A group of high-profile Republican strategists is working with a conservative billionaire on a proposal to mount one of the most provocative campaigns of the “super PAC” era and attack President Obama in ways that Republicans have so far shied away from.
Timed to upend the Democratic National Convention in September, the plan would “do exactly what John McCain would not let us do,” the strategists wrote.
The plan, which is awaiting approval, calls for running commercials linking Mr. Obama to incendiary comments by his former spiritual adviser, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., whose race-related sermons made him a highly charged figure in the 2008 campaign.
“The world is about to see Jeremiah Wright and understand his influence on Barack Obama for the first time in a big, attention-arresting way,” says the proposal, which was overseen by Fred Davis and commissioned by Joe Ricketts, the founder of the brokerage firm TD Ameritrade. Mr. Ricketts is increasingly putting his fortune to work in conservative politics.
The $10 million plan, one of several being studied by Mr. Ricketts, includes preparations for how to respond to the charges of race-baiting it envisions if it highlights Mr. Obama’s former ties to Mr. Wright, who espouses what is known as “black liberation theology.”
The group suggested hiring as a spokesman an “extremely literate conservative African-American” who can argue that Mr. Obama misled the nation by presenting himself as what the proposal calls a “metrosexual, black Abe Lincoln.
"A metrosexual Abe Lincoln?" My assumption is that THIS kind of labeling is an attempt to put a question mark beside Obama's sexuality since the Right Wing simply cannot fathom how somebody, who was not gay themselves, could stand up for same sex marriage.
So THIS is what the Right Wing has been reduced to? Hell this is so pathetic that it comes right out of the moldy dogeared Sarah Palin playbook for attacking the President.
Even cranky old John McCain knew enough to avoid this like the plague.
Apparently the idea is to bring up President Obama's so-called "radical past," while making the case that he was relatively moderate during his first term to lull the electorate into a false sense of security before unleashing liberal Armageddon during his second term. ("It's not what he HAS done, it's what he MIGHT do!" screams the frantic Right Winger.)
And of course the usual suspects from Sean Hannity, to Sarah Palin, to Andrew Breitbart's website are all piling on.
To me this smacks of absolute panic on the part of the Right Wing. They know they cannot attack the President on his ability to protect America from terrorism, the jobs are coming back, and even gas prices are starting to go down, so what's left?
![]() |
BOO!!!! |
Apparently only the Republicans still believe that Obama will be defeated in 2012. But if that is true, then WHY are they so desperate that they are willing to risk being labeled racists by resurrecting the ghost of Reverend Wright?
But hell if this is the Republican's best tactic, I say "Go for it!:
However if we are going to attack the candidate's religion in this next campaign season I have some rather serious questions about Mitt Romney's faith as well. (He says while rubbing his hands together in a gleeful fashion.)
Update: Well that did not take long.
According to The New York Times:
Mitt Romney condemned efforts to use President Obama’s former pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, in ads attacking the president, as reportedly planned by a “super PAC” working toward electing Mr. Romney in November.
The guy whose name this plan was named after is doing damage control as well:
Joe Ricketts is a registered independent, a fiscal conservative and an outspoken critic of the Obama administration, but he is neither the author nor the funder of the so-called Ricketts Plan to defeat Mr. Obama that The New York Times wrote about this morning. Not only was this plan merely a proposal — one of several submitted to the Ending Spending Action Fund by third-party vendors — but it reflects an approach to politics that Mr. Ricketts rejects and it was never a plan to be accepted but only a suggestion for a direction to take. Mr. Ricketts intends to work hard to help elect a president this fall who shares his commitment to economic responsibility, but his efforts are and will continue to be focused entirely on questions of fiscal policy, not attacks that seek to divide us socially or culturally.
But..but..how can they possibly not like this plan? After all Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin LOVE this idea. Oh, right.
Well personally I am saddened by this news. I had all kinds of great ideas for going after Romney if he took this approach.
Oh well I am sure the next idea will be almost as stupid. After all, it IS the GOP we are talking about.
If they're gonna bring up Reverent Wright, then Mitt's Mormon religion will become a talking point.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if this will be a great recruiting tool for the Democrats to get foot soldier volunteers, which are the backbone of any campaign, who are appalled at the outrageousness of the opposition. I can hope. Seems plausible.
ReplyDeleteThis is the most interesting part of the NYTimes article....
Delete"A copy of a detailed advertising plan was obtained by The New York Times through a person not connected to the proposal who was alarmed by its tone. It is titled “The Defeat of Barack Hussein Obama: The Ricketts Plan to End His Spending for Good.”
I really want to shake the hand of the person who sent this document to The NYTimes...they did a wonderful service to the country.
Shining the light on these Kochroaches and their ilk is the only way to exterminate them....metaphorically speaking of course!
The Repubs haven't realized that not every one wants to go back to the Bush/Cheney years...thank you whoever you are!
Wouldn't it be poetic justice if it's an Obama Campaign "plant" that gave the NYT this gem?
Delete"To me this smacks of absolute panic on the part of the Right Wing."
Its already on NPR, The Conversation. Apparently, some of the original group are already starting to distance themselves from this nonsense. I suspect the early reaction is enough to make some rethink. A comment on HP wondered if this really was a trial balloon. I think its popping big time.
ReplyDeleteSee "Billionaire Rejects Proposal to Revive Jeremiah Wright Controversy"
Guess the news stories scared him off!
Sure did. When I heard about this yesterday I immediately emailed the Chicago Cubs and told him we would be spending our team loyalty with the Chicago White Sox, including my two young sons. I'm sure I wasn't the only one doing so. Ricketts is a greedy ass, and now that we know his politics we will still not be Cubs supporters and may even join protests at Wrigly Fieled
DeleteThe Cubs are such a shitty team, that it has been based on ambience that they draw. Take away that and add a view of putting an anti-Obama, inflammatory racist on the receiving end of overpriced ticket profits = one empty ballpark.
These really rich, rich, rich guys must have very sad and pitiful lives. To throw that kind of money away, because you have such hatred in your heart. Just think of the good someone like this could do if he used the money in that way instead of trying to steal an election or ruin a sitting president. Our country is screwed.
ReplyDeleteI agree! When I first saw this story I immediately thought of all the good that money could do for the homeless and hungry in his area.
DeleteAmen, this dude could use that money for inner city schools, after school programs, hiring teachers, providing scholarships, building affordable housing, he'll, donate it to medical research for Christs sake . To have that kind of FU money and then to just piss it away on garbage like this is unfathomable to me.
ReplyDeleteRecently when Mitt was on Hannity he did bring up Jeremiah A. Wright. So nothing is new.
Mitt Romney back in February on Sean Hannity's show, said the Rev. Wright attacks were fair game. Today, Willard claimed he didn't remember what he said back in February, but says he stands by whatever he said! Willard basically admitted he supports using the Jeremiah Wright ads!
DeleteWillard's a fucking moron!
Oh had to do a little search and Politico is on top of it:
ReplyDeleteRomney invoked Wright with Hannity in the primary
How will this work when a lot of Republicans think Obama is a Muslim? Don't Christians want Muslims to attend church?
ReplyDeleteAnd I am not really clear how the nutty things Wright said are any different than the nutty things said by every other preacher.
Like that good christian minister down south who said you should kick your son's ass if he acted "gay" - as if anyone knows what that means.
DeleteThis country has become a cesspool. I'm embarrassed for the behavior some of my fellow citizens exhibit. Can we put the Genie back in the bottle? I don't think so.
ReplyDeleteThis Ricketts fellow is the patriarch of the family who now owns my beloved Cubs. I have been a Cubs fan for well over 40 years and almost had to turn my back on them when I heard what this buffoon was attempting to do. Then I read that his daughter Laura, a Cubs owner along with two of her brothers is a big Obama donor and fundraiser...thank God! I would miss my Cubbies.
ReplyDeleteRover, you left out the best part. The Ricketts family has been trying to convince the Governor and Mayor that state and city money should be used to renovate Wrigley Field. They actually hoped something would happen during the spring legislative session this month.
DeleteIt hasn't been a very popular idea and became less so today. There's the small matter of the Mayor of Chicago being the same guy who was President Obama's first Chief of Staff. Rahm is not happy with the Ricketts family right now.
I don't care what he said as he was back peddeling on his dumb ass plan. Joe Ricketts is a moron for putting his family's business interests in Chicago in such jeopardy.
And if today's talk radio is any indication,there are a whole lot of Cub fans who are furious with the team owners.
I guess rich doesn't always mean smart too.
I think that after a first term as president, President Obama does not have to worry about Rev. J. Wright this time!
ReplyDeleteAnd what is it with billionaires? First Adelson funding the crazy governor in Wisconsin to do away with jobs and collective bargaining and now this Ricketts character who wants to eliminate a presidency that has done so much for so many people. How can these guys get any richer? Isn't there a point where having more money becomes meaningless? I've never been there but I'm truly curious. How many yachts, mansions and exorbitantly priced clothing can a person have?
This smacks of Original Sin. You haven’t sinned yet, but you might someday, and even if you don’t, you’ll be treated as if you have, so be VERY AFRAID (and give me your money/gold/cattle).
ReplyDeleteThese attacks on Obama are giving me religious insights I’d brushed aside.
Loved your comment!
DeleteLet 'em. The mormon "religion" will be looked at and people will find out just how NON-Christian it is.
ReplyDeleteI think that is what Mitt (or most likely his handlers) is worried about. Just how many wives did his grandfather and great grandfather have? Plus as a bishop of his Mormon religion, Mitt has done a few things that will annoy many female voters.
DeleteHis great-great-grandfather Parley Pratt had TWELVE wives and 30 children. He's my favorite.
DeleteYesterday in some speech, Romney brought up his ancestors and how proud he was of them "standing on their principles, blah, blah..". I wondered if he meant like the Mormons who slaughtered 120 people in the Mountain Meadow Massacre. His people were in Utah when it happened (1857) but wasn't a Romney named as one of the 50 attackers. Well, other than that the massacre was rumored to have been ordered by Brigham Young as retaliation for Parley Pratt having been murdered by a man from the same area as the people who were killed in the wagon train. John McLean murdered Pratt 3 or 4 months before Mountain Meadows.
My friend, a Mormon Elder, said, "of course, they were polygamists. They went to Mexico where they wouldn't be bothered by US prohibition against polygamy. That's why they went to Mexico in the first place!"
DeleteAs a graduate student, I researched the history of Grand Teton National Park, Jackson Hole WY. That led me to the Congressional Records of the 1850s and investigations into abuses of pioneers heading west by the Mormons. The Mormons "owned" the river crossings and were taking everything from the pioneers to let them cross.
DeleteI also documented hundreds of miles of Mormon-built irrigation ditches in the Park, as they were expanding into this area as well. I believe it was a Rockefeller who set up a dummy Mormon-owned group, a fake, to buy up the land. Guess they'd only sell to Mormons.
Anyway, that's why we have a beautiful park today.
Following up on the Palin Curse: When Palin was the VP candidate in 2008, she wanted to invoke the horrors of Rev.Wright in every one of her campaign speeches. Even then, the McCain campaign told her that was not a good idea. What didn't Palin understand about the Witch Doctor blessing Palin tapes?
ReplyDeleteCount on Palin to weigh in with her two cents worth, that Ricketts should never have backed off, and given half a chance (and a potful of money) she'd be glad to do the job.
I'm pretty sure she'll go on Hannity saying they should have done that during the McCain campaign and they would have won...you betcha!
DeleteNever mind she got punked by Canadian comedians and couldn't answer simple questions by Katie Couric.
Instead of prepping she went on a wild shopping spree spending RNC money to buy expensive clothes for herself and her family.
Todd had to have his silk boxers otherwise he doesn't feel manly...but, hey, isn't that how a Pimp dresses?
loved your comment! Curious if she isn't robo-calling Daddy Ailes demanding she go on Hannity .... and that's what she would gleefully bubble forth. "If only I had that top slot...."
DeleteLiberals are nothing if not hypocritical. Obama wouldn't hesitate to reference a controversial, America-hating evangelical in a GOPs past if it would ensure a victory. AxelCAD is no stranger to playing diiirrrttttyyy
ReplyDeleteThen, the Mormon Cult, is fair game.
DeleteHey troll!!! Can you be a little more specific. You're throwing out accusation without any facts.
DeleteWrong, the President's campaign could go after Willard's strange religious cult, Mormonism, and are not doing it.
Delete11:46 AM:
DeletePresident Obama doesn't race bait, you stupid fucking troll.
Go back to your lying blog brancy
DeleteAnonymous11:46 AM
DeleteLiberals are nothing if not hypocritical. Obama wouldn't hesitate to reference a controversial, America-hating evangelical in a GOPs past if it would ensure a victory. AxelCAD is no stranger to playing diiirrrttttyyy
Ooh, you're playing the Axelrod boogey-boogey-boogey man. You are a moron. And? Go ahead provide the documentation of then candidate Obama going after Palin for her witch doctor exorcism rite. Or any other similar documentation. You can't because he hasn't done so and doesn't need to.
You see, the Republicans have nothing of substance to go after the President with so they have to resort to desperate, sordid, stupid tactics. All the Democrats have to do is point at the abysmal Republican record on jobs, national security, the economy, health care, women's rights, religious freedom, and on and on and on.
Troll @ 11:46 AM : "...a controversial, America-hating evangelical in a GOPs past..."
Are you referencing Sarah Palin? She fits the description.
President Obama has already said all he's going to say about Sarah Palin, warning everyone that HER children are off limits during the 2008 campaign...reminding America that Sarah Palin is not much of an expert on nuclear issues and that he'll listen to his military advisors instead...and that he really doesn't think about Sarah Palin at all.
These billionaires using their money to buy, I mean influence an election shows what's wrong with Citizens United. The more that they try to do it (Ricketts, Adelson, Koch Brothers) the more that most people should understand that it is NOT free speech. Their money makes theirs the loudest voices in the room, drowning out everyone else's voice. They are the ones trampling on our freedom of speech.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much Supreme Court, for putting aside the needs of the people, in favor of the money. Karl Rove, the Koch Brothers, and now this asshole Ricketts, have shown us clearly why you ruled in favor of Citizens United. Supreme Court, you were bought and paid for by the billionaire special interest groups. This is treason, and every one of you that voted for this decision, ought to be removed from the bench. You have moved our country, one step closer to fascism.
DeleteThanks a lot John Roberts, may you rot in hell.
Excellent comments.
DeleteCue the Tundra Turd manic screech in 3...2...1...
ReplyDeleteI imagine she is wriggling in delight raising and waving her hands hand yelling , "Pick me! Pick me!" Hannity is licking his lips. Ailes is looking at the ratings.... Expect Faux News to follow through.
DeleteIn response to this stupid right-wing nut sack ad, Willard Robme stated, and I quote, "I stand by what I said, whatever it was".
ReplyDeleteTo quote Keith Olbermann, "this man is an idiot".
Romney On Past Remarks Invoking Rev. Wright: Not Sure What I Said ‘But I Stand By’ It, ‘Whatever It Was’
What a fucking tool! He can't remember what he said because he has NO CONVICTION behind what he speaks, just empty pandering, platitudes and blowing the wind up everyone's asses.
Lick your finger and stick it in the air to see which way the wind is blowing. That's what Rmmney does. Now he can't remember which way the wind was blowing on that day back when....
DeleteYou can always count on Glennda to stick his sorry ass nose into the latest controversy.
ReplyDeleteGlenn Beck Offers $150k To Rev. Jeremiah Wright For Obama Dirt
I hope the Reverend responded appropriately. Beck's a jerk.
DeleteI don't think Romeny can dare attack Reverend Wright because then he invites investigation into Mormon's magic underwear, misogyny, radical white agendas, etc. His cult will be exposed if he tries to pit Mormom "Christianity" against black Christianity.
ReplyDeleteI think that is exactly why he won't risk going after the Reverend. Mormonism has so many weird tenets, and if Americans really were aware of them, they would not tolerate it. Romney has a lot to lose in the religion debate.
Deletetime to boycott the Chicago Cubs. I like to go to a game when I'm in Chicago but no more
ReplyDeleteThe Ricketts family owns the Chicago Cubs - BOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYCOTTTTTTTTTT.
ReplyDeleteThe very LAST thing Willard wants to do is to actively invite questions about his magic underwear and to be held responsible for everything and anything that anybody even tangentially connected to him as ever said or done. Going after Wright would be a MAJOR mistake.
ReplyDeleteAs it is, Willard's going to have enough trouble keeping his magic BVDs secret.
As to the dumb GOP cousin humps with more toes than teeth who think the president is Muslim, then why should he be held accountable for the words of a CHRISTIAN minister? Hell, why does a Muslim even HAVE a CHRISTIAN minister?
Because the GOP is so top heavy with inbred morons, I am none too worried about Romney having even a snowball's chance in hell of winning. When the other team is that fucking stupid, things will not go well for them.
Willard can't win, unless Citizens United aka Karl Rove, steals it for him. Bush 2.0, here we go again. Don't let the GOP get away with it this time around.
DeleteI am worried about Republican dirty tricks in the voting process. Bush stole the elections - both of them. Thanks to the mobsters in Florido, Ohio, the voting machines, and the Supreme Court.... Remember Watergate? Now there is more money in the world behind rigging the system, and brother, they are doing it.
DeleteCan these billionaire idiots get any dumber? I thought folks with money are suppose to be smart...remember that's what the teabaggers said...it's how they made all that money! LOL!!
ReplyDeleteI am loving how these fools are falling over themselves from the fallout...read the document...it spells it out and the worse part is how the end goal is for folks to "hate" President Obama..."hate"...hmmm...there's that word again...Did anyone else notice a whiff of Baldy's moldering corpse hanging around in that article?
Two folks names came up who have "associations" with the Bald One...Rick Davis and that Becki Donatelli chick!
Care to explain this article ?
LunaticLakeLucille1:27 PM
DeleteI'll do you one better...I see you one Beerfart article and up the ante with this article from The Blaze!
"Miriam Goderich issued a statement to the Political Wire saying the future president never suggested “in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii”:
“You’re undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”
The article is from Breitbart. No explanation required!!!
DeleteConsider the source, a site that a rotting corpse started, and a bunch of yahoos that think writing on it will keep him "alive". Sounds about right!
DeleteIt weird that they kept his name. They are continuing barfbarf lies.
DeleteThese fools just can't let their gravy train go.
You watch, Sarah will jump on it and someone will pay her big time to do it...
ReplyDeleteWill Sean Hannity have Sarah Palin on his show to beat the Rev Wright drum? You betcha!
DeleteIf you watched Game Change, you will remember that Sarah wanted so much to go after the Rev Wright connection, against Senator McCain's decision not to. She said "We need to go for the jugular."
I'm waiting.... Is there some serious discussion going between Palin and Ailes? Deju Vu "blood libel."
DeleteWay O/T. I just thought you could use something to make you smile.
Both of the super nice guys, Mitt Romney and Ricketts have more character than to talk about POTUS' connections to Rev. Wright or to suggest that POTUS is a metrosexual, don'tcha know. They wouldn't do that nor would they be so low as to attack POTUS's character like POTUS is doing to (Romney).
ReplyDeleteBut ohme, they just did. The dog-whistles are out there and everyone is talking about Rev. Wright and metrosexuals and Romney's character. Slick. Romney is slick and more than a little slimy.
Ricketts better do damage control -- he wants the city of Chicago to pay $$$$ to renovate Wrigley Field and add a bunch of other buildings so he can make more $$$$ off the devoted -- and optimistic -- Cub fans!!! Trashing Obama...while asking for money from the residents of Chicago = Stupid Idea....
ReplyDeleteCorrect me if I am wrong, but I think of Chicago as being a Democratic strong hold for a very long time. Stupid business move....
DeleteLOL, why do I have a feeling that his sliming of The President is going to go over like Breitbart's "explosive", never before seen (except for anybody who looked on PBS' website for the last 4 years) video of A young President Obama hugging a Harvard Law professor.
ReplyDeleteThese guys see everything through their lenses of hate, so much so it prevents them from seeing how inconsequential this sort of thing is to normal people.
ballon pop ... Flip flopping has truly become a well-perfected art form for Team Romney. Guess they’re taking their queue from the Big Guy.
Why Republicans Realized Today that Jeremiah Wright is Yesterday’s news
Why Republicans Realized Today that Jeremiah Wright is Yesterday’s news
ReplyDelete...Anyway, here it is 2012 and now they figure it’s time to dig up that dead body of an issue and have it point its bony, accusatory finger at Obama, reminding everyone (mostly white people) of what a true black radical Muslim racist ‘other’ he really is. Which, of course, would explain the title of the Republican Super PAC campaign playbook that was somehow leaked to the New York Times by a staffer who was troubled by the playbook’s contents; “The Defeat of Barack Hussein Obama; the Ricketts Plan to End His Spending for Good.”
Note the presence of the middle name. It’s not potent enough to defeat Barack Obama. They have to defeat Barack Hussein Obama.
But then? Later on the same day? May 17? Somebody else in another Team Romney decision-makers chair decided maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all to try and tie Obama to his ex-pastor whom he cut off long ago. So another ‘whoops, my bad’ story had to be run to clean up the mess. Could have even been Romney who pulled the plug, although I’m guessing he would have had to do it through channels since there isn’t supposed to be any direct contact between the candidate and his Attack PAC. That’s what they say anyway.
All that money those Super PACs are raising, and this is what they come up with?
I just stopped by bully boy Hannity's show (I could tolerate it only because I've taken a pain pill for an abcessed tooth.) He was thrilled to be playing Jeremiah Wright tapes and talking about him.
ReplyDeleteI have seen and heard Palin many times say Wright should be brought up. I bet she is thrilled. Ricketts pumped money into Deb Fischer's race, Palin endorsed Fischer and Ricketts wanted to pump money into Jeremiah Wright smears. Extremists sticking together.
REv. Wright old news....sure. Not wanting to have the "Morman Agenda" exposed....priceless.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the information that Thom Hartman had ready to use, Willard as a seventh generation Morman is the "annointed." Unfortunately, now the public wont get to know the truth...
No wonder this dude and "queen Ann" appear so intitled....they are...according to the Book of Morman.
Rev Wright is a decorated war hero, unlike that yellow bellied coward of a draft dodger Swiss Mitts.
ReplyDeleteA few posts back, I wrote that it's gonna get real ugly real quick, they have a six month window to drum up the racist hate the tea party started.
ReplyDeleteThe best part was Mitt's response, perfect ammo for the Obama Campaign.
When this broke, I adjusted my portfolio and changed Credit Unions, because they have an "ATM" agreement with Toronto Dominion Bank (TD)
Vote with your dollars AND your ballot.