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Well this certainly captures the "fury" part! |
"I'm trying to approach Sarah Palin, not as one of her devote followers, and not as a liberal who hates everything about her, but as a moderate who hates everything about her," Lamb said.
"I'm trying to take the point of view of a conservative looking at Sarah Palin, and that the idea is that she represents, not a danger toward the United States as we tend to know it, but as a danger toward Conservatism."
Throughout the book Lamb examines Palin's own writings, interviews she has given and things people, mostly conservatives, have written about her. The book also includes 30 editorial cartoons penned by 10 Pulitzer Award-winning cartoonists.
Lamb says Palin is the latest in a long line of American demagogues, the successor to Joseph McCarthy and the Red Scare of the 1950s and the Know-Nothing Party of the 1840s.
"I judge her based on her writings, and her interviews, and her speeches," Lamb said. "And I don't think there's any fairer way to judge someone."
That does sound fair.
That has largely been my method as well. Just let Palin talk and then point out how idiotic the things she said were. She rarely disappoints.
I think that Lamb has a pretty good handle on Palin overall. "When we accept demagoguery into our homes, we're never the same again," Lamb said. "These people don't stand for freedom, and they don't stand for democracy, and they don't stand for any of the values that being American means, regardless of whether they're conservative or liberal. They stand for themselves, and they are for censorship, and they're for government taking over our lives."
Lamb concedes that for a demagogue to have an impact on a society there has to be an existing undercurrent of what he calls hysteria for that person to exploit.
"I just take someone like that, I guess it's kind of like crab grass or something like that, if you don't put the stuff on them the crab grass will keep growing, and I just think she's, actually she's worse than crab grass," Lamb said. "McCain would not have brought that on. And I just think it was a lot of things. It was the idea that the economy fell apart, it was the idea of Obama, a black man running for president, I think brought out some of the deep-seated feelings, but I think she coalesced that mob and brought them together. I'm not sure anyone else could have created this hysteria that she did."
Wow! Worse than crab grass, well I can't argue against that!
I think I may have identified the next book I need to add to my library.
And you can too by clicking here.
One of my favorite Shakespeare quotes:
ReplyDelete"Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."
DeleteThat Shakespeare fellow must have been talking about our Sarah.
DeleteMy favorite quote from "MacBeth"!!!
DeleteShhhh. "The Scottish Play."
DeleteI just finished reading this book. It is excellent. I highly recommend it. I have read most of the "Palin" books that have been published and this one is right up there at the top.
Delete"When we accept demagoguery into our homes, we're never the same again,"..
ReplyDeleteThat’s a nice line and I can tell you exactly how followers of these demagogues think:
“I may not be rich, I may not have a fancy education, but at least I’m religious.”
Some (many) would add:
“At least I’m white.”
Well us Blacks are proud to be Black.
DeleteBristol Palin Levi Johnston's a Deadbeat Dad
ReplyDeleteLevi Johnston owes more than $38,000 in unpaid child support to Bristol Palin -- according to team Bristol.
Bristol's lawyer tells TMZ, Levi hasn't made a child support payment for the ex-couple's son Tripp since June 2010 ... 22 months ago.
According to court records, Levi is required to pay $1,750 a month -- which means his outstanding balance is $38,500.
As for why Bristol hasn't attempted to enforce the order -- via wage garnishment or otherwise -- Bristol's attorney tells us, "We forbore pursuing child support collection in the (perhaps naive) hope that Mr. Johnston would do what men are supposed to do and pay his support obligation voluntarily."
The lawyer adds, "We were also concerned that garnishment or other aggressive collection efforts could exacerbate an already strained relationship" ... no kidding.
We're told Bristol is still holding out hope that Levi will pay. So far, no word back from Levi's camp.
In the first place, Bristol is the one with income..this whole thing was a charade and an attempt to punish Levi. Bristol made tons of money from Candie's and ABC, and presumably was paid for her Massey stunt even though it never aired. Why, she has enough money to be the owner of two mansions already in two states. But sure, punish Levi.
DeleteUH excuse me. Alaska suspends driver's license for non payment after just a few months. This is bull sxxx. UNLESS because a Palin is involved the "system" is turning it's eye again.
DeleteHey Gryph, you would know this, since he lost his job on the slope, (largely due to $carah, no matter what she says) and likely can't get one now because of the notoriety (again, largely due to $carah), has Levi worked - I mean a steady job, not the windfall of the Playgirl shoot or the book? If he has no income, shouldn't he go back to court and get this amount adjusted?
DeleteOh, but it is ok for Bristol to live with a man pretending they are married, but not, having this man quit his job and live off her millions and in her house? Ok for Bristol to say she got pregnant because Levi raped her? Etc.....
DeleteSo Sarah is communicating through TMZ?! How childish. And the Repubs wanted this childish, white trash woman to be VP of this counry.
Delete$1750 for 1 child is ridiculous! Bristol is a bitch expecting him to pay that much and why hasn't he gone back to court to have it lowered. Time for Levi to man up and go back to court and change a few things..child support and visitation..where the hell are his lawyers?? Well we all know Bristy really NEEDS that money..right! It's just so hard owning 2 houses and traveling around the country trying to sell reality shows, book tours and DWTS don't cha know!!
DeleteShe won't take him to court because she knows the amount would be lowered, you can't have that happen when you can hold this over his head and going to court would most likely change the visitation also too.
DeleteLevi needs to go back to court, not doing so is playing right into the Palin's plan..unless he knows he's not the father and is waiting it out until he can spill the beans.
Delete"Game On"
DeleteThat huge amount has to be for 2 kids!!!
DeleteThat huge amount has to be for 2 kids!! No way is that for 1 child, the courts aren't that crazy.
Delete"other aggressive collection efforts would exacerbate an already strained relationship" so the Palin's get on the hot line to TMZ and called him a deadbeat Dad again...LOL what a joke this family is!!
DeleteI want to know what the name of the lawyer is who issued the statement? Van Flein? Tiemessen? If that is the case both are under inverstigation by the Alaska Bar Association and the FBI. They both have lied many times before and now are in trouble for their lies.
DeleteNo one's child support is that high unless that is including spusal support or special needs support or unless they are filthy rich. Courts can be very reasonable and child support services in Alaska can adjust child support based off an income change as long as the paying parent communicates with them. In fact they have many programs to help the paying parent. There must be more going on than meets the eye. Maybe another child? Maybe a special needs child?
DeleteThe amount of Levi's child support was based on his income the prior year, which is when he did the Playgirl shoot. Based on his sizeable income for that ONE year, future support payments were set at $1750/mo. Apparently support is based on ability to pay instead of actual needs of one child. Go back and read IM from that time, Gryph explained a lot then.
hmmm wonder if Bristol gave Levi a cut of the in-touch exclusive interview and the money she got paid for pics with Tripp? Shouldn't that offset the amount he "supposedly" owes.
DeleteAnd since when are lawyers hired to get child payment so "kind" as to wait for Levi to come up with the money himself?
Guess they need to keep this meme up.
Shame Levi didn't listen to Gryphen's advice and picked the two assholes he has representing himself.
As I've said before, she tapped into the ugly underbelly of this country and gave it validity; her "followers" are relieved to know that a "christian" allows them to have these feelings without feeling guilty about it. She disgusts me.
ReplyDeleteShe is nothing like Jesus. Which is who a Christian is supposed toe be like.
DeleteShe is evil, and mean, and spiteful, and nasty, and vindictive, and vile, and hateful, and vengeful. Just the opposite of Jesus.
Pretty much, 7:11! Well said.
DeleteI am very intrigued. Love the title, from MacBeth: "A tale told by an idiot, sound and fury signifying NOTHING"
ReplyDeleteDoes that pretty well sum up everything that has ever exited her piehole?
I hope he includes, but am not holding my breath, her words about her "tight abs" and the wild ride. This is a good venue to do this.
Well, if he doesn't someone else will soon.
Well, I agree with the author that Sarah Palin is a demagogue. However, she did not appear in a vacuum. Remember those stalwart conservatives who visited her on one of their cruises and then touted her to their Republican masters?
ReplyDeleteWhat she is is the dirty underbelly of the conservatives and she was allowed, she was welcomed to do the dirty work. Well, she certainly succeeded in opening a can of worms - the teabaggers in Congress, in state legislatures across the country and sitting as governors in too many states, all working to undo every level of government in this country. She has also stirred into her wormy witch's brew of far right conservatism, too much religious fundamentalism and a far too large dollop of racism.
Conservatives cannot suddenly disassociate themselves from Sarah Palin. They, like their political arm, the Republican Party, helped make her and that stinking political mess that is today's Republican Party.
Beautifully stated Beaglemom. I agree 100%
DeleteAll of those things are true, but the worst thing she did, in my opinion, was to expose the latent racism that had been roiling just under the surface at the thought of Barack Obama becoming President. She made it acceptable to actually voice such repulsive thoughts, plus fomented fear of the "other" at every turn.
DeleteThe whole Republican party runs on fear and in consequence, I fear them. It chills my soul to think that they could take over the levers of power this year. It's one of many things in the communal environment that keeps me on anti-depressants.
Now she has to inject the word "demagoguery" incorrectly into the word salads. She will look it up but won't be able to read the definition all the way to the end of the sentence.
ReplyDeleteWell, she has been called that recently, so RAM or whoever is writing for her now has to project it on the left instead. I'm waiting for Preibus to say that the real war on women is being waged by the left...oh wait...he did say that. The Rove model of 'Americans are stupid and really easy to scare into submission' is not going to work this time. May truth and freedom reign in November.
DeleteShe probably thinks it's a compliment.
DeleteGoing Rogue is long in the tooth at 2.5 years old but it has a better Amazon sales rank than books by McGinnis, Dunn, Bailey and all other get rich quick wannabes.
ReplyDeleteThe cream always stays on top.
All that means is that the Newsmaxes of this nation are still buying it up to give away.
DeleteAnd don't look now, but Rachel Maddow is #1 on the NYTimes list in nonfiction. Go Rachel! (And Sarah, she actually wrote every word and did actual research for her book. She can read, you see. She's a Rhodes Scholar...that means she was chosen to study in England because of her intelligence, not because she's a female and loud.) Rachel is class personified. Great job, Rach!
The cream has been sour since she lost the election for McCain.
DeleteAdd them all together and they beat the ghost-written screed by Sarah. Add her two books together, plus Bristol's, and you get a bonfire.
DeleteHow many books did SarahPac buy?
DeleteAnyone who has read more than ten legitimate books in their life would not classify "Going Rogue" as "cream." Aside from the manic rants, it is poorly written.
A real "graduate" with a degree in English from a Big Ten school
I hear Todd bought books for all of the prostitutes in his stable.
DeleteTo Anon 6:07"the cream always stays on top"
DeleteSo do turds sometimes...
I've personally seen stacks of Palin's book being sold for $1 at the store, and photos of the same thing elsewhere posted on blogs. One. dollar.
DeleteYes, $1 for a hardcover book.
DeleteI found the McGinniss and Dunn books to be very well written and documented. Recommend everyone purchase and read them. You'd learn much more of the evil ways of Sarah Palin that include great proof sources.
DeleteBeing from Alaska, we know for a fact, that both books are accurate even though Sarah hollered like hell they weren't!!!
If you noticed, Sarah filed no law suits filed against either author or made threats of doing so, which has always been her usual. Sarah does NOT want to ever end up in Court where they'd call her and Todd to the stand as they know they'd lose big time!!
No, The turd floats to the top of the bowl.
DeleteI remember when FOX was pounding its chest that it beat MSNBC in the ratings.
DeleteRachel Maddow pointed out while that was correct,
Wrestling beat both Fox and Msnbc, combined.
Was your point about volume and quality?
Also, lets remember sarah FORCED people to buy her book so she could sign it, also forced them to buy her book IN ADDITION TO BRISDULLS during that ridiculous "book tour".
"The cream always stays on top."
DeleteAnd, that's why McCain/Palin crushed Obama/Biden. Oh, wait...
AnonymousApr 7, 2012 06:07 AM
DeleteGoing Rogue is long in the tooth at 2.5 years old but it has a better Amazon sales rank than books by McGinnis, Dunn, Bailey and all other get rich quick wannabes.
The cream always stays on top.
LOL! Oh Baldy...you are always good for a laugh! Yes...YOU are "long in the tooth"...nice of you to finally admit that!
And as far as "The cream always stays on top"...you WOULD say something nasty like that....got Glenn "BabyOil" Rice on the brain...do ya'?
Face it Baldy...you're now the Republicans old and used condom...and they have no more use for ya'....so stuff yourself into one of the Toad's tissues and climb into his pocket and GO THE FUCK AWAY!
"The cream always stays on top."
Pond Scum always rises to the top.
DeleteYes! Sarah Palin is a demagogue. It's about time moderate republicans recognize it.
ReplyDeleteAnd what does it take to be a demagogue? There's a whole lot of other nasty character traits required before one becomes a demagogue. Being a sociopath is one, which is a mental illness.
DeleteShamefull how the media propped her up.
ReplyDeleteShamefull how Steve and Nicole let her strive.
We here saw through that fraud and shank from the get go.There is a God, you sow what you reap. Already we see the hate and uglyness on her dried up scrawny face and body.Karma is a Big Bitch for you Sarah Palin.
Let's see how the media treat this book.
You reap what you sow.
DeleteWord is that Nicole "I hate my country" wallace is pushing Nikki Haley for VP.
DeleteThere is already a LOT of smoke about Haley and her FAKE resume, and her being groomed for bigger things.
Sound familiar??
Alan west says he'll join Romney's ticket 'if God ordains it.' Where have we heard that before? Does the GOP really think there is one person in this country who thinks their proposals are coming from a belief in God?
ReplyDeleteI'm not certain to whom they are praying, but it is not God.
Has Romney said he wants West on this ticket? How did Erst get into this conversazione. This is a thread about Palin.
DeleteWould someone please teach these 'baggers some manners? Such as, you wait to be asked before you spout that you would accept or decline an invitation. Romney is screwed with tehe sane part of the Republican party he picks West. The inanity they expect West to spew to attract the 'baggers is not going to be accepted coming from West. Yes, it will be the same inanity and hate as $carah, but West doesn't look very good in CMFP's or a short skirt. But I understand he's been practicing his wink. Maybe $carah could lend him the Belmont Boobs?
DeleteI seriously doubt Romney would select either Palin or West as his running mate. He's not that stupid!
DeleteWhat I found interesting was that McCain suggested he run with Palin with a huge grin on his face! He was just lookin' for headlines! Haha!
Allen West has been borderline treasonous in his statements.
DeleteThe woman he chose as his campaign manager said what they couldn't change with their votes, they could change with bullets!!!!!!
West condoned this and wanted to bring her to DC!!
Finally she resigned after a HUGE public outcry, but West still approved it!!
I still can not believe this sicko is a member of the United States Congress.
In their heart of hearts, the GOD that these right wing nuts are referring to, is Karl Rove.
DeleteI was appalled when I first read that McCain had suggested Palin as a VP choice. Then I saw the actual video of the interview and McCain is laughing his ass off. He starts out smiling, then giggling then outright roaring. It was fantastically funny. If only he could acknowledge his mistake more directly.
No matter how many times I see that photo, each time it makes me shudder. My first thought is always "those poor kids who grew up having to face each day with Sarah Palin as their mother". It's no wonder Bristol is full of anger and confusion and no wonder that Track, Bristol and Willow have had drug and alcohol issues.
ReplyDeleteBesides judging Palin by looking at her own words, I think she can be judged by the many photos such as the one above that captures the "rill" Sarah rather than the beauty pageant contestant.
O/T: Last week didn't I hear Lauer or somebody ask Palin if she wasn't a news anchor back in Alaska? I think she replied that she was. Wasn't she just a relief sportscaster who didn't last long in that position?
As always - Palin lies when she doesn't need to. She was a sports announcer on Channel 2 in Anchorage years ago and she didn't last long! What is new w/her working career? She never sticks long w/anything!
DeleteWhat ticks me off is that interviewers don't do their homework prior to having her on their shows. And, follow up questions are never asked of her where she has to give an unscripted response. Plus, I don't think she should get the questions prior to appearing on ANY show!
Her ass needs to be nailed to the wall!
I also suggest writing to Lauer, at NBC, telling him what a shit job they did w/Palin on their show.
I think that pretty much sums it all up. I have often felt it wasn't my outrageous liberal thought - since I am surprisingly moderate on most things and even conservative on others. But when he writes McCarthy I felt that familiar chill run up and down my spine. Yes, she is that dangerous and part of me wonders why it is the media has given this woman a pass for so long? Maybe it's because McCarthy was given the same pass. People were afraid of him - afraid to call him out because he would go after them. Call them commies - or worse. There are several great and revealing books about him - wiki gives you a pretty decent overview and as you read it substitute her highness and you'll start to understand Lamb's point. Yep, on my reading list now.
ReplyDeleteI think this year, Sarah is going to witness a ton of articles and books coming out. She will not be able to keep up. My only question, if Game Change and the first books were lies, why didn't she sue? I think she did not want to spend her money on lawyers. But, of course, she could not prove they were not true. What a pickle she is in. Wait till something big comes out and the world comes down crashing on her. She still won't sue, she needs that money to live on because no one will ever hire her again.....
ReplyDeleteThe parallels between Palin and Aimee Semple McPherson, though not perfect, are striking.
ReplyDeleteLike McPherson and Agatha Christie, Palin's next step will be to disappear for a little while, with her followers crying and beating their breasts, with the police looking high and low, her childen and husband distraught, until she wanders out of the sacred Alaskan scrub brush, saying she'd taken a week to commune with God in her little cabin next to nowhere.
She'll get publicity, holiness-by-proxy, become a victim again, and -- well, the perfect ploy for her next go-round. Sometime during the election season, or just after? What's the guess?
Levi seems to be behind in child support payments. Here goes the Palins. They are out for blood against Levi. Why bring this out to the public. Why is Levi still paying so much child support. He needs to smarten up and get a good attorney, the Palins are screwing them. Sarah and Bristol will do anything publically to trash anyone who gets in their way.
ReplyDeleteAt one time Bristol was using the payments as a way to get him to sign off Tripp. No custody, no legal connection. Bristol claimed they could be friends and Levi could see him. If he trusted her.
DeleteHi Sarah, Welcome Back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, Where's Trig's Birth Certificate?
People, please pass this video on. Romney's lies exposed.
Ridding the yard of crap grass is daunting, but when the media fertilized and capitalized on crab grass production...what you have is an infestation of epic proportions. One can dream that Round-up is flying off the shelves to rid this herpes sore off the American scenery.
ReplyDeleteI highly recommend a second application.
"A demogogue, a pimp, and a slut walk into a bar...."
ReplyDelete.....And Racist Willow goes into Applebees with also too with her Mom, Dad and older sister.....
Deleteand the bartender says "hi todd and sarah."
DeleteCheck your ID, Bristol? Who's watching your CHILDREN?
DeleteBristol says "Which ones?"
DeleteSarah is worse than crab grass - more like deadly nightshade or giant hogweed...
ReplyDeleteHow about cudzu?
DeleteKudzu is a serious invasive plant in the United States. It has been spreading in the southern U.S. at the rate of 150,000 acres annually. Its introduction has produced devastating environmental consequences. This has earned it the nickname, "The vine that ate the South."
Gryph, my security software kept me from the link you included.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, that picture of Sarah is pure evil!! All the makeup in the world will not hide the evil in her eyes! Now we know why she wears the bumpits..to hide the horns!!
ReplyDeleteAnother nail in the political coffin: Dunn destroys Telegraph columnist and Oxford Univ. Historian's fawning praise of Palin:
I'm thoroughly enjoying how Geoffrey Dunn is countering positive and untrue things that are being written about Palin.
ReplyDeleteHe had to research her thoroughly (and knows her well!) for the publication of his book "The Lies of Sarah Palin" - A Pattern of Deception.
The book is so well written and documented. Recommend it for folks that have never researched a thing about Palin.
As much as I'm interested in reading the book, I cannot bring myself to give this grifter any more face time and publicity. At some she needs to disappear.
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for little Trip, he's the one that will suffer in all this. Being raised on hatred for the other parent is never a good thing. In the end it will all come back on Bristol and her family. Do they actually think Trip will not learn about the very public and hateful things they've said about his Father.
ReplyDeleteAs for putting your child on a reality show (such as Kate plus 8) seems abusive. The kid is basically working, shouldn't child labor laws apply?
Not that Levi seems blameless, how could he not fight for his rights? WHY is he just laying down and taking it? If he's worried about the money he could go to court and have that reduced. It seems wrong to just have a replacement baby. The child support owed should not effect his visitation.
That's Tripp with two Ps. Named after Todd's prostitute. Poor kid.
DeleteThank you so much for updating the comment section, G!!!
ReplyDeleteI can use my phone now to comment, couldn't before.
You're awesome! ;)
"actually she's worse than crab grass"
ReplyDeleteThis could be the single most profoundly accurate statement ever made regarding The Screechy Wretch(tm).
Bellagrazi is at TMZ yelping that barstool is a great mom and levi is a cheating loser blah blah..sigh..one day the truth will come out, and the grifters can then eat all the bullshit they've spewed and choke on it.
ReplyDeleteIf we're discussing Palin females, shouldn't that be "crabs" IN the "grass?"
ReplyDeleteWe share exactly the same sentiments, Sharon1943
ReplyDeleteThat picture of $arah is the most sinister of all the nasty brooding looks I've seen of her.
That picture screams revenge, hatred, bitterness, grudge match, and enemies list growing and accounted for.
That picture is a window to the true, unmitigated sociopath that is $arah's true persona. The real $arah that yells "fuck you Todd", throws canned goods, and whined into the phone to Nicole Wallace,
"I'm ruined in Alaska"
Well guess what $arah, you have brought it all on yourself; all the drama, the nasty vengeful backbiting, the rumor mongering, and all the criminal and unethical behavior can't be covered up.
$arah, you now embody all that vile and vicious history, and it shows in that hideous psychopathic face you made, and it's expression of pure unadulterated contempt for all other humans.
I truly pity your children for enduring so many years of abuse at your hands
Perfectly stated, AJ! Nothing to add.
DeleteThanks for the heads up on this book. You seem to be passively aggressively not reporting on someone else's book. Will you at least comment or talk about why you don't report on it? Do you find it not credible?
ReplyDeleteNothing passive aggressive about my feelings concerning Shailey's book.
DeleteI reviewed it, and I allow constant conversations about it herein the comments section.
What more am I supposed to do?
Gryphen, could you pretty-please add the 'Shailey Tripp' tag to your tag cloud on the right-hand side of your page?
DeleteThat would be MOST helpful :)
Truly, you have some awesome blog posts about Ms. Tripp's plight.
Sarah: You're a pussy.
ReplyDeleteThe Bitch keeps screaming, "anybody but Obama". She knows, that WHEN President Obama is re-elected, the gloves are coming off by the DOJ, and her ass and the Pimp are going down. Enjoy your few remaining months of freedom Bitch, they are coming for You.
ReplyDeleteIf the article transcribed his quotes accurately, then Mr. Lamb is exceedingly inarticulate. His grammar is atrocious. (The article itself is poorly edited, with numerous misspellings, problems with subject/verb tense disagreement, etc.). I bring this up because people will tend to dismiss the thesis of a writer who writes so poorly, even if the thesis is completely solid and documented. I guess I'm saying that we don't need a book about Palin that doesn't advance the exposure of her as a fraud or is a poorly written treatise.
That picture of Palin says it all! It's a look of fear and distrust loud and clear! She knows she is in WAY over her head!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so tickled she hardly gets any GOOD coverage anymore - the majority of it is negative showing a total dislike/disgust of her.
I'd hate living her life, but she's brought it all on herself with constantly trying to be someone she wasn't or isn't! Her continual lying and evil ways have come back to bite her in the ass!
Romney needs a Game Changer!
ReplyDeleteThere's a retarded wonky eyed quitter governor in Alaska who is married to a pimp and has a daughter who was an underage whore in high school who got impregnated in a canvas tent and named her son after her father's prostitute and now is working on her trial marriage with Mercedes Johnston's reject since she was unable to marry Levi, Ben and Jerry and the Masey brothers.
This quitter governor also has a combat son who never seen combat but is an expert at cutting school bus brake lines and impregnating pastor's daughter and ended up marrying her in a roadside wedding ceremony before the baby was born. The quitter governor also has a homophobic breaking and entering daughter who was kicked out of school and had a few pregnancy scares and is suppose to go to hair school.
This is the Game Changer Romney needs!
I agree with the others about the photo, it DOES show the inner pathology quite clearly, the vile, bitter, hateful and demented Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteI think I'll add this book to my list once I see some more reviews. I hope it's read by more conservatives. What's strange is Sarah's silence lately. Joe's book came out and she went ballistic with a pre orchestrated campaign calling it lies, same for the movie "Game Change".
Shailey's book, and now Lamb's - crickets chirping?
I have a feeling she's in full breakdown mode, or soon will be.
My copy arrived yesterday. My plan is to sit in the sun and read it today.