oh, wait. She wore white because she's a fan of Mae West, who famously stated

      "I was Snow White, but then I drifted"

      Never a bridesmaid, never a bride, poor Girl.

  39. Nikogriego9:17 AM

    There is no requirement in the Constitution that a candidate for President of the U.S.'s parent(s) must be/have been a U.S. citizen. There is no clear definition of "natural born" U.S. Citizen in the Constitution, and caselaw has not defined the term to mean even that the person must have been born in the U.S. The term has not been construed to include the necessity of parental U.S. citizenship.

    "The Constitution does not define the phrase natural-born citizen, and various opinions have been offered over time regarding its precise meaning. The Congressional Research Service has stated that the weight of scholarly legal and historical opinion indicates that the term means one who is entitled under the Constitution or laws of the United States to U.S. citizenship "at birth" or "by birth," including any child born "in" the United States, even to alien parents (other than to foreign diplomats serving their country), the children of United States citizens born abroad, and those born abroad of one citizen parent who has met U.S. residency requirements.[1]"

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Agree completely. But the birthers who are using this issue against Obama do not agree; the fact that George Washington did not meet this standard is irrelevant to them.

      At this late date, with America being the melting pot that it is, the entire birther issue is silly. But because it is raised against Obama, it should also be raised against Romney, Santorum, and Rubio, whom the repubs claim will be their next VP candidate (and thus potentially in line to be president).

  40. Anonymous9:17 AM

    But Santorum's latest outburst is part of a trend. Already, Santorum has had a number of highly publicized run-ins with host and pundits from various media outlets on both sides of the political spectrum.

  41. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Sorry for being OT here, but I just saw this on ABC News:

    Their making a big deal out of it, so is this good or bad for Pres. Obama? I don't really understand the implication.

    1. fuuuuuuuuuuuck YOU, BRISDULL!!!1:07 PM

      Prez is laying groundwork,

      ain't no thang

    2. Anonymous4:10 PM

      ok..thank you, fuuuuuuuuuuuck YOU, BRISDULL!!!

      ps..."ain't no thang" is what my hubby-God rest his soul- used to say. :-)

  42. London Bridges9:57 AM

    Here is an article about Sarah, neocons, and Game Change:

  43. Sally in MI9:58 AM

    Yes, Rick, everything oit of yopur mouth is indeed BS. And you are a sorry excuse for an American. You have done nothing but divide this country (and you saw how well that went for Princess Sarah, didn't you?)
    But never fear, when you drop out, or quit, or throw up your hands in disgust, I'm sure Ailes will have your cushy Fox chair waiting for you, so you can offer your special insight into events you know nothing about, just like Sarah.

  44. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Santorum doesn't have 'it' to be Pres. of the U.S. I don't like his religious positions/beliefs and the fact he pushes it/them on all of us. I truly think him to be a first class asshole - much like Gingrich and McCain!

  45. wow great i have read many articles about this topic and everytimei learn something new i dont think it will ever stop always new info , Thanks for all of your hard work!

  46. Evelyn Waugh10:05 AM

    This is how Zeleny reported it today:

    "Pick any other Republican in the country, but he is the worst Republican in the country to put up against Barack Obama,” Mr. Santorum told supporters here on Sunday evening, saying Mr. Romney’s record on health care was disqualifying. “We need someone who can go out and rally the Republican base.”

    So Zeleny accurately reported the quote, but added Santorum's caveat. A nicely done reporting job. Santorum should be so lucky as to always be reported on by Jeff Zeleny.

  47. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Poll: 73 Percent Say George Zimmerman Should Be Arrested

    Following the national outcry over the killing of Trayvon Martin and the local police's handling of the shooting, a CNN/ORC Poll national poll details Americans' reactions to the case. The poll found that 73 percent of Americans believe shooter George Zimmerman should be arrested. A month after the shooting, Zimmerman, who claims self-defense, has not been taken into custody. Fifty-five percent said they approve of the Stand Your Ground laws that have are partially responsible for the fact that Zimmerman has not been arrested or charged -- and could keep him from being convicted down the road.

    A majority of Americans are following the Martin case, the poll found, and 35 percent said they are paying a "great deal" of attention; 32 percent said they are paying "some" attention. Seventy-six percent of respondents said that participants in neighborhood watch programs should not carry guns, while 22 percent said they should.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:14 PM

      ::::::::::::::PLEASE EXPLAIN::::::::::::::::

      Stand Your Ground = Chasing/Following?

      How a "potential assailant" WALKING AWAY is a THREAT?

      In the dark, that night, ONE person had a GUN, ONE person was UNARMED.

      The UNARMED person is DEAD.

      The ARMED person claims SELF-DEFENSE after FOLLOWING the UNARMED person (VERIFIED on 911).

      There is NO ARREST.

      ::::::::::::::PLEASE EXPLAIN:::::::::::::::::

  48. Marleycat10:52 AM

    Here ya go Bristol and Stupidos, Inc. - guess they don't think your Ma is very smart in AZ either!:

    I recently watched the HBO Movie "Game Change." The movie was excellent. Although I had seen most of it in real time during the 2008 presidential election, I took a second look at Sarah Palin. Although very likable, "she was too dumb to realize how dumb she really is."

    -- Syulvia J. Benson, Scottsdale

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      Likable? She was mean and downright nasty to the staffers during the campaign. I've read where she harassed a woman in Alaska, maybe Gryph knows more about this, where the woman was so afraid she moved out of the state. I'm pretty sure she was an employee of the State.

    2. Marleycat2:03 PM

      Yeah, I know - I don't think Palin is likable but it is telling that even the people who do think she is "likable" recognize her stupidity!
      Even in RED STATES like AZ - home of the other old crone - Jan Brewer. MY opinion of both of these insane bitches isn't printable - even on the internet!

  49. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I am really hoping that Pennsylvania does not vote FOR Frothy Mixture. I will take great delight in seeing him lose his own state/district. Let up hope that it happens. He is an asshat, bloviating turd in the punchbowl of GOP candidates. I can not imagine what life has been like for his kids.

  50. WakeUpAmerica11:22 AM

    Gryphen, you might want to take a look at this.
    BTW, this is not Christianity. This is what gives Christianity a bad name.

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      I read this yesterday. Horrifying.
      Go there and this is the title-
      "Church fakes teens' kidnapping using real gun
      Outraged mother of one 14-year-old girl has filed a complaint with police "

  51. SALLY in MI11:38 AM

    And what would he do when the country and the press called him out after he bans contraception, health care for women, and food for kids? Tell us all to FOff, I bet. Yes, he sure did sound Presidential there.

  52. Anonymous11:39 AM

  53. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Santorum is becoming increasingly shrill as his campaign hopes fade

  54. Anonymous12:12 PM

    WOW. Rick is really unhinged on this interview, he's sputtering and pointing fingers and he's getting called on the carpet for his paranoia and misdirected rage and he's sliding further and further into a caricature. Not in any way, shape or form is he remotely presidential. he's flailing like a drowning man, grasping for any hold, blaming everyone but himself for his nasty, over the top reaction. Really it's just pathetic.

    Here's the rush transcript, I'm sure the video will be out soon.

  55. Anonymous12:19 PM

    John McCain bails out Michele Bachmann! Next up John McCain guestblogs with Bristol! You heard it here first!

    " Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann's campaign says 2008 GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McCain is going to help her raise money and help retire $1 million in campaign debt."

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      May they do a three. Bristol, John and Meaghan

  56. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I am continually amazed at the Republican's lack of knowledge where technology is concerned. Have they not heard of the Google or the YouTube? His words were recorded and he still has the balls to deny what he said? what a dick.

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      For Frothy Rick's supporters the truth is an inconvenient concept. If Frothy Rick says it it must be true! P.S.- Frothy now alreday fundraising with this. You say set up I say screwup- what's the diff?

  57. Randall12:37 PM

    I don't like Rick Santorum - I think he's a sanctimonious asshole...

    but he's RIGHT this time.

    That was taken out of context - and that is bullshit.

    1. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Actually, you are COMPLETELY wrong, go back and listen and watch and you will see just how wrong you are and how Frothy jumped the gun before the reporter even finished his sentence. He was playing to the cameras opportunistically using the moment to get himself into the news cycle by 'spanking' the big bad liberal media. Look a little deeper, sir, you'll be amazed at what you see.

  58. Kinda curious about channeling John McCain in a "good way";

    there would have to be something "good" about McCain to channel;

    there is not.

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Maggie, you are absolutely right. McCain is lower than pond scum, but I do get Gryphen's turn of a phrase...

  59. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Rick Santorum Loses His Religion, and Exposes the Bulls**t Behind His Campaign

    The real problem here isn’t that Santorum got profane, which is hypocritical and par for the course for Republican Christians these days.

    After all, swearing isn’t swearing when it comes from a conservative Christian. Whether it’s Sarah Palin calling things “asinine” or saying “wtf” or Rick Santorum saying “bullshit”, it’s awesome when Republicans do it. But if Joe Biden whispers “it’s a big fu*king deal” the world has ended in a vulgarity. Cursing in public and on TV is the new Christian for Republicans.

    The real problem is that Santorum thinks being asked to clarify a comment is an “aggressive attack.” How would he deal with leaders of other countries? Is no one allowed to ask King Santorum if something is true? Off with their heads!

    At least his Christian base is happy today. There’s nothing the Republican base loves more than an angry Republican candidate cursing the liberal media. Apparently Jesus was only good until someone asked him a question, and then all bets were off.

    In this new Republican Christianity, you get a free pass for character and temperament if you’re mad. Huh. And here I thought it was precisely those moments when we are most tested that our true character reveals itself.

  60. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I'm with Randall. I dislike Santorum immensely but I read a transcript of the exchange. The reporter totally twisted his words out of context - something I see BOTH sides do all the time and it sickens me. It was BS - an appropriate and accurate response. If Santorum was going around losing his cool frequently like McCain, you might have something here, but he doesn't. Let's spend our time on substantive issues and not act "all Republican."


    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Sorry, but you are sorely mistaken. Rick is unhinged and here are MANY examples. This is a pattern with him and he has a screw loose when it comes to personal self control.

      Rick Santorum Unleashed: All His Angriest Campaign Confrontations. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.

  61. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Yes, another Christian misusing funds donated by the faithful. Will these people ever learn? Michael K's commentary is awesome regarding the Crouch's swindling their followers.

  62. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Wolf Blitzer has Santorum on split screen watching this. Goofy grin and laughing. Dipshit.

  63. Anita Winecooler7:39 PM

    Haven't read the comments yet, but my impressions are:

    1) Where have we heard that "quit makin things up" stuff before?
    2) His daughter was cowering behind him, clearly embarrassed and uneasy. At one point, she gently puts her hand on his upper arm, which made him even MORE shaken.
    2, TOO!)He then books to Fox News and blabs his mealymouthed cowardly "rill republican'ts" call out the NYT aka lamestream elitist east coast media. Clearly, Sarah has "Santorum" up to her elbow, her arm is so far up his ass, yet she doesn't come to his defense with a facebook rant.
    2, ALSO TOO! He just blew all credibility as a "Catholic" conservative Christian.

    And I'm fine with all of it!

    Guess he's waiting for a "Thank You" phonecall from President Obama, like Beefalo LenoChin's bff Nancy French. BWaaaaahaaaaaaaaa!


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