Wednesday, May 09, 2012

In my opinion the BEST religious debate ever put on television.

And by best of course I mean most entertaining.


  1. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Fundamentalists to Wear Condom to Protect Against Romney Mormonism

    Mitt Romney’s Mormonism is not going to get a free ride, and even opportunities to kiss-up to the Christian Right look to rebound against him, such as his rite of passage moment – really, more of a conjugal visit – the commencement address he is due to give students at obsessively anti-gay Liberty University this weekend.

  2. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Glad you clarified that: No one was better at debating religion than Hitchens.

  3. Anonymous9:03 AM

    It's great! and it makes all the sense it needs to make. But be aware that it's almost impossible to reach even intelligent leftists when they have been indoctrinated from birth. Still, we must get the word out and try to steal them away from the skay fairy pushers one by one.

    When parents lose the sky fairy nonsense then children will start to be born and raised religion free and that's when big progress will be made. In the meantime we will have to settle with the small response you got on this one.
    luv from Canada.

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      You are so obnoxious.


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