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In my opinion NO picture reveals the inner Bristol as well as this one. |
Although the exes have not been a couple since August 2010, the news was no less stinging for the reality star. In an exclusive interview with In Touch, Palin, 21, reveals she first heard about Johnston's new baby with girlfriend Sunny Oglesby when a friend texted her. "I said, 'No way, shut up!'" she tells the magazine, adding that her emotions are a mix of sadness, anger, and disgust. "I think it's a little bit of everything, and a lot of confusion. I'm upset about it."
"Wait! Who's pregnant?" |
Although Johnston, 21, has maintained that the entire Palin family has made it nearly impossible for him to see his son, the former "Dancing With the Stars" contestant says otherwise. "I wish Levi would be like, 'Hey Bristol, can I have Tripp for the weekend?'" she says. "I would be so willing and glad to do that. He continues to lie." As for her son's future little brother or sister, Palin adds that she worries Johnston's irresponsibility will only come back to haunt Tripp years from now. "I don't want him to go to elementary school with 10 half-siblings," she tells the magazine. "That would really affect him. I hope that this child is raised with two parents. He needs to step up to the plate and be there. I thought he had learned his lesson the first time."
Okay that is such bullshit.
I don't know everything that goes on between Levi and Bristol by any means, but I DO know for a fact that he has tried numerous times to see his boy, and has been denied access almost completely.
Recently I heard that Bristol has changed her phone number and Levi that has no way of contacting her. That was why he was calling the Palin household and being told that Bristol and Tripp were not in town, when in fact they were.
Well tonight Levi will be able to answer some of these charges, and I certainly hope he takes the gloves off.
By the way let me just respond to a comment that shows up here periodically which states that Levi started this whole feud by going public. No, he didn't.
Levi, Sherry, and Mercede originally went public on the Tyra Banks Show, in response to the fact that Bristol was restricting Levi's access to Tripp, and completely keeping him away from his mother and sister. What happened afterward is pure Palin vindictiveness.
And as for the idea that Levi did not want Tripp, that is a baldfaced lie. He has NEVER expressed anything but joy at the birth of his son. In fact it should be pointed out that in Bristol's book she identifies Tripp as an "accident," and has publicly called her pregnancy a "mistake," whereas in Levi's book he reveals that Bristol was trying to get pregnant, and Levi's family has revealed that he was a willing participant, which means that Tripp was WANTED.
So WHICH parent is saying things in the press which might emotionally scar Tripp when he is older again? Yeah, that's right.
As for Levi learning his lesson, it looks like he did.
Update: For those who doubted my sources.
The woman is Brooke Anderson, and she is a reporter for The Insider.
Update 2: Here is the Insider story with Levi and Sunny such as it is.
This story is really nothing but fluff, and certainly NOT the information that I know was shared with this Brooke Anderson person.
There is a tease about more to be revealed on tomorrow's broadcast, but now I am worried that the truly juicy stuff got cut and that all that will be left is that the guy who used to bang Sarah Palin's daughter done got another girl knocked up.
It certainly does not sound very promising for tomorrow night.
Tune in to The Insider Thursday night for much more with Levi and Sunny, including whether wedding bells will be ringing for the couple, how Levi intends to support his new family, and which member of the Palin family he says recently flipped him the bird.
THIS is why Levi needs to talk to a real reporter, and not worry about getting paid for every interview. Tank Jones taught him to never talk without first seeing the money, but Levi needs to realize that his reputation is worth more than a few thousand dollars.
But above all, Bristol's main fear is that Tripp will be humiliated at school. “I don’t want him to go to elementary school with 10 half-siblings,” she adds. “That would really affect him. I hope that this child is raised with two parents. He needs to step up to the plate and be there,” she sighs. “I thought he had learned his lesson the first time.”
LOL but it's okay for Tripp to go to school with everybody knowing he was conceived in a canvas tent while his mom's friends were inches away listening to Bristol's moans and groans?
But it's okay for Tripp to go to school with everybody knowing that his grandfather Todd is a known sex addict and a pimp?
But it's okay for Tripp to go to school with everybody knowing his grandmother Sarah Palin had sex with a black college basketball player in his Great Auntie Molly's college dorm room while dating Pimp Daddy Todd?
But it's okay for Tripp to go to school with everybody knowing his mother was pregnant again while on DWTS?
But it's okay for Tripp to go to school with everybody knowing he lived with "trial daddies" Ben Barber, Levi Johnston, Masey brothers and Gino.... and Tripp hasn't even started kindergarten yet?
But it's okay for Tripp to go to school with everybody knowing he was named after his Grandfather Todd's sex partner?
But it's okay for Tripp to go to school with everybody knowing he was conceived before marriage, his Uncle Track was conceived before marriage, his cousin from Track and Britta was conceived before marriage, his aunt from Sally Heath was conceived before marriage, his Auntie Willow was kicked out of school and engage before getting her high school GED, his Auntie Willow had several pregnancy scares.....
“I don’t want him to go to elementary school with 10 half-siblings,” she adds.
Did Bristol just acknowledge that Tripp has other brothers and sisters from Bristol's other pregnancies?
Perhaps she should consider home schooling.
DeleteThe most shocking thing she said was that he would go to elementary school. Have the Palins learned their lessons and willing to send a child to school now?
Deleterumor of Todd's son in Dillingham?
DeleteFantastic comment!
DeleteI assume those are actual words Bristol's stated to whoever she was talking to since they're in quotation marks. What that say's to me is that the Palin's are some of the worse white trash I have ever know. We already know their intelligence level is so low you have to laugh at them, particularly when both Bristol, Willow and their brother somehow found it difficult get through high school. BTW, I also seriously doubt that Sarah ever graduated from a college seeing how poorly she speaks, particularly by how much she butchers the English language for a journalism major.
DeleteAny ways, from what you wrote really highlights for me how much of white trash they really are, particularly Sarah and Bristol. I really feel very sorry for Levy for how much they have manipulated him for their own advantage. That just shows how selfish, cruel, and vindictive they really are. We should all pray every night that Palin lost the VP election, and she will probably will never run for an elective office after she has shown the world how stupid she really is.
How does she know that'd be really damaging to Tripp? Because she knows first-hand what it's like to have half-siblings?
DeleteAnon 2:58 PM Sarah did not get a college degree.
DeleteInteresting, but I thought she said she did. Do you know for fact that she never graduated?
Delete“I don’t want him to go to elementary school with 10 half-siblings,” she adds.
ReplyDeleteHey Tripp did you read about how the Wasilla Hill Billies, aka the Palins, raided Nordstrom during the McCain campaign and took all the clothes home in black trash bags and the GOP had to send lawyers to your grandparent's house to retrieve their clothes including your granddaddy Todd's pink panties he was so fond of?
And her spawn aren't half siblings?
ReplyDeleteWhat a maroon.
Levi has no rights to having children with any other woman acoording to Beefalo?
Levi, please dump the truth on these bitches.
“I said, ‘No way, shut up!’” Bristol tells In Touch. But as the young mother realized the truth, her feelings soon changed. “I think it’s a little bit of everything, and a lot of confusion,” she adds. “I’m upset about it.”
ReplyDeleteUmmm “I’m upset about it.”?
More like Sausage Fingers is jealous about it!
Remember Bristol did not want Tripp to be with Levi when Levi had other girlfriends?
Do you think Bristol is going to let Tripp play with his half brother and Stepmother Sunny?
Hell no!! If Levi doesn't put a stop to all of this Bristol and Sarah are going to make Sunny and Levi's life a living hell.
DeleteShe still wants him is why she's upset. It has nothing to do with Tripp. He's moved on in more ways than one and she hasn't.
DeleteShe is upset until she can be the victim. Poor victim Tripp is only victimized by Levi and the 10 half siblings that she knows are in his future. Only to hear about them at school, looks like the little Trippster will be home schooled.
DeleteLevi picked wrong day to make "news".
ReplyDeleteThe wall-to-wall Zimmerman press coverage will drown out whatever he has to say.
Then he better make it a blockbuster interview and spill the beans.
DeleteIt might be really good counter-programming.
Delete"So WHICH parent is saying things in the press which might emotionally scar Tripp when he is older again? Yeah, that's right."
ReplyDeleteToo late, Tripp was already scarred from watching his mother lay up with Levi, Ben, Gino and the Masey Brothers.
Talk about being scarred for life, how about your mom naming you after your grandfather's prostitute?
Tripp was scarred as a fetus. She went off hating Levi early on.
DeleteTripp walks into bedroom and says, "Gino go get me a glass of water and I will push the bed up and down for mommy".
DeleteSo Bristol, why would it be so horrible for Tripp to go to school with half-brothers and sisters? He lives with at least one, dosen't he?
ReplyDeleteBristol is some bitch. I hope Levi goes for the jugular tonight. He'd really want to grow a pair at this stage.
ReplyDeleteI doubt Levi will go after Bristol so much. He knows who has her captive. Let us not forget where Bristol lives since last January, or about that time. She has not been far a way from Mama Grizzled. They think with one brain, she can finish Sarah's sentences. Poor girl. She has had intensive brain washing since going home. Does not have to think for self, can be a pj clad blogger with Nancy doing any work.
DeleteWhether Brittle is in LA driving 12 yr-olds from bar to bar or home with Mommie she is the same dependent child. I can't see her change at 30-40 or on. She has others do and set things up for her. She is not doing much at all. NOTHING DEPENDENT ABOUT HER AT ALL. She is now showing what a bitter, jealous child she is over Levi. She is hopeless.
DeleteOMFG Gryphen, how much troll bait can you put it in one day. Sarah, Bristol, and Kristy's google alerts just went off, and they will be here in 3...2..1.
ReplyDeleteSo trolls, please tell me again how Bristol hates the needy "gnat" (her moniker for Levi, not mine), has moved on with her life, doesn't think about him, is crazy about Gino then uses words like sadness, anger, and disgust when Levi demonstrably moves on with his life with his happy supportive new family. Bristol worries about half siblings? Please, he already has at least one, and with Bristol's track record will probably have at least two or three more.
Levi should not have to pay Bristol one dime, for the rest of his life...his sperm produced her meal ticket which has paid for itself many times over. Without Levi's sperm, there would be no six figure tabloid spreads, no shitty ghost written memoir, no Candies Fundation gig, no five figure abstinence speeches, and DEFINITELY no reality shows. Levi's sperm has given Bristol multiple houses, cars, and plastic surgeries. He owes her nothing.
And how many men does tripp know as daddy, or uncle. That makes no difference, if she lives with this one or that one, spawn a few here and there, but it makes a difference if Levi does?
ReplyDeleteTalk aabout hypocrites. If I do it, it is fine, I'm a entitlement Palin brat, but if you do it, you are irresponsible and a turd.
Like everything Sarah Palin spouts. A family of whacko's.
So Sarah is having PAC pay for space in Tampa. I hope her suite has roaches. BIG FAT ROACHES and RATS.
What are you even talking about? And you accuse the "bots" of having bad grammar and Sarah saying nasty things to people. What space in Tampa. Who calls people names like turd. Very nice.
DeleteAnonymousApr 11, 2012 03:59 PM
DeleteWhat are you even talking about? And you accuse the "bots" of having bad grammar and Sarah saying nasty things to people. What space in Tampa. Who calls people names like turd. Very nice.
I guess you really are out of the loop Krusty...didn't you read the Politico article on BaldyPac being broke? Not to mention the patients at "Crazies4Palin" are even talking about the space she rented. LOL!!!
I guess you must be off work at the phone company...so now you're starting your second shift huh! Well you're going to be a mighty busy...I hope you ate! Oh that's right...you take your meals at your computer! LOL!!!
And bedbugs...lots of bedbugs!!
DeleteBristy is sooo JEALOUS it's eating her up inside, all the move in boyfriends in the world will never get her what she really wants..LEVI!
ReplyDeleteBristol is like George Amberson in Orson Welles the Magnificat Ambersons.
ReplyDeleteHer reckoning will come.
The nut didn't fall far from the nut tree.
“I don’t want him to go to elementary school with 10 half-siblings,” she adds.
ReplyDeleteBrystil, you're so funny! You know Paylin kids don't go to school!
*GinaM looking at Gryphen with adoration*
ReplyDeleteGryphen...my MAN! You REALLY love fucking with this family and their Paid (don't know how much longer they'll receive checks...according to Politico...BaldyPac is BRROOKKEE!) Troll Patrol dont cha'?
*GinaM gets knocked to the ground due to the stampede of Palin Trolls and the "holier than thou" commenters*
OUCH! I'll be back after the feeding frenzy...in the meantime I LOVEE that second picture of Beefy! WTF is going on with that stare! And what happened to her neck! I can see why she had the extender added to the chin...because her chin and her neck look like they have become ONE!
*In my Jerry Seinfeld voice*
What's up with thaaat?
WTF is going on with that stare!
Deleteo yeah. That is when she was driving...
What a truly hateful thing for her to do to Tripp. There's no call for her to drag that poor child into the media day after day. Get the fuck over it, Bristol! No one gives a shit about you or the rusted out pickup truck you rode in on!
ReplyDeleteBristol: just more of that Palin trash acting trashy (or more correctly, acting trashily, but we're talking about the Palins so who cares?)
ReplyDeleteWhat a class act!
That was sarcasm.
Never woulda guessed! -:)
DeleteGuess Bristol only had one half-sibling -- Track. But guess that was okay because everyone pretended they weren't half-siblings.
ReplyDeleteExcellent point! (Hitting self on head because self didn't think of it earlier.)
DeleteI loathe Beefalo, what a cow
ReplyDeleteI hope Levi spills it, and spills it all. Come on Levi, QUIT WAITING!!! He should start recording conversations he has with any Palin or Bri$tol so he has the proof those grifters don't let him see Tripp when he asks. He also needs to keep a written log of EVERYTHING. Hopefully beautiful Sunny helps him keep good records of it. QUIT BEING NICE LEVI, GLOVES OFF TIME!!
ReplyDeleteHe has already spilled a bit too much.
DeleteYeah, he spilled too much when he was with that Palin chick.
ReplyDeleteI almost feel sorry for Bri$tol. Almost. Look what raised her and how they did it. All she knows about life, she learned from $arah & Toad. $he does not know what love is (unless it's love of self).
I really believe that she is still in love (in her way of knowing what love is) with Levi. When she could not manipulate him anymore, and when $arah & Toad both interfering, Levi was smart enough to walk away. I think it was difficult on many different levels for Levi.
No matter how Bri$tol tries to keep manipulating, it would never work. Not ever. $he has burned Levi much too much in the past.
I also believe that they DID lie or had Tripp away when it was tome for his visits with Levi. This I know from my own experience. I don't want to get detailed, but my daughters Step-Mother was a bitch, and they had money while I was barely surviving. They would take my daughter on out of state trips for shopping, skiing, you name it, always when it was supposed to be our time together.
It's been about 20 years, and our relationship has never been repaired. She talks to me from time to time, but that's it.
Bri$tol will end up regretting this her entire life!
I never did bad mouth my daughters Dad to her. For her first 12 yrs of life, he would have nothing at all to do with her. Then, when he found his wife, all of a sudden he wanted her.
It's really fucked up and there is a lot more to the story. But compared to my situation then, Bri$tol has it made!!
She is ruining her and Tripp's lives by acting so hateful and dragging this thru the Media. One day she will finally grow up and all this will come back and haunt her.
THAT's why I feel sorry for her.
mary b.
(i'm having problems with Google Chrome. Anyone else?)
She'll never regret anything. She'll just be pissed at the world & claim it's unfair.
DeleteI almost feel sorry for Bri$tol. Almost.
DeleteI know what you mean. I am convinced they share the same brain, $arah and Bri$tol.
Did Levi reject $arah back in the day?
The jealousy is over the top. I am a little suprprise that Bri$tol didn't act more as if she is in a more mature place now. $arah must really be feeding the beast in the girl. Gino hasn't helped her, he is obviously there because he is paid. Praying to be a TV star and make bank.
There comes a time when a person stops being someone's child and becomes their own being. Their parenting is a big part of what they are as adults, but at some point they are who they are because that is what they choose to be.
DeleteBristol chooses to be a self-centered spoiled brat who puts herself before everyone around her, including her own child. Did her parents raise her to be that way? Sure! But she also knows that it is behavior that she would NEVER tolerate from others. She knows it's wrong, and chooses not to work towards becoming a better person for herself or for her children. I don't even come close to feeling sorry for her.
DeleteI had a symbiotic relationship with my mother. She did not exist as a separate human being and fully pulled me into her chaotic inner world. As a result of this symbiosis I didn't develop as a separate person as well. I always felt like I don't exist. Empty. Hollow. That my body has nothing to do with my soul. When I look at myself in the mirror I don't know who I am. I know it in my head but not in my soul. I feel like everybody around me exist but I don't. and it makes it even more difficult.
You watch, Bristol will dump Dino because she cannot compete with her Levi and Dino is just in her way. Bristol will also do everything she can to break up Levi and his girlfriend. This should get good.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I bet she comes onto Levi again & whines about loving him & wanting to get married, etc.
DeleteYou know, just to break the two of them up.
In her mind, once you've been with her, you have no right to be with anybody else.
What a selfish b....
I am trying to remember what all Bristol did when Levi was with her best friend from first grade, Lanesia. Bristol wanted to break them up. She played real dirty.
DeleteNot having the close contact with Sunny, she will have to be more cunning. Won't surprise me if she is working on it. She just has not changed or grown up.
They only seem to fix her in superficial ways.
What's the surprise about that she has never grown up. Look at her mother, she never grew up either.
DeleteWhat's really sad is that the pop culture media spin machine is in full gear. Bristol is referred to as a "reality star" because this furthers the agenda of the gossip sites and shows - because who would care that they got an "exclusive" with a D-lister has-been/wannabe ? They have to package her up in order to sell their information about her. And they have to put the spin on all this minor drama, amplify it into a compelling narrative when really it's just the most mundane cliche between completely boring small timers.
ReplyDeleteGives a new angle to "slow news day" - slow gossip day.
Ouch and now Tripp is tweeting to the world she knows the Paoletti family. Bristol watcha gonna do?
ReplyDeleteLevi better marry his girlfriend and he will be one up on Bristol who is single and living with men.
ReplyDeleteHere's the deal. And it's really simple.
ReplyDeleteThe Palins are proven, confirmed and demonstrable liars. On many, many occasions.
EVERYTHING they say and do must therefore be questioned. Everything.
Sarah's Pac expenditures are on Huffington now. Looks like she spent all her money paying her staff, friends and donating nothing to other candidates. I hope they go thru her records with a fine comb. Her staff was paid more in three months then a lot of people earn a year. Sarah is just dishing out the money because she knows she is finished.
ReplyDeleteThat and to keep them quiet...
DeleteIs anyone reporting her to CREW or the IRS though??
Delete...It also appears to have spent $19,000 on a video rebutting the HBO film “Game Change.”
Delete...The PAC also paid $4,500 to reserve space at Channelside Bay Mall in Tampa, Fla., near the site of the Republican National Convention, suggesting that Palin plans to have an independent presence at the event separate from the formal proceedings.
...In the first three months of the year, the PAC also paid $27,500 each to Palin chief of staff Michael Glassner and issue consultant Peter Schweizer, $22,000 to speechwriter and Palin Internet defender Rebecca Mansour, $41,500 to Crawford, $21,000 to researcher Andrew Davis and $12,500 to conservative coalitions liaison Pam Pryor.
It spent $6,000 on hotels, including $1,000 at Disneyland Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Fla.
Hey Bristol how's that replace-Levi thingy workin' out for ya?
ReplyDeleteRemember Levi wanted to marry Bristol and it was Bristol who dumped him. Why is she upset now because he has found new love?
ReplyDeleteBecause she wants to be in control just like Mommy Dearest. I had a daughter-in-law like this, SHE had to always be the one in control, control the kids, the x-husband, the in-laws, her own family..everything revolved around HER!
DeleteBlonde, very pretty, nice to everyone, and in a steady relationship.
ReplyDeleteSunny and Bristol.
Which of these two things is not like the other?
I would encourage Levi to get a restraining order ASAP. It is clear now that he has a deranged stalker after him named Bristol Palin. She is so bitter and lonely that she's resorted to stalking her ex-boyfriend. How pathetic. I hope she gets the helps she so desperately needs...for her kids' sake.
DeleteCould Bristol be any more of a caricature of the not-very-bright mean girl?
ReplyDeleteShe. just. cannot. let. it. go.
Or him.
I love that new pic of Bristol driving! Her face says it all: depressed, lonely and totally ready to snap at any moment. Bristol...may you continue to have a miserable life filled with heartbreak. Unless of course you decide to spill the beans about Sarah's fake Tri-G pregnancy. That's the ONLY way you can have a normal life. The time is now Bristol, before it's too late.
ReplyDeleteI thought $he looked like $he was trying to pull her$elf together enough to drive without wrecking.
Deletewhat parts does gino get to try out in the trial marriage? ewwwww
ReplyDeleteThat clever girl. Already setting up her excuse for why Tripp won't attend elementary school. See? Every generation really does get smarter.
ReplyDeleteBristol sounds very, very vindictive in this statement and should be ashamed of herself. But, typical Palinistic as usual. What assholes, the Palins! Levi, you go for it and kick them in the ass - they truly deserve it after all these years of hearing their bullshit!
ReplyDeleteShe could have been nice & classy & say something like:
ReplyDelete"I wish them well"
"A new baby? What joyous news!!"
Yeah, for someone that's so pro-life and "every baby is a miracle," she didn't have anything good to say about this new bundle of joy.
Delete"I think it's a little bit of everything, and a lot of confusion."
ReplyDeleteBristol confused? LOL! What a shock! That's what happens when you don't graduate high school and are home-schooled by a certified moron. Constant confusion. There's still a chance to get your GED, don't worry.
I'm curious as to what she's confused about.
DeleteFunny how a right-to-lifer is basically saying that any other child of Levi's doesn't have a right to life.
ReplyDeleteTROLL BAIT!!!
ReplyDelete"I don't want him to go to elementary school with 10 half-siblings,"
ReplyDeleteUm then KEEP YOUR LEGS CLOSED idiot. Damn is this girl stupid or what?
Is that photo of Bristol in the car a recent one? What happened to her new chin?
ReplyDeleteIt is from the birthday and she looked drunk in all the photos they took that night, real loaded and talked saying goofy things. Then she gets in the car and drives off. All her friend look about twelve, I guess she was the adult.
DeleteHey G-man...
ReplyDeleteWhat's the new picture? I haven't seen that one before? Caption?
The quotes sound exactly like the Levi Derangement Syndrome troll that posts here obsessively. Hilarious. Oh but I thought Bristol doesn't post here? Yeah f'in right. She is such a pathetic loser she posts here many times a day. More than any IM regular. Bristol thinks posting anonymous comments on a blog is more important than raising her children. What a sicko. Get some friends and get a life Bristol. Oh and get a job while you're at it. I'm sick of paying for you to lay on your fat ass and troll blogs all day. If you're going to use my tax money at least take care of your kids. Jeez.
ReplyDeleteEverything a Palin says is a lie. You will never convince me they tell the truth about anything.
ReplyDeleteBristol is so immature she never considered the possibility of Levi having more children.
ReplyDeleteIf Bristol had no feelings for Levi, she would not feel confused or upset. The opposite of love is indifference ("who cares"), not hate.
This is so great. The longer this drama plays out in the Hollywood type press, the farther away Sarah Palin gets from any sort of elected office again. Not that she is anywhere close, but anything that can put her farther away from it is a relief to me. How embarrassing that all this is happening in the trashy entertainment press, and it is about the daughter of someone who thinks she can be president someday.
ReplyDeleteLEvi might be on the insider:
ReplyDeleteBrookeAnderson: Here's why I am in Alaska today! Levi Johnston and his girlfriend Sunny are talking about baby on the way. http://t.co/3vIusHnH
Sunny is so cute! Genuine and down to earth.
DeleteGood Gawd, I KNOW there are teen moms in Alaska with more brain cells than this skank-ish mom...
ReplyDelete"I don't want him to go to elementary school with 10 half-siblings"
ReplyDeleteOf course it would never occur to her to be more selective in her breeding habits. She could have stayed a virgin, she could have used BC, she could have had an abortion, etc, etc, etc. NOW she is worried about her child's future and his assorted 1/2 siblings.
THIS is why I'd never want a son--I'd want to know how many grandchildren I have, and I'd like to be able to see them.
I keep hearing that Wasilla is a breeder culture. Bristol should not be surprised with a new baby on the way. Except she is obsessed and in denial that God could do such a thing. She knows she is the one and only to be knocked up by Levi since Tripp. How could it be any other way.
DeleteIf you read any of the social media from Wasilla friends of Bristol and Levi, getting knocked up and attitudes are prevalent. They are of the breeder mind set. Those infected with the Sarah type churches promote that for the kids.
It is really wild that she could feel confused. She should have known.
The Wasilla Church cult is a breeder culture.
DeleteThere are plenty of educated, caring folks in Wasilla. They just don't waste a whole lot of time on the likes of chicks who believe hypocrisy is their only cover for irresponsibility.
Body language. Gino thinks of it as a paying gig with effing rights. Doubt he has any real love for her, or her for him.
ReplyDeleteShe is stuck with Gino for the present. He must have signed a confidentiality agreement by now. So he'll get paid by the filming company for a scripted life for a few months.
I think Levi and Sunny are a better bet for being parents.
Bristol thinks that a boyfriend from her teenaged years would/could/should be hers forever, just because ....?
ReplyDeleteShe had Tripp so she thought she'd bought and paid for Levi forever.
That's not the way life works.
If she were so "mature," and had "moved on" with "no regrets," do you know what her emotions would be for Levi?
Happiness and joy that he has found someone who loves him and with whom he is going to be a parent.
Since Bristol has moved on, so has Levi. End.
Paging Jerry Springer; will Mr. Jerry Springer please call Alaska.
ReplyDeleteCan you let Wonkette know that the pic they post at Briskette is really of Sadie that was incorrectly identified a loong loon time ago as B. They shuld use the one you use on this post.
Why don't you do it? Send them the links and tell them what is wrong. Post it as a comment and to tip box.
DeleteIf it's the one I'm thinking of, there have been LOTS of comments saying they need to properly identify Sadie. It doesn't look anything like Bristol (pre- OR post-op). I'm surprised they still haven't changed it.
DeleteI love Sunny just because she is not a Palin. I wish only the best for baby Johnston. At least Sherry & Mercede will get to see this child.
ReplyDeleteBrisket you have enough $$$, break away from Bonnie & Clyde Palin.
Barstool loves the free PAC money that her mom uses to pay for her chin implants, and facelifts. I doubt that she plans to work any harder than the grifting she does now.
DeleteIf Bristol had really moved on with her life, was happy in her relationship with Gino, wanting to film it and show every aspect of it (for money) in reality TV, then whatever Levi does should not bother Bristol. What Levi does clearly does bother Bristol.
ReplyDeleteThis comment from the article really says it all:
"But above all, Bristol's main fear is that Tripp will be humiliated at school. “I don’t want him to go to elementary school with 10 half-siblings,” she says. “That would really affect him.” She adds, “I hope that this child is raised with two parents. He needs to step up to the plate and be there,” she sighs. “I thought he had learned his lesson the first time.”
10 half siblings, that's insulting. Bristol has so many issues of her own that she remains as immature as the day that she conceived, as an unmarried teen. Like her mother, she has not grown past high school. Bristol's anger is misplaced. She should be angry with her parents' role in breaking up her relationship with Levi around the time that Tripp was born. They made sure to exclude Levi. I think that Sherry was set up, exercising further control over Levi. Bristol and Levi had a brief second engagement, which lasted all of a week while they hoped to be cast in another TV reality show. Instead, Bristol ended up with a dancing prize and they kicked Levi to the curb. Bristol is angry with the wrong people.
DeleteGuess it really burns her up that Levi can do what he wants - have kids, live with a cutie, whatever, because he doesn't make a living saying he is "holier than thou."
ReplyDeleteBristol can't get preggers or go out & party without being called a hypocrite. It really must piss her off.
More than anything, it must piss her off to know that Levi is having sex with someone other than her-- that he's not pining away for Bristol. She wants him to be alone and miserable so she can keep stomping him. But despite her attempts, Levi is happy and in love and going to make his own family that she can't intrude on, regardless of how hard she tries. That must really burn her up.
DeleteI wonder if the rumors about Track are true. I wonder what Bristol thinks about growing up in the same house with a half sibling.
ReplyDeleteUpdate picture = Levi looks happy.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder Bristol is pissed. Brooke is beautiful, educated and has a great job. Way out of Bristol's league. She better stay with Dino, she won't do better.
ReplyDeleteSunny is sooo pretty!! She looks so happy and healthy and natural!! And she has such a pretty smile and nice hair.
ReplyDeleteLevi is sure a lucky guy (this time).
Wow. Bristol must really hate blonde chicks now.
ReplyDeleteFirst Sadie, now Sunny.
Sunny doesn't have that freakish look as in having her face done. The injections, the knife. All that pain and procedure, awful to go through and come out so unnatural.
DeleteSunny is a natural. Bristol had to come out with such ugly rancor. Letting people know she is bitter.
Bleached Barstool Bumpit hair in 3, 2, Told ya she reads this blog!
DeleteThe Palins are moldy, stinking white trash. There are no redeeming values in that bunch of half-wits. Absolutely none! They are all about themselves and how much money they can scam in any way shape or form.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for Tripp and Trig. Perhaps Trig will have the care he needs outside of this infectious breed of lowlifes; however, Tripp is right in the midst of Mommy and Grandma Dearest's clutches. Love, respect, honor, education, and truth are not part of their make-up. Very sad...and very infuriating knowing these yahoos will blithely and thoughtlessly ruin a youngster's life. He doesn't have a chance with these inbreeds. The gene pool is contaminated.
Seriously Bristol, your own MOM lived a life of lies by raising your half brother in the same house as YOU!
ReplyDeleteWhat is Bristol going to do? Send Tripp to live with Aunt Loopydoo when the half babies start showing up after trial marriage #8? If she ever does find or buy a sucker.
Deleteit didn't bother bristol to get pg by levi. pot meet kettle.
ReplyDelete10 half-siblings! Tripp will read all these idiot statements someday. What a rotten future the kid has.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, it almost seems like none of the adults in the situation have a clue that a child is being damaged by all this back-and-forth garbage. Tripp, and ANY child, deserves a childhood protected with love and privacy.
Hoping that someday soon, Tripp's business won't be fodder for the celebrity magazines.
Timing is everything. SarahPac comes out with a report today about Palin's erroneous spending and these Bristol stories pop up.
ReplyDeleteSo the grifter Pac stories will be overshadowed by the Bristol/Levi stories. It is the way Palin always plays.
One thing is for sure. Palin only allows about a 3 day lull between jumps into the media headlines. You can count on her every 3 days if it gets too quiet to create a headline.
Well, ya know, Gryphen, it's like my sweet dear-departed great-great-great grandmother Hosanna Bandana Roseannadanna Conehead always used to say: "sperm's gotta go where sperm's gotta go. It just goes to show you, it's always something--if it ain't one thing, it's another." Then she would snarl under her breath "cheap ass good fer nothin' poor white trash". And then she would spit an enormous gob of tobacco juice on the floor.
ReplyDeleteOh, how we miss dear ol' Granny Roseannie...
I would have loved your dear ol' Granny Roseannie. She made a lot more sense than granny Palin (any of 'em, all of 'em).
DeleteBristol should be jealous. She lost gorgeous Levi and Sunny is everything Bristol dreams of being. Poor Bristol.
ReplyDeleteI hope Brooke has come a long way since Showbiz tonight. She was stupidly pro Palin family. That was years ago and she had her baby. It looks like she could do good with Sunny and Levi.
ReplyDeleteInteresting if she could visit Bristol and Gino.
Class wishes well the father of her child. Trash plays victim because he's got a new life. Any questions?
ReplyDeleteHi Bristle and Friends! Do you think Gyno will have his feelings hurt now that he's found out how jealous Bristle is of Levi & Sunny with their new bundle of joy? Or does he not care because he thinks he's gonna make a bunch of $$$ being Bristle's boyfriend with a tv show and fame?
ReplyDeleteWhy so upset Bristle? Is it because Sunny is naturally prettier than you and she and Levi look happy?
Wha Wha Wha Wha. How sad to find out that Levi is moving on and his universe doesn't revolve around you any more. Don't let anybody catch you crying over it! Better try harder to hide that green-eyed monster overtaking you.
Bristol is still living underneath the studio at parents. Not a good idea to have a major entertainment reporter doing B and G at mother Sarah's. The remodeling production crew is busy staging a show for Gino to look like he is helping Bristol but they might clear out for a day.
ReplyDeleteThere may be a remodeling crew and dreams of a show. But no network will be crazy enough to buy a series staring Bristol and Gino without testing it before an audience first. Sarah Palin does not have enough money to put that show on TV if it tests poorly. And so far, it doesn't look as if Bristol has enough talent to launch a show on her looks and talent.
DeleteShe and Gino can move out of the basement and into a large house. They will have that much going for them.
DeleteIt only cost $1 million for Banner and Breitbart to make Sarah's Undefeated. This one is done and not so much to finish and sell on DVD? Free if you donate $1,000 to ShePac. They can use it as a tax write off since it will bomb. Sarah can have a documentary about her strong frontier woman daughter.
Palin adds that she worries Johnston's irresponsibility will only come back to haunt Tripp years from now. "I don't want him to go to elementary school with 10 half-siblings," she tells the magazine. "That would really affect him.
ReplyDeleteThen maybe Bristol should keep her legs closed.
Her TREE TRUNK LEGS spread open like a parking garage door for all customers.
DeleteWonder if she hands out garage door openers on the first date?
DeleteHe quite possibly already has two half-siblings, what's another 8 more?
DeleteHave they heard of birth control in Alaska??
ReplyDeleteDid Levi and Sunny just get a Twitter
ReplyDeletestaciann @staciann @BrookeAnderson Ummm, Please tell me why they are worth one minute of coverage let along a flight to Alaska… .#leviandsunny
O/T SHEPAC (another Palin/Crawford venture) is off to a S L O W start...
ReplyDeleteThis so called "Super" PAC took in less than $32,000 and of course didn't contribute any funds to other candidates.
She did such a good job with Guilianna Rancic when she talked about running for President one day. Makes no sense that C4Pers are not eating more Top Ramen and loading up the Palin party tickets.
DeleteBristol failed Sarah again.
The I.R.S. and F.B.I. are watching. The Palins are too stupid to cover their tracks.
You can bet that 32K is going to more plastic surgery or to pay her French connection who's writing Brisket's blog
DeleteFor someone with so much money, you'd think the Palin women would pay top dollar or GOOD plastic surgery, not just the clearance rack.
DeleteI wish the best to Levi and Sunny. Hope they get married and give the best to their child. Briskette is such laugh. She is petty and jealous. But watch out, she tried to break up Sadie and her boyfriend and succeeded. Such a jealous briskette. Is she done yet, better get her out of the oven before she crispettes.
ReplyDelete10 cats
Darn it! Brooke Anderson was in town, and didn't call me???
ReplyDeleteThat's not Levi! He is so much more. Look close, it doesn't even look like him.
I do say I did not expect Bristol to reveal so much of her self today. Almost forgot Levi has a revealing interview at ET soon.
ReplyDeleteSunny comes to his defense, saying, "It's really sad, his image, because it's pretty much the complete opposite of how he is in real life. He's an awesome dad. And he tries to get Tripp all the time."
ReplyDeleteShe continues, "It's really sad that [The Palins have] put that image out for him cause I mean everyone's gonna believe them because they're more famous… you know it's Sarah Palin and she has a lot of fans so everyone believes that and Levi really doesn't have a chance against them."
Interesting Reading from Huffington Post:
ReplyDeletereader comment provided a link to the filed receipts from Sarah PAC.
Sarah Pac Detailed Expense Reports for 2009/2010
Notice how many contributions are from housewives and retired folks.
DeleteHow sad. And stupid. Hope they got their money's worth.
Another douchebag comment from Bristol. Because they had a teenage unplanned pregnancy, Levi is never allowed to move on and actually have a REAL family with a woman he loves? I hate when people say ridiculous things like that, and i'm coming from a similiar situation. Just because you accidently got knocked up doesn't mean you have the right to say your child shouldn't have half siblings someday. If you didn't want your ex to have more kids with somebody else maybe you should have tried to make your relationship work with him.
ReplyDeleteBrisdull wants 10 full brothers and sisters for Tripp with Levi. Ain't gonna happen, but try tellin her that!
DeleteLevi talks about some of the most controversial claims in his memoir, one of them being that ex-fiancé Bristol Palin was so jealous of her mother Sarah Palin's pregnancy that she actually wanted to get pregnant with their son Tripp at just 17-years-old.
ReplyDelete"That was definitely a point in her [Bristol's] life that she really decided she wanted to have a baby," he says, recalling the time when Sarah Palin was pregnant with her son Trig. "I think that's what started us talking about having a kid, and that's how Tripp happened. So I'd say she was pretty jealous."
So, why doesn't Levi get in front of it - why doesn't he go to some other source and tell them what he told the Insider - and how they will show the tape in their broadcast tomorrow night? Play your hand child! Does he not have any fucking guts? Or did he not tell them a thing and just enjoyed knowing he fucked with the Palins for 10 hours? Clearly he doesn't get it - STILL - they will make him look like loser ex-boyfriend and paint a sorry picture of his life. My emapathy well for Levi is running dry.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is he is a gutless wonder. Someone needs to give him a spine
Delete"shut up! No Way!" Good grief, that sounds like the reaction of a 12 year old.
ReplyDeleteI just find her moral indignation fascinating considering she's about to launch a reality show where she shacks up with a guy in a "trial situation".
The idea that a mother who would attempt to cash in on her child by throwing him into the spotlight and completely rob him of any sense of a normal childhood calling out ANYONE for being less than a stellar parent is simply mind boggling.
So, since Bristol is treating Tripp as an intellectual property to be financially exploited, does Levi get a co-creator royalty?
She may be incorrigible like her mother. If she isn't, and is capable of self reflection and honesty, I feel sorry for her.
ReplyDeleteOh, those Palins. Classy as ever haha.
ReplyDeleteNice thing about all the sniping and arguing - no way anyone in the Palin family has a political future
ReplyDeleteSad thing - one day the children will be grown and (if they are allowed to be educated) they will see the stupid that was their upbringing.
Bristol has emotions?
ReplyDeleteCurses, throws shit, and so on and so forth.
Deletejealousy and self-righteousness.
DeleteDamn!! the best news if the day is: Sarah pac is broke? could this be the end of all that is Sarah?
ReplyDeleteIt's a good day!!!!
I wonder if levi knows jsut how lucky he is, escaping the Palin trap (Bristol)levi, count your blessings every day.....Make your own fortune, tell the numerous tales of the Palin family.
They aren't broke - they still have just under a million in the bank but donations are not keeping up with outflow so she needs to shake the tree once again - maybe explains her recent assault on Levi - anything for attention. Now that Sanitarium is out and Gingrich can't pay his bills the nomination is Mitt's - can't see Mitt reaching out to the queen anytime soon. He's the worst candidate for her grifting schemes.
DeleteAre the potenial trial marriage couple going to do an interview like Levi and Sunny? You would think they would have done that long ago since they want to sell a show together. They are just so shady. First it is Gino the real estate man, Gino cheats and they get back together. Gino has no name at times and he drops the real estate set up. He is suddenly a pipeline worker. You think he ever does that work?
ReplyDeleteIt is time they show the world how happy they are and invite Greta or someone at Fox into the downstair blog center for a couples interview with little Tripp.
There is something missing in Bristol's life if caring for Tripp and being in a relationship with Gino aren't enough for her. It is immature for Bristol to use Tripp to jerk Levi around. It is also harmful to Tripp. All of this garbage will be accessible through the internet for years to come. I guess the only way to prevent Tripp from reading about his hateful mother is exactly what Bristol suggests-- keeping him out of school-- not because he will have ten half-siblings in the same class but because Bristol won't want Tripp to be able to read.
ReplyDeleteBristol, please please please think twice before you open your mouth or write something on Facebook. All you are doing is hurting Tripp, who will be able to read this all for himself. Going to school with half-siblings isn't going to be Tripp's biggest problem. The kids in his school will know all of this gossip as long as Bristol keeps talking to tabloid magazines and posting on Facebook. She damages Tripp every time she attacks Levi. It's time for her to think of Tripp instead of her wounded ego.
She is sure is.
ReplyDeletestill dont know why there's a push to cover for levi/sherrie/sadie -- when i know they are lying about those babies... why does levi insist that sarah was pregnant with trig when we all know she wasn't...
ReplyDeletewonder why there's a brown eyed trig and a blue eyed trig... or why there were 2 babies at ear baby's baby showers... hi sarah and bristol and their friends -- that's right dears, i know the truth... if you guys had of just kept your mouths shut instead of writing books, i maybe wouldn't have figured it out... but you guys just can't help yourselves can you.
Hard to believe that even the Palins had the chutzpah to display 2 Down Syndrome babies in the same venue at the same time. And, at the time, McCain was the nominee with Sarah Palin on the short list for VEEP.
DeletePoor Baby Bitch. Levi has definitely UPGRADED, and you are stuck with sloppy seconds. You are certainly your mothers child.
ReplyDeleteYou can lead a Bitch to water, but you can't make her think.
Levi will never talk because the truth will take the drama out of his life and whatever sources of potential income he might make from a one time revelation will be gone. The end of Sara will have to come from someone else - noticed the PAC spent more than it took in - if HP is sticking that fact up above the horizon it may be more important than Levi talking about who flipped him off. HP made sure to report that not on nickel of SaraPAC $$ went toward its intended target - politicians. Instead it was spent on her entourage that doubles as her PR firm. THAT might get some attention from people and bring the donations to a screeching halt before anything Levi might or might not know. With Zimmerman in custody I wouldn't be surprised if Levi gets scrubbed entirely. He's a doormat for the Palin clan and if all they give tonight is he got flipped off then we can effectively end our interest in Levi
ReplyDeleteBrooke asks (to Levi), "Do you think Sarah Palin is keeping your son away from you?" to which Levi replies, "I think she's, you know, she plays a big role... on Bristol you know, Bristol looks up to her and that's a family and, you know I listen to my family, so I'm sure she does have some part of it, yeah."
ReplyDeleteyou know I listen to my family
hummmm... sounds nice
Snookie Palin and The Desperation aka Gino... oh lovely!
ReplyDeleteGryphen said: "I am worried that the truly juicy stuff got cut"
OK, then share "the truly juicy stuff" here then Gryphen. If you know it, share it. If Levi told it to ET, it's fair game for you if they decied not to use it.
plz plz plz!
DeleteThe Palin family attorney tells The Insider in a statement, "Mr. Johnston has never exercised his agreed visitation. The record demonstrates that this lack of visitation is largely voluntary and not due to interference by Bristol or her parents. If Mr. Johnston would like to exercise visitation, or perhaps pay child support, he knows Bristol's number and should contact her directly. While it may not get Mr. Johnston the publicity he seeks, such direct communication between the parents is the preferred way of resolving these types of disputes."
ReplyDeleteYES... direct communication between the parents is the preferred way of resolving these types of disputes.
iT DOESN'T ALWAYS GO THAT WAY. This is where it makes no sense that they don't go through CSED, one of them insist if the other is against it. If relationsip is so vile they can't come in contact with one another, contact can be done to involve a mediator, go between party. It was to be what is best for the child. Neither are close to that if neither will bring in CSED.
Tripp is doomed. May be too late, all the scars so far are horrendous. He has been abandoned not only by Levi, also Sherry and Mercede (not saying they could have done anything about that). Levi says he listens to his family. I thought they did want him to go through the courts? It is all tragic because no matter how much Levi or other family want a life with Tripp, that has not happened and it will feel like abandonment.
Abandonment issuess are serious.
I don't understand why a mistake must end up being a baby. Levi and Sunny could have quietly terminated this pregnancy and Sunny could have finished school and Levi could have saved some money and life could have been better for this new baby. Why do these kids insist on birthing each child that they accidentally conceive? If they had realistic parental guidance they would terminate and try again when they were older and more prepared to raise a child.
ReplyDeleteThey are in love and want their child. If everyone waited until they were financially able to have children we would have no need for public schools.
DeleteEveryone wants a reality show, just like the unmarried teen mothers on MTV. It's easy money.
DeleteTerminating a pregnancy has nothing to do with being realistic in my opinon. I fight for the right to choose whether to terminate or not. It is an extremely personal decision. I had three children and was on a different form of birth control at the time of conception for each one. I had them very young, one after the other till I got my tubes tied. With my last one I actually sat in the waiting office for my turn for an abortion but backed out at the last minute. I just couldn't go through with it and I'm so glad I did. I couldn't be more proud of this child, what he has accomplished and brought to all our lives.
DeleteAnd to think. All 3 of my wonderful children were "mistakes".
Again, I completely support the right to choose abortion. Maybe you are talking about kids under 18 and who live with their parents? That might be different but I think Levi and Sunny are young adults.
If they had realistic parental guidance they'd use appropriate contraception and there'd be no child
DeleteI am in favor of abortion, but I did not opt for it during my own pregnancy. There are lots of personal reasons that go into choosing an abortion, just as there are personal reasons that go into choosing to birth the baby. Some people don't want to wait until their 30s or 40s to have a child. That's really not a fair assessment to make about these two.
DeleteThis has probably been asked already, but if so I missed it: If Levi really wants to see his child, why isn't he in court fighting for him? The same could be asked of Bristol as well. Why isn't she going after him for the money?
ReplyDeleteI think they're both liars.
which member of the Palin family he says recently flipped him the bird.
That is the big shocker he is telling on ET.
DeleteI thought it was Entertainment Tonight. I can't believe I just sat through 30 minutes of lame non-news drivel.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately it sounds like I didn't miss anything.
LEVI- please, not just for yourself, your reputation, and the legacy you will be leaving your children- but for your country. Use your cell phone and record a video with the TRUTH. Then for all the reasons I named above, send it to Gryphen. Get his number from your sister and text or email him a video of you telling the UNEDITED truth.
Levi, I believe you know by now that unfortunately, Rex and Tank were not working for you. And you also must see by now Gryphen has always, always supported you and your family.
It's time, Levi.
Is that an Alaskan Large Mouth Ass in the top picture?
ReplyDeleteI know those types of fish are attracted to the penis lure but I'm curious what was the fishing line rated for? 400lbs?
I think it may be a wild alaskan abstinence fish that lays one fertile egg a year. They are being studdied in depth by Cambridge as they hide most of their young from the rest of the school.
DeleteI'm willing to bet my Wasilla trailer park mobile home that Bristol will try to make Levi jealous by marrying Gino.
ReplyDeleteHow will Bristol get Gino to propose?
The old fashion Palin Family Christian Value way!
I betcha Bristol will announce she is pregnant by Gino and Gino will have to marry her and suffer a life of hell with Bristol and Sarah or Gino will do what Levi did and take off and suffer a life of hell with Bristol and Sarah.
The difference is if you marry Bristol you will live in hell 24/7 whereas Levi lives in hell whenever Bristol gets in her mean girl mood which is a lot but less than 24/7.
They should have skipped an interview with Brooke Anderson.
ReplyDeleteAnd I can't believe what Levi said about the cabin and birth control.
Hey Bristol I guess ya gotta teach Tripp to say "Momma Sunny".
ReplyDeleteTripp: "Momma Bristol can I go to Momma Sunny's house?"
This is history repeating itself.
ReplyDeleteBristol: I wanted you but you didn't want me. I loved you Levi! I want us to be together forever!
Levi: Stop tripping. You think I want to be with you after you've been with everyone else? I thought I was just one of your boy toys.
Bristol: Oh yeah.. well if I can't have you, no one else will. I'm going to make it a living hell for you. C'mon, babe what'd you say. We can be together, always.
Levi: No way, skank. You're starting to freak me out!
Bristol: Asshole!! Go away, I love you. And if you even try tell me how to live my life and how to raise MY son, you'll see. Better grow eyes on the back of your head, Levi. Don't eat, don't sleep unless you wanna get your ass Menarded.
Ugh, fuckin A. Even if Levi did drop a bombshell who the fuck would understand it? "Yeah, uh, well that's family so yeah." Whatever.
ReplyDeleteLevi, face it, if you wanted to feel like a father you would man up and be a father. You would stand up for your right to maintain a relationship with your child and you would pay child support to the best of your ability. You sound like a sniveling idiot. And we KNOW that you have a lot more truth to share than some utter crap about someone flipping you the bird. Fucking pussy.
Sunny, if you don't want people to think bad about your boyfriend now that he is your baby daddy, maybe you could encourage him to go to court to uphold his visitation rights and to renegotiate his child support so he isn't a deadbeat father who is too lazy and immature to be a real father to his son, no matter who the mother is or what the problems.
This bullshit gets airtime and media coverage but Shailey's book about Todd's prostitution ring doesn't why again?...
Ol' Brisket will NEVER get over Levi moving on and being happy. Suxs to be beefalo.
ReplyDeleteTawd better get his prostitution ring a working since sarah is going broke.
An unemployed pimp and an unemployed grifter need a lot of money to maintain their excessive lifestyle. Time to sell the snowmobiles, boats, plane, and motorhome.
Gryphen, I'm wondering where you found that photo of Bristol driving that car. She is wearing her seat belt in an unusual way, draped over her upper arm instead of coming across the shoulder. Here is how a seat belt should be worn: http://www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/airbags/seatbelt%20broch%20web/images/correct.gif
ReplyDeleteIt seems that dress was something that Bristol was wearing when she was in California, shooting DWTS. Maybe there's a reason that she had to buckle the belt in that unusual way. Some cars won't start unless the seat belt is engaged. Was Bristol avoiding placing that belt over her DWTS bell?
Child support and visitation do not depend on each other. Even deadbeat dads are entitled to see their kid(s). The place for the arguments about payments would be in court, not in the media. It seems to be a Palin trait to air their emotional laundry in public while claiming that they are such private people.
ReplyDeleteWell I wasted 30 minutes of my life. The Levi Johnston story did not come on entertainment tonight tonight. Fustrating. The problem with false advertisement then people actually tune in and then are disappointed. Did it come on at all or will come on another time? Did they decide not to run it?
ReplyDeleteWait I just had a thought, maybe Tripp is not Shailey Tripp's son but what about her other kids? Could they be Tawd's?
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin would never allow Bristol to marry Gino. I am sure gino's parents would never allow him to marry Bristol. Too much would be exposed if that happens.
ReplyDeleteSigh......Glad I didn't hold my breath.
ReplyDeleteLevi says:
ReplyDelete'My baby the day of her Interview back in June... she looks so adorable ...'
Has Bristle lost her SECOND chin??
ReplyDeleteWHY did you post Entertainment Tonight! It was not on the Entertainment Tonight that I got!!