Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bill Maher has a message for Trig Truthers. Update!

 I totally buy it.  Why do you think I call Palin Snowdrift Snooki?

Video courtesy of the Huffington Post.

Update: You know Maher might have a point!

H/T to curiouser and curiouser


  1. Sally in MI5:10 PM

    I love that questions about Trig's astonishing arrival are now hitting major shows. The more people hear about it, the more they look into it, and the more likely it is Sarah will never dare show her face in public again. Oh, happy day!

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      She's a sociopath, she does not know how to be embarrassed. Sociopaths have no conscience.

    2. Anonymous5:30 PM

      What Sally said.

    3. Anonymous7:24 PM

      What Sally and Anon@5:23 said.

    4. Anonymous7:49 PM


    5. Anonymous4:33 AM

      a very happy day!!

  2. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Funny...but Maher was mocking Trig Truthers almost as much as he was mocking Palin. He didn't use the term 'conspiracy theorist' in a complimentary way. I wonder what he thinks of Trignostics? He seems to respect Andrew Sullivan but didn't he cancel Joe McGinniss' scheduled appearance. He definitely dissed Joe's book.

    1. Anonymous7:48 PM

      He NEVER dissed Joe's book. Joe was canceled because Palin was old news. Period.
      Interesting how your ears hear things differently than others.

    2. Anonymous5:33 AM

      I am one person who does not like Bill Maher. And I can't stand any of the Palin clan, either.

    3. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Anon 7:48

      It was Keith Olbermann who dissed the book while sitting on Maher's panel. I don't think he actually read the book.

      Maher was critical of Joe moving in next door to the Palins.

      "Why do you think Rachel Maddow refused to book me for an interview? Why did Keith Olbermann, Morning Joe, Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher cancel interviews that they’d already arranged? Because, like Pat Dougherty at Baylor, they still don’t want to admit that their golden goose is dead." --Joe McGinniss

  3. Anonymous6:13 PM

    The balls in your court Bristol....


    1. Anonymous11:00 PM

      and in her shorts.

    2. Anonymous5:35 AM

      Bristol's blog was set-up to attack any and all who dare to criticize her corrupt, grifter, family. The Palin's are seedy, sleazy, and lazy. Always looking for a way to make a quick easy buck.

    3. Anonymous6:02 AM

      5:35 AM

      That sounds like she is ready for her own Pac.

    4. Anonymous9:21 AM

      From those who know her better, many say that there's usually a set of 'em resting on her chin enhancement. Sure comes in mighty handy whenever Beefy can scrounge up a date.

  4. Note that Maher never says the theory is wrong, only that we are missing a bigger scandal.

    Personally I don't think there are too many bigger scandals, considering what it says about the Republican party, journalism, and the low information voters in this country.

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      I would love the day the media covered all those issues you listed in the context of Sarah's BigFatLie. The elephant in the room, you might say.


    2. Anonymous7:50 PM

      What bigger scandal could he be talking about?

    3. That Snooki is Sarah's kid.

      Didn't you watch the video?

    4. Anonymous10:50 PM

      No, for some reason, I can't play it. I'm going to try on a PC tomorrow. I only have my IPhone now-that is why I asked you.

    5. Anonymous9:36 AM

      I love Bill Maher!!! He knows much about the Palins - "Boys Will be Boys" was sent to him from Anchorage. He's a comedian and can say stuff that the journalist won't touch.

      Yea! Keep it coming, Bill!

  5. Gryphen - I just sent you an email with photos that support Maher's theory. Palin & Snookie - same posture, same style.

    1. Anonymous11:16 PM

      Same shoes! And Snooki and Brsi have the same chins! Also too.

    2. Anonymous5:26 AM

      Bristol asked the plastic surgeon for Snooki's chin.

    3. Anonymous7:51 PM

      And those god awful bad legs that need to be covered at all times. Not to mention the ugly mom and me shoes. If it weren't for bad taste, they'd have no taste at all!

  6. Anonymous8:34 PM

    These folks are aware of the 'crap that Sarah' pulled on the public...Bill Maher is the first to kind of indicate it - hope more of this keeps coming. Eventually, it will all be leaked and the Palin lies will be disclosed. Can hardly wait!!!

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Bristol's Unreality Show will give commedians and pundits lots of material. This "show" may "show" more than the Palins intended.

  7. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I just watched this clip. I don't think Maher even cares whether Palin lied about Trig or not.

    I do think Bristol's blog will have a response soon.

    1. Anonymous10:59 PM

      Bristol is thin skinned like Sarah and Todd.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:41 PM

      Newsflash! Stop the presses! Bristol does have a response, but she doesn't know it yet because Nancy's on Vacation. Her latest cud chewing is about the "a" word and includes a clip of wild idiots who secretly went to Planned Parenthood, disguised as a pregnant woman who wants to "a" word because her "f"word is female and not male.

      Has O'Keefe and Breitbart's rotting corpse all over it.

  8. Our lad8:47 PM

    When she disappears, you will mourn, like I. No more easy grins, no more thoughts of,"today is the day", nope, none of it. Pray for her survival. As do I. O.K. Clean enough? Motherfuckers?

    1. Anonymous10:52 PM

      Huh??? Typical Palinbot: angry, and makes no sense.
      And has no common sense either. What a freaky little smattering of word salad.

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Is that you Sarah? Take your meds.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:43 PM

      I "pray" for snookie everyday. The boardwalk is a crazy place, and besides, it ruins your high heels.

      Long Live Snookie!

  9. Looks like Sarah's other fling was with the "dog whisperer"!! Ha! ha!

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      NO! Please tell me you are kidding. I love Cesar Millan - he wouldn't do an episode with her! Besides she doesn't have a dog. He certainly wouldn't have been interested in Sarah.....

  10. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Snooki and Snowdrift Snooki... there vocabulary and aptitude is about the same.

  11. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Looking at Bristol's blog, there are some links to Christian websites and articles all hosted by the same outfit:

    This one came up: "We walked, side by side. Slowly. A close friend was going through a divorce when he sighed and said, “I think God meant for children to be with their biological parents.” The article was written by someone who was adopted. With Bristol's TV show being hyped on the same religious website, it is hard to reconcile having a child be with both biological parents when Bristol has made it clear that Levi and his family are not welcome in Tripp's life.

    Come on, troll, tell us that it is all Levi's fault, that he is the play around low life, and your door is always open. Bristol makes far more money than Levi does and still insists on wringing him dry. She teaches Tripp to disrespect him. Eventually, Tripp will learn how to read and access the internet, and he may become very unhappy with the way that his life has been regulated by his mother.

    Bristol doesn't know any other way to parent, given that Sarah has dominated Bristol's life, regulating it, rewarding Bristol for keeping quiet. Please, there is no other reason for Bristol to have a TV show. Her book did not come anywhere near the top 10,000 best booksellers. She gave a few lame speeches, "do as I say, not as I did." Rehab a house? Move to Hollywood-- why?? There's no compelling story there, but somehow Sarah has managed to book Bristol on TV-- with the Massey Brothers, Life is a Tripp and now, maybe third try is the charm. (Someone suggested that when Sarah/Burnett booked Sarah Palin's Alaska, that she snagged a package deal, SPA + another show or two to be named in the future. Too bad that Todd's snow machining wasn't more interesting. Maybe he can make an appearance in Life is a Tripp. I liked the idea of Trial Marriage better-- at least there might have been some sexy stuff going on.

    So, the Christian website wants both biological parents involved in raising a child-- and they host Bristol, a single mother who has excluded the father from Tripp's life. How about adoption? Would two loving parents be better than one who teaches her kid to stick his tongue out at people? Are two mom or two dads better than just one mom-- or just one dad? How about poor Trig-- which parents are raising him? Who takes care of his therapy? If Sarah was truly his mother, we don't see her with him at all, but Bristol took him to the park (no photo, though).

    1. Anonymous10:58 PM

      I liked the idea of Trial Marriage better-- at least there might have been some sexy stuff going on.

      Last we heard, Gino trial divorced Bristol. But as far as some sexy stuff going on in Life's A (Shailey) Tripp, not being married has never stopped Bristol. Married or not, Bristol will get her sex on, it's part of her DNA.

    2. I'm sure $arah Dearest has told her a million times that it doesn't matter what they say about you as long as they spell your name right. Bristol, like her mother, doesn't know what she doesn't know. When she figures some of it out she's likely to feel embarrassed, humiliated and a tad regretful when she has to answer to her child for the hatred she instilled in him regarding his father.

    3. Anonymous3:58 PM

      I would have loved to see the Trial Divorce! Was it nasty yelling and the throwing of cans? Was it weeping with bitter accusations of betrayal? Was it a mature decision made in the best interest of Tripp?

      I think Gino did not even know he was being written into the script. When he found out, he, like Levi, said "NO way!" No time for a stand in.

  12. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Is that Snooki or Bristol?

    Looks sorta like Bristol except I know Beefy has those big-ass ankles and less muscle tone than Snooki. Of course, Beefy also has that "made for tea-baggin' Leno-length" chin, also, too. Snooki's hair is healthier and more natural. And of course, Snooki hasn't been pregnant almost every day for the past 6 years. Yeah, like I was sayin', Snooki and Beefy look nothing alike.

  13. Despite having my glasses on, I thought that was a pic of Palin with Bristol to the right of her. I have the feeling when she was looking for the perfect chin she had a difficult time deciding between Snooki & Kim Kardashian. It really looks a lot like Bristol IMO.

    Sarah looks like crap with those shoes on. When you're over 40, you're too old to be borrowing clothes from your teens or to look to them for fashion advice. There was a damn good reason the RNC had to pay for a stylist for her. She's clueless when it comes to dressing well.

  14. AJ Billings1:29 AM

    Our $arah, and also too, Snooki sure know how to try to get male attention, pander, and show off their pathetic wares.

    Whatever happened to Our $arah when she was a kid was obviously abuse, as she acts and dresses so inappropriately, even as a 50 year old wrinkly granny

    1. Most everything she does screams ABUSED as a child.

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      @ hrh5:38 AM. The Heath/Palin family does have the signs of dark secrets. For those who are naysayers and keep the sacred Palin myths flourishing they might want some schoolin' on how these lowlife excuses for humans can get by with so much rit gut evil on the inside while shining so gloriously in the external.

      Rare first-person 'sexual history' details crimes of pedophile priest in his own words
      Rev. Robert Van Handel

      Church Sex Abuse Exposed By Release Of Franciscan Files

    3. Anonymous9:38 AM

      btw... questions about Chuck Heath that make you go hmmmm...
      "Regardless, the school superintendent still chose to fire the principal. This caused some uproar in the community as some, including Sarah Palin’s father Chuck Heath, felt that while the principal made a mistake it shouldn’t cost him his career."
      Written By:
      Rob Port
      Rob, did you ask your sister before deciding to reveal that she was molested as a child?

    4. Anonymous4:08 PM

      The only abuse I think happened to Sarah was that she had no parenting. She figured it out all by herself. She learned that she was attractive and that sex appeal is useful. She learned that evangelical Christians are not deep thinkers and platitudes work.

      Because she had no parental guidance, she is a self-made woman based on all she learned in junior high school.

      And this is how she "raised" her own children. She left them to figure it out for themselves and what we saw were hoodlums vandalizing, boozing, drugging, sex....

      Sarah and now Bristol are stuck in junior high school.

    5. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Chuck Heath also staged afull on assault against the school board ~ mostly women.

      They were constantly harassed and terrified by Heath and his thugs.

      One woman said that she was alone with her new baby and these men were calling her and leaving threatening messages.

      Her husband had to leave his job on the slope to come home and protect them.

      Chuck Heath is absolute scum.

      Sarah Palin,

      Who is your daddy?

  15. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Is that Bristol, or Snooki?

  16. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Nicole Elizabeth "Snooki" Polizzi (born November 23, 1987) was put up for adoption by Sarah Heath and adopted by the Polizzi family of Marlboro, NJ.

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      if only she did give birth instead of three wite-outs....

  17. Anonymous5:08 AM

    If Todd or Chuckie is Tripp's father, then they are in his life...

    As for the continually updated list of "uncles" passing through Bristol's legs....oh well....nobody can stop that. She's been at it for 8 years now.

  18. Anonymous5:22 AM

    What a slam on Snooki. Does she deserve to be put down this low? Let the woman have her baby in peace.

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      I agree! Snooki isn't too bright and is promiscuous as hell, but she's not nearly mean and hateful enough to be a Palin!

  19. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Now we know how to classify Bristol Palin's condition.
    Just think how it would have turned out if Mommy couldn't buy and indulge her delusions.

  20. Anonymous9:07 AM

    All Media Whores. To the nth degree. Sarah,Snooki and Bristol. What a trio of witches. Though Snooki at least seems to be above board on her stupidity.

  21. Dinty9:19 AM

    For context here is a picture of Snooki's real mom:

  22. Anonymous11:33 AM

    OMG! Sarah wears the trashiest clothing. She wears an tight suit with a short skirt, only to pair it with fuggly sandals. You never were sandals with a suit-it is not appropriate.

    That and her thrusting her boobs out for all to see. Waterbags Sarah?

    1. laurensd12:27 PM

      Chuck, Jr. has reinforced the glaring fact that Sarah/Heaths have NO pedigree. So dressing and conducting one's person in an acceptable manner is not part of their equation. Sarah really REALLY thinks she is Snooki, Dolly and Kim K. worthy of selling her brand of sexy trollop kitten.
      How's that breathy MILF thingy workin' for ya, Sarah?

      Ain't NEVER going to work for retards Bristol and Willow. Unless, they land a "Beefy Thighs Gone Wild" series. But they would have to speak.
      As they would repeatedly say, F### THAT!"

      On the upside, what getup will Sarah concoct next?
      She will only become curiouser and curiouser....


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.