Friday, May 25, 2012

Sarah Palin's endorsement of Orrin Hatch disappoints rapidly diminishing pool of supporters even further.

Courtesy of the LA Times:  

Expected by many to support Hatch’s first serious challenger, former Utah State Sen. Dan Liljenquist, Palin instead posted a long defense of Hatch on her Facebook page Wednesday. 

“Orrin Hatch is part of the one percent,” wrote Palin. “No, not that one percent you’ve heard about. He’s part of the one percent of national politicians who I think should be re-elected.” Invoking President Reagan’s praise of Hatch as “Mr. Balanced Budget,” Palin cited Hatch’s record as a fiscal conservative, his opposition to “Obamacare” and his support of conservative Supreme Court justices as reasons she supports him. 

But those words prompted an outcry from many of her supporters, who left scathing comments on her Facebook page. 

“Sorry Sarah,” wrote AnnaMarie Stephens. “Nobody needs to be a Senator for life! We’re just so sick of the same ole, same ole.” 

“You have disappointed millions of us, who once appreciated your wisdom,” wrote Steve Hatfield. “Your new-found ‘wisdom’ seems to be more of the cronyism that has kept far too many RINOs in office. No thank you and goodbye.” (RINO is the acronym for the derogatory term “Republican in name only.”

Oooh, the flying monkeys are in a snit now aren't they?

But at this point what do these people expect? The idea that Palin possesses some innate political wisdom that dictates who she endorses is pure Palin mythological mooseshit.

It seems the reason for at least SOME of her recent endorsements are simply because those are the people who ASKED her for one.

People like Nebraska GOP candidate, Deb Fischer, who wrote the following:

I am writing to you as both a fan of your strong, conservative principles and as a fellow female Republican. I have watched your career with respect as you take on tough issues, all while raising a family and serving your great state. Your career has inspired me and so many other female politicians who believe principles should be above politics.

Ass kissed, endorsement provided.  See how that works?

So did Orrin Hatch pucker up as well?  Why yes he did.  

Hatch told the National Review that he has “doggedly” sought Palin’s support for a long time, and that he cultivated a relationship with Palin and her husband, Todd, through handwritten letters and personal phone calls. 

Hatch told the conservative publication that he spoke to Palin early Wednesday. “I told her that I love her and her husband,” he said. “She said, ‘We love you, too,' and that she’s here to help.”

Sort of like getting a hand job from the easy girl in the back of  school bus now isn't it?  I mean ANYBODY can get one, all they have to do is ask.

Look NOTHING scares Sarah Palin more than the idea that she is slipping into irrelevancy. So when anybody treats Palin like her endorsement is worth a shit, how is she able to say no?

Of course the question to ask is, is her endorsement really worth a shit?

Right now I think it can often do more harm than good in a number of places, but does carry some weight in certain deeply red primary races.  (Of course considering how angry she is making some of the Teabaggers that might NOT be for much longer!) However if Palin keeps giving them out to every Tom, Dick, and Orrin who asks her for one, they will soon not be worth the crayon smudged cereal box top they are scrawled on.

And if I were a Republican candidate for office (Excuse me I just threw up in my mouth a little at that thought.), I would certainly consider the fate of the OTHER people that Palin endorsed before getting my herpes free lips anywhere NEAR that ass in the hopes of an endorsement.

I'm just saying.


  1. I LOVE this picture of the Bald One! This is probably why she hot footed herself to the nearest plastic goodness she looks terrible! LOL!!!

    Well...I did see the patients at the Asylum were fighting amongst themselves over her Hatch endorsement the other day....and they are STILL fighting about it!

    She only does shit like this for her OWN personal reasons...nothing to do with politics...the dummies are still hanging on to the hope that she is going to storm the RNC convention and be crowned the Queen of Idiots!

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      damn it ginaM, change that avatar before I change it for you. I cannot bear to look at that mug much longer, can ya find a younger sarah to put up there? not the scary version but the that...the wig free version.....oh about the Belem.... well how about YOUR mug up there
      hahaha, I love your comments

    2. @1:50 I know what you mean. I have told GinaM more than once that that it makes me jerk every time!! You would think we would be used to it by now!! BTW Gina's mug would be a vast improvement...GinaM is beautiful.

    3. RAM is Palin's inner diva.

    4. Anonymous1:50 PM

      LMAO! Ugh....sorry about mold this picture of RAM has begun to grow on me and I'm attempting to have it's a little dangerous at this point but there is a silver lining for you...I have jury duty for the next two weeks so I'll only be able to post early in the schedule your IM viewing accordingly! HeHe!

    5. Glad I'm not the only one torn between loving Gina's posts and going insane with that avatar.

    6. Anita Winecooler8:23 PM

      I actually like Gina M's "Mona RAM" avatar. It makes finding her posts so easy, she and beldar always crack me up!

  2. Smirnonn11:49 AM

    GREAT post, Gryphen!! The paylump fears irrelevance over anything else. Sad thing is she's fearing the inevitable.

  3. Anonymous12:02 PM

    She looks like an old bitter hag. Plastic surgery will not help her forever.

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      I think she looks more like a cadaver in that pic!

    2. Anonymous9:54 PM

      Anon @6:34PM

      LOL. She sure knows how to rock the cadaverish look.

  4. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Maybe the GOP has told Tranny Granny that she better get"inline" or they will expose her fake pregnancy...cause supporting Orin Hatch goes against everything the Grifter spews about.

  5. Anonymous12:16 PM

    There were zero comments on this post so I thought I would write. Mrs. PalIn is now so irrelevant, people will not even bother to comment. When I mention her on Twitter, I always get a "Who Cares?" comment. She's good gossip but that's all.

    1. Thank you for writing. I'm sure she appreciates ANYTHING written about her. -:)

    2. I used to put up all the best Palin Post's from Gryphen on my FB Wall.
      Now, most people are calling me obsessed! LOL!! Or they also too say, "Palin Who?"
      So now I just put up the extremely funny/outragous ones. The others, I post to one of the hundreds of anti-Palin FB Pages.
      I'm not obsessed with that witch at all. I just want what everyone else here wants, the truth and Justice.
      I want to see Gryphen take the bitch down!

  6. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Wow, that's old Sarah before the 'lift that widened her yap to allow more hate to spew forth.

  7. FJ Dandy12:20 PM

    Just dipped into the peepond(time for a shower)
    They are truly delusional, saying Palin/West 2012, and are so sure their quitter queen will take over the repub convention and become the nominee with that loose cannon West as VP!!!
    I'd laugh if it wasn't so disturbing...her minions are going to need some major therapy when the queen leads them down the garden path yet again, then lets them down, blaming everyone but herself! Then she'll beg for more $$$ from her demented followers for her next run for president. s i c k p u p p i e s

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      You would think so, but knowing how deeply delusional they are, they'll just shift into 2016 mode while convincing themselves that she is playing the long game and she has a big plan that only Sarah and God know about...they really are in the tank for this grifter, busy projecting their desires on the queen of mean.

    2. Anonymous1:43 PM

      yup, yup. They are no different than Paul's followers. Maybe less of them, tho.

    3. Anonymous2:50 PM

      So true. What does it take for the bots to see the light? Her Tampa gig is all about Sarah. She'll be trotting out advertisements for Chuck and Chuck Jr.'s book, Bristol's book, her books and who knows what? It will be a grand opening of Sarah-Paraphernalia that she will sell, and anything to do with the RNC convention she'll try to distract anyone away from it. She is soooooooo jealous that she lost 4 years ago, and the new ticket will be adored instead of her.

    4. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Remember, they think this bitch (who is of course world-famous for being a political train-wreck) is the most brilliant and gifted politician alive. Her fucking up everything she does is just more proof to them because it's all part of a secret plan that they're so sure dear leader has up her sleeve. Too bad she'll only let them in on the whole "send me money" part! The rest they'll just have to wait for...after all, she works in mysterious ways so it's wrong to question her. Maybe if they're good little bots and give her enough cash, she will one day tell them her super-secret plans for world domination! Bunch of morons!

    5. Anonymous8:33 PM

      I absolutely LOVE the "peepond". How can you not go there and immediately start laughing until your eyes water?

      I do believe they have replaced the Holy Spirit in the Holy Trinity with Sarah Palin (I don't think they're quite ready to replace God or Jesus.. not yet anyway).

      My favorite is the dual ANUS (BriAnus?) person who completely fails at Latin conjugation, yet includes a few paltry attempts in some of the most peculiar posts I've ever read. I believe he honestly thinks God has set aside such minor issues as poverty, hunger, cancer, AIDs... and is focusing on "grooming" Sarah for... well, I'm not quite sure, but I believe it involves a throne of some sort. He is an odd character, and difficult to decipher.

      I wonder sometimes... after November, will this BriAnus character finally come clean and let the "peepond" know he's been "punking" them for months? He can't be serious in those posts of his, can he? Surely, it's satire.

    6. Anonymous1:23 AM

      BriAnus has a blog!

  8. Hatch "doggedly sought" her endorsement for a long time?

    He didn't realize he would have to wait until she saw who would be the sure nominee. Now she's all about showing Romney that she'll support a Mormon, any of 'em, all of 'em.

    Now Romney will give her the VP slot for sure! Or a cabinet position! Delusions of grandeur are Palin's bestest friend in the world.

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Romney WILL NOT win.

    2. Anonymous 1:28 PM
      Romney WILL NOT win.
      Well, you know that, and I know that, but I doubt very much if Palin knows that.

    3. Anonymous2:25 PM

      No, the GOP) cannot contemplate the fact that their hate tactics are going to backfire bigtime this time. It worked in 2004 for Bush (while a lotta help from his friends in Ohio) and it worled in 2010, when they promised every Tom Dick and Harry a job (which only meant for the already rich guys to KEEP theirs and at a bigger salary,) but I do think the natives have awoken from their slumbers. The WI recall will show us a lot: can we fight the inasanity the Koch money or not. How come Her Heinous has not been summoned to stand beside Walker?

    4. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Unfortunately (VERY!), I read that Nate Silver, the polling guru, says Walker has 90% chance of surviving. It's crazy and sad. I grew up in Wisconsin and I can't believe what it has become.

  9. In other words, her minions are finally seeing her for what she is: a fame whore. I guess they're slightly smarter than we thought...but only slightly.

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      naw, they've come around, brainwashed by the other fanatics into thinking that this might be a sneaky move by the Artic Faux.


  10. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Hatch is the pick of the Tea Party Express, not Freedom Works.

    1. Jeanabella2:46 PM

      That figures. Tea Party Express started by the Koch Bros. is not the grass roots tea party.
      The small tea Party groups are angry because they're left out of everything including the big bucks!
      Corporate takeover of Congress is goal as is a very conservative Supreme Court.

  11. Anonymous12:49 PM

    The more plastic surgery she has the more she looks like a man when it sags. In this pic she looks like a homeless woman at the soup kitchen.

  12. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Well now you have went and done it Gryphen, posted something from Sarah that I agree with, darn it.

  13. This whole Palin thing is comically like the movie BEING THERE. At least Chance the Gardener was an innocent--not a greedy, slippery, snide imbecile who came along when the GOP is considered too ignorant, hateful, racist and misogynistic to survive as a sane entity.

    The idea that anyone seeks out Sarah Palin for anything other than mispronouncing words, getting facial work, making sure her children are known the world over as cheap Christmas trash and dragging her secessionist husband about is a testament to how low the republican party has fallen.

    Actually, it makes me smile knowing they secretly thing Sarah is a moron but a moron willing to do or say anything to stay relevant. Kaching!

  14. Anonymous1:03 PM

    hows newt's money holding out after he got doubled down on by the paylumps???
    he's freakin BROKE and filing for bankruptcy all over the place, the fat bastard.
    caliista the helmet head better get back out on the book tour with her goofy book about an elephant (or was it about Newt...ahhh same thing hahaha)
    Orin Hatch ought to have down a bit more background work on ""how this endorsement thing works""
    STFU there miss handjob of the north

  15. >"Now she's all about showing Romney that she'll support a Mormon, any of 'em, all of 'em."

    Didja hear? Obama called Romney: "Mitt, I think it's time for a Mormon to be president."

    Mitt: "Oh, that's great!"

    Obama: "Yeah, I'm getting baptized this Saturday!"

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      ROFLMAO!!!!!!! Priceless!!

  16. jcinco1:10 PM

    that is by far one the ugliest pictures of princess sparkleburst. I'll bet that's what prompted her to get yet more really bad plastic surgery...

  17. OverMountainMan1:20 PM

    Wait a minute ? Do you mean that that girl on the back of the bus did that for all the boys ? And she was easy ? Really ?? Oh Gez !! :(

  18. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Orin Hatch told Sarah he LOVED HER AND TODD? ick. yuck. and wtf?

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      I know!! These people are GROSS!!

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Perhaps Mr Hatch's opponent would like a copy of Shailey Tripps's book.

    3. Anonymous5:38 PM

      After reading more about this, I'm beginning to think that Hatch has the hots for Sarah. Know what I mean?

  19. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Does Hatch also too know about Todd's prostitution services?

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Hatch may be a Mormon who still believes in multiple wives: he thinks Todd is a closet Mormon!

  20. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Geez, she looks terrible without her lighting and styling team!

  21. Anonymous1:45 PM

    perhaps an email barrage to old Oral snatch about tawds pimp biz might have him re-thinking that lusty offer from mz hand-job to endorse him?

    so long orrin, washington might miss you-or not.

  22. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I'm amazed the 'idiot from Wasilla' still has any relevancy! Cannot believe they would be chasing her to give them an endorsement!

    1. Anonymous8:15 PM

      You still stalk her, despite not knowing anything about her.

    2. Anonymous9:48 PM

      Anon @8:15 PM = clueless troll

    3. Anonymous12:29 AM

      8:15 pm - We'll quit "stalking" her when she quits stalking our president, troll.

  23. OMG G your stats when through the roof Thursday. I take it had to do with the schmidt's thread.

  24. Anonymous2:06 PM

    The Palin's are so lucky to own Alaska.
    Murdoch Private Eye Targeted US Hedge Fund Boss

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      I don't understand the connection between Palin owning Alaska(?) and the link article you provided. *shrug*

  25. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Sarah Palin's endorsements are just like her appearances on Fox, bought and paid for, they tell her what to say. I don't give Sarah enough credit to follow the local political races in 50 states, sort through the candidates and choose the best candidate. If she has some die-hard fans who are really printing Palin/West 2012 signs and stickers, I wish them well. Please, spend all your money on this foolish dream. Palin/West 2012, give all your money now, you fools.

  26. Anonymous2:32 PM

    The quote about "respecting your wisdom" made me laugh. Now let's see if anyone can do math if she endorses a 2nd incumbent for Senate and doubles her 1% standard to 2%.

    And, seriously, was it necessary to attempt to redefine what the country has already accepted as "the 1 percent?"

  27. Anonymous2:45 PM

    How can anyone believe that Sarah P. is a caring Kingmaker who spends her time studying each candidate? If they check each candidate she's endorsed, they'll find out that each one has complimented her and loved on her first.

    Anyone that has ever criticized her has never, never been endorsed. She isn't about keeping traditional societal norms intact, she is ONLY about living to be loved and adored.

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      I always thought she just picks the scummiest, low-life, most morally deficient piece of shit running! You know, the one most like her.

  28. Anonymous2:59 PM

    That pic of her looks like someone that has been tweaked out for a few months.

  29. Anonymous3:23 PM

    "Hatch told the National Review that he has “doggedly” sought Palin’s support for a long time, and that he cultivated a relationship with Palin and her husband, Todd, through handwritten letters and personal phone calls."

    Does Hatch know about Todd Palin and Shailey Tripp?
    And Hatch still wanted to be associated with the Palins?

    Hatch is nasty.

  30. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Does this mean Orrin Hatch will get the Palin family discount on prostitutes?

  31. Anonymous3:35 PM


    Bristol Palin/Nancy French admit a little misinformation has been spread by the blog they are associated with.

    "Many of you read, commented, and shared the post I did about “The 8%,” referring to the percentage of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome who aren’t aborted. I wrote:

    In the United States, would you believe ninety-two percent of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted before they get a chance to take a breath? When I hear this statistic, it makes me want to burst into tears...."

    "Would you believe"????...hmmm...

    Guess which part wasn't quite accurate?

    "I’m sorry to say I think I unknowingly passed on incorrect information. She told me that the 8% number is not exactly accurate. She writes:

    "I just read Bristol’s post about babies who are born with DS being one of the 8%. I love the poem she includes, and I think her point is an important one. Still, I’ve learned recently that it’s an inaccurate number. It’s widely cited by many people, but it’s based on a single study from a single hospital in the 1980′s.... "

    That number is "not exactly accurate" is an understatement.

    Bristol and Nancy, repeating shit they find on the internet, and finding out it's wrong. I wonder if anyone else (Sarah?) ever used this bogus statistic?

    See the latest post at the home renovator/reality tv star's blog.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:43 PM

      gee? they fucking lie.

      wouldn't click on that bitch's page for all the coke in the Palin house!

  32. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Orrin Hatch deserves to lose. If he can't run on his own 36 year career record, and requires Mitt Romney, a presidential candidate to be campaigning for Hatch (rather than the 36 year incumbant endorsing the presidential candidate) and requires a VP candidate who lost to boost his appeal -- he's done.

  33. Anonymous4:22 PM

    "You have disappointed millions of us, who once appreciated your wisdom" - that's some funny shit right there! I'm trying to figure out how people who are so dumb they think Palin is intelligent manage to dress themselves without assistance, much less find the polling place on election days! How is anyone that stupid??

  34. ibwilliamsi4:59 PM

    Sarah's quoting Reagon on Orrin Hatch? Someone must have let her near the google again...

  35. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Wearing that putrid green top makes Sarah look seriously (physically) ill... we already know about the other condition. I have never seen her look nice or even decent other than when she was dressed by the campaign in Nordstrom and Neiman finery.

  36. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Lawrence O'Donnell had Safrah Palin pegged. "Oce Sarfah Palin announces she isn't running for President, her stock value drops by 50% or more". Welcome to junk bond status, Sarah!

  37. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I can't wait for Paylin to slip into insolvency.

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Projection there Anon 5:42 PM? Try not to let your perpetual dissatisfaction with life show that much.

    2. Anonymous9:41 PM

      Anon @8:13 PM = Krazy Kristi or doppelganger(RAM?) projecting while accusing others of projecting... again.

  38. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Is she wearing a "T" necklace?

  39. Anonymous8:23 PM

    It's hard to believe anyone gives money to SarahPac. Palin makes her endorsements via FB and post links to the candidates twitter and Facebook accounts. That costs Sarah nothing. She gives little money-and probably only does to make the Pac seem legitimate. She gets tons of free press for her endorsements. She doesn't need staff to make endorsements. Everybody here knows this, but it is just mind boggling to think of the millions spent by her Pac on all Palin's attention grabbing hate. Millions of dollars down the drain.

  40. Anita Winecooler8:51 PM

    I love the "millions" estimate, it's either Fox math or dog years. Oh how the mighty have fallen, look at that photo. The others are either dressed casually or presentably professional, the lady on the right in black with the colored scarf must be mocking her or she's hiding a pregnancy. Then look at Sarah. Green jacket, American Flag over where her heart belongs, NRA logo over where her spleen is, the abreva canker sore lip gloss, the wig, and the "I look really stupid" vapidly proud ignorant smirk, veiny neck, and polyester wig over the cold dead eyes. A heart necklace and the same dangle earrings she's worn for years. What a freak!

    What took the idol worshipers so long to realize she's a fraud? I heard of slow learners, but give me a break. She'll endorse any ass kisser as long as it's not Mitt.

    "Sort of like getting a hand job from the easy girl in the back of school bus now isn't it? I mean ANYBODY can get one, all they have to do is ask."

    Ouch! The analogy is right, but I can't picture Sarah on any bus that didn't have her name on it, and if it is a school bus, it's the short one.

    1. "What took the idol worshipers so long to realize she's a fraud?"

      She still has a cadre of terminally disconnected folks who still don't know and never will. Their numbers are limited but they throw tantrums and make a lot of noise.

    2. Anonymous9:41 PM

      Were you talking to me at @8:23? According to Open Secrets, SarahPac raised $5.7 million in 2010 and spent $4.4 million. That's alot of wasted money. Since inception, she's raised many millions. To me, even 1 million is alot but 4, 5, 6 million is alot more. And I think she wasted it.

  41. Anonymous4:26 AM

    You know, years ago, when he wasn't glued to the Republicans' traitorous opposition to the Obama Administration, once in a while Orrin Hatch voted with the other side of the aisle. I guess Sarah Palin doesn't know that.

    1. Beaglemom~

      You are absolutely right about that! Hatch has even written some good legislation with his Best Friend in the Senate~ Ted Kennedy!
      There is no way $arah could know about that!
      But, then again, she probably wouldn't care. All she cares about is being the center of attention. With Orin Hatch in such a close race, it's being reported on nearly every progressive blog.
      The race that is, not $arah.

  42. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I have never received my Alaska Trust Fund Quarterly report yet.

    Maybe it got lost in the mail.

    Can I borrow one of yours?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.