Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Is Alaska Governor Sean Parnell gunning for Todd Palin?

Today I was reading this article in the Alaska Dispatch about the frustration that legislators are feeling about being called back to a special session by Parnell to work on a new oil tax bill, when I happened to read this:

He's also urging the swift passage of a measure that would toughen criminal sentences for pimps and others who engage in sex trafficking.

Now that kind of caught me by surprise since I have not been following  Alaska politics very much recently.  However with a little more digging I found that recently Parnell had a bill passed that accomplished the following:

Under HB359, the crime of sex trafficking would be punished as a felony. While many of those crimes are already prosecuted with harsh penalties, Gov. Sean Parnell said he wanted to make sure prosecutors had the tools they needed to fight the problem. 

In a statement, he called trafficking "a horrible crime that degrades dignity and violates the most basic human rights." 

Current law labels victims as prostitutes, but the bill would write into law that they are victims. 

Parnell proposed the bill in February. It now moves to the Senate for consideration.

Now why this is rather fascinating, and possibly problematic for a certain Wasilla snowmachine racer, is that recently Shailey Tripp was asked just WHO she had sent copies of her book to, or contacted about her situation, and she answered thusly:

The asssociated press, cnn, msnbc, fox news, et, nancy grace, heraldo, anderson cooper, new york times, the white house, The President, the first lady, Sean Parnell, the polic chief, the FBI, the IRS, Homeland Security, Salvation Army, and many many many other places.

Hmm, interesting no?

Now obviously Shailey's experiences may have NOTHING to do with Parnell's desire to increase the penalties for sex trafficking, but even before she wrote the book he HAD to be aware that her story was out there.

Now it would go against EVERYTHING we know about Parnell to imagine him going up against the Palins. But then again what better way to send a message to a certain Grizzled Mama that her interference in his administration is no longer welcome? Or even to rise up out of her shadow by convicting her husband of such a heinous crime?

Your thoughts?


  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    She looks like the Pope offering her ring to be kissed.

    Gosh, Todd is so ugly. Sorry, but i think he is.

    1. I wouldn't call the Toad "ugly"...maybe what you see is the REAL Toad...the mask underneath the man...the one Shailey had to deal with...and it ain't pretty!

      I mean remember what Baldy said...

      "Have you seen TAWWWWDD!"

      For Shailey sake...I hope this helps her and puts her book on the bestseller list! Wouldn't that be the shit! I got my copy! LOL!!

    2. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Handsome devil


    3. Anonymous4:30 PM

      When and where was that picture taken? So Todd got a makeover just like Levi did?

    4. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Wasn't that from the resignation day speech?

    5. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Oh sick. I will say he looks better than Ted Nugnet. Sarah has the worst taste in men I have even known.

    6. Anita Winecooler7:36 PM

      Ted's opened his yap again for the gun toters, pretty close to calling for harm to POTUS. Romney likes that he's endorsing him.

      Maybe he'll pick him for VP?

    7. Anonymous10:45 PM

      Maybe he'll pick him for VP?

      Sarah will take Mittens hunting. After the accident Ted will give her VP and then it will be game on to get Ted out so she can have her rightful place. The fun is just beginning.

  2. Anonymous9:37 AM

    OK I'm on-board with the idea that Palin's pregnancy was really suspicious. There is lots of evidence that that is the case.

    Can someone enlighten me about this prostitution thing though because I haven't been following it closely. What is the actual evidence for it beyond the testimony of one person? ...Specifically I'm asking what the evidence is linking Todd Palin to it?

    This is an honest question. Can someone give me a brief bullet point summary of what is known and why people believe it to be true?



    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      See where it says on this page "Posted by Gryphen at 9:24 AM" ? under that it says "Labels". Then click on Shailey Tripp.

      Shailey Tripp has written a book called "Boys Will Be Boys: Media, Morality, and the Coverup of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Sex Scandal" for sell on Amazon. See reviews and more at



    2. Anonymous12:36 PM

      The real Todd Palin

    3. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Go to Bristol Palin's/Nancy French's Blog and inquire. Good luck waiting for a response.

    4. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Miss Wasyphilis herself verified it.
      "Taaaawd is not involved in any prostitution rings"
      Before anyone even KNEW about it.

    5. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Anon @ 5:05pm is correct. $arah Palin made that statement at least a week if not more before anyone else even MENTIONED 'prostitution ring'. IOW, $he validated it beforehand!

    6. Anonymous6:49 PM

      And she also verified on "Insanity's" show that Shay massaged her while she was supposed to be preggo!
      I know we hate to listen to screech...but like "lose lips sink ships"!

  3. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Hope they do go after Todd Palin.

    Time to go after that Alaskan pimp who takes advantage of Alaskan women who are down on their luck.

    Make us proud Alaska!

  4. Anonymous9:39 AM

    My Fervent Hope Is:
    There is a God, and She Cares!


  5. Bear Woman9:40 AM

    Captain Zero is not known for his "in your face" politics or actions. If this is a warning shot at the Palins, it is his perfect milk toast response. He must feel the Palins don't have anything on him -- what he fails to recognize is he has left MANY of her appointees and employees in position. He may never know where his poisoned apple or arrow comes from.

  6. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Whoopie just mentioned on the View that this the first time in 16 years that Good Morning America has beaten the poop out of the Todays Show.

    Let that be a lesson to any tv show or station who is even thinking about having Sarah Palin on their show.

    NBC's Today Show lost a lot of viewers because of their stupid decision to have Palin on their show.

    Serves them right!

  7. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Or maybe its more like Parnell is kissing the godfather's ring.

  8. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Interesting. Kind of off topic, but why don't more Alaskas vocalize frustrations with Parnell more? Shannyn Moore is the only one who publicly discusses how much worse Parnell is than Palin.

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      So I'm not in Alaska, but...worse than Palin? Wow. I feel bad for you guys! I'm just stuck with Rick Perry....at least he doesn't actually DO anything.

      I have all kinds of funny ideas of how to be worse than Palin....a man pretending to be pregnant with twins, maybe....but i know you're serious.


  9. Anonymous9:45 AM

    It is very interesting that the Palins and their Bots have not addressed this Todd Pimp Daddy issue
    at all. Even if Levi would say anything about it, I think that they are instructed not to reply. And
    we all know that Bristol is chomping at the bit whenever Levi posts anything. The Palins know that this Prostitution Ring and Sex Trafficking
    Scandal is about to Blow up. Get your Popcorn ready.

  10. lostinmn9:48 AM

    There might be some hope for justice but sadly Parnell has demonstrated a consistent lack of balls when it comes to anything Palin. And with APD on Palin's payroll, not to mention the AG, I seriously doubt toad will ever stand for his crimes. I really suspect toad has photos of prominent men in compromising positions, possibly even with underage children. I've always believed that was the reason she was able to rise so fast in government. The only hope lays in Shailey's new adventure. It would not surprise me if she turns out to be working with some legal people to nail the toad in more ways than one. A final eff you to the man who abused her. I could certainly see IRS, Justice and now even Parnell? Making the pimping a felony might just get Sara off Parnell's neck - or balls.

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      The only hope lays in Shailey's new adventure

      Someone downstream claims to know what that adventure is.

      It has nothing to do with Todd or prostitution.

      Tripp doesn't have a job.

      MAYBE SHE WILL. ? ? ? ?

      It is all very vague but she is brave and courageous, the same sales pitch the bots give us for Sarah and Bristol.

  11. Anonymous9:48 AM

    "He's also urging the swift passage of a measure that would toughen criminal sentences for pimps and others who engage in sex trafficking."

    If it is passed make sure the Anchorage Police dept gets a certified letter from the state and make sure the state sends it requiring that the APD signs for the certified letter!

    Time to clean up Alaska and those bastards at the Anchorage Police Dept!

    Do this not just for Shailey Tripp who was exploited by Todd Palin but for all Alaskan women and little girls!

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Mayor Sullivan recently called for and started an investigation of the Anchorage Police Department. Mark my words - it'll come out that all is fine! The Department has shown itself to be corrupt, but I'll wager Sullivan's report will not reflect that!

  12. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Why do you think Parnell is still working for Palins? Doesn't he believe the opposite of what she does? Hasn't he shown in his administration that he is independent of her?
    Isn't Sean still kissing Big Oil's rear and reeking havoc even worse than Palin? I only am going by Shannyn Moore's tweets. She seems to be the only Alaskan who cares about real Alaskan issues.

    Hasn't your government, namely Murkowski, vocalized in the recent past about this issue?

    I can't help but think of how buddy buddy Sarah, Todd, Sean and Sandy seemed to be. LOL. Alaskan prostitution has been a huge problem since the state's inception. I wanna know which "good ol boy" legislator drew Todd into the business and where this business began in Alaskan history. There's the story. Find the head honcho.

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Who says Todd didn't start the business on his own.

    2. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Quit throwing shit bombs out!
      "who says todd didn't start the business on his own"
      If you READ the book you will know the two-toned dick is not the only one.
      Or can't you read?

    3. Anonymous7:57 PM

      When will the audio version be out?

  13. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Someday Shailey's namesake Little Tripp will read Shailey's book Boys Will Be Boys and learn about Pimp Granddaddy Todd.

    1. Let's hope he can read. The Palins have proven their distaste for 'edumacation and book learnin'.' "Word Salad" seems always on the menu at Chez Palin. Poor Tripp.

  14. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Well, he owes his position to Sarah. Could be he is grateful or even has a tiny crush on her, and reading that Todd disrespected her by going to and creating prostitutes made Sean mad, very, very mad.

    Ah, wouldn't that be sweet - Parnell revenging Sarah? Not likely, but sweet in a kind of interesting way.

  15. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Hey Todd

    So many nights
    I'd sit by my window,
    Waiting for someone
    To sing me his song.
    So many dreams
    I've kept deep inside me.
    Alone in the dark
    But now you've come along.

    And you
    Light up my life.
    You give me hope
    To carry on.
    You light up my days
    And fill my nights
    With song.

    LOL, your day is coming you pervert.

  16. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Do you think Parnell will wait until Willow gets her GED Degree in May before he arrests Todd?

  17. Anonymous10:01 AM

    "A visitor from Wasilla, Alaska
    left "The Immoral Minority" via feedproxy.google.com 19 secs ago"

    Hi Sarah, this post must of pissed you off?

  18. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Wishful thinking. Captain Zero doesn't have what it takes, even obliquely, to go after the Palin's.

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      May be he was TOLD to by higher ups and had no choice. Shaily did say they all had copies of the book and she was screaming it from mountain tops. All they had to do is go to her blog and see how many people knew. Once they knew they could accountable if they did nothing.
      mhrt... I can hope.

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Anonymous Apr 17, 2012 03:37 PM : You just MIGHT have a point there... Just like oftentimes you get an action when CC'ing an email to several other parties, making sure each one knows about the other one knowing...

    3. Anonymous6:42 PM

      All they had to do is go to her blog

      When did she say that?

      What blog?

      The one that she is shuttering?

    4. Anonymous10:14 PM

      @AnonymousApr 17, 2012 07:42 PM
      All they had to do is go to her blog

      When did she say that?

      What blog?

      The one that she is shuttering?
      Ms Tripps blog is still up.
      She said that in her last post.
      You said "what blog". yes the one that she is closing down but not till Friday.
      Sour grapes or lemonaide.

      Guess it depends on how you look at it. Some times you just need to move forward.

  19. Todd IS a Pimp10:07 AM

    It says EVERYTHING, afterall if all these people read Shay's book and do a simple google search on some of the NAMES...Sean could be held complicit also too, if a Federal investigation is started.
    So this is a way for him to get the blame off himself as gov and Give a message to the paylins take your whoring somewhere else!
    I think this is huge.

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      really huge. Shaily did say she HAD to shut her blog down.

    2. Anonymous11:18 PM

      She did. What happened after that was that the trolls first went to her support and it was the craziest thing.

      That is all done, it is over. She is having a mysterious opportunity. Next she either comes out and does what she is to do for sex workers and to take down the Alaskan pimps or there are a lot of people who got played.

  20. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:15 AM

    Gryphen, Shailey, other bloggers and commenters who have been pushing and pushing for the truth--rock on! You probably have more influence than you can imagine. Waiting patiently for the 11-point Richter scale public breakdown that's in the cards for Ms. Pain, uh, Palin. But who will our poor Bot friends idolize then? Big "Awwww!" factor there...

    OT--the Secret Service (finally) will be investigating Ted "the Nooge" for remarks made against Dems and the President. Just heard this on Ed Schultz, haven't seen anything as yet.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      I so dislike hearing the horribly hateful things being put out there against President Obama! Ted was basically calling for his assassination to the members of the NRA and that is horrid! The FBI needs to be on top of this! And, the Secret Service needs to be protecting our President!

    2. Anonymous6:42 PM

      I don't know what the NRA is a corp or what but it needs to be disbanded for good.
      Ted "the draft dodger" needs to be arrested and made a example of and throw away the key!
      You don't play with PRESIDENT OBAMA!

  21. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Unfortunately, the new law wouldn't be retroactive and affect the toad...unless he's still pimping. I hope his shenanigans get blown wide open!

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Ummm, I'm sure he was until, like yesterday...for all WE know it could be part of a NATIONAL investigation.
      One of the guys in Shay's book went on to make a Video of the DWH BP GOM!
      Shay makes it clear, these were not pimply-face dorks getting laid for the first time, no...CEO Big wigs in GOV, Military,BP, GCI ETC! I hope Taaaaaawd and Baldy are shitin' pants!

  22. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Well since the law will be new it will not be retroactive to any crimes committed in the past, so this would have no impact on anything involving Ms. Tripp.

  23. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Most likely an end around run on Parnell's part. No way he didn't know about this.

  24. WakeUpAmerica10:25 AM

    Wishful thinking, unfortunately.

  25. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Well, considering that in Alaska there's the law for people and the law for Palins/Heaths, I don't think this new law will affect Todd Palin. Is there anyone in Alaska willing to risk the danger for trying to arrest/indict/convict/sentence Todd Palin?

    Kudos to Parnell and the legislature for toughening up the law though.

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Shailey Tripp has 3 court cases pending. Don't know details. Don't think anyone can talk yet.
      We may know soon. 2 weeks or so.

  26. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Hard to imagine a GOP Governor actually taking the moral high ground, and against the Palins. But if he is, it's about time! Maybe he got sick of being under her thumb.

  27. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I think Shailey Tripp has brought the war on prostitutes to the forefront of the election and national attention. She may never get direct credit but since the release of her book there has been a lot of movement nationally in this area. I think this election prostitution and women's rights are going to be a huge focus. Also has anyone asked Shailey if her book was sent to any of the people she mentioned in her book? She mentioned the three people who outed Todd Palin for visiting her and she named the names of some of her clients that paid her money for sex. Did any of them get a copy? If so have any of them denounced the rumors, the book, or even knowing Shailey Tripp? Have they denied knowing one another or engaging in prostitution? Have they denied knowing Todd Palin? This seems to make the words in her book all the more stronger.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Shailey Tripp has been an honest and courageous young woman, struggling to raise disabled children. She did not turn her back on them and their afflictions as Sarah has with Trigg.

      Shailey Tripp deserves respect and kudos for standing up against those who did and would use her and others for their own selfish ends (no double entendre intended though it is applicable). Hurrah for Shailey.

      Shame on Todd.

    2. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Also has anyone asked Shailey if her book was sent to any of the people she mentioned in her book?

      YES. She had a long list. Don't know when she sent them. Ask her at her blog until Friday. Or ask Malia Litman.

  28. OverMountainMan10:46 AM

    When they announced that there were members of each branch of the Military involved in the Secret Service Prostitution scandal I said to my wife "Well no shit !" What Shailey has scratched the scab off of runs deep inside Government and Big Corporations this going to be very very messy and its little toads like Todd that are going to take the fall for it ! Let the guillotine fall

  29. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trig's Birth Certificate?

    PS Happy Wild Ride Anniversary 4 years ago! Got a different version of that fairy tale to tell today?

  30. PalinsHoax10:51 AM

    I hope Shailey also sent a copy of her book to John McCain. We know how proud he is of Mrs. Todd Palin.

  31. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Parnell's bill can make a big difference to women.

    In Columbia sex is legal in some areas, sex work that is. The women have a chance to speak up if they have problems regarding pimps or their pay.

    When will Sarah Palin open up about this?

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      She won't because that would lead a direct connection back to her. Besides she has already stated that boys will be boys.

    2. Anonymous4:40 PM

      I wouldn't send Baldy one of my DOG's turds!(b/c my dog is too good)!
      I wouldn't expect Shay to send a copy of her book to that Kunt!
      I hope they both rot in hell!
      Taaaawwwwdddd, where's my witch doctor...I'm melting....heeeeellllp...Fuck them.
      Hey where is Krusty troll?
      She never is on these posts.
      I guess they aren't shiny-happy enough for her.

  32. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I HOPE that once this bill is signed and made into law, the FBI will be out in force to arrest Todd the Pimp. When he is seen as vulnerable, his other "victims" will come forward, no longer afraid of Todd's threats. Even his "clients" may testify against him in return for immunity or lesser plea deals.

    Todd is also most likely guilty of blackmail, bribery, and obstruction of justice. Is Todd's reign of terror about to end? I hope so.

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Shailey mentioned that he keeps information and documents on everyone of the John's. His girls. EVERYONE. He is ready for blackmail or whatever it takes.

    2. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Ok no one especially the Toad (insert high pitched voice here) can remember everything! There must be records...somewhere.
      Maybe the Toad bury them when he's out snowmobiling?I hope they bust his ass and have a dog sniff out those records.
      Dogs can sniff out CANCER surely they can sniff out the toads dirty azzed DNA infested records...

    3. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Maybe Shaley or another girl knows where he stores the blackmail material. Where does he fell most safe and protected?

  33. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Eric Bolling (per Cee4p) tweeted that Palin will be on "The Five" today.

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      I bet the bots are deliriously excited and waiting for subliminal coded messages coming from their Queen via blinks and winks.

      They are pathetic. As for me I don't watch her anymore but I do visit the blogs for any entertaining news on the hag.

  34. Virginia Voter11:15 AM

    Please God, I hope so. I sent Shailey's book to my brother in law who is high up in an FBI field office in the Midwest . He acknowledged receipt of the book, and was incredulous about its content, but took it seriously enough to read it. He can't disclose anything else to me at this point.

    By the way, I just want to say that IM readers really need to cut Shailey a break about closing her blog and Facebook down. Did it ever occur to you that she may have finally landed a job in her field, is going back to school, or has just decided that she needs to focus on her life and family? This woman has been through hell and back, and I was dismayed that people took it personally that she landed an opportunity that will not afford her the time or ability to blog. Please, folks, give her a break, Lord knows she deserves it.

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM


    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Very anxious to hear from you or your brother.
      Thank both of you for doing that.

      More power to Shailey if all is well. There are those that don't want to see her handled by lawyers like in Levi Johnston. She did say the opportunity was not a job and no money. Chuck Heath is a mover and shaker in education and no one wants anyone doing him favors regarding Ms. Tripp. She has said she is not done with the Palins and she has other legal things in the mix. She is just closing down her blog. Not retiring from the Palin work. She did forgive Todd, not forgetting.

    3. duckybs1:30 PM

      I'm with you Virginia Voter. I have spoken to her this week and know the reason she is removing the blog and not able to disclose it at this point. (We have corresponded since November as we live in the same area and I offered some help with media outreach.) If she could reveal, people's doubts would be assuaged, truly. It is along the lines of "job in her field" but not a sure thing at this point. It doesn't have to do with Greg West, Todd Palin, Alaska or any kind of coercion or payoff. She has done something very few others would have the balls to do, myself included.
      She isn't recanting any of her statements or dropping any of her (three) lawsuits.

    4. ManxMamma2:54 PM

      It seems some people believe they have a personal relationship with the bloggers they follow. The same thing happened with Joe McGuiness. They seem to think they're 'friends'. I too wish Shailey all the best.

    5. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Of her three lawsuits, I believe one is against the company she had rented house furniture from, one is against medical people involved in her daughter's delivery and subsequent delivery, and the third is -- anybody know? She makes it sound like these lawsuits are Palin-related but in past blog posts she definitely talked about suing other people for other stuff.

    6. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Friends don't usually take your money. I know also Sarah Palin solicts money from all income levels. Most are happy giving their money to her. I personally know a woman who gets donations off of her blog. She also has children and tells of their difficulties, she has several links to charities and has hooked many professionals and good citizens to support her causes. Does she actually go out and do charity work, no. The people who send her money just know her from the internet and her connections. Others know she goes to the local casino and can drop a $1,000 at a time. Since she is not allowed at the casino wares wigs, she has an addition to gambling and is on some kind of probation.

      This may not be the time just yet, but it would be so helpful if you can get some media outreach for Shailey. Not many know her in person. It would be good to make her more human, if people with names and ID can speak of how they know her that will make a big difference. The National Enquirer is not what I have in mind. The interview Gryphen did was good. You would know more. She is going to be going through a firestorm, if or when, things take off. I do hope you can make some headway in helping her soon.

    7. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Apr 17, 2012 04:41 PM


      The third one best be Palin-related or her name will be mud.

      I can't believe that. She has been focused on Todd all this time. She would have a lawsuit somehow related to that. Don't tell me she is full of hot air. PLEASE. Don't let that be true.

    8. Anonymous7:21 PM

      I saw this at Defense of Shailey: THIS IS HER EDUCATION/WORK BACKGROUND.

      If this is Shailey Tripps background profile it is impressive. She should do fine. It doesn't exactly gel with the impression her blog leaves but that can be explained later.

      2007 Computer Forensics, Computer Security, Internet Security, Cyber Security, Cyber Investigations - Independent Consultant


      Application and systems development security
      Business continuity planning & disaster recovery planning
      Codebreaking and Encryption
      Law, investigation, and ethics
      Operations security
      Physical security
      Security architecture and models
      Security management practices
      Telecommunications and networking security

  35. AJ Billings11:15 AM

    Damn, wouldn't that be great if the Alaska attorney had Tawwd up on charges.

    I'd like to be a fly on the wall in the Paylin house the day that indictment is unsealed

    Some day $arah, you know the covers are going to be ripped off one of your scandals, and then we'll see how loyal the Bots really are.

    You think you were ruined in Alaska by the 2008 campaign? Just wait til something like Todd getting indicted happens.

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      LOL She may have to let the rest of her hair fall out and move to Arizona so no knows her. HA ha

  36. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Parnell is amazing to do this and help free up women in this way. I doubt he wants to interfere in what Todd Palin has going. Now also hearing how our military is implicated in Columbia, makes one wonder about what Track Palin learned from his father figure and the military.

    Don't mess with Columbian hookers! These gals stand up for what they believe they are due.

    At the same time, details emerged about the night of partying Wednesday that led to the scandal. People in Cartagena familiar with the matter said that some of the Secret Service agents paid $60 apiece to owners of the Pleyclub, a strip club in an industrial section of Cartagena, to bring at least two of the women back to the Hotel Caribe, where Obama’s advance team was staying.

    The following morning, one of the women demanded an additional payment of $170, setting off a dispute with an agent that drew the attention of the hotel, the Cartagena sources said.

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Do you have a link for that?
      Thanks :)

    2. Anonymous7:26 PM

      I googled it. Here's the link.


    3. Anonymous8:09 PM

      I am looking for the other one. This one also interesting. This is growing. Now is a good time for anyone who has a story. Women can feel better about speaking up but be cautious.

      Secret Service

      Secret Service Scandal Investigation Involves Brother Of GOP Senate Candidate

    4. Anonymous9:28 PM

      This woman is a hero for all women and men.

      NBC: Prostitute's $50 fee for two agents triggered Secret Service scandal.

      The secret Service problem burst open over a wage dispute. In Columbia sex work is legal in some areas. Women don't need to be intimidated and take a man cheating them out of their wages.

      When will our country grow up?

      The Colombian prostitute who triggered the scandal that has rocked the Secret Service got angry with two agents who refused to pay her full price for servicing the two of them, leading to a financial dispute over between $40 and $60, according to a government source who has been briefed on the investigation.

    5. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Track Palin learned from his father figure and the military.

      Track Palin learns from the best. Good Dillingham roots. Col Thompson had to back peddle on what he claimed Track did in Iraq but it had to do with protecting the big guys. You know what comes with that territory?

  37. It would be great if this pans out with justice for Shailey, but it seems unlikely. The Palins are like Teflon; nothing sticks. Someone noted yesterday that Palin has, for the most part, gotten away with the baby hoax. Incredible but true. No one in power seems to care what this family does.

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Yeah, I am beginning to think that if you are dirty, your best bet is to run for high office, the higher the better. Then everyone is reluctant to investigate or prosecute you.

      Lower level pols are seemingly easier game, fortunately. However, I wish the same standard applied to all.

  38. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I wonder if the PALINBOTS will respond to this. They have avoided this issue all along. The TRUTH is hard to take.

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      PALINBOTS, trolls are good at responding as "anti-palin"... it's hard to explain. I don't think they will be direct. They will respond.

  39. Anonymous11:30 AM


    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Love this expression!

      For those who are unfamiliar with it, see the following:


    2. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Bet little Trig's namesake, Uncle Trygve, says this every time the name Palin is mentioned!

      Uffda (oh, shit)as they say in the old country. Married to a Norwegian and grew up in little Norway in Northern Iowa. It was a part of our vocabulary when we couldn't express our disgust in English. It covers a multitude of sins!

  40. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I bet the Palin-trolls are anxiously awaiting some comments regarding this post. I suspect that any control the Palins have over others is related to Todd's pimping sideline; if charges are pressed against Todd, he will make sure they see the same fate. I'm glad that Shailey sent copies of her book to so many (especially the IRS) although it might be months before some of them decide to read it.

  41. comeonpeople11:33 AM

    That sounds really intriguing!!
    Also, keeping it on the radar today:
    Memories of April 17-18 2008 As recorded by Sarah Palin in Going Rogue
    ”At 4 am a strange sensation low in my belly woke me and I sat straight in bed. I shook Todd awake.” Something’s going on. “ Todd, instantly alert says “I’m calling CBJ” Sarah: NO Don’t do that! It’s 1 am in Alaska.” Then: “Desperation for this baby overwhelmed me.” “God knew what he was doing”
    OK, desperate, but don’t call a doctor, any doctor, hell, a veterinarian would do at this point. Better than nothing! Desperate, but “God knew what he was doing” (OKAY, blame god for your stupidity.)
    Sarah continues: “Over my protests, Todd calls CBJ. I felt fine and absolutely did not want to cancel my speech and disappoint the folks at the conference” We agreed I’d give my speech, take it easy and take an earlier flight back. I STILL HAD PLENTY OF TIME”
    Just how did Sarah and CBJ know that Sarah had plenty of time. Why did CBJ not insist Sarah see a doctor, one that was in Texas??
    At the conference Sarah writes she was having “Big laughs. More contractions” Many hours and two plane flights later , I delivered Tri-G Paxon Van Palin into the world at MatSu regional.
    It just gets ridiculouser and ridiculouser every time one reads this shit over the years. I wonder though, if Sarah did indeed help the real birth mother of Tri-G deliver him into the world that morning? Maybe when CBJ spoke with her overnight, the real mom wasn’t dilated yet or anything, so they in fact DID KNOW they had plenty of time.
    Anyway, just doing my part to keep this ridiculous story in the net.

    1. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Much appreciated. The farther away from it we get, the more inane the story is.

    2. Anonymous1:34 PM

      pretty sure CBJ denies getting a phone call during the wee morning hours of 4/17/08.

    3. Anonymous4:06 PM

      I gotta say, I never associated "big laughs" (or any kind of laugh) with contractions.

  42. Anonymous11:34 AM

    A visitor from Wasilla, Alaska
    viewed "The Immoral Minority" 1 secs ago

    Wasilla in da house..Palin troll posts incoming.

  43. Gryphen, do you think this action by Parnell is why Shailey has decided to close her blog for now .. maybe she knew he was going to do this and she feels she may have accomplished what she wants: some justice for the man partly responsible for her choice of lifestyle; justice perhaps for anyone who participated and was wronged by Todd Palin (I have not read her book and do not know all the allegations that were made). But if she knows the some legal actions may come about; she is free to distance herself now from the issue and get on with her life.

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      If anyone wants to do media, here is where former madams and prostitutes are respected. This reporter wants to know how this business works.

      I don't know what happened with Shailey, she may show up here. If not anyone else that wants to get out there story. Contact Jane Velez Mitchell while these stories are hot.

    2. Anonymous8:12 PM

      I would like to see one of Todd's girls talking to Jane Velez Mitchell. She would get the word out.

  44. Anonymous11:35 AM

    All I want is sarah and todd behind bars for the rest of their lives. Is that too much to ask?

    1. No. I want that too.

    2. Anonymous1:00 PM

      I also want Dr. CBJ to talk. i have a bunch of ? for her.
      Then I can die happy.

    3. Could we also add disgusting-excuse-for-a-human-being and traitor, Ted Nugent, to that?

    4. Anonymous4:52 PM

      DRAFT DODGER Ted Nugent!
      How Patriotic and NRA is that... I spit on him!

    5. Anonymous8:13 PM

      DRAFT DODGER Ted Nugent!
      How Patriotic and NRA is that... I spit on him!

      Only a man Sarah could love and want Piper to be a near him.

  45. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Did anyone figure out why Bristol chose to name her son after Todd's prostitute Shailey Tripp?

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Nope, none of the Palin's have ever answered that question. But I think Tawd suggested the name in a passive/aggressive attack against Sarah.

    2. Anonymous1:00 PM

      It was better than Little Bastard Palin.

    3. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Just like he gave her an ice screw for Xmas.
      Hr's kinda a funny guy, in a dickish way lol!

  46. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Let's all pray that the palins go to prison. I will be. #prayerwarriorsactivate

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      No offense, but the question needs answering anyway: is prayer supposed to be used for negative purposes?

    2. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Praying. In tongues.
      Offering things up.
      All that nonsense shit.

  47. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I doubt Shailey Tripp has anything to do with this. She told her story to all those people and not one has found her credible? Even you avoided writing posts about her Gryphen.

    1. Skankerbelle, you sure do have a short, or selective, memory. (Too much meth?)

    2. Anonymous1:16 PM

      I have to say I would like to know how well she was vetted. She is a genius yet not working in her field. I would like to understand more about that. Whatever her credibility in other areas of her life, the part about Todd seems credible. If there are others and she has back up, I hope they go for it now. Her problem was not getting the media to pay any attention to her. Something happened with the National Enquirer. That may have made obstacles. Oh well, there is not time like the present.

    3. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Skankerbell, if you read her book you might get a clue, other wise STFU!

    4. Anonymous5:33 PM


    5. Anonymous6:55 PM

      You are not Credible, and S. Tripp's Blog has over 300 responses today. You must be one of those Crooked Cops from APD.

    6. Anonymous8:21 PM

      What happened with the NE? After that, why can't she get any media attention? If your brain only goes to TROLL ALERT, who cares?

      There is a problem according to her and others that said there is media silence.
      Does anyone know how to get over that problem?

      Buy her book, go to her blog and top that off by getting the media attention to give her story legs.

  48. One could hope..maybe he is just firing a warning shot to the Palins to stfu. It's going to have break sooner or later, surprised that it has been fairly ignored up to this point. Am waiting for the day when it will be on all the news along with all the other sordid details of these creatures from the dead lagoon....

  49. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Well, now you've done it. She and her husband will be burning out their cell phone batteries to pull Parnell's leash.
    It would be nice to see a whole bunch of people get prosecuted AND convicted for trafficking women for sex.
    M from MD

  50. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Hmmm...interesting. I highly doubt Todd will get into trouble for pimping. I'm sure he has enough evidence on his clients to insure they stay silent. However, Parnell maybe sending out a message to Todd and Sarah not to mess with him.

    I think the people in the know, like the police and other higher ups and maybe even Parnell himself may have left themselves open to blackmail from the Palins'. This is pure speculation on my part.

  51. Anonymous12:15 PM

    We can all hope Todd is charged and convicted of a felony.

    He will be able to use his two-tone dick on the bubba's in prison

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      Tawd is a scrawny lil guy, I don't think his two toned penis is the part of his anatomy that the big guys will be using.

    2. Anonymous12:57 PM


  52. Cracklin Charlie12:16 PM

    Best news I've heard all year!

    Do your job, Governor!

  53. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I don't think Shailey's book has anything to do with it. Parnell may want to toughen sentences for pimps, but it doesn't mean he, or any other power that be would ever admit they believe Todd is guilty of sex crimes. If they lock Todd up, who would find girls for them???

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Shailey's book is stuck I thought. Very little sales activity. Not even Alaska is supporting her? You would think they want the creeps revealed and would buy the book. What happened?

      Legislators will be worried about their supply and Todd is the man. I can't see them messing with the source.

    2. Marleycat3:46 PM

      If am actual investigation of Todd and Sarah Palin is ever done and he is convicted of running a prostitution ring and sex trafficking - Shailey's book will EXPLODE onto the national and international scene - that's what's holding it back - no conviction, YET.

      It's actually a very good read and I believe despite her personal inconsistencies - this is a true story. I also believe Todd Palin has been involved with this for probably 20 years and that Sarah Palin knew about this. This is how this no account grifter with NO IQ weaseled her way into political power - think of all the people they have damning secrets on?

      It should also be NO surprise that as Sarah Palin is married to a whoremaster and pimp whose stock in trade is prostitutes - well, her sense of fashion/style is to look and dress (and act) like a prostitute, too. And raise her daughters the same way, with the same look!

      I can't believe Shailey has "forgiven" Todd Palin - when he he has not even taken responsibility for his crimes against her, other vulnerable men and women he used, his involvement in a business using sex for favors that undermine our national security. I'm sure he and Sarah appreciate that - as he continues on with his lucrative sleazy side business!

    3. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Right, troll, it JUST a coinkydink that Shay SENT the book to Parnell and
      He is DEMANDING a special session now...keep living in lala land.

    4. Anonymous8:49 PM

      This sickened and made me sad: I can't believe Shailey has "forgiven" Todd Palin - when he he has not even taken responsibility for his crimes against her, other vulnerable men and women he used, his involvement in a business using sex for favors that undermine our national security.

      I can't imagine leaving my sister's in a situation and forgiving the monster. Let God forgive, if it is earned and there is a God, not a Palin one. Forgive herself and spread the love but no way forgive a pimping pimp. The little two toner is still hard at work selling bodies into soulless abomination. Once a slave it is hard to give it up. Makes me think of Bristol. Sad.

  54. Anonymous12:18 PM

    my guess - he's making the law more strict in order to crack down on Todd's competition (but won't use it to against the Palin's - they will still be protected)

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Probably truer than we know.

    2. Anonymous1:19 PM

      yuk. that could be how it goes.

  55. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I would guess it is aimed at the Palin's as well as others but would be selectively enforced. Perhaps it's a way to break up the Palin mafia power. If I'm right, they will go after other people to show it can be done. If that doesn't work, could we hope the Palin's would be the second target?? If that happens I would have to admit that some Republicans have some integrity and are not totally corrupt...

  56. Anonymous12:32 PM

    It always appeared that Sean Parnell had something to do with delaying ex-Gov. Sarah's e-mail release. It appeared he'd be willing to hide and protect Sarah. On that note, I can't imagine the man has any integrity, or morals left. He's in her camp, whether he wants to be or not. And if it's true that Todd's cronies threatens people, he's not going to cross Todd.

    And even if he did have a change of heart, he's surrounded by Palin cronies in his government and wouldn't want to create bad blood in his present administration.

    I think he's just faking this faux advocacy for prostitutes.

  57. Anonymous12:38 PM

    O/T Why Kim Kardashain and Sarah Palin Might Be the Same Person

    Two of my worlds collided in October: Sarah Palin said she would eschew the 2012 presidential race for … what, exactly, we have yet to see, and Kim Kardashian decided to divorce her husband after 72 days of marriage.

    Having covered celebrities for ABCNews.com for five years, and Palin's potential presidential campaign for five months, it was hard not to see the similarities between the two: Both Palin and Kardashian were accused of stringing along their followers/fans, and both generated a firestorm of ridicule. Add to this the list of other things they have in common -- they're essentially self-made sensations, they relied on reality TV to get where they are today, and they love a good photo op -- and the comparison seemed oh-so-apt.

    I meant to write this piece then, but there were other stories to cover. It all worked out because now, with Kardashian's declaration that she wants to run for mayor of Glendale, Calif., the parallels between her and the former governor of Alaska are taking on "Twilight Zone" proportions.

    For the unfamiliar, Palin served as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska before ascending to the governor's office and the 2008 vice presidential race. Back then, she had her detractors, just like Kardashian. In "Going Rogue," she wrote that one of the town's "good ol' boys" told her she'd never be mayor because she had "three strikes" against her -- her children (and here, Palin thought he'd say, "I was too young," "I was a woman," and "I didn't have enough experience").

    The then 32-year-old Palin had a college degree and a city council post, two things Kardashian, 31, lacks. But in a culture obsessed with celebrity, it's worth wondering whether things like Twitter followers (Kardashian's got more than 14 million, Palin's north of 778,000, the current mayor of Glendale isn't on Twitter) outweigh actual experience in the court of public opinion.

    In any case, Kardashian will need more than popular votes to become Glendale's mayor. Tom Lorenz, the city's communications director, said the mayor title rotates among city council members each year. "First you have to be appointed to city council," Lorenz said, "then your peers appoint you mayor."

    Kardashian has yet to address the hundreds, maybe thousands, of online commenters who've mocked her ambitions (One ABCNews.com commenter wondered whether Kardashian can even spell "Glendale").

    I'm not taking sides. But as someone who has interviewed both of these women and seen the pull of their charisma -- hundreds of people braved a rain-soaked rally over Labor Day weekend in hopes that Palin would announce her candidacy (she did not) -- I'd say, never underestimate the power of a woman with soaring ambitions, a lot of energy, and the ability to turn heads at a moment's notice.


    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Palin never graduate form college.

    2. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Right now, it looks as if Sarah would be happy to get her own reality show. It could be about politics, the wilds of Alaska, or almost anything else, just as long as she gets to stay in the spotlight and feel important. Kardashian has a reality show and seems to want more. What both women have in common is thinking that they have qualifications when they don't.

    3. Anonymous2:37 PM

      AnonymousApr 17, 2012 02:20 PM
      Palin never graduate form college.

      Who did she screw to get her high school "degree"?

    4. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Bitch, produce your college graduation transcript, and proof of your degree. The POTUS produced his birth certificate to shut all of you dumb asses up. Where is your certification, you lying skanky BITCH?

  58. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Wonder what all the redactions on Sarah's SOA e-mails revealed? Maybe top officials gleaned information from these e-mails and that's why it took so long.

    Shailey Tripp has done the nation a big service by writing her book and putting herself on the line. Hopefully, this secret service prostitution story will get more people interested in Shailey's book. The timing couldn't be better. There are no coincidences.

    1. Dis Gusted1:37 PM

      I was thinking the same thing - Parnell held up the e-mails because there is an FBI investigation into international sex trafficking.

      You know how close Russia is to Alaska.....ROFL

  59. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I don't think Parnell is going after Toad at all! He knows better than to cross the Palins! 'If' he were, he'd have already called for the FBI to begin investigating him and I'll bet he hasn't!

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Really? How the fuck do YOU know?
      The FBI in AK is crooked anyway....

    2. Anonymous9:05 PM

      The palins do NOT own Alaska nor do the own The United States of America. they are now the fish that flow down stream.

  60. Anonymous1:22 PM

    O/T Sarah Palin was on The Five by telephone interview only. Just as I thought, they said good bye to her as the next subject(Secret Service Colombian Prostitution Scandal) was announced. She will not address anything about PROSTITUTION RINGS.
    It smells like a Coverup of great magnitude. Supposedly she called in as an 'ENERGY EXPERT'.
    Her 'RILL' Expertise is PROSTITUTION.

  61. Anonymous1:29 PM

    O/T OOPS!

    A week after he dropped out, Santorum mailers hit Iowa ripping Romney as frightening




  62. Anonymous1:45 PM

    ANOTHER Mama Grizzly cheater. She BROKE THE LAW, why does she get to 'repay' money she cheated to get? WTF? Why isn't she being impeached and removed? Why is she getting away with this? NONE of us ever would if we essentially embezzled $16,000?

    Gov. Nikki Haley's Campaign To Repay South Carolina Thousands For Security On Fundraising Trips

    South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division spent at least $16,000 providing security to Haley during fundraising events through December 2011, not including agents' pay. The campaign will repay the money after June 30, the end of the fiscal year.

    The use of state resources for a political campaign is prohibited by state law.


  63. Anonymous1:47 PM

    What would be the top results on Google if you searched for 'Palin WEST' during last week of March? (Hint: the same links as if you search for the more specific 'Palin GREG WEST' now...).

    A few days later, a search for 'Palin WEST' would yield page upon page of links about SP's 'endorsement' of Allen West. So if you wondered why SP was so eager to talk about Allen West during the first few days of April, now you know why. That clever little trick by SP wiped Shailey Tripp's book and blog comments about Todd's co-pimp from the top spot on Google...

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Do you really think she's smart enough to figure that out?

    2. Apr 17, 2012 05:11 PM
      Do you really think she's smart enough to figure that out?


      No.....but RAM is.

    3. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Someone is...but not her.
      Someone pulls her strings.

    4. Anonymous9:02 PM

      Palin West, Allen West, Greg West. That is interesting or genius.
      Look at this resume.


    5. Anonymous9:16 PM

      @AnonymousApr 17, 2012 05:11 PM
      Do you really think she's smart enough to figure that out?

      NO. but if think about a onion she only the rotten core with many layer higher then her. She is just a slave to her owners and that must piss HER off.

    6. Anonymous11:31 PM

      This one has the brains.


  64. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Since we've been talking about women's issues, this was an interesting article. Where does your state fall?


  65. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Parnell proposed the bill in February. It now moves to the Senate for consideration.

    Who says it will pass? It makes Parnell look good even if he knows it doesn't have a chance.

    Ted Nugent, pals around with Palins. An interview at the National Rifle Association.

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Ted Nugent is a maggot and is beneath contempt.

      This excerpt is from Newshounds:-

      "The Herald also noted that Nugent’s efforts to avoid the draft make President Bush look like a war hero.

      (Nugent claims) that 30 days before his Draft Board Physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and a week before his physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside his pants caked with excrement and urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment."

    2. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Nugent it the lowest life form on the planet. He is beyond reprehensible. I wonder if his gun buddies know how he avoided being drafted. He is a maggot and worse. Would that he would drop off the face of the Earth!

  66. Anonymous2:09 PM

    The Palin KLAN is a Yellow Stain on Alaska's Snow covered land.

  67. Anonymous2:13 PM

    You have to be a Palin fanatic if you do not believe Ms. Shailey Tripp's book Boys Will Be Boys.

    I willing to bet even those people believe in their little minds that Todd surely did run a prostitution ring but cannot face it.

    "Now why this is rather fascinating, and possibly problematic for a certain Wasilla snowmachine racer, is that recently Shailey Tripp was asked just WHO she had sent copies of her book to, or contacted about her situation, and she answered thusly:

    The asssociated press, cnn, msnbc, fox news, et, nancy grace, heraldo, anderson cooper, new york times, the white house, The President, the first lady, Sean Parnell, the polic chief, the FBI, the IRS, Homeland Security, Salvation Army, and many many many other places.

    Hmm, interesting no?"

    Why would Ms Tripp write a book about her prostitution life, reveal that she has correspondence from Todd Palin, reveal things about Todd's anatomy that only Sarah and his doctor should know about, send copies of her book to the above people and to others if the information in her book is not real?

    With all the charges made by Shailey we have not heard anything from the Palins or their lawyers.

    That tells you something.

    A lot of people and Alaskans are disappointed with Gov Parnell, Anchorage Police Dept and the Anchorage Daily News for not investigating these allegations.

    1. Anonymous9:30 PM

      As Shailey said " I have shouted it from mountain tops but if people do not read it they can say I did not know". Now so much is out there from so many people how can they say they did not know. Silence is consent. So may be now they have to do something.

  68. Anonymous2:20 PM

    How about Jesse you host a night this week to have shay "online" to answer live online questions - talk about her book - promote it and such - it would be a great week to do that for her

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      You could call it "A Night with Shailey Tripp", okay people thats a joke and its funny, even Shay would find it funny, and its a good promo title. You know it made you smile.
      Yeah Shailey, I hope jesse recent post today helps u sell more books, get the word out.

    2. Anonymous3:29 PM

      I second that.

  69. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Todd Palin's prostitution ring story is growing legs and getting some attention.

    Time to worry bitch!

    1. carrieoki19:18 PM

      Did my part to spread the word. Sent detailed info(with documented references)about Shailey Tripp & "Boys Will Be Boys" to one national media source, one local investigative media source, and to one board member (who is not totally brainwashed) of a local pro-life group.

  70. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Hey Sarah how's that Newt endorsement thingy working out for you?

    "Well I didn't endorse Newt, I only voted for him, but now that it is obvious that Romney will be the GOP nominee I guess it is now safe for me to endorse Newt... I meant Romney." - SP

  71. Anonymous3:02 PM

    I have not read the bill, but if it names protitutes as the victims of a crime, then it is pro-women. But that does not make any sense because current GOP policies are anti-women.

    Was someone related to Parnell targeted in a protitution scam like Ms. Tripp?

  72. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Has anybody seen Pimp Daddy TAWWWWDD?

    Is he in hiding or is he collecting more condoms wrapped in facecloths?

  73. Shughes28533:40 PM

    Parnell is playing that same absurd card the wasilla witch taught him to play - up is down and black is white.

    Parnell is so far up her ass - along with many others in Wasilla. The police - oh yeah!

    The only reason Parnell is making a show of it is to deflect the obvious - he KNOWS at some point, Alaskans just might start demanding answers on the Shailey Tripp situation. So.."TA-DA"!

    He proves his commitment to bringing those pimps to justice. Oh yeah! Of course he does.

    It's the same gameplay the wasilla bitch always used and it's their way of neutralizing the damage.

    And it keeps working for them, doesn't it?

    Alaskans should be pounding on the gov's door and demanding justice.

    But that won't happen cause there is something so freaking wrong in that state - I'd move far away if I lived there. The corruption is bad enough - it's worse because they don't even feel like they have to hide it.

    And nobody does anything about it. Sickening.

    1. Anonymous8:43 PM

      We have to fly to Juneau to bang on the Gov's door. That's one of the main reasons people don't do it. Plus no one up here knows about the Tripp affair; it was one article in the Enquirer in 2009, 3 years ago and only the few Alaskans that read this blog have even heard of Shailey Tripp.

  74. Anonymous4:19 PM

    The Palin Mafia do seem to still have quite a bit of power or perceived power to intimidate if not to help elect.

    Could this be an effort to weaken their power or at least go after what ever persons of power are supporting their efforts to intimidate.

    I mean that kind of legislation is very "empathetic" and you know how RepoTeeers hate empathy.

  75. Anonymous4:35 PM

    North Slope workers are all about this view of women. Go sit in the Alaska Boardroom and check out what they read while awaiting their trips to and from the Slope. Porn is actively and unabashedly read — they simply don’t have a clue how disgusting this type of debasement of women is to the typical person. I am a Christian woman who is pro-choice and liberal. Alaska made a pact with the devil to bring this sickness to our state.

    1. Anonymous9:09 PM

      Todd from Dillingham. Levi and his father were workers. Now Gino Paoletti. That life is so deep in all those men it will never change.

  76. Your post here is just over the top and illustrates exactly why the immoralminority is not taken seriously by most objective observers. you should stick to subjects you can write about with credibility. The whole Tripp-Palin / pimp-prostitute
    is not only dead end, it's dead unbelievable. You are sourcing it to someone who is clearly delusional (Shailey Tripp).

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Who says we're objective observers? I for one am totally subjectively biased against S. Palin and her gang of idiots.

    2. Anonymous6:33 PM

      It would help if someone would vet Ms Tripp. But they are using her as well, I suppose. No one wants to know her full trip.

    3. Anonymous6:47 PM

      When you get your head out of Sarah's Panties, you might see the light. Not one Palin has addressed this issue and you know why. IT IS TRUE!!! So follow your Corrupt Wasilla Hillbilly Family to their final drive over the Cliff. While you are at it, she is still asking for Donations for personal use.

    4. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Sorry you are wrong.Read the book emails do not lie. Look up greg west. A friend of todd's. $arah knew about it,also too. Karma comes back. Keep burning the big guys $arah. They fight back. You will not win. You will flow down stream with the other stinky fish.

    5. Anonymous10:55 PM

      Oh Bristol, you are so easy to spot. You should "stick" to taking care of your kids. And we all know who has mental problems. Please get help.

      Quick question (H/T JayKen): Why doesn't Todd sue Shailey if she lying?
      Ya, I thought so. Crickets.

  77. hauksdottir5:30 PM

    If Sarah is divorcing Todd, she won't have to split it evenly if he is in jail as a wrung-out pimp. He'll have no chance of keeping Trig. Otherwise, the Judge might require that Sarah pay alimony and humongous child support for that disabled boy.

    I don't see this move by Parnell as an attack on "the Palins", but as a favor TO Sarah.

    Remember what she did to Wooten? She'll do far worse to Todd since he is a liability to her ambition. She won't be content to simply shed him, but will make certain that Todd is jobless, in jail, broke, and alone... and will get the assistance of government to do her dirty work.

    Because Todd is a cowardly, cheating, beat-them-up bully, I must confess to feeling no compassion.

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Here is the man who will replace Todd.

      And we now we know why Sarah was so proud to have little Piper standing on stage next to Uncle Nuge. Sarah really digs this man, he is everything she adores. Especially his military experience.

    2. Anonymous10:44 PM

      Intriguing theory, one I had not thought of. It would be something if she could pull it off.
      My thinking has been that they CAN'T divorce because they had too much on each other and would then be excluded from the "spousal privilege law" (a spouse cannot testify in court without the defendant spouse's consent)


  78. Anonymous6:07 PM

    jesse, do you sometimes want to just do a post for the day that says blah, blah, blah, and then ignore the blog for a day or so ? haha

  79. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Parnell proposed the bill in February. It now moves to the Senate for consideration.

    That is not a done deal. The Palin Mafia is alive and well. They will handle Shaliy Tripp as well. Don't get your hopes up.

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Don't get your hopes up, the Scandalous Wasilla Family of Palins are going down. That is why you don't see too many of their TROLL postings lately. Sex Trafficking is illegal and TAWD and his Cronies will be arrested.

    2. Anonymous10:28 PM

      Is that you Todd? Are you getting worried? You should be.

  80. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I used to live in Wasilla and Shailey used to give me a massage at a place called Selah. It was very classy and serene. Shailey was a true professional and obviously well schooled in massage. On one of the visits a man, woman, and newborn came in just to thank her. They introduced her to their baby and kept thank her. Later I asked Shailey what that was all about and Shailey said she got to induce the pregnancy for them. The staff at this spa thought very highly of Shailey. The owner especially never had anything but high praise for her. A few years later the staff started bad mouthing her and a lot of gossip started. Then I heard from a hair dresser that Shailey and Todd were hooked up. I also heard from some of the hairdressers that there were big gambling get togethers and that Shailey too was a part of this and that someof the major players visited Selah. I no longer visit Selah as I did not like the way they gossiped about Shailey and a few other staff members. Now I have purchased Shailey's book and so much more makes sense. I can say that Shailey balances many stressful situations and yet she always made me feel I was her number one priority. Many people in the valley know her and think very highly of her. I believe her story.

    1. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Thank you. She has become a freak on the internet and it is nice to hear from someone that knows the person. She is going to need many more people standing up for her. The blogs that haven't met her are nice but they could be conned. Look what happened with Levi. His lawyers only use him now. The public can only wonder what is going on with Shailey. She talks about lawyers but who are they, who pays them? You have to wonder. Wonder about her opportunity coming on so fast also? Not a job, but is someone manipulating her?

  81. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Shailey may need to go in a witness protection program. She needs all the people with names that are willing to come forward and let the world and Alaska know who she is as an authentic person. Someone up this page said in the little populated state of Alaska, NO ONE KNOWS WHO SHE IS. I think it is the same in the lower 48. Why would anyone support or buy a book from someone they don't know? The few that do know only know the crazy confusing parts. I doubt if there is one copy in the town where I am. No one here knows anything about this. They don't even care if I try to tell them. Any people in the state of Alaska that want to clean up the state, do something. Help get out the message of who Shailey is. Please not only the part where she is a hooker. Tell how you know her and her full story. Just do it!

  82. Anonymous11:18 PM

    There is something wrong with you people.


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