Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This should answer the question as to WHY the Teabaggers are drawn to Sarah Palin.

And if that was not enough to make you sick to your stomach,  Garry Trudeau also added this snippet from Joe's book:

"Wasilla was so white that there was only one African American in the entire school system. One day when the boy was in junior high school, Todd, then a senior, and two friends waylaid him by the gravel pit adjacent to Wasilla High and beat him up, simply because he was black. 'Sure, Todd was a racist bully, but that just made him one of the guys. Growing up black in Wasilla was hell.'" — from The Rogue, by Joe McGinniss

(Cartoon and text courtesy of  Doonesbury.com)

I have to tell you that this just sickens me. I am so ashamed that this person became the living representative of my state.  And I want all of you to know that not ALL Alaskans are ignorant gun toting racists.

But clearly our half term Governor and her pimp of a husband are.

Perhaps later, when I am not quite so pissed off, I will tell you a story about my brush with racism and how I handled it. I will give you this hint, Todd Palin would have had a VERY different experience if he had gone to my high school!


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Gryphen, I've never thought of Alaskans as anything but rugged, adventuresome folks who live in an outstandingly beautiful state. The only Alaskans who give the area a bad name (if indeed it has one) are know-nothing wanna-bees like the Quitter from Wasilla who rant and stir up division and hatred in this once-great land of ours. Now they're trying to make it into a Teabagger Nation. Thanks, but no thanks, Teabaggers!

  2. emrysa10:25 AM

    oh man, pictures of the quitter with black people in 3..2..1..

  3. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Of course they aren't, Gryphen.

    Todd Palin was probably busy trying to prove he was masculine, and sadly that meant bullying and picking on someone for the color of their skin.

    He's still a bully, and likely still a racist.

    The masculine part, I am not so sure about.

  4. laprofesora10:31 AM

    Found this over at Regina's:


    I hope when all the dirt comes out about Scarah's racism and xenophobia, there will be a huge backlash against her small-mindedness and that of her fellow Teabaggers. How dare they call themselves "patriots", they exemplify the dark side of America.

  5. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I cannot believe how stupid Alaskans were to put this woman in the top governmental position along w/her asshole husband whom all have learned did the majority of the governing.

    And, then John McCain picked her w/o vetting her.

    I would so love to see all three of them - - - - - - (cannot put it in print!).

    Todd - anti blacks - are we surprised at that? I'm not one bit. Todd would have his clock cleaned in many situations today...he is a pantywaste who carries his wife's purse and lives off 'her' money (which she's not going to be making as much of in the future, I suspect!).

    No respect for the Palin clan.

  6. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Bill McAllister is black like T. Palin is native---negligibly.

  7. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Whoa! the horse is out of the barn.

  8. Anonymous10:41 AM

    People are not assholes because they follow the status quo. The evolution process within each person takes time. For example, people often comment on John McCain's anti gay rights stance, despite Cindy and Meghan's support of gays. Kathy Griffin got Levi to reconsider his stance on gays, though I don't know exactly where he stands, I can assume he's no longer a homophobe. This is just the example I have, as I'm sure it's common and I don't mean to fingerpoint, but In 2007, Levi used the term Nigg to address a friend (johnny I believe). This isn't an ALaskan thing. My cousin uses this language too.

    When you're immersed in a community that has a longterm, underlying issue with race, it's incredibly hard not to go with the flow. No one wants to be outcasted.

    I will say I think that report in Doonesbury is either heavily exaggerated or made up completely. But does it matter? WIthout know a person NOW, we can't really judge them based on something that may have happened in a completely different time decades ago. It's immature to do so.

    There are reliable reports that (for instance) Todd has always been a hardworking, friendly gentleman who was naturally quiet by nature.

    Not defending, just giving examples as a woman who grew up in Arkansas. Speaking of, look at Bill Clinton and alleged remarks about Obama. Now, I don't think Clinton downgrades people, butI can't know how he has evolved from growing up in Arkansas.

    Judging others without literally walking in their shoes and thinking with their mind is not an intelligent decision to make. Following the status quo when it concerns racism doesn't make people jerks. If they refuse to amend their ways of thinking, then you could conceivably. make an argument.

    But in reality, you have no proof any of these people are actually racist.

    And what makes minorities "right" in disparaging white people? What makes chris rock and Rev Wright in delivering their hateful sermons?

    Cuts both ways. Everyone is prejudiced. Everyone makes judgments based on race. Thank you Avenue Q. It's whether they realize it or not that explain more of where they are in the evolution process.

    In short, anyone who automatically calls people assholes for something he/she couldn't understand should definitely not be speaking on a public front.

    It's like with alcoholics in a way. The only person who can change her/himself is him/herself.How that happens is in their personal transformation.

  9. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Which would explain why her daughter is about to do a reality show with not one but two young black men. Damn, Bristol. Why don't you let us know how you really feel about mommy dearest?

  10. Anonymous10:47 AM

    She must really be freaking out with Bristol living with 2 black guys.

  11. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Sarah has never liked Native people either. Her response to any question regarding natives was to say that "My husband is native, my children are native," as if by that very blood quantum measure alone gave her some sort of insight or record on Native issues.

    Palin and Village Outreach
    Early on in her governorship in December of 2006, Palin went to the Southwestern community of New Stuyahok, in part to find out why the Yup'ik village of 450 residents experienced at least five alcohol-related deaths that year. Palin said her "attention to the rural areas won't wane while she's in big cities." She was joined by Department of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan, coincidentally the single Alaska Native serving as a commissioner under her Administration.

    Village officials hoped Palin's visit represented a chance to illustrate broader problems such as the strained resources villages of similar size face. Villages need more than just a review of a single problem; rather, towns with limited revenue streams require financial help for services such as public safety.

    The disappearance of the state's revenue sharing and municipal assistance programs under the Murkowski Administration combined with rising energy prices exacerbated the financial problems in the villages. As is customary in most villages, most speakers do not request government help, but Palin said it was clear that the state needed to play a role in creating economic opportunities. "I want our state resource wealth trickled to communities, not used to create larger state government," she said.

    The only result we really saw from that effort was appointing a Wasilla minister to create a faith-based non-profit onto the Statewide suicide prevention council instead of utilizing the regional Native health corporations that are the first responders. They went after a competitive $1 million dollar grant to reinvent the wheel, and establish yet another program without cultural relevance that basically started the avalanche of crippling and unflattering social pathologies in the first place.

    Palin returned in June of 2007 with Monegan, this time, he told the audience he worked on legislation that would raise wages for village public safety officers. Pitiful pay and inadequate back-up for the first-responders has been criticized as being so bad it turns off applicants. Palin did not back up Monegan's increased funding request, and amid ethics controversy, dismissed the Commissioner under the bristling differences of funding and policy priorities. But we all know through Troopergate what that was all about.

    New Stu went without relief and never heard from Sarah again.

    - Village Perspective

  12. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Is it possible to identify who the beaten-up boy was? So we could offer a collective apology from us other Americans? Not that an apology is enough, but it might be a start.

  13. Anonymous10:47 AM

    You really think the reason most people oppose Obama is based on skin color? Are you retarded? Because there are areas in the country (small ones) that are more outdated, Im not going to deny some people think this way. My grandfather died still abhoring black, despite being one of the nicest men around, even to black peope.

    However I can tell you that to the intelligent, free thinking individual, Obama is nothing more than a partisan LIAR who will say anything to get his way. Look to his lie about the jobs bill being paid for. That is an impossbility. He knows it. He relies on Americans' stupidity when he speaks.

    Go research his lies.
    Research the moment he said that he'd post all proposed bills onliine days before they go to Congress. Well, the jobs bill, to my knowledge, is not online currently.


  14. Anonymous10:49 AM

    It is still very unusual to see a black person in Wasilla. It is so uncommon that one does a double take when it happens. Native and part native people are much more common.

    I feel for any black child in the school system here. I don't know how native and part native kids are treated at school.

    Wasilla is, for the most part, a white Dominionist cesspool.

  15. Anonymous10:52 AM

    hmm I dont know about this. Parents who never evolve past their racists past environments typcally pass that onto kids and their current environments. Wasilla is by far not a racist environment these days, meaning skin color by the majority of people isn't a factor. Wasilla is a pretty welcoming place. It was then as well. People who grew up there 20-30 years ago are proud of their hometown.

  16. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Hi Sara,
    Is this why you hate Obama so much? Cuz he's black? And not only the fact that he’s black, but that he beat your skinny ass on the biggest platform this country has to offer-the presidential elections! All i can say is it sucks to be you as more and more of your hatred, racist, and traitorous thoughts and ideas are exposed to the general public. Go ahead and try a third party, and stand up on that debate platform and think you can get away with not answering questions because you think "it really doesn't matter" (ala Andrew Halcro debate). And keep it up with your crony capitalism bullshit, we know who you are and what you've done in your ridiculous 18 months as governor- remember Dairygate?
    All your chickens are coming home to roost sweet Sarah, and i am having the time of my life watching your demise. Like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz, you are melting away. Unfortunately, the divisiveness you created during the last presidential campaign still exists, and we will always hold you responsible for splitting this country wide open. You will end up being in the history books alright-but only as the horrible stain of hatred you have been on this country’s wonderful reputation as a good, fair place, where small towns and big towns, city folk and country folk alike are able to compromise and act together for the common good. You have represented the worst of America, you are an embarrassment to the country, a traitor to this country whose influence is waning every day. So heed the call, sweetie, it is time for you to SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE F*CK UP!

  17. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Palin on Rural / Remote Energy Crisis

    Alaska's largest rural utility, the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC), which serves 53 small villages in the west of the state, had its fuel bill leap from $14 million to $26 million. In 2006, about 380 customers, including more than 300 residential clients, owed $900,000 at the beginning of the summer. The co-op, which serves 5,700 residential clients, powers homes and streetlights in 52 villages from Gambell near the Russian coast to Minto in Interior Alaska. All but one of those villages are off the state road system, and rising fuel and transportation prices boosted the cost of everything from gasoline to bread to bullets. The trend has been strong forever, but was entrenched when Governor Palin came into office.

    With such alarming numbers, Palin responded by proposing to spend $1.2 billion on utility assistance and distribute $100-a-month debit cards for energy assistance. It was a complicated plan that did not discourage consumption.

    The legislature resisted her alternative to their voucher system and went on to employ a $750 million dollar popularity contest to buy her 80% approval rating. "You know how to spend money better than we [government] do." Have we ever seen evidence of Sarah Palin knowing how to handle money?

    Every man, woman and child got an energy rebate along with their annual Dividend no matter their address - whether they spent 13% of their household income on energy on-the-grid or 70% in the predominantly Native villages.

    [She later hitch-hiked on a Samaritans Purse effort to bring relief to villages, cause her Servant's Heart didn't beat for a food or fuel crisis of her own Lower Yukon constituents.]

    Is this what Sarah means when she one day says Alaska leads the country in equality (cause there sure aint favoritism or special consideration for Natives in the State) to the next day her telling a lone black man at her white VP rally that she and Todd live it (racism) everyday [in Alaska] and we got to work on that!

    - Village Perspective

  18. sorry but you wont ever convince me that what motivates the VAST majority of people to live in alaska is their anti-social lifestyles.

    of course nothing is 100% but if firing TWENTY people because they are non white is tolerated thats because it is tolerated by the vast majority or it cant be done.

    so yes i DO believe without question that MOST ALASKANS ARE RACIST GUN LOVING DRUNKS/DRUGGIES WHO BELIEVE THE ISOLATION ALASKA OFFERS THEM is the best cover they can get for their beliefs.

    (opps on the caps but i decided it applies so no need to re-write it)

  19. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Check out this from the Doonesbury "Blowback" page.

    A user reports:

    "Wha....? Just now, as I was folding up today's Chicago Tribune, I realized I'd forgotten to read Doonesbury. I opened up the comic page again and discovered the following message: "This week's Doonesbury does not meet our standards of fairness. Please enjoy this substitute strip." I'm thinking of cancelling my subscription, which I have never considered in the past. The Tribune has a columnist and a cartoonist who have made careers out of trashing Obama almost every day, and I have accepted it as part of the ugly downside of a democratic society and a free press. And now the Trib says it can't publish a cartoon that quotes a book about Sarah Palin?"

  20. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Palin on Subsistence

    Governor Palin's first action on a Subsistence related category involved the appointment of two road-system representatives to the Board of Game. They replaced one member who resigned for racist comments on the record, and the other seat was held under an interim two-year term subject to reappointment. That member was Paul Johnson of Unalakleet, who had been the lone off-road resident and Native on the board.

    She proposed to leave the board without an Alaska Native or a representative from the state's vast areas beyond the road system.

    In response to the startling backlash, Teresa Sager-Albaugh, a former president of the Alaska Outdoor Council stepped aside - allowing Palin to correct her mistake. The AOC has a historically adversarial stance on Native hunting and fishing rights.

    The Anchorage Daily News commented that it was hard to imagine how a governor who is so committed to a "fair public process" could have settled for such skewed membership on the Board of Game. Her blind spot on this one came from her close political alliance with the AOC. Alaska Natives make up nearly 20% of the state's population - whether living in rural or urban areas, they depend heavily on wild game to sustain their culture and tables.

    Governor Palin then selected Craig Fleener, an Athabascan from Fort Yukon, to represent both perspectives.

    Her latter released emails showed that she withheld a press release on the matter of Anchorage Shock Jocks turning an old joke into a sexist/racist jab at Athabascan women - waiting to see how public backlash played out before she stuck her neck out defending Natives - and risking her popularity with her Valley base.

    - Village Perspective

  21. Anonymous10:55 AM

    This is just more confirmation of what we already knew. Sarah Palin is a racist bully who doesn't like non-white people. I can't wait until this story spreads far and wide in the media.

  22. Anonymous10:55 AM

    This reminds me of a huge lie I recently heard that if youweren't religious, you weren't accepted at Wasilla High in the 80s. There were no status differences between the varying school cliches. Like all schools, there were jocks, "hippies", cheerleaders... I've never heard the rligious type to be singled out. And the most popular people in school, esp Sarahs class, definitely were NOT religious.

  23. That explains why she's obsessed with heckling Pres. Obama.

  24. I bet Sarah really hates Levi's legal team. That's another reason I luv 'em.

  25. I just wanted to give an update on the Storm Lake half marathon.
    More than 400 official photographs are now online. And guess what? There are lots and lots of photos featuring Caribou Barbie, showing her at the finish line and after the race chatting with people. There are no photos of her during the race itself, even though the official photographer was stationed at the start, at various places along the course, and at the finish line.
    I think the woman who so heroically flew home to Alaska to give birth is the same woman who so magically ran a half-marathon without breaking into a sweat.
    Some of the photos show her with the medal-laden ribbon she received for her "Second Place" finish. Instead of wearing it proudly, as a true competitor would do, it is unobtrusively on her arm. She also did not say anything about her victory on her post-Storm Lake tweet. I pity the woman who actually did come in second, but who had to settle for a third place bronze medal.

  26. Anonymous11:03 AM

    We know why she hates the Obamas so much.

    So much for being a christian.

    Now we know why Bristol made a show with the Masey brothers...Sarah wanting to run tried to cover her bases. It is very sad when someone has to make a show to cover their racism, hate and bigot.

    A small person in an even smaller world with nothing good there.

  27. Anonymous11:03 AM

    as i said yesterday, i'd really like to "encourage" that coward, squeeky voiced waterass todd to go all valdez airport/homer spit on me, that'd be a ton-0-fun

    hey $carah, you and your family are nothin' more than white trash
    suck it bitch

  28. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Jesus, I hate the bitch, but even I didn't think she was this bad!

    Looking forward to the book. McGinniss still shouldn't be excused for what he did to AKM et al., though.

  29. I went to Dimond High in the early '70s and graduated from Service Hanshew in 1973. There were quite a few black students then - several which were my friends. No big deal.

    As far as Wasilla High is concerned - I could see that blacks could definitely have/had a hard time. Wasilla was, actually still is, very much a hard-core redneck community - just because some Outsiders have moved in, doesn't change the basic make-up of the place.

    Here's the deal - Republican neocons are racist to the core. They truly detest blacks - imagine their rage with Obama being PRESIDENT. OMFG.

    Even if wealthy, they cannot entertain ANY political thoughts other than FOX news. The women MUST be Stepford Wives (trophies/eye candy). Talk about the good ol' boys club or crony capitialism.

    Subjects such as 9/11 oddities are NEVER discussed - everything the GOP politicians spew out (think Dick Cheney), and ESPECIALLY from Sarah's mouth, is from GOD himself.

    In other words, these are seriously f*cked up people. Just speaking from (painful) experience. Warning: do not engage if your IQ is higher than 83.

  30. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I've lived in quite a few states. Believe me there are those little pockets of racists there in EVERY SINGLE STATE - some more than others. Yes, it's shameful. I've also noticed that it doesn't matter what state it is - they also too have their particular flavor of red neck racists. All the same they are. Of course Todd and Sarah love 'em. When she says God Bless America it sounds like "God Bless all you racist hatin' rill Americans like me!"

  31. Anonymous11:13 AM

    The story about Todd is horrible, but it was a few decades ago. I'm more interested in evidence that he still holds those beliefs, or whether he has seen the error of his ways.

  32. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I haven't posted in a while, but this is sickening. I remember the story about Sarah talking to a jazz musician then realizing that he was black. "I don't do black men" she told him.
    The woman is sick and I would have some pity but I don't.

  33. Sounds like the same reason her daddy gave for Sarah leaving college in Hawaii.

    If Joe has more stuff like this on the record and in his book, I can see why he doesn't care that her Iowa half marathon was faked. He thinks his book will make her toast. Wish I could be as optimistic.

  34. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Stupid must be so conflicted. She's supposed to hate Mr. Obama for his skin color, but she's just so damned attracted to him at the same time... He's the embodiment of all her Mandingo fantasies and yet, he won't give her silly ass the time of day.

  35. Wow! Talk about a class action lawsuit. Wondering how she's gonna pay for this one. ...I shudder to think.

    How incredibly sad this was allowed to happen in this frickin century.

    Sarah, hope you're having yourself a great week. Face it, it's your last hurrah.

  36. Anonymous11:24 AM

    These leaked excerpts from the book are really whetting my appetite. Can't wait to read the whole thing myself. Just reserved my copy. Palin is a disgusting human being. She's gotten away with too much, but this book is going to garner far, far more attention than the previous two. And it will be more explosive. This, added to Levi's book/allegations and Fred's upcoming book, and Sarah's own incompetence, will bring her down.

  37. After reading the Doonsbury snippets I have little doubt that Palin et al will absolutely flip out when this book is released. Her attitude towards non-whites was first mentioned by her father as to why she left Hawaii. Now it's confirmed. What are they going to do? How will they retaliate? If they react, they will prove the point about her being vindictive. If she feigns victimhood, she will be forced to defend herself.I think she will have a public breakdown.

  38. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Not surprised at all that wimpy Tawd Palin had to be in a group of 3 to beat up on someone.
    And while I'm sure that all Alaskans are not racist, it is where our daughter had her most racist confrontation on a family trip years ago. Some adult male approx 40-45 thought it was funny to harass our daughter as she was walking down the street to find us a cafe to have lunch at. The man manhandled my then 14 yr old daughter--taunted her, threatened sexual assault---all in the matter of the 5 or so minutes she was out of our sight (we were purchasing some t-shirts).
    I will say the Homer police did take it in stride after my ex special forces husband saw what was happening and responded in a violent way. The man suffered a shattered jaw, broken nose, and broken ribs before I could stop my hubby. That was our Alaskan experience and I doubt if we will ever go back.
    I realize one asshole assaulting our daughter is not the whole state or even the whole mentality of the town, but we have chosen not to spend our tourism $$$$$ in AK after that.
    No charges were ever pressed as long as we didn't press any against the man--Was he someone important in town? That didn't want anything on his record? We will never know since we were never answered on what the mans name even was.
    This was the only time in our 33 yr marriage were I have seen my husband attack someone in that manner and while I hope I never see it again --the guy deserved it. We left our 3 week Alaskan vacation 2 weeks early.

  39. Anonymous11:32 AM

    To date, I don't believe there has ever been a comprehensive deep-dive examination of the insurance questions around Trig. I believe that insurance coverage or lack thereof, may have played a significant factor in the birth of the pregnancy hoax - which is the only birthin' Sarah did, in my humble opinion. When you are done wading through this very lengthy post, I think you'll see WHY no comprehensive posts have been made regarding the insurance and coverage questions!

    Before diving into the potential unpaid medical bills and the AFT connection, the bulleted information below is the basis on which this connection rests. There are some things to remember as you read along (supported by photographic evidence and preponderance of circumstantial evidence, and well documented statements by Sarah Palin that strongly contradict reality):

    1. Sarah Palin did not give birth to the child known as Trig Palin on 4/18/2008, nor any other date.


  40. Who built the Alcan Highway?

  41. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I sent Gryphen this link a long time ago, but I'll post it here too.

    A famous Jazz musician had an experience with Sarah, and it shows that she's a racist. Her not liking dark-skinned black people is 100% true, and it comes out of her own mouth:

  42. Anonymous11:37 AM

    It doesn't take Freud to figure out that Sarah's racism goes back to the Wasilla beauty pageant when she got beaten by a black woman.

    And then reactivated when she got beaten by a black man in 2008.

    white trash people always need to believe that there's someone lower than they are.

  43. Anonymous11:39 AM

    This post is comprehensive and complicated. Take your time reading it. H/T to Palinoia for sharing her expertise in the insurance industry. These are her views and her assumptions. But she has built this post like a page-turning mystery. Take it away, Palinoia:


    My final conclusions regarding insurance coverage of Trig, provided he is Bristol's baby:

    1. Based on documentation, Bristol's maternity and delivery costs would have been covered by either or both Sarah's or Todd's employer plans as a covered dependent.

    2. Trig could not be added to either Sarah's or Todd's plans as their grandchild unless they made legal arrangements for guardianship or adoption.

    3. Trig would have had at most 72 hours of coverage per Sarah's insurance coverage.

    4. Even if Trig were adopted, coverage would not have started until he was released from the hospital.

    5. There is every potential for some very large uninsured medical bills, depending on how pre-mature Trig was.

    That's it for now. I truly apologize if your heads are swimming, but I'll leave final blame with Sarah herself for that, since we all KNOW she could have stopped all the questions a long time ago.

    Part II will be a dissection of the "birth certificate" email from the State to Sarah, and the possible AFT connection.

  44. Anonymous11:50 AM

    This brought things to a whole new level. I wish I never had to hear about this grotesque family again.

  45. ManxMamma11:57 AM

    Anon 10:41 - "Todd has always been a hardworking, friendly gentleman"

    I've see this friendly gentleman in action and he's a bully. No doubt about it.

  46. Liar @ 10:47
    I see you signed your name to your post in a most descriptive way. Very telling ....a great Freudian slip.
    President Obama did not lie and has never lied. I am a progressive and even I understand that he does what he can do but he does not lie. He has honor and integrity, something you know nothing about. You need to do your research or if you are really just lying, then just go away. I hope there is a hell for people like you.

  47. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Anonymous 10:47,

    Perhaps you should do some research yourself before you go foaming at the mouth.

    Here you go. Untwist you undies and read:


  48. Irishgirl12:05 PM

    Ayerishgrl, loved your comment.

  49. Nora @10:59 AM said...

    ...There are no photos of her during the race itself, even though the official photographer was stationed at the start, at various places along the course, and at the finish line...

    Go check out OzMud's website. There is a photo which shows Palin running. And also proves the photo with Palin running on the grass was photoshopped.

    Palin probably ran the 5K, not the 1/2 marathon. Would a 1:45 (or was it 1:47) time be more appropriate for someone like Palin and a 5K?

  50. Anonymous12:12 PM

    @ 10:41, keep telling yourself all of that.

    There is a right and a wrong. You think all sins are of commission, apparently. Sins of omission are equally wrong. "Going with the flow" and not following one's conscience are responsible for many evil chapters in world history.

    And all to rationalize a story wherein Todd Palin beat up the only black kid in his school?


  51. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Nora, has it been determined if there are photos of those who supposedly finished within minutes of her, either before or after, crossing the finish line?

    We would like to corroborate the conditions depicted in the photograph of Sarah crossing the finish line, one guy waving her through, sun at quite a low angle, absolutely NO ONE else in sight.

    She was so cute, checking her watch as she stepped across the line, nary a hair out of place...

    I think we all do know she started that half marathon, and then finished it. What we don't know is what she was doing in between ;-).

    The photograph she provided of herself running in the marathon (taken by a friend or a fan or Todd or someone) has been shown to have countless bizarre anomalies which point to a clear case of photoshopping.

    For anyone interested in the details, go to Oz Mudflats.

  52. Will See12:21 PM

    I gotta hand it to Joe.

    Despite the controversies, it's looking like he may succeed in doing what we couldn't: putting Palin's crimes into the MSM's spotlight. (We'll see.)

    I'll forgive him anything if he actually brings her down.

  53. I wish I was surprised or that I believed Todd has matured since his teen years but the Homer and Valdez videos show that he is still very much the bully.

    He's not only a bully, he's a coward and a disgusting one to beat up on someone because of his race...someone who was 4 or more years younger and likely too small to have a fighting chance to protect himself.

  54. Anonymous12:35 PM

    10:41, your compassion is admirable but naive. What you said may be true on a theoretically level, but on a practical level where people like Todd, Sarah and all the other Tea Baggers get real power, well, patience has its limits and justifiably so.

    No one, no one should be allowed near power who has committed such outrages as described in the excerpt. Even youth doesn't excuse until and unless Todd himself proves himself changed and apologizes public and does public penance for his behavior.

    He needs, on a spiritual level, to seek out the person he beat up and seek forgiveness.

    We are not the ones who should forgive him. Only his victim and his God can do that. What we must do is not forget his behavior and propensities. We must keep an eye on him and others of his ilk so they do not repeat their wrongs in any way whatsoever.

    That's why we need laws - people tend to not only act badly but repeat that behavior until they change or until others through legal actions (criminal and/or civil) make them reconsider what they do.

    To chastise Gryphen for being angry at that outrage is not helpful. You should be chastising Todd and others who do what he did.

    Moral outrage is a healthy outlet and a warning to those tho transgress. It is a warning that civilized society will not tolerate such nastiness.

    Gryphen may have implied that once he would have tried to beat sense into Todd, but Gryphen has proven himself to be better than Todd. Gryphen uses his mind, his voice and his blog to shine the light into the shadows and expose these human cockroaches for what they are.

    Gryphen is not about to get into a literal or figurative pissing contest with the likes of Todd. He doesn't have to. Todd will be shunned by decent people once the truth gets out.

    We already have evidence that Todd has little respect for Native peoples (even though he has some Native blood in his own veins) by the way he treated Shailey Tripp. Pimping her out was shameful and a reflection of his inner rot.

  55. Anonymous12:40 PM

    You really think the reason most people oppose Obama is based on skin color? Are you retarded? Because there are areas in the country (small ones) that are more outdated, Im not going to deny some people think this way. My grandfather died still abhoring black, despite being one of the nicest men around, even to black peope.


    Your post is very telling. You sound like you think a lot like your grandfather, abhorring blacks and all. But I digress. The real reason for my post is that you rant on President Obama. Tell me, what have the others in congress done for the American economy except block jobs? What? Name it? I dare you!!! Boehner, et.al. ain't doing nothing for the economy except making it better for the wealthy. So, just name one thing the others have done for this country in keeping with the American ideal? NAME ONE THING!!!!!

  56. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Todd will blow a gasket if Bristol gets knocked up by Kyle...

    Nothing says "abstinence" like living with two guys..

  57. Anonymous12:41 PM

    "You really think the reason most people oppose Obama is based on skin color? blah blah blah blah spew spew spew
    10:47 AM

    WB Racist. You don't like black people. We get it. You're a racist. You've made it more than clear with your previous posts here. Now GTFO.

  58. Anonymous12:42 PM

    10:47. please go back to C4P, your racist buddies are missing you. You vastly overate your intellectual abilities if you think anyone here is buying your rants.

    We know lying - we had eight years of it under the Bush-Cheney reign of lies and terror and its GOP legislators and its GOP-dominated Supreme Court.

    Go back to C4P if you want respect for your foolish statements. I doubt if you will find any support here for your ignorant rants.

  59. Anonymous12:44 PM

    @ 10:41am

    Too long; didn't bother reading. But we know who you are. You're the racist Palin family troll. Its obvious.
    Here's a free tip to save yourself some stress: Stop wasting your time posting here and find a site more to your tastes like stormfront or theblaze. Oh and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Peace.

  60. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Hi baby-craving Bristol! Welcome back!
    Please tell us more about the baby wonderland that is the Palin household. I heard you can't walk around without tripping over a newly birthed baby there. LOL

  61. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Hey Dumb Ass Sarah 10:47am. Here is The Americans Job Act proposal posted on the White House Blog, 9/8/11.



    The proposal went to Congress yesterday. So dumb ass you had a few days to review it.

  62. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Ah, here's our resident troll who has never met us and knows nothing about us, yet can tell us we're all immature and unintelligent because we've formed an unfavorable opinion of a woman we've been watching on TV, on YouTube, and on the news for three years now, besides reading her words on Facebook, in her ghostwritten books, in newspaper and magazine interviews, etc, etc.

    In the 1980s, the only blacks in Moscow, Idaho (the home of the U of I) were a few basketball and football players and a handful of African grad students. Just the place for Sarah.

    And no, I don't believe she ever got a degree from Idaho. It actually was a good solid school with a good journalism department.

  63. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Sarah is sooo white that she's going to Special White Heaven.

  64. Anonymous12:53 PM

    This is why programs like "it gets better" & "bully free zone" are available for me to use for brainwashing my kids.

    Yes I said brainwashing. And I mean it.

    Look we all know hate the race exists. I've seen it, tasted it, smelled it and felt it.

    I have instilled the above programs in my kids. They are a growing part of our younger generation, who know these programs and they are not alone. There is strength in numbers.

    As a adult I invite you to google the above programs. Don't forget to spread the word! Brainwash those little kids and enjoy!

  65. Anonymous12:58 PM

    19:52 = Wasilla had a population of 7,831 at the 2010 Census. The racial makeup of Wasilla is as follows:

    85.46% White
    0.59% African-American/Black
    5.25% Native American
    1.32% Asian
    0.13% Pacific Islander
    1.32% other races
    5.94% from two or more races
    and Hispanic or Latino of any race were 3.68%.

    About 5.7% of families in Wasilla and 9.6% of the population there were below the poverty line, including 12.6% of those under 18 and 9% of those 65 or older.

    In other words, blacks were barely more visible than Pacific Islanders - though the latter might be mistaken for Native Americans.

    Good grief - Wasilla might be a lovely place for the white folks who are well-off, but for the minorities probably not so much.

    I lived in a small town in southeast Kansas were they boasted of an annual parade based on the Bible. The town also held a title it was not so proud of - most taverns per capita, more alcoholics, and child abuse. Of course, it had small churches in every little corner of its god-forsaken patch of ground than nearby larger cities, but it was still a cesspool.

    Few blacked lived there, not because they couldn't get there, but because they were not welcome there.

    It wouldn't let blacks attend the same churches or be buried in the same cemeteries as its white population. It only value its token blacks when one of them played on the basketball team and got it to state.

    I suspect Wasilla is much the same. It holds its crosses up high to hide its racist roots.

  66. Anonymous1:02 PM

    President Barack Obama: "I don't think about Sarah Palin"
    President Barack Obama: "No more bridges to nowhere"

    Ooh how's that feel Granny LuLu? Does it sting? You know it does. Hahahahaha

  67. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Todd Palin, as a senior student, helped beat up a junior high school kid. Why am I not surprised.

  68. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Judging from the picture of Sarah "running" in her red shirt, there were a lot of other people in the race, younger, older, faster, slower. Somehow, Sarah managed to cross the finish line at a time when no one else was even close to finishing. There is no one even far away, in the background. Sarah crossed the finish line with no one else around, which makes it look suspicious.

    The only photos of Sarah in the race are suspicious, the red shirt photo and the finish line photos both come with their problems. The same kind of suspicion seems to surround Sarah. She has no proof of actually receiving a college degree in any subject. Her journalism skills are of full view whenever she opens her mouth. She cannot produce a clear, declarative sentence.

    We have never seen an authentic birth certificate for Trig, even though people insisted on seeing proof of Obama's birth. The story of Trig's miraculous arrival sounded fishy (can't have a fish picker born in Texas). It even sounds strange to hear that when Bristol heard that Sarah was pregnant, she got so angry and jealous that she wanted to have her own baby. That family is a living pack of lies.

  69. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Considering that Todd is also a racial minority that is not well treated by whitey, his racist assault if even more damnable.

  70. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Factual reminders, copied from another comment: Sarah never goes to church. Her family is dysfunctional and in shambles. Her health is rapidly deteriorating. She is consumed by IM and reads and posts here daily. At least 70% of teabaggers don't want her. 100% of normal Americans can't stand her. She's been upstaged by an Indoor version of her fake persona and then by one with a penis showing that republicans are totally sexist and don't want a woman if there's an acceptable male version (Perry)

    Put that in your meth pipe and smoke it Sarah.

  71. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Elmo, congratulations on your decision to stop your subscription because of its bias treatment of Doonesbury. I hope you are writing a letter to the editor as well.

  72. Anonymous1:22 PM

    oops, sorry Elmo, I just reread your comment and realized you were posting a comment from someone else who was upset - although I think you must have done so because you, too, were upset.

    congrats to both of you for being outraged by the Tribune's unbalanced policy.

  73. Anonymous1:25 PM

    This takes grifting to a whole new level...

    SarahPAC'S latest beg-a-thon:

    With the Presidential election right around the corner, Governor Palin has to make the important decision of whether or not to run for office. You’ve supported SarahPAC’s past efforts to defeat Obama liberals across the country, and I’m asking for your help again.

    Let’s show Governor Palin that she has our support as she faces this crucial decision!


  74. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Well, the jobs bill, to my knowledge, is not online currently.

    I guess your knowledge comes up a little short: http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2011/09/09/american-jobs-act-read-all-details

    However I can tell you that to the intelligent, free thinking individual, Obama is nothing more than a partisan LIAR who will say anything to get his way.

    I guess since you're the one who's a LIAR, this means you'll have to take back your allegation against the President. Since you don't appear to be an intelligent, free-thinking individual, perhaps you'll refrain from speaking for all of us?

    BTW, I found the White House page on the jobs bill in about 10 seconds.

  75. Anonymous1:29 PM

    In official testimony Bristol said her little Autistic nephew begged to be tasered to show her he was not a momma's boy.

    Now we know how Todd rolls. Bullying minorities and little disabled children to feel like a man. Wonder what Todd does now to elderly and small animals when Sarah's purse doesn't match his blouse.Has SarahPAC released how much Todd gets for carrying his wifes pocketbook?

  76. Anonymous1:30 PM



  77. Re: Nora @ 10:59...I feel even sorrier for the third place finisher who got no medal at all thanks to $arah's faking it.

  78. Teabaggers, your kettle is boiling. Your racist Queen's scam is about to be flooded by the TRUTH from Joe McGinniss' book, THE ROGUE.

    Witch, meet Water . . .

  79. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Following the status quo when it concerns racism doesn't make people jerks.

    Yes, it does! Actually it makes them worse than jerks.

  80. Anonymous1:40 PM

    How hard is it to get a 1982 yearbook and check out who the guy is who got beat up?

  81. Anonymous1:44 PM

    10:55 - you may be making the mistake of confusing being religious with belonging to a particular church.

    The original statement, I believe, said that if you weren't a member of a particular church, you were shut out.

    It is quite common for churchgoers to behave as if they were not Christians. In fact, it seems increasingly clear that this describe the fundamentalists. Being religious is not the same as being spiritual and trying to live a life according to religious or spiritual precepts.

  82. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Hey someone go over to Wiki to Todd's page and add in his personal data under occupation he is SarahPalins official purse holder and all around asshole.

  83. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Whoa, just when you think Sarah & Todd couldn't be any worse! I already had a low opinion of both, but what awful people. Trashy hicks.

  84. Anonymous1:47 PM

    this makes me want to vomit.......

  85. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Funny, else show Sarah the money and donate or she won't run.

    Hope a bunch of fools fall for it. Supposed to be really cold this winter. Would love to read a few of her bestest supporters have nothing to keep them warm except their burning rage at being screwed over.

  86. Anonymous1:51 PM

    I've been thinking and posting this, since I found this website, ages ago:

    Sarah Palin has extended her 15 minutes of fame WAY past what anyone deserves to.

    I'm happy to come to the conclusion that we are finally seeing the last few seconds of this awful person's stand in the limelight.

  87. Anonymous1:52 PM

    @Anon 11:30 -- that's some story.

    The idea of AK kind of frightens me cuz my dad was an abuser, and I know that they love being off the radar, in places where they can get away with stuff. When others say "wilderness" I think "lawlessness."

    But to your husband's credit, he showed your daughter that her safety was the most important thing in the world to him. There is no greater gift for a daughter.

    Clearly, Todd Palin did not protect Bristol or any of his other daughters. He has let them live reckless, vulnerable lives with no protection-- from their crazy mom or from their male peers. No one set rules in the household, no one enforced them.

  88. Anonymous1:53 PM

    10:41 am People are not assholes blah blah blah and Bill Clinton, Obama, Rev Wright

    Hey Juicy, Sarah Palin is your name; RIGHT? It sure sucks to be an idiot and a racist like you.

  89. Anonymous1:54 PM


    Although it is small comfort, this is not just Alaska. Small town life in several places I've lived is very hard on minorities.

    A friend's mixed race grand-daughter was doing a college campus visit and burst out with "I want to go here, some students here look like me". It's things like that, that really give you a feel of what high school is like when you are a minority.

  90. Wow. What incendiary leaks are coming out about Palin's book. So glad that Joe McGinnis is going on a book tour. Information like this cannot keep being swept under the rug.

    I'm Japanese American and couldn't figure out why Palin would go to school in Hawaii if she couldn't cope with Asians (like going to school in Russia afraid of Caucasians). I thought most Americans who went to Hawaii appreciated Polynesian culture, dance, and didn't give a moments' thought about the locals' "difference" other than how exotic it is in the Pacific Islands.

    I just don't get how someone raised without the shame of slavery on their soil could be bigoted against African Americans. There's no history there (family or otherwise) that might exist in the lower 48. It also makes no sense to me how someone could be prejudiced against original inhabitants of the land you're living on (Native Americans), but actions speak louder than words.

    I understand the trolls that post in response to gossipy stuff like Palin's children, grandchildren, etc., but surprised at the huge number of trolls that are posting about Wasilla's culture. With the publication of Joe's and Levi's books, this month will probably set a record for the number of troll postings to this blog.

    Don't envy you, Gryph, but know that your regular readers appreciate what you do, especially the troll slogging that you must continually suffer through.


  91. Anonymous said...
    ...Go research his lies...Well, the jobs bill, to my knowledge, is not online currently.
    10:47 AM
    You are stupid, and racist, and a liar. The entire America Jobs Act is online for download, printing, or (obviously this will be difficult for you) reading at the White House website (the same White House where President Barack Hussein Obama lives).

    So will you stop spreading lies about our President? Probably not, because it is so obvious that people who spew filth and lies as you have done have no problem with bearing false witness.

  92. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Here is another link. Curious did Todd just enroll or did someone do it for him?http://www.classmates.com/places/class/Wasilla-High-School/13743?communityType=1&year=1982#!/memberList_4?communityId=12683979&communityType=7&startYear=1982&endYear=1982&yearRangeType=0&tab=&sort=&page=4

  93. You can look at the Storm Lake half-marathon photos, all 400+ of them, by doing this:
    Go to http://stormlakerunningclub.com/
    Scroll down to "Photos for Sale" and hit it.
    Look in the upper left side of the page to "slrc's Albums" and hit it.
    There should be 3 albums from which to choose.
    Hit the first one, "Jump Right In and Run 2011".
    FYI: $palin appears in #297-299, 387-402, 416, 417, 429-434.
    If you can find her in any of the start or on-the-course photos, you are more observant than I am. You can, however, find photos of people who will notice crossing the finish line, including a woman in a pink shirt who came in some time after $arah.
    My theory is that she went through the start to begin the clock, walked around the lake in a leisurely manner, saw that it might be time to put in a little running for appearance's sake, and strolled through the finish line. It probably was NOT her intention to place 2nd because she instantly drew attention to herself and her lie. She certainly never wore the medal and she never tweeted about coming in second. Why? Because her victory was a fraud.

  94. Anonymous2:06 PM

    FU Toad!

  95. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Why is Todd using Track's name as an alias?http://www.peoplefinders.com/search/preview.aspx?searchtype=people-name&item-id=1-255909857&fn=TODD&mn=M&ln=PALIN&city=Anchorage&state=AK&age=&utm_source=classmates&utm_content=Search_basic&utm_campaign=name_in_the_records&utm_medium=banner

  96. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Let's remember, according to the story, Todd was a SENIOR and he and a couple buddies beat up a MIDDLE SCHOOL kid. And this was when Sarah was dating him, right?

    Todd Palin, by all accounts, continues to be a bully and, like his wife, is still stuck in his teenage years.

    We've seen evidence of him stalking Wooten, bullying a female citizen of Alaska, trying to intimidate a guy in an airport, and cheating in his snow race.

    We've all known assholes like him, in high school and beyond. The fact that he and his nasty wife got anywhere close to the white house is scary and shameful.

  97. I remember this picture with Oprah and how uncomfortable she looked in it, whereas Willow looks completely at ease. http://msnbcmedia1.msn.com/j/MSNBC/Components/Photo/_new/091116-oprah-palin-hmed-6a.grid-6x2.jpg

  98. ""In short, anyone who automatically calls people assholes for something he/she couldn't understand should definitely not be speaking on a public front. ""

    Anyone who couldn't understand
    that the Toad Palin who directed the campaign against Trooper Wooten,including actions bordering on stalking,and The Toad Palin in the video attempting to intimidate and frighten a smaller older man taking a video of a celebrity,saying "Why you shaking?Why you shaking?" while getting in his face is an asshole should stop trying to influence others.In fact,your rant describes Screechy to a T-she only knows things from the viewpoint of a low class,undereducated,viewpoint,she has no understanding of people with education,intelligence,and compassion and should stop speaking in public.

  99. Anyone who thinks a large part of the hatred of Barak Obama isn't because of the the color of his skin is either a moron or a liar.

  100. Anonymous2:11 PM

    I think Track is one of Joe's most signifigant sources.

  101. ""My grandfather died still abhoring black, despite being one of the nicest men around, even to black people""

    So we have him to thank for your twisted viewpoint.He was nice to their faces and called them foul names in front of you and told you they were evil. You can't even see you are the same,a product of your upbringing.

  102. Anonymous2:17 PM

    OMIGOD those fcktards donated to SarahPAC in attempt to bribe Palin to announce.

  103. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Perhaps someone from Alaska (like I am) has already pointed out this -- studies conducted not so long ago in Alaska showed that caucasians would be the minority in Anchorage schools within 10 years. I believe that, absolutely.

    The places where AK is predominantly white, and likely to remain so, are tea-bagger central places like Wasilla & Kenai, maybe Fairbanks too (been a very long time since I've been there).

    I have lived in both Kenai & Wasilla. They certainly don't embrace diversity, of nationality or religion. I attended school in the Anchorage (and Wasilla & Kenai) school distrits in the 70s & 80s. I remember when there were only a handful of non-white kids at my high school. That was most definitely not the case any longer.

    As with so many other places in the US, the white majority is becoming a thing of the past, and some of those white people (yes, I am white) are becoming frightened, their latent racism is coming out, and their racist tendencies & fears are being fanned by the GOP and the churches they (nominally) attend.

    Racism & discrimination are at the heart of the anti-government tea baggy party. They would love to dismantle government regulations (because their corporate overlords have paid FOX et al to tell them regulations = bad). And they would love to be able to dismantle any & all protections afforded the disabled, the elderly, non-whites, etc.

    Makes me sick.

  104. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Huge tv spot just played for The Undefeated on HGTV. God they are going to milk every last penny they can for the next two week from her bots.

  105. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Hey, once Sarah announces every tax record becomes public right?

    OK let her go ahead and run, long enough to nail her.

  106. Wasilla high alum can view yearbooks here?


  107. Anonymous2:29 PM

    @Anon 1:40 PM

    Good point about year books. Classmates has been scanning high school year books, and I know mine is now available. Seems to me somebody could just look up the Wasilla year book online and confirm that there was only one minority student, find out his name, etc. Furthermore, seems to me that the year book would be available at the local library or the school library itself. How hard could that be?

    And, let's extend that to the University of Idaho. How hard could it be for someone to go to the library at UI and find the yearbook for the alleged graduation year for Ms. Sarah Heath to see if her picture made it into the yearbook.

  108. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Sarah Palin is a racist.

    Water is wet.

  109. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Anon @10:47

    Go to Whitehouse.gov then come back and retract you statement re the AJA ....because now it is you that is lying.

    With such an aversion to lying, I at least am comforted in the fact that you must really be disgusted by Sarah Palin.

  110. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Ha the screen caps from last night are EPIC.

  111. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Tim is begging for money so he can get paid before Sarah's jig is up at the end of the month.

    Any fool who sent in a nickle deserves to freeze this winter and starve in the spring.

  112. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Anon @10:41

    What you are saying is simply not true. Everyone does not, "simply make judgements based on race."

    You are making rationalizations. Interesting to note what you pick and choose to be worthy of tolerance and what is not. What I don't detect in your comments is any recognititon for personal responsiblity and accountability.
    Reactionary behavior seems to be perfectly justifable to you....but to me represents immaturity and lack of self esteem and self control. IMO, you've offered a very childish defense.

  113. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Trudeau is using a brilliant strategy--he is anticipating the media's casual brush off of the facts and embarrassing them BEFORE it happens which just might shame them into doing their job. Can we hope for that???

  114. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Anon @ 10:41
    "Todd Palin has always been a hard-working, quiet nice man". Really?

    Who as a senior in high school quietly and nicely joined with two friends and beat up a junior high school child just because he was black.

    "Nice" kids don't do things like that. Todd Palin's a fucking asshole.

    Whoever you are 10:41, you're disgusting and stupid. STUPID. I'd bet money you call yourself a Christian.

  115. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Hatred is the device of cowards.

    I am not surprised, Sarah Palin is a weak, cowardly, hateful human being. I wonder if the person she truly hates is herself. Her cruel and malicious behavior being overcompensation and projection of those feelings onto the world. Always being a victim means she always has someone else to blame.

  116. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Joe's book is starting to sell pretty well. Number 34 in books on amazon.

  117. Anonymous3:31 PM

    So Bristol's DWTS and reality show were planned during the time when the queen knew full-well that McGinniss was working on his book, and that many secrets about her and Todd's racist past would be revealed and broadcast nationally (once the book was published). She 'heard it through the grape-vine', based on reports back to her about interviews that had taken place, then decided to react in a way (via her hands-on management of Bristol's 'career') that would appear to defend herself against the charges?

  118. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Gryphen I have been trying to figure out what Sarah Palin and her family has to offer society and I could not pin point it. So I started to think what is it that Sarah is doing and then it dawned on me.


    These are some urban dictionary definitions which best describes the Palins:

    ... long bloodsucking parasite that hangs from the skin of an unknowing victim.

    .... A person who leeches onto another for monitary or sexual pleasure

    .... One who attempts to go with someone with the intention of using them for money, sex, intelligence, etc.

    So Sarah is leeching off of uneducated people for money.

    Todd is leeching off of Sarah for money.

    Bristol is leeching off of anybody and now has to resort to leeching off of Tripp in "his reality show" for money since Bristol is not appealing to viewers.

    Track, Willow, Piper, and Sarah’s parents are leeching off of Sarah’s ill gotten goods.

    You may ask how is Track leeching off of Sarah when he does not want to be seen with her? Isn’t Track living in one of Sarah’s houses?



  119. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Oh man, I can't wait until Gryphen puts up a thread about SarahPAC begging for money to show support for her as she "makes the decision whether or not to run."

    The thread that c4p has up is one of the most fascinating examples I have ever read of a mass cult confusion and delusion. People are now reduced to begging other skeptical bots to understand that SarahPAC is a way to "get around campaign finance rules." Do these sad, sad people not see how Palin makes them compromise their ethics over and over again?

  120. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I've pre-ordered The Rogue. It was the excerpt in Doonesbury about Todd Palin that convinced me that this is a book I want to read.

  121. Anonymous4:08 PM

    "Hey someone go over to Wiki to Todd's page and add in his personal data under occupation he is SarahPalins official purse holder and all around asshole.

    1:44 PM"

    Be our guest. It was your idea, you do it.

    And 10:41, your argument is essentially the defense the Nazis used at Nuremberg. Good going.

  122. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I could not be MORE excited about Joe's book.

    I feel kinda bad for those people who ended up misunderstanding Joe from his blog and from the incident with the BA manuscript. I wasn't offended by anything Joe said on the blog: I read what he said carefully. He packs a lot of meaning into few words and many didn't understand that he was coming at all of "this" from a different angle than we have been. And I think that will be a good thing. I appreciated that and his views actually enhanced the way I viewed Palin and how dangerous she is. I've been back there to read the posts and comments and he wasn't out of line in asking to set the tone of his own blog.

    As far as the manuscript incident, that is something that none of "us" know all the details of, nor are we experts (jury and judge) in such matters that we should completely close the door on someone and begin a vicious attack against them. Add to that Joe mentions he's had a friendship with Ailes for many years. Big deal. Joe never revealed the nature of that friendship. But yet many have assumed that makes Joe evil and that he is in Ailes' back pocket or that his character should be questioned. Again, we don't know the nature of that friendship. Perhaps they are friendly rivals in the information culling business? It's been the knee jerk immature reactions with vicious and judgmental behavior that I have witnessed here that really disappoints me. Those folks are no help - none - to anybody.

    So I say to this to them: as I am devouring THE ROGUE I will be thinking of you and your bitter, hurt feelings. You're right. Joe doesn't know anything that you don't already know. I will be watching every major damn channel and news outlet and doing whatever I can think of to get people to PAY ATTENTION and HOPEFULLY the media will be doing it as well (we KNOW Gryphen will be! I read what you said - Levi's book is out on the 20th too - DO IT!)

    You won't - because you think Joe's arrogant ass is too big for his britches and all that so whatever - cut off your nose to spite your own face - and sit this one out. I mean, hopefully, it's only the BIG one.

    Susan in MD

  123. Anonymous 11:14
    I do remember that quote and it never quite made it into the mainstream media. Unless you really research Sarah you just don't know these things. That is what is going to be important about Joe's book. Sarah Palin has deliberately put herself, as well as her family, front and center. Everyone knows them. Big mistake. The people who support SP will read it and the people who are curious will read it, and the people who know what she and her family are really like will read it for the laughs and the horror of seeing it all in print again.

  124. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Trudeau is using a brilliant strategy--he is anticipating the media's casual brush off of the facts and embarrassing them BEFORE it happens which just might shame them into doing their job. Can we hope for that???

    2:57 PM

    I absolutely agree. I think this whole thing has been devilishly brilliant and I am highly entertained by the layers of meaning created both by Trudeau and Joe's responses.

  125. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Ahhhhhh No wonder they HATE/DESPIS/DETEST Barack and Michelle Obama. What low class white trash pieces of garbage both Palins are. They are DISGUSTING.

    And you know what else.......go Joe!! I think those of you who are so hard on him are childish. Get over your hurt feelings. We aren't all friends or in high school. And I thank God he has the balls to tell the truth about Sarah. The other books didn't dare touch on these types of things. And do you really think Frank Bailey didn't know these things about Sarah?

    Almost everyone in Wasilla knows about Trig and about the racism. But Frank Bailiey didn't? He better do some more praying and asking for forgiveness from God. And AKM and Shannon M will have egg on their faces soon for their name calling and demeaning of those who knew Trig was not Sarahs by birth. God forbid they might be considered conspiracy " nuts" wearing tinfoil hats.
    Frank should have told the truth about much more than he did. Good job Joe M. ( and Jesse and others of course)

    Gee Sarah, it's ALL coming out. You better get ahead of the Trig story because there will be no hiding it. Or other things ;)

  126. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Some dumbass at C4P named danielfcktard just posted they are threatening their sibling they better donate to Sarah or no Christmas for the kids. UNFREAKIN real.

  127. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Anon 10:41

    Fuck You. You make me sick to my stomach.
    We all know who you are - the troll who never shuts her trap. Your justifying of bigotry is disgusting. It's ignorant people like yourself who are ruining this country.
    There is no excuse for you, Sarah or Todd.
    And nothing is exaggerated. Fuck You. Just fuck you.

  128. @ 2:03pm....Yep you were right....check out what it says when you click on the Toads name...

    Todd Palin

    Wasilla High School
    Wasilla, AK

    Class of 1982

    Member Since: Sep 2011

    Uh huh...."Member Since: Sep 2011

    YEP THE FAMILY OF GRIFTERS READ (bout time you crazy hillbillies learned to read) HERE! Good catch commenter 2:03!

  129. Anonymous4:38 PM


    I just saw statistics on TV last night - regarding education in Anchorage and I think it showed 52% of the school population is currently made up of a variety of nationalities with white being in the minority.

    I suggest we ALL live together with kindness and respect. Our world would be a much happier place. The school children of today do not have racists attitudes unless taught them specifically by their parents.

    A Todd Palin would have the shit beat out of him today for beating up a black student as he did when in high school all those years ago. He is and was an arrogant ass!

  130. Anonymous4:40 PM

    jadez said...
    sorry but you wont ever convince me that what motivates the VAST majority of people to live in alaska is their anti-social lifestyles.

    of course nothing is 100% but if firing TWENTY people because they are non white is tolerated thats because it is tolerated by the vast majority or it cant be done.

    so yes i DO believe without question that MOST ALASKANS ARE RACIST GUN LOVING DRUNKS/DRUGGIES WHO BELIEVE THE ISOLATION ALASKA OFFERS THEM is the best cover they can get for their beliefs.

    (opps on the caps but i decided it applies so no need to re-write it)

    10:54 AM


    If you are not from here, have you ever traveled to here? My parents made sure that I saw all 50 states plus Puerto Rico, so I could judge a State or Territory first-hand. If you have not taken the time to vacation or live in Alaska then you really should spend more time exploring and less time assuming. It's worth your time and expense, trust me.

  131. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Sarah isn't just a liar, she's a CHEATER! Athletes EVERYWHERE should rip her a new one over this...

    Hey Sarah! How can you be so far behind a runner you supposedly passed in an earlier photo?? Update


  132. Anonymous4:45 PM

    SarahPAC is persuading her fans--everyday Americans-- to send in their money to a woman who is not running and is paid millions a year. Truly sad.

  133. Anonymous4:50 PM

    The African-Americans who were stupid enough to work for the insufferable bitch probably were "specifically hired" for their color.

    Just like her Haiti trip. All obvious photo-ops because she wouldn't be around People of Color when she's not on her camera.


  134. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Gryphen, you sensibly separated yourself from the group of Alaskans by saying that "I want all of you to know that not ALL Alaskans are ignorant gun toting racists." Yet, a while ago you firmly affirmed that all Republicans are racists. Although some of us demonstrated that we are not, you still would not accept our words.

    Your comment here shows that you DO understand that a person can be a part of a group without agreeing with all of the ideas of a group. Therefore, I still say that you owe us an apology.

  135. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I don't usually go over "there" but I did and I read most of the comments but near the end there was this one and it is so far beyond the pale that it is "precious beyond words".


    From C4P

    bestbud4Palin 7 minutes ago
    Folks, our GOOD Gov is worth all we can muster, either in time and effort or financially, preferably both, but if one can't donate it is well understood.
    The bottom line... give of ourselves to Gov Palin that she may continue to give to us and all of America, her remarkable personal story filled to the brim with Truth, Honesty, and pure as the Alaskan snow, her public servants heart of Gold.

    Happy trails and Sarah Palin Smiles :)


    This person is just plain crazy. Seriously, to be able, with all of the information available regarding Palin and her poor track record as a Mom and as an elected official, to still be this deluded is unimaginable. It certainly boggles the mind. They would of course counter with libs loving Obama unconditionally, but you know what, we don't love him unconditionally. We scrutinize his actions and don't absolutely support everything he does 100%. I loved visiting C4P today and seeing the bots purging their savings and checkings and most likely their kid's college funds because "Tim Crawford wouldn't ask us to donate to SarahPac unless she is running, right"? Another commenter said "Sarah wouldn't use us for money unless she was running, right? She's too nice for that."

    Good luck with that C4P'rs. She's just doing all she can to pad her nest when the irrelevance factor hits "11".

  136. Anonymous5:14 PM

    "10:47 AM" Troll

    There isn't a fact that you ignorant teabaggers agree.

    You do hate President Obama because of his skin color, you idiot. teabaggers are trying to continue their plan of keeping us messed up for their political gain. They openly brag about it. This is from the top down.

    I will tell you again since you want to act like a fool. President Obama is still trying to fill his cabinet. teabaggers are preventing him for reasons like the nominee wants to put people to work.

    Next the teabaggers obstruct, use dirty pool, and fake crisis instead of putting people to work. They don't have a plan.

    If President Obama didn't do what he did during chimpy's recession we would be in a serious depression, nutbag.

    Glad to see teabaggers' lies going down the toilet. Nobody likes your asses. Face reality for a change.


  137. Anonymous5:28 PM

    So I say to this to them: as I am devouring THE ROGUE I will be thinking of you and your bitter, hurt feelings. You're right. Joe doesn't know anything that you don't already know. I will be watching every major damn channel and news outlet and doing whatever I can think of to get people to PAY ATTENTION and HOPEFULLY the media will be doing it as well...Susan in MD
    Joe may have offended some people, but those who got all revved up in angst about him and his motives, well, life doesn't work that way. No one is perfect and life is too short. I'm planning on reading his book and glad he decided to write it.

  138. Anonymous5:36 PM

    TO ANON 10:41 You speak of reverse racism, of blacks disparaging whites and the hateful rhetoric of Rev. Wright and Chris Rock. Tell me, have whites been systematically disenfranchised thru the law of the land as have blacks, asians, and native americans? Have they been interred into camps because of their race or held in bondage for decades? Have whites been relegated to second and even third class citizenship by society? Hell no! Plz don't try that reverse racism crap here, it won't fly. And I'm a white person myself of a lifetime of privilege from being white, and i am angry as hell at the racism of this Teabagger party that wants to "take our country back" to the Jim Crow era. No thanks, buddy!

  139. Beldar Pertussis Conehead5:49 PM

    cough cough twat cough

  140. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Ahh the concern racist brand trolls show their ignorance once again, one even making an example of his dear grandfather who hated blacks.. blah blah blah...

    Hey, stoopids! Why was it that Candidate Barak Obama was the first candidate who had to make a speech addressing racism and bigotry? Let me 'splain it to ya like a third grade.

    Because bigted, hate filled, racists backed McCain/palin with Monkeys and "whitefaced Candidate Obama as "the Joker", and Sarah corralled you idiots into the teabagger party and made millions off your hateful racist agenda.

    I'm not surprised at Todds actions waaaaay back in 1982, bullying someone younger and darker, along with a crowd, because he needed an audience to show what a he man he was. No Wonder Wonk Eye Swoooooooned when she laid eyes on him, they share the same values!

    I hope the racists that spoke up never need a kidney, liver or other organ transplant, god forbid you end up with one from a minority, but you'd refuse it, right?

    Disgusting hypocrites, those racists are.

  141. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I knew Todd in high school and I never saw that side of him

  142. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Very interesting article about Todd Native heritage.

  143. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Joe's book is #411 in Books on Amazon. Last week it was #6000+. Looks like there will be a huge audience reading this book.

    September 20th is going to be a good day.

    Great job @1.27. Facts are our friends.

  144. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Hey Sarah, we know you read the comments here on IM. Just wondering if you spend the same amount of time on the C4P board? Because if you do, you must feel pretty awful scamming those people for their last few dollars. What I saw there today, after you asked for still more money, is just plain sad. Have you no shame?

  145. Gasman6:28 PM

    Anon @ 10:47,
    Fuck you and the racist cousin you rode in on.

    Are you kidding? How the hell can you doubt the OBVIOUS racial animus being directed at President Obama?

    Google "teabagger racism" and feast your eyes on the cornucopia of festering racist shit that spews forth at EVERY FUCKING TEABAGGER RALLY.

    From conservative TV and radio types calling the president "boy" to cartoons depicting watermelon patches on the White House lawn to depictions of the president as a witch doctor replete with a bone in his nose, these assholes PRIMARY motivation is racism.

    That you would even try to pretend otherwise labels you as either so congenitally stupid that your powers of perception are actually that limited OR you are nothing more than a cousin humping racist with more toes than teeth.

    I'll take door #2 Monty.

  146. @mikememoli tweeted today (Sep 13):

    As of today, Barack Obama has been president longer than Sarah Palin was governor of Alaska.


  147. Anonymous6:50 PM

    "She also did not say anything about her victory on her post-Storm Lake tweet. I pity the woman who actually did come in second, but who had to settle for a third place bronze medal.

    10:59 AM"

    I also noticed that too, she didn't brag about her magnificent time, she didn't tweet the charity's name nor did she fb money she raised.

    She used the same tactic when she knowingly lied about visiting the WWI museum.

    she's a crackpot to the end. rotf


  148. Anonymous7:13 PM

    To Anonymous at 10:47

    I hope you choke on it.


  149. Anonymous9:05 PM

    More newspapers opt for censorship. From Joe's blog -

    Major newspapers in Chicago, New York, and Atlanta refuse to run–for a full week or more–a comic strip that refers to excerpts from a book that dares to criticize a woman who once ran for vice president and then quit as governor of her state and has subsequently made millions of dollars by doing reality shows and appearing as a highly-paid political commentator on a right-wing TV channel?

    Hey, people: we’ve got a problem.

  150. Anonymous2:25 AM

    As an African-American woman, Sarah Palin completely changed my mind about the Alaska Cruise I wanted to take in the coming years. She's the Lynchmob Covergirl. I'm sure there are many wonderful Alaskans. But I can't take the chance in paying to support the likes of that racism, nor will I pay to have my family exposed to it. We can get that mess for free just living.

    As a Christian, however, I find it hilarious that God saw fit to have her lose a beauty pageant to a black woman and the highest office in the land (which she apparently thought she was running for) to a black man. And the beauty queen apparently took park in President Obama's inauguration activities.


    God's sense of humor is AWESOME. It won't be too long before one of those Palin kids marries someone black for the final punchline.

  151. Anonymous4:36 AM

    I am reminded of my dear, departed Mother (AN) and her sad words of wisdom, "Sweetheart, These People, They don't give a shit about You."

  152. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I thought one of the reasons people move to places like Alaska is to escape black people.

  153. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Will she use the money for defense attorneys in lawsuits resulting from publicizing her past?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.