Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Jon Stewart brilliantly skewers the Hillary Rosen kerfuffle, Fox News hypocrisy, and Sarah Palin's choice of gaudy accessories.

Personally that second way is how I read Sarah Palin's pin as well. Of course I have the benefit of knowing hat she IS one.

I actually found ALL of last night's Daily Show to be brilliant.

After this first segment Jon went on to point out Ann Romney's hypocrisy concerning Hillary Rosen's comments, and ALL of the Fox news pinheads hypocritical comments declaring that there is no War on Women.

In other words, Jon Stewart NAILED IT!


  1. Anonymous7:00 AM

    He did indeed nail it! I mentally referred to the Jersey interpretation of that pin (also too) and laughed my ass off. She's clueless that one!


  2. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Yes, we always knew she was a hooah, didn't we?

  3. "She was a HOOHAH!"


    That's our Baldy...keep those laughs coming old Bald One!

  4. Don The Bluesman7:56 AM

    Bristol did not start a trend with her chin but crazy momma probably did with her pin. From now on whenever you see a person with that stupid fucking pin on, just ask "how much you cheap hooah"?

  5. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Interesting - all of the fuss over Hilary Rosen's completely true statement. Not only has Ann Romney never worked outside the home, she's had help most of the time with the work inside the home and is totally out-of-sink with 99% of American women!

    And the "Hooah" pin is hysterical. I thought it was how New Englanders say the word "whore"!

  6. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I thought that Sarah Palin said that she didn't need a title.

  7. The moment I saw that gooey smeared lipstick she managed to miss her mouth with, I couldn't think of another thing. Yuck! (I know...I'm so shallow.)

  8. Anonymous8:34 AM

    The Rmoney's are stepping in it again with Ann's birthday gift comment and the Ann Sawyer interview regarding Seamus.
    Willard regrets the incident not because it was a mean, heartless thing to do but because of the political fallout over the whole thing.
    Ann says she thought it nicer to bring the dog tied to the roof of the car than kennel him for two weeks. Also the dog had the runs which is why they put him on the roof instead of in the car.
    Talk about a matched pair of soulless freaks... I give you the Rmoneys.

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Ann Romney told Diane Sawyer that Seamus got the runs because he ate turkey that was on the counter. Did any one else who ate that turkey get the runs? What did they do with the turkey, wrap it up and put it in the frig? Make sandwiches for the trip? It had dog germs on it! The other thing about "the runs" is that they keep on running. Did Mitt have to keep stopping the car and hose down Seamus again and again? Seriously, this latest version only makes the story worse, and it took them all this time to think it up.

    2. And, why did the dog run away after they arrived at the lake? Dogs don't run away for no reason.

    3. MissSunshine11:37 AM

      If there really was no room in the car for Seamus, they should have left him at home.

      Even if they didn't have a trustworthy friend that would have stopped by the house once a day to check on the dog (again, a telling point) they had more than enough money to come up with a solution that didn't have the poor animal strapped to a moving car for TWELVE HOURS.

    4. Anita Winecooler7:14 PM

      I know I'm going to catch hell for this, but here goes. Ann, since Seamus "is no longer with us", could you please demonstrate how much fun he had with the hershey squirts on the car, being hosed off, and driven in an airtight kennel to Canada? Have Mitt tell you, so you can "listen and obey".

      She actually LAUGHED and sneered when she said it!

  9. I was hoping you would provide the clip for those who missed it. I especially liked FOX's never-ending "War on ...." It's proof that FOX is a parody of itself when clips from its shows can be shown and people laugh. The problem is all those low intelligence potential voters who believe everything they hear on FOX. A show like Jon Stewart's is totally lost on them. But we can enjoy, knowing that the writers from TDS "get it" regarding Sarah Palin. HOAH indeed. Tell it to the world via your crappy costume jewelry, Sarah.

  10. comeonpeople9:12 AM

    Memories of April 17-18 2008 As recorded by Sarah Palin in Going Rogue
    ”At 4 am a strange sensation low in my belly woke me and I sat straight in bed. I shook Todd awake.” Something’s going on. “ Todd, instantly alert says “I’m calling CBJ” Sarah: NO Don’t do that! It’s 1 am in Alaska.” Then: “Desperation for this baby overwhelmed me.” “God knew what he was doing”
    OK, desperate, but don’t call a doctor, any doctor, hell, a veterinarian would do at this point. Better than nothing! Desperate, but “God knew what he was doing” (OKAY, blame god for your stupidity.)
    Sarah continues: “Over my protests, Todd calls CBJ. I felt fine and absolutely did not want to cancel my speech and disappoint the folks at the conference” We agreed I’d give my speech, take it easy and take an earlier flight back. I STILL HAD PLENTY OF TIME”
    Just how did Sarah and CBJ know that Sarah had plenty of time. Why did CBJ not insist Sarah see a doctor, one that was in Texas??
    At the conference Sarah writes she was having “Big laughs. More contractions” Many hours and two plane flights later , I delivered Tri-G Paxon Van Palin into the world at MatSu regional.
    It just gets ridiculouser and ridiculouser every time one reads this shit over the years. I wonder though, if Sarah did indeed help the real birth mother of Tri-G deliver him into the world that morning? Maybe when CBJ spoke with her overnight, the real mom wasn’t dilated yet or anything, so they in fact DID KNOW they had plenty of time.
    Anyway, just doing my part to keep this ridiculous story in the net.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Bill McAllister Suggested That Trig Palin Be Called *Open Transparent Palin.*


    2. Anonymous10:06 AM

      No way in hell would a mother, who loves her baby more than anything, not only ignore and dismiss those strange sensations - but object to her husband calling the doctor? Bullshit. She either wasn't pregnant or she wanted to lose the baby.

    3. Anonymous10:28 AM

      THX comeonpeopl

    4. Anita Winecooler7:20 PM

      CBJ did a medical procedure called "Transvaginal Blackberry Scan", she prayed and God told her Sarah had p-l-e-n-t-y of time.

      Thanks, everytime I read it, the less sense it makes.

      That woman is a hooha!

  11. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Is it just me or do her lips look 'enhanced'? Collagen injections?

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Something is definitely different about her mouth. The right side of the upper lip is much larger than the left side. Swollen? Herpes? Putting on makeup while drunk? Collagen?

    2. Anita Winecooler7:21 PM


  12. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Why is he having a snit over what Sarah wears?

    Is he gay too ?

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      You would think with Tawd being bisexual that he would dress Sarah better.

    2. All that meth sure has destroyed those neuron connection in your (alleged) brain, haven't they, $arah? Yer gettin' kookier every day.

    3. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Yeah Anon at 10:19, cause only gay people worry about what other people where.

      And the Dowdy Award still goes to simple Sarah. Where's your yellow crochet sweater Sarah? We miss Buttercup!

    4. He is as gay as $arah.

    5. Anonymous11:15 AM

      gay too also WHO?
      Marcus was not part of this discussion. but a runny butted dog was and Seamus too!
      poor Seamus

      """BO RIDES INSIDE"""
      """OBAMA 2012"""
      suck on it

    6. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Dear lying idiot @ 10:19AM:
      Who's "having a snit over what Sarah wears"? Are you in the wrong article or just making stuff up again? Or maybe just stupid? Jon is not "having a snit" (ROFL btw) over what Sarah wears, he's mocking her ridiculous HOOAH pin. Are you so dumb that you can't understand the difference? You must be a conservative. They don't get most comedy or humor. It's been proven by science.

      PS-It's also been scientifically proven that the biggest homophobes are actually gay themselves. You can come out of the closet now, we don't mind here.

    7. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Oh my dear little troll...you just proved Crystal Sage's point that most conservatives have absolutely no sense of humor at all. Jon Stewart is a *comedian*. He's not a political pundit having a "snit" & nitpicking every little thing your dear Sarah does (unlike the folks over at Fox who nitpick our Pres.) Face the facts sweetie, she writes her own material.

      And how very typical for you to attempt to insult and suggest that Jon is gay. Couldn't come up with anything better?

    8. Anonymous12:17 PM

      I should clarify my last comment about most conservatives having no sense of humor. I *should* have said that many do have a sense of humor...if that humor is insulting or belittling someone else (see your "gay" comment!)

    9. Anita Winecooler7:28 PM

      It's not a snit, sugarbottom, he's just pointing out the Fabulous sequin crusted girl scout "hooha" pin she borrowed from Bristol, who borrowed it from Willow, who earned it in the girl scouts.

  13. Anonymous9:23 AM

    My main exposure to the crapfest that is Fox "news" comes via the Daily Show.

    You would THINK that the rabid viewers of such blatant propaganda, would notice the inconsistencies themselves, and wake up from the spell it has cast upon them.

    Like the Romneys, the Fox talking (no: screeching) heads will contradict themselves in the same freaking BROADCAST!

    (Such as moving from talking about "the WAR on____" into a snotty kid whining session, over how that term is used to describe the overwhelming attack on women's rights going on, nationwide.)

    Pathetic. Hopefully every day another handful of simpletons will get wise to how they are being manipulated, and stop watching Fox.

  14. Irishgirl9:35 AM

    An international observation:

    Hoor - Whore, Lit. Hiberno-Irish pronunciation of whore, but not used exclusively to refer to prostitutes. In fact, it is usually used to refer to politicians, and therefore there is no possible relation to unsavoury people who perform favours for money. :)


    Take your pick!

  15. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Wow, I forgot what show we were watching where they had a "pin" of a pin-wearing-Sarah on a life size McCain for 2008. She was his iconic representation of conservative creds, even though her's is as shallow as her grasp of national and international issues.

  16. Anonymous10:06 AM

    To anon at 10:19,
    No dear, he isn't "having a snit over what Sarah wears" - it's called "sarcasm" or "humor". Perhaps you've heard of them? You see, out here in the real world, we don't all worship at the feet of the queen; in fact, some folks don't even like her (hard to believe I know, but true)

    All clear now?

  17. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I thought the military cheer was "Hoo-rah," what the hell is Hooah?

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      The teabagger version, you know they just can't spell.

    2. abbafan2:57 AM

      "HOOAH" was exclaimed by Col. Frank Slade (Al Pacino) in "Scent Of A Woman". Blind Col. Slade had more class than $arah with her fake librarian glasses!

  18. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Next thing you know, Sarah's going to go all FRIDAYS and wear suspenders with patriotic "Flair."


    Jesus here, God there, doors, plows, flags (American and Israeli,) the kids and grandkids (is there a difference?) lipstick, pitbulls, a journalism degree, oil riggers, crosses, and whatnot.

  19. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Sarah Palin's Reaction to Roger Ailes' Truth Is Delusional


    Palin will be on The Five today. Watch for the crap to flow!

  20. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Sarah has had her face remade again hasn't she.

    If she gets any more jutting added to her jaw she'll be able to pass for on of those TRex that she lived along side 6000 years ago.

    It would seem that along with her many other oddities and dysfunctions, she really doesn't like her self very much.

    She and Tammy Fae are into self defacement in a very literal way.

  21. Anita Winecooler7:05 PM

    He's a riot! "But then, again, it's spring! and "Perhaps her choice of accessory was a tribute to the late Ralph Cipherrello"

    The mans'a a GENIUS!

    And I agree with your assessment.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.