Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Calling Politico out for their new "bromance" with Mitt Romney.

Of course polls at this stage of the game mean very little, as essentially today after the Texas primaries is the first time that Romney will officially become the GOP presidential nominee.

However there is something to be said for the fact that Politico has suddenly given Romney a pass on his numerous gaffes, and started to treat him like an actual viable alternative to President Obama.

Of course it is getting harder and harder to take Politico seriously, especially since just today they have gone out of their way to give Sarah Palin credit as a political pundit, and made the assumption that her endorsements are based on some sort of intelligence, and not just on who begged her for them the hardest.

Personally I think that President Obama should take Thomas Friedman's advice and use his secret weapon to blow the Romney campaign out of the water. His record.

Barack Obama is a great orator, but he is the worst president I’ve ever seen when it comes to explaining his achievements, putting them in context, connecting with people on a gut level through repetition and thereby defining how the public views an issue. 

Think about this: Is there anyone in America today who doesn’t either have a pre-existing medical condition or know someone who does and can’t get health insurance as a result? Yet two years after Obama’s health care bill became law, how many Americans understand that once it is fully implemented no American with a pre-existing condition will ever again be denied coverage? 

“Obamacare is socialized medicine,” says the Republican Party. No, no — excuse me — socialized medicine is what we have now! People without insurance can go to an emergency ward or throw themselves on the mercy of a doctor, and the cost of all this uncompensated care is shared by all those who have insurance, raising your rates and mine. That is socialized medicine and that is what Obamacare ends. Yet Obama — the champion of private insurance for all — has allowed himself to be painted as a health care socialist. 

Think about this: Obama didn’t just save the auto industry from bankruptcy. Two years later, he also got all the top U.S. automakers to agree to increase mileage for their vehicle fleets to 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025, from 27.5 m.p.g. today. As Popular Mechanics put it, this “is the largest mandatory fuel economy increase in history.” It will drive innovation, save money and make America less dependent on petro-dictators. Did you know Obama did this? 

I have to agree with this. President Obama has managed to achieve some rather amazing things, and he seems reticent to let the American people know about them.

However if they were to know about them, and truly understand what he has done for this country, his poll numbers would soar. So if he is too damn humble to blow his own trumpet, than I guess it is left to us to do it for him.

Romney may LOOK like what a President is supposed to look like, but beneath the facade there is nothing but emptiness. 

President Obama may appear NOTHING like what Americans expect their President to look like, but beneath his surface is the kind of intellect, and ability, that we can only hope that our political leaders will possess.


  1. Anonymous6:48 AM

    It will be an undeniable disaster if MitWit gets anywhere near the White House. This is so alarming to me that the media is stunningly overlooking the outright lies that are coming from him and his campaign and NO ONE is calling him out! He is disgusting and is a real threat to the positive direction we are no headed in. Here's an article that REALLY made me concerned:

    Romney's Mormon faith in spotlight


    He thinks he's fulfilling some ancient prophesy.

    1. Sally in MI9:24 AM

      Yes, he does, and so does Sarah Palin...a lot of the GOP is sure they are guided by God. Those of us who believe in a peaceful, loving God are appalled that these greedy warmongers even mention God.

    2. Anonymous9:43 AM

      I'd make up some weird shit about the Mormon doctrine, but all the really whack ideas have already been claimed by this polygamist cult.

      Mormon= WHACK

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

    On this Memorial day...

    Lets just remember.

    When Mitt was called to serve his country in Vietnam.



    Eating FREEDOM FRIES in PARIS, as some other working class kid, served or died, in his place.

    1. Paul - Minnesota8:30 AM

      Thank you, he's just another damn rich and useless republican who didn't serve, especially when they were needed, yet they're chickenhawks.

      Also re: Mitt, along with a list of chickenhawk republicans, this:


      When G.O.P. presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, was asked in 2007 why none of his five sons (all perfect candidates for military service) Romney&Sons had come forward to serve in the war that Romney supports enthusiastically, his response was "My sons are adults. They've chosen not to serve in the military in active duty and I respect their decision in that regard. . . And one of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping me get elected because they think I’d be a great president."

      Also a rich and useless republican who did serve, John McCain, yet:


      The REAL John McCain - Bully, Traitor, Liar, Adulterer and Warmongering Criminal

    2. Sally in MI9:22 AM

      Wow, if one of his sons did NOT think he'd 'be a great President,' he probably would miss out of his very own 10 millin dollar business startup, wouldn't he? It would take some guts and conviction to stand up and say, "People, my dad is really a fool, and you would be a fool to vote for him." Then again, these are boys who grew up Mormom, so they bow to everything Daddy wants.

    3. Sally in MI9:23 AM

      Are there any Mormons in our military?

    4. Anonymous10:05 AM

      ot: But when Meghan McCain says it, people crawl out from under their online rocks to give her heartburn, and evidently her biggest sin was daring to diss the Great and Mighty Breitbart and Michelle Malkin.

    5. Anonymous12:25 PM

      To Sally in MI-

      Yes there are some Mormons in the military today. While military service is not forbidden in their religion, the missionary thing does provide an out for those who want to avoid service. Many did this during the Viet Nam war, though some felt that it was their duty to do their part for our country and served and died just like others. Some did both - went on a mission and then went into the service. Going from 2 years of god directly into the horrors of war can really mess you up.

      Mormonism has no doctrinal objection to serving in the military. A chickenhawk is a chickenhawk.

  3. Anonymous6:56 AM

    The real danger of a characterless man like Romney is his intent on sacrificing Americans tax dollars and the economy to enrich the top 1% of income earners. Like his support for sending young Americans to fight in Viet Nam while he played Jesus in France, Romney’s economic scheme and Draconian budget will force 99% of Americans to sacrifice everything when he will never have to. Romney’s budget gives approximately $6.5 trillion in tax cuts to the wealthy over ten years, and despite cruel spending cuts to programs that assist the poor with food and shelter, it will add at least $3.1 trillion to the nation’s deficit. In fact, like his time at Bain Capital when he sacrificed Americans’ jobs and nearly 25% of the companies Bain managed, his economic plan will ruin the economy and send more jobs to China, Mexico, and South Korea while he reaps the profits. One has to wonder what other sacrifices Romney will force on the American people when he knows he will never have to give up anything, and instead will reap handsome profits from other Americans’ sacrifice.

  4. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Romney is incapable of connecting with regular people. He is an elitist, and always will be. As soon as he opens his mouth, he gives himself away as being out of touch. He cannot even fool schoolkids!! They do not respond to him like they do to President Obama. The democratic side should hammer home the fact that Romney cares so little about the US that he stashes HIS money overseas. Some patriot.

  5. Anonymous7:09 AM

    White Horse Prophecy


  6. Anonymous7:14 AM

    On a positive note, I'm coming across more moderate Republicans who are having their eyes FINALLY opened to what passes for News in this country. They are as horrified as any Democrat over the billionaire funded Super Pacs, and they are not happy about a Mitt Romney candidate. I personally think there will be a sizable amount of Republicans and Independents voting for Obama. That being said, the Democratic Party needs to be a little more aggressive. The Republicans have us beat hands down on that.

  7. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Mitt Romney will join Donald Trump tonight in Las Vegas for a fundraiser, just a few days after the reality-show host reiterated his support for the ridiculous “birther” conspiracy theory. Asked by reporters yesterday whether Trump’s ugly, borderline-racist antics gives him pause, Romney seemed unconcerned.

    “You know, I don’t agree with all the people who support me and my guess is they don’t all agree with everything I believe in,” Romney said. “But I need to get 50.1% or more and I’m appreciative to have the help of a lot of good people.”

    That’s not much of a response. By Romney’s reasoning, decency is irrelevant – he should partner with anyone, no matter how vile, so long as it furthers his ambitions and gets him more votes.

    …. cowardice is once again getting the better of Mitt Romney … he has been presented with several opportunities to show he’s capable of leadership, but he’s so afraid of what conservatives might say, he just doesn’t have the intestinal fortitude to do the right thing.

    No Profile in Courage Award for you, Mitt.


    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      So basically, he'll say and support just about anything to get to 50.1 percent.

      No principles, no platform, no problem in Mitt's mind.

  8. DelMartian7:25 AM

    No, Gryphen. The POTUS is not "....too damn humble to blow his own trumpet....". He is too smart. Look at the calendar and then think about the miniscule attention span of this country. Around September I think you'll be hearing trumpets blaring everywhere.

    1. hedgewytch9:34 AM

      Exactly. I have said from the beginning of his 2008 Presidential campaign that I wouldn't want to play chess against Obama. He is thinking 4-5 or more moves ahead.

      Oh yeah, Sept. and Oct. ought to be a lot of fun. I am particularly looking forward to the debates. Actually it will be a schooling; Romney attempting to look intelligent and Presidential and Obama running Romney into indefensible corners on his own record.

    2. DetroitSam7:43 PM

      One really sad thing that I think we have all noticed is that the pathetic excuses for media do not report the facts if those facts will complement the President.

      They allow republicans to come onto their shows to tell lie and lie about the President with no blow back or fact-checking from the show hosts.

      Granted that many in the public are too lazy to educated themselves on their own but at least we should be able to count on media to report facts and not republican lies.

  9. The whole point of electing Mitt is his ability to hold a pen, and sign anything Grover says to sign. We, as a country, are truly screwed. The MSM will not do their jobs for the "people" but will lie for their corporate masters.

  10. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Another bunch who have signed on to the doctrine of false equivalence instead of reporting facts.

  11. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I do not think that Mitt Romney is smart enough to be president. He lacks intellectual curiosity. Romney's only "job" since 2006 has been running for president and he does not have a single policy initiative to put forth. He knows nothing about international affairs and his recommendation for the military - build more ships - is reminiscent of pre-World War I Europe.

    Then there is the whole "character" issue - he was a bully as a teenager, he ran a company that destroyed weaker companies for excessive profits, he tormented his family pet. And Mitt Romney has no notion of "service to the nation" having publicly stated that his missionary years were the equivalent of military service in Viet Nam (from a recorded conversation with a Viet Nam vet before the New Hampshire primary), he thinks his contributions to the Mormon Church are as important as paying federal taxes, he has equated his sons' participation in his political campaigns with military service in the Middle East.

    Mitt Romney does not know anything about the real life of ordinary Americans and he does not seem remotely interested in learning about it. Mitt Romney has not earned the nomination of his party; he has won it by default. As dreadful as he is, all of the other contenders were even more dreadful.

  12. Anonymous7:34 AM

    We've got five months to go, and DelMartian is right -- the summer doldrums will cause many voters not to register much information for quite a while. Romney's vice presidential choice will raise some interest; the conventions are now just infomercials. After all that's over, the ten weeks until Election Day will see, we hope, people really concentrating on the facts.

  13. Virginia Voter7:43 AM

    I agree with DelMartian...the onslaught is coming, and living in a now battleground state, I am really not looking forward to it. As it is the soaking retarded Karl Rove Crossroads ads air ad nauseum.

    My guess is Mitt may win back Florida, Indiana, and North Carolina, but he will never get back the Rust Belt, or Colorado , Nevada, or New Mexico , probably not Virginia. Obama will hammer him on Bain, the Ryan budget, immigration, women's rights, and his anemic record as a one term governor.

    Saving the auto industry was perhaps the Pres' signature achievement that will keep a good share of working class white voters. Just this past weekend at a dinner at my neighbors house, her mid seventyish mother in law from Buffalo who previously voted for Dubya and McCain, emphatically stated she was voting for Obama this year because he saved the auto industry. She was also frightened by the rights war on women...shw was a working mother, and did not appreciate reliving fights women won 40 years ago.

    Have a little faith in our pres....he is always two steps ahead.

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      As a Massachusetts resident, I'm hoping to join in groups of us to speak up about the lousy job old Mitt did as a fly-in Governor, trying to add something to his resume. He didn't create jobs when he was here! Among other things. The only good legacy was Romneycare, of which he should be PROUD.

    2. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Not so sure about IN, Obama saved an awful lot of auto worker jobs in this state.

  14. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Why is this kept quiet, that Romney was driving a van in France and had an accident that killed a passenger? If President Obama had THAT in his past, imagine the daily onslaught of bad press about it? I would hazzard a guess that this was another of what he calls "pranks", that he was acting the fool and caused the accident. Just like W his past misdeeds are covered up.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      I agree that I've read that twice, but it's not referred to a as a significant part of his upbringing or character.
      If Obama -- or you or I -- had been at the wheel when a passenger had been killed, we would be changed for the rest of our lives. Mitt doesn't look like he has an inner life. I guess he got forgiven by somebody, and so he has forgotten.

    2. Anonymous9:59 AM

      There are a lot of things wrong with this comment. Your shit stinks troll. No need to post lies and disinformation about Mitt, the truth is enough.

      "driving a van in France" WRONG see picture at link below.

      "had an accident" Not exactly, the priest was DRUNK.

      "I would hazzard a guess that this was another of what he calls "pranks", that he was acting the fool and caused the accident."

      BULLSHIT- as witness reports indicate the priest who collided with the car Mitt was driving caused the collision and was DRUNK.


    3. Anonymous10:20 AM

      There is no need to call me names. I just repeated what I read in the newspaper, there were no details. I stand by my original statement, if President Obama had this in HIS past, it would be published DAILY. Romney is an empty siuot, with pockets full of cash. Remember wanting to bet $10,000.00 with Perry? How many people have that kind of money to throw around like that? Romney is a fraud, he inherited a fortune and pretends he is self made. Soul-less fraud.

    4. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:14 PM

      Laura Bush killed a man while driving as well. Hardly ever hear this story:


      According to a two-page police report finally released publicly in 2000, on November 6, 1963, 17-year-old Laura Welch was driving her Chevrolet sedan near Midland, Texas.

      Around 8 p.m., on a clear, cloudless night, Welch approached a country intersection, ignored the stop sign, and plowed into a Corviar sedan, killing its driver, 17-year-old Michael Douglas.

      Douglas was thrown from the car, breaking his neck. Douglas was pronounced dead on arrival at Midland Memorial Hospital.

      Biographies of Laura Bush indicated that Douglas' father was traveling in a car directly behind his son and witnessed the entire accident, although the police report does not confirm that.

      Laura Bush and her friend, 17 year old Judy Dykes, were taken to the hospital for treatment of minor scrapes and bruises.

    5. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:16 PM

      he inherited a fortune and pretends he is self made


      I just had the image of him getting a huge headstart in a race and crowing like a Peacock that he won cuz he was the fastest.

      He would literally have no. shame. about it.


      Just like the one who will not be named...

  15. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Let's take things in perspective. Come November after all the commercials have aired, after the debates have finished, after the polls have posted their final numbers the winner of the 2012 presidential election will be Barack Obama.

    Mitt Romney will need a number of things to beat Barack Obama. He will need the economy to fall in a black hole. He will need the racism to explode to sway White voters. He will need the ghost of Ronald Reagan to return to be his VP. Most importantly, he will need a high-profile Democrat to endorse his presidency. Barack Obama had Republicans voting for him in 2008 but when Colin Powell came out publicly endorsing Obama over McPalin, he was telling moderate Republicans that was okay to vote for a "D." Romney would need someone on the level of Bill Clinton to endorse him and tell Democrats that's okay for for a Republican. This will not happen and neither will the Romney administration.

  16. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Willard Mitt Romney is the biggest coward to ever run for president in the history of our country. (not hyperbole)

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      He is THE poster boy for Cronyism.

  17. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Romney was effectively a half-term governor in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He left most of the governance to Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey while he started running for the presidency in 2005. He's a fraud, as so many can attest.

    A Bay Staters opinion

  18. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Obama can blow his horn as much as he wants but it does no good if the media doesn't cover it. When Bush was prez, he had Fox News to repeat his message over and over. Despite all the talk of liberal media, there is no such thing.

  19. WakeUpAmerica10:14 AM

    "...and not just on who begged her for them the hardest.

    What does this even mean?

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Her endorsements were based on who begged for them the hardest. Component sentences can be tricky, huh?

    2. Anonymous1:18 PM

      You're really not too bright are you?

    3. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Compound, not component (damn iPhone)

  20. Beldar J Conehead1:45 PM

    "Barack Obama is a great orator, but he is the worst president I’ve ever seen when it comes to explaining his achievements, putting them in context, connecting with people on a gut level through repetition and thereby defining how the public views an issue."

    Then our president's worst flaw is in assuming the American people are smart enough to figure out a few things on their own. Face it: we're a country filled with stoopid morans.

  21. Anita Winecooler10:09 PM

    I agree with his take on President Obama's not tooting his own horn, but I suspect part of it has to do with the "angry black man" meme his detractors would use to rile up the base.
    What I can't wait for is the debates. Romney can lean on his bloviators now all he wants, but one on one, Obama will deliver a TKO, no matter how good Rombot's speech writers are.

    Romney will do and say whatever he needs, depending on the audience he's targeting. He has no leadership qualities whatsoever. He's good at flipping businesses to create wealth, but President Obama has a record of accomplishments, a genuine warmth and personality that connects with people in a real way.

    The GOP has been trying to dig up dirt on our President, and there is none, that's why birtherism is so popular, it's a lie they can hang their hats on and go with.

    Romney's got nothing.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.