Friday, April 13, 2012

Sarah Palin destroys myth that she is an "energy expert" and wishes the most painful punishment imaginable for Roger Ailes.

Today Palin gave an interview to Andrew Breitbart's rapidly deteriorating website Big Government.

I am not going to go line by line because essentially it is the same old crap on a new cracker.

However there was a question that Palin answered SO incorrectly that it should remove ANY doubt in rational people's minds that she does not know her skinny ass from a hole in the ground, when it comes to oil production and its effect on gas prices in America.

BNN: "Obama claims that his domestic energy policies do not affect prices at the pump because oil is bought and sold on the world market, which determines the prices. True?"

Gov (Half term quitter) Palin: " False. Totally false. What determines the price of oil is “supply and demand.” If you increase the supply, you will see downward pressure on the prices at the pump, just as we’ve seen with natural gas. We know from past evidence that even the news of more areas being opened for future drilling has an immediate effect on the price of oil as the markets respond to the news of a future surplus."

No THAT is completely and demonstrably false. And it illustrates perfectly why Palin is the LAST person on the planet that anybody should go to for information concerning energy policies in this country.

Here is the truth from the Detroit Free Press:  

A statistical analysis of 36 years of monthly, inflation-adjusted gasoline prices and U.S. domestic oil production by the Associated Press shows no statistical correlation between how much oil comes out of U.S. wells and the price at the pump. 

Political rhetoric about the blame over gas prices and the power to change them -- whether Republican claims now or Democrats' charges four years ago -- is not supported by cold, hard figures. And that's especially true about oil drilling in the U.S. More oil production in the U.S. does not mean consistently lower prices at the pump. 

Sometimes prices increase as American drilling ramps up. That's what has happened in the past three years. Since February 2009, U.S. oil production has increased 15% when seasonally adjusted. Prices in those three years went from $2.07 per gallon to $3.58. It was a case of drilling more and paying much more.

This not a case of there being a difference of opinion between the Left and the Right in this country, this is a case of one side getting their information from research and statistics, and the other getting their information from ideological morons who are funded by people like the Koch brothers to purposefully spread misinformation.

Later in the same interview Palin was  asked about these remarks made yesterday by the President of Fox News Roger Ailes:

During the Q&A with two student journalists following his remarks, Ailes took on Gingrich head on. He said Newt was simply angling for a job at CNN. And he attacked the notion that he had hired any of the GOP politicians to help their political prospects, coming as close as he's ever gotten to confirming my earlier reporting that he believed Palin was "an idiot. "Sarah Palin had no chance to be President," Ailes said. "The one I didn't hire was Romney. I thought he had a chance [to win] ... I hired people I thought would get ratings."

In response Palin suggests that perhaps the worst punishment imaginable should be visited upon Ailes. Forcing him to watch that horribly mythological monstrosity "The Undefeated!"

Interesting. I haven’t heard all of his remarks, but I wonder if he is aware that the same thing was said about me when I ran for city council, mayor, and eventually governor. No doubt many people who are told they can’t do something will work that much harder, and they succeed. Maybe you guys should send him a copy of Steve Bannon’s “The Undefeated.” The theme of Steve’s film isn’t about me, but about the idea of not letting others dictate one’s path in life and never giving up when you’re fighting for something precious like our exceptional nation and our children’s futures. So, would you send a copy of “The Undefeated” to him?

I seriously dislike Roger Ailes, and I would gleefully devour a bucket of buttered popcorn while watching him get waterboarded for hours upon hours, but even I would never condemn the man to sitting through the vomit inducing cinematic beatification of possibly the most ignorant politician to ever be plucked out of the wilds of Wasilla. THAT would just be cruel.

Besides in this case Ailes is obviously correct. Palin had NO shot at the Presidency, and only the MOST brain damaged paint chip eaters in the country could ever imagine that she would.  Which worked out perfectly for Ailes because brain damaged paint chip eaters make up the vast majority of his audience.


  1. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I do not think that Sarah Palin has any notion of what "hard work" comprises. She did not work hard when she was a student, she did not work hard as a mother, she did not work hard when she was on her town's Council, she did not work hard as the town's mayor, she did not work hard when she was a half-term governor. Nor did she work hard as a candidate for the vice-presidency and she certainly has not worked hard since 2008. The proof is that she is just as stupid as she was thirty years ago.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Great point!

    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Sarah does some hard work. It's hard to keep up with the comments on the blogs and think up smart responses, criticisms and troll responses. It is hard threatening people and keeping them in line when they want to talk to some one. And, it's hard to pretend that you know what's going on in the world when they ask those tough prescripted questions on Fox. Faking it is harder than actually learning the mateiral.

  2. Anonymous2:14 PM

    The Uninflated?

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Depends on the day and the bra!

  3. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Yell, yell, yell. Screech, screech, screech. Point, point, point. Pound, pound, pound. Rage, rage, rage.

    Why don't you just fuck off already, Sarah. And by the way, Hitler called: he wants his mannerisms and stupidity back.

  4. Anonymous2:17 PM

    She never lets facts get iin the way. By the way: she is looking terrible these days. The wigs! Oh! the wigs!!!!

  5. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Sarah Palin has no understanding of anything sensible. She should stick to Grifting and Prostituting her Girlie Voiced Husband TAWD to the Male Republican ESCORTS. It is obvious that TAWD gave her those SORES on her lips. Sarahpac is following NEWT'S lead to BANKRUPTCY. She had better save some of those GRIFTED FUNDS for a RAINY DAY.

  6. Anonymous2:20 PM

    She looks completely stoned in the picture with the article. I read some of the comments. Those people are nuts!

  7. Anonymous2:24 PM

    She's an expert alright but it has nothing to do with this nation's energy. But grifting, she wins expert of the year.

  8. AKRNHSNC2:30 PM

    Here's an email direct from Sarah to her staff. She wanted to know why gas prices were so high and also, who could eliminate the gas tax for the summer. Of course, she needed her staff to find out the answer. Palin was a ditz who manipulated polls to improve her ratings as Governor and who wrote letters in praise of herself that her supporters send to the local newspapers in Alaska. Now she thinks a movie she had made that's nothing but propaganda, much of it completely false, is going to prove she could have been President? Why? Because Breitbart and other brain-dead followers spoke about her in her "look at me" film? This is why I wish she had run. She's always going to pretend she could have won against President Obama. Just more bullshit from the queen of b.s.

    - - - - - Original Message - - - --
    Prom: gov. sarah@yahoo. com
    To: Colberg, Talis (LAW)
    Cc Ivy personal Irwin Tom (DNR) Per Kristina
    Haagenson, Steven Seen personalz' Privileged gr Persgnall
    Sent: Tue Apr 22 20:07:54 2008
    Subject: Fw: Tax/Congrats/Gas Prices
    Privneged or Material Redacled
    Sent from my BlackBerry" device from Cellular One
    - - - - -Original Message- - - -

    From: gov . sarahayahoo . com
    Date: Wed, 23 Apt 2008 04:04:57
    To:"Kris Perry" Irwin" personal"
    "Steven Ha.agenson"
    Cc:"Frank Bailey'

    Subject: Re: Tax/Congrats/Gas Prices

    when we bought the Jetta it CDSC $22 to fuel up. Now :Lt's over $50.
    Ivy- who in state top brass could look into this?
    Sent from my BlackBerry" device from Cellular One
    - -Original Message" - -

    This question was asked by Palin AFTER her 11 mo. at the AO&GCC where she was allegedly an oil & gas regulator. That's how she now describes it and yet we all know she was working on the ethics commission, not doing anything regarding oil & gas regulating. This was approximately four months before McCain called her the nation's foremost energy expert yet she didn't know what caused gas prices to go up and down. It's obvious by her answer today that she still doesn't know.

    1. AJ Billings2:57 PM

      GREAT post, and shows what a total idiot Palin really is. Damn is she ignorant.

      Why is gas higher? Why do kids get older?
      Why is the sky blue?

      Think she could answer any of those "gotcha" questions?

      The word retarded comes to mind, and not just in the context of automotive ignition timing.

    2. Anonymous3:17 PM

      She says what she's told to say. If someone at Fox had the balls to point out that we are drilling MORE oil than ever and prices are still going up, she would give them that stunned look and say, "No way." Or she would just change the subject to Obama's haircut and how much he spends at the barber. I believe the oil companies are manipulating prices so the GOP has a rallying cry, because you damn well know who they would rather have in the WH...the gullible and stupid GOP.

    3. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Glad you have evidence of this dunce.

    4. Anonymous3:36 PM

      What a total DUMB ASS.

    5. Anonymous3:40 PM

      And it was while George W. Bush was president! I thought gas prices only went up under President Obama!!! As Keith Olberman used to say, this woman "is an idiot."

    6. Anonymous3:40 PM

      EXCELLENT! Totally refudiates her knowledge of energy issues. So was it Obama's fault gas prices were high and rising in April 2008?

    7. Bear Woman3:47 PM

      AKRNHSNC, Sarah did not work on the "Ethics Commission" she was appointed (no background required) as the ethics officer for the AO&GCC. All state Departments and commissions have an ethics officer. All this means is they are told about the State's ethics Act and they are the person to whom ethics complaints regarding commission members are sent to. The ethics officer may investigate and/or refer directly to the Attorney General's office. At best the ethics officer may be given some on-line training and told to read and understand the Executive Branch Ethics Act, they may also be given a manual. Like all things -- you can tell people anything -- whether or not they believe it or understand it is another question.

      The AOGCC mission is "To protect the public interest in exploration and development of Alaska’s valuable oil and gas resources through the application of conservation practices designed to ensure greater ultimate recovery and the protection of health, safety, fresh ground waters and the rights of all owners to recover their share of the resource." They have nothing to do with international markets, pricing, etc. As noted by Alaska legislators and others on the AOGCC, Sarah never did seem to have a grasp of the issues and never did her homework -- her blackberrys were more important than actually doing the work required to understand the issues.

    8. AKRNHSNC5:03 PM

      In other words, Sarah was the ethics officer, not the head of an ethics commission. Got it! However, she still pretends she had a say in how oil and gas were regulated despite the fact that the AO&GCC has nothing to do with this. She counts on those who know even less than she does about the oil & gas in Alaska to believe everything she says.

      Her role at the AO&GCC was such a success that they named a new regulation regarding the position she held the "No More Sarah Palins' Law". No matter what, Sarah always leaves a lasting impact wherever she's been. Never mind that it's not positive, as long as she gets attention, she's happy.

  9. Anonymous2:37 PM

    There's something. . .wrong here. . .this is not the typical jumbled, nonsensical gibberish word salad of Palin. It sounds completely rehearsed. It's direct, coherent and strikingly convincing (for Sarah that is.)

    "Interesting. I haven’t heard all of his remarks, but I wonder if he is aware that the same thing was said about me when I ran for city council, mayor, and eventually governor. No doubt many people who are told they can’t do something will work that much harder, and they succeed. Maybe you guys should send him a copy of Steve Bannon’s “The Undefeated.” The theme of Steve’s film isn’t about me, but about the idea of not letting others dictate one’s path in life and never giving up when you’re fighting for something precious like our exceptional nation and our children’s futures. So, would you send a copy of “The Undefeated” to him?"

    But VOMIT. This isn't about me [Sarah Palin?] But about a not impossible dream? Why doesn't she start fucking singing now, Evita and Man of La Mancha?

    Sarah, the next time you start feeling underappreciated for your undefeated status, why don't you climb up on a cross and plead for attention yet again.

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Those questions were probably submitted in writing and her ghostwriters probably responded in writing.

    2. Anonymous3:41 PM

      I checked with Marylin Blackburn, and you got your ass kicked. Losers aren't undefeated, they just quit because they can't compete. You dummy.

    3. AKRNHSNC4:36 PM

      Anonymous @ 4:30 Of course the questions were submitted to her in advance. She needed to have her advisers fill in the answers for her prior to the interview. See how she does it in this link.

  10. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Folks, Sarah Palin is ALEC in a skirt. She is bought and paid for by the Koch Bros. and those in the oil industry.

  11. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Does anyone remember her "fungible molecule" word salad?

  12. Anonymous3:04 PM

    "What determines the price of oil is “supply and demand.”

    This is actually true. And it's also true that President Obama has little control over world DEMAND for oil. For example, China will need (and demand) a lot of oil because (oh, the shock) they have a lot of people and oodles of American dollars to buy oil.

    Sarah Palin is too stupid to comprehend economics even if she weren't too mentally unstable to attempt to study.

    But there is hope. The GOP is already stumbling away from a disaster of a primary season and might succumb to try wooing some (idiot) block of voters by giving Sarah Palin a (tiny) title like GOP Energy Czar. It would be field day for the pundits and the Democrats. Anything is possible with this bunch of clowns running the GOP.

    1. AKRNHSNC4:54 PM

      What isn't true is that announcing today that we'll being drilling in new areas will impact the prices we pay at the pump immediately. Sarah says that news of a future surplus will impact current prices which is absolutely false because the production from new drilling will not be seen on the world market for approximately 5 years or so. Palin also forgets to mention, if she ever knew, that the oil will go to the international market even if drilled here in the U.S.

  13. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Today Palin gave an interview to Andrew Breitbart's rapidly deteriorating website Big Government.


    His four kids are about to go on welfare. He left his wife to be like Octomom and in need of food stamps. She is getting threats. What a way to live and die.

    Andrew Breitbart is an American publisher, commentator for the Washington Times, author, an occasional guest commentator on various news programs and has a net worth of $9.5 million
    Trust Fund for Andrew Breitbart's Children

    "Last night there was a memorial service for Andrew Breitbart .... The show stopper was the letter from Susie Breitbart, Andrew’s widow .... a fund to help take care of Andrew’s kids.... " WTF ?

  14. Anonymous3:08 PM

    "I hired people I thought would get ratings."

    And so did John McCain. Picking Sarah Palin for veep was treason.

  15. Anonymous3:08 PM

    All I had to do is look at that photo of Palin and know it was absolute bullshit as to what she had to say. She is a proven liar and fraud - vet her in Alaska! She is an embarrassment to Alaskans! We don't like having her and her family here....she needs to hike into the mountains and get lost!!

  16. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I agree, word salad. "Our children's future" oh b please as Hillz would say. Why don't you focus on helping to educate your own.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Too late. They are doomed to repeat the legacy of immorality and stupidity in this family. Out of wedlock pregnancy, and the cult of pretend celebrity. This all they know how to do.

  17. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Has Roger forgotten that she wasn't running for President?

  18. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Poor little Sarah needs some love from her Bots. "Buy a copy of The Undefeated and send it to Ailes. That'll show him that I'm loved by millions and millions and also, too, I need to sell more copies of The Undefeated".

  19. I actually agree with Palin on something. I too like "the idea of not letting others dictate one’s path." That's why I do not support, have never supported, and probably will never support the Republican Party. That is why I want religion out of our politics.

    But all this crap about America being an "exceptional" nation has got to stop. Palin should read "American Theocracy" by Kevin Phillips. Everyone should read it. He compares America's use of oil with other world powers when they were at their peak. America is going through the same cycle: using a natural resource to extend its influence, becoming more militaristic and nationalistic, a blending of religion and politics, and increasing financialization of the economy.

    The last commonality is that the peak country knows that other countries have gone through this cycle in the past, but they tell themselves they will not decline, because they are smarter, tougher, more devout, or whatever.

    Yes, we are an "exceptional" nation. Just like every other country that has been "exceptional."

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      I dont know why screech thinks the US is exceptional. All i see is a bunch of loud fat people shopping at Walmart. Thats not exceptional its just gross

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Walmart is UnAmerican.

      Stop shopping there, then.

      But I'm sure YOU are the exception....


  20. Anonymous3:24 PM

    BNN: "Lower 48 Pimps claims that their domestic prostitute policies do not affect prices for vajayjay because pooter is bought and sold on the world market, which determines the prices. True?"

    Palin: " False. Totally false. Todd has determined the price of pootang is “supply and demand.” Todd said if you increase the supply, you will see downward pressure on the prices on vajayjay. Todd knows from past evidence that even the news of more prostitutes being opened for future drilling has an immediate effect on the price of pooter as the markets respond to the news of a future surplus."

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      What anon above me said.

    2. I must be stoopid6:39 PM

      I thought a pooter was what the trolls used to foller the IM and other h8TR blogs. And submit their comments, also, too.

  21. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Wasilla Idiot Holding Up ‘Year Of The Girl’ Proclamation: Girl Scouts Equal Abortion

    Let this delightful tale to see you through your cold and lonely Passover. In Alaska, some senator (not Murkowski) wanted a proclamation from the state of a ‘year of the girl,’ that would also honor the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts. The senator asked her student intern to present the measure.

    Then came Rep. Wes Keller, the conservative Wasilla Republican filling in as chair of the committee. He had seen something on the Internet about the Girl Scouts, he said, and suddenly [student intern Katya] Wassillie found herself in the crossfire of the culture wars.

    “I’m sure you are aware of the information that’s floating around the Internet, and I’d like to give you the opportunity to respond to your connection, the Girl Scout connection, with Planned Parenthood and the activist role in that — is there a connection? Is there not? Frankly, I haven’t looked into it but I see it’s out there. I just wondered if you want to make a statement on that,” Keller said.

    Then some dick Wasilla Rep. put the kibosh on it because he had seen some shit on Teh Internetz that the Girl Scouts = Planned Parenthood = slutbortions. And so now the measure has been delayed until all his embarrassed colleagues beat him into submission/releasing it from committee.


  22. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Ha! Just saw Levi on the tv and boy he had no nice words for Palin. My favorite quote "I don't know why anyone pays attention to her anymore".

    Hilarious. Levi came off as genuine and concerned about his son. Palin and her thugs, not so much.

  23. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Since we know Sarah Palin reads this blog religiously, I pose this question to the mental midget..

    Sarah, If we double our oil output and many of the OPEC nations need $85-95/bl as their happy point like any company used to make a profit. Wouldn't it be true that if we flooded the market, OPEC would just cut their production to keep the price high? So in fact the President has no control over prices? I dare you respond and refute..

  24. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Why is Sarah renting that space at the convention??? Don't all of you think it is nuts? What does she plan to do with it?? Any ideas anyone?

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      She must think all those reporters and journalists covering the RNC are going to abandon the activity there to listen to her pontificate.

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Fundraising space for SarahPAC. It takes money to make money. Sarah's problem is that she spends more than she takes in.

    3. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Rented a kiosk space to sell pregnancy scarves

    4. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Selling churros?

    5. AKRNHSNC4:30 PM

      Sell her leftover books and DVD's? Pose for pics at $10 or more per idiotic follower? Auction off Bristol & Willow to the first rich guys that come along? Give speeches for a fee to anyone who will listen? Honestly, I can't think of a decent reason why she would do this but whatever it is, it's meant to promote her brand & trademarked name. It's so damn funny that the trademarks are useless now for Sarah & Bristol because nobody cares enough to use them.

    6. Anonymous4:49 PM

      She is a brand and she's selling Palin mementoes. It will only remind people of how she made them all feel 4 years ago--nostalgia. And how it all was a Bridge to Nowhere.

    7. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Why is Sarah renting that space at the convention???

      Sarah and Bristol will hawk their books together?

      If you want Sarah's signature ya gotta buy Bristol's book?

    8. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Why is Sarah renting that space at the convention???

      Well Pimp Daddy Todd was outed by Shaley Tripp so he is laying low and instead is sending Madam Sarah in his place to represent him and pimp out his girls including Willow and Bristol.

    9. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:24 PM

      Nah...I think it'll be the Sarah Palin Dunk Tank. First on line, anyone?

  25. Anonymous3:32 PM

    In other words Bitch, Roger the Dodger just used your dumb ass to get ratings from that mindless segment of lunatics that watch FAUX News. Yes, you were Pimped again you HOE. Todd has rented your pathetic ass out to the highest bidder. Make that money HOE !

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      I'd love to be in a back room of FOX and hear what the employees say about Sarah and Todd! O'Reilly especially! In some of the past interviews he has had with her, he looked like he could hardly believe his ears at the bullshit she was spewing!

  26. Anonymous3:36 PM

    War On Moms Update: Moms Retreat To Gun Convention

  27. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Guess Palin hasn't seen this. She is such a fool and her followers are braindead.......

    Gas prices could head lower for summer

  28. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Palin can't admit it was the perfect storm that allowed her candidacy for gov. Had it not been for Murkowski's bad deeds, she NEVER would have gotten the chance to be the "let's try something new" candidate. What a dope.

  29. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Wow. Talk about humiliating for Sarah if her boss didn't think she had a chance.

    Sarah's title should be 'ratings magnet' - hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha!

    She's no Fox News "Contributor" - she's just a trophy employee used on the arm of Fox. She's the sensational eye candy that is expected to say some controversial thing so viewers will come back for more. She's the Fox circus highwire act, jumping through their hoops, cartwheeling and obeying Roger Ailes. She's actually obeying and submitting to a man!!


  30. WalterNeff3:45 PM

    They cleaned up her answers. Notice there's no video of the interview.

  31. Anonymous3:55 PM

    When Bush was in office, he said very clearly that the President of the United States has no power to control the world wide price of oil. Oil pumped in the US goes into the world market; it does not stay in the US. Despite the millions of dollars of advertising that Keystone has been spending on TV ads, they will not be adding millions of jobs in the US, not even the hundreds of thousands of jobs that they claim to be offering.

    As for Sarah, she always was the ratings magnet. That is her contribution to Fox. People also slow down to stare at the crashed cars on the side of the road. Sarah's contributions are her wigs, makeup, flirty manners, lip licking, push up bra, every changing wardrobe, decor and scenery, but no one is tuning in to hear what Sarah thinks. Sarah does not think. She reads the teleprompter and delivers the hate-filled messages that she is being paid to deliver.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      The Keystone ads that I heard always talked about adding hundreds of thousands of "American" jobs, not jobs in the US. The US is not the only country in North America. (Hey Sarah, I bet you can't name the other countries in North America).

  32. LisaB25954:11 PM

    Technically, "supply and demand" is the correct answer. However, there is no way US oil production will make any difference in price because oil is worldwide commodity traded on the open market. With the unrest in the middle east(where the real producers are, traders are going to be nervous. That drives the price up.

    "Oil expert" Palin also naturally ignores production time for drilling. It takes YEARS to bring oil to market.

    She's an "energy idiot" plain and simple. I also question Palin's definition of "success." Success would be NOT QUITTING the only statewide positions you have ever held.

  33. Anonymous4:11 PM

    O/T- Shailey Tripp is shutting down her blog and scrubbing it from web next friday. I suggest everyone take a screen shot and save it as back up for future needs.

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Why on earth would she do that? After all that work.
      Anyone know why? I still don't understand why her story was not picked up.
      The Palins win again.

    2. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Agreed. Why the fuck would she SCRUB it?

    3. Anonymous7:26 PM

      She must want everyone to think it is the Paoletti family. She had some fairy tale dream come true opportunity she can't pass up. Everything is perfect, she can do it all now. Except be forthright and respect those that trusted her.

    4. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Follow the $$$$. It's a big FU to everyone that tried to help her. I don't believe it's to follow a dream. It might be follow a funded dream though.
      This is why the media didn't buy her story. Yes I'm harsh but I wasn't always.

    5. Anonymous9:56 PM

      She is actually telling off the people she begged to help her.
      I am disappointed. And I think she is being really ungrateful and disingenuous. At least have the balls to tell your supporters what exactly this dream is. Otherwise it sounds like bullshit. She doesn't understand why people think she has now lost credibility. I feel like a big fool and I'm sure others do to. It is really flaky behavior.
      There is no reason to delete the blog unless you were asked to for $$ or forced to. I did believe her completely. Have we been had?

    6. Anonymous10:38 PM

      Guess no one was buying her book and there was little proof within that she was telling the truth. I always felt that those that supported her monetarily were somewhat inline with what the C4P Palin supporters were doing. I for one never found her credible and even this blog backed away from her. Hope she finds some level of happiness as she seemed all over the place.

    7. Anonymous10:55 PM

      Yep looks like Shailey is another wasillian scam artist. I'm gld I never bought her book.

    8. AKRNHSNC3:22 AM

      I think it's all bullshit, too. Shailey had no problem asking for money whenever she needed it from these same people who she's now telling to get lost, claiming it's none of their business why she's doing this. I know that there were a lot of people who helped her in many ways and she still doesn't understand what she's doing at this point. Simply put--I don't believe her. She even said in one post that she had been going to just shut the blog down without saying anything but decided to give her readers a week to copy whatever they liked. How generous of her! (snark)

      Shailey comes across as extremely naive and clueless as to what is going on at times. If she thinks she can do this and then turn around and come back again, asking for money and moral support, she's in for a rude awakening. If her dream job is so wonderful, why can't she even tell anyone what field it is in? Something stinks about this whole situation.

    9. Anonymous5:54 AM

      Mark my words, her book will disappear also too..She appears to be just like Sarah, using people to get what she wanted and they throw them under the bus..saying goodbye, I'm done and tough if you don't like it! How do we all know that her book was just BS and that is why it never went anywhere..although I do believe she was Todd's prostitute and he most likely sent friends her way that doesn't mean he ran a prostitution ring..does any one think Todd has the brains to do that?? Does anyone really believe they sent her to conventions in the lower 48 (she has no proof of this) when there are gorgeous women out there who make big bucks in this profession? And condoms in washcloths..come on,this is a little over the top like a lot of what she wrote and posts on her blog..I think she is a user and a flake and people got caught up in ti. Cut the strings and let her go on her Merry way..I feel sorry for the people taken in by her.

    10. Marleycat6:04 AM

      Obviously, the "Dream" is not something she chooses to disclose - why is that do you suppose? IMO - the "Dream" is another fly-by-night get rich quick "job opportunity" OR a payoff. The "Dream" is not being disclosed because Shailey is getting involved in something she knows will make her look like a hypocrite! Her commitment to victims of sex trafficking seems to be short lived - or perhaps she feels her brief effort in that effort has been accomplished and there are no more victims!

      I very well could be wrong, if so, I apologize - but the fact she is not discussing what this "new opportunity" is tells me it's not honest or honorable. I should post this over at her Blog - but, I won't be going there again.

      I hope that one of the many, many e-mails, posts, comments, and book reviews posted and sent to various websites, whistle blower sites, and the authorities HAS resulted in bringing attention to the criminals we know as the Palins. Hopefully, THAT is the reason she is quitting, I doubt it, but who knows.

      I wonder if the real reason is that a member of the Paoletti clan's "massages" weren't purely therapeutic in nature and Shailey's discussion of the Paoletti massages was a warning that they were next to be named as a "client" in her prior sex business!

  34. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Sarah Palin is and never was an energy expert as McCain proclaimed when she ran with him in the last election. Check in Alaska folks!!! She knew nothing and didn't do a damned thing that has come to fruition. No pipeline is under construction as she indicated during the McCain campaign Anything she said was or is going on is absolutely incorrect.

    There currently is nothing going on in Alaska that is oil or gas related - the Alaska Legislature is tied up tighter than a cork and their Senate is not in agreement w/Gov Parnell - who is and was tightly connected to Palin.

    Sarah is the biggest liar and fraud about anything connected to Alaska. She has brought nothing but embarrassement to the state and we'd love nothing better than removing her and her family from Alaska. Perhaps a nice hike in the mountains for all of them - Heaths included - to where we'd never see them again? That might be nice!

    1. lilli5:40 PM

      They have even cut down on production at the refinery in Fairbanks Ak. and will be laying off workers.

  35. AKRNHSNC4:25 PM

    Here's another great example of just how little Sarah did as Governor and how brain-dead she is.

    Did Sarah do interviews where the questions were known prior to the interview? Yep! Pre-recorded questions & answers? No problem, I'll just have my staff write up answers to the questions and I'll get back to ya with that, you betcha! She never even tried to learn anything about her job. She told her staff to do everything for her while she surfed the internet looking for things on celebrities and hoping to polish her public image. You can't polish a pig, Sarah, you've proven that every time you open your mouth.

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      When having first been elected as 'quitter gov' of Alaska, she held press conferences, but got caught not being able to answer the questions. So, her next press conference(s) were held in the governor offices with her commissioners at a table with her. When questions were asked, she'd refer them to the commissioner concerned with the issue/question!!!

      She was horrible in the debates with Andrew Halcro (when she ran and was elected)! That was why I didn't vote for her!

      The woman is nothing more than a fraud and liar! It's friggin' amazing the media continues to give her any kind of coverage - even though she is dropping as to being seen as often.

  36. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Why is palin still in nyc? That's like 2 weeks. I wonder if she is negotiating a contract orinterviewing for a body job on the tv tubes.?

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      She heard that Trigs caretaker is threatening to quit and is not going back toK until a new one is hired. SHE is not getting stuck taking care of him.

    2. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Who really gives a shit why she's there.

    3. Anonymous5:19 PM

      And what does Piper and her so called son (Trig) do for a mother in the mean time? What a pathetic excuse for a human being.

    4. Anonymous5:48 PM

      She is still trying to sell that reality show "Tripp's Trial Dad." The new theme is "If this guy doesn't work out, stay tuned for Season Two." The alternate story board has Bristol forgetting to take her birth control pills (they are for jaw realignment), and oops, there's gonna be a wedding and surprise, season two. Aw please, won't somebody buy this show form Sarah?

    5. Hey Piper,

      Look around Sarah Palin's bedroom and see if you can find Trig's Birth Certificate! You could sell it and your story for big $$$ and escape!

    6. Anonymous6:46 PM

      They certainly don't take pictures together....


    7. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Yikes, not sure what read. Thought you asked what do Trig and Sarah do together? (I know, I have NO idea where I Got that)

      But a mom not able to show a current photo of her son?

      Her Greatest Gift?

      Fucking BIZARRO!!!!!

    8. Anonymous4:04 AM

      So if she is still in NYC, then she WAS photoshopped into the group photo taken on Easter . It's posted on The Palin Place. Looks like she, Todd and tri-G are shopped in. lol!!!

  37. Anonymous4:36 PM

    She is an idiot. Production is at the largest scale ever, right now in Texas ( try and get a rental, hotel room, or RV spot, right now in the Oddessa/Middleland area of Texas, yet prices are up ...why! Because "drill baby drill is NOT the answer. Any Texan knows that, are Alaskans so unaware of their natural resources?

  38. Anonymous4:41 PM

    GOP Begins Selling ‘Moms Do Work’ Travel Mugs

    On the heels of Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen‘s controversial comments that Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life, the Republican National Committee has begun selling travel mugs with the slogan “Moms Do Work.”

    The sleek, 16 ounce auto-mugs, replete with slip lids are going on sale on’s site for $15.

    The shop includes a proclamation at the top of the mug purchasing page:

    “I believe that Moms do work and can’t stand liberals who think that Moms don’t. To show my support for the hard work done by Moms everywhere and to help defeat elitists liberals like Barack Obama, I would like to purchase a “Moms Do Work” travel mug.”

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      I am a liberal and I am a mom and I believe Moms Do Work. I also know that not all Moms are able to make that "choice" to be a stay at home mom like Ann Romney. Some Moms have to work to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads.

    2. Anonymous8:31 PM

      Mrs. Romeny has no clue what the 'real' world is like. Yes, she stayed home and raised her sons and had a brush w/cancer and has MS. But, her husband was worth millions, she had no money worries, they had insurance, her MS (I have it too) appears to be the type that is in check and she can afford the medication (possible shots) which are very, very expensive.

      She assuredly is not qualified to provide financial knowlege to her husband (if he were elected President of the United States) about the US and world due to being a 'stay at home' Mom. Give me a friggin' break!

    3. Anonymous9:29 PM

      How about a mug that says"Working moms work harder"?

    4. Anonymous9:59 PM

      I LOVE IT!! Or and " Many working moms do not have a choice."

      Hilary was right on and for that bitch Sarah to have the nerve to say Obamas war on women? Screw Sarah. She is bad bad news and luckily few pay attention.
      I can't wait until she is canned from Fox and it will happen.
      Any rumors out there? Can we ask the Fox mole?

    5. AnonymousApr 13, 2012 10:29 PM
      How about a mug that says"Working moms work harder"?
      How about because they don't? They work differently.

      Why contribute to this senseless effort to pit mothers against mothers? I have been both a SAHM (which was financially difficult), a working mom, and a single working mom. They were all very different roles, and not one of them was less work than the other.

      I think it would be helpful to use the term "employed" to differentiate between the unpaid work of raising children and the paid work of an employed person.

      Ann may have worked as a mom (but with a hell of a lot less of the stress that keeps most ordinary, exhausted mothers awake at night), but she never had to juggle being there for her kids, and being employed, and feeling guilty whichever she was doing.

    6. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Romney's will play this as long as it lasts! Ann has no clue what the real world is like. If I had their money, I'd have stayed home and raised kids too. She hasn't worked outside the home and has no clue about the workings of the financial system of the U.S. and world!

      Mitt says she 'reports' to him! Sounds like he runs that household and she is subservient to him. I've watched Mormons (because there are a couple in my extended family) - most the men I've had experience with are liars and lazy from the word go. Worked with two also and both were eventually fired! I don't trust a Mormon man as far as I could/can throw him and Mitt is fitting the same scenario - watch how he lies about President Obama - he turns HIS negatives and makes them appear they are President Obamas! Absolutely amazing!

  39. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Ann Romney’s Birthday Dinner Brought To You By Man Who Was Once Arrested For Barbecuing A Dog

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Seamus, quick, get in your cage up there on the roof of the car, and you'll be save from Malik!

  40. abbafan4:49 PM

    The brainless idiot does not see that her big trap is starting to piss off some big wheels, mainly her "boss" Ailes. No way in hell will she appear at that convention; powerful forces unseen are making contingency plans for such a stunt. And yes, she definitely looks stoned in that pic!

  41. Palin can't form a grammatically correct sentence to save her life, so the last thing I would want is her opinion on ANYTHING. She's a total JOKE.

  42. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Sarah became an Energy Expert when Glen Rice checked her Fluids with his Dipstick.

  43. The Monkey Queen is an idiot. Breitbart is dead and gone... Good riddance. Is the Monkey Queen in the running to be the new Breitbart?

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      She is a James O'Keefe, but will finish off Breitbart company if Banner allows her to be front man. Both mother and daughter will be wearing whatever costumes to get them jobs in media. She would do sports announcing if necessary. Sarah is most desperate, Bristol wants to stay with the dead fish and boink Dino.

    2. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Why do you think she can do sports announcing 8:20? She tried that in Anchorage, Channel 2, and failed...she didn't last long at all!

      So, that won't work for her either ANYWHERE!

  44. Randall5:29 PM

    You see... Ailes isn't stupid, and I don't think he's evil either. No, he's just on the far other side of the political spectrum than am I.

    Sarah on the other hand is both.

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM


      He IS FOX.

      They ARE evil.

      Ailes IS EVIL!!!!!!!!

  45. Anonymous5:44 PM

    The Peter Principle states that "in a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence." When Sarah ran for office in Wasilla, it contained about as many people as work at my kid's high school. There are around 4,500 students, plus teachers, staff, and other people, all administered by the High School Principal. Our High School Principal has as much real executive experience as Sarah Palin, or to put it another way, Sarah was capable of running a high school when she was the Mayor of Wasilla.

    As for her job as governor, she quit! She couldn't handle it. What happened to those lessons of Chuck Heath, never quitting, taking a second breath, keep on going, you can do it. She quit.

    Maybe I should throw Sarah's words right back at her: "The theme of Steve’s film isn’t about me, but about the idea of not letting others dictate one’s path in life and never giving up when you’re fighting for something precious like our exceptional nation and our children’s futures." Sarah quit. "Never letting others dictate one's path in life.." Excuse me, was it the ethics violations filed by other people who did dictate Sarah's path in life? What a quitter. She claims that the charges were false, but she did not fight them, she quit. So much for fighting for the futures of Alaskan children.

    Sarah was the governor of a state with less than a million people. There are around 16 cities in the US which have more people than the entire state of Alaska. Those city mayors have more executive experience than Sarah. She may have been qualified to sit on the City Council of Wasilla. As mayor, she left Wasilla millions and millions of dollars in debt. Sarah was already over her head faking her ability to run the state of Alaska. She spent more time manipulating the Alaska media, writing fake letters of praise to editors, and gaming the polls that made her appear to have an 80% approval rating. She cared more about that appearance than actually running for Vice President when she had the chance.

    "Game Change" had it right. Sarah was totally unqualified to have been chosen as the VP candidate. She was chosen for ratings, then, too. McCain didn't have much going for him compared to the magnetic, charismatic Obama. Even Sarah couldn't game or change that. And now, Roger Ailes admits that Sarah was never going to be President. He hired her for the ratings. That's the same reason that Sarah appeared on the Today Show. That's the reason that Bristol was allowed to dance with stars. On her own, Bristol has no ratings and no TV show. Sarah's not much of an attraction on Fox; her same old story is getting tired. When people tune in to watch Sarah they are either Fox Fans or watching Sarah to see the train wreck.

    Sarah, I know that you, your daughters and your fans read here. You were qualified to sit on Wasilla city council. As mayor, you did a poor job, firing people and leaving Wasilla millions of dollars in debt. You were not able to handle the job of governor, and the proof is that you quit. You say, "No doubt many people who are told they can’t do something will work that much harder, and they succeed." You didn't fight, you didn't try harder, you didn't do any of the work and study required, and you quit. Quitting your job as governor shows exactly who you are. It was the stepping stone for VP nomination, and you lost. You quit to accept Murdoch's millions. Now, you have just learned why you were really hired, and it wasn't for your political skills and knowledge. It was for ratings, and you will never be president.

    1. Outstanding smack down 6:44 PM!

    2. Anonymous6:34 PM

      And you will????????????

    3. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Yeah Anon, that's exactly what Anon's brilliant smack-down of the Quitter/Defeated was aiming for, POTUS.

      You are a loser.

    4. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Love what you said!

    5. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Yes, outstanding smack down.

      If it wasn't for the piss poor U.S. media pimping the train wreck, she would just be a tiny footnote. The worst VP candidate in American history.

    6. Ouststanding riposte, but you forgot to mention that she was so incompetent and lazy that she had to hire a city manager to do the real work of running Wasilla.

    7. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Even Perry, Gov of TX, cannot stand Palin. He learned how stupid she was about the oil industry and had no regard for her. True fact!

  46. Anonymous5:48 PM

    finally...a photo of palin's real hair. what's left of it.

  47. Anonymous6:49 PM

    The Tundra Turd Sarah Palin looked like an IDIOT on Paying at the Pump. She rambles on about the Alaska Pipeline and other subjects for which she is clueless. The only Energy that she can talk about is GLEN RICE'S DIPSTICK CHECKING HER NASTY OIL. LIES, PROSTITUTION RINGS UNWED TEEN MOTHERS FAKE PREGNANCIES AND TUBAL LIGATION IS ALL THAT SHE IS QUALIFIED TO TALK ABOUT. I.R.S. WILL SOON BE AT HER DOOR. Can she lie her way out of that?

  48. Anonymous7:24 PM

    John Stossel and Sarah Palin April 12, 2012

  49. Anonymous7:47 PM

    I wonder if Sarah's space in Tampa is for a "Shadow Convention." They did that in 2000 and John McCain participated. It sounds just like something she would do--for "people who don't feel they are being heard."
    I wasn't really aware of "Shadow Conventions" until recently. There's alot of info if you google.(I just got a playbook and can't seem to figure out how to provide links. Trying to follow directions-but it is not working.)

    Whatever Palin is doing, it is meant to upstage or get her some attention.

  50. Anonymous8:23 PM

    If I had been married to Romney, I would never have let him put our beautiful pet dog, in a crate, on top of our car for a long drive. Didn't I mention before that the Mormon wives are subservient to their spouses?

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      The women in the Mormon church are subservient to the men. I have two Mormon's in my extended family and I find it amazing to watch.

      Mitt says his wife 'reported' to him!!!! Plus, what he and his son talked about on TV the other day smacked of Mormon teachings. The media is not covering that. Son Josh - appears much like his Dad. Zero personalities!

      We truly need to support and see that President Obama is reelected. We don't need the Republicans back in office!

  51. Anita Winecooler9:46 PM

    It's official - if you count your cocoa puffs, one of them flew over the cuckoo's nest (aka lego hair)

    Crickets Chirping, indeed!

  52. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Boys Will Be Boys: Media, Morality, and the Coverup of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Sex Scandal (Volume 1)

    Last Sale: 4 days 22 hours ago
    April Sales: 5
    March Sales: 59
    Current Rank: 474,712

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      I wish Shailey's sales had been better. I just purchased the book from Amazon and am eager to read it. Sad too, that there is a Todd Palin coverup about his being a pimp and it begins w/the Anchorage Police Department.

    2. Anonymous8:03 AM

      It begins with a former quit-Governor, Sarah Palin. Current Governor Parnell is useless.

  53. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Has anyone checked to see how much stock from big oil companies Sarah and Todd have hidden that they received while she was Governor? Is that public information? Do they list it on their returns or just hide it thinking no one will look.....

  54. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Did Granny Sarah actually say "Steve’s film isn’t about me"? Oh that's rich. EVERYTHING is about her. She makes it about her. But in this instance it actually is ALL ABOUT HER.

  55. Ailes was busy writing the forward for Rachel Maddow's NYT best seller, "Drift", instead of reading that "defeated" shit wrapper.

  56. Not What You Want to Hear4:57 AM

    And then there's this classic. Never gets old. I bring it up every time this buffoon is referred to as "the person who knows more than anyone else in America about energy."

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Any person who says that about Sarah Palin

      probably eats

      with their feet!


      it is SUCH a lie.

      The problem with Palin is,

      quite simply,

      there are SOOOOOOOOOO many lies,

      and they are SOOOOOOOOOOOO big,

      that it is UNFATHOMABLE that this LIAR isn't chased out of society all together!

      She is a loathsome, lying pig.

  57. DetroitSam12:07 PM

    Malia Litman at her best in her Willow persona.

    April 13, 2012 at 2:15 pm


    I’m surprised my mom is weighing in on this subject because it highlights my mom’s failures as a mother:
    1. No kids in higher education.
    2. Multiple kids had / has to get GEDs.
    3. Underage unmarried child with babies
    4. Multiple children in trouble with the law.
    5. Exposes her children to a sex addict / pimp.
    6. Children / family are sex addicts.
    7. Family of grifters whose only sole purpose in life is to get a reality show.
    8. Family wears stolen GOP clothes.
    9. Family takes vacations using donated money meant to help political causes.
    10. Has homophobic kids.
    11. Children do not believe in the Christian Family Value of marriage, prefers trial marriage.
    12. Children has multiple sex partners before turning 21 years old.
    13. Family lives in a house built as a payoff for awarding hockey rink contract.
    14. Lied about giving birth to daughter’s baby.
    15. Lies about being an energy expert.
    16. Has sex with husband’s business partner.
    17. Has children from multiple men.
    18. Kept children out of school while campaigning.
    19. Used DS child as a prop.
    20. Ignores her children’s needs for her own selfish needs.
    21. Passed a legislation as a governor then immediately quit and then personally – financially benefited from her legislation.


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