Friday, April 06, 2012

Sarah Palin lies to TMZ about purposefully keeping Levi Johnston's son away from him.

Courtesy of TMZ:

Sarah and Todd Palin have issued a statement to TMZ ... saying, "We have never hidden Tripp from Levi or discouraged Levi from spending time with him. Any suggestion that we have is false and contrary to our core beliefs." (WTF? Lies and deception ARE their core belifs!)

The Palins add, "The last time either of us recall a conversation with Levi was in the summer of 2010 when Levi sat down at our house with us and personally apologized about lies he told to the media about our family. Neither of us have talked to him since that day." 

But the Palins say Levi is full of moose droppings ... telling us, "We are disappointed that he continues to tell falsehoods about us to garner media attention. We encourage Levi and all non-custodial fathers to be fully engaged and to positively and fully participate in their children's lives. This includes not making misstatements about his child's grandparents."

Trust me the only  "moose droppings" on display here are the ones falling out of the mouths of the Palins. Or more specifically the ghostwriter hired to make the Palins sound like they can string together a coherent sentence.

There are some things about this situation between Palin and Levi that I am not privy to, but I can tell you unequivocally that I know that the Palin family has lied to Levi about Bristol being in town, because on a few occasions I was the one who let the Johnston family know she was there.  And yes, I have also heard that Mercede, Sherry,  and others have seen Bristol and Tripp in Wasilla when they were specifically told that they were out of town.

I have received texts from Sadie about that numerous times.

And let me just add for the Palin fairy tale troll, before she starts bitching that we don't KNOW these people, that ALL of this was already going on back in the spring of 2009 when I first met with Tank Jones.  THAT was the only reason the Johnston family went public in the first place.

It was not because they wanted to get famous by slamming the Plain name, it was because they felt it was the only way to fight back against Sarah Palin and her powerful friends.

And what do you know?  This bullshit is still going on today, because THAT is how Sarah Palin punishes people who dare to stand up to her.

And in the end, who is it that really suffers?


  1. Anonymous6:04 AM

    There are stories of authors and promoters in Wasilla. They are trying to entice ($) one of the inner circle to write the first insider book or movie. The promoters/authors are especially trying to get one of the adult children to come clean and tell all.

    The word on the street is, the first book/movie deal will be the most lucrative and the rush is on because the paylin name and fame is slipping quickly.

    1. Anonymous6:20 AM

      Yes, yes, yes. It was bound to happen.

      Money talks.

    2. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Maybe Pregnant Willow will be the First.

    3. Anonymous7:14 AM

      So are they going after babygate?
      And why is Shailey ignored? She needs another one of Todd's prostitutes to come forward.

      I hope one of the family finally rebels. Come on Willow or Track.

    4. Anonymous9:23 AM

      RAM needs to write the book. She is the one that fueled the c4p crazies, gave them a voice and venue; and has enabled palin to continue to stir up anger in this country long past her sell-by date.

      Better yet, how about someone digging through RAM's life and writing a book on HER?

  2. Anonymous6:09 AM

    The fact that Sarah and Todd Palin felt the need to release a statement to TMZ pretty much says it all. TMZ?????!!!!!

    Can't someone who truly knows about all this bs come forward and expose these people for the liars that they are?

    I don't actually care, but these disasters of people are paraded in front of us almost daily and I am sick of it.

    What does TMZ have on the Palins? Are they scared of TMZ?

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      What brought this on? No Palins in the news today? Don't these people have personal lives (that I thought they wanted to keep private)?

      I know, I know, we're jealous and don't know them.

  3. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Try this:

    Step outside into the fresh air and

    breathe in
    breathe out


    1. Lol. What are YOU doing, then?!?!?!

    2. Anonymous8:08 AM

      I walked my kids to school in the beautiful mountain air and did a spin class. Checking in and here you are! How many times will you post today?

    3. Anonymous8:33 AM

      I not only enjoy the beautiful mountain air daily, I refrain from tell other commenters what to do. I feel good about myself. How about you?

    4. Whew, just came up from the basement for air and clean jammies and here's the Sanctimony Troll urging deep breaths. What did the WGE do today that would need that?

    5. Upon wakey wakey this morning, I sat with my cuppa joe and checked in on the internets as per usual. Showered, got the kid ready for school, dropped her off, am now enjoying one last cuppa before work. After work, I'll lift weights, run 5 miles out in our wonderful state of ALASKA, run errands, do some networking for my other job, pick up the kiddo, head home, play-ski-read-run with kiddo and for the rest of the evening BE with my family. I'm not a slave like you, obsessively checking in with the blogs! Look back and see how often I post compared to you, you silly sad sack of shit!!!!!

    6. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Let's see here, got 3 little kids up and fed them some breakfast, played with them, put the little one down for a nap, and now the older ones are cleaning their rooms, so I decided to pop in here and see what's going on. Later, we will have lunch, do a couple of Easter crafts, have dinner, and go to a nearby bookstore for story time. And here's the troll, seemingly superglued to its LeapPad and telling us to be out living happy lives like the Palins while it is compulsively posting meaningless "advice" on a blog it finds so "weird" and "shameful." When your job is to defend the indefensible, that must truly suck. Hope you're getting paid well, troll. Sad.

    7. *GinaM takes in a deep cleansing breath of fresh air*

      AWWWWWWW...that's nice...except for that faint lingering whiff of dog breathe after they've eaten their own shit...

      *hard stare @ 7:09PM*

      Oh well...there's always a Palin troll shitting in the corner on all Gryphen's matter what the subject is...I guess we can live with it...unlike those nutballs over at "Crazies4Palin"!

      Which I just came from and have notice that RAM/Baldy have posted on her Fakebook something about Good Friday. It's full of plugs for Beefy's Blog...poor matter what your crazy mama says or're going to be a FAILURE just like her! LOL!!

  4. Anonymous6:15 AM

    It's disgusting how the Palins continue to make public statements with the sole purpose of slandering Levi. Why would grown people continue to beat up this kid? It's sick. Levi is Tripp's father and they have no respect for that relationship. If the Palins truly are the Christians they claim to be, the most important relationships in their lives--and this is definitely one of them--would bear good fruit. But, like all things Palin, it's a confusing, secretive, and contentious situation.

    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      Are the Palins CINO (Christians in Name Only)?

      Or, perhaps SHIT (Situational Hypocrites Instigating Trouble)?

      No Palins, I don't hate you, I'm simply amused by your ongoing stupidity.


    2. Anonymous8:10 AM

      There's no morality or ethics in the Palin home. When daddy's a pimp and mommy will do anything for easy fame and fortune, the kids can't learn what's right or wrong.

    3. Anonymous8:37 AM

      There lies the reality show!!! Call it "Leave it to Beavers."

    4. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Yet you ignore Levi's slandering of them, his son's other family. Andbefore you say Levi doesn't lie, let me say this: please remember that he has told many conflicting statements, some about things it makes no sense to lie about. Most of his statements are used to manipulate people into believing things that didn't happen or happen differently. There' no reason for many of the contradictions, other than he's a bad liar.

  5. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Good grief man, it's 6am up there.

    You really don't have a life do you ?

    1. Irishgirl6:41 AM

      The early bird catches the worm!

    2. Anonymous6:42 AM

      And you really don't know much about computer technology - do you? Luddite troll.

    3. Anonymous6:44 AM

      You're here so early, so you must not have a life either.

    4. Anonymous6:45 AM

      Apparently neither do you. Do you even get out of bed to check this site?

    5. WakeUpAmerica6:50 AM

      And you? What are doing on this blog if you have a life?

    6. Anonymous6:53 AM


    7. He devotes his worklife to protecting us as best he can from the Palin toxic cloud, while entertaining us to boot. And you?

    8. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Well at least we now know you don't live up "there" so you really don't know them do you! oops!.

    9. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Good grief, why are you here, no life?

    10. Anonymous7:15 AM

      You are a hypocrite! What are you doing here?
      Get a life yourself!

    11. I didn't know you cared.

      Well if you must know, my job starts fairly early so I get up around 5:15 A.M. every morning. Though to be honest, I am one of those people who always gets up before the alarm clock rings, so it can be earlier.

      The posts that you see at 2:00 and 4:00 were written the night before. My first post of the day is usually written after my coffee kicks in.

      And yes I have a great, and quite rewarding life. Thanks for asking.

    12. Anonymous7:20 AM

      A trick to help increase readership is to parcel out your posts throughout the day, so people check back more than once.

      Unless I'm mistaken gryphon uses a feature on blogspot to automatically upload pre-done new posts at a given time or interval. Whether or not he's at the computer.

      Smart marketing!

    13. Anonymous8:07 AM

      AnonymousApr 6, 2012 08:20 AM
      A trick to help increase readership is to parcel out your posts throughout the day, so people check back more than once.

      Unless I'm mistaken gryphon uses a feature on blogspot to automatically upload pre-done new posts at a given time or interval. Whether or not he's at the computer.

      Smart marketing!


      I use the same feature for my blog too.

    14. And you're fairly clueless about how running a blog works, aren't you?

      Do you really think Gryphen was at his computer doing finishing touches at 5:52 AM? Maybe the blog software automatically posted his entry when he set a time last night?

      The TMZ story was posted "4/6/2012 12:40 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF", which would be 11:40 PM 4/5/2012 Alaska time. Plenty of time for Gryphen to fire off a comment and put it in the queue before he went to bed.

      Can't say the same for IM regulars and Palinbot trolls who log on before they've even crawled out of bed... ;-)

    15. Anon 7:53...thanks for the link. It's so funny and so true. And then reread these comments. It'll be even funnier. You should read them too, Jesse. We can all recognize ourselves in it. Here it is again, just so you don't have to scroll back to find it.

    16. Anonymous10:23 AM

      So many people just admitted they too have no life. Perfect.

    17. AnonymousApr 6, 2012 07:19 AM

      Good grief man, it's 6am up there.

      You really don't have a life do you ?

      Well...we now know that this is Beefy! Because for one...she hasn't a clue how to run a blog...since Nancy is in charge of her's so of course she doesn't know about "automatically uploading your blog post...and I guess Beefy is awake this early because she probably never went to takes awhile for the Adderall to wear off....right Beefy!

      So at least we won't be subjected to her crazy post about Levi...because she's going to crash and Kristy the Palin Family Stalker Troll, Nancy, Baldy, Wallow and probably RAM will have to fill in for her today! LOL!!!

  6. Anonymous6:20 AM

    The Palins are just trash. No other "politician" would ever resort to telling tabloids about their lives. It is really just disgusting how this woman behaves.

    1. Anonymous6:45 AM

      It is common knowledge, the Palin are white trash.

    2. Anonymous6:54 AM

      We, in Alaska, have absolutely no respect for the Palin family. They are not christians - have never acted like people of faith - lie, cheat, steal, unethical, poor partners to each other, poor parents, poor politicians, never held jobs for any length of time (except Todd on the Slope until he disclosed information he shouldn't have) and on and on.

      I believe Levi in all of this and the majority of us do. Bristol is exactly like her mother and that is the saddest thing! I hope Willow and Piper get out from under Sarah and Todd. Piper is going to be the one w/the most problems after the way Sarah drug her around - she became a spoiled brat although it was never her fault!

    3. Anonymous7:29 AM

      What information did Todd disclose?I must have missed this story. Thankd

    4. laprofesora8:01 AM

      I wish somehow, someday, Scarah would fully realize how much she is despised by people throughout the world. Unfortunately, narcissists have a highly defined sense of denial. She'll never get it.

    5. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Someone told the Palins that they are no longer relevant and none of their ideas will sell. They are making a BIG PUSH this week to get media to appear relevant. FACT. But it is a FAIL.

    6. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Anon 7:54 obviously speaks from a place of ignorance. Most people wouldn't claim things by using absolutes. Your use of "everyone in Alaska" gives your ignorance away.

    7. Anonymous10:21 AM

      But you support Levi and family, who has also sold countless tabloid stories. And it's their ONLY means of income, unlike the Palins, who have actual jobs.

  7. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Would some one call Gloria Alred for Levi. She needs to get on this case and allow her celebrity, (although not the best, but how could this situation get any worse?) to help him out. The paylins need to be taught a lesson once and for all.

    1. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Gloria is a man-eater. She does not represent men, only women.

    2. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Sarah and Todd's asses should be drug through the gravel the way they treat Levi and their kids.

      They go to TMZ for Christ's sake! (They spew nothing but garbage!) What friggin' idiots! Sarah and Todd - you are not believed - Levi is!!!!

      Bristol - move away from your parents and earn a life on your own. Willow and Piper run for the hills! Track already has and he has been the smartest by far!

    3. Anonymous7:43 AM

      She has represented men.

      Her daughter, Lisa, is also VERY STRONG AND VERY GOOD. Say what you may about Gloria, she is a great Mom.

    4. Anonymous10:17 AM

      I often wonder why Gloria Allred has not gotten involved in shaileys case

  8. Sally in MI6:24 AM

    Why is this Sarah's whine? What do the grandparents have to do with custody? Bristol is the one withholding her son from Levi. Who cares if the elder Palins haven't talked to Levi in two years? The point is that they have NOT made the child available to his father, or the man they want us to believe is his father, and their hatred for his family knows no bounds.

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      I know. The Palins all claim Bristol's independent, single Mom and so on. BRISTOL IS THE ONE TO HANDLE THESE MATTERS.

      The Palins are fake again. Who wrote that statement? A statement can be issues while both are in a coma, so it is worth little to do it this way.

      Bristol needs to handle her own life with Tripp. All of it. Including the grandparents insertion into affairs. She is either a coward and hiding or we will see her come out of the darkness in a very real way.

    2. This Sarah-Palin-authored (under her name, anyway) whine to TMZ just makes it clear to anyone and everyone that Sarah Palin is the Godmother of the Palin mafia, and that anything and everything any of her offspring or spouse or paid trolls do is orchestrated by the Godmother.

      Including hanging out at IM commenting incessantly.

  9. "We encourage Levi and all non-custodial fathers to be fully engaged and to positively and fully participate in their children's lives. This includes not making misstatements about his child's grandparents."

    So what are they saying...that it's Bristol's fault?

    Isn't this precious! One of favorite trolls defending Gino's honor.

    Kristy Patullo ‏ @bellagrazi Close
    @aPolishgirl He never used the r-word. And he used the word "nigga", which a lot of young guys use. Is it immature? Yes. Racist? No.

    1. Anonymous6:52 AM

      Kristy is truly nuts in so many ways. The word " nigga" IS RACIST! Young people don't routinely use that word, This girl has serious issues. Gryphen enough is enough- trying to read your comments section Is impossible lady. She is beyond annoying.

      And the Palins are trash!! Why release this to TMZ!! Who cares really about all of this stuff with Levi anyhow. To spend time correcting this is just so presidential-NOT! Sarah proves the truth in Game Change every day. She can't help herself!!

    2. Anonymous7:07 AM

      TMZ!?! Really? Really? What a joke Sarah has become! I really feel sorry for ALL of their children.

    3. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Is it possible that "Kristy" really is Bristol or her friend or sister? Why would a stranger spend all of their time defending Bristol and lashing out at people?

    4. Bulieb7:16 AM

      Not racist? Are you kidding me? Pick up a book and read. Try this one....Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? By Beverly Tatum.
      It'll help you be more enlightened about racism.

    5. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Kristy Patullo's comment should be broadcasted with her name. Public shaming!

    6. Anonymous8:25 AM

      No it is racist, just like if I would refer to the Palin spawn as halfbreeds, injuns, or redskins.

    7. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Look what happened to that woman in England who said she was beautiful this week; think of the shaming she's gone through. What KP has written above is SO MUCH WORSE.

    8. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Kristy has SERIOUS issues. I just looked at her tweets and she sounds exactly like our troll here who posts nonstop. Is her entire life defending the Palins? Someone told me that she is a stalker actually and not paid and that she was kicked off Bristol's FB page. Yet she is still here posting nonstop? That is sick. I would feel sorry for her but she really is annoying criticizing people here nonstop for exactly what she is doing. There is a big screw loose in her noggin.

  10. WakeUpAmerica6:25 AM

    Wow! That's one fugly picture of Palin! She looks like a man in drag.

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      I could not put my finger on what was wrong with that picture of her until you pointed it out. Definately looks like a man in drag. Are you sure it isn't

    2. Anonymous6:52 AM

      I keep mistaking her for Rudy Giuliani.

  11. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Sarah and Bristol are users..right down to using Trig and Tripp. Neither one of them would be on our radar without those 2 boys but the boys are getting older and not cute little toddlers anymore, time is running out and they are getting desperate. They can't do anything on their own, no talent, time is taking it's toll on their looks, less and less people care anymore about them, they have turned into a joke in the media...what do they have left to keep the spotlight on themselves??

  12. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Pay attention to that statement Gryphen. Sarah is talking about her and Todd ONLY. She never mentions Bristol. She and Todd have probably not talked to Levi since 2010 like she states.

    Bristol on the other hand learned from her lying master. She probably is doing all the lying to Levi all by her herself, with no help from her mother.

    And on the third hand, Levi has every right to force Bristol to keep Tripp in town during his visitation time. He chooses not to. He is also at fault if he hasn't seen his kid in a month and you know this. So I don't feel sorry for him at all.

    1. Anonymous6:55 AM

      '''He chooses not to. He is also at fault if he hasn't seen his kid in a month and you know this. So I don't feel sorry for him at all.'''

      I agree with your statement. Because if he rally wanted to see his child and enforce his parental rights, he would go to court.

    2. Anonymous7:01 AM

      I feel bad for Levi, but unless he has the money to go to court over and over the custodial parent has all the rights and will make every excuse to keep the child from the father..the child is sick, we're going to be out of town, etc. I've heard them all from my x-daughter in law! All it does is hurt the kids and they will turn against the mother..believe me. They are 17 and 21 now and you should hear how they talk about their mother!

    3. Anonymous7:33 AM

      My other son and his x-wife had no visitations written into their child custody agreement..he could spend time with whichever parent he wanted this day they all get along and know they did what was best for their child, no controlling, no fighting, no on going court costs. Their child was #1 in all decisions.

    4. Anonymous7:42 AM

      He does not need money to go to family court he does not even need an attorney.

    5. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Because if he rally wanted to see his child and enforce his parental rights, he would go to court.

      Court, where? Palmer/Wasilla?

    6. The only way a 21 year old guy with few income options can "force" a multimillion dollar Wasilla Mafia family to do something is via an illegal act. He most likely doesn't have the money (and the Palins probably know this) to pursue his rights legally.

    7. Anonymous8:56 AM

      'Pay attention to that statement Gryphen. Sarah is talking about her and Todd ONLY. She never mentions Bristol.'

      No mention of the mother?

      The enabler that writes to TMZ for the Palins proves Levi is telling the truth here. The Godmother (father) of this mafia/cult are the ones pulling all the strings. Bristol is a natural at lies and does also lie to Levi. She is either suffering Stockholm Syndrome or just another psychopath following the mafia/cult rule.


      That is not happening.

  13. Anonymous6:37 AM

    NEW YORK — ABC’s “Good Morning America” is claiming a one-day victory in viewership over longtime champ “Today” on NBC.

    On Wednesday, “GMA” was watched by 5.236 million viewers, while 5.149 million viewers tuned into “Today,” according to the Nielsen Co.

    Wow. Can we let that sink in for a moment?

    On the day before, Tuesday, the day Sarah Palin supposedly walloped Katie Couric by attracting 4.5 million viewers to Katie’s .5 million viewers, Palin fans were quick to do the ‘landslide victory lap’ with their queen. But then on Wednesday, Ryan Seacrest drew one million more viewers (ratings reported viewers at 5.5 million) than had tuned in to see Sarah on Tuesday and as it turns out, The Today Show N O R M A L L Y enjoys an audience of between 4 and 5 million daily.

    So in reality, Sarah’s appearance had little effect on the show’s average, daily ratings.

    Her actual ratings bump was in the mere thousands, compared to Seacrest who bumped the numbers by exactly one million. Hardly worth the effort of polishing the crown…

  14. Stop me if you've heard this (lol)....but Trig looks just like Levi w/ Down Syndrome. It's killing me! Do they think we don't notice?

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      This is why you never, ever see pictures of Trig. Have to keep the poor kid locked up because he TOTALLY looks like a Down's version of Levi, so unless Levi and Sarah were doing the nasty and out came Trig, clearly, Levi and Bristol are Trig's parents.

      So yeah, you're not the only one who always sees Levi's features within Trig's cute little face!

    2. Anonymous7:38 AM

      You may be correct and it may be why Trig is rarely seen.

    3. Olivia8:39 AM

      And Tripp doesn't look like Levi AT ALL! Not even like pics of him when he was little. Tripp looks like creepy Chuck.

    4. Not only does Trig look very much like Levi, as Olivia points out, Tripp doesn't seem to resemble him at all. Tori Spellman's appearance on the Today show with Sarah clearly demonstrated how it's possible to give birth to two children in less than 12 months. Uh oh, wake up calls here, thank you Today programmers.

    5. Anonymous9:59 AM

      That is a really good point. Tori said she got pregnant when her baby was ONE month old!

  15. WakeUpAmerica6:48 AM

    Which son? Trig looks so much like Levi that it's scary.

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      My thought as well. I have always thought the custody fight was about Trig.

  16. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Why is Sarah issuing statements on behalf of the relationship between Levi and Tripp? That's Bristol's and Levi's affair, NOT her parents. Bristol is a grown woman, why is her parents all up in this mess, all up in her business with her baby-daddy?

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM


    2. Anonymous9:35 AM

      It really is ODD. Bristol is emotionally abused. Why else would she let her mother control her this way. I would never let my mother interfere in any of my relationships, period. Especially at that age.

      Bristol, get a spine and tell your mom to butt out. Be the person your troll here keeps saying you are, because we do not see it.

  17. Anonymous6:51 AM

    It was only a matter of time before the Palin's press releases ended up going to a gossip rag. Funny.
    And another thing, I thought the Palins were mature and strong? What is up with dogging on the grandchild's supposed father (DNA Levi, or do you know already?) in the press? WTF, these people are so dysfunctional - forget studying Sarah Palin in Poly-sci courses, she should be a topic in Psychology/Sociology class.

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Their 'stuff' is already going to the gossip rags - i.e. TMZ!!!! People Magazine and on and on. They are already nothing more than garbage to most folks in the U.S.

  18. lostinmn6:56 AM

    Wonder what triggered this outburst? Deflection from her lousy showing on Today? Must be something. With the Palin's they lead with their garbage and to their paint chip eating fans it's like a shiny object to a two year old when you are trying to get them to eat their peas. I've often wondered about Sara's obsession over Levi - does make me curious about whether mama and daughter have experienced the same Levi lodge pole. Nothing about this family would surprise me.

    1. I suspect this great revelation is due to the fact that Levi has moved on to a new, lovely, happy looking, girlfriend and looking forward to a baby. He has given up on them and they don't like it. I'm one who believes Trig is his, and I'm not convinced either way on Tripp.

    2. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Bristol is very jealous. And she screwed up losing Levi and deep inside, she knows this. She can't admit her own mistakes because she is just like her mother - emotionally incapable. Take the emotional IQ test Bristol. My guess is that you will score very very low. It isn't your fault completely but you are an adult now. Stop letting your mom control your life and maybe one day you will be happy and independent with a great job.

  19. Anonymous6:58 AM

    >>He chooses not to. He is also at fault if he hasn't seen his kid in a month and you know this. So I don't feel sorry for him at all.

    Levi is up against the most vicious, vindictive Alaskan mafia family in history. They lie, cheat, steal, murder, human traffic, destroy in fires...nothing is out of their realm of criminal behavior.

    Whoever you are, you clearly are ignorant of any actual goings on with Levi, you just like to slam him.

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      If he wants to see his child he could go to court, and get the order enforced. He is just as much as fault as Bristol is.

    2. Anonymous7:39 AM

      I believe you. Even if he worked overtime, he wouldnt have the funds to fight this evil corrupt manipulative family. But he does have rights and I sometimes do wonder why he doesn't exercise them more. Do you know?
      I thought their custody agreement stated that neither parent could profit off the child. Bristol breaks this routinely. Does Levi go to court to protest this and Bristol taking Tripp out of state? If he doesn't do this, what is his reason.
      This wouldnt coat miney and I want to believe the judge has Tripp's best interests as foremost .

    3. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Maybe the reason Levi doesn't go to court is because he's afraid of retaliation e.g. his mother's house arrest. Maybe he's been threatened that, if he does go to court, not only will they overpower him with money and connections, something else bad will happen to him or his family.

    4. Anonymous8:33 AM

      To the people saying he could go to court......have you been paying attention to the whole legal-political system in Alaska? It has always been skeevy, but since Palin I think it makes Russia look good.

  20. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Sarah Palin does not seem to understand that, to be taken seriously, one must behave in an adult manner. Whining to TMZ or tabloid magazines is just not the way to go. She'd be given more respect if she just stayed home in Alaska and stayed away from the cellphone and the microphone. If she persists in acting like an immature over-the-hill starlet, people will continue to criticize her.

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Haven't you heard? Alaskan don't want her either or her trashy family. She has brought nothing but shame and embarrassment to the residents of Alaska!

    2. Anonymous8:13 AM

      I've never been to AK, but always thought it would be a great place to visit. Now, whenever I think of AK, all I think of is poisonous Palin.

      It gives the same feeling I have about blueberry pie, which I ate a big piece of right before becoming sick and then vomited up for 24 hours. Went from loving blueberry pie to bad mental association, nausea, and bad taste in the mouth. Ugh.

    3. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Hope that one day Alaskans can do a class action suit against one of the Palin/State crimes. It would take an organized effort to do anything legal or through the media. Hope Alaskans can clear the name of their state from the Palin vile corrupt scourge.

  21. Anonymous7:03 AM


  22. Why are the Johnstons relying on the Palins and locals to inform them when Tripp is in town?!? Doesn't he have court ordered custody/visitation rights?!?! If not, WHY?? If so, and they are not being enforced, then is he doing anything about it? These questions need to be answered in able for people to determine whether the guy is a dead beat or a good man doing what he needs to to see his boy! Any info on this, folks?

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      And, perhaps the kid isn't really his?

    2. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Bristol doesn't even know who the Father is.

    3. If that's the case, then he should have a paternity test, once and for all, and depending on the results either man up and be a dad or tell the world he tried even though the child is not his.
      And if he is unable to get any fairness in court due to the smarmy shennanigans of the Palins, WHY isn't he going public with this? AND....if they are holding something over his head, do Sherry and Mercede know about it? What do THEY say?

  23. Anonymous7:10 AM

    The Palins must be getting really nervous:
    1. Levi and his girl friend are having a baby. Levi may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but now he has someone else in his corner who cares about him.
    2. Bristol's "Trial Marriage" trial balloon didn't soar too high
    3. Levi, or someone else who has photos and proof, may be deciding to risk it all and cash in with the truth about Trig
    4. It's really classy to attack a kid through TMZ. What happened to the old Sarah who could call out her lawyers and threaten a law suit?
    5. Seriously, what does Sarah Palin have to do to get some attention around her? Paint the bus and load up the family again? She got lots of attention, all the wrong kind, ringing those bells and firing those warning shots

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Sarah Palin is nothing more than a piece of smelly trash - is no longer important - not hiring her attorney any more to make threats - falling further and further into the black hole - looking more and more aged - is evil inside and out and I could go on and on.

      And, hey - good luck to Levi - think he is a nice young man and I'm delighted he has someone he loves and cares about. He's just lived the most horrible part of his life being involved w/the Palins. Poor guy!!!

    2. Anonymous7:44 AM

      I think this is a preemptive strike to discredit Levi and Johnstobs. Something big is coming and I believe it's the 2007 photos of pregnant Bristol.

      Bristol you still have some time to tell the truth and really profit in a huge way. You would really be free financially then. Why do you let your mom use you and manipulate you? Grow a spine and tell the whole truth before its too late.

    3. Anonymous9:07 AM

      The Palins only weaken their say if they all hide behind publicists, ghost writers, low positioned staff. How do we know who is leaking to Dailymail? Who gives statements to TMZ. It might be the janitor. Who can say?

      The Palins are secretive and purposely confusing. They are crap.

  24. Anonymous7:11 AM

    How can he force her without going to court?? Is he suppose to go to court every month for visitation? Vindictive controlling mothers have all the right and the children suffer.

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      He can force her by going to court. Or she will be in contempt of court and arrested.

    2. Anonymous8:15 AM

      If you honestly think a Palin will be arrested in Wasilla for anything, I envy your innocence.

    3. Anonymous8:48 AM son tried the contempt of court thing..they send you to mediation, you may get a few visits and then it starts all over again. Do you personally know anyone who is arrested for not allowing visitations?

    4. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Agree, it will take the federal government to come in. VERY LIKELY THAT WILL HAPPEN IN TIME. Wasilla and the State are corrupt.

    5. Anonymous9:40 AM

      You know , you would think that even the Alaska police and courts are SICK of the Palins. I really wonder if Todd black mails everyone because of his prostitution ring. Because why do the Palins still have so much power. Who are they but a tabloid trash family at this point? There may come a time when they don't have everyone by the balls, but I am not sure what it will take. Probably a federal indictment.

      So far though, the Palins have gotten away with every single illegal, unethical and immoral thing they have done. This is why they feel so above the law. Someone had to put them in their place. I bet many Alaskans wish they would just leave already.

  25. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Note to Gryphen: Sarah Palin sure settled that grudge match with her perky rival, Katie Couric. The nerve of Katie, asking Sarah what she read all the way up there in Alaska.

    Katie really asked what Sarah read to inform her world opinion. Sarah answered that question after several years when she appeared on The Today Show this week. As you can see, Sarah reads the Sports Pages. Yup, once a Hockey Mom, always a ....wait a minute, her kids don't play hockey any more.

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      GMA, with Katie Couric, beat-out Today Show, in the ratings the day Palin co-hosted.

      Katie came out on top. Once again.

    2. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Just the fact that people are talking about whether Palin beat Katie Couric, and not Palin beating Obama, is awesome! Proof of how far she's fallen. My schadenfreude runneth over.

  26. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Gawd! That Palin family is such trash. Can you imagine the Obamas having to "issue a statement to TMZ"? No? Me neither.

    They all deserve one another.

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Indeed, and find their own island where they can inbreed to their heart's content.

    2. Anonymous10:01 AM

      I hear there are some real estate deals in Siberia. They would be fight at home with the Russian Mafia and Putin can stop poking his head around Sarah's porch.

  27. If Levi does not get an injunction against this reality tv show filming his & Bristol's child, he is a lost cause. He as the father needs to sign a release allowing the minor to be used in such a manor or profit.
    If Levi hasn't gotten every other week with his son through the use of legally drawn custody documents, then I'm afraid this is lost cause.
    If Levi had nothing to hide these simple steps above would have been applied.

    As for Sarahpalinusa twitless wonder of misinformed 2nd Place beauty queens... If you Sarah are such a healing love of family, not to mention those conservative Christian values, you would reach out to your daughter and heal your Grandsons heart!
    But your snake-skin 6in. heels that are barely able to reach the floor when you sit down to spit your venom is harsh reality to what stands in those Sarah Palin are what the Bible warns others not to become.

    1. There's every possibility that Tripp is not Levi's child.

    2. Anonymous9:14 AM

      On the Today Show she proved she was waiting for Grand kids. Not that she has Grand kids.

      Something has gone very wrong in that grey matter in her head.

      She claims to be so proud of Track, he is in combat and all. I haven't seen anything where she is over the moon about his baby girl (that would be a Grand kid for Sarah). What Grandmother would want to block that from her mind? Or why?

      That is a $64,000. (million today) question.

      Why has she blacking out on proud of son baby girl?

    3. Anonymous9:42 AM

      This is a VERY interesting question. Why doesn't Sarah ever mention her grand daughter? It is VERY STRANGE. Gryphen, have you heard anything about this?

  28. Anonymous7:31 AM

    The Palins are just tabloid fodder, no different that Kate Gooseface or Lindsey Lohans latest trouble with the law.

    No Brisket, the supermarket tabloids are NOT safe to eat, I just used the word fodder in a different manner. If you had an education, you might already know that, but please do NOT eat the tabloids ( even if Wallow puts them in your trough)

  29. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Why doesn't Levi grow up and get a good lawyer. Gloria Aldred would do it pro bono, she does for others. How can Bristol say she is a good parent, living with different men, etc.

  30. Anonymous7:35 AM

    "We have never hidden Tripp from Levi or discouraged Levi from spending time with him. Any suggestion that we have is false and contrary to our core beliefs."

    Bristol is hidden right now. Yapping or pictures behind Nancy French, phone in fake interviews don't count. The scripted bullcrap ain't selling either. Grow up Bristol and stop hiding.

    The Palins have someone write and issue words to TMZ. They aren't even out front on that one.

    Bristol stop hiding if you want anyone to believe your PR or your parents ( LIES )PR.

    Levi is himself and he talks to people without script.


    1. Well, if Trig is Levi's son as well, he may be forced to refer to both Tripp and Trig as just "Tripp." So he says he never sees Tripp-- even though he does-- but the Palins know he means Trig.
      Perhaps he doesn't just admit that Trig is his son for legal reasons? Maybe Bristol really is Trig's mother and because she was so young at the time the parents Palin demanded to adopt him and if Levi squealed they'd press charges?
      Or perhaps the lies have some half-truths in them. Maybe Sarah really was pregnant due to knocking some boots with Levi and she didn't just starve herself, she did everything she could to kill the baby and be thin-- snorting diet pills, ketamine, corsets, plastic surgery, etc. I don't for a minute believe she was pregnant when she claimed she was. I believe Trig was born earlier than they claimed and was in the NICU for a few weeks or months.
      I suppose that would explain her hiding it- wouldn't want your daughter to know you stole her boyfriends. Also wouldn't want your husband who you never have sex with to find out. Hmmm....

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Marz..Boy do you and I think along the same lines..see my comment below.

    3. Anonymous9:45 AM

      How many little nuggets does Levi have to spill..the gun under the bed..Todd sleeps in the recliner etc!!!! Was Sarah a cougar going after her daughters boyfriend????

  31. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I do not blame Levi for not seeing Tripp. We have all known at least one non custodial parent that is continually made to jump through hoops in never ending games to satisfy the custodial parent. As sad as it is, sometimes the only way to have a life that is not being controlled by the vindictive custodial parent is to walk away. Trip will reconnect when he is older and will be upset with his custodial parent.

  32. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Well, well. Sarah disputes the info about Levi and Tripp, but not the reports that Bristol will live with her boyfriend. It seems like she'd want to dispute that. So is this TMZ missive a distraction?

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Nice catch. I thought it was odd that they're only "setting the record straight" anonymously on a blog about Bristol and Gino shacking up. I won't go to Bristol's blog. Does anyone know if it's been mentioned there?

    2. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Nancy is doing a bible distraction I hear.
      Bristol must be comatose or healing from the latest plastic surgery.

      Bristol does not exist it seems. If she was there she would not have her parents so involved in her business.

  33. Anonymous7:39 AM

    She looks really bald in that picture as well...

  34. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Yes, it is the kids who suffer. So, who is documenting this mess? Anyone in the Johnston family? If Mercede is sending you text messages about this, are you saving them? Most people know it's all about documentation.

    If Levi's afraid to go after the Palin's, someone outside the situation, who isn't afraid, should be the keeper of this documentation, step forward, and protect the kids. Are you offering to perform this service?

    If they are withholding visitation, which I believe they are, it's despicable and shouldn't be hard to document at all. Proving the Palins just issued a written lie about their "core values" would definitely be one more nail in their coffin.

  35. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Emails, text messages and voice mails are all accepted as evidence in a court of law. Levi can use all of these to back up his claims about communication with the Palins, which I'm sure are true. He needs to start saving everything. If he's afraid to present the evidence himself, because of threats to his mother or similar, a third party needs to do this in a way that takes the heat off him.

    It will be a service not only to Levi, but also to an innocent child being deprived his father's love out of spite. It will also prove the Palins just lied about their actions and "core values" in writing to TMZ, which is a service to the country.

  36. Sarah is going to be chucking canned goods like an automated tennis ball shooter when she finds out Levi has proof he has spoken to them in the form of texts and RECORDED phone calls.

    Sarah, you're such an idiot. If I remember when Tank Jones said they record Levi's calls for "his safety", then it doesn't seem a real stretch for you to be able remember it.

    Once again, Sarah Palin, multimillionaire and former governor uses the tabloids to BULLY AND LIE ABOUT a kid barely out of his teenage years.

    And it really should be shouted far and wide that the only reason the Palins claim Levi "doesn't pay support" is because they refuse to cash the checks which he faithfully sends. They know if he can't provide canceled checks, nobody will believe he's paid the support.

    If Levi REALLY wasn't paying support, how fast do you think the Palin revenge machine would have dragged his ass into court?

    Faster than Sarah can ruin a sports figure/political entity/tv show by endorsing it.

  37. A. J. Billings8:04 AM

    Hey asshole Anonymous @ 7:19 am, who the fuck are you? Why are you bothering to read or post here, since evidently you just can't stay away from IM.

    And why the fuck does it matter? If you are a Palin toe sucker, Palinbot idiot, or someone who worships $arah, why not just stick to the Sea Of PEE? Why do you care what other say or think about your idol and your Palin gods?

    Go over to the $arah PAC page, and donate your life savings if you are so adamant that her highness is the living embodiment of all Christian virtue that's perfect in this world.

  38. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Now Bristle is blogging about Bible verses today.(I'm sure Sarah found it for her after the TMZ release of her sccusations of Levi lying.)

    Bristle's verse is about "honesty." So transparent.

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      She can exhibit her "HONESTY" by giving a statement about PIMP DADDY TODD'S PROSTITUTION

    2. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Nancy French plays Bristol on the blog. Bristol is getting her freak on or curl up in the fetal state. Over under medicated.



      They can allow her to go to Target and a few whatnots but no indication that she has a clue about what is going on. She may not even know about the statement to TMZ. They update her and give her a script from time to time. No proof she is in the mix on a day by day way.

    3. If you wade into the comments section of Nancy's--I mean, "Bristol's"--blog, you'll see some active proselytizing. People who say anything that isn't, "Bristol is a true inspiration!" are told to come to Jesus.

    4. Anonymous9:47 AM

      These people are SO FULL OF BULLSHIT, and they don't even see that most Americans see right through them. Bible verses about honesty?
      That is REALLY RICH!

      The Palins are HYPOCRITICAL LIARS! The father is a pimp. Sarah is a psychopath that lies nonstop. Bristol is a mini me of her mother and lets herself be used and manipulated. I won't mention the other kids.

      STOP YOUR DAMN LYING YOU PSYCHOS! You have hurt America and America is SICK OF YOU. GO AWAY.

    5. Anonymous10:06 AM

      What are you talking about? Bristol actually works for a living and has her own life.

    6. AnonymousApr 6, 2012 11:06 AM

      What are you talking about? Bristol actually works for a living and has her own life.

      There you are! Slept in late today I keep saying the same damn thing...but when we ask why Beefy named her son after her daddies prostitute...all we get is crickets from you....what's up with that?

    7. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Bristol works for a living? Really? What does she do exactly? What kind of a full time administrative job allows for missing so much work and traveling around the country. Bristol doesn't have her own life. Her mother controls her. She doesn't even write her own blog.

      You are such a liar. If you think Bristol has her own life either you a) do not even know her or b) you are her and have zero insight into how controlled and manipulated you are.

  39. Anonymous8:13 AM

    The Palins just can't help themselves - they are white trash, through and through. They reveal their proud membership in the white trash nation with every tabloid "statement" (TMZ for crying out loud!), their dress, behavior and name-calling. They apparently think it is normal and OK to conduct themselves in this cringeworthy and shameless manner. These family dramas, all the grudge matches and vendettas, the feuds and the spiteful get-even maneuvers! And they think nothing of putting on display in the most tawdry way imaginable. It is remarkable that they have no shame, no sense of being embarrassed. I pray my children do not marry into such a clan, or - worse - breed with such a gene pool.

    They don't know any better, as my granny used to say, they're just trash acting trashy.

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      They really can't help themselves. You are right. I have never seen such a group of media whores and blood suckers.....
      TRASH through and through.....

  40. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I have always thought that the "supposed" engagement was hinky as hell.

    It's a good bet that it was a set-up for Levi from the get-go; a mom & daughter snare....woo him back, convince him that they'd both get rich off of a a reality show. But first do this ONE little thing for me; apologize to my mom.

    Remember while he did apologize, he did not betray truth when he elaborated. He said SOME of the things he had said about the Palins may not be the exact truth (something like that). Which I interpreted to mean the truth was much worse.

  41. The kid with his boots on backward?

    Adorable, for sure, but Trig seems to change??

  42. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Wouldn't it be great if this could move from "he said/she said" to proof the Palin's are lying through their teeth? Wouldn't it be great if documentation in the form of emails, text messages, voicemails, etc. could now be released to TMZ?

  43. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Any little bit of media shine that Sarah Palin can grab, she does it. Even if she can only think of a pitiful excuse to get into a news cycle. Like butting her brainless, stupid, arrogant, sociopath self into little Tripp's private life.

    Who, the heck CARES, what Sarah Palin thinks about her precious self and her supposed victimhood. Only a sociopath would keep blabbing away in this situation instead of shutting the F up.

    I really, really, REALLY would like to see Sarah Palin exposed for her faked pregnancy, G. Keep plugging away, man. The truth will set us free.

  44. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Levi Johnston already 'trying to profit off new baby' - and 'purposely leaked the news' during Sarah Palin's Today show hosting tour 5 April 2012

    Sonny is adorable. I am glad for the two of them to have found happiness. I hope it is true that Levi did have purpose. ( A Johnston pal tells The Huffington Post's Naughty But Nice Rob: " Of course he did it on purpose, " ) I don't fully understand the matter of the courts in Alaska, but something is blocking that avenue. In due time more will come out to shed light on how things work up there. I think it is good if Levi is becoming more sophisticated with the media. He should earn a bundle. Bristol has connections who have set her up. She can hide and get her cosmetic make overs done, others put words in her mouth. She doesn't have to do much at all. Levi will have to work and be a man of many capacities.

    It looks like the Dailymail and TMZ are the Palin's favored go to media for their most valued family values. I find it interesting that both Dailymail articles have been negative in regard to the man boys that Bristol has in her life. Coincidence that both Gino and Levi are being portrayed as losers? Neither worthy of a re-virgined good daughter. Is that just the Dailymail or is someone else behind that? One of these days the Palins will have to have someone write for Bristol about her failed Reality Show trials? Will Bristol take any blame? Will that be someone elses fault?

  45. Anonymous8:42 AM

    The Palins may have the upper hand now but one day a teenager is going to do some reading up on the internet and the Palins' false narrative will fall apart.

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Who are you referencing?

  46. Olivia8:42 AM

    What time do they release the trolls? They must be sleeping in today.

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Trolls work 24/7 in shifts. This is the job creations Palin talks about. Vote Republican and put a Troll to work,

  47. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I also wonder if the trial-marriage-reality-show is not some kind of set-up as well.

    Somehow get the word out in a "source" (which I still don't understand.....DailyMail?). Wait until the "lamestream" starts reporting it, and then react with outrage that this is an example of the evil media once again slandering this innocent family.

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      The story did not come from anyone close to the Palins, which is why it reads like fiction.

    2. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Oh please, write "reads like fiction" ONE more time. You haven't repeated your purple prose enough.

  48. Olivia8:47 AM

    Bristol/Nancy is blogging about the Bible and honesty today? Wonder how honest they are about Todd the pimp?

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Olivia, why don't you ask them. Maybe we all should.....

      Bristol should start by coming clean about her own lies / pregnancies. She has ZERO credibility after her DWTS exhibition and faux abstinence lectures.

      BY THE WAY, hey Bristol ---- many in Hollywood know the truth about your "weight gain" in DWTS. Do you really think that no one will talk? Think again and speak up before they do. If you TRULY want to be honest, this is the right and moral thing to do. And it is the best thing for your children. Keep telling lies about them and some day, they will refuse to even talk to you. That will happen if you continue on the immoral path of lying and grifting that you are on. You are not doing good for anyone and stop pretending that you are.

    2. Anonymous10:20 AM


      Nancy is doing bible babble for Sarah/Bristol. Code for Bristol has lost it, gone off the deep end and not functioning.

      Quick get her a massage and fixed up and out to a mall to prove that she is ok, look see the slim girl Is functioning. See she can do it all, loves Tripp, too. Amazing! Send out the Krusty Patullos: I saw Bristol this and that, nobody else knows, SOS.

      Bristol needs massage to aid the body and face procedures. She is no doubt close to Pimp Daddies stable. She has made friends by now. The girl is not giving up her friends or family. No, have Nancy use the bible, that will work.

  49. Anonymous8:49 AM

    They are doing everything they can to garner interest for Bristhole's ridiculous teevee "reality" show.
    The rest of the world is laughing at how unbelievably stupid some Americans can be.

  50. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Hey Uncle Gryphen,

    The Palin Place has an awesome screen grab that has a ticker tape running underneath Palin's interview with Matt Lauer on Tuesday that says Prostitution Ring. Co-inky-dink or another display of great "librul" comedic timing?

    Your Superfan from Atlanta

  51. Levi is really good looking! I like this picture of him. Mercede and Levi's new girlfriend are very pretty too.

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Point? No one in this tale is unnattractive. Why are you bringing superficiality into it?

    2. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Do you get paid by the word or do you just think it makes you sound smart to write "bringing superficiality into it" instead of using a simpler pfease.

      I can tell you it makes you sound like a fool.

    3. Anonymous10:33 AM

      11:02 - Bristol is not attractive, not since her surgery. Sad.

  52. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Really, this statement was put out because the reality of Bristol isn't the same as the narrative she and her parents are trying to put forth.

    So, hey! Let's put out this statement! Most people won't put effort into this story beyond the statement and so will think, "Awww, poor Bristol. She's having to raise this child all alone. That meanie Levi doesn't even want to see his child. Boo Levi! Yay Bristol!"

    This is the narrative they are trying so hard to put out there. All so they can sell some tawdry "reality" show.



  53. I'm with whichever Anonymous asked what brought this on? Isn't this kind of an old issue to focus on whatever palienation is featured today? Strange, very strange.

    On the other hand, trollage today has been outstanding!

  54. Anonymous9:10 AM

    OMG! Have you seen this Gryphen? Is this an accident or a message?

  55. Anonymous9:15 AM

    America has become one huge reality show. I pray for our future, and that of our future generations to come.

    Kardashians,Lohans, Snookies, Jenners, Simpsons, Limbaughs, Housewives of, Basketball wives of, JerseyShore,Paylans. This what it has come to. WTF

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      people praying makes it more likely that america won't have a future. Sensible actions are required which don't include praying.

  56. Anonymous9:22 AM

    So, even if the story in the news feed was not about Todd Palin and his interstate prostitution ring, he is in the business, and he needs to look over his shoulder. He probably doesn't sleep well. Unless he takes some of his wife's meds.

    But, dang! What's the media waiting for? Shailey's book is out. Cover it, people! Even Sarah gets something right once in a while, like when she said the darned lamestream media is run by people who, as she said, are limp, weak, impotent...

    "Those who are impotent and limp and gutless and they go on their anonymous -- sources that are anonymous -- and impotent, limp and gutless reporters take anonymous sources and cite them as being factual references," Palin continued. "It just slays me because it's so absolutely clear what the state of yellow journalism is today that they would take these anonymous sources as fact."

    This doesn't exactly fit the Shailey Tripp story because she is not an ANONYMOUS SOURCE, the type that Sarah decries, but still, the mainstream media is loathe to carry the story of being coerced by the First Dude of Alaska into performing sexual acts on him and his "clients" in order to buy food (but not always diapers) for her two disabled babies. Shailey's documentation appears to be factual, too. But, Sarah has not once publically mentioned "Boys Will Be Boys: Media, Morality and the Coverup of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Sex Scandal," the memoir of a strong, single mom, raising two kids and working two, three, four jobs at once - one being a part of Todd Palin's prostitution ring. Sarah loves "hard workin' single moms." Ha! Life as Shailey Tripp certainly makes "Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp" look like the fairy tale it really is.

    Oh, and the "Volume One" designation on Amazon is not a mistake. If you haven't bought Ms. Tripp's book yet, I encourage you to do so asap. It will help Shailey accrue what she needs to publish the book in e-format and get it in front of a wider audience. Which then will help her afford to publish Volume Two. Press the purchase link and consider it a poke in the eye to Todd Palin.

    I engaged in illegal activites because I was desparate to keep my family together. Your life was more lucrative and you and your husband made money why did you engage in illegal activities? What was your excuse? Did Todd make you do it? We also share some secrets, gambling, partying, we both know you were not pregnant, and we know what your husband does. We know, you and I. My question to you is what are you going to do about it? What are you going to do to make amends? What are you going to do when someone finally grows some balls and ask you a direct question about me and about your husband? What are you going to do when they ask you about prostitution? Sooner or later someone is going to ask. What are you going to do when others start speaking out? That will happen to. Sarah Palin or Sarah Heath whatever your name is, the ball is in your court, it is your playing field, what are you going to do now? Sarah Heath what are you going to do if everyone got together and filed a law suit against you and the way you misused your power and influence and the way you spent your money? Eventually even the police and FBI will stop covering for you, and then what? You once told me to get my ducks in a row and told me exactly what do to and how to do it, now I am telling you make amends and get your shit together and start making amends for all the peoples lives you have hurt. And Sarah you should start with Gabby Giffords, Christina Green, Dorwan Stoddard and his wife Mavanell, Dorothy Murray, Phyllis Schenk, Judge Roll, Gabe Zimmerman, and others who were affected that tragic day.

  57. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I'm really starting to lean toward Sarah being Trigs mother and Levi is the Daddy..Sarah did everything she could to abort that baby and didn't tell anyone about being pregnant, not even Todd at first, because she didn't think he would survive. I think she had a very preemie baby and did fake the DATE of birth by using the fake belly. She has too much hate for can't be just because of Bristol and Tripp, who may not even be his child. All this fighting could be all about Trig with Tripp as the decoy. Levi knows the truth but will he ever spill the beans? Todd knows but he's in the $$ and has his own little business going. Bristol knows and this is why she split from Levi and her mommys money and connections will keep her quiet. I think Mercede knows but can't say anything....does any of this make sense???

    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      You can't be serious! Palin was never pregnant at that time. Tell your lying eyes to have another look at those pictures of when she was 7 months pregnant.

      Jesus fucking kriste, what has happened to americans these days?

    2. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Levi has honestly admitted she was never close to either Sarah or Todd and that they tried, like good parents, their hardest to keep him away from their daughter. Back then, knowing who Levi once was, would YOU want your daughter dating that?

      He's matured into a good man who no longer cheats. So I have no qualms with him. But then, I wouldve done the same things as a parent.

  58. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Palin is really desperate. Check out her latest FB post.

    New Facebook post from Sarah:

    Good Friday: It’s About What’s Been Done For Us

    by Sarah Palin on Friday, April 6, 2012 at 10:14am ·

    May we all have a peaceful and reflective Good Friday and remember what this day is all about. For Christians, this is a day of forgiveness – the ultimate day of forgiveness and mercy. In a recent blog post, Bristol explained this by quoting a lyric from a song: “After all, it’s not about what you’ve done, it’s about what’s been done for you.” Good Friday is about what was done for us. At her Catholic blog, National Review’s Kathryn Jean Lopez saw Bristol’s message and was reminded of something a priest friend told her: “live the present with God, leaving the past to His mercy and the future to His providence.”
    The Living Bible’s translation of 1 Peter 3:24 promises that Christ suffered and overcame for us, and He is our example. And the Resurrection promise is “His wounds have healed ours.” That’s something to hold on to! God bless you all on this Good Friday.
    - Sarah Palin

  59. Olivia9:40 AM

    All the troll turds plopped down here the last couple of days is sitting in one big steaming pile of troll shit over on Floyd Orr's blog. It is as if someone took phrases out of the pile and pasted them into replies here. The smell is enough to make you gag.

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Sounds plausible, though we'll never know as it's impossible to live someone else life.

  60. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Now Sarah has an Easter FB post citing Bristol's blog and her Easter post. This way, people will go there, read Bristol's Easter post and then read the new honesty post. What a disgusting, conniving bunch the Palins are and using Easter to keep them in the news and in their war with Levi.

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      They know what's real for them, as it's their lives.

  61. Anonymous9:54 AM

    How do you know if she is lying technically? How can you assume she has anything to do with the custody bs? That's a big assumption and one you personally cannot make since you actually don't know her.

    1. Not knowing President Obama personally doesn't keep Sarah Palin from lying about him, does it?

      She and countless other bigoted birthers and right wing nut jobs make assumptions every day -- nearly every one of them fact-checked to be proven false -- about our President, and the fact that they are wrong doesn't keep them from continuing to make assumptions.

  62. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I'm sorry but selling another women's child's baby picture for spending money sets a bad tone. Yet Bristol still let them see Tripp several times during 2009. Sadie has pictures from these times throughout 2009, spring, summer, fall, and winter.

    1. As the saying goes, "that's mighty white of them", since both families live in the same small burg. It's not like the Palins live in Alaska and the Johnstons live in, say, Arizona.

      Which would be impossible anyway, since the trumped-up felony charges and conviction for Sherry Johnston probably keep her from moving out of state and away forever from that nasty Palin mafia.

    2. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Bristol LET THEM? Fuck Bristol. Supposedly the Johnstons are half of that little boy's family.

  63. Not What You Want to Hear10:00 AM

    Why are these people dragging this old issue out again NOW via an entertainment site/show?

    Because of a certain upcoming reality show. To pique curiosity and interest in this show. To let everyone know there's drama ahead on this show.

    And people are falling for it.

  64. Anonymous10:01 AM

    It's funny that during the time you think LEvi was fighting Sarah, she was defending him behind closed doors. Emails. Don't punish her for the drama between the parents of Tripp.

    1. Ha, ha..."behind closed doors"? And you would know this HOW? Who are you anyway? The toilet? The RNC clothes in her closet? The f*ck-me shoes?

    2. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Proof, please, otherwise your words mean nothing.

  65. Anonymous10:09 AM

    The TMZ story is just Sarah's latest stunk to try to market a lame reality show starring that charismatic bundle of personality and talent, Bristol Palin. You saw her on Dancing with the Stars, and even if the voting was rigged, some people loved her. They can't get enough stories about the mistake that she made drinking wine coolers, passing out in a tent with a guy, oh that old story again. And, it was the one day she forgot to take her birth control pills, not used as contraception but, I keep forgetting why, was it jaw realignment or something?

    Sarah is so afraid that Levi might actually get a reality show (unlikely, he has as much personality and talent as Bristol, but he IS better looking). Maybe she is afraid that with a girl friend/wife and baby to support, he may just spill the beans to accumulate enough of a nest egg for them to start a new life in the lower 48, away from Sarah's clutches. Mercede said that she was California dreaming. The Johnstons should get out of Dodge as soon as they are free to go.

    Nothing says credible political commentator as a cheesy tabloid squabble with a kid. That's all that Sarah seems to have left, other than being part of the D list talent used in a morning show ratings war. Sarah will serve one more very important role in politics. She will be the reminder to the Republican Party not to try to pick a "Game Changer" this time. Look what it did to them in 2008. If that movie was such a pack of lies, why didn't Sarah win the Presidency?

  66. Anonymous10:12 AM

    You're defending a liar to out a liar. Perfect.

  67. Olivia10:12 AM

    And the trolls arrive right on cue.

  68. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Who cares?

    The little children, when they grow up, will.

    America will when it gets the real low-down on those holier-than-thou grandparents, grifting and pimping away.

    In the meantime, this is less interesting that the Kardashian saga -- can't tell one from the other, and don't care.

    I care about the Palins only that her acute and certifiable mental illness is affecting the democratic process in this country, with the connivance of crooked Alaska officials and the meretricious media.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.