Sunday, April 01, 2012

Best Rick Santorum picture EVER!

Yes I admit it is disturbing.

Yes I admit it is rude.

Yes I admit it is almost pornographic.

But then again, isn't the Frothy Mixture himself all of those things as well?

Personally I have never seen a more accurate representation of the man.


  1. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I had to pick my jaw up from the desk--- then I laughed my head off!!!

    pssst, is that SP's?

  2. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Those Republicans all look the same to me. Are you sure that's him?

    1. WakeUpAmerica8:23 PM

      ROFLMAO!! Good one.

  3. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Gives a whole new meaning to "butt breath"

  4. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I'm trying really hard not to laugh, because if I start cracking up laughing my kids will be over me wanting to know what's so funny.


    (and I bet he can't either!)

  5. AJ Billings7:02 PM

    Gryph, you are awful! :)
    Junior high humor mode on IM tonight!

    1. Anonymous10:48 PM

      Yes, but it is so appropo for that guy! He truly is an asshole!!

  6. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I don't like Santorum or anything, but that is disgusting.

    1. Anonymous7:39 PM

      I know, you're right, It is disgusting. And I'm trying really hard to be mature and not laugh at the asshole, but



    2. WakeUpAmerica8:25 PM

      Disgustingly accurate. Although, personally it should be a hemorrhoid as assholes have a purpose. Hemorrhoids are only there to irritate, block, and be excised.

  7. Hear me shrieking...and then hear me laughing myself silly! That was awful...truly ugly! I can't stop laughing. Where DO you get this stuff!

  8. emrysa7:55 PM

    disturbing, rude, pornographic yes...

    worthwhile, NO.

    look, the only reason that santorum is out there is to keep the numbnut dipshits thinking that they are "participating" in the process. it's all manufactured! I've said it before.

    think about it... when did you start hearing more about santorum, that he was "surging" in the polls (what a laff)? when it came time for the southern primaries... that was the whole reason for the manufactured surge... to keep the ignorant fucks who hate romney thinking that they actually have a say-so in the process. please! never! the nominee was decided months ago, but the powers-that-be needed the dumb fucks in the south to think that they actually could participate and make a difference, hence the santorum "surge." can't have the masses finding out that it's all manufactured! what a freaking joke, suckers, we're all herded, it's the truth. obama will be president again, yada yada yada this primary process is all manufactured drama.

  9. By the way let me just add that I have it on good authority that this is the exact face Santorum makes every time he Googles his name.

    And if not true, well you know it should be.

  10. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Funny and apropos considering the shit he spews from the hole in his face.

    1. Anonymous10:45 PM

      Totally agree! The guy is going to be shot down in the primary due to his horrid religious beliefs that would take us back centuries! Even the majority of Catholics (his faith) don't agree with him!! Would hate to be his wife and children. Almost as bad as being an relation of Sarah Palin!!!

  11. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Having wet dreams of you and ricky getting together?

  12. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Off topic but this is almost beyond belief. Sealing slaves to their masters when these people died before the 'religion' of Mormonism was even invented? This is more batshit craziness from them. I suppose you could say many of these slave owners did practice a form of polygamy, but they probably skipped the religious ceremony and got straight to the raping.

    "“Hemings and Jefferson Together Forever? Troubling cases of Mormon ‘proxy sealing,’ ” by Max Perry Mueller. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints conducted a posthumous marriage for Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings, his slave and mother of several of his children. Mueller raises several other cases of slaves being sealed in an eternal relationship with their masters and says, “Sealing a slave master to his slave is at least as troubling as the baptism of Holocaust victims, the practice of which the LDS Church has officially condemned.”"

    1. Wow! I learn something new everyday. I never cared for religions that are secretive and who believe only whites can go to heaven.

  13. Anonymous8:34 PM


    it's missing something.

  14. Anonymous8:34 PM

    That is OBVIOUSLY shopped. The real Santorum has no eyes or nose.

    1. Heh heh. Santorum reminds me of Oogie Boogie in the film Nightmare before Christmas.

      Bugs, vermin and toxic gasses emanating from Mr. Frothy. Santorum is not a human-being. He's a sewer.

      Beware what lies beneath his mask and skin suit.

  15. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I don't get it.

    1. Back to SeaOfPee for you. And stay there.

    2. Anonymous10:09 PM

      The humor just a bit too subtle there, hrh?

      Well. Not the first time, is it?

  16. Anonymous9:23 PM

    O/T, but not totally: Goldman Sachs has now been tied to and underage sex-trafficking: they were a 16% investor in the business, and now claim to be shocked, just shocked, at the 'discovery' – as they desperately try to unload their shares in the company. Meanwhile, and during the period during which it claims it knew nothing, Goldman sat on the company's board of directors for 4 years. See Nate Kristoff's story, below.

    1. Anonymous10:35 PM

      And, we have Todd Palin in the same business providing women to his friends in Alaska and across statelines that include political friends, agents and cops! Isn't that just dandy!!! No wonder he and Sarah continue getting away w/stuff in Alaska!!!!

      Read Shaily Tripp's book "Boys Will be Boys" - she provided Todd sex when sister Sarah wouldn't!

  17. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Bwahahaha! If it fits......wear it. :)

  18. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Well, so much for breakfast!

  19. Ha, thanks Gryphen, stolen and the pic sent to several friends.

  20. johnie2xs2:21 AM

    He's stating when it is he will leave.
    It's been said that it will be,
    "when his 'santorum' freezes over".;-)

  21. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Picture speaks a millions words. Brilliant

  22. hahaha!!!

    Its awesome!!!
    - Stonewall riots 1969

  23. Anonymous6:08 AM

    As an X Files believer, I think both of Rick's eyes should be replaced with the same image as his oral orifice, also, too!

  24. All that's missing is some frothy shit oozing out. rotf

  25. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Rick Santorum Faces Triple Wipeout in Wisconsin, Maryland, and D.C.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:23 PM

      "Rick Santorum Faces Triple Wipeout in Wisconsin, Maryland, and D.C."

      Now THAT's funny! Considering the above graphic!!!

  26. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Rick Santorum is a punk. There, I said it. Nothing more and nothing less. Someone in the mainstream media should have declared it long ago, but, certainly, in the aftermath of Santorum's staged verbal lashing of New York Times reporter Jeff Zeleny last weekend, it's time to call Santorum for what he has become: a political poseur and a punk.

  27. An European viewpoint9:17 AM

    Too small...

  28. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Funny, but it lowers the already low level of political discourse in our ever-more dysfunctional nation and diminishes the credibility and weakens the influence of those who promote it and hope to reach any kind of audience larger than those who will clap for them no matter what.

    If you only want the laughter of like-minded people who agree with you and it doesn't bother you to weaken the over-all liberal cause and give fuel to the right wing - fine, publish this kind of thing.

    How do you think President Obama would feel about this? You often express your admiration for him and your great support of him. What fuel do you give his enemies when you publish this and allow them to point to it as an example of the thinking of a typical Obama supporter?

  29. Anita Winecooler5:41 PM

    Very funny! We need more like this, considering all the anti Obama and Racist photos, graphics, and jokes that the right has shown publicly, and even e-mailed to all their friends, which our President and the main stream media has ignored.
    This is tame in comparison.

  30. Anita Winecooler5:43 PM

    OT Just saw this advertisement on Rachael's show-

    And I immediately thought you'd like it. An organization well worth joining!

    Rick Santorum Faces Triple Wipeout in Wisconsin, Maryland, and D.C.

  31. Anonymous6:11 PM

    You miss the very point that you best make, Anita. Our president has indeed ignored the ignorant and hateful photos, graphics and jokes the right has shown publicly. Those on the right who have done so have showed us who they are. The president has shown much more class than they.

    This is the very same kind of thing. It brings those who push it right down to the same level as those on the right who have pushed the racist photos and jokes you write of. It gives the right the opportunity to paint the left as intolerant, hateful, hypocrites.

    Yes, it also gives you and others here the opportunity to smile and laugh in the same kind of smugness as do those on the right - but to the detriment of the liberal agenda, which this suddenly makes look as small-minded, mean, and petty as the right.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.