Friday, May 11, 2012

President Obama on religious freedom.

Best President ever!


  1. Sally in MI3:14 AM

    Well that is short and sweet~best President ever!
    What I love is that you could insert so many things the GOP hates in rights, for one.

  2. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Best President ever, indeed! I am so proud Barack Obama is our President!

    His sentiment can be applied across man issues: if you don't believe in gay marriage, then don't marry someone of your own sex. If you don't believe in contraception, then don't use it. If you don't want an abortion, then don't have it. Simple.

    What the far right folks don't realize is that their freedom to not do these things does not give them the power to make us follow their beliefs.

    Well done, President Obama, well done!

    1. Anonymous6:09 AM

      Agree. And the unfortunate irony is, most of the naysayers do not live by their own creed!

      I greatly respect and admire this man because he is always giving respect to others – even when he disagrees with them: he never makes ad hominem attacks (even when most other politicians would be tempted to do so), and he never takes personal offense.

      Calling out his attackers on the truth – in this case, the very Truths that they CLAIM to believe in – is not disrespect, nor is telling the truth gently and powerfully. Obama has a flair of genius for always letting his opponents bring disrespect upon themselves, rather than having it come from his own mouth – and by their own conduct, his enemies always set themselves up for this.

  3. One-by-one, he’s addressing and nullifying the wedge issues used to stir up the low information voters. At the same time, he’s using the Navy Seals and CIA (assuming he controls the CIA… I’m not sure) brilliantly.

  4. Ailsa4:31 AM

    Straight forward and to the point. Good for him.

  5. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Amen ;)

  6. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Our president gets better and better every day! Bristol, her Mother, Mittens and the GOP etc are always flubbing things because they aren't genuine. They're out for themselves and it shows in their rhetoric. The president always speaks with sincerity and intelligence. Obama 2012!!

  7. Well said, Mr. President, well said.

  8. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Hell, yeah! I've been waiting for this. Now let's hear the President and all Democratic politicians repeat it over and over and over until it's embedded in the nation's collective consciousness. And not just related to contraception.

  9. Gryphen, doesn't the fact that someone as "together" and intelligent as the President has a strong religious faith make you have even the slightest desire to rethink the God thing? I view myself as someone who sees "as through a glass darkly" (to quote Paul) and will spend life grappling with my faith. But people like the President inspire me to believe.

  10. Smirnonn6:38 AM

    That sound you hear is baggeracists' heads popping. Sheesh, in one week the mixed race president supported same sex marriage and condemned the fundie xtian war on women's rights. Every racist, sexist regressive's worst nightmare!

    The hypocrisy on the right is at it's usual fever pitch. These are the types who usually espouse personal responsibility but when a woman tries to exercise that responsibility by not having a child she's not ready for they freak out.

    I love the fact that in the midst of all this swirling dysfunction President Obama just calmly and plainly points out the common sense truth. I don't envy him - it must be really frustrating dealing with the childish, petulant, entitled, spoiled fucktards in congress. I, for one, am grateful for this president at this point in history. Were it not for him we very well could've landed smack dab in the film "Idiocracy."

  11. I love this man! Thank you Mr. President.

  12. Gasman7:19 AM

    Damn straight.

    It appears that President Obama and the Dems have collectively found their huevos. I have been pushing for this kind of aggressive response to the GOP for about 20 years. It's about damn time that the Dems started pushing back on the GOP bullying, bullshit, and buffoonery. The ONLY way the GOP succeeds is when their message goes unanswered.

    Mitt and the GOP are going to get a GIANT can o' WHOOPASS opened up on them.

  13. Great for the President! When the far right force their beliefs on others and make law out of their beliefs then I'm concerned that now we will live by religious oppression. When will sanity come back into our country, because these people are just plain nuts! We note vote out the insanity!

  14. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I love this man! Four more year!

  15. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Googling the phrase "religious freedom doesn't mean you can force others to live by your own beliefs" (with the quote marks) gets 30,000+ hits. (Adding the term, and keeping the quotes around the phrase, reduces that to zero, so I removed it again.)

    If there were an authentic source for the quote anywhere, I would expect it to be ranked high enough by Google to be in the first three pages. Nope. I followed up all those links, and the "citations" that the linked pages gave, and found nothing that looked authoritative.

    Has anybody else made such a search? Found anything?

  16. Anita Winecooler8:03 PM

    Love Our First Family!

    Great collection of sourced quotes of his here:

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      I note that it does not include the saying attributed to him in the image above.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:23 PM

      You're right Ted!

      I found the second part on another post that says "citation needed"

    3. Anonymous11:50 PM

      On the one hand, I don't think the President would disagree with the sentiments expressed in the image. On the other hand, I don't think he would express them this way.


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