Thursday, May 17, 2012

MSNBC gives Sarah Palin a little too much credit in my opinion.

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"So she's wielding power, but avoiding actual responsibilities. Perhaps that's what she's wanted all along." I don't agree with much of what Sharpton says in this segment, but I certainly do agree with this assessment.

Palin has always wanted to be taken seriously without having to try very hard, AND without risking the chance of being revealed as a lightweight phony who is tragically unqualified for whatever she is attempting to pass herself off as these days. Be that as a good mother, a political pundit, or a serious candidate for office.

I am not at all thrilled to see ANYBODY taking Palin even remotely seriously, especially my favorite news organization, and I appreciate that Dana Milbank put things into perspective.

Look, Palin is going to make a correct choice once in awhile, it is just the law of averages, but that certainly does not mean that HER endorsement had much to do with Fischer's upset, nor does it mean ANYTHING in the upcoming election against Bob Kerrey.

As it so happens Fischer was the least known candidate, with the least amount of baggage, much like Palin herself was when SHE was elected Governor of Alaska.  And we all know how that worked out.

Palin may be riding high right now, having accidentally stumbled onto a winning endorsement this time, but considering Palin's track record this high is unlikely to last very long.

That reminds me, just how is Christine O'Donnell these days?


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Sarah is a failure at everything she does. This may seem like a good thing for her now but mark my words this will end up badly for Palin. Remember, EVERYTHING she gets involved with turns to shit. This is a fact she can't escape. Just look at her family for a prime example of total failure.

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Peggy Noonan on Sarah Palin:

      "In television interviews she was out of her depth in a shallow pool. She was limited in her ability to explain and defend her positions, and sometimes in knowing them. She couldn't say what she read because she didn't read anything. She was utterly unconcerned by all this and seemed in fact rather proud of it: It was evidence of her authenticity... In another age it might not have been terrible, but here and now it was actually rather horrifying.

      Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal conservative pundit, author, and former speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan

      Well-stated, Ms Noonan. If President Ronald Reagan were still alive, I'm sure that he would agree without equivocation that Palin is an embarrassment to her state AND her political party; these days, in fact, she seems to be an embarrassment to everyone but herself.

  2. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Where's Tri-G? In storage? Isn't it odd that a mother is noever seen with her "son"? Oh right that's because Sarah did not give birth to Tri-G and anyone who believes she did is a moron.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Doncha know...



    2. Jeanabella6:23 PM

      Exactly! MINO mother in name only!

  3. Palin's fans are so sad - every President choice she picked went by the wayside - so when she jumps on the bandwagon of a sure thing - they get such a warm surge of love for she who takes their money.

    They still think she will be the candidate of choice at the convention - sure don't understand Mitt and his money will not give her the time of day.

    She isn't fit to clean the President's shoes - and does that upset the quitter.

    1. Baldy has no political influence or power. She gave that up when she QUIT her elected office! Whatever her cult followers believe is minuscule and not worth printing.

      Baldy is and has always been about MONEY! Her endorsement of Fischer will do nothing but bring out a big giant microscope and flashlight that her opponents will be shining on this stupid teabagger!

      Fischer will wish she never heard the name Baldy Louise Heath Palin when all of her skeletons come out of the closet and start doing the Micheal Jackson "Thriller" dance on campaign TV ads!

      Can't wait to hear what kind of shenanigans ole Deb has been up to! LOL!!!

    2. Jeanabella6:25 PM

      Romney campaign recently said they were looking for a Non-Palin for VP!

  4. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Sarah's nothing more than a baby thief and karma will not treat her well. It hasn't already...look at her face!

  5. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Thanks Sarah! Now democrats have a chance of winning that seat in November. Sucker!

  6. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I usually agree with you Gryphen, but here is where we disagree:

    "Look, Palin is going to make a correct choice once in awhile"

    Sarah Palin has never made correct choices when it comes to her children. That's why her two oldest kids either has gotten pregnant or got somebody pregnant before they got married or engaged. It has been reported that her 3rd oldest child has had pregnancy scares of her own.

    Maybe Todd should share his condoms with his kids instead of rolling them up in facecloths and stuffing them in his pockets?

  7. Anonymous6:39 AM

    She's operating on the margins of political discourse - best case she's an opportunistic hack with a nose for populist demagoguery; worst case she's a punchline for the stale joke on the American people that politics now represents. On slow news days, or in the competitive slurry of election coverage, she can be trotted out to fill a couple of minutes of air time. That is all.

  8. Anonymous6:45 AM

    She's moved into the realm of popular culture common reference: no one takes her seriously, but she's always good for controversy. It's her perfect role: spoiler, rock-thrower, backseat driver. She quit then made an ass of herself repeatedly. Moreover, she displayed the behavior everyone in America understands perfectly and gets immediately: lazy, not-very-bright grifter. It's like watching those reality shows after some poor trashy person is lucky enough to win the lottery - still trashy, only with more money. She's still ignorant, just quoted more often.

  9. Anonymous7:01 AM

    She jumped on the bandwagon very late in the game -- so she had an excuse if her (and Todd's!) endorsements were worthless; but she could brag if, by chance, the tea party won. She risked very little for a fairly good, early return.

    But soon Romney will be mulling vice presidential possibilities, and a shadow will again be cast on McCain's 2008 process, and Sarah, if she's smart (we know the answer to this) should step away from the political game for a good long while.

    Or maybe she's aching for a fight with Mitt....would anyone be surprised?

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Oh, this is one slick and evil Bitch. She comes out and endorses this tea bag candidate, a day before the primary election. Once all of the pollsters and pundits give her a clear idea which way the results are likely to be. Once again, she displays a level of cowardice that is unmatched in political history. This also gives the Bitch, an opportunity to deflect the IRS, from her CPAC scam. Now, she can claim she was campaigning all along for her, to justify her grifting.

      Don't be fooled, this is one underhanded, deceitful, lying BITCH.

    2. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Believe me, we're not fooled.

  10. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Let's be realistic about how much a Palin endorsement means: Nothing. Todd endorsed Newt Gingrich and Sarah kind of nodded her head in agreement, and that turned out well. Sara also liked Herman Herb Cain and Ron Paul. She doesn't seem enthusiastic about Romney, the likely nominee.

    By lining up with the Tea Party, Sarah Palin is doing the Democratic Party a big favor. She (and the rest of what's left of the Republicans) are pushing their party further and further to the right. Harry Reid was in the fight of his life until they chose his opposition, Sharon Angle.

    Sarah will pick a couple of winners and forget the losers. The Tea Party gives Democrats a better chance where a moderate Republican would win. Sarah has nothing else going for her except trying to keep SarahPAC donations coming in, raising Bristol's profile and writing angry comments.

  11. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Here is who really helped Fischer win the election:

    A billionaire owner of the Chicago Cubs and TD Ameritrade plans to use a SuperPac to go after Obama on the Rev. Wright controversy.

    The plan, which is awaiting approval, calls for running commercials linking Mr. Obama to incendiary comments by his former spiritual adviser, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., whose race-related sermons made him a highly charged figure in the 2008 campaign.


    And if the name Joe Ricketts sounds familiar, he’s the guy who bought himself a GOP senate candidate in Nebraska’s primary this week, funding Deb Fischer’s out-of-nowhere win over state AG Jon Bruning in a last minute victory to take on Bob Kerrey for Ben Nelson’s seat. And Joe Ricketts plays hardball with his billions.


    1. AJ Billings7:52 AM

      This aging fat windbag billionaire Ricketts is just the kind of rill Americun that Paylin loves

    2. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Well, she said at her SALT meeting that the 1% were the best. Maybe she hopes this Ricketts guy gives her ailing PAC some money.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:31 PM

      Great! More ammo for the Obama campaign! Thanks Mr Ricketts, you just kicked open the wrong door.

      I changed my portfolio and changed my Credit Union, because they have an ATM agreement with Toronto Dominion Bank (TD).

      Vote with you dollars AND your ballot!

  12. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I think she was lucky this time and I still believe that once again people in Nebraska voted AGAINST the 2 other candidates rather than FOR. When Scarah endorsed Fischer, Fischer was already on the rise, 18 points in the previous week, so to say that Scarah was the reason for her success is a little too much, imo !

  13. Anonymous7:36 AM

    The GOP is already distancing themselves from her. They don't want the ready reminder of 2008's mistakes, of which she is the most obvious.

    Get your popcorn because when the establishment GOP leaves her on the wall without asking her to dance in Tampa, we know she will not go quietly.

    Can't wait to watch her burn the remainder of her bridges.

  14. total BS.

    palin the skank has very little influence and even less power in the republican party.

    all she has as supporters are the fanatics who wont change their mind no matter what you show them.

    in fact its very simple to prove she has no influence by looking how poorly newt did against romney with the palin endorsement.

    there is no evidence that her support of newt resulted in a single vote since he couldn't challenge romney anywhere in the country so where does the palin support show itself??

    useless to even further debunk this nonsense.

    palin is the joke of american politics and represents at best the most extreme element.

    and that certainly does not add up to influence.

  15. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Her endorsements are worth snot, at least that's what Karl Rove said and I totally agree with him and I don't agree with him often.

  16. Anonymous8:06 AM

    When Dana Milbank is asked a question about Palin, you actually see a grin trying to form on his lips and he's straining real hard not to laugh as he tries to sound serious. He's a real trooper.

    When I hear any hosts make Sarah out to be a Kingmaker in her own right, it's frustrating. They just keep making her seem relevant. What Sarah always banked on was that she had the wool pulled over the media's eyes. She performs as a political adviser, a pundit, a VP candidate, or anything that will get her money. She's an actress and acts the parts, using simple techniques to fool people. Like raising her voice to a little girl's level and being all freckle-faced and pony tail charming. Or, by teasing with short skirts and hooker heels. Or, by quoting real movers and shakers (which were googled moments earlier by Piper) to provide everyone with Oooohhhs and Aaaaaahhs of "she's so smart".

    What Sarah banks on is that Al and all the others don't have time to investigate the real Sarah. She's made them feel guilty by throwing them all into the category of Trig Truthers where she can inject self-righteous indignation at anyone questionning a sacrificing loving mother of a down syndrome child. She screams "they're persecuting poor poor me and I'm the mother of a poor disabled child". She's also a professional at projecting guilt on others for ever questioning her integrity. She knows how to pull those strings of guilt - she knows how to use people like puppets that she can dangle and confuse. If they question her, they come away feeling very guilty and are ostracized by others in media who have been fooled and conned by her.

    This won't last, however. Her methods are getting old and Bristol may be the silver lining to revealing how the Palins play professional victim and cry foul all the time when they are being called out for their hypocrisy.

  17. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Bristol Palin The Victim? I’m Not Buying It

    It wasn’t hard to tell what direction things would take after Bristol Palin‘s recent statements about President Obama and his newfound support for gay marriage. Where the Palins are involved, the sequence of events is firmly established and completely predictable: one of them will say something ridiculous, everyone else will react, and the Palins will proceed to make the entire episode about themselves and how victimized they are.

    Bristol Palin’s latest post is a textbook example of this. After being widely criticized for falsely suggesting that Obama only supports gay marriage because of his daughters, and claiming without evidence that “kids do better growing up in a mother/father home,” she now says that the response to her remarks has been “a lot of hate and a lot of bullying.”

    Ironically, she accuses everyone of failing to make any arguments, and then proceeds to spend several paragraphs talking about how mean people have been. Maybe she would have received more serious responses if she had actually presented any arguments of her own in the first place, rather than misrepresenting what Obama said and disparaging families with gay parents for no justifiable reason.

    If she’s looking for a real debate on the issues, she has a strange way of showing it. Instead of providing any explanation of her earlier statements, she claims that a generic monolith named “Hollywood” is uniformly intolerant of any dissent on the issues of gay marriage or abortion, and “anyone who disagrees is stupid, hypocritical, hateful, or bigoted.”

    Not once did she consider that it might actually be hateful to assume that same-sex couples must be inferior parents when all studies indicate otherwise. And she doesn’t seem to think there could be anything bigoted about expecting people to teach their children that same-sex parents don’t deserve to be married. That’s because not being hateful and bigoted just isn’t her concern here — this is all about people calling her names and making her feel bad.

    In that vein, she presents a selection of comments from people wishing for her death and generally being rude. While this is obviously unacceptable, it’s definitely not a unique occurrence. We could just as well gather up all of the violent and hateful comments made about Obama and his family, same-sex parents, and the LGBT community as a whole. But it would be incredibly dishonest to focus the entire discussion on hostility, incivility and tone in order to ignore any substantial criticism of what we’ve actually said.

    This is what Palin has done here, and it’s practically guaranteed that we’ll soon see a torrent of op-eds using the latest incident to make sweeping statements about how hostility and threats are never an acceptable mode of discourse, no matter the target. But this, too, only serves to make the entire event about Bristol Palin the Victim, rather than what she actually said about our relationships and our families.

    Palin may or may not be aware of this, but ...

  18. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Sharpton may want Palin to be a power broker in GOP because she is looney tunes. She is a deal with the Tea people. How far can that get her? She has reached her pinnacle. How much will her Breitbart stunts be worth?

    The Palins have connections and backers who are helping her with publicity, but she hardly seems mainstream or anything other than fringe. Her publicity people have paid some attention to the Palin curse and they will calculate and present an anti-palin-curse campaign.

    Whatever she has planned for Tampa is important to them now. The Brancy work matters and revamping Sarah image as if she is an actural contender, it all matters to them. The Chuck book, too.

    Whether anyone considers her as political material or not isn't going to change SarPac and any others they may have. They will keep the Pacs no matter what. She is a somebody in the Tea Party.

    1. Jeanabella6:53 PM

      The Tea Party isn't "something" at all but a bunch of recruited ignoramuses. the Koch Bros. own the Tea Party Express. It's all about stopping regulation.

      If the tea party was so worried about the deficit, they would be screaming about the Bush Tax Cuts, but they are not!

  19. Not What You Want to Hear8:37 AM

    I personally think she gets tipped off on candidates that are about to get a huge infusion of cash from rightwing PACs. She's told to make an endorsement, which she does, and then these endorsements are followed by a PAC contribution which blitzes a state with media ads. But instead of it looking like money just bought an election, it looks like a "grassroots populist" who "connects with the people" is behind it.

    I bet she gets paid for doing this, too.

    That being said, I think she believes she has an influence, so every now and then goes off half-cocked with one of her own endorsements. And it fails. Her urging people to vote for Gingrich comes to mind. Along with Christine O'Donnell.

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Very good summation.

      I believe you are right!!

      I always remember when old Chuckie said; she doesn't make the decisions.

    2. Jeanabella6:57 PM

      The bump in donations for the NE candidate Deb Fisher came from Ricketts not Sarah.
      She is connected with Fred Davis who brought the idea to Ricketts.
      Davis has been trying to use Rev. Wright to bash PBO since the 2008 primaries & Sarah wanted McCain to use Davis's tactics re Wright but McCain said no.
      She's a poser!

    3. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Yes, I think someone is pulling her strings. A puppet for some sinister master, no doubt. I hate that our politics is infected with such evil forces.

    4. Anonymous7:19 PM


  20. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Why doesn't Klondike Kardashian do this? She wants people to think she is serious and real. She needs to behave serious and real. Confront issues that come up, Klondike!
    (people are suggesting that Khole is not a Kardashian, but OJ Simpson is her father)
    On encouraging Khloe to get a paternity test: "I'm somebody who likes to get right to the problem. Somebody says something, then prove them wrong… For me, I want somebody to be 150% sure."

  21. Anonymous8:42 AM

    It always amazes me that the right-wing idiots always talk about the Constitution, and constantly only refer to the 2nd Amendment ( the right to bear arms).

    What they conveniently fail to mention, is the most sacred of all the Amendments in the Bill of Rights.

    Amendment # 1
    Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion and Petition

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    The Founders thought so much of this amendment, that they made it number one in our list of freedoms. So the next time these bigoted, homophobic, religious zealots get on their soapbox. Refresh these dimwits, what it really means to be an American.

    President Obama 2012 !

  22. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Palin: "A small-time co-endorser with an effeminately voiced GED unemployed spouse is sort of like being a "king maker," except I have no actual responsibilities.

    Fixed. You defeated loser.

  23. Anonymous9:00 AM

    It's funny that when Scarah is in the news - not very often lately- Brandy is quiet.
    When Scarah is nowhere to be seen then Brandy has a verbal diarrhea - one post everyday !

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      The force (oh, I mean the funk) is strong with these Palins. They mind control their Bots with this power. You must respect the power of the GED, or be banished to the land of the mainstream media. Let the stupidity be with you.

  24. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Don't just ask about COD, ask about Sharon Angle and Joe Miller.

    We have a feeling Fischer is a whole box of head-shaking once you look past the last minute surge.

  25. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Palin is waiting to endorse Mitt when he becomes a sure thing. Sarah is waiting for someone to tell her.

    She liked those other guys Perry, Cain and Newt then The Sarah Palin Curse took them down.

  26. Anonymous9:10 AM

    "So she's wielding power, but avoiding actual responsibilities. Perhaps that's what she's wanted all along."

    There's no "perhaps" here. She is just as insipid, power-hungry, and reckless as many of her fellow Neocons rubes (e.g., Richard Perle, Bill Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, John Bolton, and on, and on, and on...)

    Obama 2012 (yeah Sarah, I wanna see how much more air you lose over the next 4 years, you dumb fucking balloon!)

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      And the violent and psychologically disturbed Schaeffer Cox of the Alaska Militia. He took one training course with a retired Marine and declared himself a Captain.

  27. Seeing the half term governor receiving credit for her recommendations makes me remember the saying about the rooster thinking he is responsible for the sun rising in the morning.

  28. Anonymous9:32 AM

    S.E. Cupp Takes On The Daily Show Co-Creator For Saying Palin’s Praying ‘Does Scare People’

    See how she tries to make it seem like 'praying' is the issue, as opposed to cultish followings and praying for protection from witches by a friggin' witch doctor. Sick.

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      SE Cupp is a right wing shill in bed with the GOP.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:52 PM

      Love this clip! Lizz Winslett says "there's video of someone praying over Sarah Palin" and "C Cup" says "praying scares people, people do that every sunday"
      Lizz gives her the evil eye and says "right"

      Sorry "C cup". Folks pray everyday, not just on sundays - BUSTed!

      Not with a voodoo witch doctor speaking in tongues like Baldy

  29. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Here's a better question: How is Joe Miller doing these days?

    Bitch couldn't even get a win in her own state.

  30. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Don't forget about Sharon (I'm an idiot), Angle. I'm from Nevada and the last I heard of Angle, she wrote a beauty book. No I am not kidding! Thank's Palin, keep on endorsing idiots so the Dem's can win again.

  31. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Is Bristol really being bullied or is she just crying victim?? Typical Palin's!!

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Bristol only gets bullied in the confines of a dimly lit tent. Pass me a wine cooler, and spank me big boy !

  32. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Skarah is an oportunistic parrasite. The news media is using her wanning star power to get ratings.....hurry fast the star is fastly fading.

  33. Anonymous10:31 AM

    As anyone knows, if you wait long enough, the odds get shorter and shorter. $carah's a chickenshit. She waits until someone is surging or until it's almost a sure thing, then she "supports" or endorses.

    Wan tot impress me, she would have endorsed candidates in January. Then she would have gone to Nebraska and appeared in a few rallies , taken questions, etc. Instead, as usual - $carah's a lazyass BITCH!

  34. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Frank Bruni article. Bristol's Abstinence Only Sex Ed Foundation:

    $262,500 Bristol's salary
    $165,000 Advertising
    $ 35,000 Clinics and counseling

    Yep, that's the way the Palins make their fortunes.

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Think of the young people with college degrees that don't make that kind of salary! Much less, many older adults that have never earned that much money annually!

    2. Anita Winecooler7:55 PM

      Yeah 3:58 - so true!

      But what will Beefy have to fall back on for income?

    3. Anonymous9:34 AM

      I don't know how much money she can make off her ghost-written blob (sic). I think she and Sarah and Nancy French are building up to her Unreality Show, and then? Is she counting on another round of "speaking" engagements? Is she trying to set up Tripp as a child "star?" Will she run for City Council in Wasilla?

      I find it very ironic that Bristol trademarked her name as an inspirational speaker. What sort of "inspiration" does she provide? And who is she trying to inspire? The only audience I see her working is the christian right. Maybe she is going to fleece them now through the Nancy French connection. Geez, Bristol can't even write her own blog.

  35. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Sarah's still around because Mittens et al are so blah, so meh. She at least affects blood pressure and sexual arousal (but don't ask me how) while Romney, Newt, Paul Ryan (zzzzzz), Marco Rubio (is he in favor of immigrant rights today... or was that yesterday?) are so bland, so uncharismatic, so very average. So, apparently, stupid and mean trump
    dull and corny. Oh yeah, Sarah is dull and corny also, too.

  36. Palin should be among the first to avoid piling on with Romney's PAC about Rev Wright. It might remind folks that her association with Rev Muthee doesn't pass the sniff test and needs further vetting. Her circles of deceit will eventually wrap around to squeeze her into oblivion but she's still got a few bucks she wants to drag in before it all drys up. She sold whatever she thought was her soul to the devil long ago and even Muthee won't be able to pull her out of the morass with another exorcism.

  37. Anonymous12:15 PM

    What's up with Fox News? Who would make a better guest that Sarah to discuss the Fischer endorsement and win? Instead, Greta interviewed Karl Rove who dismissed Sarah's influence on the primary outcome.

    How long will the performance artist known as Sarah put up with the appearance of being sidelined? We may want to gird ourselves for some outrageous scheme to demand attention.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      I so hope Faux does not renew her contract.

      The Palin trademark is certainly tarnished with the mainstream GOP, but she is going to Tampa even though she was not invited. Imagine if the woman who lost the GOP the last election would be welcomed to a standing ovation at the RNC? How embarrassing. She is now held up as the worst VP pick ever!

      Yes, she will do something outrageous. She is planning with a vengeance, ubetcha!.

  38. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Fischer asked for Palin's endorsement last December. Palin passed up the opportunity to have a known impact on the race by waiting to endorse with less than a week before the election and after seeing a May 7 poll showing Fischer surging and closing in on the frontrunner. I'm disgusted by journalists who don't question Palin's cowardly late endorsements that put her in a win-win situation.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Contact MSNBC with the info and ask that they have their staffs do more research on Palin before giving her the credit she didn't earn! But, what is new?

  39. Gasman1:13 PM

    Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, which is far more often than Palin is right. She is just as irrelevant and imbecilic as ever. Why in hell would MSNBC waste time dwelling on this simpleton?

    Who really gives a shit?

    1. Jeanabella7:15 AM

      You're so right! her average of picks is less than 50%
      She's no Kingmaker that's for sure. #PalinCurse

  40. You are right...the media are crediting Palin for this win but it appears the stage was set some time ago:

    And now that Fischer is leading in the polls for the general, Palin will feel empowered again and the GOP will cower in her shadow. Heavy sigh! I was enjoying all the Palin free news cycles. She truly is the Chauncer Gardner of politics.

    1. Jeanabella7:14 AM

      on Twitter I read links to reports that the truth is The Club for Growth & Joe Ricketts (from same state as Deb Fisher) have been quietly behind Deb fisher and are the reason for a cash bump for her candidacy, not Palin!
      She is a poser not a kingmaker.

    2. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Chauncy Gardner had a heart. Sarah does not.

  41. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Trig's endorsement average is probably better than his grandparents Sarah's and Todd's endorsements put together.

  42. Anonymous3:14 PM

    That Sarah Palin is a king maker... just ask Cain, Newt, Perry, McCain, Tebow, Lin, Joe Miller, O'Donnell, Todd & Bristol Palin and the rest of them losers.

  43. ibwilliamsi4:10 PM

    Is she looking at a "no-see-um" there in that photo?

  44. Anita Winecooler7:57 PM

    Reverend Al is just boosting her ego by just mentioning her, does anyone else buy this bullshit?

  45. Anonymous10:14 AM

    "It all points to what I have been thinking for some time. Bristol is most likely learning disabled or worse. At the very least she has been poorly advised.

    I know many, many normal, average young women within 3 or 4 years of her age and not one of them has made, or even would think of making, the horrifically stupid choices she has made in the last few years. None of them would put their stupid choices or mistakes on display to the public and pretend that this is the preferred way for any human to live.

    None of them would tell the obvious lies and distorted truths that are Bristol's life in order to attain fame and/or money.

    There is obviously something seriously wrong or deficient in that girl's brain."


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It just goes directly to their thighs.