Friday, April 06, 2012

What WOULD Hillary Clinton say to Sarah Palin in a text?

Personally I have to laugh out loud when I even consider the idea of Palin trying to communicate with Hillary.

Hillary would destroy her in any kind of policy disagreement, and afterward it would leave Palin rolled up in the fetal position too devastated to even get a good enough grip on a can of peaches to hurl it at her refrigerator.

And oh how I would pay to see that!

(You can see more Texts From Hillary Clinton by clicking here.)

Update: Oops!  I missed this one.

Okay THAT one is better than the first one!


  1. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Hillary Clinton would respond in a CLASSY MANNER with the most clever use of words. And Sarah Palin would not understand the meaning, nor how to craft an answer. She would probably think that Hillary Clinton complimented her.

    1. Olivia3:28 PM

      Or Hillary would say something intelligent, articulate or sophisticated and Palin would insist Hillary insulted her and whine about it.

    2. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Sawah would probably think it was a gotcha question.

  2. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton are on entirely different planes of existence.

    Hillary Clinton has been working tirelessly for the good of this country since the last election.

    Sarah Palin quit her job and can't even bother to learn the stuff she was exposed as not knowing. Yes, that was a lot of stuff, but it's been three years.

    Would Hillary Clinton ever say that raising teenagers is a "crap shoot?"

    Would Hillary Clinton ever wink(!) during a debate?

    Would Hillary Clinton ever say on national tv that she would punch someone in the neck?

    Sarah Palin once advised Hillary Clinton to stop "whining" about how Hillary was being treated by the media. Since then, Sarah Palin has done nothing BUT whine.

    I have two young daughters. Women like Hillary Clinton and Michele Obama will be held up as role models. Sarah Palin will be held up as "what not to do."

  3. Anonymous2:45 PM

    April 6, 2012. Sarah has gotten Hillary's # from John Coales.

    SP: GF, 'member when I told U 2 stop whining in '08. Good job.

    HC: Security!

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM


    2. Anonymous4:52 PM

      TUmblr hHilary text or some such is taking submissions.

      My faves are the Condi Rice one, and even the President Obama one, much as I like him, as a feminist, it's cute.

  4. Sally in MI3:01 PM

    Palin: Well, Hil, I can call you Hil right? We almost broke through that glass ceiling. How 'bout we join forces this year and really go rogue. Ya know, the hockey mom and Chelsea's mom. And since I have so much ya know esxperience juggled four, I mean, five, kids and their busy active healthy lifetimes and Piper that kid, she plays the trumpet now in that school that has a band, and Track, well he's serving with his heart over there for the freedoms we so cherish by the way also Bristol wants to do a new show and pretend to have sex with her good friend Gino, but that won' t hurt our little campaign because all kids have to sow their oats while they're wild. I'm sure Chelsea gave you some heart stompin' moments when she was a teen, right Hil? Is she married? Did she finish that elite high school in DC? Anyways, my thinking is that since I am the one with actual executive experience governor of Alaska and all, that I'll be on the top of our ticket. And you, who are the world traveller now (don't you hold some elitist education and have some fancy job for Obama or something?) Hil, you can run for VP. I wasn't so good at that, but I know this time I see what's comin ' and I'm ready. We can do this. America needs women in charge and who better than the pit bull and the b**** (oh, did I say that? ) I'll be waitin' for your call.

    Hillary: number blocked

  5. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Palin and trolls have some fantasy lives.

  6. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I do wish Hillary would have stood up more to Bill in public when he was cheating with Monica and the list goes on. But really come to think of it Hillary would be no where without Bill.

    1. You know nothing about Hillary.

    2. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Yeah, a brilliant mind, being a National Merit Finalist, an undergrad degree from Wellesley (where she made a huge impression) and a law degree from Yale doesn't go very far.

      Luckily she married Bill. Otherwise she'd be nowhere.


    3. Anonymous5:14 PM

      ok show me where she was mad as hell for Bill fucking around. She said nothing and didn't stand up for herself. And you really think she would be where she is now without Bill. There are lots of smart women in this world and she was lucky as hell to have married Bill.

    4. Anonymous5:34 PM

      No, you said she'd be nowhere without him. It's right there in black and white.

      Hillary Clinton would have been successful no matter what road she followed. The fact that you doubt that and state she owes all her success to her husband says a lot about how you view women.

      They have a partnership that has worked for them for many, many years. We were never sold a bill of goods about the Clintons' marriage as we have for many other politicians (including one in Alaska).

    5. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Funny you are assuming I am a man. Maybe that tells you something about yourself. I have no doubt that Hillary would have been successful but I can tell you 100% she would never have been Secretary of State without first being married to Bill. And I have to laugh at a partnership (is this what is considered a good marrige)that has worked for them many many years. I guarantee you this is a partnership that has worked for Bill and not Hillary

    6. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Um,methinks you have that backwards...

    7. Anonymous6:52 PM

      I never assumed you were a man. In fact, I know you're a woman. With your continuing comments about Hillary and Bill and with your adoration of Sarah Palin, I stand by my assessment about how you view the females (including yourself).

      Hilariously, on the one hand, you say that Hillary owes everything to Bill (or, as you backtrack from your original lucky she married him). On the other hand, you say that the partnership has only worked for Bill.

      To paraphrase a well-known troll (is that you?), contradict much?

    8. WakeUpAmerica7:26 PM

      Hilary has way too much class to air dirty linen in public. Why should she? To satisfy your voyeuristic nature? It was nobody else's business. I certainly have NO interest in knowing what happened behind the scenes. It sounds like you need to get a life of your own.

    9. I always thought that Bill made the right decision in marrying Hillary. If it hadn't been for her, I believe, he never would have reached the heights he did. He would have blown it (literally and figuratively) had he not had her strong hand and support. If he had married some bimbo, he would be just a small town good ole boy lawyer in Arkansas. Just my opinion.

    10. Olivia7:40 AM

      Hillary handled the scandal and her husband exactly like she should have, in private. Only trashy people contact the trashy media to discuss private family issues.

  7. Not What You Want to Hear3:21 PM

    It would be entertaining, but it would still be sad for our country if Sarah Palin was actually considered worthy enough to be an opponent to Hillary Clinton. Maybe if she'd actually stuck out her job and seen through the projects she boasts about "beginning" but not now, sorry.

    On another note and off topic...but not really...

  8. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I went to the site and read them all. They were a hoot. There was another one with Palin:

  9. Anonymous3:43 PM

    So funny. That is great. Thank you for that.

    They are from different planets.

  10. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Ha ha ha!! Palin would be demolished. Sarah thought even America's sweetheart-Katie Couric was scary and mean!!! I'm loving thinking of how Hillary would deal with silly sarah.

  11. Anonymous4:17 PM

    God I wish Hillary weren't on Obama's team. I would love to know what she really thinks of him. If there was a God, she'd run for President this year.

    1. AnonymousApr 6, 2012 05:17 PM

      God I wish Hillary weren't on Obama's team. I would love to know what she really thinks of him. If there was a God, she'd run for President this year.
      Well...Gee...what does Hillary think of PRESIDENT Obama is...she's HIS SECRETARY OF STATE!

      And what is Baldy again? Oh yeah...a crazed hillbilly chasing after fame and fortune...and being LAUGHED at on a daily basis!

      You FAIL...again troll! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous5:42 PM

      I'd love to know what Sarah Palin REALLY thinks of her PIMP DADDY HUSBAND TODD AND HIS BISEXUAL DATES.

    3. Anonymous5:44 PM

      You think Hillary would have different policies from President Obama?

      You feel differently about left-leaning politicians if they're not named or look like Barack Obama?

    4. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Why do you wish she wasn't on his team?

      *gasp* Could it be because she's white and female,and you wish all white women were braindead baby machines and breeders for the Christian Identity movement?

  12. abbafan4:31 PM

    Hi Gryphen! I would pay BIG MONEY to see Secretary Of State Clinton rip Palin a new asshole in ANY debate! Hillary has more brains in her ass than $arah has in her empty meathead! Mrs. Clinton has fulfilled her responsibilities in distinguished service to her country; idiot stick bailed on the people of AK. $arah will piss her Naughty Monkeys in fear of such a prospect!

  13. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Gryphen, "policy disagreement"? Come on... To have a disagreement about something implies one must at least have some knowledge or opinion first.

  14. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Sarah: both our skanky husbands are cheaters, right? We're sisters under the skin.

    Hillary: My husband is the former Prez of the U.S., gov. of Arkansas, college and law school graduate. I've been working in the law for 40 years, was a U.S. Senator, and now the Sect'y of State, keeping our country safe around the world. I don't recognize the existence of a high-school-educated pimp, multiple out-of-wedlock births by minor chilren. and someone who quit her powerful and influential job to make tawdry bucks.
    We're both female. The comparisons end there.

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Another good one!

  15. Uh...didn't Hillary diss the Bald One during the 08 election? Remember Hillary was suppose to attend some conference and they had invited Baldy but then Hillary backed out at the last minute?

    "Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was disinvited from a anti-Iran rally days after Hillary Clinton begged off."
    Jewish groups sponsoring the rally in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza on Monday said Palin was knocked off the speakers' list to keep the event nonpartisan, not to placate Clinton.

    "In order to keep the focus on Iranian threats and to ensure that this critical message not be obscured, the organizers of the rally have decided not to have any American political personalities appear," the Stop Iran Now coalition said in a statement."


    Hillary must have heard about the Baldy Curse even back then!! Maybe Lisa Murkowhatever gave her a heads up and told Hillary..."whatever you do...don't get close to the winking, blinking, incoherent will REGRET it"! LOL!!

    And for awhile I think Baldy really thought Hillary would reach out to her...but instead it was Bill reaching out to the Bald One! But I'm sure ole Bill heard about Baldy and her baggage....HERPES...and he took off! LOL!!!

  16. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Gross! Check: "all the above" scarah is such a nasty-ass skank! Go get your self tested kids! That shit passes thru the placenta!

  17. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Notice in the wider view... one is somewhere checking her smartphones, the other is somewhere on a military transport with reams of paperwork relevant to her difficult and important job and checking her smartphone. Bitch pleaz


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.