Friday, May 04, 2012

Mormon, Neo-Nazi, GOP operative commits mass murder while inadvertently revealing the dark underbelly of Arizona politics.

Okay folks you are going to want to have your seats in the upright position and your seat belts fastened securely, because THIS is going to be a very bumpy ride.

Oh, and you may want to have a barf bag ready as well.

Take it away Rachel.

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Holy crap! Is THAT just about the most disturbing thing you have heard in a awhile or not?

Gee I think I understand WHY the Palin family were drawn to Arizona. It must have seemed very much like home to them.


  1. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Has she or Todd had any ties with him in the past?

  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Is there a transcript? I can't watch that right now.

  3. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Yep, white supremacist, Nazi scum have taken over Arizona. Their governor, Brewer, is a prime example of what they have there. Arizona is a cesspool.

  4. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Joe Arpaio, along with Jan Brewer are representative of the hatred and racism that is now permeating Arizona. what Arizona as become. Overrun with violent white supremacists.

  5. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Why do you think the Palin's would leave Arizona with fellow Republicans so close to their modus vivendi? Other than the map of targets Palin made to take out opponents ('blood libel'). I can't understand why they would leave such comfort and companionship. The Arizona compound was incredible luxury and would have housed an army and more film studios. It makes little sense that they would leave those investments. She had so much opportunity to continue her political aspirations. It must have hurt big time to leave all those dreams and accept her EPIC FAIL in Arizona.

  6. Gee I think I understand WHY the Palin family were drawn to Arizona. It must have seemed very much like home to them.

    Gilbert Arizona isn't very far away from Maricopa Arizona or Scottsdale Arizona...where Bristol was hiding out while her DWTS baby gestated, and where Sarah and Todd tried out the Arizona summer temperatures for a day or two.

    I wouldn't be surprised if, after the news helicopters stopped hovering over the Palin compound in Scottsdale, or while Bristol was hiding out in that remote oversized-for-two-people house, they did a little entertaining for folks of their political persuasion.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Exactly, this explains why Bristol bought a desert house in the middle of nowhere. She was hiding out to have a another baby.

    2. Anita Winecooler9:02 PM

      I always wondered why the first "improvement" at Grandma's place - a story and a half high cinder block and stucco with wrought iron wall around the compound?

  7. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Great news that this ass hole killed himself. My only regret is that he took the lives of other innocent people. This is what the AIP, and the right-wing GOP neo-cons truly stand for. Is it starting to resemble 1933 Nazi Germany? You betcha, too, also.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      What a bunch of fake ass weekend so-called warriors. That fat bastard Ready, can rot in hell.

  8. Randall7:04 AM

    I'm not surprised - the inmates are in charge of that particular asylum right now.

  9. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Did Russell Pearce ever have any known association with Todd or Sarah? The Chucks or Todd's Dad, Jim? They appear to be of a brotherhood that would join the same secret clubs.

    Why did Sarah Palin have it so bad for Gabby Gifford that she would target her? She never addressed that in a decent manner. The 'blood libel' only made her more rabid and dangerous. A highly disturbed mentally unstable person like that is not going to right any of the wrongs they create. No conscience and no amends from the Palins.

    They do move when they are scared.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Sarah targeted others, too. She is pure evil.

  10. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Maybe Sarah figured out that her husband and any of his kids would be targets of groups like these. Native Americans are a favorite target in AZ

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Right, because Todd is sooooo indigenous. His blood quantum is low, bro.

    2. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Sarah has about as much concern for American Indians as she has for Alaska Natives. . .which mean none. She only pulls out Todd's 1/16th blood quantum when someone asks her about diversity.

      "My husband is Native, my children are Native." I suppose it is a de facto credential without having to do anything about it - just like any other issue she's an 'expert' in.

      Brad Bailey to V.P. Candidate Palin at a rally:

      I'm the only minority here, my question is, how can you encourage more people to show up? How will you make that happen?

      Palin: We've got to be all about equality. The constitution preaches - Todd is Alaskan and if you go up to Alaska, we have a problem with Todd being a minority up there. We live it. We've got to do a better job about that. Thanks Brad.

      Flash forward (or back) November 2008:

      We're raised up here to to know that, um -- you talk about equality? You see equality in Alaska. And so that's a good question, because I think that was a bit of a surprise on a national level, was -- what, you mean the other 49 states aren't quite there, like Alaskans are? Well come on, follow Alaska's lead and start allowing the equal opportunities and the equal treatment.

    3. In Arizona, the Native Americans look a lot like Mexicans. Funny thing, the area belonged to Mexico. In fact, one reservation spans the border. So I suspect much of the prejudice against Native Americans in Arizona stems from the fact people can't tell the difference between natives on the Mexican side and the American side. Most people don't understand that a goodly percentage of the "Mexicans" in Arizona families have been there longer than the white man.

    4. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Mexico? Now you're talking about Mitt's heritage.

    5. Anonymous2:02 PM

      AnonymousMay 4, 2012 08:18 AM

      Todd has 1/16 Alaskan native blood. He is almost totally out of the blood line.

  11. Isn't John McCain still in Arizona? Isn't he part of this mess? If he's not part of it, why isn't he speaking out against it?

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      McCain is loyal to his people. No Republican can speak bad of a fellow Republican. They are all very authoritarian and rigid in certain beliefs.

  12. Anonymous7:55 AM

    But I'm SURE this guy was actually a far left liberal Democrat who worshipped Obama. Just like McVeigh, and all the other creepy people the NRA wants to have assault weapons. NRA-bringing down the nation one family at a time.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      The Daily Mail actually DID identify him as a Democrat yesterday.

  13. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I saw this last night. Rachel did a great job, as usual. She did not cut Pearce a bit of slack.
    Pat Padrnos

  14. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I think the Palins got a phone call telling them to get the hell out of Arizona.The Palins will only cause problems for the state. Meghan and John will make sure she does not run for office.

  15. Anonymous8:47 AM

    SP you putrid wretch, come out of hiding and speak to this, you fucking COWARD. This is the insanity that you and your followers are inspiring.

    Now try to blame this on the POTUS, you BITCH.

  16. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Add to this, in typical moron fashion, Ted Nugent was interviewed on CBS and 'went off'.

    He identifies himself as 'perfect' and a 'nice person'. Delusional!!

    He also says he takes kids fishing. Feel sorry for the kids as it doesn't say much for their parents. In fact, it tells me more that Children Services should be involved.

    The two bleeps in the story according to TMZ are:

    "and if you can find a screening process more powerful than that, I'll s*ck your d**k."

    Nugent then turned to Glor's female producer and said, "Or I'll f**k you, how's that sound?"

    Then in typical Rethug fashion, blames his interview rant on something else.

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Wow, that Ted interview was something else. He looks so old, even like he might have dentures now, being as how he seemed uncomfortable with the teeth in his mouth. He was sweating and just really off-kilter then entire time. I guess he passed it off on "kidney stones", that's a new one! Ted is old, seems unwell and is even more unhinged than usual. He definitely bears watching by the Secret Service. His diatribe regarding the military "being his brother's in arms" was especially disturbing since we all know about his "draft-dodging pooping in his pants for a week tale." What a hot mess he is.

  17. Anonymous8:49 AM

    OT- Bristol has another lying, pathetic blogpost with a picture of a huge limo. When does any company in AK who usually "sends a sedan or suv" suddenly send a limo?

    Oh, the poor, pathetic single mother!

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      The COW needs the largest vehicle available, to fit her huge ass and lips in.

    2. Don't forget The Chin!

    3. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Don't forget the ever increasing number of rugrats. Was it 3 at last count? Could be more in that she's been out of the limelight since DWTS -- the reality show with the DWTS Disney kid tanked before it ever aired!! There's been sufficient time since DWTS & the Arizona hiding away!!

    4. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Don't forget the tent and wine cooler.

    5. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Wonder if she had to post the limo to remind Levi she can compete since a limo driving tv show just interviewed him.

      Also, how did she just notice Tripp dressed himself? If she was in the habit of dressing him, she would have remembered. So the post should have been "I like and use limos and a nanny dresses my child."

    6. Anita Winecooler9:28 PM

      She's so pathetic. Of Course "A child of God" rides a limo! Makes perfect sense. I just hope she knows that if she pokes holes in the ceiling liner with her high heels, they'll charge her extra.

  18. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Interesting how we see evidence of Republicans boldly embracing the NAZI theme, after having to watch "patriots" of the Tea Party blaming OBAMA for being the Nazi.

    It goes along with the childish "I know you are, but what am I?" routine we've seen used so often lately.

    The craziest example of that I've seen is how some are trying to push the idea that it is President Obama who is the flip flopper, and not Romney.

    Maybe it will lead to someone saying, "Obama's only HALF black...its ROMNEY who is the REAL black guy! No, wait..."

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      your comment is whacky

    2. Anonymous10:20 AM

      How do we truly know Romney is American given his family lived in Mexico??

      Things that make you go hmmmmm!!!!

  19. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Crazy is as crazy does.

    Is there a lunatic imbecile that is not close to the Palins and their children?

    5/4/12 Did Uncle Nuge know this JT Ready real well or something? What is causing him to prove himself to be an old wing nut case?

    Poor Nancy/Bristol is hard up for blog material. The limo piece wasn't even close to funny. Why does Nancy have to prove that Bristol is so " two scrubby kids" ? Sly way to flash a limo... "So embarrassing!"

    And we are to believe Bristol is so informed about glorified taxi services. Has Piper been working over time and not getting paid right? Hope she doesn't hear about the prostitute in Colombia that stood up for her pay.

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      good one!

      Has Piper been working over time and not getting paid right? Hope she doesn't hear about the prostitute in Colombia that stood up for her pay.

      crazy is RIGHT, no freking way would I ever move to AZ, even though its warm in the winter, if all those snowbirds in their double wides had any clue they'd get the hell out NOW. jeez, even move to Florida might be better, not much, but maybe.

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      I posted about Nugent's interview at 9:48 together with what the 2 bleeps were that TMZ provided.

  20. Anonymous10:54 AM

    The story of the ride in the limo is such nonsense..she most likely made up the story after someone recognized her getting out of the limo...I guess Bristol has no friends in Wasilla that could give her a ride?? Gee Kristy where were you! or just take her own truck and pay for parking, they do have secure parking for people who go on trips. Epic fail again Brissy.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:42 PM

      I love her "you can connect with me further by

      buying my book (link)

      Friending me on Facebook (link)

      Ahh the smell of desperation! She couldn't give it away free (the book!) SNORT

  21. Anonymous11:10 AM

    That's how all these COWARDS go out. Lets send all of these so called tough guys to Afghanistan, and watch them wet their pants.

  22. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I saw coverage of this on MSNBC yesterday evening. What an absolute tragedy, and how all Americans should be concerned about these radical loonies out there.

    There is so much negativity and ignorant hatred out in America today, and people need to recognize it and try to speak out against it. In this case, innocent family victims are dead, and for what purpose?

    As far as Palin, who knows if she was ever aware of this sicko, and was Jan Brewer aware of him? Ignorant people like Palin will stir up trouble, and be drawn to radicals such as this. Thank God she will never be POTUS, and many people have seen exactly what she is all about by now and what an absolute disaster she would have been as POTUS!

    Her dysfunctional family seems to still be suffering because of her - her hatred, viciousness, vindictiveness, and manipulation of people for her own selfish agenda. A narcissistic woman who goes all out to try to destroy anyone who dares to try to oppose her, yet she has managed to still keep herself out there and fool a few people.

    Will she come out and comment on this situation? Does she still have her house in Arizona? It would be interesting to hear from her, but I have the feeling that she would not touch this situation with a "10 foot pole"! LOL!!

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      As far as Palin, who knows if she was ever aware of this sicko, and was Jan Brewer aware of him?

      If Brewer and Palin live under a rock maybe they never heard of him. If they were pretending to be relevant Republicans who knew there is a state called Arizona, THEY'VE HEARD OF HIM. MORE LIKE THEY MET HIM. Brewer most of all, how could she miss such an important friend of Pearce? Pearce is a big wig in the state. He has been close to Ready for years. He introduced him to any Republican he could. That is what they do. Network and help other Republicans.

  23. Anonymous11:42 AM

    AZ outcrazies AK once again. Arizona makes Alaska look pretty tame in comparison. I'll take our cold and dark winters any day over the miscreants that inhabit Arizona, except for Sedona, and maybe Flagstaff, I find many likeminded people in those two towns. Unfortunately AZ is now judged based on a certain region that breeds troublesome types. Just as AK as a whole is judged by some residents of the Valley, now Arizona can just suck it up and be painted with the wide brush of crazy. I'm sorry for you Arizona, as the two aforementioned towns are very fine places, but boy, you have some crazy to deal with in the rest of your state.

  24. Anonymous11:57 AM

    OT.. I just noticed on Bristols blog she said she had to take a limo to the airport and she was so embarrassed. This is what they sent, don't they have cars? Who is she trying to fool?

    1. PalinsHoax12:32 PM

      " ... on Bristols blog she said she had to take a limo to the airport and she was so embarrassed. ... "

      Maybe Bri$dull is so embarrased because she could not actually squeeze her broad & well-used behind, her mis-fit altered chin, and her simple-minded swollen ego into the limo, so therefore parts of her were actually hanging out the doors and windows of the vehicle as it pulled up at the airport.

      No wonder she was embarrassed.

    2. Anonymous1:00 PM

      She stated she was in a hurry and Tripp wore shorts to the airport, in the winter? Who is caring for him?

    3. Anita Winecooler9:52 PM

      She also mentions two scrubby kids getting out of the limo (meaning herself and Tripp) LMAO.

      Hey, Bris, it's a SIGN from ABOVE!

      One post, you're a child of God and BAM! A limo appears to schlep you to the airport.

      God knew she was in a rush, had luggage and a four year old that can dress himself, in shorts, sneekers and heavy duty rubbers!

      He also knew someone took photos at the airport and you had to post it first.

      Mummsey and Pappy were out of town, eh? hmmmmmmmmmmmm Second Honeymoon?


  25. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Jason "J.T." Ready was court-martialed and drummed out of the Marines.

    He advocates deadly force to stop illegal immigration from Mexico.
    "I firmly believe in having a minefield across the border. This is 100% effective."

    "The truth is that negroids screw monkeys and rape babies in afreaka [sic]. Then stupid white man who licks kosher jew rear lets negroids in. … Stop Negroid immigration and integration now!!! Nature will take care of the rest."

    "They want to kill the patriot who is only a lowly dogcatcher long before he can expose the aliens who subvert freedom from within the halls of Congress or the White House.
    Though I want to live free and in peace, I am fully prepared to be murdered or falsely imprisoned for what I believe to be true."

    Ready is the new David Lane (recently deceased white nationalist icon).
    He added 4 more words to Lane's "14 words":
    "The Purity of the Aryan Race is the most precious resource Nature has to offer All of Humankind."


  26. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Norm Olson, Alaska Patriot Militia, previously head of the Michigan Militia:

    "We're itching for a standoff someplace. Any movement needs a good and noble rallying point, an Alamo or a 'Remember the Maine,' and this could be it."
    (The Washington Post, 1999.)

    Alaska next?

  27. Anonymous1:19 PM

    JT Ready’s Last Rant: Before The Massacre, The Neo-Nazi Border Vigilante Named Names

  28. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Can you IMAGINE if someone from Obama's church killed people because they were white??????

    1. Anita Winecooler10:00 PM

      I don't see a connection there at all. What Church did this neo nazi racist belong to?

  29. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Okay, time to dispel some myths about Arizona here.

    1 - The Phoenix metropolitan area is 2/3 of the population of the state (4.2 million as of 2010). Many of the people there are not native Zonans, they are retirees from many parts of the US. That generation overwhelmingly voted for Brewer and Arpaio, shifting our state politics to the far right, and they continue to be fearful, bigoted people who don't like "brown people." Until they all die off, the rest of the state will suffer.

    2 - JT Ready did register as a Democrat for the race for Sheriff of Pinal County, but until that time was always registered as a Republican. All he did was re-register with the state, and he became a Dem. The Arizona Democratic Party disavowed him quickly, and he was considered a running joke by everyone, including the Republicans who had refused to back him in the first place.

    3 - I believe (as in my personal opinion) that Ready was not on SP's radar. She never spent much time here, and her contacts were only with the powerful R's, not the fringe elements like him. Yes, he was notorious, yes, he was a Neo-Nazi, but that does not automatically connect him to her, much as we might like that. He simply wasn't connected to many people at all any more, especially those outside his personal bias. Act like a Nazi, die like a Nazi.

    4 - Please stop painting all Arizonans as crazy right-wing gun nuts! The remaining one third of the population outside of Phoenix is a broad mix of conservatives, moderates, progressives (Tucson, Flagstaff, Sedona, Bisbee, et al), and a lot of folks who just want to get along. It is not a monolith of crazy, but instead is an extremely varied population with great diversity spread over an incredible landscape.

    5 - I'm not a native Zonan by any means, having lived here for only six years. I do live near the border, only 8 miles north, and there is virtually no crime here, despite the nonsense that crazies like Ready spout. Instead, it is Phoenix that has the highest crime rate in the state, with the greatest possibility of random death as well. Joe Arpaio gets the blame for that...not the brown people.

    6 - Yes, we have perhaps one of the dumbest governors and dumbest legislatures possible. Unfortunately, Brewer has done nothing that could serve as a basis for recall. She will have strong opponents next time she's up, so her career will be mercifully short. Russell Pearce is running again, but JT Ready is solidly pinned to him in the local media, and he is running in a new district that won't necessarily like him. He's toast: good riddance to that cockroach! His stench is giving his fellow R's in the legislature many second thoughts...

    I know I may not convince many of you. Crusty Republicans aside, there are wonderful people here, and wonderful places to visit. Besides, with climate change approaching, Phoenix will burn like an ant under a microscope.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      NO thank you, I prefer to stay out of that rightwing infested cesspool.

    2. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Thank you, 2:45 pm, for the explanation.

    3. Anonymous4:26 PM

      As an Alaskan, I feel your pain. There are nice places in AZ, however the crazy folks always make the news. Nice try, but you know that the commenters here like to bash any state based on it's craziest residents.

    4. Anita Winecooler10:07 PM

      Thanks for chiming in. When abhorrent things happen like this, some people do tend to buy into the stereotypes, I think it's a way of venting anger or coming to grips with the raw emotion of it all.
      That's the problem with news, all they report is crime and corruption, and once in awhile a "feel good" story.
      Thanks again!

  30. Linda Arizona2:23 PM

    Thanks, Anonymous May 4, 2012 02:45 PM

    I'm a semi-native of Arizona. You've explained the current environment very well.

    Phoenix has always been a hotbed of crazy. Is it the high temps cooking the brains of those with money? I don't know. I do know that this has been going on for a very long time. Think of Ev Meacham, et al.

    You've written the truth succinctly, when you describe the Phoenix area populated with retirees from other states. They've been told to be frightened of anyone different from them. That's what they are holding on to.

    There are many wonderful liberals in Arizona. Yet, I have observed in the last decade an encroachment of Phoenix-like politicians who've decided to branch out and take over the entire state. It's no longer good enough merely to ignore Tucson (second largest city) and its wishes. Now, they must brainwash 'live-and-let-live' Tucsonans.

    This is a very bad epidemic. But, as I've been commenting each time I come here, it's everywhere in the country. We're all waiting for the next outbreak. Let's see: Right wing power brokers + frightened newcomer retirees + ignorant citizens = Mayhem.

    Yes, Phoenix IS going "to burn like an ant under a microscope" in the not too distant future. Please, though, not this summer. I have to drive through the city in June and July!

  31. WakeUpAmerica4:11 PM

    It is very disturbing. However, I think it is disingenuous to put up a headline that starts with "Mormom..." insinuating that the LDS church condones or supports his beliefs. I'm not LDS, but I have enough friends, co-workers, and family members to know this is a patently false impression. He's a Nazi nutcase who happens to be Mormon. Not much different than a terrorist who happens to be Islamic.

    1. Anonymous4:48 AM

      No, he doesn't just *happen* to be Mormon. He is a recent convert who was brought into the LDS church by his buddy Senator Pearce. He was attracted to LDS and became Mormon AFTER becoming a bigot, AS A BIGOT. There's no "happens to be" here.

    2. An European viewpoint10:50 PM

      Admittedly I don't know much about American religions, but I know that the Catholic church can excommuniate people out of it, if their acts or public discourse are contrary to the catholic church's own. As far as I know, every other religion also has an 'excommunication process' to deal with undesirables.

      So, my question is : assuming the LDS church admitted him without knowing he was a bigot (and 5:48 dispelled that), why didn't the LDS excommuniate this "nazi nutcase" as soon as they found out he was one ?

      Since they didn't, it's quite legitimate to mention his Mormonic religion in the post.

      And FYI, "islamist" pretty much equals terrorist. Moderate people who follow Islam as a religion are called Muslims.

  32. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I was aghast when I watched this piece live. Maddow is #1 journalist out there (Gryph a close second).

    I think A LOT of people are drawn to Phoenix-area for these reasons. Like Bill Maher would say - the perfect place for a retiree without all those Jews.

  33. Anita Winecooler9:14 PM

    Nasty, just nasty!

    And that man is evil incarnate.

    I'd hate to work for the Arizona Tourism Board. Mc Cain, R pie hole, that alcoholic unbalanced Brewer hag, the guy who shot and wounded Gabby Giffords and others, killed a judge, Christina Green and others.
    Bristol left, not sure if Sarah still has that compound. Guess "Plan B" fell through, Sarah hasn't reared her head in awhile. President Obama joked about her, and no retort?

    She's probably rocking back and forth, banging her head against the wall, again.

  34. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Is this all you sorry, fat bastards do? I'd like to see what you guys contribute to society, seeing as you all know best, right?


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