Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Women's Rights advocate Gloria Steinem speaks out in support of President Obama and the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare if you prefer.)

During this unconscionable "War on Women" that is currently being waged by the GOP, I can think of few individuals whose voice holds more weight in these matters than that of Gloria Steinem.

She has a been a powerful voice for women since the late sixties, and having her speak out in support of President Obama, while clearly explaining the reasons behind that support, is something that I hope women in this country do not take lightly.


  1. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Remember everyone, there is a special place in hell for women who don't support women - so all you cackling rads better just pipe up and defend Sarah and Bristol from people seeking to destroy them and make stuff up all the time about how much more freedoms, not less, we'd have if such strong, conservative women were in charge with the heels off and gloves on. Fight like a girl, also too like a pit bull barracuda with lipstick!

    1. 'scuse me, but $arah has set women back in politics 50 years.

      I hate her with the fire of a thousand suns for that.

    2. Anonymous6:09 AM

      Whoa! That's some dense word salad! Translation is impossible. Clear your head, take a deep breath and try again.

      Unless this is parody of Sarah Palin? Then you nailed it. Good job.

    3. Anonymous6:12 AM

      How dare you think we will support nasty divisive, bigoted, mean-spirited, acid tongued bitches like Sarah and Bristol.

      NO WAY would we support Sarah Palin, and now her daughter is acting just like her. Those shrews have been nothing but vicious and hateful forwards our President.
      EFF Sarah and Bristol!

      We do not support vicious, nasty rightwing, spiteful women like the Repub women are, anyway. Such as Michele Bachmann, Jan Brewer, Sharron Angle, Laura Inghram, and a host of other mean-spirited rightwing women, you can add to that list.

    4. Anonymous6:22 AM

      Sigh. I think you need to add /sarc disclaimers to your obviously sarcastic posts lol! At first when I read your comment I was relieved there was no idiots replying to tell you off ( they NEVER learn. Ever.) but then I read further and saw it only takes a couple of people to comment before a reader goes charging at a brick wall again. Why these people cannot detect sarcasm or irony speaks to their intelligence level. Once again I'm sad to say that G's blog is fantastic, but his readership...some are embarrassing to be quite frank. The new layout means the comments are much more visible to me now and this is a pain to be honest! Whenever I direct people to this blog Gryphen, I tell them to ignore the morons that post comments. I'm seriously sorry to say it but it's true. Anti Palin blogs have become awful places to visit and now I'm too embarrassed to say I'm a trig trither

    5. Anonymous6:36 AM

      Be sure to check out Sarah's special place in hell beside Andrew Breitbart. A real life example of no support for women and children, not even his own. Sarah's place in hell is so special she can't even talk about that reality. Do you hear her talk about the real Todd? No, too special place in hell for Sarah. If she ever escapes we will all hear the truth from her, until then she is doomed to rest beside Breitbart.

  2. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Limbaugh is still standing

    Maher is shriveled up in the corner sucking his thumb.

    1. Anonymous6:10 AM

      "Maher is shriveled up in the corner sucking his thumb."

      What's with the Palin's deep obsession with "shriveled" things? That's odd. Or should I say that's Todd?

    2. Anonymous6:13 AM

      Go to school, Bristol. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

    3. Anonymous6:13 AM

      "Limbaugh is still standing
      Maher is shriveled up in the corner sucking his thumb."

      Who? Do you mean Bill Maher? Hmm that's weird because I saw him on Friday night and he was on live television hosting a political comedy show and telling jokes. Is this what "shriveled up in the corner sucking his thumb" means to a Palin? Please advise. It appears there is a discrepancy with your idea of "shriveled up in the corner sucking his thumb" and the dictionary/real life definition.

    4. Cracklin Charlie6:26 AM

      I just saw an ad for a new Maher show last night. I guess he will come out of the corner for the taping of the new show.

    5. RedRover6:26 AM

      Sounds like you must inhabit a parallel universe because here on earth the opposite is true.

    6. Anonymous6:39 AM

      Limbaugh has packed his lawyer's Viagra and is off the the Dominican Republic. We know how he stands.

    7. Anonymous6:59 AM

      I wouldn't call what Limbaugh does "standing". More like sitting on his fat ass bloviating. And where do you get the idea that Maher is afraid?

    8. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Limbaugh is still standing (read, sitting on his pasty white corpulent ass) the way Sarah was completely exonerated in the Troopergate report.

      "Well, I’m very very pleased to be cleared of any legal wrongdoing," Palin said, "any hint of any kind of unethical activity there. Very pleased to be cleared of any of that."

  3. Evelyn Waugh5:05 AM

    Just think about how one type of person wants to deny basic rights to another. This is what we fought a civil war about.
    Established law and precedent, built up over several decades, will be swept away by Republicans, if they continue to get power in statehouses, state legislatures, and Congress, not to mention the White House.
    Women got to be able to vote less than 100 years ago!
    The struggle to determine the direction of our own lives and bodies continues, unfortunately.

    And, as an aside, I think the men who want so much to control women's reproductive rights are frightened, in a primitive way, of the power of women, to create children, to live separately from men, to have equal rights. It goes back to cave men, and that's what much of this sounds like.

    Nobody, male or female, knows my own body or what is best for me. My doctor can advise and help, but the decisions are mine and mine alone.

    I don't like abortion -- I basically think almost anything is better than that. But my method to combat too many abortions is to provide education, easy access to birth control, and a loving and supportive environment.

    I'm pro-choice and anti-abortion, but I will defend the right of any woman to choose to do what's best for her.

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      Thank you for articulating my own position so well. May I borrow some of your words?

    2. Anonymous8:39 AM

      I'm pro-choice. I don't care who gets an abortion, it is NOT my business. People should mind their own business, and stay out of women's wombs.

    3. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Of course you may use anything you can in an effort to wake people up.

      I guess I would say, with anonymous #2, that I don't care who gets an abortion, either, but I'd like it to be an alternative when free birth control and education provide a situation where women will control their bodies before conception, if they don't choose to have babies.

    4. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Thank you! Im a former Republican woman who is also pro choice / anti abortion. I would not choose it for myself but I dont have the right to get between another woman and her doctor. I also believe that adequate education and access to affordable contraception not only reduces abortion but also the amount of other expenses necessary to provide for the children born as a result of inadequate access.

      For so called fiscal conservatives, most of them seem to miss the obvious.

  4. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Obamacare...because Obama cares!

  5. sally in MI5:15 AM

    Well, I see the trolls jumped right on Gloria Steinam. Afraid of a truly intelligent powerful woman? If it weren't for Gloria and the battles she fought, Sarah would never have been able to bambozzle the good people of Alaska into voting for her, because she would never have been on the ballot. If it weren't for stong women like Gloria and Geraldine, opportunities for women would be limited to mother, local School Board members, secretary, and beautician. College would be for the elite women whose parents could see a future in business or law for their daughters, but no other girls would have those opportunites. Now, the GOP would take us back to before Gloria, before contraception opened up the world for us, and 5:32 is whining about us women not supporting such nonsense? I'd counter that the special place in hell you are so concerned about is reserved for women who hate other women so much that they support men who abuse them, men who would take away reproductive rights while not supporting the children they bring into the world, men who would put the world into endless war, and men who do not value women or their contributions outside the bedroom and kitchen. THOSE are the women you should worry about, because they are weak or prefer to be powerless. Sarah talks a good game, but in the end, she is a coward.
    And 6:01, not sure what reports you're watching (but I bet they have three letters) but Limpballs has lost tons of advertisers, and Maher is just fine. And if Limbaugh is standing, you can bet he has help from his little blue pills that his insurance covers, which means, in your world, that WE paid for them.

    1. Anonymous6:23 AM

      You need a new brain/irony-sarcasm detector/sense of humour

  6. Anonymous5:29 AM

    O/T: Sarah-pals-around, exposes her kids to and promotes (no supporter of women's rights)
    Andrew Breitbart didn't look after his kids (he never considered his lifestyle might catch up with him)? He just pocketed the money he made for things like James O'Keefe and whatever kept him going. What a wreckless bad parent. His father-in-law is from money, no one was there to clue him in? No mortage insurance? Nothing to see his four children would get through school? This is a disgraceful legacy for a man of his means to leave. An insight into his character that I would have never imagined. And this is the family values crowd. Why didn't he value and invest in his kids when he had the opportunity?

    Breitbart shirked a Big responsibility. One thing he didn’t leave was security for his wife and his own flesh and blood. After a life with two caring parents that had his back covered, he wouldn't pay it forward. Makes no sense. He had to know the risks he was taking with his health, he looked bloated, wrecked and aged decades more than his 43 years. I am really aghast that his own blood was forsaken by him in this manner.

    “He seemed liked the John Belushi of your set.” So, who were his dealers?

    Breitbart’s “Rape” Concerns Don’t Extend to Female Staffer
    Citing at least a dozen incidents, Andrew Breitbart insists that Occupy members shirked a responsibility to report alleged rapes they learned of to police. Breitbart however, has made no effort to report on or comment on disturbing allegations in a criminal complaint by one of his own bloggers, Nadia Naffe.

    Turn about is fair play, what goes around comes around, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander…..pick one. O’Keefe has made himself a celebrity by ambushing people in their workplaces, using hidden cameras to record them without their knowledge or consent, not revealing and ignoring their procedures which call for not confronting a possible criminal, destroying people’s careers and an organization that did so much good for so many people. In addition to Izzy Santa’s sexual harassment suit and the charges brought by Nadia Naffe, O’Keefe is also being sued by at least one former ACORN employee.

    But it seems that while she (Nadia Naffe) was working for him, O’Keefe did something very, very stupid…he linked her Android phone to his Gmail account and downloaded seven years of e-mails to her. Naffe is doing an Anonymous on him, without being anonymous. She is publishing a seven part series on her own blog, a tell-all based on O’Keefe’s own e-mails.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:52 AM


      1) Bfart didn't leave $$$ for his family? I don't understand. As stated, wasn't his FIL wealthy, meaning his wife's dad? Why are people sending their $$ to this family?

      2)The Jackoffkeefe story is INSANE!!! Rape barn? WTF?!?

    2. Anita Winecooler6:14 PM

      I read about bits and pieces of that, but didn't realize the depth of his depravity. What quality did his wife find attractive about him?

      And O'Keefe is even crazier.

      This is man Sarah called a "hero"- go figure!

  7. Anonymous5:55 AM

    People are calling it the Afforable care Act. Great. If it helps more people afford HC that is good. But I hate that last year my insurance costs went up a great deal and because of this Act..

    1. RedRover6:24 AM

      How do you figure? My insurance premiums go up a great deal every year due to corporate greed. And since the ACA isnt in effect yet for most people its quite doubtful your higher premiums are due to ACA

    2. Cracklin Charlie6:25 AM

      I believe that I heard Sec. Sebellious say that...If your insurance company does not use the premium money that you paid in on actual health care expenses, then the insurance company is required to return, to you, the money that you paid in, minus administrative expenses.

      They are only allowed to use 15 percent of your premiums on administrative costs. The rest must be returned to you if it was not spent to provide actual heath care.

      She said on The Daily Show, that all across America, people will be getting checks from their insurance companies in December.

      Please, someone help me out...Did anyone else see this interview? Can you confirm that Sebellious said that, or did I just dream it?

    3. Olivia9:16 AM

      And what was the reason they went up every year before that...or did you not notice?

    4. Cracklin Charlie, in response to your inquiry. I don't watch much television, so I did not see the Daily Show. But, Ms. Sebielius(sp), was referring to the Medical Loss Ratio. And yes, if the insurance company did not spend at least 85% of your premium cost on your direct patient care, they must refund it directly to you. This aspect alone is making insurance companies look for other ways to divest their money making. They are leaving the insurance business in droves. They say, this may be the reason we may have Medicare for all, sooner than we think.
      Again, it is called the MEDICAL LOSS RATIO. You can go to the PPACA website and it will give you more information.

  8. Anonymous6:14 AM

    OMG, Gloria Steinem is as impressive as ever -- no, more so, considering what she has lived through, along with the rest of us. She has always been concerned with bringing people together, like Obama. While not compromising her well-articulated principles and goals.

    And her physical beauty -- hard to separate it from her intellect and wisdom. But imagine if she had had "work"! She just would lose so much. A true beauty in every way.

    1. I am 62 years old and I have admired women such as Ms. Steinem for many years. She has always been the ultimate HUMANIST. Gender is not an issue with her, it is the fact that we are all human, and should all be treated equally.
      The reason she epitomized the Women's Movement is because we are not all treated equally, and she and millions of others could not, would not tolerate such injustices. There was no word(s) for sexual harassment back in the 60's and 70's, for women, it
      was just called "life".

  9. Cracklin Charlie6:14 AM

    I DO prefer the term Obamacare.

    I knew when they started this crap, that the GOP would rue the day they decided to call the Affordable Care Act "Obamacare".

    That just wasn't very bright.

    1. I think the term Obamacare is fantastic! He deserves to be credited for the Affordable Care Act every time anyone opens their mouths. The GOP doesn't get to keep this one and make it a bad thing.

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:54 AM


  10. Anonymous6:15 AM

    OT, you have got to see Screech's necklace on Greta, it is the ugliest thing I have ever seen! She now has a globe in the shot and it is showing Africa, I guess she is refuting the fact that she didn't know Africa was a continent. Does she just put random crap in the background to see what looks the worst?


  11. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Sarah Palin has set the womens' rights movement back at least 30 years. It will take a little while before her sulfur-like stench is eradicated from our country and the damage is undone. Every woman I know and speak to is horribly embarrassed and ashamed of their "fellow woman" Sarah Palin. She really has a terrible reputation with women. I was surprised. Not one person I've ever talked to has supported her. Interesting.

  12. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Well you can go ahead and bury Bristol's blog with Brietbart cuz it is D.O.A. The only possible thing that could generate interest now is if she reveals the baby hoax, especially why she decided to name her son after Todd's prostitute Shailey Tripp. Sorry Bristol...that's your only hope of getting clicks at this point. Nice attempt but it looks like your blog just doesn't have the staying power like Immoral Minority. Such a shame.

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      How long did it last? I thought Sarah was not going to have another defeat.

  13. Anonymous6:30 AM

    6:55, your premiums didn't go up because of AcA. They went up for lots of other reasons. One of those reasons is that you are bearing part of the cost of people who have no insurance.

    For all those who don't want health insurance, I'm good with that as long as you agree not to ever accept free treatment. I'm tired of paying for the free health care of so-called patriots who think it OS their constitutional right to smooches off of me.

  14. Beldar ObamaCares Conehead7:01 AM

    Yes, Gryphen, I DO prefer ObamaCare. With pride. It ain't perfect but it's a HUGE step in the right - well... not RIGHT, but you know what I mean - direction and will need to be amended and improved as time goes on.

    But let's not let the uninformed people who embarrass themselves and our country by blaming ObamaCare - of which most elements have not yet been implemented - for PAST insurance premium rate hikes (eye roll) keep the rest of us from having intelligent discussions about this critically important topic.

    But, seriously, our president rocks.

  15. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I love Gloria Steinem. Can you believe she is 78 years old as of Sunday? She has made such a positive impact on our nation and the women within it. Thank God for Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, Bella Abzug and all those other amazing women who tried to get women recognized as equal to men. Remember the Equal Rights Amendment? Did you know that while it did pass through Congress it was never ratified - it needed 38 states to ratify and it never happened. Meanwhile President Obama passed the Lily Ledbetter act for women to be paid the same as men. thanks President Obama, for doing what women tried to do FORTY years ago.

  16. Anita Winecooler6:29 PM

    I was always a fan of Gloria's and love how well she articulated how much Our President respects women's issues, especially autonomy over their own bodies, careers and life choices.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.