Saturday, April 21, 2012

Boy I have been on the receiving end of THIS look quite a few times!

Really the best thing to do here is to speak in a soft, soothing voice while backing away slowly.

A couple of days ago somebody asked that I provide a list of President Obama's accomplishments.

Here is a great one, complete with citations.

The next time any of your Right Wing family members start to refer to the President as a "do nothing politician" just send them the list.

They have to read the big words of course, so it may not help. But hey, at least you tried!


  1. Awesome list. One of the most annoying part of Palin's last broadcast was the random reference to President Obama's "lack of management skills, lack of communication, no cabinet meetings." Talk about making things up! Thanks for this post.

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Her entire life is make believe. All she does is make things up. She is an emotional child. Her world exists only in her mind. She is hiding from something dark. Who or what can that be? Her world is her refuge and it is a terrible place. Some dimwitted folks think it is real. They are called Palinbots.

    2. Anonymous4:54 AM

      Eff Palin. Why do you guys care about what she says. Geez. Stop letting her consume your life.

    3. Anonymous5:34 AM

      The person I knew who made things up was told by a psycholigist he made facts fit. They make a statement about someone then spew fabricated facts as if proof what they say is truth. Then they project others lie and make things up. Palin has her band of followers she has manipulated who fell for her projecting everyone lies and makes things up . They make up Fiction about themselves too smoke and mirrors. Truthful fact to them is like water to the wicked witch. They seek to destroy anyone grounded in reality and facts that threatens their fiction aka pathalogical lying.

  2. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I guess hubby has a lot in common with our President in that picture!!! LOL!!!

  3. Anonymous6:08 PM

    The right wing reads? I thought they just fell asleep to Rush and Hannity murmuring in their ears: "Obama is a coimmie. Obama hates the US. Obama is worthless. Obama is spending YOUR money on Air Force One vacations. Obama loves foreign dictators. Obama hates you. Obama hates you." I mean, from what they SAY, there is no untelligent thought going on there. None.

  4. Anonymous7:04 PM

    G-man, a couple of posts ago you showed the Ann Romney "Let them eat brioche!") birthday cake, and I laughed when you said it prob cost more than your monthly groceries.

    So I googled around and saw that bakeries charge between $6 and $18/serving for BD cakes, so for the 400 guests you say The Donald sold fund-raising tickets to, dontcha think he would have ordered a cake for 500?

    @ %6/serving x 500 = $3000
    @ $18/serving x 400 = $9000

    But this cake was not the Cake Boss's best: it looked like it could have been made by a kid: buy a plastic horse, sit a Barbie atop it, do green "grass" frosting on a grocery-store cake. (Okay, maybe the horse and the lady are made of sugar, not plastic.)

    A Sylvia Weinstock cake would cost more. OMG here is her version of this cake.

    I am guessing your grocery bill is a little less, but what do i know.

    1. lilli7:38 PM

      WOW, now that's a CAKE!!! Cake Boss Buddy must have had a trainee make that Romney cake.

    2. Anita Winecooler9:27 PM

      Weinstock is a true artisan, buddy is a flash in the pan, his stuff looks like a dollar store exploded. My sister's only "splurge" for her wedding was one of Sylvia's cakes.

      here's a link to her website

    3. Anonymous10:45 PM

      Anita, Fan-fucking-tastic! Wow! Her cakes are truly Amazing! Love the little glasses icon she put on there.
      Romney got ripped off!

    4. Anonymous11:02 PM

      "a dollar store exploded"! Yes!! LoL. Was the Sylvia cake as delicious and beautiful up close as I've heard they are? Do you remember what it cost per person?

    5. Anonymous9:51 AM

      cake is the only thing that matters...

  5. Anonymous7:21 PM

    I love how The President put on his gloves so he could WATCH. ahahahaha

  6. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Here are more pix of Sylvia Weinstock cakes, with the info that her cakes can cost up to $60k. The cost is not a (philosophical) problem for me: that $60k goes to pay the sugar/flour suppliers, the helpers salaries, the drivers who deliver it, the bakery owner's family, who all spend a lot of it with local merchants, etc.

    Me? I usually stick with Safeway's finest, maybe add a few fresh flowers from the garden.

  7. emrysa7:37 PM

    damn... I just wanna know what a girl's gotta do to get michelle's arms... what is her age? damn!

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM

      exercise, exercise, exercise.

      Like the tourist in NYC asked how to get to Carnegie Hall -- he asked a local, who said "practice, practice, practice!"

      No cheating by taking days off. I bet Michelle never cheated on anything in her life.

    2. Pump iron...guaranteed to give you beautiful arms like hers.

    3. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Work on a farm. Ann Romney would have them if she took care of her own horses, lord knows I do.

  8. I think this picture is great. It gave me a smile.

  9. Great list--it really is a great reminder that the fact we still face challenges (Scott Walker is still Governor of Wisconsin, Planned Parenthood is losing its funding, student loans are still stupendous, millions of us still can't get the re-fi's we were promised) doesn't mean that NOTHING is working, or that a great deal has not been done.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:42 PM

      I agree, and I love that it supplies direct links. I'm sending it out to everyone I know.

      He did all this despite Congress, we need to get him re-elected and give him a Congress that's willing to at least compromise.

  10. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Yes, thank you for posting that list. i got all steamed up about the price of cake and forgot about THE LIST.

    I agree with BodieP: lots done, lots to do. If all those things had not been done, the economic collapse could well be still heading toward its lowest downward point. Imagine if McCain had been in charge, or dead. And then imagine the enablers behind Palin being in charge. Yikes!

  11. Anita Winecooler9:32 PM

    Yep, they're a normal couple. Not one married man on earth escapes getting "the look"

    Even while planting a tree, she manages to look radiant!

    Sarah's arms keep waving after she moves her arms, Michelle is one fit woman! Did you see her on "The Biggest Loser"? She was doing men's push ups without breaking stride or a sweat!

    1. A. J. Billings4:27 AM

      So Anita, what causes married men to get the look?

      Is it just conceivable that there is some sort of double standard involved?

      Is there an equivalent look that men give their partners?

      Could it be all about sexual roles that may be a cultural "norm" where men and women relate only based on the woman somehow feeling entitled in their relationships?

      I hear many friends of mine calling their wives "the boss" or other similar names.

      I believe it stems ultimately from sexual roles that are perpetuated by Western culture, in which women hold the cards, and men are expected to "behave" or they will be demeaned and disenfranchised or have to sleep on the couch.

      While accepted as a norm, it seems quite far from a co-equal and egalitarian coupling to me.

    2. I give BetterHalf the 'look', but i make sure he doesn't see it :)

    3. Anonymous8:20 AM

      AJ Billings: yes there is a double std but it's not the one you imply: it's the widespread acknowledgment that men are the entitled ones in a marriage, and they get the look when they are not holding up their end of the bargain. Men calling the little woman "the boss" is ze leetle joke: everyone knows the man is the boss, but in this case she prevails by agreement (because she can do the job better).

      Re "disenfranchisement": I don't believe there is a franchise for sex. Both people are supposed to want it or no dice. However, men feel they have a right to it. Their "needs," you know.

      The economic realities of women emerging from a divorce much poorer, and men much richer, is one indication of who is entitled. The bulk of work (children, house, job, AND looking good) falling to the woman way more than to the man is another. The enduring inequality in average pay rates for men and women is another.

      Of course, there are many individual variations on this. But those old white guys we have been hearing so much about lately are really pissed that their entitlement to be the superior creature in a marriage (and in the workplace, the political setting, too) is coming undone. Equal is not good enough. They want superiority without deserving it. Keeping the little woman barefoot and pregnant is a time-tested way to retain that status quo.

    4. Anonymous9:57 AM

      AJ,. economically my work, the same as my husband's, is worth 77% of his. I call that being disenfranchised and demeaned wouldn't you?

  12. Thank you for this list. I wonder if we will see any trolls on this thread. Somehow I doubt it. Sorta like waving garlic and crosses in front of vampires.

  13. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Gryph, Thank God, I do not have ANY Repub family members, Repub associates, or Repub friends. All my friends, associates, and family are Liberal Democrats. WOOHOO!

  14. Beldar Obama2012 Conehead6:36 AM

    Gryphen, thanks for the link to the list of President Obama's accomplishments. Reading the list makes it all the more angrifying to listen to that prissy plutocrat Rmoney prattle on about "Obama's failed presidency".

  15. Anonymous9:05 AM

    "But Sweetheart, you told me last time I planted a tree, I didn't dig the hole deep enough and the the tree was leaning slightly so I thought I'd just watch and learn this time.'

    LOL~ Love the picture


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.