Wednesday, April 11, 2012

George Zimmerman arrested and charged with second degree murder. Finally!

Courtesy of the Daily Mail:  

George Zimmerman has been arrested for murdering Trayvon Martin, charged in the fatal shooting of the unarmed 17-year-old, State Attorney Angela Corey announced today. 

The second-degree murder charge means the 28-year-old neighborhood watch volunteer faces life in prison, if convicted. 

He is being held at an undisclosed location in Florida without bail, kept secret for his own safety, Corey said. 

The announcement means Corey doesn't buy Zimmerman's claim that he shot the teen in self-defense and instead knowingly killed him with a 'depraved mind'. 

She said that Zimmerman turned himself in voluntarily this morning. 

Corey opened her speech by discussing her first meeting with Trayvon Martin's parents, Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton. 

She said: 'It was less than three weeks ago that we told these sweet parents that we would get answers to their questions no matter where those answers would lead'.

Well this is very good news, and it certainly appears that there may in fact finally be justice for Trayvon Martin.

Gee  I wonder how Fox News will report this news?

By the way I still believe that if there had NOT been so much pressure put on Florida law enforcement in this case that we would not be seeing the outcome that we are seeing today.

Anybody disagree?


  1. Watched the press conference live and all I can say is....


    Now Trayvon can get some justice!

    1. Ailsa3:26 PM

      The press conference was excellent. Good news.

  2. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Wonder who convinced him to turn himself in. I'm sure with Daddy on the scene he'll get a way reduced sentence for 'good behavior' or some such crap. That prosecutor looks like a real piece of work. I sure wouldn't want to be in her sights.

  3. Anonymous3:30 PM

    CNN’s Toobin On Zimmerman Murder Charge: ‘She Threw The Book At Him’

    “This is a very, very major charge,” Toobin explained. “It carries the potential of life in prison. The jury instruction that the jury will receive is, he can only be convicted if he showed a depraved attitude towards Trayvon Martin’s life. That’s a tough burden for a prosecutor to meet but she has access to facts that we don’t. The missing couple of minutes where in-between the 911 call that Zimmerman made and the shots being heard on the other 911 call, we don’t know what happened there but there may be other evidence, there may be witnesses that the public doesn’t know about and apparently, it was enough to let the prosecutor bring these charges.”

    “Just one larger point i would like to make,” Toobin added. “Florida has what’s known as the Sunshine Law. It is the law that says all government activities are virtually open to the public. Cameras are virtually always n the courtroom. This trial will be a trial on television. That is something that all of us can think about the implications of that. But Florida is different. And they will have a trial like this.”

    Watch Toobin’s immediate reaction below via CNN:

  4. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Sarah Palin's political action committee, SarahPAC, on Wednesday filed a report with the Federal Election Commission on its income and spending for the first three months of 2012.

    The report says SarahPAC took in slightly more than $388,000 and spent just more than $418,000 during the reporting period. It also shows the leadership PAC has not given money to any candidate yet this year.

    All of the money Palin's committee reported taking in between January and March came from individuals and persons other than political committees in increments ranging from $17 to $5,000. Other party or political PACs did not contribute.

    One of the more unusual entries in the list of itemized receipts is just more than $1,800 from a Topeka, Ks., publishing and mailing company for a "postage refund."

    The filing shows the bulk of SarahPAC's first-quarter spending went to operating expenses, including postage, domain name renewal, and a small stable of legal, political and logistical consultants.

    Itemized disbursements show SarahPAC spent about $19,000 to produce the video rejoinder to the HBO movie "Game Change."

    SarahPAC ended the reporting period with nearly $983,000 cash on hand and no outstanding debts.

    SarahPAC treasurer Tim Crawford told Politico that the PAC does plan to begin giving out political donations once campaign season starts to heat up.

    Politico also learned that one expenditure for $4,500 indicates that Palin intends to have an independent presence near the 2012 Republican National Convention.

  5. Betsy S3:35 PM

    I am pleased that Gov Scott (whom I don't usually agree with) appointed Angela Corey as Special Prosecutor--she gave a splendid and informative presentation. I'm not so sure about Mark O'Mara, who looks like a real hot shot.

  6. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I truly believe that it was the public outcry that made today possible and I think Corey was very happy. She smiled all through that presser - she must have some pretty solid evidence.

    1. Anonymous8:45 PM

      I agree on both counts. She must have something solid.

  7. I couldn't be happier at this news. Now let justice take it's course fairly and swiftly. I'm glad George Zimmerman turned himself in. It was the right thing to do...and probably safer for him in the long run. We don't need any more vigilantes.

    1. X2, Lynne. Thanks for posting. And thanks to Gryphen for covering this uber-important case!

  8. Anonymous3:39 PM

    The "mole" revealing Fox News's dirty secrets in several Gawker posts has just put a post up at Gawker saying, "If Fox has smoked me out, it's news to me. I'm still here." The plot thickens...

    New Installment:

    The Thin White Line That Separates Fox News Staffers From Bill O’Reilly on the Shitter

  9. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Gryphen----wonderful news but too soon to celebrate....let's hope he doesn't get a jury like the one that let Casey Anthony get away with murder!

  10. Anonymous3:52 PM

    its unlikely they will get a court to uphold conviction for a murder charge, even 2nd degree. it is possible, but unlikely. manslaughter would have been a no-brainer. one thing for sure, this is going to drag on a long time.

    1. Anonymous4:46 PM

      I'm not sure that his disobeying the orders to not follow, and the possibility that it is racially motivated aren't getting him the 2nd degree charge, but manslaughter just seems too little.

      The big problem will be the Stand Your Ground law, it is an awful law and I'm sure this is just the beginning of the problems we'll see with it in place.

  11. Anonymous4:03 PM

    No way can he get a fair trial. Riots in the streets if he doesn't get convicted

    1. By your comments, I believe you have never been a juror on a capital crime(s) case. I have, several times and believe me, we go over every iota of fact and evidence. I say, it is possible to get a fair trial, no matter what the subject.

  12. Anonymous4:05 PM

    That's all the parents asked for -- an arrest.


    I must say, I was totally impressed with State Attorney Corey. Professional - Well spoken -- Free of Ego -- What a treat!!

    She has been known to fight the 'Stand Your Ground' and WIN. She also has the highest percentage of death rowers in the State of Florida. She's not someone you want to mess with!!

    Trayvon's Parents -- they have been a rock. They made it clear from the onset what they were after -- an arrest. They weren't talking they want Zimmerman on death row -- they kept it in simple terms and I believe in some ways, that's why so many people got behind them.

    Now the wait for the trial but this now gives them a pause -- to grieve -- as they've yet to do that. They've stood strong - They've stood tall -- They deserve to have that pause to grieve and allow themselves to then rebuild their strength as the time for the trial will eventually approach.

    I suspect we will all get to watch the Zimmerman trial in that cameras are allowed in Florida courtrooms under the sunshine law.

    NY Gov Bloomberg held a press conference from Washington about the Stand Your Ground laws and how they should be repealed, if presented in legislatures to vote them down. He called them what it is - 'vigilantism'.

  13. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Thank you God!

  14. O/T but Baldy related. The Patients at the Asylum are all excited because of this....

    "TAMPA — You betcha Sarah Palin will be at the August Republican National Convention.

    The political action committee for the former Alaska governor and 2008 vice presidential candidate plunked down $4,500 to reserve space at Channelside Bay Plaza for the big political event.

    The expense was listed in required filings submitted Wednesday to the Federal Election Commission.

    It's unclear what, if any, official role Palin will have at the Aug. 27-30 convention at the Tampa Bay Times Forum.

    But the space at Channelside — a short walk from the Forum — will allow her an independent platform away from the formal event and access to some of the 15,000 journalists expected to cover the convention."


    How much you wanna bet...Baldy is going to be hawking her left over books! I hope you are going to report on her LOW BaldyPac numbers...did you see how much money RAM got for 3 months work?

    "$22,000 to speechwriter and Palin Internet defender Rebecca Mansour"

    "Internet defender" LOL!!

    1. SALLY in MI5:25 PM

      Aw, Sarah is going to have a little booth set up so she can do what? Wink at people, sign autographs, hawk her fake books...give away Bristol's leftovers? Sell photos of herself with her 'bots? Sounds all very professional..if you're a business trying to drum up customers. If you're a person who wants to be taken seriously as a candidate of the futue...not so much. I do wish she had declared would have put her PAC under some rules and scrutiny. As it is, they just spend it like a accountability, adn no scruples.

  15. Anonymous4:12 PM

    O/T - FYI

    Short clip on The Insider tonight showing that the Levi interview will be on their show tomorrow.

    I can't remember the exact question but it had to do with being in arrears and Levi said he had bills to pay and that he will make good on it. He said that on Dr. Phil too sometime back.

    If's he's been unemployed, why hasn't he taken his ass to Court --without his incompetant 'lawyer' -- to have the payments reduced. The year the payment was based was more media payment driven. Since then, he's filed other tax returns and can reflect his downgraded income.

    Grow a brain Levi and get a backbone and get your lazy ass into Court without Rex who should have been disbarred years ago. He's a scam lawyer and you should file complaints against him. His accounts should be investigated as that slim bucket crook probably gets paid by the other side. If you continue to use him -- you deserve the crap thrown at you. You're not a kid. You're gonna have two -- now fucking grow up and act it.

  16. Anonymous4:14 PM

    "By the way I still believe that if there had NOT been so much pressure put on Florida law enforcement in this case that we would not be seeing the outcome that we are seeing today."

    No kidding. And unbelievably, the cforpee crowd is in mourning for zimmerman. Calling it a lynching, a travesty of justice, etc. How can the crowd who screams freedoms and constitutional rights not want the progress of justice to be held? All I have ever said on this case is we need to demand due justice. That is all Martin's parents have ever asked for (and with dignity, I might add). Yet these tp idiots think the system should only work for them.

    I hate saying this, (and I am so often saying it the last few years) the racism in this country is strong and if not growing, getting bolder. And we haven't seen the worst yet. I hope I'm wrong.

    1. The election of President Obama brought much racism into the open. Perhaps Trayvon has not died in vain - his death is making people look at themselves and their beliefs.

    2. lwtjb6:05 PM

      This question has been troubling me ever since President Obama got elected. Does exposing all that nasty stuff make changes for the better, or does it just contribute to worse conditions for African Americans? That racist rage has always been there. In some ways it seems like it's been given more license now. On the other hand, it's out there for everybody to see. It went underground in the aftermath of the Civil Rights movement but it didn't go away.

    3. Anonymous8:16 PM

      We lead by example, be a stronger, composed voice of reason, become a larger crowd of tolerance. Focus on that, we're doing it. - all41

  17. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Zimmerman is finally where he should be! This is going to be a very interesting trial to follow.

  18. Anonymous4:32 PM

    It is indeed a good news. Now we hope they wouldn't mess up the trial.

    Now only one complaint: of all the news outlets carrying the news, do you really have to use Daily Mail, a British tabloid, as a source? It makes it all sound so unserious.


  19. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Trayvon Martin’s Mother Following Zimmerman Arrest: ‘The Heart Has No Color’

    She began with a simple statement; “Thank God.” Fulton, near tears, continued:

    “I just want to speak from my heart to your heart. Because a heart has no color. It’s not black. It’s not white. It’s red. And I want to say thank you from my heart to your heart. Thank you.”

    1. Anne In DC11:42 AM

      I saw that, too, and I was very moved by Ms. Fulton's words. In spite of the folks who want to make it an issue that sharply divides races, I have seen plenty of whites who have been just as outraged by the Sanford PD's callous handling of this case, as well as by George Zimmerman's reckless, cowboy behavior that led to Trayvon Martin's senseless death. I am glad that he has finally been arrested, as he should have been 46 days ago when he killed this kid. Now, my hope is that justice will be served, and that George Zimmerman will get a lengthy stay in jail where he belongs. He was a loose cannon who was bound to do something so egregious and so irreversible.

  20. The Zimmerman supporters are very disappointed their free bird is now caged. He may be sentenced to life in prison. He may plea bargain for a lesser charge of up to 30 years in prison.

    I believe Zimmerman will be convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison, minimum.

  21. Anonymous4:53 PM

    The "Rorschach" Facts in the Killing of Trayvon Martin

    ...Several points can be made even now with a high degree of certainty.

    First, the decision by George Zimmerman's lawyers to stop representing him portends a disastrous reversal of fortune for Zimmerman as he faces the prospect of being charged with manslaughter for the killing of Trayvon Martin -- a charge that Zimmerman might well have been able to beat if he had hired competent lawyers and followed their advice. Instead, he had an unprofessional relationship with media-driven lawyers -- he called them "legal advisors" -- and refused to follow their advice, talking to the media, to the public via a website and to the prosecutor. Wildcat clients who operate outside of the lawyer/client framework are the bane of criminal defense lawyers. I know, because I've had several such clients.

    Zimmerman's "lawyers" were right to end their legal relationship with their client, but they went about it in the wrong way. They simply should have notified the prosecution and the public in a one sentence statement that they no longer represented Zimmerman (if they ever really did!). They should not have explained the reason why they quit, because that inevitably revealed lawyer client privileged information such as the fact that Zimmerman was not following their advice, that he may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and that they can't reach him. They also had no right to discuss possible defenses, especially a claim of insanity, since that might undercut Zimmerman's absolute defense of justification.

    ...Finally, there is the overarching and historically painful reality that an unarmed black teenager lies dead at the hand of an armed Hispanic man who ignored a dispatcher's advice not to follow and engage the "suspect," and who may have -- and this too is forensically unclear -- uttered a racial epithet while chasing him.

    These "facts" give rise to several possible scenarios of what may actually have occurred on that dark rainy night. Under the Florida self-defense statute, it matters greatly what happened, most especially who "initially provoke[d] the use of force," and who started the physical encounter.

    If Zimmerman initially provoked the deadly encounter, then he cannot invoke any "stand your ground" defense. He would then be under a legal obligation to "exhaust ... every reasonable means to escape."

    ...If provocation is limited to a physical assault, and if Zimmerman's account that Martin blindsided him with a punch is believed, then Zimmerman did not provoke the encounter. But if provocation includes following the victim and harassing him, then Zimmerman may well qualify as a provocateur. Moreover, a jury may believe that Zimmerman started the physical confrontation by grabbing Martin. This would almost certainly constitute provocation.


  22. I agree! Sharpton played a role here too.
    We've lifted the rug and seen the mess that was swept there, now lets clean it up.

  23. This is all so sad ... and yes, I believe that without the pressure put on by those of us on the internet (the lowly bloggers) and by others who truly believe in justice, we would not be seeing this outcome.

  24. If Zimmerman had been arrested and charged on day 1 most of us probably wouldn't have even heard about the death of Trayvon.

    Being paranoid - maybe the plan was to generate a situation where selecting a jury and holding a trial would be very difficult - seems to happen in Florida.

  25. Kimosabe5:20 PM

    I agree. The state will not want to risk an acquittal. Zimmerman will not want to risk conviction on 2nd degree murder. The state will offer, and Z will accept, a guilty plea on manslaughter.

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      That is what I believe, as well.

  26. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Not much faith in a Florida Jury. After all, they let Casey Anthony go free...

  27. One more step.

    "No, no we are not satisfied and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream." Martin Luther King, Jr

  28. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Very good news indeed.

  29. Yeah, well, but still, you have to worry about a place where the PA won't convene a grand jury because she knows she wouldn't get an indictment. Scary, scary place.

  30. Anonymous6:00 PM

    As a mom and a grandma all I can say is GREAT!!
    Now I hope there can be justice for the murder of this child, but I have serious doubts.

  31. Anonymous6:03 PM

    When will Todd Palin be arrested for his prostitution ring?

    Or is it now legal in Alaska?

    1. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Only for Palins.

  32. Anonymous6:04 PM


    Hi. My name is Joe Muto. I was the Fox Mole.

    Two hours ago I was called into a meeting with Dianne Brandi, the Fox News Executive Vice President of Legal and Business Affairs and suspended indefinitely... with pay, oddly enough.

    They nailed me.

    In the end, it was the digital trail that gave me away. They knew that someone, using my computer login, had accessed the sources for two videos that ended up on Gawker over the past few weeks. They couldn't prove it entirely, but I was pretty much the only suspect.

    I denied it, which is why they didn't fire me outright. But two nice gentlemen from security escorted me to my desk to pack up my stuff, and it was pretty obvious at that point that I would not be setting foot back into 1211 Avenue of the Americas again.

    So here I am. That's me in the photo, sitting in the Gawker offices, with a portrait of a rather mischievous looking Roger Ailes behind me. He was my ultimate boss for the past 8 years...

  33. lwtjb6:11 PM

    Yesterday I was following a young black man down the sidewalk. Looked up to see Trayvon Martin's face looking at me from that fellow's backpack. What a powerful statement that was.

  34. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I agree with you Gryphen! So glad to see Zimmerman FINALLY arrested and charged! Hopefully he will be found guilty and receive the punishment he deserves!

  35. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Such good news. Am hoping they'll investigate the first prosecutor and the Sanford Police who allowed Zimmerman to go free.

    Am sure the Martin family's pain is not over. The Zimmerman family keep trumping George as a poor victim who fears for his life, as per the Piers Morgan show tonight, who interviewed the brother again.

  36. Anita Winecooler6:51 PM

    Glad to see him arrested, but it sucks they can't convict him of first degree murder.

    I hope this gives his family a small sense that justice is done, but it won't bring back their son.

    No parent should lose a child, especially this way. We need to get rid of this law!

  37. Paul - Minnesota7:20 PM

    I agree with you, Gryphen.

    Also, ugh:

    Vigilante Madness in Pearland...Not Just in Sanford, Not Just Trayvon Martin!

    It was just another Tuesday evening in a normally quiet neighborhood in Pearland, Texas, where kids are often found playing with one another and driving go-carts.

    A family had just returned from Galveston on a spring break excursion, when upon their return, all of a sudden the unthinkable happened.

    “You don’t belong in this neighborhood!”

    These are the words that Jules Moor, a 13-year old black child, says that Deanna Johnson, a middle-aged white female, said to him after Johnson slammed her 2011 Jeep Wrangler into his go-cart on Tuesday, March 13, 2012.


    DUE PROCESS - It is still unclear why Johnson decided to do what she did. Johnson never apologized for ramming her truck into the go-cart and jeopardizing the lives of the three children and according to witnesses, was seen laughing as she spoke with the Sheriff’s deputies.

    Johnson was not arrested or drug-tested upon the admission of her actions. The Sheriff’s department Captain that came on the scene decided not to arrest Johnson upon consulting with the District Attorney.

  38. Anonymous9:51 PM

    “I just want to speak from my heart to your heart, because a heart has no color," she said. "It's not black, it’s not white, it's red, and I want to say thank you from my heart to your heart."


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It just goes directly to their thighs.