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"First off let me just say that I don't remember this incident. But if it happened, the guy had long hair, so he totally deserved it!" |
Mitt Romney returned from a three-week spring break in 1965 to resume his studies as a high school senior at the prestigious Cranbrook School. Back on the handsome campus, studded with Tudor brick buildings and manicured fields, he spotted something he thought did not belong at a school where the boys wore ties and carried briefcases. John Lauber, a soft-spoken new student one year behind Romney, was perpetually teased for his nonconformity and presumed homosexuality. Now he was walking around the all-boys school with bleached-blond hair that draped over one eye, and Romney wasn’t having it.
“He can’t look like that. That’s wrong. Just look at him!” an incensed Romney told Matthew Friedemann, his close friend in the Stevens Hall dorm, according to Friedemann’s recollection. Mitt, the teenaged son of Michigan Gov. George Romney, kept complaining about Lauber’s look, Friedemann recalled.
A few days later, Friedemann entered Stevens Hall off the school’s collegiate quad to find Romney marching out of his own room ahead of a prep school posse shouting about their plan to cut Lauber’s hair. Friedemann followed them to a nearby room where they came upon Lauber, tackled him and pinned him to the ground. As Lauber, his eyes filling with tears, screamed for help, Romney repeatedly clipped his hair with a pair of scissors.
The incident was recalled similarly by five students, who gave their accounts independently of one another. Four of them — Friedemann, now a dentist; Phillip Maxwell, a lawyer; Thomas Buford, a retired prosecutor; and David Seed, a retired principal — spoke on the record. Another former student who witnessed the incident asked not to be named. The men have differing political affiliations, although they mostly lean Democratic. Buford volunteered for Barack Obama’s campaign in 2008. Seed, a registered independent, has served as a Republican county chairman in Michigan. All of them said that politics in no way colored their recollections.
“It happened very quickly, and to this day it troubles me,” said Buford, the school’s wrestling champion, who said he joined Romney in restraining Lauber. Buford subsequently apologized to Lauber, who was “terrified,” he said. “What a senseless, stupid, idiotic thing to do.”
“It was a hack job,” recalled Maxwell, a childhood friend of Romney who was in the dorm room when the incident occurred. “It was vicious.”
“He was just easy pickins,” said Friedemann, then the student prefect, or student authority leader of Stevens Hall, expressing remorse about his failure to stop it.
The incident transpired in a flash, and Friedemann said Romney then led his cheering schoolmates back to his bay-windowed room in Stevens Hall.
Friedemann, guilt ridden, made a point of not talking about it with his friend and waited to see what form of discipline would befall Romney at the famously strict institution. Nothing happened.
Seriously, WTF? Well I guess now we understand why Romney won't support gay marriage!
Okay now before I start ripping into Romney, in the interest of full disclosure I should mention that I was once attacked in a elementary school bathroom by a bunch of older kids who wanted to cut my long hair. (I managed to escape and the boys were expelled for their actions.) So I may have some built in anger toward anybody who would bully somebody due to the length of their hair. However, to be honest, I have a lot of built in anger towards bullies in general, which I will share in a few minutes.
Now the excuse can be made that this incident happened a LONG TIME AGO. And that is fair, but it also demonstrates a character issue. While true that prejudice can change over time, and that bullies can grow up to be contributing members of society, it is hard to argue that a person who does not demonstrate empathy for other people at a younger age, suddenly develops it when they are older.
And in fact much of the criticisms toward Romney stem form his inability to "feel other people's pain," which this incident aligns with perfectly.
It is one thing to dislike a person's appearance, or even to call out an insult to demonstrate that dislike, but Romney attacked this young man, and encouraged others to assist him in the boy's humiliation.
That is WAY beyond a "high school prank."
In 1965 Romney was eighteen years old, easily old enough to determine the difference between right and wrong. And if he did not know it then, what makes us think he knows it now?
Okay time to get a little personal here.
When I was in high school I also had a reputation. And it was not a very good one by many standards.
I was quick to anger and carried a huge chip on my shoulder right up until my senior year where I actively tried to change my reputation, and become a more contributing member of my school by joining the yearbook staff and the school newspaper.
However in all of the physical encounters I had in school, NONE of them were with students that were younger or smaller than me. In my mind that would have been wrong.
When I was seventeen I walked into a locker room where a bunch of older boys were holding down a freshman and shoving his wet underwear in his nose and mouth. Apparently they saw pee stain on his tighty whiteys and decided to humiliate him. (And why NOT? He was younger, a little chubby, and quickly started to cry pitifully. What fun, right?)
My first instinct was NOT to stand there and laugh along with the other kids who were just glad it wasn't them, or to jump in and help the older "cool" kids. My instinct was to pull them off and start handing out ass-kickings, which is exactly what I did.
In the end we were all hauled down to the office and the three older boys were suspended, while I received a rather pointed lecture about solving my problems with words instead of my fists. (That lecture did not take by the way.)
Those older boys told me that they would make me sorry for interfering, and at least two of them were not bluffing. However that is another story for another day. (I will say that things did not go as they had hoped however.)
The point is that at seventeen, and even well before seventeen, I understood that I did not have the right to inflict punishment on somebody just because they were different from me, or simply because I could. I also recognized that when you see a fight of three against one, that the ONE is the guy that needs to be defended, NOT the three!
At eighteen years old Mitt Romney should have known that as well. The fact that he didn't is something that I think speaks to the character issues that we still see reflected in his actions and statements today.
And by the way it is not lost on me that his incident sounds VERY much like a certain incident that happened in Wasilla to a local black. (Gee maybe the Palin really DO have something they can find to support in Mitt Romney!)
Update: Romney has responded to this story on, where else, Fox News:
"I don't remember that incident," Romney told Kilmeade. "I tell you I certainly don't believe that I ... thought the fella was homosexual. That was the furthest thing from our minds back in the 1960s. So that was not the case. But as to pranks that were played back then, I don't remember them all but again, high school days - if I did stupid things I'm afraid I gotta say sorry for it."
That's it? And here I thought I could not dislike this guy anymore after reading the Washington Post article.
It was not a "prank" you fucktard! It was physical abuse, and it doesn't mean a damn thing if you did, or did not, think the boy was gay. You still abused and humiliated him!
Now if you'll excuse me I have to go give more money to President Obama's reelection campaign.
Update 2: More from Mitt's friends concerning the haircut incident.
And another classmate, Phillip Maxwell, who witnessed the hair-cutting incident, told CBS today: “Mitt was a prankster, there’s no doubt about it. This thing with Lauber wasn’t a prank. This was, well, as a lawyer, it was an assault. It was an assault and a battery. And I’m sure that John Lauber carried it with him for the rest of his life.”
I th8ink Romney is in serious trouble here.
18 is old enough to know better. How many kids in college have died this year so far in hazing incidents? It's terrible, and Mitt Romney is a bully.
ReplyDeleteI was beat up twice, by people I didn't know, simply for being a little different. It sucks.
Wooh boy, this something a 12 year old would do, certainly not an eighteen year old getting ready to go to college! Your story was one more of a super hero coming to the rescue of a defenseless kid...badass, he, he
ReplyDelete18...he should have been busy shitting himself like freaky odd uncle TED NUGENT so he wouldn't get drafted. Speaking of which, what was Mitt's reason to not be drafted or serve? No magic undies in camo print?
ReplyDeleteOMAMA 2012
He was off in France doing his Mormon "ministry" thang. As a member of the "clergy" he didn't have to go fight. How conveeenient.
DeleteThe Romney incident story sure has great timing, IMHO. A day after Obama supports gay marriage, and also after the story about the young Indiana kid who brought a stun gun to school to protect himself from bullies, yet he's the one who is now expelled from school for a year while the bullies get off scott free
ReplyDeleteI would hope Romney will have to answer for the bullying he did of other people in his past.
This is going to be a great year for Obama and the Democrats, I think :)
Gryphen, what you did for that 17-year old will stay with him forever, that someone helped him when he was ganged up on. He's probably more thankful than you'll ever know.
Actually the boy was fifteen, a freshman, I was the seventeen year old. The guys bullying him were in the 11th grade (I was in the tenth grade), so they were probably seventeen as well.
DeleteThey were jocks and I had several run ins with them through the years.
Hi G, by the way, I always enjoy looking at your story tags/labels!
ReplyDeleteIt's what I do for work, wish I could use 'asshole' and 'homophobe' more often! haha
From a bully who attacks* someone who is "different" to Mormon minister, or whatever he was doing in Paris for the Mormons. Figures.
*and not just personally attacks, but enlists others, preys upon a weaker person who is way outnumbered, aims to humiliate another person, crows about it afterward. And then I bet he asked forgiveness for his sins and thought he immediately got it. I wonder what happened in later life to the victim?
Read the entire Washington Post this article came from. They go into what happened to that boy in later years.
DeleteThat is the most telling thing to me as well; he didn't just join in a bullying incident (which would be bad enough), he instigated it, led it & celebrated it afterward. "Asshole" is putting it too lightly.
DeleteBTW, I read that Lauber, the boy who was bullied, bleached his hair for the rest of his life, & told his sister that he thought of that day often.
Romney is a disaster of a human being.
I read that entire article and to me the devastating part of the interview was the friends that participated in holding that kid down expressed REMORSE for what they did...and all Meh Romney could say was some bullshit apology!
ReplyDeleteGryphen I hope you are working on a Beefy post...because that crazy chick and her ghost writer wrote the stupidest shit about President Obama and his daughters...it is so bad that the comments on Beefy's Blog are tearing her a new one! LOL!!!
Politco has it up and she is getting SLAMMED there too!
HP has this up as headlines on their main page. The comments are coming fast and furious and they aren't even censoring out comments about jesse's queer dotter! Check it out folks.
DeleteIt is the most despicable thing posted on that fake blog yet.
Deleteyeah, you skank bristol, your father the pimp gave you WHAT kind of advice? go fuck a boy in a tent. yep, that's what you did. in another time your son would be called a bastard. in another time you would be shunned and ridiculed. in another time you could even be KILLED for fornicating outside of marriage. you father is a bully, your mother is a sick, mentally ill, demogogue, your grandfather is a pedophile and perpetrator of incest and YOU think you can lecture the president? shame on you. you are an ignorant, uneducated, media craving asshole seeking relevance in the world, since you have none. your mother was the worst thing that could ever have happened to this country and she has been relegated to the bin of hasbeen skanks that never bathe or wash, that lies and steals, murders and bullies. your mother is directly responsible for the hatred and vile and vicious discourse in the country. you can rot in hell as far as i'm concerned.
Delete12.20, I love it! I wish I could write like you. Story is over, you've covered it completely.
DeleteI have and always will despise bullies. What every Bully needs, is a good old fashion ass kicking. I believe that President Obama will supply that ass kicking to Willard on election day.
ReplyDeleteyou are as ignorant as the bully
DeleteGood grief, Skankerbelle, is that the best you can come up with?
DeleteAha! Your check hasn't arrived yet, has it? Slim pickins' on Dead Lake these days. We feel yer pain.
No, I just choose not to be a victim. How about you?
DeleteWhat a dickhead.
ReplyDelete"The banality of evil."
ReplyDeleteI've been trying to find a good descriptor of Mitt, and I think this is it. (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banality_of_evil)
BainCapital of evil
DeleteI didn't know Mitt Romney was gay!
ReplyDeleteBut he did always act kinda gay.
Hey, I think you are right. And he probably was secretively jealous of the other kid's pretty blonde and long hair! Lol. Is that it Mitt? Jealous, a big, fat, jealous bully!
DeleteRepressed, uncomfortable in his own being, and living a lie. Nothing but a two-faced liar who doesn't even do that well.
DeleteAnn Romney is always bragging on "how funny" Mitt is, "he's such a prankster".
ReplyDeleteBeing a "prankster" is a whole lot different than having a sense of humor.
Pranksters tend to be either juvenile or mean.
And now we know, Mitt was and is, just an out of touch ... dick.
Mitt led a gang of bullies to attack, hold down and cut the hair of a fellow student. Assault. He should have been charged. FU, Mitt, you bloody coward.
ReplyDeleteOf course Mitt wasn't punished because he was the son of the governor. It was not merely a prank; it is interesting that all the others involved remember the incident except the one who started it. Romney is such an odd person - no personality, socially awkward, loves pranks and likes bathroom humor. Per the book, The Real Romney, while serving as the Massachusetts governor, he would sometimes refer to others as "poophead". What a strange person.
DeleteWe have only just begun to see the Mr. Hyde side of Mitt Romney's Dr. Jeckyll. I suspect that there's a lot more to come.
DeleteNew definition: To Mitt (verb): to falsely take credit for major accomplishments you had nothing to do with; alternative definition: to pretend to forget and/or to vigorously deny and even lie about the evil deeds you have done, despite the existence of ample evidentiary proof that contradicts and disproves such denials.
Someone, please enter this into the Urban Dictionary.
I seriously think Romney may have Asperger Syndrome. They can be very high functioning. Also, he might have never been diagnosed as having it when he was a child, since we are just now learning about how widespread autism is. Many adults are diagnosed with it later in life. JMHO, of course. :)
Sorta like the asshat who called someone "Turd Blossom," mebbe?
DeleteI remember reading an article about his years as Mass. governor and a couple of things stuck out: that he took an elevator that everyone could use and turned it into his private elevator, complete with a rope and stanchions to keep those plebeian lawmakers away from it, and that he couldn't be bothered to go down the hall to socialize with his fellow lawmakers. That says a lot about the jerk.
DeleteWe cannot have this sort of personality in the White House. IT WOULD BE BAD.
M from MD
i would like to read that article, m.
DeleteApparently it was part of an article taken from a recent publication. This is one of the articles. I think I had read something as well in either the Wash. Post or the NY Times.
M from MD
Found it. This was the article.
M from MD
BREAKING NEWS: Bristol Palin Rips Obama
ReplyDeleteGay Marriage is WRONG
... and So Is 'Glee'
via TMZ
Ignore the COW. She is as big of a joke as her demented parents. What moral compass can you have, when you drop at least 3 babies out of wedlock, and whore around Wasilla trying to be famous? Give us all a break COW, and shut the fuck up.
DeletePeople on the internets are claiming that this incident was a long time ago, and that it isn't relevant to today.
ReplyDeleteYes it is, for this reason:
Mitt Romney doesn't have the stones to admit he did it and say he was sorry. He offered a mushy, pathetic, general and CONTINGENT apology ('if I hurt someone'), and then claimed amnesia.
No one forgets something like that. They remember because they are proud of it, ashamed of it, or were the victim of it.
Mitt is a remorseless, moral-free, opportunistic liar.
Thank you for providing two descriptors that boil it down: Contingent apology and remorseless. People may argue that the incident happened long ago, but Romney's current reaction reveals what just what kind of a man he is. Not Presidential material.
DeleteHe was laughing in his radio interview about it, just as he laughed on Fox when Wallace interviewed him about Seamus. The clueless idiot still thinks his inhumane actions are funny, certainly nothing he has remorse about. He's still patting himself on his back & thinks it's a big joke. The man is a sociopath/psychopath. No conscience at all.
DeleteThe story of Seamus and this story simply reinforce my original impression of Mitt being at core a deeply MEAN person. Mean spirited, unthinking, lame, nasty, bully to those he deems 'less than' he perceives himself to be.
ReplyDeleteThat sort of character trait is imbedded and it takes ENORMOUS self realization to remedy that conflict. Clearly, Mitt has not had anything of the sort. He continues to bully, if only politically, he continues to make life miserable for those who are unable to fight for themselves. He is a fucking disgrace.
And profoundly insensitive to the sufferings of others thanks to a lack of empathy. He's a real piece of work.
DeleteM from MD
Looks like Mittens "Bully" Rmoney still doesn't get it:
ReplyDelete"They talk about the fact that I played a lot of pranks in high school," Romney said. "And they describe some that you just say to yourself, back in high school I just did some dumb things and if anybody was hurt by that or offended by it, obviously I apologize."
“I participated in a lot of hijinks and pranks during high school and some might have gone too far and for that, I apologize," he added."Pranks, Mitt? "PRANKS?" Uh, let's see, that would be like filling the urinals with jello, or bringing a chicken into the rector's office, or loosening the tops on the salt shakers in the cafeteria.
Attacking a fellow student with scissors, enlisting others to hold him while you physically assault him, called, assault, battery, restraining a person against their will and terrorism.
Even years later, you can't admit you were young, dumb and stupid.
You SUCK Rmoney - and so does Lazy Annie.
The link to the WashPo is a really interesting story of Romney's high school years and also explains what happened to the boy they attacked.
ReplyDeleteAlso too: Willard threw rocks at girls. Such as his wife before she was his wife.
ReplyDelete"Mitt saw her across the room. He remembered that when he was a Cub Scout in elementary school, he and some other scouts saw Ann riding a horse bareback across a railroad track.
"What do Cub Scouts do when they see a little girl on a horse?" Mitt says now. "We picked up stones and threw them [at her]."
Years later, at Cindy White's party, Mitt thought, "Wow, has she changed!"
Source: http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2007/5/22/90847.shtml
Confirmation: Lame explanation that they were "pebbles" instead of rocks. Of course the horse might spook and throw the rider if it was wadded up paper or popcorn, so does it really matter what was thrown?
Mitt married his wife, Ann, in 1969. They first met in elementary school when he was a Cub Scout; he remembers tossing pebbles at her when she rode by on a horse. When they met again years later at a friend’s house, he was smitten. Between them, they have five sons and sixteen grandchildren, who are the center of their lives.
Source: Willard's campaign website- http://www.mittromney.com/learn/mitt
Spooking a horse, with a bareback rider, on a railroad track. Yeah, THAT's worth a merit badge for sure. Assuming satan is giving out the badges.
DeleteSheesh. What an unthinking moron Romney is.
DeleteM from MD
The very fact that he needed others to help in this attack, says a lot about how cowardly he was then and still is now. If he felt so strongly about the other boy's hair, why did it take an entire gang to help him, was he afraid of going alone? Wimpy, plastic Mittens, and his equally plastic, overindulged wife. Did their 5 boys go to prep school, while she was taking care of them all alone??
ReplyDelete“I participated in a lot of hijinks and pranks during high school and some might have gone too far and for that, I apologize," he added.
The old, "I do not recall" defense. What a coward.
ReplyDeleteYou can bet there are some dirty little secrets inside that polished facade. Hope someone digs them up.
ReplyDeleteOT Bristol Palin has responded to the President coming out in support of gay marriage.
ReplyDeleteSo Bristol has nothing at all against gay sex per se, or against gay one-night stands (since she remains completely silent about them)?
DeleteBut committed, monogamous gay relationships, where people treat one another with love and respect, and are committed to caring for one another's needs over the long haul?? Oh, NOW you've rattled her cage for SURE.
People like Bristol give heterosexual relationships a bad rep. She's an unthinking train wreck. And I've seen her sort before and how they screw up their kids.
DeleteM from MD
It's liek a snide thing I read some where else:
DeleteWe used to hate gays because they were promiscuous, now that they want to settle down we hate them MORE!
Agree with 9:43, that's assault and battery.
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of "School Ties."
That's just sick. I had no idea. I heard it was a "school prank" on the news, but didn't catch what it was until you had this post. That's no prank. That's just disturbing on so many levels. Governor's kid, let off, I'm sure.
I wonder what else they can tell us about him back then. It's all fair game, even when you're a "child," right GOP?
I wonder how the victim is now.
From the Washington Post:
DeleteThe boy few at Cranbrook knew or remember was born in Chicago, grew up in South Bend, Ind., and had a hard time fitting in. He liked to wander and “had a glorious sense of the absurd,” according to his sister Betsy. When the chance to get out of Indiana presented itself, he jumped at it, and enrolled at Cranbrook. He never uttered a word about Mitt Romney or the haircut incident to his sisters. After Cranbrook asked him to leave, he finished high school, attended the University of the Seven Seas for two semesters, then graduated in 1970 from Vanderbilt, where he majored in English.
He came out as gay to his family and close friends and led a vagabond life, taking dressage lessons in England and touring with the Royal Lipizzaner Stallion riders. After an extreme fit of temper in front of his mother and sister at home in South Bend, he checked into the Menninger Clinic psychiatric hospital in Topeka, Kan. Later he received his embalmer’s license, worked as a chef aboard big freighters and fishing trawlers, and cooked for civilian contractors during the war in Bosnia and then, a decade later, in Iraq. His hair thinned as he aged, and in the winter of 2004 he returned to Seattle, the closest thing he had to a base. He died there of liver cancer that December.
He kept his hair blond until he died, said his sister Chris. “He never stopped bleaching it.”
The entire article is worth reading: it includes some of Mitt's other lively "pranks," such as purposely letting a teacher whose eyesight was impaired walk into a closed door. Ha, ha, ha!
ReplyDeleteYes, the other participants in this bullying show shame and remorse, even now. Either Romney doesn't know how to be wrong, or he doesn't care.
The saddest part is the story of the life of the boy who was victimized.
Cranbrook: everything that's wrong with the old ruling elite, and why we need to shift to a new, all-inclusive society if we are to thrive.
I'm with anon @ 9:43 - that's assault, pure and simple, by an 18-year-old adult no less. And Mitt calls it a "prank"? Good on all those who have accepted responsibility and come forward.
ReplyDeleteI always figured that there was much more to this guy than what we have been led to believe. Not such "Mr. Nice Guy" at all.
ReplyDeleteO/T, but now this is just beyond sickening and yes, it is coming from bratty Bristol. Can't believe that she has the gall to try to tell Obama how to be a good father considering the kind of man hers is........
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin's gay marriage rant: Obama girls watch too much 'Glee'
Bristol Palin thinks it’s laughable that President Barack Obama’s children influenced his decision to support same-sex marriage.
“While it’s great to listen to your kids’ ideas, there’s also a time when dads simply need to be dads,” Bristol, the eldest daughter of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, wrote in a blog post titled “Hail to the Chiefs – Malia and Sasha Obama” on Thursday.
Obama said on Wednesday that his daughers' acceptance of friends with same-sex parents helped prompt his "change in perspective." In response, Palin writes:
In this case, it would’ve been helpful for him to explain to Malia and Sasha that while her friends parents are no doubt lovely people, that’s not a reason to change thousands of years of thinking about marriage. Or that – as great as her friends may be – we know that in general kids do better growing up in a mother/father home. Ideally, fathers help shape their kids’ worldview.
In this situation, it was the other way around. I guess we can be glad that Malia and Sasha aren’t younger, or perhaps today’s press conference might have been about appointing Dora the Explorer as Attorney General because of her success in stopping Swiper the Fox.
Sometimes dads should lead their family in the right ways of thinking. In this case, it would’ve been nice if the President would’ve been an actual leader and helped shape their thoughts instead of merely reflecting what many teenagers think after one too many episodes of Glee.
"....we know that in general kids do better growing up in a mother/father home."
DeleteIrony, irony, irony.
Especially growing up in a mother/father home where the father is a pimp and the mother is a narcissist.
DeleteGryph -- no! Don't give him a pass just because it was in 1965! Romney's camp decided that it was okay to criticize Pres. Obama's childhood when they said he ate dog when he was, like, nine years old.
ReplyDeleteRomney opened that can of worms, himself. He decided that anything you may have done, even in childhood, you are responsible for and criticized for. Don't give him a pass, that was violent. That is a horrific thing he did on purpose. He made that choice and acted on it. He celebrated it afterwards. I doubt Pres. Obama had any choice on what he was given for dinner as a child.
Game on, Romney.
Romney wasn't a child.
DeleteGman....I always knew I liked you, now I have to say I love you. Seriously, I love your sense of fairness and decency. The high school story is awful and my heart aches when I think of what kids have to endure.
ReplyDeleteReport: Romney Camp Asking Old Prep School Friends To Come Out In Support Of Candidate
ReplyDeleteABC News’ Romney campaign reporter Emily Friedman tweets:
At age 18, it is not "bullying", it is assault. And inciting others compounds the crime.
ReplyDeleteThere is no doubt in my mind that Mitt Romney followed a pattern of physically intimidating people for many years and mentally intimidating people right up to the current day. Furthermore, his family/money/church have actively covered up those incidents. Kudos to those that reported the assault regardless of how late, and here's hoping many more will be encouraged to do the same.
There's now two flagrant character issues with Romney that he'll dismiss as unimportant. He recruited others to join him in an assault. He bragged about abusing a dog. Romney is too stupid to understand how these two incidents highlight stunning defects in his character. I knew of these two issues alone, when considering employing someone, I would reject the candidate. The potential for his inflicting harm on my other employees would not be worth the risk.
The "prankster" label makes me nauseous. Romney is not just a 'bot, he's a cruel, vicious 'bot.
Being Mitt's age I call bullshit on not knowing about "faggots" back then. We had two kids in my high school who were openly "swishy" and were made fun of mercilessly by the football players - of which I wasn't one. As it turned out one of the young men who was a close friend came out about two years after High School and shared his absolute fear of ever being found out by the "team". You can play your ignorance card all you want Mitt. I know better and what you did to that young man was assault and battery - you clown.
ReplyDeleteKeep in mind that just like George W. Bush, Romney was never an athlete, but always a cheer leader. ;-)
DeleteThe contrast between the other students involved, haunted to this day by actions they obviously have not forgiven themselves for, and Mitt, is mind-boggling. Also, in my mind he gets NO credit for an apology! To trivialize it as something not even worth remembering, to call assault a "prank", to use the weaselly "if I did stupid things," etc., is NOT an apology!
ReplyDeleteWorse yet, did he do so many of these "pranks" that no one incident stands out?
I have read of a couple of his other so-called "pranks", as recently as when he was governor that just seem extremely cold-blooded, so yeah, his actions in high school are worth looking at.
If Romney were just a rough-and-tumble politico (like McCain), he could get away with this. But because he spent his whole life as a goody-two-shoes – even going out after this event as a Mormon missionary (living in a palace in France while doing so) – this just adds more layers on to his already innate, admittedly enormous, even preening, phoniness. These events merely demonstrate that on a lifelong basis, Romney was never true to his character . . . . because he never had one/any.
DeleteThe essence of these deeds, combined with his present-day reaction to them ("I apologize IF I offended anyone" and "I don't remember any of this") just scream out: narcissistic sociopath – someone who never had a conscience, and who always believed that he was entitled to have power over everything, and to lie about everything he ever did.
The mormons teach their kids that any gentile is fair game. They learn it very young. My daughter was n first grade when she was sexually harassed by a pack of mormon boys at her GRADE school. One lone young man, a second grader, came to her defense and stopped anything worse than a scrapped knee from happening, and yes there were teachers on the play ground monitoring but they supposedly saw nothing. Not one damned thing happened to those fucking brats as many had higher up parents in the church 9we lived in SLC at the time). I have had other mormon parents tell me that this is not common but here we have their golden boy Willard Mitt doing exactly the same thing as those bratty fuckers on SLC.
DeleteAt anon 1:31. We live in Las Vegas and my son was pushed out of a game of handball on the playground because he was not Mormon. He came home and told me they refused because it was a Mormon only group of boys. I was furious. I sent off an email and called school and demanded something be done. This is a public school too. There is an air of superiority with them within a group. They may act nice to you but they feel they are better. No doubt about it. How do little boys know to be separated from others? They must learn it somewhere!
DeleteJust on Ed Schultz--Brissie "wrote" on her blog something to the effect of "Hail to the chiefs--Sasha and Malia must be watching too many episodes of 'Glee'."
ReplyDeleteWay to go Bris and Nancy French...you're just the PERFECT ones to judge anyone!
ReplyDeletehow did you miss this????
Bristol is giving the President advice...
How much you wanna bet he gives her a followup call?
DeleteWhat? You won't bet. CHICKEN! -:)
Mittens was hatched and isolated his whole life in a gated community where money buys conformity of environment, mind and spirit. His small world never has to interact with, nor be sympathetic those who are not the privileged class.
ReplyDeleteWhat a pompous asshole he is!
He's a lying sack of shit. He remembers what he did. 'Awww, shucks...it was just a prank'. Isn't that always the excuse when abusers get caught or called out? 'It was just a joke!' Fuck you Romney, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, et al. You can all take your lame sense of humor and pound sand!!
ReplyDeleteOf course he remembers, it was before the best night of sex dreams he ever had. I bet he was even sporting wood as he cut that young man's hair.
DeleteWait, I don't get it. How can he "not remember" the incident but remember that he didn't think the guy was gay?
ReplyDeleteThis hits me really hard.
ReplyDeleteI know this incident of Mitt's happened a long time ago.
But so did the bullying I was subjected to when I was a kid, and despite two suicide attempts and lots (LOTS) of therapy, that bullying permanently changed how I look at life.
I will ALWAYS be an "outsider" and I will NEVER "belong."
That's what "pranks" like Mitt's can do.
Don't mean to sound pitiful, and no desire to see the Mitts of the world suffer either.
I just wish they'd GET IT ... and STOP !
P.S. I also wish a "Gryphen" had stepped in to defend me. That was a HUGELY cool thing to do, G.
Even though I am an anonymous poster, I wish you well. I've walked in shoes that were painful and hope you are doing better.
DeleteI now have a dog and she gives me more love than I know what to do with. Animals are healing.
I hear you. I feel you. I was born different and have spent my whole life coping with being different and trying to find a way to transform difference into uniqueness. I have few friends because most people don't get me, but those I have I am close to. And my dogs - they made me such a better human being. I hope they're waiting for me when I cross over wherever that is.
DeleteM from MD
He claims he doesn't remember the incident. If true that is even more disturbing. Apparently to him this act of bullying was too insignificant to remember. If he "forgets" something this nasty, I'd hate to think of the bullying he remembers. I wonder if he remembers bullying the woman who needed the abortion to save her life.
ReplyDeleteThe Romney campaign has approached one of Mitt Romney’s closest high school friends and asked him to give “supporting remarks” about Romney after a Washington Post story detailed a bullying incident from Romney’s time at the Cranbrook School, reports ABC News.
ReplyDeleteThe friend, Stu White, told ABC he is still deciding whether he will help the campaign. White was not present when the specific incident in the Post story – in which Romney and others held down a fellow student presumed to be gay and cut his hair – took place. White told ABC that he knew several other classmates had also been contacted by the campaign and asked to counter the article’s portrayal of Romney.
He should have been expelled. I find it interesting that the boy who was bullied (and that is what it was) by Mitt Romney was subsequently expelled for smoking, something that most of his fellow students did.
ReplyDeleteIt is an important event in his young life because it tells a lot about Mitt Romney's character. Someone who finds pleasure in pulling pranks on people has, at the least, an empathy issue. Keep in mind that the other boys who helped him subsequently felt awful and apologized. How many years later was it that he put the poor dog on the top of the car for a twelve-hour ride? Character traits are there; they do not disappear.
In the same article there is a quote from something that Mitt wrote for a school paper or magazine about having attended the funeral for President Kennedy. From what is shown in the piece, he did not seem to have the least understanding of the significance of the event nor did he seem to understand how leaders of a country are treated when they visit another country officially. His tone was mocking and dismissive. I remember those days clearly - how glued to the television we were and how the silence of the crowds and the sound of the muffled drums dominated everything. If I had been there I'm sure I would have shed many tears despite being only a few years older than Mitt Romney. Of course I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth (or elsewhere) as was Mitt Romney.
At the start of my senior year in the fall of '67 a half dozen or so of us senior jocks were called into the inner-sanctum room of the coaching offices. The coaches told we had a problem at the school that needed to be corrected immediately. What were we, the leaders of the school, going to do about the "long" hair (half way over the ears and almost all the way over the collar) being seen around the school? Where was our pride? We understood the message and responded accordingly. Later that day, we cornered one of the transgressors in a stairwell. I handed the scissors to our chief thug, and though he cut no more than a bit of a symbolic snip of hair, the message was clear...and our victim fully terrified....as was our goal.
ReplyDeleteTo this day I am deeply ashamed of my part in that stupid, shameful event and can still see the terror in the eyes of the kid as clear as the moment it happened.
For Romney to say he has no recollection of his role in his "event" means he is either a liar, or it is a clear indication that, at his core, he is something far worse than a liar.
This reminds me of the results of a study about some rich people I read recently. The study revealed that some of the rich don't feel the rules that apply to others, apply to them. IMHO, everything that Romney does smacks of a sense of entitlement. He seems to feel that he is better than most others. I think it was this sense of entitlement that allowed Romney to feel that he could round up a posse and cut the kid's hair simply because he disapproved of its' length. I also think he knew the school wouldn't do anything to him because of his father. He's a coward because he didn't have the guts to confront the kid on his own and carry out the deed--he needed back up. I'm glad the others involved have shown remorse for their roles in this incident. I don't think Romney has given it another thought because, in his mind, the kid deserved it.
ReplyDeleteI think that Mitt's business career also shows this attitude that rules apply to others not to people like Mitt Romney. His company was predatory; he made his fortune (in addition to what he inherited) by doing companies in. He is proud of his fortune. He does not think his dog suffered on the top of the car. He doesn't remember how he tormented that fellow student! Each day something else comes to light that makes Mitt Romney seem even more reprehensible.
two great comments!
DeleteWillard say people can change. Thus Willard is unequivocally against the death penalty? Not so!!
ReplyDeleteRomney Position on Capital Punishment
Romney is in favor of capital punishment.
“From my perspective, there are two main camps when it comes to the death penalty. On one side, there are some people who believe there are certain crimes that are so offensive… so reprehensible…. so far beyond the bounds of civilized society that they demand the ultimate punishment. In the other camp are well-meaning people who believe that it is immoral for government to ever take a life. In the middle, I believe, are others who could support the death penalty if it is narrowly applied and contains the appropriate safeguards. It is with that group in mind that we have brought forward the death penalty bill before you today…
The appropriate response of society to terrorism carried out around the world or within the Commonwealth’s borders is to apply the death penalty. That is why the legislation I filed in April accounts for terrorism, along with a small number of other crimes, including the assassination of a law enforcement officer, judge, juror or prosecutor, for the purpose of obstructing an ongoing criminal proceeding. My legislation would also allow juries to consider the death penalty in cases that involve prolonged torture or multiple murders, as well as cases in which the defendant has already been convicted of first-degree murder or is serving a life sentence without parole.”
July 14, 2005, Death Penalty Testimony of Governor Mitt Romney to the Massachusetts House of Representatives, in support of his April 28, 2005 filing of a death penalty bill that was ultimately rejected by the legislature.
String him up?
Romney High School Classmate:He Was Kind Of A Jerk
ReplyDeleteMitt Romney's campaign is asking for old friends from high school to come out in support of him in response to a Washington Post story alleging Romney bullied a gay classmate and forcibly cut his hair. But according to one Romney classmate, Michael Barone, who is now a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, Romney was “kind of a jerk” (VIDEO)
Anon 9:32
ReplyDeleteThe story, along with the picture of Mr. Romney kissing his wife sent my mind that direction too. It also could be just that this man is a sociopath who loves "beating" other people. That was the behavior we saw at Bain Capital. In any event, not the personality I want leading this country.
The Mitt Romney Bullying Story
ReplyDeleteThe sad, troubling tale of when a teenage Mitt Romney attacked one of his classmates. The Washington Post found numerous eyewitnesses to verify this incident from 1965.
...Sometime in the mid-1990s, (Romney's classmate at Cranbrook) David Seed noticed a familiar face at the end of a bar at Chicago O’Hare International Airport.
“Hey, you’re John Lauber,” Seed recalled saying at the start of a brief conversation. Seed, also among those who witnessed the Romney-led incident, had gone on to a career as a teacher and principal. Now he had something to get off his chest.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t do more to help in the situation,” he said.
Lauber paused, then responded, “It was horrible.” He went on to explain how frightened he was during the incident, and acknowledged to Seed, “It’s something I have thought about a lot since then.”
Lauber died in 2004 (of liver cancer), according to his three sisters.
Using a 1913 law put in place to stop out-of-state couples from marrying in Massachusetts, Romney barred same-sex couples from coming to the state with the sole perhaps of marrying. The law originally intended to stop interracial marriages. Romney proudly touts the effort today saying he “stopped Massachusetts from becoming the Las Vegas of gay marriage.”
Here are the lyrics about a song I wrote about bullying.
ReplyDeleteYou can listen to it by going to #425 at:
This Bullying
They say that bullies have low self-esteem.
They’re not part of a team.
John & Paul said: “All you need is love,”
But you have treed the dove.
Joe and Mary despaired beyond repair.
Took their lives in a flash.
This bullying just has to stop.
You know it just ain’t right. (2X)
Fighting, taunting, stealing, calling names.
Have you no shame?
You attacked; took more than you need.
You’re fear, hatred, and greed.
Let’s share, find our common ground.
There’s enough to go around.
Why not work together?
In all kinds of weather.
This bullying just has to stop.
You know it just ain’t right. (2X)
U. S. of A. who is to blame?
Who is to blame?
Have you no shame?
These wars are insane
This bullying just has to stop (3X)
Ken Swiatek © 2011
Mitt Romney’s History of Haircut Bullying
ReplyDeleteMr. Romney apparently kept his haircutting habit in college. A story published in the Washington Post last month detailed a different incident from his time at Stanford where he and a group of friends “lured rival University of California students into a trap in which his buddies ‘shaved their heads and painted them red’,”
Oh they are rippin' pissed about this uncovering of the Bully from Michigan over at Red State...pretty funny. They are fuming:
Bristol aka Nancy gay marriage rant!!!!
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin: Marriage Expert
What Gay Mitt Romney Would Sound Like
ReplyDeleteAs Mitt Romney prepared for an interview with Sean Hannity, he put on his best gay-guy impression in response to an offer of a pink tie.
What an utter asshole.
LOL https://twitter.com/#!/search/bristol
ReplyDeleteEven if some believe that "Hey, that was a long time ago," the fact that Mitt responded to it the way he did NOW shows he has no good moral character, and that is not someone who should be leading this country.
DeleteSo Romney doesn't remember that incident. What bullshit. I remember (not vividly but I remember), stupid stuff I did 40+ years ago back in junior high that was hurtful to others and that I feel badly about to this day.
ReplyDeleteIf he says he doesn't remember it, either he's a liar (a distinct possibility since he's demonstrated his ability to lie with ease and facility repeatedly in this campaign), or, screwing over the weak and defenseless is just something he considers to be of little consequence (which is also a distinct possibility since that seems to be what he plans to do to most of the disadvantaged in this country).
Either way, he fits right in in the Republican party. Next year this time, I hope he's having fun riding up and down in his car elevator, listening to President Obama address the nation on the radio in one of Ann's Cadillacs.
All of the accomplices that he recruited for the bullying remember it, but the ringleader does not. Willard, you are a LIAR and a COWARD. Your faith won't allow you to fight for your country, but it allows you to torture a fellow citizen. Your cowardly ass will get defeated on election day.
DeleteFinally Romney did something that Sarah Palin can back. Mitt's got a new fan!
ReplyDeleteLet's ask Seamus if Mitt is a bully. Oh, wait . . .
ReplyDelete"Lauber wasn’t the only gay student bullied by Romney. Gary Hummel, who was closeted, recalled that Romney mocked his efforts to speak out in class by shouting, “Atta girl!” He pulled several pranks on a teacher with seriously compromised eyesight, once “escorting” him into a closed set of doors and “giggling hysterically” when he ran into them. Another time he propped up the back axle of the teacher’s VW bug and laughed as the man hit the gas pedal “with his wheels spinning in the air.” Hilarious!"
nice guy
This lying sack of shit will figure out a way to weasel out of this. As usual, he has selective amnesia whenever he gets caught at something. He is the perfect GOP puppet. A Lying Sack of Shit.
ReplyDeleteRomney is a sociopath. He got his jollies bullying and attacking that poor guy.
ReplyDeleteTPM story:
ReplyDeleteFormer Romney Classmate Describes Behavior as "Evil" Like "Lord of the Flies"
There's something chillingly creepy about Mitt and the hair cutting sounds a lot like trophy collecting. I wonder if he still has it locked away somewhere.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, Could u pl. check this is not his first, during his days at Stanford he had painted someone's head red. there was few report on this.
ReplyDeleteNow at a theater near you: R'Money Scissorhands
ReplyDeleteAlso playing simultaneously with that classic: All Dogs Go to Heaven in a Kennel Strapped on Top of the Family Car
Gryphen, good for you taking up for anyone being bullied. You remind me of my brother - who I admit enjoyed fighting - he never hesitated to wade in no matter what the odds in order to take up for someone being bullied. You just have to love people who have the courage to do that.
ReplyDeleteI've not read any of the commentary as yet on this matter. But, I personally think Romney had a sense of entitlement back then and assuredly does today!
ReplyDeleteHe is reported to initially have lied about this issue and then came out with an apology. They are trying to get the five other classmates to speak on the matter for him? Amazing! He is a fucking BULLY!
This guy would be a horrid leader of the United States of America.
Vote for President Obama! I can hardly wait to do so. No way, would Romeny EVER get my vote!
he has a fundamental misunderstanding of the big social issues of the day. The movie Bully was released this year with much debate about keeping the rating low enough so that teens could watch the movie in the theater.
ReplyDeletethis would have been a perfect moment to confess to his own bullying nature and explain how he has learned through adulthood that bullying causes real harm to people and should never be dismissed as "pranks".
instead - tone deaf RMoney brushes it off as something he can't even remember.
leadership comes with responsibility - and the President of the United States is expected to rise to each opportunity to keep us all going forward and compassionate about our fellow man.
ReplyDeleteLike you, in high school I seemed to be eager to battle bullies. In hindsight, I realize that I showed an amazing lack of discretion in my willingness to wade into fights with ANY bully. I was far luckier than tough and owe my rather astonishing level of success to sheer bravado and the fact that I was simply more committed to my causes than were the bullies.
I am SO lucky that I didn't get my ass kicked repeatedly.
Having said that, I STILL HATE bullies with a white hot passion. I would have been the first one to kick Romney's ass and shove his magic undies right up his nose. Romney is STILL a goddamn bully and his supercilious arrogance and contempt for the unwashed masses in the 99% is palpable. He doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. He feels NO empathy or compassion for anyone or anything, including his family's dog. Romney is one cold hearted son of a bitch.
No way in hell the asshat gets elected.