Tuesday, April 10, 2012

There has been so much negative news today, that I just won't be able to sleep without leaving all of you with a little positivity.

President Obama speaking at Florida Atlantic University.

Ahh, that's better!

(H/T to The Obama Diary.)


  1. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Indeed, this is a much better way to lift up the day! What an inspirational leader. Thanks for such a positive post.

  2. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Awwww, look at the little 'Obama' young boy in this section. He's adorable.

    Looks like the woman are gaga over our President. Can't blame 'em.

    The silver grey haired senior citizen was priceless, she can't decide whether to laugh or cry or scream.

    Everyone has such big smiles on their faces when they are around him, and his smile is beyond...



    Thank you Jesse, for always ending the day well for us readers of your blog.

    OBAMA 2012

  3. Anonymous7:51 PM

    My God he is stunningly handsome...
    That smile melts me!

  4. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Definite lack of enthusiasm there - Mitt should be pleased


  5. Anonymous8:55 PM

    My President!!!!

  6. Anonymous9:06 PM

    I agree, Gryphen. Thanks for ending our day on a positive note!

  7. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Well, there go Bristol's abstinence speeches for Candies: http://thinkprogress.org/health/2012/04/10/461402/teen-pregnancy-sex-education/

    Teen pregnancies are highest in abstinence-only states. I wonder what the abstinence-only people think about "trial marriage." Do you get to go back and become a virgin again if the trial marriage doesn't work out?

  8. Anita Winecooler9:44 PM


    What a perfect nightcap!

    We're in good hands, and will be for four more years!

    Something about this man's smile makes my heart race.

    Sweet Dreams!

  9. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Thanks Gryphen.

  10. Sally in MI10:50 PM

    He is such an inspiration...and I hate the lying ads I am already seeing from Mitt and the RNC.
    OT, but I figured out why Bristol got 'done with Hollywood.' I'm watching DWTS stars and suddenly they were promoting a Vegas stage show of professional dancers and 'favorites' from past seasons. Guess who's part of the cast? BFF Kyle Massey! Guess who isn't? Bet the producers were afraid that she'd get pregnant before the sow ever opened.

  11. Anonymous11:15 PM

    President Obama Asks for Betty White's long form Birth Certificate
    Betty White

  12. OT/LOL:

    Gingrich may not be on the Utah Ballot because it bounced a $500 check for the required filing fee to the Utah Board of Elections


  13. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I watched the President's speech yesterday. He is such an inspiring and intelligent man. The crowd was enthusiastic and from time to time would yell out encouragement to the President, such as, "we love you", to which he would yell back that, "he loved them, too". The crowd would cheer even louder. So, I can't help myself when the President gives a speech to turn to Fox News and see how they portray the event. So I did and it was the same as always. They only played a few minutes of the speech and turned down the audio on the crowd so you couldn't hear the cheers and "well wishes" that were shouted by the students. Fox never allows their viewers hear a whole speech by the President, only a part of the speech so they can SAY they broadcasted it. That way they can tell their viewers how THEY perceived it. And, it's always negative. When will Fox watchers wise up and understand that they are being manipulated? Maybe one day they will start thinking for themselves or is that too much to hope for?

  14. CorningNY2:49 PM

    President Obama has the Best. Smile. Ever. He's handsome, yes, but what really attracts me is knowing that behind that smile lies a man of genuine warmth, caring, intelligence, and humor. No wonder Michelle is still in love with him after 19 years.


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