Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Katie Couric throws down gauntlet and invites Sarah Palin for another interview. I suggest NOT holdiing our breath.

Courtesy of the Orlando Sentinel:  

When Katie Couric starts her daytime show in the fall, she would love to interview Sarah Palin. 

"She has an open invitation to come talk to me," Couric said during a stop Monday in Orlando. "I'm not sure she'd be interested, but she'd certainly be welcome. She's a fascinating figure not only on the political scene but in popular culture." 

Make no mistake, though: Couric stands behind her revealing Palin interview in 2008. Couric earned some of her best reviews, but Palin fans were furious. 

"I have no regrets about that interview," Couric said. "I don't need a do-over. I'm very proud I was doing my job, and when someone is running for the second highest office in the land, I think it's important to ask pointed, challenging questions, as I do for all candidates."

Well personally I think this is a GREAT idea!

This way Palin can prove once and for all that she is more intelligent than she appeared in that 2008 interview and  Couric gets the chance to show Palin what a REAL interview, where she is not simply thrown softballs, feels like.

Unless of course the Mama Grizzly is afraid?

But THAT can't be true.

Can it?

Of course I would not hold out too much hope of seeing this rematch:

Couric described "Katie" as a work in progress that will have test tapings in August. She stressed that the show will not pay for interviews.

Yeah, I don't think Palin does ANYTHING without a paycheck attacked to it anymore. Not that I'm calling her a whore or anything. That wouldn't be nice.

Accurate, but not nice.


  1. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Ha..Ha..Ha.....She'll never do it.... Never ... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.
    I'll vote for Romney if she has the "cajones" to do it.

  2. Dinty3:14 PM

    "Pointed, challenging questions"?! Sorry, Katie, "What newspapers do you read?" isn't exactly a hardball question, unless of course you are asking someone with the deficiencies of Sarah Palin, and even then it's not really an enlightening question.

    1. Precisely - would love to see some real questions put to Mrs Palin - preferably related to foreign affairs - those tricky other countries that the President has to deal with - Palin seems to think inviting the Queen to dinner is all that is needed.

  3. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Maybe they could have a little chat about why Couric looks WAAAYYY younger and fresher than her 7 years younger pal Sarah.... and without any major work done on her face?

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      EX-ACTLY! Sarah been rode hard and put up wet way too many times.

    2. GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY! Just finished watching Baldy on Greta!

      Baldy is VERY ANGRY! Lord I thought my TV was going to catch on fire from the flames shooting out of Baldy's shark eyes! I think Baldy's soul has for sure departed from her body and whoever was in the studio when she got done with that Greta interview is in deep doo doo!

      The woman had a permanent smirk that never left her face the ENTIRE interview. But it was the strangest smirk I've ever seen...she looked like she was smelling her own farts! I'm not kidding...wait until you see the video! And the wig didn't make it through the night because it looked like cobwebs were growing out of the back of her head! What's up with her wigmaster??

      She still got that heavy breathing going on...but her voice wasn't as hoarse as last night...the funny part was...she started out speaking in her Barry White voice but then Greta mentioned President Obama and my GOD...between her shrieking answer and her smirking...not to mention the wiggling in the chair...I thought she was going to do an Elvis and pull out a gun and shoot at the camera...that's how upset Baldy got! She was damn near yelling at Greta that the "MEDIA LET'S HIM GET AWAY WITH IT"!!

      Now for sure...somebody is picking out her clothes (or as Toad calls them..."cloths") because she had on some pee color ruffled top that showed off her new neck! She is definitely NOT in her Wasilla shack...the background is different...so maybe she's still in Arizona.

      Oh and she announced her endorsement of Orrin Hatch so I'm on my way to the Asylum to see their reaction...those fools HATE Hatch and were not happy that she had said some nice shit about him a few months back!

    3. Anita Winecooler9:58 PM

      Thanks for the warning, Gina! She's always comfortable with Greta, which amplifies teh crazy.

  4. Anonymous3:15 PM

    FYI -- Huge!!

    Malia has post up about tomorrow at 10:30 AM ET - the Senate will conduct a hearing with the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs to examine the Secret Service, focusing on trust and confidence, that may have been compromised in situations like the prostitution scandal in Colombia.

    Malia shows a link for the audio but it appears on the schedule for C-Span live!!

    One of Malia's posts earlier was excellent to read. She spoke to a staff member in Senator Susan Collins' office. This staff member is assigned to cover the investigation. "Senator Susan Collins is a 'Republican', and the senior member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. That committee has jurisdiction over the Department of Homeland Security and is the Senate’s Chief Oversight Committee."

    Cross your fingers, toes, etc. --

    "Jake confirmed that Senator Collins already knew “all about” Shailey Tripp, Todd Palin, and David Chaney. It must be that the officer who took a statement from Shailey, as reported yesterday, actually gave a complete report which was evidently circulated to members of the committee."


    I just rescheduled an appointment as I want to hear this. Now this is 'Hope' we have to believe in!! All together now: 'Hope' 'Hope' 'Hope'!!!

    Schedule on Capital Hearings site shows it's scheduled for 10:30am to 1:00pm. C-Span shows it's airing time as 10:30am to 12:00pm ???? Don't know why the difference in times listed.

    Witnesses listed:
    Mark J. Sullivan
    Director, U.S. Secret Service
    U.S. Department of Homeland Security

    Charles K. Edwards
    Acting Inspector General
    U.S. Department of Homeland Security

    For convenience, here is C-Span site link:


    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      I just worked at a conference for Demand Abolition. These are the people on the frontlines. They may be helpful. Get the word out.

    2. Anita Winecooler10:02 PM

      Darn, I have an appointment when it's on here (10:30 AM ET), I'll keep my fingers crossed

      Thanks for the heads up!

  5. "OUCH!" cried Sarah.

    Oooopsie, I think Katie just stuck her finger in your wonky eye there, Sarah Lou!

  6. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Palin would never have the balls to accept this inteview! She knows that Couric is far smarter, experienced in her field and award winning (due to that initial Couric/Palin interview!) than Sarah will ever be or could be. But, it would be a kick in the ass to see Couric bring her down AGAIN!

    1. Palin would probably accept and then talk the same talk that she did in 2008 - not knowing any answers never stops Palin from talking.

  7. Not the greatest pic of Katie with your blog post, G. Here's my personal Fave...


    Mmmm Mmmm she's a cutie!

  8. Oh goodness...look at this picture of Baldy compared to the new and not improved picture of her from last night! The nose for sure has been uh...re-adjusted...and that NECK! SHUDDER

    Just saw this on HP...Baldy and Beefy this one is for YOU! LOL!!

    "Kate Gosselin Surprised Networks Unwilling To Sign New Reality Show

    Kate Gosselin has made it no secret that she wants to return to TV, following the cancellation of her TLC series "Kate Plus 8." However, landing a new gig is proving to be much harder than she thought.

    “Kate had no idea it would be this difficult to sell another show based around her and her family,” one TV executive tells me. “It’s hard to be on the cover of magazines one week and just a few months later not have people return your calls.”

    On Monday morning, Kate revealed on the "Today" show that her kids are doing great, but admitted they do miss filming.

    “They’ve recently been saying, ‘When are we going to go here or there? We miss the crew,'" Kate said. "We’re hoping our TLC contract is over -- so we’re hoping to move forward and do more fun projects. Fans are begging, 'They’ve grown up, they’ve turned eight, what are you doing?’ and so we’re hoping to put that out there for them.”

    Unfortunately for Kate, fans don't green-light TV shows, network executives do.

    “Once you have a show canceled, it's almost impossible to sell the same idea to another network,” a TV insider tells me. “TLC is the non-Hollywood network and the perfect home for her. If they no longer want her, I’m not sure which other network will.”

    A spokesperson for WE tells me Kate will not be calling that channel her new home, and Oxygen and Lifetime insiders says they have no interest in Kate either.

    Fingers crossed for a "Dancing with the Stars: All-Stars" season, Kate."


    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Kate was talking on Today about her new show about 'couponing' and how to save money. Really?? It's not mentioned in the Huff piece. Maybe what she really meant to say is she's doing a blog!!! ROFL!!

      Couponing -- It's been done. Add the fact many stores are cutting back on coupons -- it's costing them too much because of the 'couponing' show that people were ringing up thousands of dollars! Add the fact - I don't need shopping advice from a blond bimbo called Kate who truty doesn't have a clue. She's burning through the money she got from TLC!! Hair & all those perks while destroying her kids.

      Ahhh -- the rugrats miss all those freebie trips. Tough. Time they did deal with a 'real life' as you could clearly see in one of the twins the rage and anger -- just like mommy.

      They miss the crew -- yea - they took care of them more than Kate. Kate's the same a Palin -- pawn them off except when the camera's on.

    2. Anonymous6:17 PM

      At least Kate fed them right.

    3. Anita Winecooler10:09 PM


      I saw that interview too, couponing and doing a mommy blog?!?!?! Serioustly, though, she said she's on good terms with her ex now, and he's actively involved in her kid's lives.

      That shows a lot of maturity, she was always bashing him and emasculating him on the show. A single mom in Alaska could learn a lot from Kate.

  9. Smirnonn3:36 PM

    Pigs will fly before Wa$chilla DeVile ever does a real interview again. She knows she can't handle it, which is why she prefers to get pre-scripted softballs lobbed at her from the dullards at faux.

  10. Doesn't Katie look so much healthier than Sarah, and younger, also, too?

    Here's a pic of each of them from last month. You decide.




    WOW! And Katie is SEVEN years older than Sarah, the Angry Wigged One!

    1. Anita Winecooler10:11 PM

      Oh yes. She's widowed, raised two daughters, and dating a younger dude. She does look great!

  11. $arah will never do it. I'd watch it if she did though. I'd love to see Katie wipe the floor with her.

    John McCain - $arah is YOUR legacy. You'll be remembered for NOTHING but turning her loose on the country.

  12. THE question that stumped Palin was not "challenging" in any way. It was an opportunity offered to most politicians, especially those new on the scene, to establish their bona fides, to let the larger public know what has informed their lives. The WGE stumbled because she doesn't read anything that has anything to do with adult interests in government, civics, politics, the law, etc.

    She showed herself to be dumber than the trashy magazines she regularly appears in.

    1. What did she read?


  13. Anonymous3:42 PM

    No way Sarah is younger than Katie! She looks 10 years OLDER!

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Katie Couric is HOT!

      Sarah Palin is not.

  14. Anonymous3:43 PM

    When Katie Couric appeared on the Letterman show, she admitted that there was even worse stuff on the cutting room floor. Palin's problem is her total lack of self-awareness. In 2008, Palin thought that an interview with Couric would be a piece of fluff, so she didn't have to prepare. It showed-- and it didn't turn out to be a piece of fluff. Sarah seems to think that she is smarter-- I remember that smug look on her face on the Hannity show. Smug? why? She was spouting nonsense. The only person she fools with that stuff is herself.

    Palin won't appear on Couric's show because she has been holding a grudge all these years and she can't let it go.

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      There is no way that Sarah Palin could prepare for interview. She is not capable of following a script when any of the topics are anything she has her own ideas about. By this I mean those topics that cause the word salad to erupt from her mouth like projectile vomiting.

      So politics, economics, foreign policy are examples of areas where her ignorant beliefs will override any scripted responses prepared for her.

      Another Couric interview? When pigs fly.

      Check out the amazing 3d animation someone did for Pink Floyd's Pigs On The Wing Parts One and Two.


  15. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Where's that "still" spine Sarah? Don't you have the cojones to appear on Katie's show?

  16. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Couric looks so, so much younger than Palin and they are not that apart in age. Sarah is so evil that evil has taken over her physical appearance in spite of all the corrections she has tried to make to herself.

    Couric will last much longer in our positive history than will the idiot Palin from Wasilla, Ak!!!

  17. Anonymous3:44 PM

    But Sarah now has a Ph D in political science and world affairs from Liberty University. Honorary of course.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      you're kidding me.

  18. Anonymous3:52 PM

    No one ever asks Sarah a follow up question after one of her crazy statements. I'm sure Palin would never go on her show knowing Couric would ask specific questions, and then ask follow up question to her statements. The last time she was on O'Reilly he asked her pointed questions and when she tried to change the subject he called her on it by stating 'We don't want to hear a campaign speech'. You could see her getting mad and stumbling after that. She never went back on his show after that.

    I wish she would go on Couric's show, but it ain't going to happen.

  19. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Copied from Colleen on Malia's blog:

    U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
    Secret Service on the Line: Restoring Trust and Confidence
    Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
    May 23, 2012 10:30AM
    Location: SD-G50
    Mark J. Sullivan Director, U.S. Secret Service?U.S. Department of Homeland Security??
    Charles K. Edwards Acting Inspector General?U.S. Department of Homeland Security
    Joe Lieberman, Connecticut, Chairman
    Carl Levin, Michigan
    Daniel Akaka, Hawaii
    Tom Carper, Delaware
    Mark Pryor, Arkansas
    Mary Landrieu, Louisiana
    Claire McCaskill, Missouri
    Jon Tester, Montana
    Mark Begich, Alaska
    Susan Collins, Maine, Ranking Member
    Tom Coburn, Oklahoma
    Scott Brown, Massachusetts
    John McCain, Arizona
    Ron Johnson, Wisconsin
    Rob Portman, Ohio
    Rand Paul, Kentucky
    Jerry Moran, Kansas
    Contact The Committee

    It is easy to leave a comment at the last link.

  20. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Palin has no balls. She threatened you, Shannon, McGinniss. When everyone called her bluff, she backed down. A phoney and a fraud is what she is.

  21. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Hey Palin, you tough-talking chicken shit, you gonna put Couric in her place? Hey? What's that?!?

    Yeah, that's what I figured.

  22. Anonymous4:19 PM

    The McCain people chose Katie Curic because she was not in the Obama Camp. She was friendly and they expected a fair interview. They were appalled by Sarah's poor performance. They agreed that the interview had been fair and that Palin had failed. They intervened by keeping her out of any more interviews.

    The newspaper gotcha question was one anyone would be able to answer and willingly so..., especially a politician on the national stage in VP slot! What I saw was two women at the end of the formal interview, walking off the set, and one asks the other, "so, what newspapers or magazines do you read that shape your political opinions?"

    The look on Sarah's face said it all. She doesn't read anything! She was painfully exposed. Katie Curic didn't set her up. Palin stumbled and fell, and that's why she won't engage in the LSM. Especially with Curic.

    Scripted speeches and the veil of the internet is her MO now.

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Excellent summation.

      Plus, she was so high from hive adoration, to come off that to a neutral party was such a downer - you could see Sarah wanted just the fun and ass-kissing of the trail, not any actual responsibility.

  23. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Lego hair will be on Greta tonite.

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Oh, I wonder what she will talk about?

  24. Anonymous4:33 PM

    The most dangerous place for a child in America is between a Palin and a TV camera


  25. Anonymous4:43 PM

    It would be kewl if Katie did a show of all the footage of her Caribou Barbie interview that never aired!!

    Now that I'd watch for sure!!

    1. Maybe we should suggest to Katie that she gather up all the cutting-room-floor video footage of that Palin interview, and introduce it at her debut show. It would guarantee top ratings.

  26. Anonymous5:03 PM

    FYI Follow-Up:

    Re Senate Hearing on the Secret Service Prostitution issue tomorrow.

    I think there's a chance Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan will be handed his ass in a sling tomorrow! This is first time Sullivan is speaking since the scandal.

    NBC obtained a copy of Sullivan's prepared remarks in which he states that " “Although this misconduct was an aberration, the Secret Service is committed to learning from this incident and has taken the necessary corrective measures to ensure that it will never occur again."

    Responding to Sullivan’s prepared remarks, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, the ranking Republican on the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, said in a statement, "The facts so far lead me to conclude that, while not at all representative of the majority of Secret Service personnel, this misconduct was almost certainly not an isolated incident."

    As I posted at 3:15, it was Collins staff member that Malia spoke to, who informed Malia they are aware of Shailey, Toad, I mean Todd & Chaney.



    Someone make sure Malia is aware of this info/link please. I cannot register to post on her site. I don't use my own computer and therefore I have to post as Anon or as long as I don't have to register. Thanks.

  27. Anonymous5:08 PM

    In case you would like to recall how well Sarah Palin did when she was interviewed by Kouric, I give you:
    "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state." http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-18563_162-4479062.html

    These are Sarah Palin's exact words (as repeated by Tina Fey on SNL): ""Like every American I'm speaking with, we're ill about this. We're saying, 'Hey, why bail out Fanny and Freddie and not me?' But ultimately what the bailout does is, help those that are concerned about the healthcare reform that is needed to help shore up our economy to help...uh...it's gotta be all about job creation, too. Also, too, shoring up our economy and putting Fannie and Freddy back on the right track and so healthcare reform and reducing taxes and reigning in spending...'cause Barack Obama, y'know...has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans, also, having a dollar value meal at restaurants. That's gonna help. But one in five jobs being created today under the umbrella of job creation. That, you know...Also..
    If you want to relive that magical moment:

    Please, Sarah, pay a visit to Katie Couric!

  28. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Gryphen, you better fasten your seatbelt on your chair! You're going to fall out laughing at this!!!


    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Holly Shit --- That's brilliant.

      I'm glad you don't have to talk to post as I seriously can't stop laughing. I'm almost choking I'm laughing so hard.

      That is a keeper Gryphen!!!

  29. WakeUpAmerica5:31 PM

    Palin will say it is beneath her. BWAAHAAHAAHAA!!!

  30. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Bristol aka nancy has a new shit WTF blog post.
    Hype for her upcoming reality tv.

  31. Anonymous5:48 PM

    President Obama ahead in recent poll by 15 among women. Won in 2008 by 13. We will roar in 2012! And Palin continues to turn women away from the Republican party with her hatefulness and stupidity. She is the antithesis (her new word) of what we stand for.

  32. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I can hear it now, "No, I don't want to give Katie the ratings. We've seen how she tests the favors I do her."

    And because Katie, I'm not about the drama. Fences make good neighbors with good thirsty stand your ground laws. Besides, the world doesn't revolve around you and I still don't read. . .

  33. Anonymous5:53 PM


    Larry McCarthy, known for the Willie Horton ad against Dukakis in 1988 -- is still alive.

    Under Karl Rove's PAC Crossroads GPS-- a $25 mil ad buy for 60 sec ad called 'Basketball'.

    The NYTs writer is defining it as 'hard truths wrapped in soft packaging'.


  34. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Lego hair, too much spray, it's shit, she in Big bird costume on Greta. Did she have a lip job? she seems too happy to be on TV again. she bobs her head like crazy, high on something again.

  35. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Who knows what kind of show "Couric" will be? I don't hold out hope.

    1. Boscoe7:22 PM

      Yeah, I'm not really very interested in the show, but I'd check it out to see Palin get outed as an emptyheaded poser flake in front of a national audience again.

  36. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Sarah Palin aint going down that road and getting the shit slapped out of her again.

  37. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Hey Katie interview Sarah Palin about this:

    The Ranking Member and Former Chairman of Homeland Security Knows About Shailey Tripp!


  38. Anonymous6:19 PM

    On one condition, don't ask any questions about:

    Shailey Tripp, an Ex-Prostitute from Alaska, Connects Todd Palin, the Ex-First Dude, to David Chaney, an Ex-Secret Service Agent


    1. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Don't let this get away, it's about time the shit hits the fan. Ex Cat

  39. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Sarah here's something you will enjoy watching while Todd is in prison for pimping.


  40. Anonymous6:36 PM

    How is Palin going to weasel out of this one? I'm sure she'll find a way.

  41. Anonymous6:43 PM

    We know she'll never do it for the obvious reasons like the grudge, not being paid, not having the cajones, not having the questions beforehand, not having the slightest chance of coming out of it looking good, but Sarah's reasons for why she would never do this might go something like: Not wanting to give Katie's show the ratings, not being the one to ask the questions to show her how to do a "rill" interview, Katie's not worthy, LSM, blah blah blah, etc... or will she just ignore the open invite and pretend it doesn't exist? Whatever, it will never happen. Too bad, it would be a good time to break out the popcorn.

  42. emrysa7:00 PM

    sorry but katie is a dumbass for even offering palin the interview. she should have said "been there done that" or something to that extent. palin is a has-been, no need to offer her time on a new show.

  43. Boscoe7:51 PM

    Tip for $arah:
    You actually don't have to prepare for an interview *if* you are knowledgeable and have an informed point of view.

    When what you have is an empty braincase with a small stack of cheap, shallow bumpersticker slogans in the corner, then EVERY question is going to be a "gotcha" question.

    But you clearly understand that now, thus nothing but substance-free Fox appearances.

    Maybe she had to sell the "still spine" to afford all that botox?

  44. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Katie thinks she asked Gov Grifter challenging questions? Hell, a kindergartener could have answered them. That's what made Sarah look so pathetic. And then to complain afterwards she'd been ambushed? That just enforced the image that shw hadn't a clue. Couric certainly didn' do anything to deserve accolades in that interview. She just got lucky.


  45. Anita Winecooler10:16 PM

    Katie was soft on Sarah in those interviews, and I think she's more of a woman than Sarah ever was. She's got a career, she's widowed and raising two daughters, and she's dating a younger guy.
    I don't think I ever saw her visibly shaken or angry like Sarah.

    No way will Sarah accept. She can't get over the first interview four years ago, Doubt Katies serious, she just feels sorry for Sarah, who needs her self esteem boosted HA!

  46. Anonymous4:58 AM

    "...and when someone is running for the second highest office in the land, I think it's important to ask pointed, challenging questions, as I do for all candidates."

    In your dreams, Katie. "What do you read?" is NOT a pointed question. It is a softball question that is a gift to any reasonable candidate. The only reason Couric's interview looked "tough" was that Sarah Palin is a stupid, ignorant sociopath.

  47. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Palin will do this interview when she runs short of money and there is zero interest in her existence. Game on bitch!

  48. Randall7:08 AM

    I would be SO impressed if Sarah Palin had the guts to go get interviewed by Katie Couric.

    AND gave real answers to real questions.

    Showed some maturity, some grace ...some dignity.

    ...yeah - that'll happen.

  49. Anonymous8:38 AM

    easy questions with ridiculous answers, what a moron!

    "Putin rears his head and comes into the air space..."

    Hard to believe that she was elected as a small town major, let alone the VP of the country. Thanks again for the laughs Sarah............

  50. I just wanna see them both again together. Lets see whats gonna happen.


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