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"Look why do people even listen to me? You know I'm just a vindictive bitch!" |
Sarah Palin's charge that the Secret Service prostitute scandal highlighted President Barack Obama's "poor management skills" drew a sharp rebuke Friday from the White House, where chief spokesman Jay Carney dubbed it absurd and politically motivated.
"It is preposterous to politicize the Secret Service," Carney told reporters at his daily briefing.
Palin and Republican Senator Jeff Sessions have in recent days charged that the scandal, coupled to the outrage over the General Services Administration's lavish spending on a convention in Las Vegas, reflect poorly on Obama. Those two controversies, as well as the tragic mass slaying of Afghan civilians, allegedly by an American soldier, have overshadowed much of the White House's agenda in recent weeks.
"What they're doing is trying to turn these incidents — one that's still under investigation — to political advantage," Carney charged when asked about critics who lump the three issues together. "On the face of it, it's a ridiculous assertion that trivializes both the very serious nature of the endeavor that our military is engaged in in Afghanistan and the very serious nature both of the work that the Secret Service does, the apolitical nature of the institution, and the seriousness of the investigation under way," the spokesman said.
Good for Jay Carney, and the White House!
I am usually not one to want the White House to even acknowledge the existence of Sarah Palin (And I DID notice Carney did not mention her by name) but what she said on Greta's show was unconscionable, and she needs to be called out for this kind of hateful, and deceptive, rhetoric.
Update: Here is the video of Carney's response. As it turns out he DID mention the Grizzled One. Sort of.
Sarah Palin - self-serving nitwit who is continuing to erode her historical standing. Not that she cares about history - you have to be able to read and think to do that - but she is ensuring her entry will always be defined by her willful ignorance and bile-filled hate mongering.
ReplyDeleteHer racism is becoming clearer the more she speaks. She would do herself a favor is she would simply withdraw from the national spotlight. Instead, she is desperately inserting her opinion where it only does her harm.
I believe she is her own worse enemy, and something that she says or does, in a desperate attempt to remain in the spot light, is what is going to take her down for good. She simply can not help herself
DeleteWhy am I reminded of a line from an old Monty Python sketch: "He noticed me! He noticed me!"
ReplyDeleteMore like "Bring out the dead!"
DeleteOr possibly a slight paraphrase from a Python movie she'd hate: "[She] is NOT the Messiah! [She's] a VERY NAUGHTY [GIRL]!
DeleteOr a slight paraphrase from a Python she'd hate: [She] is NOT the Messiah! [She's] a VERY NAUGHTY [GIRL]!
DeleteYour father was a hamster, and your Mother smelt of elderberries!
DeleteI fart in your (Palin's) general direction!
DeleteShe is reminding me of Hitler more and more each day. Both had limited intelligence, were masters of rhetoric and deception, and were complete psychopaths. Notice I used the past tense. That is because the Bitch is all washed up. She has been exposed as the fraud that she is. It is now time for the FBI to take out this dirty laundry. President Obama, and First Lady, continue to ignore this stupid Hoe. She is not worthy of you ever acknowledging her miserable existence.
ReplyDeleteCan I get an amen? I know this stuff (yea, yea, it shall be so).
DeleteGreat insight! That's the beauty of President Obama and First Lady. I think he only mentioned her once, and that was to say he doesn't think of her at all.
DeleteAnd why should he bother? He has a spokesperson to do that for him. Sarah has Fox News, Facebook and Matt Lauer.
I beg to differ with you. Sarah Palin is no "master of rhetoric."
Why in the world would you think she's a"master of rhetoric"? She's a complete opposite of that. I think it's interesting that she claims she has a journalism degree and yet can't speak, and I suspect write, proper English. I wasn't an English or Journalism major, nor do I claim that I speak proper English, but I think I'm a hell a lot better than she is. I also seriously question if she ever actually graduated from college from seeing her lack of critical thinking skills and her obvious lack of intelligence. I have never known anyone who graduated from college that exhibits her lack of knowledge in even simple subject matters.
DeleteHousewife from Wasilla has Carney's panties in a wad.
Carney doesn't wear panties. Todd does.
DeleteAnonymousApr 20, 2012 04:08 PM
DeleteHousewife from Wasilla has Carney's panties in a wad.
STFU Krusty and go call your family!
Wrong. Carney was spot on with what he said about her trying to turn the spotlight on herself. Everything is always about Palin to her and she just loves to play the victim. Her snarky remarks about President Obama shows just how utterly despicable she is. Enough of the BS from the Quitter!!!
DeleteHousewife from Wasilla had her SKANKY UNCLEAN PANTIES in a wad over Obama for 4 years. She drools for his attention, and he ignores her
Obviously, it is prostitutes in Columbia that have Sarah Palin's panties in a wad. Why could that be?
DeleteShe often says "boys will be boys", so really, what's the dill?
Juvenile comments as usual. When you gonna grow up? Oh nevermind.... Arguing with idiots is futile. They just drag you down and beat you with experience.
DeleteBetter than a wad (of used condoms and washcloths)
DeleteLike Todd PALIN!!!
Ha ha ha, bitch!
@4:08 "Panties in a wad" because he recognizes her stupidity and called her out on it.
DeleteYou think this is funny?? You are sick in the head and need help. Sarah is an idiot. The SS protects people from across the political spectrum. She's a low class scumbag for using this to bash Onsma. Whats very sad and pathetic is that you like that she says such inappropriate stuff. WTF is wrong with you??
Delete@5:06 PM:
Delete"Juvenile comments as usual. When you gonna grow up? Oh nevermind.... Arguing with idiots is futile. They just drag you down and beat you with experience."
These are the very reasons the White House always ignores that IDIOT $arah Palin.
5:05 PM:
Delete“Juvenile comments as usual. When you gonna grow up? Oh nevermind.... Arguing with idiots is futile. They just drag you down and beat you with experience.”
You’re an idiot, for trying to argue with idiots. Idiot.
Shout out to the Paylin of the day: Looks to me like Mr. Carney has taken Obama lessons...Mr. Cool and Calm! Good job, man!
DeleteThe only person with their panties in a wad is Scarah Payhim . her little wet dream about POTUS must have made her wet herself.
Kristy the Kreepy Palin Stalker:
DeleteBitch, please.
Everyone knows you can't make a HOE into a housewife. And I should know cuz I'm a muthaf@ckin' P.I.M.P.!
Somehow Sarah Palin "got pregnant" with Trig while Todd was busy with his happy ending gal. It's hard enough for a 44 year old woman to conceive, much less a woman whose husband is getting off with other women besides her. The Shailey Tripp tale all but proves that Sarah is not Trig's mother. That family is beyond the pale when it comes to "unconventional living". No wonder they like Ted Nugent so much! Poor Willow and Piper, they were most likely offered up to Ted as sacrificial lambs for his pedophelia. Families are judged by the company they keep; the Palins keep some very strange company indeed :-)
DeleteI really think they're either stupid or gluttons for punishment.
DeleteFact, the White House, knowing how thin skinned Sarah is, waited for her to chime in. She blew a fuse on GVS and looked juvenile and unfit to serve, then Jay Kearney gently kicked her to the curb.
In the photo above, Palin sure looks like she has just filled her Depends. Yuk, what a revolting mutation she is.
DeleteIt's the call she's been waiting for from the White House!
ReplyDeleteShorter Jay Carney: STFU!
i was going to say the exact same thing!
DeleteIn her head it was a call from the White House.
DeleteStay tuned whiner
ReplyDeleteShe's only getting warmed up
How long does it take to warm up a pile of shit?
DeleteObama's only getting warmed up with Investigators. Pimp Daddy Todd will be her downfall. Todd provided the Prostitutes for Agent Chaney and his partners. So stay tuned, the Wasilla Baby Factory will soon be closed.
DeleteThey will have to spread their legs somewhere else.
That's good to hear. Every time she speaks we all get to take a pot shot at the idiot and it truly is fun to do. History will not be kind to this fool!
DeleteShe already smells like shit!
DeleteNow it's gonna be warm!
Loathsome sow!
Yes, can't wait to hear the retard's spew hate. It only ensures Obama a 2nd term.
DeleteYou really are sick if you think she is good for this country. Why don't you all leave? You have no respect for anyone. She is disgusting and you are her sow RAM. The glee you take in this proves how sick in the head you are. I remember your tweets RAM. You are a bitter unhappy woman, just like Sarah.
Delete"She already smells like shit!
DeleteNow it's gonna be warm!"
THat you Brisket ? OR is it Willer? either way....go for it girls. THe Secret Service can visit you house, too....oh, but they will not be their for the fun. :( Let her rip!
DeleteROTFL She's just getting warmed up!!!!!!!
DeleteHave you watched the clips from her house on the dead lake? Every time she gets close to the blast furnace to the left, it retreats. Ain't nothing warm on Sarah, except for the roadkill on her head
I wonder if she will consider this rebuke a personal response from the President. Watch for her to pull out another victim card!
ReplyDeleteShe is getting closer and closer to her ultimate smackdown. You think someone isn't makin the call to Roger suggesting he might want to muzzle the bitch. She's truly mentally ill, the way she reacts to and seems to feed off attention is very, very mentally unhealthy. I'd feel sorry for her except she's one of the most hateful people I've ever read about
ReplyDeleteI think the only reason she's still with FOX is because of her contract. Ale's surely knows the Republicans want her out of the picture since she hurts the party with every word she speaks. You know they also can't be happy with her for trying to pull the attention away from the convention in Tampa, to her reserved space location near the convention itself. Living in Tampa myself, I would love to do something that would truly annoy her at her location. If anyone knows of anything, just leave a comment somewhere I'll see it. I'm here everyday, but make it early in the comment section.
DeleteSarah Palin is simply disgusting. The problem is that she has a soapbox - Fox News - and there is little that can be done to get her to shut up. Her obsession with President Obama is creepy as well as unhealthy and the Republicans and Fox News use and cultivate it.
ReplyDeleteshe is rogers useful idiot!!
DeleteSimply put, The hag is Rogers useful idiot!!
DeleteUsefuL? Useful for what?
DeleteA good laugh. Stewart and Colbert have been a riot since Sarah was unleashed.
DeleteThank goodness Jay did not mention her by name because she is so desperate to get the attention of our President. It is what she wants more than anything!
ReplyDeleteI agree
DeleteIf Jay had said her name, she would have considered it as having gotten the President's attention and Jay relaying the President's response being that her name was mentioned within the Whitehouse. That it would have been Jay saying it and not the President -- would not have mattered as the bitch is clearly devoid of facts in everything -- always has been. You can't absorb facts when you're devoid of a brain!
she has a lot of nerve accusing obama of mismanaging his office when her own husband was running a prostitution ring in alaska, introduced shailey tripp to secret service agent david chaney for prostitution services. the husband of the governor of alaska was providing prostitution services to his friends, business associates, political allies and secret service agents assigned to his wife, and possibly profiting from them. when is the MSM going to ask palin about this? shailey tripp has passed lie detector tests, written a book, offered email and other evidence, named names, and given first hand accounts of being todd palin's prostitute. PAY ATTENTION!!!!! this woman is the last one who should be spouting off and getting any attention, or have any influence on politics in america. can we please shut her up for good!!!!
ReplyDeleteComing soon and she won't be able to stop it.
DeleteI've got a feeling that this exposure is going to bite her in the butt. MSM wants to keep the SS escapades front and center and Todd's activities will indeed provide an intriguing line of inquiry for them.
DeleteChaney needs to step up and reveal that fact and support Shailey's recount of the events. Make that bitch Palin eat her words. God opened the biggest door ever for America. Bring Palin down and with it the current crop of nasty GOP.
DeleteExactly! Chaney is the one who wasn't fired. He was allowed to "retire." In exchange for what??? Hopefully, it's info about Todd's pimping, because that WILL be uncovered by any decent investigation. Maybe Bristol can feature this on her "reality" show.
DeleteThe best part is She can't help herself.
DeleteWhere did you get the info that Agent Chaney was provided prostitutes by Todd? I read Shailey's book and I don't recall that being in it. A link would be helpful to confirm. Thanks.
"Sarah Palin's charge that the Secret Service prostitute scandal highlighted President Barack Obama's "poor management skills" ?????
ReplyDeleteWhat does that say about Sarah Palin's marriage to Todd?
Shailey Tripp wrote a book Boys Will Be Boys and gives credit to Sarah Palin for helping her with the title. In this book Shailey discloses physical traits of Todd's genitalia that Sarah can verify. Shailey also has correspondence from Todd which Sarah can verify.
So what this does say about Sarah Palin? According to Shailey Tripp, Sarah's husband not only frequented prostitutes, he later became involved with them and taking revenue from them in exchange for setting them up with Johns. I'm sure Sarah Palin would agree that this behavior of Todd's constitutes that he became a pimp in Alaska.
One thing Sarah Palin always forgets is that when she points her finger at someone else, she always has 3 fingers pointing back at her.
When will Sarah ever learn.
The best thing Sarah Palin could of done on FOX when asked about the Secret Service sex scandal was to politely excuse herself from the conversation and say,
"If you attempt to question me, I want my lawyer present. I refuse to participate in any line-up or to perform any physical acts, or to speak or display my person or property at your direction, without first conferring with my lawyer."
or "On advice of my counsel, I invoke the privilege afforded by the fifth amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and I respectfully decline to answer any questions," was the response from each executive to every question."
Now that Sarah Palin has criticized the Secret Service agents and tried to misdirect the blame to President Obama, Sarah Palin has opened the can of worms of prostitution attributed to Todd. The media should be free to ask her or anybody else involved with Todd's business any questions regarding Todd's pimping business.
Oh yea, you are so right on! Suppose that one that Tawd took to Shay starts blabbing! Since she said Your fired mr. bodyguard, he might just say Fuck you bitch....your husband's a pimp!
DeleteShay said on her facebook today:
Shailey Tripp
4 hours ago
Now I have reviewed the picture of the one secret service agent who in his FB wrote about her and posted pictures. It was completely unprofessional and creepy of him to do that. When I saw his picture I was stunned. Todd Palin had introduced me to him and two others as people he worked with. I assumed at the time they must work with Todd. Boy was I wrong. Todd encouraged me to give them a good time, make sure they were taken care of, and suggested to me they may need more than a happy ending. I hope the secret service will investigate other trips these agents have been on and I hope other people will come forward. These men do not respect women, by engaging in this behavior they put all women at risk, they violate their work ethics and morals, and they put us all at risk, and they put our national sexurity and President at risk.
Oh and its probably MORE than one but Shay has only seen the pic of that one so far...Miss WaSyphilis Do you hear that!!!!
Exactly. I said something similar down-thread, but you've covered it perfectly. Palin herself has opened that door to press AND to the government - to question her about Todd and his "activities".
Delete- KAO
And what does the guy have to lose at this point? If he did, he'll make a fortune AND help expose the trafficking/sex ring.
DeleteStock up on Popcorn... this could get interesting!
"(And I DID notice Carney did not mention her by name)"
ReplyDeleteBecause she's Voldemort!!!
Just the fact that Sarah had to insert herself into the Secret Service scandal, along with referencing her old line "Boys Will be Boys", makes me very hopeful that Shailey's book will be a big topic of conversation on a national level very soon.
ReplyDeleteSarah is very stupid. I can't imagine how this can go on very much longer!
DeleteWaiting to hear from Sarah how she is the victim of Todd's prostitution ring and that she should get all the marital assets.
ReplyDeleteTodd will then sing like a bird and tell all of Sarah's secrets starting with the fake Wild Ride.
That is why Sarah won't turn on Todd and Todd won't turn on Sarah. It's not about LOVE, it's about "MAD"!
There relationship and marriage is based on what you would describe as "MAD" Mutual Assured Destruction".
If one goes down, they both go down.
Notice that when Palin speaks now, her upper lip no longer moves.
ReplyDeleteIt's paralyzed by over botoxing
When you say some words, your upper lip should flex outward -- her's doesn't
Her vindictive grin -- only the corners edge up. She looks more like the Joker from Batman
Exactly! I only watch with the sound turned down...watching her lower jaw/lipline flap and grimace while the upper part is frozen.
Delete...and the wig is so bad. she would tilt her head and the hair would sort of shift up on one side. yikes!
could only stand it for a couple of minutes.
sometimes I wonder why I still worry about her; then I remember her 2008 performances...rallying the hateful and the fearful...bringing into our body politic a rancid coarseness not seen in my lifetime.
oh, my. will be so glad when her just desserts are served.
I noticed it too, and I meant to mention, the other day, Anderson Cooper had Judge Pirro on his talk show about Trayvon Martin- OMG- her face is so tight and shot up with botox she sounds like someone who got dental work done with novocaine.
DeleteThey showed her in profile close up and nothing moved except her lower jaw. She's got the same nose Michael Jackson had.
I think Sarah got the same botox/filler/facelift doctor the judge did.
I'm serious, Joan Rivers would look normal by comparison!
Sorry, would love to comment on this story but bad coughing spell makes that impossible.
ReplyDeleteListen: cough cough cough COUGH COUGH twat COUGH COUGH cough cough cough....
Maybe some hot coffee would help...
Ok, how come every body is so funny tonight? Hmmm
Delete-Alicat >.<
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin your name has been posted again on The Immoral Minority.
This is not a drill!
I repeat
This is not a drill!
I did indeed laugh out loud!
DeleteThis is the best that Baldy can do...sniping from the side. Even the Repubs are embarrassed by her. She will not be asked to campaign on their behalf because...number one...she's a prostitute who charges too much and she's not worth the hangover the next morning and two...she's toxic! That Palin curse is REAL!!
ReplyDeleteThank heavens this story broke on a Friday because by Monday she's going to be forgotten...AGAIN...so she'll be back to stripping and gyrating for more attention next week...probably when the NE comes out with the story about the Toad and Secret Service prostitution link! Distraction/Deflection is what she does best! Right... RAM? LOL!!!
I'm waiting for the firewrks when she is not asked to give a headline speech at the convention, her last shot at infamy. Mitt as the nominee will have some say in who appears representing the GOP, and I don't think he will give her 5 minutes even to attack the left.
DeleteWonder if she'll have her new jersey version "Hooohaah" pin on?
DeleteIs it me, or in the photo above, does she look like she's auditioning on "American Idle" singing Debbie Boone's "You Light Up My Life"
Or am I just buzzed?
Shay will not be forgotten in fact I think her life is going to be "lit up" b/c of this Secret service Sex scandal involving the toad~
Hey Screech!!! BOYS WILL BE BOYS!!! EH?
Anita you crack me up. I don't know if you're buzzed but I am. TGIF, Home Alone, Wine, Popcorn, Heaven!
ReplyDeleteEvery day Sarah Palin gets further and further away from the White House and gets closer and closer to the jail house.
When Sarah Palin's faked pregnancy is exposed in the media, then the media will ignore idiot statements about the President from the ex-VEEP-candidate sociopath. (What else will shut her up?)
ReplyDeletePalin and the GOP are desperate for a toehold in the upcoming presidential race. Trying to connect the President of the United States to possibly immoral/criminal behavior by a FEW members of a very fine service shows how pathetic the GOP's flailing has become.
The burden of the presidency seems particularly onerous when people that should FULLY support the president are supplying distractions for the GOP to exploit. I'd like to see the President's spokespeople limit responses to idiot innuendo from the GOP. Or when necessary, express it with irreproachable lightness of touch.
And, of course, it wouldn't hurt to release more pictures of President Obama and that bubbling, joyous, exuberant rebuke to Mitt Romney. More Bo, please.
I'm sorry to hear that the WH even bothered to respond. We know that crazy loon is delirious with the tiniest crumb of attention she can get, imagining that she and O are on the same level - they are not.
ReplyDeleteSome kind angel has posted a clip (1:48 min) from Game Change on YouTube that has SP telling a reporter that the Branchflower Report "cleared her" and Schmidt telling her not to lie. Wonderful!! I have a friend with HBO who has promised to record the movie, and I SO look forward to seeing the whole performance.
President Obama himself, still does snot acknowledge her existence.
DeleteJay gets asked stupid questions by the so called "press" at the WH. They always ask questions about gossip and innuendo - never about policy or what the President is doing for his fellow Americans.
DeleteJay is quite brilliant with his responses - he knows what is happening and he knows how to address the stupid.
Let's start here. When we refer to the President, let us refer to him as President Obama. What ever you think of the person, let us all respect the office.
ReplyDeleteFour years ago, this woman was a low budget, un-educated, vindictive, small town Alaska mayor who now has a cult following and drove her town into giant debt.
She is a liar, a negligant mother,a person with a mental illness who's husband is is a Pimp.
No one should have to devote any breath to refute any thing that she says. Iran. North Korea. Pakistan. Job Growth. Sudan. Student Loan Debt. Unemployment numbers. Thse are SO out of her league that they shouldn't be covered.
Totally agree with calling the President by his title. Not much respect for the office anymore. Even journalists reffer to him as Obama. What's really galling is Palin requiring all of her sycophants to refer to her as Governor Palin. Just waiting for her to refer to our president as Barry...GRRRR.
DeleteI will only refer to her as BITCH, and so should you.
DeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteEverybody forgot about that motherfucking son of a bitch John McCain who brought that ignorant dumbass retarded backwoods skanky old don't know shit scamming fuck wad Sarah Palin and her fucked up grifting uneducated whoring trailer park family into our lives.
That piece of shit McCain should fucking quit his job and get the fuck out of politics and Washington DC!
John we didn't forget you started this bull shit.
One more fuck you to Sarah, the Palins, John and to the McCains.
11:13 PM
She's a vapid little c-nt, simple as that.
ReplyDeleteThe difference between Sarah Palin and Columbian prostitutes?? Sarah quotes her prices before the trick is done.
ReplyDeleteAlso she charges "triple" of what the Colombian prostitutes get.
DeleteIf the photos of the young woman they're trying to find in Columbia is an example of the prostitutes involved, the Columbian prostitutes are much prettier than Sarah, don't have to wear Belmont Girls, truly have "tight abs" and are about 20 or 30 years younger. Eat your heart, Sarah.
DeleteOh the Bitch will be fine, she has RAM to sleep with. Todd won't touch her skanky ass, so he gets his freak on with prostitutes (Male and Female). As Levi exposed, he does not even sleep in the same bed with her. There is no room because RAM has got her head so far up the queen Bitch's ass. Her so-called marriage to Todd is a joke. It is simply a business transaction. She supplies the money, and he supplies the Pimping.
DeleteThe single mother, Dania, is close to Bristol's age, 24. Sex work is legal in parts of Columbia. The man who did not want to pay her right is probably an arrogant fool, and drunk. Ugly American.
DeleteThe difference between Sarah Palin and Columbian prostitutes??
DeleteThe Columbian prostitute has real womanly breasts, is not old wrinkly and wonky eyed.
Let me just say that I've never patronized a prostitute and never will. Whether its legal or not.
DeleteThat said, that 24 year old woman whose picture is posted is looking fine. The only reason the FBI agent was posting about perving on Sarah was either as a JOKE or because is is a cheap bastard with low standards.
This guy is no stranger to prostitutes.
DeleteHey Todd#Palin, You and David Chaney Been Hanging Out with Hookers Lately? goo.gl/nxbnj
Shay had made a positive ID on him. She posted a statement on her facebook.
Baldy was cleaned up for the VP run.
Even the two-toned dick had silk shorts...just saying...they tried to make a sow into a silk purse!
Remember she greeted some of the McCain people (and prob SS) in a towel?
Now she is back to being a krusty old ho.
And Shay is Todd's "Juicy" :)
Fuck you Baldy!!!
I think Chaney posted his pics of Sarah as payback to Todd for "services" rendered.
DeleteHow many times before did WH spokepersons call out anything SP said on Fox (naming her or not) ???? Anything she said anywhere?
ReplyDeleteI think what Sarah Palin said on Greta's program is the worst she has said to date. I am speechless, it was so bad. I can't understand why Greta gets kudos for giving her most of the near 10 minutes. The little that Greta did distance herself was meaningless. It is incomprehensible that Sarah was still yammering after the dog talk. I may be wrong but I do not think Ailes wants to get her off. He may think she is crazy but effective. Effective with the people they are targeting.
I think she is a deeply disturbed mentally damaged person. I do not think she finds anything wrong in what she did. Just the opposite, she is thrilled and very proud of her performance.
Her remarks were not only offensive but shows her overall stupidity. Game Change was an accurate portrayal of this moron.
DeleteThis was her worst, most offensive, most degrogatory performance yet. How bad does all this have to get until she is forbidden entry to the GOP conference? Unless, of course, she is now the titular head of the Republican party. It's certainly not Romney, or Gingrich, or Norquist, or either Bush brother.
DeleteI wonder how her bff, the gun slinging pedophile, Ted Nugget's little "sit down" with the FBI went?
DeleteI wonder if they have a few minutes to share with Mrs Palin?
the Nooge was cleared.
Delete" I may be wrong but I do not think Ailes wants to get her off. He may think she is crazy but effective. Effective with the people they are targeting."
DeleteI think you're right about that. If they wanted her off Fox News, all they would have to do is buy out her Contract.
I bet she has even violated some terms of that Contract. It would not be hard to get her off the air.
WOW. For a White House that has politicized way more inappropriate things, this is sad.
ReplyDelete"Way more"????
DeleteIsn't it past your bedtime?
Wow!! Kristy, you are an idiot.
DeleteI guess it's a blessing for Sarah Palin that she is content to be bitching and moaning from the sidelines, because that's the only place she's going to be from now on: on the sidelines. Why bother to get worked up about what she says? She doesn't change any minds that matter, folks. Really. She just preaches to the same small group of fools who send her all their money. They deserve it.
DeleteName three or STFU. You are an imbecile.
DeleteWOW. For a Palin sycophant who has unabashedly displayed their stupidity, this is sad. What a stupid comment 5:39 PM. It is obvious your relationship with reality is less than tenuous.
DeleteYou need to give substance to your comments. As in, name some. Can't? Thought so. Piss off troll!
Delete5:39 PM/sarah/bristol/kristy/whomever,
Deleteit is so obvious that sarah has huge problems with men. her comments about them "being dogs" and various other comments like "impotent", "knuckle dragging",her multitude of accusations of "pedophilia", etc. surely proves to everyone that sarah does indeed have problems with men. it is ironic since she does her lap dance on fox and anywhere she can for the attention of older men. because you are so droolingly devoted to sarah with your, uh hem, "girl crush" obviously you have no use for men either. especially for our president who kicked sarah's a** back to alaska by winning the 2008 election. whoo hoo!!!
funny isn't it that sarah's disciples with their crushes only seem to be kept around if they are female. the males are kicked to the curb. funny isn't it how sarah nurtures these ambiguous relationships isn't it? almost as if she is courting them.........encouraging the crushes.
could it be so simple as sarah is a closeted, or not, militant lesbian. one who actually hates men, unlike most of the lesbians out there?
you just keep on doing all of your hit and runs all over the internet dear. prove your devotion and commitment to sarah whether you are paid by her or you do it out of the intense love you have for her.
just remember this is the only life you have and you are choosing to live it stalking everyone who is not in love with your girlfriend.
don't count on being able to "suck face" though, sarah can't be intimate with anyone. ask todd, brad curtis and her children as well as a few other men and women in alaska and the lower 48. yep, your sarah is far from being sinless.
We know that this troll stuff is your full time work, so when you film the fake reality show, what are you going to pretend that you do for a living?
DeleteAnother PayLin troll out and about.
DeleteWell, you have to admit she $carah is talented - she manages to get all those words out, even with all that Koch in her mouth.
DeleteShailey Tripp
Delete4 hours ago
Now I have reviewed the picture of the one secret service agent who in his FB wrote about her and posted pictures. It was completely unprofessional and creepy of him to do that. When I saw his picture I was stunned. Todd Palin had introduced me to him and two others as people he worked with. I assumed at the time they must work with Todd. Boy was I wrong. Todd encouraged me to give them a good time, make sure they were taken care of, and suggested to me they may need more than a happy ending. I hope the secret service will investigate other trips these agents have been on and I hope other people will come forward. These men do not respect women, by engaging in this behavior they put all women at risk, they violate their work ethics and morals, and they put us all at risk, and they put our national sexurity and President at risk.
Hiya Kristy! Nice braindroppings you got there! What planet have you been living on lately? The only one playing (and I do mean playing) politics is that small dog, Sarah Palin, who stays on the porch cause she can't run with the big dogs. Can you tell her that and report back real quick? She doesn't like paying for services not rendered, makes her cranky.
DeleteWhen Sarah says something outlandish, she is calling out for attention. Think of the four year old lying on the floor, kicking his legs, flailing his arms and screaming at the top of his lungs. There is nothing wrong with the kid. He just wants to be noticed. If no one notices him, he'll knock over Mom's favorite vase. That's Sarah, acting out to get noticed. (I wonder what happened to her when she was growing up).
ReplyDeleteThe Secret Service guy was a supervisor, and he retired. He wasn't fired. Sarah had to toss in a lame line about Obama eating dog in Indonesia. Hey Sarah. In Asia, they eat monkey brains, snakes, shark fins and dog. When you were in Hong Kong, did they feed you dog? How do you know what was in the chop suey?
I'm sure when she was in Hong Kong, she only ask Taco Bell...but come to think of it, if they aren't cooking beef over there....and she is a well paid stooge for Ailes and his campaign to turn this country over to the Kochs for good.
DeleteHilarious that a woman who never took responsibility for anything in her life wants to make the President responsible for everything that happens during his term.
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering how long Willow will be satisfied with mentions on "Bristol's" blog. She knows where a lot of bodies are buried. With the grifter spending money as quickly as she gets it, how long will it be before there's no money left to keep Willow silent?
Any attention she can get from the White House is like oxygen to her. She cannot live without it. I hope no one in the White House ever mentions her by name. That's all she wants.
ReplyDeleteCarney did not mention Palin. And President Obama still does not acknowledge her.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't watch the clip, did you?
DeleteCarney most certainly did mention Palin. He asked the reporter who made those comments he was being asked about and when the reporter said Sessions and Palin, Carney specifically repeated both their names when he answered the question so that it would be clear to everyone listening who had made those stupid comments.
Message to Sarah:
ReplyDeleteThanks for plugging Shailey's book "Boys Will Be Boys" and to think you did it for free is awesome.
Good going Sarah, you really know how to draw attention to your family.
Carney did not mention any names. He was talking about SEVERAL Repubs who are tying to politicize this.
ReplyDeleteGuess what? Dumb Fuck got her name mentioned by the Obama Administration. Now she just looks like the hick mother Effer that she is. Worthless piece of shit comes to mind, but she isnt' even that worthy.
ReplyDeleteGo away little girl, no one wants you or your stupid opinion. You are less than useless.
Did he call her yet? I bet Carney and the staff have some names for her.
DeletePreposterous, that's sarah!
ReplyDeleteDefinition of PREPOSTEROUS
: contrary to nature, reason, or common sense : absurd
Synonyms: absurd, bizarre, crazy, fanciful, foolish, insane, sarah palin, nonsensical, fantastic, unreal, wild
Antonyms: realistic, reasonable
And I'm guessing sarah loves the mass slaying of Afghan civilians
Not to mention Jeremy Murlock's murders and disgusting posing with the civilian he slaughtered, the photos of the military with body parts, etc. I say we shut down the whole operation until we find people to train soldiers to be more thanamoral killers. I do NOT support a military that behaves like terrorists in a foreign land, and then comes home and does the same.
Deletealways wondered if Jeremy Morlock is Todd's son. The valley talks about how one of his bastards is nearly the same age as Bristol and Track.
DeleteHa, if Sarah had been VP, wouldn't she have quit by now?
ReplyDeleteDamn, she'll do anything to be in the spotlight. I'm glad when professionals will ignore unprofessional her.
Hey, Quitter..when are going to quit this gig and go back to being who you really are....nut-en-honey?
DeleteSarah is certainly pulling the strings of the angry old housewives on this blog!
DeleteAnd they're pulling yours.
DeleteLOL Sarah since when did the Secret Service become the 4th branch of government?
ReplyDeleteShe is such a silly rabbit. Tricks are for Bitches.
DeleteCarney most certainly did mention names. He was specifically asked about Sessions' and Palin's comments, and he specifically repeated their names in his response. It was obvious he had nothing but the utmost contempt for them and their pathetically inappropriate political opportunism too. :)
ReplyDeleteThis woman is beyond stupid. She could't even cite the correct constitutional article because she had just googled it and f'ed it up as usual. At the end of the interview she said she wanted to talk about Sudan.....fucking hilarious! She's reading those newspapers folks...checking out those headlines. Like we all do. I would LOVE to hear her comments on the Sudan, South Sudan aggitation this week. Guess what?.....It is all President Obama's fault....fuck you Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteOT/ but a spot on comment on Breitfart's demise cause:
ReplyDelete"Yes, he had a failure of heart, a failure of soul, a failure of humanity."
Whata ya wanta bet that Palin will die the same way...her heart is so evil and black, the blood will stop pumping through it and I can hardly wait! A place in hell is awaiting her!
DeleteYep! Hellfire like her stupid fake fire!
DeleteAnd she has the added benefit of speed!!!
Watch out Baldy! Your speed will kill you!
And most of us will rejoice as evil leaves the planet!
Palin lost viewers for Greta on Thurs. Viewership was higher Wed. So much for her pulling in viewers.
Carney described the allegations as "trivial" and "ridiculous." Par for the paylump course.
ReplyDeleteWhen Romney finally gets the official RNC presidential candidacy, will Sarah start her attacks on him? I can't imagine her giving any compliments to anyone else. It will be interesting too if Jeb Bush considers a VP role.
ReplyDeleteSarah's little smites towards a Romney/Bush team wouldn't be tolerated by the Bush Dynasty. She'd be up against the big boys. Sarah is like the naughty little boy who digs a stick in a bee's nest. If this SS scandal doesn't open doors and bring her down, she'll still be put in her place by Ann Romney and Barbara Bush. By this year's end, I predict no one will be able to tolerate her.
Now would be the perfect time to open the can of worms that is the Boys Will Be Boys saga. And Palin herself opened that door.
ReplyDeleteShe's not considered that she's pissed off lots of other govt alphabet-agency officers; if Chaney can be tied to Palin (obviously...) and Todd and his "side business," she would go down in FLAMES. Particularly since this Chaney guy was a conservative Republican. I love the fact that SHE'S the one to use the terminology, on Fox no less, of "boys will be boys."
It would be Perfect Justice. The Administration's Official Version would be that it "wasn't gunning for her" - they were following the leads in an investigation. And she called attention to herself.
She's using "boys will be boys" so that when one googles that term in connection with Sarah Palin you get her referencing that term instead of the book that Ms Tripp wrote.
DeleteNo actually it doesn't come up.
DeleteA few tweets from all of us come up :)
it is amazing to me that ANYONE would allow themselves to look this badly just for money. I mean really, this is so fucking low class, I just cannot believe that someone would say "okay" to this just for a paycheck. a huge historical joke that shames your name just so you can get a few no-class one liners in? fucking bizarre.
ReplyDeleteAnonymousApr 20, 2012 06:28 PM
ReplyDeleteLiar! He did name the Bitch!
I saw him stifle a grin when he said gov Palin when he wanted to call her "The Quittah"!
the best part...
ReplyDeletesoon there is going to be a 2012 vp pick...
after nov. 6, that person will be offered much of the available air time for quotes...
the vp pick of 2008 will take the BACK SEAT, second fiddle, and will only get time if vp pick 2012 is not available.
LOFL! suck it quitter, hope you invested your money wisely cause it's fixin to dry up, just like your fucking face did 2 years ago. for all intents and purposes, YOU'RE DONE. LOL and GOOD RIDDANCE you chronic liar and disease.
We can only hope that's how it will work out. I'm not holding my breath. As long as there's money to be made off of her verbal eruptions, there's no guarantee she'll be silenced anytime soon.
DeleteNOW I'd love to know who recruited Todd in this international ring. WEIRD
ReplyDeleteI smell decades long Alaskan ordeal involving most of the men who created Alaska. But how does that explain national figures?
HOT DAMN! Who's the ring leader?
Sarah Palin is a piece of shit.
ReplyDeleteTurds everywhere rise up and object to that slander.
DeleteI feel like we're back in JFK era. Not that this kind of scandal business hasn't been happening since the US's inception. I have a feeling sex has been used as a dealmaker since politicians were created.
ReplyDeleteWho started it? When?
Benjamin Franklin?
DeleteADam and Eve??
DeleteHelen and Agamemnon. Marc Antony, Julius Caesar and cleopatra.
DeleteFrom Kathleen:
ReplyDeleteThe only reference that Shailey makes to the Secret Service is one which implies that they might be able to bear witness to activities, not that they took part in them.
This is the only passage in the book which mentions secret service:
Todd had me make a few trips to the lower fourtyeight to entertain business clients. Todd and an associate had a business where they provided sex companions for businessmen. These services were often offered as incentives in the sealing of important business deals. Todd pressured me to agree to do these trips full time but I refused. He paid me well, much better than I was getting to service massage clients but I didn’t like the stuff that I witnessed happen on these trips. I suspect that some of the secret service, perhaps some people who worked closely with the Palins such as Frank Bailey, could probably also bear witness to a lot of these kinds of activities. As bad as the prostitution I was involved in was, that didn’t hold a candle to the things I learned about when I traveled.
Oh that's good. I read her book but had forgotten about this passage. Thanks for putting it up.
Ummm, these guy were not introduced to Shay as SS.
Shailey Tripp
4 hours ago
Now I have reviewed the picture of the one secret service agent who in his FB wrote about her and posted pictures. It was completely unprofessional and creepy of him to do that. When I saw his picture I was stunned. Todd Palin had introduced me to him and two others as people he worked with. I assumed at the time they must work with Todd. Boy was I wrong. Todd encouraged me to give them a good time, make sure they were taken care of, and suggested to me they may need more than a happy ending. I hope the secret service will investigate other trips these agents have been on and I hope other people will come forward. These men do not respect women, by engaging in this behavior they put all women at risk, they violate their work ethics and morals, and they put us all at risk, and they put our national sexurity and President at risk.
So at work today I see this headline on MSN about SP and the Secret Service agent. I look up and remark to my nearest workmate, "Jesus, why is that bitch inserted into every current event?" To which my co-worker replies, "Oh yeah, she's just mad because Piper's pregnant!" I laugh and say "Uhhh, Piper's only like 8?" Co-worker responds,"Oh, I meant Juneau, or Barrow, or was it Ship Creek? One of them stupid kids is pregnant!" I've never laughed louder.
DeleteSarah has been feeling poorly lately, the wanker of the Decade and 9 runner ups have been named. Her bot and troll squad let her down, not even a #10 finish for dear quitter.
Great story! I did indeed laugh out loud.
Delete2nd the Nom.
Piper is pre-teen - the most common age for abortions. Sadly.......
DeleteOh, Cheddar cheezus, he HAD to (sorta) mention Palin and Sessions, I wish he put up Morelock's photo, a photo of Sessions, and a photo of Julianne Moore in her bathrobe, on the floor, surrounded by index cards as visual aids.
ReplyDeleteActually, he did a pretty damn fine job of slamming the lid on Sarah's dumpster.
Facebook Rant by RAM in 3-2-1
Cue up "tubular bells soundtrack and photo of Glenn Close w/knife saying "I will NOT be ignored!"
Anita! You've nailed it! All those psycho's wrapped into one!
DeleteBut we need to add----->BABYOIL!!!!!
I betcha Todd is telling Sarah to STFU because she is drawing attention to his prostitution ring.
ReplyDeleteRegardless of the fact that it's negative attention, like a neglected child who misbehaves, you just know Palin loves it.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 08:35 PM
ReplyDeleteLiar! He did name the Bitch!
I saw him stifle a grin when he said gov Palin when he wanted to call her "The Quittah"!
Calm down Sarah! You might have a Breitbart moment if you keep it up. LOL
The most important lesson I take away from this -Secret Service Scandal- is that this whole thing came down because one *cheap SOB* didn't want to Pay.His.Fair.Share for services rendered.
ReplyDeleteNow ask yourself...Who is the cheapest person we know? When the Sarah goes down it will be something like this or equally short-sighted. That makes me smile...Evil grin, more like it.
I loved the "we didn't know they were prostitutes" defense. Hilarious. Also love the idea that the WGE [can't help but pronounce it 'wedgie'] will go down for her cheapskate values. That's a good one.
DeleteYep, they are SS and couldn't tell a working girl...ya right...
DeleteThat's why Shay's new info that the Toad introduced her to them back in 08 during the VP campaign is VERY important!
Despite the fact that a certain blog is pooh,poohing all things Shay?
Here is what Shay wrote on Facebook, and Disclainer: fuck the word/spelling police! Everyone makes a typo now and then. You sound like RWNJ when you nitpit like that!
Shailey Tripp
22 hours ago
Now I have reviewed the picture of the one secret service agent who in his FB wrote about her and posted pictures. It was completely unprofessional and creepy of him to do that. When I saw his picture I was stunned. Todd Palin had introduced me to him and two others as people he worked with. I assumed at the time they must work with Todd. Boy was I wrong. Todd encouraged me to give them a good time, make sure they were taken care of, and suggested to me they may need more than a happy ending. I hope the secret service will investigate other trips these agents have been on and I hope other people will come forward. These men do not respect women, by engaging in this behavior they put all women at risk, they violate their work ethics and morals, and they put us all at risk, and they put our national sexurity and President at risk.
Oh My God! I just don't give a fuck anymore!
ReplyDeleteI'm out. Losers.
Oh, our little troll QUIT!!! #MustBeAPalin
LOL! got Palinized!
DeleteHi Scara,
ReplyDeleteFirst, FUCK YOU, and second, I HAD come to the conclusion that there was nothing you could do anymore that would make me feel embarrassed for you. I was wrong. Anything to strike back and let everyone know how much you hurt inside......dog house to eating dog meat, WOW. Get out a little and learn something about other cultures. The dog meat you are eating abroad is farmed just like all the other meat consumed, it is not the family pet......Almost like how you kill and eat moosemeat--notice the word ALMOST. Stupid Bitch
Ludicrous that a woman who can't even keep her husband and family in line should be commenting on the President's responsibilities in supervising boys who "will be boys".
ReplyDelete43 year old man kills self with hard lifestyle and arteries. What heart? His poor wife was left to begging for money at his memorial, someone must feed the kids. With only a net worth of $9,000.000 the Breitbarts were too busy to set up a trust fund?
James O'Keefe was like a son, and money was no object when a yacht was needed. Breitbart money went to several projects, including O'Keefe's notable role as a pimp.
According to his recent testimony, O’Keefe ultimately received $65,000 for his “life rights” from Breitbart in $5000/month installments from September 2009 until September 2010 (terminating roughly around the time that O’Keefe’s failed sex boating of a CNN reporter started to make headlines).
The new details brought out by the recent depositions have done much to complicate the carefully crafted public narrative of the videos’ development. Breitbart and several others had been involved in the planning stages beginning in July 2009, following a period wherein O’Keefe and Giles had shopped around their East Coast ACORN videos basically like a pilot.
Toward the end of his life, Breitbart was seen with Sarah Palin. Perhaps the PALIN CURSE was what tipped the scale and his heart went hard. Adrianna Huffington gave a moving tribute on HuffPo. Palin has taken to the Breitbart way and many future stunts are on the horizon for the Sarah/Bristol team. They are banking on a hit reality show where Bristol moves from parents to the production staff remodel of her house on the infamous Lake known for dead fish and toxic waste.
The lake died when the Palins moved in.
Delete"The lake died when the Palins moved in."
DeleteNo the lake died after Sarah jumped in without douching. Nothing can live when it is exposed to that acid from Sarah.
The lake died when the Palins and Heaths washed their underwear in there. Can you imagine the environmental impact of the Bitch's draws, and Toad's wash cloths on the Lake Lucille ecosystem?
DeleteNormally, I would agree that they should just ignore her which they do. But, the reporter asked about her comment specifically.
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, you have to love Carney's facial expression after he asks "Who?" and gets the reply, Sessions and Palin (about 0.27-0.30). That well-OK-consider-the-source look is priceless.
Carney's look should also explain to even the densest of humans why the President has never called either of the Palins awaiting his phone call. (Even my cat would understand that look).
Maybe Palin ate cat in Hong Kong. But she doesn't like cats, or even dogs for that matter.
ReplyDeleteShe and Todd prefer the giant sized hot dog frankfurter. Or salami. Remember her "I can't believe I did that." remark about her basketball crush.
"I can't believe I ate the whole thing!"
DeleteGlen Rice can believe that you ate it all, you disgusting FREAK. She probably did Levi as well.
DeleteWhat a COWARDLY cockeyed evil BITCH.
ReplyDeleteSarah must be in ecstasy now - "He noticed me, he noticed me.... I'm so important, I'm so sexy!!!"
ReplyDeleteShe's been trying for over 3 years to get President Obama's attention. She'll do ANYTHING for attention!
She would be in ecstasy if the President even took a piss on her.